Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Dec 1897, p. 1

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e- ~ !j~f'~. ar '-,'.e t YAECEMBER 17e 1897. NO.*~ l1e AÏtLIN IAS JUST ýIEOEIVED 0 worth 1 ~-Xmas <Perfu mes. wtndow displayi égoodis Friday. ' The pcriàies areth very best mader antd the prices rig.it .... "trrothal ,ac h ets. 'bemlst &t Drugglst, 4ILIII WHITBY, ONVTARIO. i ai ~UFCANADA. dfhttbyt Ont. BOARD OF DI RECTORS. Cowan, Esq.. Presitient, Reuben S, ~lin- Esq. Vice-Pros. W i F Cov an. SF. Allen, Esq., 3. A. GMb- StqRobt Mçln0osh, MdD., Thos a n. ...... ....... Cashier ,%oued, paya >in ail parts ai Can- nlted S-%talcu, mon London, Eng- syable ln ^Il 9 of Europe. 3% nt, allovOti on Sa%[ g'1.ankDpst attention £0 to ylectton o] POarT WRRY1 Allen Willams, ai Toronto, waa la the towîî an Tbursday ai laut vcek. ý Dieti near Seagrave an the z4tb mins.,i Wesley Soraborger. ageti 35 years. ina Andersona. ai Stouffville, lately of this town, waq here laat Saturdity. Rev G McCall. of Oshawa, wiii occupy thie methodisi prilpit nexi Suntiay. Mis W L Barnes, ai Whtby, lu visiting ln tavt ibis week, tbe guesi of Mr anti Mis L Sebet aiolte St Chnrles. The Consolidaieti Plaie Glas Ca., ai Ta- rovia, bave ibis week replaceti the damageti plate glass with new glass la the ifferent fronts ia toisa. Phhlip Citisidy, who bati been a resideni of Minnesota foi severai years, bas returneti on a vtait ta his parents, anti looks as if Uncle Sam had been gooti ta him. - The. pasiponeti sale af 16 acresof haidwood an the ahn i3rÀbasn gan i l came aff nexr VuesdRy. Dec. 2îi. This wili afford a goati chance for evMrbo>dy ta secure a wooti lot. Messrs M andi T Emersan, well knowa ta reuldenta in ibis viciniîv, and wha bave for mnany matîths been la British Columbia, re- turneti hante lest Saturday. They purpose ia the spring going ta the Klondike. The 6îremen will have their annuel supper ibis Fridav evening at the Oriental botol. The comrvittee promise an inteîestlng lime, 'ta Mine Host Brooks la naîtid for the excel- lent bilh-ate lie provîdea, a pleasant eveninq i. anticipated. Supper vili ho served at 8 30 P m.; tickets 35 cis. The Rev W Tucker, B A, B D. ai Manilla, occupieti Prstor McCainus puipi last Sun- day. The reverend gentlema-n by hie dis- courses lei a gooti Impression an the large audiences ho atidresseti , hee bas a forcible andi phrasant deliveîy andtisla ugumentative and at the same Lime places hîs viewa very pltnly, s0 that t'noy aie easily undoratooti. Hie eveniag discaurse was weili orth hear- trug The test vas 'ain ail labor theîe ha a profit,-' hotu Proveîba i4îh chap, andi 23id verge. Mi Tuckei vas st home in hand.tng lita subiect. Accideont On Wedaesdey af lasi veek vhile James Naît, masoti, was carrying brick irom the giound tu e roof ai W E Yarniolds bouse, ho met wiîh a rather seriaus occident. Ho had ail the brick an the roof but one smal lot, and was on the laddeî wth thai lot, and whtle ta the act of slepping irom tii> latider to the etige ai the rof the ladde, ho anti bricks R ail 11ta the graunti. n distance ai 16 or iS foot. Ho lay for sanie minutes lnaa daîcti state anti when fou titiho vas badly bru tsed, but happiiy no bones voie broken; still ho vas_ injnred enough that t hwlll ho some days bt4ore the inijuieti man wil ho able ta resumne work. The vander lu, that i Natvas not ijuroti morte sorlotuay thanlis wasa. anti ho la very tbankful IL ls no vvore The accidetnt was causeti by the latiter fl being fasiesiedti the roof. TOWN LINZ. 6-Lýk. -j anes Jnd famiy are Ieavtng the Town ie corner n lui: Mts Sylv tîer Mackey las sti ll poor heaIth. 