Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Nov 1897, p. 5

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tijýe,., t, j eweîry jý diet uon ael ViotriaChairlB, rQooohes anid Earrings Gents 'pIated Chains, Scae : Pins and Studs, Linka & Collar Buttons Golct, and Silver Pens, Goid & Jil Silver Pencils OF' 25 PER CENTs S. Barnard, Ooo lCouaty orgau.-Larg.st Circuisa- tien ft Of &JYlocalppier &a Cansa FRIDAY, NOV. 19, 1897. LOOÂL LÂQONIOS. Lndlee rubbers, regular 40 cents for 3o cts a pair aý A D Urlins. Mens ell wool under ware, regular 75 cents for 5o cents, at A D Urlîns. 42 Inch ail wool heneretta, regular 40 cts for 25 cents a yard et A D Urins. The CHRONICLEC la ouly printecl once a week, but when it la prînted it ta recognized throughout tht country as the beat local paper ilu Canada. Mr S Silcrîx B.A , formerly science master iu Wbltby collegiate institute, has had the degree Bachelor ai Pedagngy (B Paed ) con- ferred upon hlm hy Toronto univeraiîy. and Mr S S Sharpe, Uxhridge, has had his namce ornsmented with LL B. Mr Thon Todd, Goodwood, who waa late- Iy bounccd as lnspector of weights aud. mtasurcs for tItis district, waited upon tht Governor General nt Toronto on Tuesday sud sked for an Investigation mbi tht causes of hie removatl. Lord Aberdeen re- ferred Todd ta Sir Heuri joly. Au accident ta tht w ires caused the elec- trtc lights to go out on Monday night, sud mmuy people got into s swest. Oniy once previously tîil year lias such a thinR hap pened, that being caused by a thunder .~storm. We venture to say that no town lu tnada la more satisiacorily ighted, tbsi à1 is. so Far as we pmy for ight. These kickers i- should enquire at Oshawa. A O U W Sermon. Tht Mr McAlpine will preach the auni- versary service ta the members of the A O U W onî Suudmy eveulng et inl the BRptiat * church ai the usual hour. Brethren are to meet at the lndge roomn et 6 3o sharp. Oyter Supper. Mr W j Foy ha. lutended to give the fire brigade à blowout evcr stict the ire when bts hotel was burned, but wied for the ays- t er sesson. On Friday night tht mfai r camne ofi, and severai others beaides the firemnen were preseut, including Capt. Wakelv and the captain ai the Brockvilie ire brigade. The supper was doue up lu capital 9tyle, both as regards tht .pread and tht eat4ug, after whicb the boys gave speeches, sang songeansd indulget] lu ail sorts ai merri. ment. Oh for Xnîas ei Home Set or write Stephenson, (opposite Hatch Bros.,) Wbitby, for cbcap tickets toansd f rom ,Etgland, Scotlaud, Ireland, British Columbia, Manitoba, aIl Ubîlîed States and Canadian points, "auywhert,.everywhere," boat, rail or ocean, rates guaranteet] rigbt. Ht selle through tickets 10 sud tram Picker. ing, TorontoMyrtle. Brookilu sud Wbithy. See Stephenson before travelling. Cholce of ten best octan Ues snd ail railway sud boat routes. An Interview wiih Jim Brown. A frecklt-iaced girl steppet]loto the Pott office the ather day snd yelled out: "AOy- tilng for ibe Murphys?" "No, ihom l ua." Anyihins for Matty Murphy?" "Nathiug." "«Anytbtig for Di l Murpn?II "No." "-Anything for Black Mrpy?" 4Na-." '-Atythlug for Paddy M4urphy?" ' No, not a bit."II" Auytilu for King Murphy ?" "No, nor for Dinny fMurphy, nor Fraudie Mupby, uor -Freddie Mrpy Mior . ike Murphy, nor for an>' Murphy- ndt, lvitiL unbora, native or forelgn, civ- -Wlîst or uncivitsed, savilge -or barbaroua aWnle or femnale, biok or whité, franchiset 5.&disfranchlied, n#îur.tlzed or oiherwlse. No, there la posiiviy noibing for any Mur- phy, eliber tndividu;l)y, anievrty wbtrt* MI y 601186lahedne>tï4 and Milliinery fib"e. Mi, tChas, 131111 go alte of th~e Wo P anc. Corpratio bu bwaa a;p=11te, ofîthe batik ofOttawa. Chas Rates hie ttwved hiei'fauliy Batavia N. Y. According o rerta lit eow or bld several articles w h lie hald Pined< under chatte) mortgage WMjntouvo~ and mucb of the property cannot b.j».3.4' According ta the new Act of- th* Ontario Legislature witnesses aire to bit paid fr helr servies., Formerly ln a police court. tlie> did aot rèMeve any renuuergaion sud bat to psy their