Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Nov 1897, p. 3

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~,tD ÂAiS RS a ate-l 'è= 'ô My 0f 1both rime and mny this scasofl madle arigemetnts wt 0, ~the publihbers of Farm1oln, ýÎ 1BaY- St. d% Toronto, w M il ador piof t theD. ï,_ and Weekly Mi n upr h Weekýly Globe. and:the Weekly Sun,, to issue the anriual, faraners instites bulletin, which contains 'a comlee liat of the regular and 8upplêtnentary 5h mie etings, together w Uiorc nans, addresses, and subjecti Luit week 1 sent to each aeCretaryandl te rti.a~ officer a copy of cach of thesepapesiiidtwo-tr ceor ontai ning thus bulletin. 1 respectful.fo the bulletin published by each paper, xàqI waich gives al necessary information P JUIE te -.a'n9w vre.on PAIN fer fBCi the adsluggestiOns wok Rnc n ne. IR etiring,.... 0 nd oncern;L fur this ycar. Will you at once kindly 1"" 1M. uU Eualleuaa bac h take Ayer's Pilla, and you will n otify each delegate sent to your divi- PAIN-KILLBR T ' ZR 2 f i ---~~ beter ~ btter sionwhat subjectS YOU Wish him to dis- CADILibri;= ZeUS ~nPrnrn .wu nm.îawfoi see etrand wainte Sion 1 sas,, u< 0 ~ tIDgk~wed ctns,- at each of the- various sessions aIurm, ete. A.yer's Cathartic Pil have n'o As1 soon as your buis and pro- PetiAi-KILLerýter, Ilr. ndl as aandcffct- r.inmsare puhlished, kindly tend a cl aIn trelief.rauovet.ver1iI equal a apicasant adefc- of! cdi Mr C C JamesDeputy cianyof rif. Teno@bu heenuD ual remedy for constipaqtion, Niitrof Agricnlture, Toronto, also VU & 10,1,6thc biliousness, sicîz licatiache, audî(î myseîf and cach of the speakers on7AaOàoI5At he 8I1 liver troubles. They are )U ro serlect Ihe repectf ulwisurge t $iigar-coated, and so pcrfectly ý 1)c ~discuss adntf hm Mrs. Todd ie visiting with Mr@. Elias w! prepared, that they cure with- m&dtl.This gives each of these Bice..chi out the annoyances expcricnied ýent IcniCf a better opportunity te Miss Stevenson, ot Toronto, ie spend- grf in~ thpue f o uay f it prepare the subject you wish ing a week with Mies Hattie Hutchison. ter in te ue ofsonian oftlie ,Im to discuSS You wiil notice bY The enow took us by etcirm Tuesday 0' pil on the miarket. Ask your 1)e pefa7e (of the bulletin that ini morning last and turned ont a perfect P') druggîsit for Ayer's Cathartic _;'C î iisoSthr s hag ! lzarn Pui. "hn ohe pUs ou t 1îk-~ers. 1 f a speaker is not billed The quartorly meeting of the. Method an Pilla WhenotherpillsNvon tet attend vou meeting, do not adver- iet friende at Loctiet bill was well attend. lai help y", Ayers is lise hîm) or lis suhjects. Several ed froma bers- Fine weather brought out YTreM d~ mce serious mistakes in a large hunuber. a THE PILL TRIAT WILL. oi, way awt vear, though the ut h.ld he ufldaafdtoedBpweekwae car wi .s tke r toinormthen.Car- bldber Sindy ad ondy'wekwasag tIII rc,îjd the preface before referred a grest ences, the weather being flue. aieI examine the list of meetings, At ail the tiîree services the. congrega- ReL'ch CouncUl. i titere îs an