Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1897, p. 6

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rmon oa ýiwk, $h. t MIt 8.~lth, ittî %, rhelt a nea vun 1*7 oo4 Amog&boue proif 'oe. o~thr Joboomu, 1P Ohtiuteo,3J13Lo0g, OhasiasCalder and othl. ,BSvoràl geitlmor , ,è é npminAted Conthe O.riding gblast Jéhu Dryden, "butalIexeept 0O a144f BtOoklfland 1Mr libug etred.'Pli eb.$reman proposed $bat the. nomi)ot o ';Ï,frOsder s ould b. moade oslbs hwuo a doe " e me tee tOn. teot that Mr' Long b.d o6b êred i$ SIIthai gentlemen bisf .odors.d oh. ta0.etat. A.fter wbrt bad b. en 4 ob>' hêobairman, however, h. coold àot "oset to stand, and fortaly v$dte# sud the nomn- luation of gur O i *~ as made unanu* mous by a estndinS -vote. AOCCPTS T»S NOIfATION. te1 pKt b. oh lah tic li u tii qu bc be Ti in ho ni Mr Caider, in aocptlng the nomination %J *xpreslsed biuiseif grstifled at becomtng E the unammous choilee efthle South Ont- PC ario Conservstlis oéud thanked the cou- t1 vention for lie confidences$bey tind re- posed in hlm.le Lieut Col Sam -Hughes, M.P., followed b anud predioted a mbstantial victory for b Mfr Calder ovriMr John Dryden vien h. couteal came, and 1Mr Calders record P a@ a counillor vas pilu 0t1shabl eneditable to himoeifo and- sdvantageeum te the conty. Ha o remlded theni that hard vor ivas te b.don. if hey vould vin. Mr John Dryden had been iu office se lonmg that a giamnomi bd aur îomnded bite wilchblinded the eyeo of bis supportors te bis defece. There ver., lie said, evera mon ie tie riding anid on thceplatfornn, vbo vouid maire Uite as good a Miaisten cf Agriculture as ri Dryden did, nos'vas bie admitinqugMr Drydens abillties lu makieg tha» atate- ment. At tuis junchune Mr Whitney entened thie hall in oornpaaiywitb Dr W illoughby sud Mr Smith, et-DLP., aud vas gîeeted vith ringieg chee0i. Colonel Hughes, in conohiaon, reler- red to tic vasteful1 timnier polio y o! the Geverement, and gave aumo good advioe frein s vide experience in oonducting catupsigus as teO e bas$ methods te be pursuod if the. Consoes Lirves of Southi Ontario vould vin suecoesa, Wmn Smith ex M.P , mid 10 b.d beeu charged againait hlm that b. b.d talked toe mucl st th. lust meeting of tho as. aociation. Tii.>' &U knev the partionlars of a laveuit vhich Mn Dryden iad onter1 ed aigaluat hlm whtch b.d Dot heen with- dravu becanse cf au>' love Mr Dryden éoit fon hlm». Wonld not suy machi about Mr Dryden tOc day, but before tbe cam psige vas over intenda taing an active part in briegtng about h. minesons de- lest. Doea not see .ey need fon Censer. votives te attack Mr Dryden juat nov, as tbe Hou gentiomans ove Party>' t tO. hlm bol enougb. Tii. Qonservativea neyer had su good an oppoituuutyofe!bat- ing Mr Dryden as sana le prospect for Mt Calder' juil nov. Dr Willoughby waa noms oalled. H. bas a aluttor and lb vas verse than ns. ua.l. Head oh. Grils b.d bean ui pcv or U5 yeeris and havo held on by organis lng amn unoonquerable machine. Thera vene on1 5W0 office boidora e ici ePro- vince vWLn 8fr Oliver Mcvat satred; there are nov oven 800. 8fr Oliver set up a sertesoo admirable pineipluet.0the stars but bit vlolsted every uneocf them sud fon the. las oeabersisâàbean uls * lug about' l ahi reilions to get hold of Ïouoes ihîehho ps»sluly declam-ed luhould be abolàbed. Ho made bis son ebriff of York. ihe fastes& office lu tie provine., sud ssci minister cf bis cabinet bustuc fillhed the services vUl bis relatives. The Ontario Liberals came lnto POvefr viti 84-OMOW in luth.' oreaur>' whtei th*ybhaveopontaos Whalos 629.000'. 