Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Nov 1897, p. 7

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T e u & a h q a4 li t ue indicstes asFrenoh dcnaluàn1ýin cf01lîfe. If svtr there wu a gr 1 Mfulmx on tii. face Bol.6fttéin lg Ing làdoeleibtbie ' jleu for sveral montbho b.laDow tiie p rer offýWltltb nd Veau 4htl it Wbis duty te, tell'al thoe world iicw h wara tored to beaIli anti hauiesa. Mr Bei laise e4ceu. bis trciùb e, tiow f6rtunâté ly 1 tbixýg ot$lupaat, te a reporter cf tiie H.iaad e.ntly. *«My worr called me te ait partie0 the wamreouse," *aid b.. "and somàetimet 1 wont tiie freesing roolu wlthout ny coûat or cap on and &ben baok te the otiierparta cf tii. wrehonse toe ii. mer atmcspiere. About a year ugo i1hecame very Ill with a complication ,of diseue.I wa suffering with iodig. etioliýbiiusnes. and tii. renltinit ner- ut asorder.s ch as sick bond ache and c ces 'f a ppetite. I began doctoring, but ¶1 sOined to grow woree every day. I àlept ve1ry littie, and ae ime went on I was nct able te do a "y work, and even the. ex.rtion cf mcving about weuld tire m.ieout. I had a very poor appetite and whmt food I ate did net agre. with me. I 'ifé, ufféed fret» a severe pain'in the back aed aide, During tbat ime 1 bad trled maay niedicines but Liiey gave me ine relief. I baid become sn weak and my systein ou rue dowzi tbât lf. Wae a bur. - 41.0 to me. 1,w a advised te try Dr Wil. liamms Pink PlUs, wbicii I did withi ex tremely boeifcial results. I commenced taking tiie pil about Obritmas ime and Dow I amn feeling so good that I bought ït my duty towrite tbe proprietors of Dr Williams Pink Pillea ad lot them know how ex.tremely grateful I &a for tbe cure theiran'edloine bas effectedl in me. I had taken only six- boxes wben my cond itio n ýof iiealtb was a paradis. to what iL bad ieen for some montbs previous. M r Ileliule ia a quiet uuassuming man and *videntiy net igiven tce over enthueiam, but tbere wa. neoxitaking hie earneot »eis when reoonnâ 'er bis experience to1 tbe reperter. He wil always ho a flrw believer in Dr Willitàie Pink Pille. Dr Willilam@ Pink Pilla cure by goinR to tbe root cf tiie diseame. Tbey renow aird build up tii. blond, and etrengthoni tb. nerves, thue drlvieg iii. dispase (rom the syetem. kveid imitations by insi&t !cg that every box you purchaee te en- eced in a wrapper bearleg the feu trade mark, Dr N#ilhiame Pick Pille fer Pale Pickering Counoil. 'The above coucoul met pursuant to ad- Ï1jonrcreent on Mcedmy Nov MLI, a: the ;' Icwniip hall, 'Bron giiam. Almenu bers tiresent exceptleg Firat Deputy Richards, Beeve Mowbray ie thev 9bair, Minutes -.of lapt ane.tlg ,road acd ftpprovod. E R Deveri iras heardS askicg fer cul ývert ce 2ud cou, epp lot 18. e o owanjr waa heard re Dokers il and bridge to the. ,.ousii cf it. -A cuxuber cf accounus were read and twferred te tthe varices standing commit ties. J Hl ocenor mcd D ONeil were board te ditohe anmd culverta ce Brook road, 8rd Jas bEcOrme pr.'sonted a petition cf No&a'b Burkbiolder mcd 1liothers askicg 1 fer gratete gravai Sud ccc road, cpp. lot eti à[r Barnes, as chairman of contigp ocuimitteu.sec ured Lbt pasae zrab îoloWicg mecefuats :-MunÎipal, World el Co.. St Thomas, supplies mcd blavàk forme.'ans on local option, $22 .89 ;-J ames llabbard tc on âocoont, $8; W j Clark, di. l eo l ,option, by.law 4 woeku 116, 50Ocopie& of 1 ýinstrçoticnss 1o D.S.O.,anud dv; r.e pev Pointlcg seratlneens c au ct0 Md0~ o B. BMowbrayè reeve o, aU ipatuTer- L, oetp-intervlwlou]Provincial Ominet Mant t Ycrk OountyCOunsteil us Roage bridge amud mu roatiwmy, at iIWphlagï11050; nhsie Be .,tri, te Tornto n eetsâMen0 slo $51 ~~aton.,liik,trIp l Tonto, 1'bel bfr Be*leu. hodrmne i'bi. 4Indigent 7la; . o ,1 te es" iljthe PassageOfthetehil oo ai eoou* ieJOHm-tsblnoon WD 'l) tta0Iea nd MiinelsreMi4aGQ t1W Os. las te Octi. 29n.,U0viai*t #10; w 1 Itii, jr., for aid &attendanos cebt bea, turing. uns. wkea eh&i en -bill, $10; eo D Lluton, b*v.ik ,,.h ont bot. lot4i2S'bxd 1II,.oC5 $ý;Getc Phlipe draw1tÏig 12 yd K o jitiel oz obpp lots 16 amd'1?,* 6; Jas ItoUýk. boueglltafor bridge moutk of Altouat Tour committe. 