ything you do flot un- tiens wore large, especially in the. atter 09 - ir.itand. Wî te me. 1 respectfully noon and evoning, when the. cbnrch wasth The rogular mreet14ný o! Beach cOýulcII rgc \oiu te advertise and otherwise wedged from platforin te doors and nummsa wus heid out Munday SNoV 8. centat vour meetings and the busi- bers went away in the evening unable te P Commnunicat.ions were read from tht nev (onricc(ted therewvith as directed get tIn. Rev J F Vîckcrt, B à, of Toron. Departnîtunt o! AgrIculture.--rt1 gt'o h%. thc a( t and ruIes gov', rning farmers to delivered very impreseive and profit.g road-subniting iften t th l.ýjtjtes.-1 opyo which you have. nble diecotur-es morning a.nd evening. cierk of Beach, regardîng the Bource (,ficasc d l ain vour powver to induce RvP .Cmrn .. fSofvle maintenance of roads of thet muicpaltvity ù.clng farmiers in your district to take as nouaI gitve us a vers' excellent dis It s arcasertoaek&oneofthe qlues p.î)rt nl the programme. The more course. The. Locnst Bil11 Metiiodist fin fpro ouas in te sk somo of ()-i aln ,o a m ,th oechoir led tihe singing in the evening andi tien nrpuddm h'ahdl hnOloa aetNO a ml h o e u uual we alweyg get a musical treat. itiitelligent andc satîsfiîctory *,mer Ic(( eýsSil andi helpful will vour meet- Whitevale Methodist chbir led lu the. tone (o! tlom st at will prove a puzlZlu , ors very truly, F. W. afternoon and they always give the. belst Le the efficient ierk of Beach. o ~ f satisfastion. The honme choir, we From M r F 8 ,sposice, stcrt'tary Po )Ttl11herq andi Directors of Farmers think, exceiled aIl former efforts. On mînion Allianîce, alk.lîo< thetl nn'l t" Institlitrs I)car Srs-The above is a Mondsy evenirg the. houge. as comfort- supprt peitn t tht leimitiv aa( (f a lettcr whî1ch 1 have recently ably sat.ed andl we bad eue cf the. beet 80e1bly andi teo îge 811lehy the' reevo F5101 ,cl1t te\(Mr sccretary. \Vill you Programmes that it ever bas been ont clerk; the' pur pert <f [Le p ,w iionII It Il. lar t l co-operaïte with him in this privilege te bear. The double quartette, consîd cral Iàl 'Ssorîî a te *thevy nttr The fe)llowing are the dates of Toronto, under the leadership o! Prof. abîit 1 spnng tî'jition the' co)uncil )ftl papers whîch published these E. M. Fletcher. bronght down the bouse docîdod otto iîterfr îî the mutter. liis Mai<l and Empire. Oct 3oth ; wttb their s.ntherns, ciioruses and soies; docidd notto inerfee in he riaro-.irel F1î reside, Nov 2rtd;Globe, 0each and al vere isened tri wjtiirapt From Mogr er r, Micioll. D 1id. \ev rd , Weeklv Sun, Oct 28th ; attention and received lond applause. &()n &k Pattt3r5oî', barrtîsters, T&CTrosii(, c 0h 1Yusveytuy Mr. and Mrm. Senior delighted everyoue. askxîîg în!oi .