own expeuses. Tbey will 1no* be paid $ i. a, per day sud mileage for their' appearance attBtiy trial ln police court for nd ictable offense. At the Darlingtou aud Cartwright plowiug match which took place near Burlieton ou Mondmy, Nov 1,5, Wm Leaskr of Taunton captured first prize ln the boys clama. fHe misa took firat priz. ln tht isamie clameataIthe Ontario Co plowing association held St Myrtie on Nov i1j. The ploughing at both of ihese matches was better in the boys clama than ln th'e mens Alger la Pardoned Sure, Gea. E. Alger le at liberty for sure, the CH RON1CLEtS annôutlcemenet of the fact being naw confirmed by Alger appeariug at bis home in Pickering township. St Andrews Dinner Elabotate preparations are under way, for a splendid bnnquet et the Royftl Hotel au Tuesdiiy evening Nov 3oth. The society la determined to maire It in every way worthy of the jubilee year of Her Majestys Reign. Ta.king a Holiday Mail Clerk Jack Wilson on tht Whitby and Manilla run, gat that tired feeling a few dave mgo and applied to headquarters for a two weeks holiday. The arne was grauted him and Mr W j Lawrence was set bere to take charge af the mail while Mr. Wilson js sway. On the Wing Mr E Stephusan, Whitby. bas tlcketed the iollowing this week Mr G V Martin, Wbitby to New York Mr Jerîy Lick, Whitby to London, Eugiand, aud return, via New York; Mrs T H Downey, Whitby to Kingston and New York ; Revjno Ab. rahan, YWhitby to Jarvis snd rtura ; john Wilson, Whitby to Na pasuesud retuin Sheriff Paxtoni, trilp ta Caunington ; Mia G Rowe, Whitby to Suspension Bridge. Port Whitby. Capt. Atiinson of F F Colo, of Picton was homne on Sunday. The Schr. Antelope of Torouto, Capt. Wakeiy, is loading lumber and shînglea, fr Mr Geo Cormnack, bound for Oswego. The dredge Nipismlng aud tug St. Paul camne in on Sunday frorni- French Masabey. The crew are employed this weekr overhaul. ingt preparatory ta laylng up the outfit for the winter. To Corre4pondents. The CHRONICLE luis lways printed on Thuraday eveuing ln order ta catch tht early malse Friday moruing. As Thsnks- givlng day cames on Thursday of next week and as the CHRONICLE staff ls bound tagtive thanks aIl day long, and wili not have ilme ta print the paper. Therefore the CHRoN- ICLit next week will be printed au Wednts- day night, and every correspondent la aptc- ially requested to send ln bis uews s day earlier, iln order that ail thc type înay ho set up an Wednesday et 4 p. m. Dont forgct this, aud write this week witbout fail. A Reduction la Pri-e.. ru.e Globe (Toronto) la mnakiog a. -stroag aud teserving bld for circulation. Fiading that the reduction in the prive of paper and the Introduction of typemetlng macblnery have made it passible ta publish the piper ait kas cost, the prive bas betu reducet] roui s6 per snnum ta $4 per aunum for thtesrly morniug edition, aud tht second editior bas been discontintied. This should give theirý circtulatioinIliat R great increase, as It bringM within tht reach ai every permon a dally paper that la generally recoguised as the lesding paper ln Canada. As there la ta ho no reductlan lu tht aise af the paper, snd every department, Inciudlng the Saturday illustrsted edition, kept up to ts presett bigh standard, and conideriug the enormnous oxpnse dthat t h g ameta ln ÉoArde taial He had doue I. '*le there a man lu ail the audience"' de. imanded the (entait speaker on wonm 1lrg bts fiercely, 'Qîiaî b as ever doneay. 1thing ta lighten thte burden resiing on hle 1wifcs shoulders ? la îtere s man here," ast contlnued, foldiug ber armeandut looking over tht audituce with supberb sce, "ibsià han ever gai up lu the mornIing ea-vlugbla tiret] woru oui wi(e to enjoyber alîaînbeMa gone qttietly down sîmira, made the fi' cooktd his oun breakfast, sewn the ,,,,re" buttot's on the chlldrens alites, derned e fsqnlly stocketa couredt]hIe peoeand4&et tles, clesuat] anâ illed the lamp e pt- the kitchen and don. aiu ibis If nee»Uyiueiy mter day uucoepiaiuingly? Utiserelasud, a man lnn ibis audience, let bliS stand up, I shouit] like to sec hum."t And far l>ack in