i - YOIJR WÂTCH RUN? RE!PAIýRINGP DOES IT KEEP GOOD TIME P RARE), the Watoh pecia1ist, Can Repair it and Guarantee Satisfaction. [W- No charge for examining a Watch. 3 Doors North of Western Ban k, Oshawa, W. ~. lLA~RE OSHAWA, NOV. 12s 1897. OSHAWA PAGE Mr J James open( last Friday ln Bowman- ville. Mr Leslie Harvey, of Toronto, was home over Sunday. Misa Sophia Parker in spending s few weeks with Orillia relatives. Miss Emma Arnott. of Solina, in visiting ber aut, Mr@ H Saunders. Mr StanleyGoyCe waa ln Toronto over Sunday visit ing hm mother. Mrs R Welsb, of Markhamn, was the lvuest of Mrs F Patte this week. Walter Winters returned home asat week £(rom visiting witb western rienda. Miss Ethel Sheffield, or Waikerton. was the guest of Miàs Ada Luxton last week. On tbe 3rd of Dec. the choir of Simcoe nt. methodist churcb will guve a grand concert ln sheir chnrch. The Oshawa hockey club wlll meet this, Frlday, eveuing to eiect ofilcers and organ- ise for the season. Mns Abe Law, wbo bas been tu Toronto Serrerai bospîtal to have ber eyes treated, returned home asat week. The Truc Blues, or Obbawa, wlll give a concert lu the Dominion hall, Nov. 151h. Local talent wili furnish progr.tmmue. Mr Morley Bowdeh and Mr j Balles, of boot and shoe store, are lying iii witb tbe fever. W. hrope both wiil soon recover. Miss Alice Hohbisiwbo bas been vlslting wlth ber sister, Mns W Luke, Toronto, for the last tour months, bas returned home. Miss Clark, who bas been vislting ber sister, Mrs J Gregory, for some time, re- turned to ber home iu Cob<>urg ou Tuesday.1 Prof Rabbits, the phrenologîat who was ber, last Wal, was married to Mrs Ridley, wldow of Dr Rlley, at Belleville, about two weeks ago. The 'Oshawa Sons of Temperance bave decided to hold a box social in their halIl on Nov. 22nd. A good programme will be given. Ail welcomed. Messrs H E Morpby, Harry Weeks, jt Ponton aud bis brother Wil Ponton. &aie of the Dominion bank Napanee, are deer buntlng lu q4uskoka.' May they meet witht luck. 1j it le net generaily knevu ihai tie reason vs ver y oftcn bave Dn ilgit un car stretesou dark aitgbts la Liainluthie agreement there la a clause that 118h! la te b. supp lied cnly et tîmes wheu there iane moon. Tic mission, which Io being couducted la St Grasoy ciurch Ibis week, la woil attend- cd.TbOOaulda vas opeued bere on Sun- da b RevFaîber Kiander, of Brooklyn, N--RvFatier Grogan là alto heing. The sermons preacied every night are very Iuspirlng ad shows evcrv oesth. uecsclty o! leadfaig a ieiy ife. Every moniang at 5 ocleck lie vorking men atteuded mass. Mr Grant, of Trenton. haviug cempleted hie work under Mr Saubonau o painting the. scenery lu the music hall, bas returaci! te bis home. 19very one expresses bimmoîf as veil leasciwieh the. vork, vilch ne- de u ccredit ou the antilt, Mr Saaborp. The scea, on the. drop cutalu, reprsuling tie Heule bridgs, le especilîy nactuea, with the it ullslae*dimem, ths cli!bouse noar thc aîcue bridge, sud the qualas boat& anube bniglt ataer lau heferegrouni!. A large numbe cof relatives sud frlends of Mr lai'd Mrs brrette gâthered as thar homo, lucee. .south, latWedxcsd.y alîgi:, te help tison celebrate tise Suson- niversry ofpi eueddiîîg day.