000frinOiesae ! truerIlcuss.Their total extpendituie bas beau *28,000,000 ancre &ohn- would have berne andfleld, Mu.donald. Mr Hardy the wicked part v« is uew premier and slgnalized biesem easton b>' namlng bis brother a judg., vwile Mr Drydemn provlded bis brothier viti a roitistrarshlp. The politisaI oe. estlon ofOW Boasilaoap artisan thathbe le tirât to be setiehébead o! oui sohool qsOem. Mr Boss bo&ast hov mnueh fater)>' eau. and mosey thie Ontario goveruimeul bestows on oui achools, but lb. tacit la tbat ever> other province in uhe Dominion gîvu Oice. 'brie. or four tiom 89agmmmci asOntario. MirBose ly le IOsbut Il pe?'fcent o! th.ï mat oI Plucking the Innocent. )O Fakir Who Was "-Doue" b>' tic Farmers1 "No." naid thre oap fakir te, a group of people that iad gaîierod around un., «"îherp le no use talidg to me about tic innocense of the countrynran. Ho oea> buy a gold brick occalonliy or aigri a biank cieck and louebis ai but, as a mute, he can take cire o! hlm- solf jusi as ?-Wehi as tie neat one and genenahly a hit better. If I knew as muci as some fariners I vouldut be le tiIs business, sud you cau gamnbie on tiat., '-Why. say, do you kuow vint hap- peued to mc tht hast tiret I vasdove le tic country ? 1 got plncied. thats vIrai I donc. I got my aciel outinl front ai the hotol ln a ittie tows about thirty =iles eust of here and begau to do a ftw tncks to draw a crowd. **Atter Id made an eng dâtppa and pulled a ev knots open~ for them., I says: -Now, genoI-Men, lmn goin to* show you a trick that nobody else on. .*rth ha& ever attemptea. You $"cMy. bat here ? Weil wcll lami.gilm the dîne being to bc a flowepoL, Outlot that bat Ilm goin to make a bu*h grcw up. and when Ive done that fIU mako every leaf on ittura loto a $5mrat.' Il Wha? D 1do -lU 0Ofoa I1 dîdi1 But say do you )wow wbat came of lk? Bl e ~ydkators. nont me and fineMeta jfo raa.1gblbI visich the Junlf o*1 p-SMMs 4wucou. traty to thoe atom,;;-ëdpmlê twcUi 1seof obail t vvhatWbher dyopf&-iO nlehlba amA mt5AUV wuh~& I ( AkfM quetVWu'el, la~u' SMu "4-1I ~,n.but wbs àreol a l~oit* f. w rw O POU tuelegmurt althongohecsi tien~~ pstbesa th* gov.wMl ailtua, h.. rgM&lstio Thé b P .&tIn h. apolioy omoth*e lens. que nTh* LibiraàlaaLve b.fddled &bd efooild Oh. iquor poples adbst-Yrn ,sa and demander tribute freiliber îsad Oouservative éaill. At the asmf ýmm the. temperance people have hein ýd along byfaite promises and decepolon util they as'. unaniminleay dawutea ,orinsi anee the. Liberale hUt session rougit lu an alleged sert" oof temper- nos amendmeute, one of whieh Was Ito he effeot tt&% ehp-4*ePOU8May fsll ii) isutities of on. hall pinta wb"4 Dû n lmlder of a sbop licence hbu svet before ,on alloved to elloei s thon tbree pinte .he opposition vil) stop polltloal tiafflc m he Uiquor business. The. eppositiol' as a micnlng poliey whleh viii de've*101 ontaries mines, bot vili not admit o! any eg ledue jobs. The. opposition has F. OlF icy 15regard to Oh. modol faim. Il bey cannoo show boy to mal. farmini ýay on at least a portion of the mode rm tbey wlll reoommend the boys ta' arn ftrming troin their old fathars a, lotu. 1'Mr Whitney taid that t4me de. trred $bm from onthieing his viole îliry tâmd lnvited hle bestrers t go ta' ehbawainlutii. eveninu wiere ho wili rest on mottera more exteusivoly. Tic clerks at several of tic hotel! g, are telling smusiug stories about seme il tic guests vio have cerne lu fromni ho rural districts toe i a festivitie' te and fair. An aged couple came intc ri tho Moser