Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1897, p. 7

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«g o.u Lady in 8 IlnvaUidWoIlb"-su4096W for rreand hh* tebd beuagisn op by liesa- tendiù PhPl u1i4 Wèbë.n mtoredto beaor tharongb thatno Pilla. bat e ýlombt îf theme is on, more Itartling Or more oonvinolng than that of ~mi"1ssElsbOtb Minahuil, vho resides ,ýithber btather, Mr Thot Minashul, of -t lins alo n uemployee lu Front & W0o4so iulteur&lWorks. The. News beard of tisl rem&rkmble case, and meet- ing lrMinahuil aked him if the tory was corectRe replle4:- ,,AU I know i. that my titer bad been given up as inceurable by Ivo nyioim She is nov weli ecough to so any klnd of bouse. work and e«n go and corne s ah. pleases, and'thia change bas, îiuiy honeat con- viction, been brought about by tho use of Dr Williams Pink Pilla. Mmr Minshuil thon relsted the folloving @tory to the Newv.: "My ister is twouîy yeara of ago. 81w came 10 Canada frmrÈEnglad about ton yomru go, andI resided wiLb a Bapliet minster, Rev Mr Cody, at Sorel, Que. lu April, o! 1M9, ahe took ilI and Lrmduaily grev vors. She vas undr a local physician. care for over 6iv. montha. Tii. doctor said that ah. vas auffering V rom a complication of diseuses. aad Liat bu could do littîs for ber. Tii. rinistt,: with whom as lived thon wrote me of tuy isters state of beatb, and I had her corne to Srnith& Falla, in the. hope that a change aud ri would do ber good. W ben mhe arrived bore th. was in a very woak etâte and a local physician vas cal- led in te mee ber. He atteudod her foi omre imO, but with poor resuls, ad inally scknovlodgod that the. case was one whioh'be could do very littIe for. Mdy lister bsd by this time bsoofhc a pit- sable objot ; Lbe slightesî noise would disturb ber, aud tb. slight.s<. oxertion would almnost mako ber insane. I ru- quired sorneone to be with her at ail Limes, and often af toi s fit of extrein nervouîaess the vould becorne unoon- acioue and romain ia that state for hours. Whou 1 vent borne 1 had to ake rny boots off st tho door-atep so as not tu iaturb ber. Whou the doctor toid ni hoecould do uothing for ber, 1 consultoi with my vif., vho bad great taith in Dr Williams Pink Pilla,uasahe knew of ev. oral caseasviiere tbey bad vorked von. derful cures, sud 1 eoneluded it would bE no harm to try tbem snyway, and mon. tioned the fact ta lthe doctor. The docý tor did not oppose their use, but ssid bi thougbt thoy right do ber good, so thej were certîialy agood medietue. lu Sep tomber of iast yeux &he began to use tht pille, sud before t.vo boxe. had hoes used, aho began Lo show signa o! improve smnce sud ia to-day a living teatimonymet o a oaîudteru the curative power uf Dr Williams PinI has work snob a change in tbe beail of bi iste n heflygv h Nova the abovo particulars, and vhoe o! my tero a nth. benfitsige eceiv <rlom ing.deuso o Win ssJB i. alSpt1t,19 1 hrey mkedeiNaraint h Mr D Â Traîner bas r.'overed froma bis ilinoas. Opanndivisioun viilb. beld at Bous hal en Tbursday .vening, Nov lSîb, wben j1 b Waton, Grand Worthy Ptiarcii, willibp rosent. A capital programme is .expeoleds fropa home sud forsigu talent. ?Tbe publie are- oordlally invited te attend. Quarl.riy meetilng ah Eldsd ou Buuday st 10.80 a. Mi. t.ilsouay serMess viilbe beld bers en Sun day 141h luit., viien Rev J P Wi eoc, B.A., Oeas, ebsiaunof b. dis- triot viII premoh ah 2.80 p mi. 