tht hall a mut] looking iman 1» spectacles, ln obedlence tth a summnoas, tlmily aroe- Ho wou the huabant] or ihe eloquent sp.ak. e. lu was the. Brai chance ho ever bcd to essert hîmmeif. aurycttip«tmtTe following, twlîb racb iet rs SS q very eonversat we Sv ê bi"ter bmut; The iaw provides ibai ap& Éu tki«o t eairay stock sisonît Sie aodc ik - animals are oCatt e wnîleub M ihret tins .lit a ewepap tise section wberelise t W,( 1d-40 If uc proffriy la u cll orWit weeks after ibe Ineerim 0( o fluderuaball go to &aJUstcx 0f th#*.,P>4 malte CathI io Ondinueaud t HW t ýI tIse puopeuty lu sot ewffm eie4 a * i sat] abouitnot eacemdu.oeé iW,&S lugs to thse party P-nmioo aiavet. 1U ei=htoser 8w k uhflt Ibe ad$ veutint by the jueflS ae4 tk odÙ t ces$ a aels exiasabanll hi piq coSuty treaeuQ 4w ,'n o taste as> bu denh e .4L -d w. vqY contrlbute t bis WOrk On -Thanksgiving day, Nov .%tb, 5pigeonl shoot w1il be belt] near the- Juucion bétel. Ltiberal prlstsare offered competitor. Se po*ters for particulars. Càoap Ticet or Tbaaksgivia G0odgolug Nov su ad 25 and ta return ilit end]Nov osb th ai sngie irai clama faretot &H1 stations la Canada. Se Stephenson," OPPosite Hatch Bras.,t Whltby, for ail tickets sild Information. st Johb" Church at thé gay. Thè Rev T H DuVeruett, B D, of Toron- téoublversity, exchanges with Mr MffK3w On Sanday nert. There wQI i h holy' com- litution at the close of thet morniug er vice Aiter tht eveuing service Mr Du. Vernet will addrems tht members of tht Gleanoers Union, to which ail are weicome. St Andrewsî Society Will celebrate the anniversary ai Scot- laInde patron saint by a banquet at the Royal hatl) on Tuesday-ýevenIng, Nov 3oth. Tickets $i. May be obtaiutd irom tht offi cers or cammlîtee, or et Rosa Bros, E j johusons, Mathison Bras sud R S Cor- macks. The banquet la open toalal nation- lties. Pecullar Bicycle Accident Tht other day a peculiar excuse was giveti by a bicyclîst for runuing down a 'Choille" on Brock and Dundas streets corner. Tht rider had been temporarily blinded by the brilliant reflection from a load ai Scranton coal bouigbt at E R Blows. $,5.25 per ton at harbor. $5.75 delivered ;dcean, bright and dry. Office opposite CHRONICLE office, Whitby. Boys lined rubbers, regular 40 cents for 25 ccnta a pair at A D Urlins. Wait For It The old tIme tes meeting ln tht methadist tabernacle, Friday, Dec. 3rd. Good pro- gramme. Everybody corne. Particulars next week. Commencement exercizs The above exercises ai tht colleg-te ln stitute wlll be hela ln the music hall tbis (Friday) evening commencing at 8 oclock. Public cordially Iuvited. To Grow Hysciniba For the benefit of those desirlng ta grow hyacinthe, lu glasmes titis autumn tht foilow- ing directions from s reliable suthority are given: Allow only tht base ai tht bulb to rest lu the water, for should IL be submnerged it la iikely ta rot. Place lu a cool, dark r aceuntil a btavy massoai mots bas been ormned, when It may be brought luto the light. Aiter the buds have formed IL will be wçll ta caver witb a paper cylluder, open at tht top, Ibis takingibhep lace af tht invertcd pot ai tht sali grown bulbe. Tht water may be chauged about every two weeks, but IL will ktep peritctly sweet without this change, Ia few pieces ai charcoal are drap- ped i nto esch glass. From the Luat Report on lasurance. The Superiutendents annuel repart on lu- surauce ln Canada for tht y car afi 159 shows that the cash recelvtd for proniluma during tht y car lu Canada has amaunted ta $7,075.85o, being greater than that rectived lu 1895 b>'$t32,468 ; sud the amount paît] for lasses bas been 84,171,501, which la lma ,than that 'paid in 1895 by $8i0o.249. Tht ratio ai lasses per cent of premiums receivet] 58.98 In 1895 tht rate wam 7192. Thinge seemcd ta ho Improviog with' tht under- writers, no for as profita are concerne&i but IL wauld stem that for sorne reamon or oiser, the purely Canadian companies are drop- pIug business. Tht decroaelu the amount taken ln :896 as coînpared with r89n anong Canadîsu compsn:es, is 516488,263. Among British compsniem there la la au