Tueaday elgit and wanted a1 room. When iuformod that tiere vas ti noue, tic voman turned te tic mair. and shappcd eut:P "#It serves us righ-t. We viii hava - have te waik tic streots te-n ight 1" Wieu askcd for an eplanation ti(cc manc said chat ticy hmd arrived that p rnefning sud paid for a reem at semt- t biouse lu advance fer tic veek. Ht f, said îiey forgot te take tic numbor i and street. sud had looked for tirca heurs for tic house sud tien given up They had cet the sligitest ides viert the place was. A mac from Arkansas teid the housekeeper at the Moser that he va> golng eut sud migit net be back fot aupper, but sic ueed cet va-t for iim. Muet ber man came inte tic St Jame& yesîerday afterneon sud seeing su ad- vertisemont on tic bletier lu the rogis- toi ieadcd - "A frieud luntned ilaa friend indced," asked for the address.j 'Thats tic mac Ive been looking for,"1 ho said. "I vas robbed Ist cigit sud I vaut te botrov money to got home on." A mac at tic Rozier apologized. te the nugit clerk for keepiug hlm up un. ii mi oclock. He said ho ,iadnt coticed how lati h as. .A vel.dressed man ai the St Niche- las toid thre clerk tiat titre vas no oil ie is lamp. It vouidnt ligit. A boy vent up sud îurced on tht incanmdes- ceci sud îold tic guesu rirai he had lorgotten to turc up the vick. Ht ac- kcovlcdged timat ho had. A mac sud voman voie regiaiering at the Moser Wednesday evenicgvice a backcrac came and asked îhem for is mono>' for hauliug tiicm tmp from tic Union station. "eWiy, you ai going te charge us, are you ?" asked thé îman. '-Sure," cried thme Iackman. -Didot you ask us if w, vantcd to 1ride P' demanded the min. Tie backumac said he had. 'fWel, then." exciaimedtheticn, "viiia do you vaut us to pay for ?" .Tie clerk explalned matters sud tht 1visitor te tht city paid thre hiL .He 1rtmarked tiaitt v as thre ftret ime 1 re bad evor kuovu o! auyoee bciug lo- riîcd te, ride and thon sskcd to pey for I have for yeaxs tmbueamIted willi csath of thé, bladder anmd distittes. 1f>' urine on standing for a wblle vould b.. ome abeolutel>' jefllfled fram an extia- ordinuatamount co!,albumen. I100144 ebte-:i4o *ý> 0'Id fwhatèver fr'om My trogU4blansid h.dabout gion tp ln dés- palr -wI an 1 riai t fDr HobbaBparqgua Ridney>Elle seasàa ure for kidney andi bladder Altesses. 1 deolded te tr>' them aud vas .tonIsbed te ûend, after toaing a fev botte of thoe pille, that mn>' uifer. legs ver. alleviated, pains a&l güne, dia. betes oured and in tact, tiat I vas agaimi as w.)) and sas iearty as ever. Ne eue con speak more Iigil>' of Dr Ecbba Spur agas Kidne>' Pilla than I eau and vil) fnom nov on. DÂvID L. KZNNEY. 158 Adamus St, Memephis, Tenu. HOBBS Sp8au~s idoey Pilla. HOUBS >RIOM DY CO.. 'WO?5iITO3, OmCRCeG. Dr. Hobbs Pille For Bale ln WH[TBY, ON r., by A. a. ALLIN, Chanist aud Drugali Guesta From Way Baok. Somne Amusiug Stormes et Their Blun- dors in Hotcis et a Big City. 5#Ba~ anti Itir!ga bn#tsuçti bn' WeO bilt-burt stais -a oi eitltely out of luü twnib eî t 1on roui old- butele 1&constructlng the 4Wle Iintt he floor la laid for the cov *tand o-,n. Tus le l made-for cova rordloary' site-$8 t.long, vit ja. tut of aboùt* i lach Wo>vard the drôp. ýn the bigh end Of thiifloor erect 4- kch scautlg8, to whlci la nailed the )lid board partitiou, 4 [t. hîgi, on the le colt the cow. Tien, If a water uugh la requlred, build onteout of ,g or 2 inch plank. Tiese will)-have >be sawed, one-third of the nunXer Dinches vide, aud two-third of tiem incita vide. Turu tie 8-inch plauk ntheir edge, two aide by