Ontario Community Newspapers

Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 29 Jul 1949, p. 1

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TBY C EL EBRAI DAILY TIlMESoGA', ne ? lW.. Osh ma ~nd %%kVhibp G.a.o.andChr.eUil *WHITBY, FRIDAY9 >LIDAY rEndorses- waor JULY 29p 1949 -44 HOLDAY PRO RMRECAL-S A'TTRACTIONS 0F PAST EVE NT Invitation To Ail In Dis- trict To Attend Gala Celebration on Monday Brings B<ek Memnories of Former Entertaîn- ment Features The locale of many brilliant and *fltertalnlng coznmunity events and Oelebratlon.s In the past, Whitby 4gain la offering a rare prograni for ~the Civic Holiday next Monday. One 01 thc oldest settled communities In ;the di3trict, Wbitby has at its di-, ýosa1 ail the facilities to make this' "Fun l'est'1 a wonderful sUccess Be- sides the cvents directly connected 1WItb -the celebràtions of the day. the town contains many point.s of »iterest for new visitors or old rest- 4eOnts who will sCC fit ta corne here On Civic Holiday. Portiaps ziot &Ince the 'Morse show" ceased ta be an annual event .,#as- a like program of public inter- est been arranged. In the old days. * ti town came ta lUfe on Horse ,ow Day. The scene In the town .,blrk was anc which niany stili re- MtmOber wlth pleasure - fine horses and carniages ini the ring, the wel:-' *~essed ladies and men In thf Igrandsta<' a n d t he anirnated -ètowds mIlling about the grounds '*hich are sf111 bordered by the jrlnge of trees on three aides. ~' omttngof the same atmoà- 'Phure of exciternent and spiendor éMfAy be recalied this year. In thei ".,d days then. was the 34t1 Militia ,JteSlMent band ta play weekly con- Cvets. Next Monclay, a fine Toronto w7SI4 lli be present ini the evening entertain witliî acarefuliy &el- ctprograni. Ee ~e4Id~i teent4 scheduled for k&e ay, there la the. Whltby Tennis ý1.tb klich will be golng full swing. ,..t ,.Lwn owling Club and the , 11'parks "and Igazne#, alothe bkm witb t heir playground equip. % t'nflor, the' klddius. tOl«es , 9»d4 Industries wilUbe ýî fed for -the dày to provide an é unity for. ail ta enjoy lium. ii9re et wtever portion o! this" id4y pi'ogam they moat fancy; e rom the ,fieining district ý,Whlty, froin Brookiin and t mlagcao wilI bu lu tom to é Am.U" Uni es.tuweather- du omethingentlrely un. 0644 on a 'b usthat t44e el ie i1 uumer wU ALMfi.I Post Office Stands at Centre of Busy Tour - - - - - - -- Yiaitrs o0canada Of- :17t«Make the att-eumet, fÇmiry. Why dont yo« aàdivertis. It more?" -Ca- UadIao bave gaIned a hwal aboutth**Ircouiitry, dupite theirnational IEIt le the a mre wlu the reideuts of Whltby. W. have a -fine eouflnty la ail Meuesl of the word but we have been backward la lettlng > the-world hnow about ILT.lhe Whltby Fun Fout W delgiwto overeorne thi. lu* of Wh 1t by 0'bllty. It wlll lot ail th. eote l.district -know taWhltby cen up o a t. is par t l lla luDug a steade 1 tercy Whltby eau b. counted wSo l".lntii...of fuu aidtintes of treu&.. W. "Br M dI#bm and we waat ail the fobl he i met to kuow IL. An excellet way of doutg li inl Ù h Mur dvl holiday celebration, The Fun. Fegt. iunlty History >Ild In, Records J.EFrewell is usual in any community of size and importance, Màa, ini Whitby a man, proud of the accomplishments arly settiers, and proud of the progresa they miade in ng the area. wbo took the ime to record from aveul- Irce a smnall hlstory for the use of posterity. J. E. 9. LL. K.C. dld flot pre-pare a formai histoiry of the el O0tro but collected items fromn documents and rhich wre liter printed in book form by the Whitby 'brugli Prese anId entitled "Short Notes as to the ttlement and Progreas of the County" by J. E. U., Wrom this book we have taken excerpts whlch 'iÎ' Lb. oft urt to many old and uew settiers lni the - Mi atm, l MN.DAYÀ LW~. wîthout a hitcll. - Meuh.gPragram The l'un Pest OommIttee hba a- ranged that the fflet of foot living ln or'-vialtin Whltby durlig Civic Holiday wWl have a fid day et thc Town Park. tarting at 9 a.m. witli rac 1foM m cIee Molsand under, boys and girls cf uab agm wllfind a chance te wvi àprise. The finale 'W be an open sprint for 76 yards, anyone between O &M SO may com- FQOliwlns the race and starting st 10 a&m. the wli be a beit-oMa- in& cootest in Uic outmeru ahes ci 11w pvk. cotestants in ffl ~eviIl b.e aked to bit ta4ets, about 3W' ln diameter at disaices ranglngfroi 40 ta 60 feet. nX'ia cémpetion là undur the direction 9<Wbltby»h Mbed',WlldLite As- *aao A reculation plug mut Whlle daddy lsa ttumpting te' lay bisabm the Wm804tJunor W14be éb aë i t te dosi&q ride, o4 a saUld blobe IW -bus a roI cwoyP o vMbb, &4* w1th the good Toronto Unique, à senior teain froin the Viaduet League in Toronto. The. local nine has. fot promtsed to beat this teain, but wUI do théir best and may evua surprie their faithful fans.