-The bride and! groo m voepresreftned with an addrms andIvWO OaktalaDes, a recitleg chair maid vofk box. Aller supper varions games sud .paslmtos voie Indulged in. Everyo. pre- sent Iba nu tuoje Iuîme sand aildeparted vlablng M- s aiaotmaay ummr liesattia 'e, Mr Arhur MeMi&Oa, rîtiug froms th. Toronto acbool or science reti orst te dl. covery cf irio «ein 5h. ma tai a <holais. ftisasas foloé ,--IlIn rofereaceIothe dia. ba" akepIbo mbi t ook up sud Su Mn Burt la note recoverin g (rom isieattacia off lever after a close shave for bis hie. Miss Clark. cf Cobourg, whe bas been .'iaiting the Misses Thompeon, returued home on Wednesday. Mn Guy Ding le atacceeds the late Robert Lovekin as ledge keeper lu the Western Bank aud Mn Frank Careveli bas loinci! the bank atafi lu Dingles place. Dr Patterson, dentigt, bats erganlzed s miutual imp rovement club at Orone, where he 00W resi des aud some fine literary tracas may be iooked for by the public. Mn Whitneys Oshawa meeting vas attend. ed by a veny lange crowd lu whmch about i5o ladies flgured. Mn Cuider vas preseut and announced tis candidature. Dr WilIlcagb and Mn Whitney spoke at considerable lengîh in tunn sd the applause of the aud. ience andicated a stroug endorseanent cf Ibe vlewa they presented. An aileged comedy compauy prcsented "Slde-Tracked' lu the Bosberry music hall here on Tuesdav uigbî. The attendance vaa lange but the performance onas rocky. Sîde-Tracked la a sort cf connecici! romance of raîlway incidents which furn4h a thread of continuance for a paogram ne cf ahen bumm-v songs. dancing and Is lang. The gods off the gallery made thîs their cpening off the hall, sud ail thec cps found ih bard to keep them in auy kind of orden. although the show vas exactly to, their llking. mugtai= at St Giregory,. The mission which ia being conducted iai St Gnegorys chut ch tlxîs weck la veli attend- dd. Reva Fathen Grogan le working bard Patben Klauder, cf Brookl yn, N-Y., opened tlýe mission hene con Sun day sud preacheti the oo)ening sermons a t the mass nt ii oclock. Fathen Groga wbo lhed finishenl bis goci! work lu Whitbv continued bers ca Sunday uibrht sud preacbed to a large sud lence. Every monaing ai 5 oclock the won-r iug men corne te mass and, bean au lustnuc tlon. At 8.30 anothen mass as sali! site' whicb s sermon la given. The children art sîteuded te lu the afternîon, se Ibere la oa mach time te rest. Every eveniug et 7.30 Ibere ls a short Instruction sud prayens an then s sermon on oesof the great import- sut truthe of chnlstianaty, On Suudav te varda the close cf the mission great crowd±, will ne doubt attend. On Tuesday eveuiug lhe marriseg e vas celebtsîed cf Mnrlobhn N LeRey, cft e On- taniu Loan & Savings company, sud Mi"i Rose Patte, eldest daughten of Mn sud tint F Patte, at the family resîdence, William st easî. Tht ceremoay %vas perfonuasi by tie Rev Mn Wilson, paster of Siance streea methedist chunch. Relativesansd a Ievw frienda only vere present. The draving roornand bay windows vere prettîly decor- ated vltb many chrysantbemume sud palmb fer the occasion snd imade a levely back grouud for ithe charmiug littie weddiu group. Th. bride, petite and fair, loek:1 ves-y daiuîy lu ber fawn wedding robe trimmed vit wvite sud crysathemin flevers. After the cermeuny congratula- tionsand good vIies voTe shovereïd upon the youag peeple viien a&l repsfred to thc liai ag-reom wviesa sumptueus repsat vas served. Tii. bride receilwed many beutiful adcoeîly gifts. W. Join viti Mr and Un Le Roys friends la wsllg tic.,, iany loug years o! bapplusuand i!prcsperlty. Opea Lester tros Co4asTomant. Et). CîiRONSCLa . SIR.