1.g bto aekoaêtd thie reept of a petiticu fron Noah B holder and il 6tbera, asing for. >- to gravel opp lot 85 on the. Brd coq, but owing to the. lateneas of the oineu not reommend tb. granting 0cf the sa*i'e. Ur Underhili, seooeded by Mr Baines, mcves that the. Ieeve grant bis Oxrder on tbe treasurer ini favor cf the. parties r. commended, in the. reporta cf the. vaIo standing committees spr.sented Ujié day. On motion cf Meusux Underbili and Barnes, ceuneil adjourned until Monday, Deeenr er lBtb. OW BlIfld@ss. The. Fearf ul Sufforing Tt REntails 8cm. times Leade to Madnesa. Government officiais who have been in Alaska tell of terrible sufferinga from snew blindnesa. The continuai glare of the filids of ce and snow on the naked oye has an aimoast indescribeble effeet, say those who have evperienced iL. Tii. vast expanso of g leaming white, the silence and the aw fui sense of isolation produce a feeling akin La madness. First tiie oye becomea paieed, wavieg lines pais up and dewn and ine front of the eyebalis, Mirages appear to the vision. Thle cyebalis bure1 the mind wandora, the braie seems to b. on fire, and fiDaiiy blackness sets in. Perfect rest and freedom freei anything which may be oalouliatd to strain the. vision are ossential for a cure. J. T. Dyor spent Lwo yearsin lekska and experignced the seow blindeess. Speakieg of it and the. plagne cf mo4qui toes w h ch i nf ect the northern regioes and are perbape more veracious there than elsewhere, lie said: "Teanow bliedes is au awful thing. 1 was affectod slightly. once wîtii it in the Lift oye. 1 saw a terrible example ofit in a member of our party wbo wus sudden. ly afflioted with the trouble. He becaine violontly insaee fromnot propoirly ahad- ing bis eyea. I never witneased a more inarked ctue of mania. W. iiad great tro uble i n ge tti ng the youeng- man baok tu camp. He o eLhud of a hatohet in some nianner and came near aplitting my iiead with iL. He had no realization of what hoe waa doii»g. lu wais some ime before he recovered from the attack. "t ia absolutely neceseary to preteet the eyes tin nome way. 1 wore a black slouch hat pulled down ovt-r them. In addition we -Iontied goggles manufsctured by the Indians, which fulfilI the. purpose for which they are intended. Tiiese are made of bits of wood, -oval shaped, like the ulasses of spectacles. Tiiuy have amaîl alits in them. an that one can see, but the eye is shaded and flot affected." brme nid hve noer g#itothe4-prss-of 'ae olutry mey mialading statexuenti, virtne eoft befr w6nde t edy or the astetdi hiog cmter oftheb.tdâtmonia4ia Paineslery Ootpound, Lb. greateat1 asud Moat Mmlleus of li blcod purifier. ué- restorera et nerve force and power, andi whloh bas-a greater public drnnand than ail ther nombined remedies, bas been a bieaing te thousanda cf homes in the. Dominion of (Canada. The. medicoine tuat rakea people wiell recoivea monthly scores cf letton cof praise frernmemcd wemee reecued from diseai. and deatb. Ev.èry monLb cetithe yeâr hundreds are res+ored te new life, but mmey being diffident le nature, and coL wishieg Le b. recogeised by the public, refrain frem writing for tiie press: Paines Oelery Cempcund being a guar- anteed medicino. tiie public have faith in iL. Tiie cures effeted for tiiose who in the past were burdecod with rhenmatlsmn, neuralgis, hidney disese, liver trouble, dympepsia, iiemrt troubles an& blood dis. eumes are in niany cases truly wonderful. Succeas ai ter the doctors fait is the great bouit of the worlds popular medicine, Paines Celcry compound. Mrs À Perry, Port Maitlmed, N S, writes as follows: 4"For two yeiare m y .ystom was ail ru n down, and 1I euff.tred more than I cao de. scribe from nervouis prostration and in- somnia. At imes 1I mmet letit my ream son f rom severe pain at base cf the braie. My iiusband advised me to try Peines Oelery Compound, whicb I did, and the. effects were wonderful. 