0% ete hope s8~ may be fuily restooed before long wtleate u 1Mia Co4 ell, Miss Allite and Archie attend. typesoie.ed the lune i of the laie Oharles Coakweli slzes-23 ,n0,tàît, *.er 6 f~BOOl lnches dibýM"eter tc,. nd one that Mt and Mri Oldfieid and Miss Gertie Old. will absolutit1y ffil the n addition to field, of Columttrs, visited Mr and Pidget on their water, wheela, Paxtat.. te & Co have Monday ai ibis week. for many ! years turned ouit node1 circular Mr& Davey bas been on the sick liai for some saw mille shingle machines, laibU,mills, fee Une. We are mucb pleasod to report that aiE gîînders/baik mills, etc, and haveN1ýsd their 1piesent s're is împîoving. gonds lii demamd lni every proviin&4n i he' Master Richard Coakweii la borne ai pissent1 Dominion. To ibis long-establisbed 'tisi reârtor t bis gainq West. to live wltb bie nous M Willliams, as soie owner, briies ' uncie,ý.Mi Remmner, of Winchelsea, Huron C.. prâctical experience, (havlng spent man y W r ldt ?otta r'hri i yeais in thoe employment af P. T & Co) freah 1e emglitarort th ai Mr Cbaîtjo Gimb- captial, a good anme and grent carnemîneus leglwhomaco hemoronto inera aospîta. ib bis determi nation ta piesecustomners wlng hmabe n hfTr ean t eoal bost. andi maite bisproducts a saaymfor ex-wbîebdbenfredcltemn. coilence and monoys wor . Tho shops Owfig ta the unpropitlaus state of tbe weatbcî hnt vo been thoiotsghbly overbauleti andi are we hati no meeting of our endeavor society on aiready manned wltb a full staff af compet- Tuesday evening last. W. bape ta bave Di. ent mechanlcs ln evory department, ansd we cMcA Vay, of Kinsale, wib us on Tuesday even- are ad 'lard thut tram enquiries andi orders ing, IYoc., wxst. Corne tao ui meetings. Corne roceiveti recently, Mr Wiliams wili nat anly ta bel and ta teceive beip in divine tbings. ha .ve the gooti wili af aIl the customera afi MîrRoger Carpentor and family are leaving Paxton, Tête & Co, but a full share of the the 1)ývid Brown faimn andi mavlng ta Whiîby new business springing up throughout t he towsn lai the present. Mr Gaîpèhter moved .country, whicb the monits af bis machines from ibe Brock Roudt cornmunfty, to the Brown deserve. Mr Wiliams has aur beat wlshet; faima Pie yOâf Bgo. Mi Catrpeîcad tarnlly for the permanent auccees af bis venture will b missed ftrnm our midât, andi we wish ia the manufacturing world." 1 may say them praatrerlty wherever tbeir lot rnay be that every citizen ai ibis town la pleasedto tast seo such actlvity about the laundry again ThéI Almonda Sabbath achool entertinment andl ta know of the aumerous aiders that will Wb blt on Wednestiay ovening, Dec mqtb have b.en receîveti whicb speaks volumes 1 udgtasg trm ic heoiga and local talent tbat for the gooti name of the work turneti out by bave bien seoured ibis ontertalument abauld not hila aid establisheti cancern. Every onc be mlased. Parents andi others are requestedti t wisbes thc new proprietor abundant auccrs bOy. resents ready tô handti t the commlttee, aed that ho mav b. weil repaid for the large on the aftersoon of Dcc ngîh ta b. put an the outiay af captal that he bas investeti la the asch., Kindiy keep the prescrits for thl4 enter. lou ndry. May hieshsadow neyer grow loua ; ata iFoi instoati of giving tbem on Xmas ove. the worst wis'i ihai aur townspeopio havePritlmaer for Madison Williams la, ibat be msy be te Statteal. c6mrpellod ta eniarge the buildings befare *.h.., Iat,,. long. W. J. Nair. Mahogany, Curly Birch, and Oakc Rocking Chairs, Roman Chairs, Divans and Corner Chairs. 