-As yen knov, I am very ceneful noste bave my naie appean lu public priai except undercrcmsns wbere justice to myssîf sud te thseacent usie of Tomant cails for public recognition. l la not aecessayte une tihe proeua es- quaint pecq e vi t isee at that 1 am thle mces noet kvoler in tih enrdor tisat 1 sa a mau f et ansd f*el- mare. Ail kaow of my literary pretensiogss. Therefr vheua1 necety Induigedina"5iyd4M eympatbetic enhicisan ofMr-. L.,C. Smih&i Yantic pocas, k vas not my desirene siexo- pect-in îo te ehe ides lie public bas off myschf as a lterateur. I do neS behteve 1 ae more fond ofseceinqgMy issue las pris: ta Mn Smlihla. Beoa"e, ho esumiet write poeery n7better lieu I eau pr-ose. Afi-ion! of<Mr th. tells mie hraes U ei, about on s par. Tiscmeeus th&irsaiMi uise repuhatlcu as s poet le about equl a o s as a prfflr, snd i sccept tise comparle oie s (air and juat estimats e0(etur respecd4v assrts, Mir Smith as saeod repusauese aeacbooister, bat bas hWever hickory nots? f f oha, tbisndiquacoaeqmWoumm isow -vIf 1g, lau& tn ism.er F Tisnlasscome aanh t, SMYInui Smuih te PO« Oftunde uaUlssted space le tie Oui» îaPepr. vo bover bheur la lirIcouu ue sid inr tvor 5,b ami st uel ,tt o ut- or o(S"isi eh.dceadýa t S& Rtsi de Soai, viboe idged &frosNew Mgimi to Co asialer his vis it o4s"dS% * US. point wm a te1P m s MS greta nuaery Bceeuümore liveî vili bêbcîfe ed, A&- we' stated previeusly,î If vo are wroz lu «pressng the" views snd snding l ý1e»'warnngsWbvans te oknew IL. e h ave bec,, ep.csng th. ohawa paprs wouid. ty th slde-traclus byasaytng that the, CRROURCLU la a Wbiuby paper ts-ying to hovi aslaklng fisb at Oshawa, but, te their credit bo it sad, they have abown too much respect for huma,, life te take this stand. Men Wbo have familles whoe ilves are la Jeo1ardy cà nnot afford te chut tbelr cyes te aplublic oicIsln effeet le bain& ceurted by publiéoffi ai!n physicins Who are sup. posed ete he ti.guardians of the publie batbut who bave becu recreant te thi public obligatious, -:000:- Ochbawa EBclaecuDirmeory. *L. VIOIN1IY. barber. Simoooestreet. BROOKO' LMBEY, simoos tem, uerth.' WM. ROLPE, bamumsamaker, simnoos stresS, V. B. MOTREB8ILL, butoher, Ring et., West. Os. Pà Tmanex, Doutlst; offie over Rowse's store. &., J. STAZTa-Dominiou pisuos and orgme, WILLIAM J. Dws, Dominion snd Outarfo Land Surveyor, Civil Elugluser, Box 57, Osh- 3eoucuz ROTui-J. 0. Woou, prepristor. Modern hesteiz'y, noat aud comfortabl) equipp.d. D. M. To). -aterer for Balle, &aaemblies, Wed- dings, ESuppera, e., etc. AI"csu kends o1 lnovera. les. IleuLuas - Whitby-Oslbavs stage lins. Leavea Oshawa aS e a m sud 2 p m, aud Whitby sti10a m sud p m. Jouz Baua, paiuter sud deccrator. Dealer in WallPpers, eeiiing décorations, paints, oïl, varnLshines. brushes, winaoo shadea, etc. là xus PeLxLow, dealer iu steves, furnace., tin - vare, etc. Largo stock kept coustantly on hani!. Jobbing a speoclty. Bimce street Là . K. MUnvoii, B. A. - Barriuter, Solcitor, Notary Public, Oonvoyaucer, &o. Money te lsnd. OMce. over I)omialon Bank, Slmnooe Street, Oshawa. VEBLT Bacs - Watohmakerusuad Jew.los. Delers ln, wsiobe. clooka, jowelsry, silver. ware, Speotacies, etc. E ugrving, gôld anc silver plattng and old gold rings muade over. Fine watoh, oIook, aud