ide sud le chetaspart, outside measure, the ,ngtii of your partiion; cever the p edges with hot ceai tar; lay on the o.inch, pieces, breaking joints witb the tiers; apike them together solid;- urn the whole over against the par- ition, and you have a troug h ime luches ide aud me deep, outside measure. uning the length of your row of ,ws. Should this lai) te bold water, >r leak at the joints, take strips of lath Ld tack aloug tie bottemn on the in- îde, about ýý iuch lrom tie sides, and ill ln the groove witb hot ceai tar. At oints, wiere ends ef side plank corne ,gether, tack strips ef leather up and owu looseiy over the joint and fil) in vith the hot tar. This watering trough we consider a aluabie addition te the "-Hoard' stall. Me have tve et these troughs in use, ver 6o feet long,- through which the Nater runs [romn fa)) tiI) spring, giving eood satisfaction. Having put the trough lu position. next raise te place the plank whîcb 'iF to serve as tbe bottom et the f eed- rack. It is better te have this plank eo inches vide se as te, extend over he watering treugh. This planký is niled, in a horizontal position, te the partitiou 30 luches (rom tie fleor. The outer edge is supported by scant- ings piaced 3,ý feet apart, witb ends cut slauting se as te fit underneati the plauk and on the floer just back et the trougi. Next are wanted the boards for the feed rack. These are cut 6 ncies vide and 3 feet long, and are maiied tirough eue end te the outer edge et the plank, leaviug a space of 3, inlches betweeu them. The rack is given such s siant as viii preduce a nieasurement of 18 luches frem tep of partition level across te rack beards. Thc upper ends et rack beards are naiied te a scantiing running borizont- ally, snd this is supported by more scautlings cut 71 ~feot long, which rest ,on the floc-r-tte edge of the guttçr. On this support. and thc one sustain- ing tic plank at bottom et rack, are nailed tic boards wvici lorm tic par- titions betweeu the stails. Next cornes thc leed box, which is bult 12 luches deep, 19 luches vide, sud 18 luches back hemi trough (eut. aide measure). This is reached f rom tic feed-allcy through a hole cut ln thc partition close under the bced rack sud 12 luches deep, lu vilchisl built a chute reachmug out a 1ev juches be. yond the partition sud extending ovel the tiough Into the box. This leavei about 2o luches of the trough coi covered le each staîl, giviug taci col, access to pure runnlug vater as ofter ai*,dO nett yal Bo6Ml0 Souh, f te oIuIt Oi, DA. Dlool, Brook Strot..,Wuby, Y. OUNG olSMITU, LL DP,! liariter 000 -]&tey b o tom sue of Marrl'See 'LceuosU. Oee Block, South Of iMarket, Bi ock B bit DOW & MtILV~ anOi Sollcon TSlu Ohancêxe t.. Office in mathlsem Ewel' new block Brock St..'W hitbi, south 01 Ontario bsnk. W. 19. YARNiOLD, D.L.5., counnt surveyer snd Drainage Bugineer, pot erry, Ont. Dra,, Warren d Moore@ .1. 3. Moore, M. D.* Y. Warren, MD Pif ty YearsAgoo GrandlatherU bat1 Anld wltt I t Yôcee 0 randiather'5 favorite cotigilresoedy. Wbether 'twas Às mit, roccitls or Croup, Or baby et ntght waked the bouge WIthi M whoop, WIthi Ayer's Cherry Pectoral OraUthier was sure That no coId or caugb would e'er <ail 01 cure. lu bats the styles change, but the records will show Coughs are cured as they wele g075MMSP Ayer's Cherry 1Pewctoral lias no equaisa a remeody fox ooughs, oolds,, and lung dis- eases. Whore othof soothlng elixirs palliate, Ayer'5 Cherry Pectoral heals. t lu flot a oheap cough syrup, whioh Boothes but does not strongth- * en; it la a physlolaWs' cough romedy, and it oures. It i5 Put Up in lurge bottios. onl3T, for household use. It wB.B awarded the moedal at the World's IPair of nLnoty-thrOO. It hmu a record of 50 ear of Cures, How to Keep Onione. physloaa, Burgeon sud Acconchor etc. -- flce and Uesldeuee neat te Ail daiuts Hall ithe secret of keeping onions vo)) Ohuroh, Dundaas Street, Whltby. N. B.