3, 4 and 5 piece Parlor Suite. Mohagany, Oak, Walnut and Curly Birch Tables, etc. avned by M n, 5<111 about ane mile (ram Raglan* Ashton Bras. fromt iis place attethe funof a their biotberin-lmw, Mn Wickett, at Ou3ava on Saturda 1ait. Qualtoa jinuhrorfaipersoas ram thia section atietade tie ayster supper a Raglan last veli andi of course bai a goati lime. Mos Luko Francis retuineti borne tram Toron. ta on, Maaday ai ibis wook, alter spendlng a fois days w1h ber tiaughter Lucy anti aiber fiientis. MlIss Francis Godingbaan tram Toronto vas ai homo last vcek vitb ber father, ber sister Mag- gie taklng ber place anti toing ber vark ln the Citîy 4w-lingber absence. LAitier carspartly fillot i vtb lve bags vas sbippedta the Taranta market lasi veek by Mr Melnti'e tramib is point. Andi if vo are not greatly mîstakon, ai no time sînce the C. P. R catumenceti aperations bas thene been s mat livo bogi sent ta Toronto as <hein bas hecu dur. inq the lait ibree manîhs lrorn bore, liatislaof course far thc sarne Iengai lImdîe. Nesi Sunday, Rf-v Dr Lambly ftrm alll viii prekchbebre at :o, 3o a m. anti Rov j B Mc- tArén fColuenhus ai 7 P- i., anti in the mter. à t hiemas*mtoDng of ucholars addri smiareoinonu hy thc soholauu. Valua' tarY offeringu in Aid ai the Sonday ucool tuond viii ho takea at oaeh service. lic execative commîtiee ai tie sohooladopiedth le fretvilioa. t ering plan sotue few yfars mo ta-iséme mrs to pay oxpenses of ticechEoansd tins 'tasti bas proveti a decideti suoces. Weîbeys mince ment, zou pàckn-ge, whlch '-miss Maud Spce la ln g aWhiîby. nnkes tWu large pies. Get i t allldaty .MIs yi 'l",U fErI>mvatigbr Ni r i1thr4se,&" Bromneiliand Miss Blighî, iîom near CV, il , Wee-l Columbus were married herc by Dr Lamb- Afiar ait II)nesa at. eme e k Mqids Tbarzrs îy on Wednesciay aîîernooîî. Smith or., is able ta e% uf sait4d" A number of Oddillws aîiended the Mi Ikanàk Cooper, 6 Clarematti learnlng funeral of the late Gea Wirkett ai O-,hlawa the blacksruitbing here jb Mr D JeMéLean. on Monti y. Hf' was aRbrother af Mi Thos Mr Wtt,.Mrtin ieftt 8, wdblt1tb Wickett who lves bore. wbere ho bais ecuredto-ta idatou tthe ilter- Rev j B McLaren preacheti ai Wlck )ri Mis Stonebouse, off ioa, w»5 t'siti Sunday and Mr McBean, a Knoo coilege herek ast week witb her pptaMi and Mes. H strident, conducted the services bore and i B Logke Columbus. Hiastsrnmonq weie highly ap- Thpspoeiala zcsa adwo precinteti.Th oioesaeo o=eofarwo Oui readersare again requestedia lceep in on ibe Jobn Graham esîat&,iw'ill corne,,ff next rememberance the entetarîinnient to be givenTusaDc x.'Is'*1afodaod by the metodltài Suîîday achool on Christ- he ceti eerybof the cu*rfiiootl mas evenîig, Vety specilipreparation le WTueslat me eti iffh t' t~ ubli beiîîg madie for t. W w"say A-4e. îfoe teisrw il make known ei tnig iis wv w*in Mi Hertiphili, the Foreateis organiser, ail pioabihlhty h beiltai give a ,dIieowtiý n who bas heen bore for a iew weeks, orgati- nexttoism. fred n court of the 1 O F. on Fridny evening Forpettap& fs-h 4o o lait. Fouiteen loined on Ibis occasion and er .F fram-uee Chripstaaes faio wfi1xnokW toso others wr.re ex pected ta cornue ln si next hlv erygoti for ui Chulîtuaseu Ifb wh heltineitWndnsday.Ever efti l1b«hoput meeting. forth ta malle it a suceosse and ti , b eatber Pansies la full bloom have bten pîcketi abouir provo fâne no doub Il Ill11b a:qar bere ibis week. If the nilît weatbei con- 'A couple of oui boys arc baunti ta g4ýto ho inues there may be tulipa for Christmas. Klondike andi the gold regicha. A fecr*<lis The fiowers are af course mucb Bpptêtç1aed a#o Mosars Sius tchoit andi Alberi znstie bti colder weatber anti an end int the mttti la struck out via Zcphyr but retucteti gaia.1 This whnt ail would now pref or baving. 