1I sooe begme to sieep well ; tii. pain left tnp bead ; my wbole system waas trengthened, mnd I amrn ow enjoying very good heatth. 411 would cheerfuUly recomrnend Paines Oelery Cornpound te any oee suffericg from. like troubles. You have my best wiaiiea for tiie f Mîure succees of yeur ex- cellent remedy." Wintering Oabbages. If yen wisb te use Lb. cabbages regular- ly in %mnait quactities, tiie moot ccnven- iect place te keep thin is inj a cool dry cellar. But do net put tiiem in a cellar used for milk and butter. What yen in- tend te nse je late wicter mnd early spring cee be buried. Pull tbem on1l' whev dry, wrap the enter beaves cbcsely arocd eacb bead, stand thein, recta np, centthe surface'cf dry ground ie single or double rows mnd oover with a ridge cf eartb. Fer k.epiog a few doen beade et cab- bage fer use during tbe winter barrots may be filledl witii trimmed heada, placed lecgtiiwise in a sballow trench and cover. ed witb a layer of dry beaves, chef or straw and a top covering cf six or eight juches of eartb. Pdlt and store -only whec the. eabbasces are dry. O<Jince Cakes. Frot» a German school of cookery cornes a recipe for è"quitten quod," or. quince cakes, wbikbsounda very tempt. iug to a lover of «ths golden lined fruit cf autumei. Boilt te quinces whole, wthout peeling them, tilt qut. -soit; tiien Peel and core tb.m. Work the pulp througb a coarse aie. Ait"o a pouctd ot augar to a pound ci frui.. Moisies ithe sugar witb a little sator and boi k until beads forte: iben put lu the fruit and boil tus, w1hb on- atant stirrlng, to a s4&samoothji Make lilule U f ~ tW".c P«.e tbem balf au imcii tbick wth the fruit, and put tbceto dry In acool OVeOr spread the m ss et 'thin ou plate and, whcu somcwbat drie4 -set lhem to -st co)ld. Cut the. fruit loto any snall- shape.-. Those dried on pans vres..- moved by dWpp1ngthe paper 1*, oe4ld Cigarettes s Ots Per Package. ,Shoe 0 O ..Reform ~~ Objet-bealth, Sonr, economy. Rubber abendoimezt o -disappearazce of corna, cold feest, cmmy feet, tiredfet appearuce, longur wear, footc=efort, common s..c.e.o the new wet.proof, footwear mnade i tan WÎ110Wca2f, black Mlumina cai or XIàduck leather. 14giht, âprlngy, Sylib A& les thé <OdyserWe,$30 S5iatejr.SipIes M. W. COLLIN S, 8OLU A.GENT l'OR WgifPBy. Boc Wh=n m 0 teooicm lelt a htbdeay u hwobs )f rder. le&oe 1anima d, Pu rifier * 4 4 .su~ 4 4 4 4 n I ~4~I 4 IL 4j Surplus, e - .1,00 0 Whitby 'Agexoye General ~nlg Beuo Transaoted. SÂVIWGB DUPA3TWZNT. Inteuest allow.d at ht*best*urrent rat«s. Non ito.c hdrawik] r.qutred . .- TEORNTOE, FAIRBANK'S Real E8tate Oolumn, Smnall Prame Kouse and Lot, cornet of Johnanmd Byron streets, Whltby, Will b. acld Verycheap. LOTS-To b. sold, lots 324 and 258, north wîrd., ROTJGH CAST HOUSE-On Asb strett nortii wîyd, wil ho seld ciieap. Cb*-i. * eUP two store- brick bons.,i Whu:byr, the.ficest resildemnlal streeot be town, wlln titre. mlaiuît walk eftheii. pee office, Thora n.threq otaIosflatid iê asW îepir. ,P_ r particulsrm ieuse fj p.ri L, FMRBA~1CS, ~eml Estete Agent, Wbttby, Ont. a - CINQ. -NOBLEe *0 COUNTY 0F ON. TREA6URER'8 8ALE0-f L' mW 4" 1»mW UM4 91 ~m W"lea mwomma k dé" ber *enuh W0 wl&boodd u s «e muk,ýslklmyt r.Wt 1lresPvrt umamuAaàAd ise» makinursbcnah Second dooîr veut otold 001P RaIlay imoTàble GRANÇD TBENKAN1D IDLAlÇDr- nosft Daftl Mail ...... 0 s i - :é ,qn= Suiiday à... mI No. 1; frtrsetMal daliy .... 5.oPl 0o. a Rx Press, dmlly, .xoep t Sn. . a wM X0e. 4 ExKpress, Il9.le a= née 14, Passenger 9 v m no: 8, Looal, iP 6 la No, 9: Express, Mail. dly..1:8P W MIDLÂND DIVISION GOK neo KaTe-IDtLND TATIOV Mfai .......................8:08m, Mlw ......................... -£:0, P MI Mie4To Lindsay.............. 6:85 Vpi ouleZNOOUTIR Mliod Prom Lindsay........... 8:87 a la Mail ........................ 12.46P m DOMINION BANKI Capital Pald up,-$10500000, 'i i i i i I 5hoe,

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