îîîitilohIlregardîî'g Itle' Wîrt'v Ifil VCt2th ousveytrl Miss DoualdBou the. eloutionist je simply Fence itonjus Iby-lihm A the mîunîcipality Pi<fele.ecellent. and lave six nuniberu. She of Bloach. waei well recejved, being eneored several Mr Lismh roportoci that a cilvert oti ONE HON ES- MAN. fitues. The compatîy gave us two sand s tht' new road had cicllapseci. He hall iror ,JwPLfiltor-Please infori 70111r rademsthat if haIt heuret. Several in the audience derd u îpueciî.o ectstrcsiîwhich 1r, Utt r ut s denU ls, hoI nMsI, Inma Mlelt- wrehbeard te gay that. Lby couid bave had bouî cuoeoiît a uîall cost, w'c tWa 01 OIt l lietened the tinte over airain. Atter the men.l17 vlgor. 9,er y v gftgftoweu mer' tht' bil for the payîit'ent o!f whi à_he ex- deblt.itt, eul veaknuic iS1;les snd weak audience rome te their fees in apprecition p)cLOci would bu prosenited at i Iltt ucsuti erls at unineot e"ind, but th ssatk of the ecletprogràmme tat bad ingo!.,uîîîl haven 1 sinuow we, vigorouaandstreug,&and wth been rendered dnrinst the evênifg the en- Illg ofjoulielt ei nake thitacertain nîsans of cure known tosail mat- Thefolowîg acuts ert pased:-ferers.1 have nothlug wo oeil and vaut nomoe tert.aittflent vas brougbt Le a close by 1 T M Roui. Swî!i. !unts re pad:-bt rinasgmW vrlateunvr» ro = the singint ot Goli gave the Queeu. A throocuivrta n th Notqugarondthirbheatb and bsmptnesB. r e~ firt-elase Dominion orgab was kindly 250.0Mr W Tayàloir boîî.g for wrk À4enti' uP9ies, P-0 O% 5% siOl1 u. i oï,. laned for the occotsion by Wm Flemiig, Mr Oe Johiistoniifur repairitlg bridge landi Mounitains was Bibi Magees vite, utrtit et Utica, coit 5, Brovk roaci ' $10 and it was the constant wonder o! the te Mr Mung. Veir, being sutouuît dueas entire section why so mucit sweetness provided. for by bonus vire fence bylso, haci waçtcd itseîf on stîcb an onerv and ior erecting cigbty iode o! vire fonce ini dolcss desert as was Bill. In uine with front et his prtîperty near Prince Albert ;ibis was another wonder wbv Bibis wife $340te r PA Prro.1fr 'rîîhîi' Susan Martin, haci not rnarried Jim matns1ard eecînga rilitgt)p«ii. Feriguson, as everybody thnught she lot 1, cou 2; $4 to Mr M WNelr, a(sud l aedoe u ha a $333 te Mi- John Heard, being twon hped ha veardon 1t cae had ail thirds loua astairiec by them, each bav- hp ndacrbfr aeit i ing bad a eve killeci by doge. Mountainis, and it gave mie no concern su eeead Mn McDoiaid vere ap watcver. Like any gentleman o! The eevetaste. 1 admircd NMrs Magee and felt pointcd a committee te examitne the road « hpywe.a thpee opposite lot opposite lot 18, con 12. ande'31 al hap.we 1i i apee si-eempwerd t mate iiyînîrvesooretimres. the cierks in the compamys menta in said i-oaci ihey inay deeum desir- .toreC W. re busv and 1 could wait upon able. her. h w.s thus one day that as site The reeve and Mr McDonald v et'ip entereci the store I hopped around bc- Dointed te arrange wîîh IMIr .1 Niai .l or firlncr.h e couniter like a youngster ot .-boht, of way -tu mravel pi on lut 13, cont twenty, 14. "-\\'hat can I do for you to-ay. IL vas iremolved thatvlten tht' rouncîl madam',- 1 saici vitit a fine bow. adjourned ik Stand adjournec taIl thet'511 .. Got any mournin good'sail- of December, thon to ineet iun tllîlaîtce 41îred with a deight!uI hauteur. vîth te statute.' - ' \ n vhod v dead ?