j.welery repafrlng b epeclaty. Taunton On Wednesday evening Nov 2nd the residence of Mr A E Henry, was taken possession of by a large number of friends and relations with the intention of celebrating the anniversary of his fiftieth birthday. After sitting down to a sumptuous repast. prepared by Mrs and Miss Henry, the company gather- ed about the enforced presence of Mr Henry, who stood the ordeal well, con- sidening bis retiring disposition. On behaîf of bis friends be was presented with a cane, by Mfr F E Ellis, Oshawa, after which Mr Henry responded in a most cordial manner, welcomiug bis frieuds and thanking themn heartily for the agreeable surprise. With instru- mental and voca! music, recitations, etc tbe company speut a most pleasant and profitable evening together. Arnong those prescrnt were Mrs, (Dr) Clemens, of Toronto, Mr and Mris 1 O Henry Mr John Henry, Mr and Itrs A DHcnry, Mr and $rs E M Moore, Mr andMr W THen ry, Mr andMrs F E Ellis, Mr and Mrs Harrison Putney, Oshawa, and other frieuds from Bow- mnanville and other places. Miss Kate Moore has gone to Osh- awa to reside. Mr- D Montgomery, our up-to-date (armer, bas erected a wiud miii on his barn.- Quarterly meeting was well attend- ed. Rev E E Howard preached a good sermon. Recent visitors: Mi- aad Mis Geol Joi, Bowmanville; Messrs M Jollow and E Giover, Oshawa; Mr and Mia A Short, Foley; Mr Albert Moore and Miss Miss Moore, Haydon; Mr -sud Mr&, R j Laite, Kedi-on. On Friay, Nov.e Ms(r. c Xbo FrayNov the Mn (r.) c-a bouncling baby boy. Au exciting pigeon shoot tookplc Frlday wsder Mr F Hawkins nage-p ot. The scor e re: No. 1:-. birsd-A Gay î4, S B3rSo 13, A Col- ville 13, Jas Muln î 13,W Brook, ts:. No. 2-1ts biids-S uook.s 15, AGy 14, ACovlle 4. J Mmn~ 13 -s blfr*B Pckc13.0 Se P Hout I. Tise Orsageas upper vu ai-a pe pe. frouahmo eaut ise bas Tiseaddrscsby tise rtadeugnt hds. tee- im M oa~hg. eeoc lem. vsi te seIaaU"setai mtit gIvenby 4m,,seBacock pus aesudi Io ber. e mooge Iy Mmw - Maui Swlsd lis »veto oo ,,n t uis ts lr.,sin Mr Jonph St.pbeî,son te the eut of Oar Vil- laile la reportai! quite i a t lime cf wnlîlng. W. hepi . bMasy epbedîly recover. -ýA Su* OUI hbaslatel) beau, founci on the rosi! a llttie eapt of ithevillage. The ewner eau have thue saine bY cW1108gonnCJ Stevenuc nsdidend. fylng th.e prfy, We bai! a Rentde bliuzard on Tuesclay remîfncj- Pîg us cf teApproach of anotber Canadian %iaà ter, Sudi!en changes seenu te be character. %ltic of ou, Canadiuan lmat,. Many frouabers attende& the auniver" vser- vices on Sabbath laai of the Mt Zieu chur-h. Not msuy vent over on Moaday aiigu te dthe bot supper. The tbreatsning Clouds cf the day and! eveaiag Cauaed nuany te romain et borne sai!iy againat their wishes, as a fçed of bot fowis, etc, accempanieci witb an excellent programme like car friends tte . rth offer us once a year ls mach appreciated by Kinsale People, and bad the weather been more favorable ve weuid bave sent over ne small delegation te cievour the good SOiicou., P,ur epwortb leagus gave au excellent lilsnary pwograM ai their last regular meeting of lIsu weele. Among thos who ably contribuied vere MisFlorence Mackey with iL0 excellent paper nead at the recent convention at Greeubank -,a daett by Mns Harbron sud J W Salton which vas beartily appreclated , a tery suitable recita-' îion hy MisâtJoaunah Neill of Audley ; a