'W N Pasco. vlst.das. Orono rmotJy. J H Truneer vu a luava lutI vesk. Miss L WiUlaus, loa avisitlng at Mm 3E G Passesbas a ohrysaaabxum vrith over on. hundred fioyers thereon. Viitors:-Mu.Beminer, Pickering, -get of F og.rs; Mr sudUniT T Jar diue, Cebava, pust of Mr P Mronsy; 'Un Gasud Miss L Mitebell, Bovman. ville, Misn Floreue Browns, BufFalo, aierts of Dr MItoeel; Mr A N Mitehell. TootVaully. Kesrs O Johu n d 0 ornemampton, vislhed IbemomtbodlisiBabb"ihsohoql on 6undey. MiessMinute Rogiesvil bosch at No 1 3 Les Wil attend Oeaul Iitut.. Robui 8l.phens, luchèe, gavesauad. muirable paper oomle isonObevtn ml the l4eaguIe eNdda. Bey 1j JButeBoumauviie, vii elvér bis Suâh talkedi of leInre, Miti olm cvu bsines, ou Nov -19tb., ti t . odWiacuro twi cimlewiaaresti Woeu# ma «M the Tai»t vl k <ia fl4à u îO JaMlIU*and BobaV1 OWdb ,botb 'Young sous ot KMr . dit' algt o gfnordi John,à* 1oLoiýfO ab*oda de mt4y% The Étàu-thst tbïy did n. haus#on aftseing rosouds aProof tbat th.y haye omntittitiocé, tb. vonit ut with expoume. ýTbe 'boys Wae e oossg tbe Iakeono au orrand for M. Thouason. The. water was very riugh. Whonu car ti. opposite shore thoir 'boateapssd. Tho father of tb. boys, who vas watob. ing their progres' in the. rohgh se&, saw the. accident. Tho only boat obtaloable for a roson s aamre distance away un . der look and koy. A groat doe.1 of time wau bait in seouriflg iL. 1<it tsid tho boys vere in the vator olinging for tbeir lives to the nptnrned boat for nearly an bour. Whon roscued tbay wero on tho point of givinagUp. The yonngor of tbe twO is Paid to bsve been the. pluckieat snd encouraged bis brother to bang on by saying several times, as obeerfully as Lb. dismal ircumetances pormitted, 611 tlîink I see a boat ooing now."-Oriliia Newe Letter. Th.y LUke the Weuft- Mr Wm H Webster and son Albert ro- turnod on Friday lait from Carruan Man, sud sinoe thon bave boon kopt basy answering the enquires of their many f riende rogarding the country. Mr. Webster went West in tt eprn and pur 1lîasod two adjoiniag 4ir..ter soctions, or 820 acres, situated about 56 miles from Winnipog. Ona of Lb. ferme, baving 102 ores under crop, a small bouso and ont- buildings, was securod at a bargain froin r b. owner, who also sold his live stock f ud impi meutg, snd in tho courso of s r week a his arrivai Mr Webster vats a co* ral fized as be oould possibly desire. In Augnst ho wrote for bis son Albert, wbo left on the. G. T. R. barvesi excursion of Ang 18(h. The 102 acres runder crop yielded over 2,200 bushols of 1Noi1hardwheat, noarly &Il of it being à soid et 85c. Albert sLatom that the mon wlîo flocked in from a&l parts of the pro vince obtaiaod roady emaployment et 830 d to $85 per month, snd many bavo do n cided 10 retu ru ia the spring and tae.up land. [ahot a Lynx. e Bobosygzeon Independeat: The lynx oz *what is oommonly oalied the wild cat, ie *very rarely met with ia thiis district, but yon rday lesat M aster Hsrry Reid dietin guishod hinisoîf as a hua 1er by bringing uIn a epecimen of the enitIer. Ho wm d dowu by Nozoys Creek bridRe looking foi r partrxdge wben ho &pied tour or five sme *thinge prowling around. He vas noi qnito sure whsl îhey vere, but as ho bac ýe nover sssn anytbing of the kind in a do 1-mesticated state, ho mado up bis mind 14 c- hav. a blaze et them anyway. Tbo shoot e irlgiron that Hsrry bsd vas not an up-to ýy date erra, but it vas coouiderod good en >ongh for psrtrid«ze. It opons st the but, e mach lk. a bank safe, and whon yoi qà know tb. trick of closingr ber dowu o. ther.. a obano. of tb. charge ooming ou se the right end Witb 6iv. wiid osto arouni of him, Harry pioked out the nearetit, too] k ettady aim and lot ber go Sh. went an and o did the. cat-four of them tb Lb et uwamp as quick as tbey oould Roi sud