- 1 asked, frgxetting A by 1mw vas paesed re-app.'ttitig thte that it Was not mny btusiness to be ask- deputy returit-ig officen o! 1896 for the ing questions. pres"uL year. -'-N' she tisia4.f'te an Mr Thos Beare came betone the couticîl. tkIv vt, ut thug - g-a nie complained ta heget n teady wei cîî b e ri-ooking arousd." striant Of rafio in bis locs.lity vas havîîîg "htd e atoepfll t.effe thUicroaeand udbridges. The htd ouwnt ftpri w tiermîniusoet iis extraerditîaiy trutttc . iqîuired, ver>' curiuso kffow seeme tot be opposite bits rseidiàotse what she wasafter. vibopa large uâmbers ftequent.ly congre- -1- Ireckon I migits as veli sue thse ptd;the objeot ef thest tnequent n ght whole shooting match., fer ef 1 VSft 'ne.11ua5lu vas fot ti' i. to sut-us., part 1 yl be vamting .ailbàrAs. but he'did dectidodly ebjeos te the lan- i tht-ev down two or titree p1eccS Of' 'glie e *tthen duîngdiauaton&, mourning stufi and piled biseis uibbou'ý and 4 biio b appearus bittre te anîd ail the ether habilUlU oS VO01lW 0oùsai waste acitain if uet uniseeiy the shop lowqn aloopldu aiuiÂe"tb uppressed. - -Thems trlghtme, b mia Th 0,uk " lu u te enterai.the taking a good look authe bpM - # vidn 09 u obyIaw NO eth"' 0uni- 1îaint quite ready t aw 7 You see, ktls way n.ght Bili and jina bat i*C»ji h el ped me acnos the106a *K iII r. meeting. and tbUI , 9 Onci, 'aid c et ~ - Mïp er. vou know wa e#gg1 eTharad - ' 'g W W«hrekp er, blguIo"t, -~ Vos Mr- Espey, oui- mev landlord, has got moveci and is nov mearly settled. Favisîon s rtd. Lst gFriday v than ,telvso veret stry ightan- o Logthetuvrn eot to get a stan n-t enoth trlouthovevetib ade be A- fore sayimg fail. Two Pictures. ()ue eto, Bright and Cheefful; the QUiet Gloomy, Dei-k and Muddy. Forty-five saumplea of colorcd dlots are shevu on the. Dim.mond Dy. sample card, front whieh eau be produneiloder oue tundred good, solidci olora. Every dyed sample is fui], rnet, brilliant and ftn showing jas what sny votuan of osdiar intelligenco me do witb Dimxond Dy«. Titis las picture nunabmr ons. The Oocarnuo ima&iou dyo4an d dyej composêtofsoéparse assa principal in lrdent, show but a dozen or Mufe.t "otru, amdtso impmnfeoli ln colon toue an gloomy, dispeuibnt and sîckly te any in dîidasW vitis a tue-efér thse beautif al Thit 14 piceu n mblr two. 'ro tism as.'doubt w.e my, send 701 a6mi eto WeNu & l"banilon Co, Moin ui fots odorm olndeDiamood Pj. tb tye vitit<fe s i" 1 e piat nas i beanty amt batumoUS f cOMon Sisath r, M PazUSU uM SwRa U* 'Nf n#M 4', ~DmMtdottu ÀVO S y pr ood pkatues , f ltait le, no to ndt thon gI'e $hemOw it ti et*tra faedl as likoly as nor ste-tseep ire hutizag, toumishng ,to, us on; bat', pàstl1'sU d losing liet every- day. Peed a' few ruips or a littie grain, so thast if the tep do flot gain ay ny lt eight; they at ut- do n'Ob fia*&y an îhcy are alunost i'et. do iflit to forage fer themmelves poor pastures. This lu the 'season of ,-y est when a pie.. ef rape coma nelu kndy. If yen have not geL a plee