nen- dered duett by Misses Rodd aud a few vel chosen remarias by the prosîdent, R W McAvoy, after wbicb asuitable luncheon pnoviaied by tht Voung ladies of the yeung ladies off the sociel> W'seujoyed te tth. general salisfacuion off ai A few from bene atteuded the Couservative, convention a few day. ince. Ail who had the pnMivege of listening te Mn Whitney, the leader~ off the Ontariao pposision, credit him wîth being au sxcePtlouallY goci! speaker. Mn Chab Calder, oue of the ceanty councl nepresents. tives, vas chosen as the standard beaner te ne. oneseut the intenests of the Consenvatives in Soath Ontario. Mn Calder ta a man with s epvel hesd, atd ne mean ahane of ability la ad- maîîed by both Unît sudI Tony, but of course he .9 lu the field for the sake of opposition, ai est tii la our opinion, as Mn Dnvden, minîster off agriculture, 'vith bis vast experience and weil knowu ability, la net lu any iaklihood iha, we eau forsee, geing te be diaplaced b un inexperleuced politiclan. Of ceunie Mn Caidet is a man ne coustituency wouid be ashamed îo çiend to Toronto te represent its inierests We have ae ides our viewa on ibose matiens will upset either candidatei but vs predict an easy valk ever for Mr Dryden. The temperance wurkems are workiug bard fer b.e promotion off this cause. Se also are the 4ntla. Nov Ibis malter strikea us semething like tbis: laIst not a battle cf night on wreng ? If it lasIlgoci thiug te say te a few mou In a townshipift la a legitimate business te asîl liqaca and y ou pay us se mach meney vs vilI preteci Ven i n that business ? Why allow the pnivilege îe ouly a few, vhy ctiif ItiI. R justifiable busi nea lu the eyca of ihe lav grant othens the same rlght ? Burely eue maus moaey sboald parchase as much frsedom for hlm as bis ueigh. bora.? It strikes us forcibly ne uane man, be lie boteikeeper or otberwise, cau make astsîtemeut truihfully to the effect that the sale cf liquor lu Pickcering township or any cîben place bas snv tendency te elevate the menais of secieîy er ln .any way improve society, but cu the ccutrarv has a rapad leudeucy te destroy morality, ta olgtmanhood, 10 ourse wemanheod anIr;l tact degrade the hamac race geuerally. We can readily ui!erstand boy tbe men euîraged lu tihis nefanious business eau champion thelr cause It la the old proverb, «'The love of mouey la the root of aIl cdl" snd even lu ibis day sud age of our Lord 1 897 ve flid men se avanadioas of gain abat ibey viii participats lu a business that eau- net exidsi for one year vitbout sacrificiug cat vcuug men as woîl as cli! eues te a dranicards grave as welI as a druakards damnation. Surely every failier wbo la vertuiy oi the name lu Pick*- seing township vIii weigb this matter sud ssait .bemacives If tbey bave a son te contribut bthe accrsei busines, sud if afrer consideratien the aleclulcu is uo, vouldIt hnet be velline sitour. selves if our ueigbbona sonsa aso are net ln danger ? Sw-ely afier a uittle delibenstien ou tii malter wc viii as befere ruse as a tovnship of votersand vote this sccursed business ont, les,- lu Ineno empuation lu the vay et some tha: ousa fiif thc trafflo exista, because 1: canuot liea4j hours vitheut the patronage oflis mauy cas- terners. Lot us sae te h Ieten aigbt or vrong prevaila that our sidasare deau n uths man«.r asi! by our vote sud Iifiuence vs viii amZ '«Away vita ibis Sieadish