oni 1 much quîoker te Lthe happy huntinl e grounde. Harry thon tnocoed the anima n under bis aroe snd made for homne. Tb, je Canada lynx ii described us belng grej iu color witb dark markings, bob tailed 7- large velvoty paws, average beigbt 2-Ut Thin, Pale chîlr en One satMacti= la chit' Soes Emulsicbafdrea ià tbey nevu obIet tto ItThe fut 1s, tey smon baconfond ci I. Aotr atisf a honI plump> andglusthen î, Land popmry t sowltdxwhb gi en u ailcIdm awho am too Wo t S w*ope ht@ om make them over4m4 , but ht abmegthsas tfle dmo organcd tbe oewvesd6u- alahesmaollfrd h. *mo 00Ia boVw «àe, out Wbi*amb~ têam Stroông byV-.Paiies Celery Oomapôuid. NO RETIJRN 0F DlBEA8E. Oum sane Permanent and Latlng à Letter Prom a Montreai Gentle- mani Cured Pour Yeare Ago. médica oOIIO¶, conferred upon Pro- femrIdwad 1helpeM D, their higb. est honora for bis ilnvsidablo investiga- tions in itedioine, but aIl Ibis seema aMal in oanparison vwith the grand chorus of gratitude that boas gono up ail over tbe world fron, mn, vomen snd oildren Who have ogrwn weakneus, lack o! boaith anddies= by the. ue o! Painos Oelery Comnpound, the noble professora grandeut medical disoovery. Pain.. Celery Compounýi justly bosits of one grand advantago over aJiltbe ad- vertisedl remodies of the day, viiotier they be pilla, nervinos, bitters or sarsap- arillas. The. cures effected by Pain.. Celery Compound in cases of rheumatism, neuralgia, kidney and liver troubles, uer- vonusoes and dyspepsia are permanent and laating. Tbonsands of glad letters liii. the fol. Iowing from Mr Charles Bowlea, of Mon- treal, are reoeived overy year : "O0ver four yeara mgo 1 gavo you a tes- timonial for Paines Celery Comnpound after it hmd completely cured me of rbeumatisrn of many yeara standing. 1 arn happy to &tâte ~I have bad no trouble from n ed mes ince your Painea Coiery cured me, proving conciusivoly that yur modicine vorka permanent corns. arn0a always Pain.. Celery0ompu nd ta tàie sick, sud particularlyteoshobd wiruh nheuinaticm." rEast Whitby Ooncil. Council met Nov 1. Communications voie read frorn Rev J Jeffeott askiug for beparato scool taxes From clork of peso. stating b. had received jury list. Icrom Jos Baxter ocmplaining o! beinqz cbarged for statut. labor, ho bhaviug per- formed the. sarne. Promn Capt Carter re lot at lake. Tbe reeve grantod hbis ordera on the. treasurer as follova:. Wm Hep- buru 83.30, being an error in u ament owing ta bim beiug asesed in S 8 No 8 inst.ead o! No 4. Mr Henry moved tbst the reeve, clerk and asessor b. paid the. suin of 84 eath for selooting j urors. M r Honry g ave notice that at the neit meet- ing o! thlacouncil lh. ylmovo for )bave ta introduce a byisv ta, approprimte the. municipal boan fund interesîta lbth sobooleamnd union scbools for tuis muni- cipality. Mr Guy gave notice that at the noît meet.ing o! thia couneil b. yl in. troduce a bylaw to appoint polliug bootha to doputy returning officers for holding the municipal eloctiona for tbe yesr 1898. The reeve and oierk vore appoiuted a corntittee to purobase cedar for this municipaiily for 1898. Tiie folloving scoôuts er. pass.d: Mary McCathy indigent, $3 50 ; J as Hobbs do 43 ; M r Burgoyne do 88 ; J o. Abrama do $3. 