fur, à year, be sure yen make preparation ra suicable piece nez& season. If Dot )ne aIrWady, malte a thorongh inspoe- Dn of the fiock. Examine allté ewett, d cuil eut tes. that have poor entite, defeotive udders, or that are Iy tiin n fes. GeL id of theni Le le buteber, or in otiher wayd. Give iose ewes that are cenpied this faîllail e requiremeuta wiachwili help Le de. Blp for yen a bealthy, good lamb. Be at y en hae prper sielter for ten 'eu the cold main cornes on. The bange front gras e hay should b. radual. Another important item te sl- nd Le before Lb. cold weatter cornes n, and eue tbat sbould net b. peat mued, even if iL in a buey âime -yen 0551 :Lt afford te feed, sbeep ticke or lice all Z 1 er. Therefre îelect a suitable day idip ailtheLb. eep. Lt la mot yeb tee ate, if proper pa-ecautioes arc taken te mard againat te isheelp taking celd. IL vil psy yen to de it.-Farming. flUe» Compoundd Trou Pins w'tll mais. 700 sLrong. 50 d««sesor 25 clu. MISS BLATER, 152 Bloor St. West, Toronto. )nt, @&y@%: 1 bave fouud gréâat benefit trom me use of Millers Ooînpound Iron Pilla." A. P. AtiDLEY, 24 Broadiebsue 8t. Toronto, ays : I aumnmuob piessed witb Millets omi- ?ound trou PiUs sud bave recetumended thent A eversi othera, who aime proneuxuai the. oold." Bre0ak Up a CoId ini Time *Y U8INQ PYINY- PECTORAL The Qùýk Cure for COUGHS, COLDS, CIZOUP, IMON- CHITIS, KOAUSNE5B, etc. Muta. jr<sapil Nouwicu<, of 6b Sorauren Ave., Tgront0, vrtaS - ytir.'ectousi hae npyer lttid ta. cure My crhidrf cro'.p after s feW do"es.It cured inyseli<f algs tistiE eugb sitar murermI <aber r"medleu hàd fal. I alsoprocd a exellet cughcure for u.7 fainty. Preèr i tn o ie t Dedin foi uought. conip o usr .euell. H. O. BARsOUR, of Little Rocher, N.B., vrltes: --AIs a ere lfor ugls pyy.-ectou lat thn besI eetl.ug medicine 1ve .yclu- Large 1Bottle,Se ce. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lmi> proprieters. MeM (Published by Rcqu&est.) Dear Mr. Editor .-Will yen kindly n- forin the readers of yeur valusabe paper that 1 vill gladty send PREER te any suflerer front Lest Mauhoed, Nervous DeblUty, Nîgbt Lasses, Varicecele, lmpetency sud tite r!sults of yeuthfmti folly, particulars cf a simple and iexpensive msans of self-cure wbieit after be- ing buzmbugged sud împesed upon fer years by quacitsansd patent unedicine sharks. cured ire In a fev weeks. 1 bave nohttg to mcli er Kive away, mer arn I advertisitn> patent tnedicine business, but will be p eased e e (rom amy suiffet anxieus te Sund a cure fer hl% complaînt. te wbom I1viii expiais confiden- tiaiiy how and by whst weams 1 won ouned. Hundreds bave bien ented through ny ad- ,ice.