- Tho Merl3bants have been doing botter et the bat and i the- field for th. past haIt dozen gaines. Gordon Hawes la the -maestro in charge of the proceedings, and is looking for e good crowd to mate' the mornlnb a success. Aflaruon" Eventî Imor the afternoon and evenIfiC. performances di Whltby's Ci-Via Holiday Celebrationi, the ?'un FeÈsb Oommlttee bas moyed the locale ýtb thc Bay Park.- A verled aqg4 prograin has-been prepared- with~ swimming, diving, boatlng and b«, olty nuames on the'blIl. - por the awimm a hall-miIe. race In hbe y ewlUbe the feet~4 event with short«r diétaiice r-I leus .ambtiosfs. WblIe t1w onttV. entir are =ade ttady -Ion the *& others wlU try t0 naegte: -, ILThIenalrty i f mll> I VOL.> 8-44.176 CSHAWA. Ewtl affordLà » ty to 4teo-%i many chantes ve taemifpaalit te -towa.i t4 "* Put fe yan. Tb> e'a : there' are seycra ,la the business »oton; -Public Utilty builng; 1a«k *11 the ne, water eu nëw remidenctes com- mdwabout, 36 more- under 4on *Il over town; thie ncw :hool flow under conhtruc- a» th08. destring Sport, i, -frlendsbip and a thor- louaànt week-end. the best t -tbis lime la: "orne to o:r Civis Hliuday.," lby Chamber ommerce 1h ïe Group 1,i !at ProeSive Wi btby heaàrcum. ,oJ1mrce, an soca bu4usmen ain4 Mner.ý itt1$relu th. intom'ti 't"n aidaffllaldi Io 1aoa Ch$apbo üiht organized mwny go, the postwar ere a. greateat activity jx1ssmen reallzed omite value of indus-> and reques- r tg work Town Coun- to #)ttract %cturers ,to edegree01 m attalned. part of 1Its et vital for rlty ln the iabresat of k mr.vhand. 1 h 4 4,- 4~J' ~ 4 '4'4 '~J'~" J',- "j-":, Plicat la",ve < htb n plc1mrl u as ell lut0 la unWOveurOeea' swi W1ouhy estaui boo ab m b4vii. vUav t ometstnonr' .t em oruit AMW1 vu ~ÇIvIo MIwo; NOORAMI Oro"N PAUI) eau RINO RACe S(e,) uimw -dUmie Sm Md md 84M. M8d. APTIRNOON & EVEINo (AT Tif LAU>) 1* erd -~14 y mua .1 as - e.ds~up «Nonow- mue Iè*SLL«Mi (tS.> wwbw "ma owi & Tm*,'»çmS- Wbu b e b.esmeal>' veri emmr o lm H1av!a Mam tiL iFun Fest- Program Designed to Make A Memorable.Day Not for many, years has the town of Whitby been- the scene of such a holiday celebration as has been arranged for Monday, August 1, the annual Cici Holidkay. Erom nine 0oyclock in the morning, until late at night, there xviii be some- thingr doing ail day long, and no xnatter what the-tastes of citizens and visitors may be, there will be sc;mething- to açý- peal to ail. Full use will be made of the Town Park, theBay Park, the beach and the-lakefront to provide settings for sports and recreational events, fun-and frolic for old and Young. The aim of the committee in charge bas been to pro- vide a day of entertainment in which ail can have a part, just to show that Whltby is really on its toes, and that i -ts people are alive and progressive. Many organizaticrns are co-operating with the Fun Fest Conmittee ini the effor t to make the day' an outstanding success, and each. group bas prepared iLs own part of the program %vith effictency. The boys and girls have by no means 'been forgotten, and thlu sports open to them wi1I be an important featur.e of the day's activities. It is a long dîne since Whitby bas held a holiday cele- bration, and with- the event taking place on Civie Holiday, which is also celebrated in the nearby towns and cities, it is expected that Wbitby will be the mecca for thousands of. visitors on Monday. Preparations have been made to handle- a large crowd ut people, and ail that is necessary is a day of. finue weather to eneble the program to be carried throngh e I s e j Holiday - z 4b 1

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