50. Roadeansd bridges-Wm Mage. 88.20; JaaTrevail $15; JasaTroval $2.25 ; Jas Stocka jr, 810.15; T D Gailovmy 60oc; Thon Ooant85; Bd Grice 60o; Wrn L.aughlsnd do $3.84; G Coolidge $12.95; Jo. PisrsuuP9; A 8 V biîg 00o$16; 0 H Grierson$440; J Syks &Solo 82.88; E Wilbourue $8.17. Council thon ad'ourned to meet on the let Mon- day in Docmber St one ooloek P. ni. Wm Purvs, Clork. A BoMted Advàutage Proves to b. a Souirce of Weaknum and WqrWesessu. Maler. o!ofrude suddimitaton ys mueat of neoosity daim sou. advsnl.gs. for ther omumn p1deolin i order to QatirsetoomsSUom. monge t&hedeoep. tve sudswupinfo Wms pu% before t. i even those vho are oves inu-th. art o! ThisoIeàla sdirect ekold.a ai eslam ww*IuNas sm féru Wei" sshI,~ t adju o twa wm wt "0 te ion" b 1 mela or Igo d *ase bu his bowo hmtin ____ tWbàey -amthe Ilghtdi ýkbMIespse Ir mOSaiOd mre 5Ctsa M. W. COLLINIS, COUNTY igarettes Seoddoor vent of ol4 lqolp Dunda s tret, hf alwyTime Table GEAN» TIE AND MIDLAUD TEtIi 00110 WESTwaED No 8, Express Daily Mail .......56:80 asU 14o 9 Local, siospi Snnday & m8:0 3.î,Psng:" ".*.-28pu No. 1, Expre, Mail daily .......5:50 p sm TIN itt00110 eilA5TWAEI No. 6 Express, dally, exospt Sun .. 8:04 a M NO. d Express, '9-.57la * No. 14, Passoene ' 80 s mi% o ?...I 89 a. 0118 p m No, 11, Expies., Mail.dy.. 10-08 ý Per Package, SOLE AGENT FOR WHITBY. 0F ONTARIO. TREASURER'S SALE 0F LAND FOR TAXES. B Y irte o a armt uderthe band of<the Warden end the sai of the corpomatoc of the. JYCoty ofOtaiodated the x5tb day of Sep, 8,, oummandlingme <o lmv ,pou ithe grre notice uba, uoieas. "e4 aremaunsd coi: aeone«p* I 1ubali, la comiplSucowutt be IAs- seamenit , procoed to sell Dy Publie Anotion, the mrid lins.a'or 3o much theroof a ,be mSouary for <hoetaes, ai the Court Houaslu ha e Tovu ofWitby, on WEDNESDAYO tb. 29th day of DEC., A. D.. &8W, ith11e hout of s oclock in<h tbe noo TOWNSHIP 0F RAMA. Lot. Con. Aeres. Tuxe&. Csti NE pan.............. s Pu .at.....* ... N pan ............... N ffl.............. ................... Pbm ba PM 8 emst 1 6o $1381 a 50 05 A z100 10 c 30 196 c es c 100e 4 1) zoo 38 *1 zoo00 1544 E 50 143S F 10S 68 p K zoo :14 TOWNSIUP orEA. M o 20 7 p i. ~WWUW ~e *~f.....4.>...ê..,.. A S - SEqsst~ ~4~*D~*~5S#* 4 Se go 34 2 go Ami. Ptd. o Uuptd m 79 pste 456e tXstu 1E 0ytVpaaa un Z4S ilà P4: Ass 4e6P~I4 Pmn MIDLAND DIVISION 007IOIBORE-UIDLAND STATTI Mdail.........................80 am Mlail ........................ 4:20Op m àlxsd To Lindsay .............6:.85 pua come no SuTE Mlixed Prom Lindsay........... 8:87 sam Mail ......................... 12.45 p m Mail ......... ..... .......... 9:10Pmn DOMINION BANKe Capital Paid up, - $1,500,000 Surplus, 0 1,500000 W'hitby A gezioy. Generel Tranma.ted. Banking Business SAVINOS DUPIRTKEN?. ttfleretllowed MaI hgbiieminnent rat»s Bonoiseo! wthdrwal r.quir.d E. J. TEIICNTON, mBUBIS FAI RBA N K'8 Real E8tate Column. Small Prame Boumsu ad ot, corner of jobn and B ron streets, Wbutby, Wi1I b. soid very c &p. LOTS-To be sol<I, lots 324 and 258, Dortb ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-Ou Asb street north ward, will b. sold cheap. Cheap. A fine two story brick bous., wlth brick stables. Sltuated on Byron et., -Wbutb>', the . sat resldentfidaltreet ID Ibo town. wihln three minutes wsk -of the rt office. There are tire, lots of land wtt au entrande on two streets. Houa. in perfect repair. For particulirs apply 10 L. F4tT.EANKSJ Reai Estate Agent# Whitby, Ont. JN0. 1NOB LEP -D&ÀLES RNAL hW - W rAUl ordTsoUiDIor DI o D litonCo e obtain 4froua 311N OUJ, Duadm Stes, ldby pposIte M1494A. Ce Wil WhItbYt APril 4tW. :894. Qor. KIu lotTS~?ebte4 $9, 7 * xk 13 44 He won't use it, because its "shine"I lasts too long, and seems too s cpl. t 'Pays hlm better to use a wax pore-iler, and polish up a prevlous pouash. Pald ly the week, * Insteadof bythe pair, - he'd shine the actual leather, hard and smiooth surface& with $LATrJ>I5H.E OI-SH i

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