1 week tbey went ta Gootiaooti-andi probabIy Mr Robert Hendersoil wbo bas been worIî.. farther. We hope they May strike o glti iis lag on Mr Drydens farm for ntarly a year. timze.t leaves ibis (Frlday) morning far bis home ait AMton Sle of Timbr-lo Aoaea Rockion. Du ring the lait five inontha be 1Thq undorslgied'Imba ceivCd lusttucllons bas becs president of the preabvterlan C. E.si »tonù, %d soclety ant i wll b. very much misseti by b"il t acioqnTwd Dec, 2zst, 897,~ assaciies. 10lai14, »rd -'conoesIipêo,ôf Reaoh.beliÎging ( ascae.the estatdtof the laie? ioeboa~t~ ce On Wednçsday evenlng aon lnvltoitîion oaiaihaîtvoit tîmber ~f.I raI n ec. Reeve McTaggart, the niembers of the cbù:n- Teims-ha< lsabait ime qf sale. .iibd balaice ho- cil and be townsbip officers parinok of a lore woot islahàIajo away. ~ibbu&'Baird, sumptuou supper ai the Sebert bouse. Ali Aucilaneers, were gooti ontera and fui justice was donit' ta About as haqd P& looking/las1Wi fpeopko a the excellent fart provideti. Councillor Wll- ever struck ibis tov% appusied o ur siretit lis vas the anly absentee. about noon on Tburîday lte lr We 4 Mr Harry Meen uat ai lhe recelpt Of culs- nat knaW their nauiônaitf or tram *hénceVo tom ln ihe counicil roosu lait MondaY. Dur- came, but havîng heardo ' t s sb peape ol*&sa- lng the atternoon ho recelveti vèry nenrfy ed u Aisbs, vo viiillIliubm ibat foirsbor9. t $iyo. On Wednesdny ho reporiedtitacourt- The loi cansistoti af a man andi his w<I~(*0tw cil that ai tif, pio.6to.6a hoe bad 10 colieci, sons andti wa danghters, ranglaigtam'flifustto ail bati been palti la but $38o. The councîl ttventy yenrs. andi about ane deigen uitie oeces insîructeti Mr Meen ta gaibo« la the balance ranging beiveen tIîa ati ithe babil urrappedti l immedîtthe.Motbers ba.k. lO atract the attentionof on Tuedtin tuhie goneral sessons at keys. The béat dance, otc.. was sametlbnw Toranto, B cuena nclie oie tour ciur.ens andi quste a niimbor cf fiv eâtil keeper bore, vas fauntiguîityai thet. The pleces we-, plainiy hpeaklng, îbro aswae. Nt evldence ebowed that McQuay agre otit the sarne tine the wonian diti up tbe town _by bu somse furoliture from a man naulet Pick -calinget aics andi every hanse, begging 'for ar4an lmniiatlysolti 1< to muother part>' sornoîbng ta eai o mia, anti even au arrli.af witbout, pavfng for ht. Ho then took It ftrm traw ia feed their boise. Wbiet the Min ý hat Pickards srOtÎ without bis consent. Sen- colleoI al the cash possible, hbe ti e eears tence bad -not been passed t thaiibe oefa up, piotincot a wbiskey Ju g anti bled bh1mglf ta wrîibg. th'e botel tc got it filieti. 1iavng piocurOti the Mr A C Ellilott met witb a ver serions ac- treasure <ho procession weritiot lis way1b tbe cident le Whlîby lant Fîiday. In coming woodu narth of the village, anti set up c*np lor oni of tb. shed at theQueens botel bis borse the nîgbt. Nt-xi day îbey maveti ou towards ,f cranupudth e wagon no short th int h as, 0 P- Uxbidge wboîc we hope they vHii gel severe s«, Mir Elîkities îiraurn out 'andi a bor roatilng, t'. ooie f éll on hlm breaklng ,bot ubous*of aetegAbov4itheâankle. After 9rW#ren ha&d7*Wdte ticfacture be was broatbt ln. ab~~ Ho-ba~ in«e b.d copsi4.*ble Pin Rev N H Russel'ave il iêtft on Indfa koa avery amaI Audience in 1~pcbtaa oburci onITeoudaty ev ' i Ti.om i tendance 'a» due ,toi~lscqnmtc! tic Very dat-k nigit &sud b.d 'To i er present ievl ,ed for tb lk~efrt -it wucost ti 1 "«0.ilg*e Tkitero- vas Dot lu first CI. o~to At4 lie ea usedýt talîltitrate tbê stidrus 'ien« a* clear as 'they -iboùld" bave been but tbey belpetiro-yv rzfrli gvîtsg a goodi idea of t 11% cn Itio ibue naiveoiof Inisl sd of iii, vork îVnsi" aie" re etggd andtb le m 8Wds hh.y'use çsrlytng out th oui * â = I. - v .. .......

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