lucrease of $S.4M.6s54. self Dental Week. The armys special seilf-dental floïpteanai annalInsttitution wbertver the Us'Ivat1o fiag is hoimiet] sud will lie heidt îoultho*t ibis ierritory (rom November 21$Îai WNov. 37t15. Tht public ane by tis tiffi wlIse q4Isnted witb the purpomeswhich semai.e treColis atm bteingo, supply b$ M"a$i of self dental -additioaisineWso!,war. romt yrshave provedt] te a -bat: vem te w hic avebeen r«ap!t twork by the cQncetr$tionof ibe ausacons '.Our itOOlt of MantIes' for Winter Wett. lu nov. complete wlth al the lateet SI4 utstlf fr #d en>,d cdrel uln immense quantities, drtro' hgeat man uulateefrCÉwhur trade ln ibis particular branch - i sthe: laigegt iqtho town.We are always. iu a position to ofier Our prmets t *ole~1ePr e.bere, «etliM ake a profit. gEeyLady who, viahes :to make, the most of, ber rooney in purchasing a new- Jickot SHOULD VISIT OUR STORE9. Overcoats, * Brown Frieze Ulsters, single breasted, with fl fyironC and velvet collar, nobcoy and warm, only 4 Brown and Fawn Frieze Storm Ulsters, double breasted, 8-in. collar, reduced ta.......$ Boys Double Breasted Frieze Peajacketa, to fit ages 5 ta 12 years, only...............Ij Black Frieze Ulsters, Storm Coliar. good ' Ï value, only ............................ W.Go WALTEW Every Stra Touriste Sleepiug Car Route Commencing îîext Saturday nigbt, and conuinuing every Saturdav night thlerenfter, Mid land Route tourist cars en route to Côl.. orsido, Utah snd California wli leave the Chicago Union pasenger station of the Chicago, Wilwoukee & St Paul railway at i0 ociocir, running over the Chicago and Omaha Short Line to Omaha, thence via Lincoln, Neb., Colorado Springms ad Lesd- ville, Colo., Sait Lake City and Ogden, Utith, Reno, Nevada, and Sacramento, Cal., arriving nt Sarn Francisco at 8.45 p.m. Wed- nesday. As 'wili be naticed, this route isa Mid 'and through Northern Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kanss, Colorado, (through the heart of the Ro>Ckie), Utah, Nevada and California, affording a perfect panramie view af prairie, mountain snd coasacenery. Theme populair every Saturday Califarnia excursions for botb firat and second-dams pameengers <sot oe m)51ants> art 4"personally canducted' by intelligent, com- peteinand courteous "courive" wh6 wlil attend to the wants of ail pasmengera en rotute. Thtis la an entlrelly new ,félture-ol toutisot car service and wlll 6e greittly arpre- ciated by famtiilles or prties of frietnds travelling tog*îbër, or b y'1adits travelling â1oie~~m~fs attention -la paid to the care ortddnwlîo nsually get weary on a lon jorny.Rmnmber tttat the bMidland routeiou*ste'-a rae sleeping carssnd, are supplied wltail the accessories neceusary ta make the journey romfrtàble and plea* stand thé site lng brtbrate let but --6. (for twb ôpermfont ~ochieago to ét~ ia Ask the ,neareat têcket agent ora toir ca, "Ide»givlui complet. Informatlakn aboutthe Midlad route, or addresm4' East-, env Manager Mldliud Route,*' NO. Adain»'s treet, Chksg&o, Ili., or AJ Taylor, CaainPmeger Agtent,,C., X;. & St. P.. Ry., 2 Klng atremetst, Toronto, Ont. P. S.-S -tertb e vtonsare made In the. order rectlyd up to eacbsaWrday gno6ru., îng., Firet con"4, Bitseved. SEEOR~WRITE JHý DOWNEY,& Mvekat BuJIaIigi - WM Hlgbeu nie", Patd. Spcil tiesfS 'Carlu"] 7.50 7.000 3&50 e5.00 Do you want Good Tea ? Do you want* Good Coffee ? Do you want Pure Spices ? Try the Corner Grooerye Doý you want Fine Raisins? Do you wakit Olean Currants? Do you want The Peel? Try the Corner Groo.ry Candies,' Oranges, Lemo'ns, Nuts and Qysters at W B Pringle & Co.IJusT' funM ?CRSOAL, Kày bave *cladfoi re b.dloom Ob, à I nd Uter n t, aieoV.éD~u Ws tm 10 lS IS 10 ELIEYE WM. TTLL' snd be convtnced that an Elegant lise of FURNITURE UPHOL8TERED. 60008 te being soit] ai away downprices takeep ia touds with the SA]D TZILES &HAVE IT DONE NOW Re-Upholsteri#g sand Ri before the' rish coni Prices very; cheap. B4abyCaaes $5 t î' Price.. tr ~v1 Usa ed"et]by th *ent direct jb t thse Tb loIo a abu HI ý Cali on

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