-Ons-s nothlmg tie bain what 1 psld hua. I. r c. ta 51 'r te VARIPEX; MISONNRVU DEBILiTYiý SYP4ILS. TRITUR, LEETÎ Bf MINALWEA « NES PMUtO MANKODWUNNrURALi DISOIIARGES, KiDNEiY AND BLAUDER WSEtASE$r yjJ N mis$dbhidaSi wek m&Mfttd ld oa 1cssitst WNOANO v«-i W~KNPV OCU«$E>IGUARANJTEED OR NO ,pAy-OOFIDENIAL UIIUttDlq!Er o *kia brad =,4 l. ams w ok.A friand vt adtsi .ney&Kqg abnla,?' melvi t rithe. dmoiétaitl~eiit5UPSU of ~ Ml aav lsp1 e mto huit715 Ito8I(I lTu, ss Ds 9" ew wuki .wen P ned daN 14 ?li ~ vil on IS19WS&ýE, t. i tas 1" roc r u, iheol I Il hbi, i4e mi ua.fu ilziy uton e Mto r h~il aappqmyvitalit~L Methob Teme tr i as ul N bct0, ,ecurait Tbuz 14o N e tod Treatatent $saPPiles vgl ititrandt ',,bistm-bleblo d ia...vus ln mi sysl mfer elgit ~ rears Hsdtsksnmercuy er ociveyrbut tit. dAme td Irs ls as d bltobes on tse u liSn n m o nh sma -M tnguboupalufaWitout of bair veakpese, eue. Mybrother, vite had boa t r ic t u r e b1 m kan d a rgu ae n l ci t _ê & six a mi &."-W. P. K.'l, acksoni. 17 VEARS IN DETROIT, 200,000 CURRO. NO RISK. ~RkflADIE RI à @"u svct1?%aejn ethe. Rs veyouonmlmtia Cour , 14e sod&urest i u r eteion. WISlbas h dontafor <tiiemit wUl for lmon CONSULTATION FRllE. Ne matter vite ustreateitIo flor an henea ieutste, en oie f tMenJncIc ostlae 2 censealed. AJ N AMES USED WTC> rWRITBN -CONSENT$ . VAT Nomsdilnesent CO. D. Non a on boxes or enve E tacon-f identiel. Questo 11mi ot0 K& GN o18SHE»LBY ST. ORSKENEJY EROA1,ID oTFtllMmIcH, TOWN 0F W HITBY Trea8urerP's 8aIle ofLand for Taxes Town ef Whltby, Bvirtue ef a warrant JUSt RLoovod ceunty etoflrei stdby teMayor under TO WIT: )thei seat of the Corporationa ef -thte Town o! Whitby, tome directed. bearitig date tbe Tbirty-flrst day of August, 189,7, com.-2000 ROilS mnanding mte to e"vyupen and sithe lands meuîioned ltu tefollowing liitstaria-m ef taxes due thereon, 1 hereby gise notice, tiat un- of those very beautiful lés sucli arrears and ail Costa are sooner paid, 1 shahl preceed to seil thei sait landsra en cuch A m6rloan Paper8, wlth tbereof as Êuay be necessary for te paymeut of Bordera to tifatoh, whiobi tite taxes and tite cossihereof, iu tbe Councll Chatuber, In the Tewn et Whitby. on TUES- will be sold oheapeî' DAY. DEC. 7tb, 897, at the heur c-i za o ha e er th s ea ID tti erenon.Aliso a lot of PME'S LANEAST OF BSOCK ST., NORTU cn mr St. Lot l'axe Costa Total which vin be solda a 38 $113 81 S~4J2 8117 ootadner 68 42 32 2600 44 c9endudr 7 10 1.85 10 9 )7Î 2 70 i85 4 55- 77 5 43 £9 5 7 28 wPi il us. 79 909-1 85 1094 8l 75 06 3 48 78 54 94 56 67, 30oz 568 P Bt"14I 164 399 1£85 5 84 Po B A A 65 398 1 85 b 3 172 5 1 ils 7 69 1173 2 22 1 85 407 7 4 481î8 6 633_____________ 1Ï 4 48 1:85 633 177 44-7 185 63 4fS5 81 5 51 X;85 7%6obi)t b UJtTUC 82 355 u8 5 OS,5 £84 399 £85 as 19 309 à 85 494ItUh415 196 399 z8 S 2" z£91 1i85 3 0SIPrl5l-éther#~.~P t. 905 3994- 9- 4.1 th* OAbsT>»e'5WJI.AI !,~~te tua Sok. 18 FrJtates PLAN, wS5 O Ucw m 5. Novm rplmauu oU4$ a &$ WA*D. -: -::Â74d"rtp1%sO 1 e u - n ooJ.- par H36e, 9 ~61 $14 80 $996' 16 70 Uea"$A"à a ont Po Il ', ambu 148-,04 S 6 677 ïqutuPliLa*U la ~ISb :54 5J 54,3 2996 ~lbsîo gyi v dl~ ,5 '-15 0 6 8 83 6 eihg ad W«b1 t lat IL.tst.i w fêson c~ 3r mfl 148 Se $1e85 ý404 £ UP- -- SURA5.N.â yt WMI. 2- 940 aq 1 83 -.95 cy [y visé. Dit A. *5 39 997 ý 14 , lu Vi - 1 -.1- - - m «iàý à ý MM âlmý Au

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