curie once sud <crever. We trust that on the x7tb in t th people viii say by thelrvees '*we are oni geing te, b. demi. naîci! over à y fev hetel mu, "dmhe are vs gelug tn allow them, or auy ocher èJu so! mcnaa rlgbt toecgae lu sny busines thet endaner amm boi!Iiy and spriualy as vslasetenmiy. W s4m on tbis (air tewnship il tbey taWs Husking becs arc ail the fashion. John Hoît had a valuabie horse kil-. cd by bcing severciy cut with bbebd w ire. - sl Misses, Luchla and La Bai-k. Osh- swa, vlased their cousin,, Miss Vida VanCamp. ' Rév Mr McAuicy. of Picering. wII «Cehange pulpits vitis she Rev Mr Fi-aer on -Sùaday next Mr-su aMi-&, S Ruudle celehated. their wroodca veddîag on bMon4m.y" oevning. There vas a large Ouhering 01 OÎ fiadudrelatives. Thé social h -eld *t the base-line un Frldq eftalog Wsms adeIddd cce- The ladies mSoe titan excelle! Vsaus. selvs- visis their bea'tiiul cakses. Mr' Geâ Gtbo..ssd imi1v arete nioviaoe ftom - -he - Pft li- týZ i i I. tracs aul stucs of paten b1Ies ut rtoiVe& ziô befitt-itil 1I'tied, LANS IX»AN TrONIC, end -I nt once begaft o Improyio. 'My loft à 1de a nt M tdîne vas 1 r#IyWýad u:wa tacauly able go move# , i 10.Wobsabb- -' la drsssing. Bcfore 1 bai! aoed..ontbotle my ioprovi!, and! the mdcn-efce complotecors 1 co tgbiy rcommsud SLOA No [NDIAN TONIC for 911 Iservou dlsordm tse la an Idéal Blood Purifier 'and*wil do ail bts: lQlamed fo- j,. 1 viii be ploased te Wive auy' inatlcà . i au te au yoeeimilarly cffeote i incS lu the medicine I bave bai no Uratura et ithe dis. Prie $ ,efo $I.Albdaersnrad gral I oib, i THE BLOAN MEDICINE COMPANY, F HAMIL TON, LMITEO i11lo uAre LaaILng for an appropriate Holiday present don't faiu to inspect our large stock of Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Clocks, Spectacles, and Silver Novelties, at ail prices, suitable foi ail purses and people. We have no Old Stock. Everytblng new and up-to-date. Come and see us, we will please youansd sel you gooda chetiper than you bave ever bought tbe samne quality before. Just a Word on Watqh Repairing Are You Aware There are more Watces Ppoled by lu- experienced watch-makers, than by attual wear. Remember we aie head- quarter or Presentaîon Good, Low Pnîces and Watcb Repairlng. OVENS,-+ The Jeweler, and High Grade Watch Speciali8t, suocessor to J. I. BOY D, OSHAWA. Blood BftterabLasti ou t m ri aCMMc =s tise stm acIs, liver, bovulsand blood ci Soy eofas idm nv C bc as 4««bJauu Co=ad g. osof Appeft. ss&d an"era m as D1b a.ttatI u u, BaOW-MC8 to BeI ad aeohg t dreti toBdck &hB 04laodume FOR A LL T Boat, Ral or Ocean, W. P. STERICKER, Oshawa Ry. Co's Office, OSHAWA. IR. C. Carter, Agt. TO LET That sang snd comfortable dwelling houge and premises ou Penry street tnmmediatoly south off the residence of Rosa johuaton. Possession at once. For terme, etc., apply to thq underaigned. ROSS JOHINSTON, Wbltby, Oct 14, 1897-tf. BuIns eMeon and Farmere, At- tention I Private and BusIness Golecuions msde-at lowest rates-witbouî cet tgcreditrr Over 4o0 reliableo orrepondens lu Canada. Prompot returus cm setulceuntof sommîs. Corepu snce sollciîed, EQUITABLE COLLRa "N Nov xzw (9--Z r E. J.JOHN00N, ,BROOK STREET, ey.I9~ Stoves, Parior AND ~o' VOL. JiI~t i Cod NV This cil is and may be i a.nd others t f ree f rom E which accon oil. AXH ) wIl WIR Geoi AU y vii befin 0 R Clait nà ducow" . PURE 50C.1 CALL ON VOL*