- is l hosin uhrn u aperect>' ryDeutaê Sergeri'>n &ai ts branches yroumtilY in n husig ternin pefecl).dyattended, to. souud condition. Thi. mue~t ept___________________ dry. Moisture sud leatn nbullk should b. gusrded against. To avoid W A ~ "I gat.heriug moisture sud heatiug, thei.. A AMS,.A bulbm. ahould net be oven two leet deep, better lesa. If tee, warm the>' grov sud cj5DENTIST. rot.. For vinter storage, place them le a Rooma eover Join er 'eglocbthlig store. building vlth tight floors, under which Realdeece-No. i, Then Tenrace, Byronl st. tie front osceot get. Ou auci a flooT Wbitby. Jan.- ,gth, '&fi. p lace sosntling, upori vhich la>' nsrrov __________________ boardseue-haIt iuoh aa t pn tha dryilig loor build up m a Lalsepartrt ion ou. r H i ght arnotey hve/X.fec irclton DrH5of ghman teei¶eratum'e ulula te 20 degrees k lu ol) .D ENTIST. toflnte I paco viti 50maw t to +p th. circulation of the cold air. They>' oseb. Ovor Groas à& Gii ar'. 'Whtby- put lu bicseoft tua structure, trom two to a pneeyBtryDgt tires feL, deep. Cover vith ha or '"Oi vr'Btra'ngt corustaika aufficieuti>' te proteot thetc. Alvsya isudie them as caret uli>' as apples. as even aight inuises cause them £ L L tIB -FOR SALE 'chemian id Drugit. Erocl Stiet, cOtTNTy 0O IItàRIO 186.6 Wumy-D. 0. Macdoell, WitbyOlr Jan.& ea8-M-re2; l, tOMa s2 Jin. i: Juiy i sep. 2;Ot. ; u; omaava-D. 0. 1Iadogoll, Whitbyl, Geiol; Jam. 4; Peb -4; UMsrc4h*; Apii 8;Myé Jue;July 8; Bop. S.; Oct r, 8; ev, 4i iee 8, ý Oierk.-JBI'6; MDiroirô; May' ; "17 -9o sep..&; Noy. 5. oS? psai . W# urba Fr perry, 01«k.-'Jan. 29; Mari. 9; 1aý1 Jul>' Vo; Bl.e; o. 6 UXES~454é5Pb3. Iowah, Uxlmgeo Cierk'- 26tiB ilé 21 le M lO i ;&t OANwoereW --pirae mil, Carwimt* 15; De..17 PRQ1TULY ltlxGs ITSVX TO T is VERGE <OP f NNi1 Tii Oae . sYoung Lady in8 Falla Who Suffe~red Severoly- Up by Two Doctor,-Dr Wil Pink pins Have Ruitored From the Sinitha Falsa Neva. ManY cales have been reportod aý invalido uho had suffered, for yesr whose case had boun given up by ti tending physioian, have been reator health and vigor through that world-farned niedicine, Dr Williamsu Pilla, but, we doubt if there is one aLartiing or more convincing than tl Mis.e lizabeth Minshuli, who ri -with her brother, Mr Tho& frinshi Ilua town, an ernPloyee in Fro Woods Agricultural Works. The heard of this rem&rkable case, and ing Mr Mrini&huil aked hun if the was correct. Re replied : "Al] ia that uiy saLer had been given incurable by two physiciana. Shei well erougb to do any kind of1 wc'rk and eau go and orne as mie pl sud this change bu, it is rny houez viction, been brought about by the Dr Williamns Pink Pilla. Mr Mi then related the following story News: "My sister in Lwenty 1 age. She carne to Canada frorn E about ton yearu ago, ad reided Baptiat minister, Rev Mr Cody, at Que. In April, of 1896, ahe took graduaily grew verse. lhe wuau local physicians camre for over five m The doctor ssid that she wau frorn a complication of Juseases. an îî h .o o u ld d o littie f or b er. 'I e = [ with wborn&lie lived then wrote Mny aistera state of bealtb, and I i corne te Siuithis Falla, in the hoe change snd rest would do hai U henu&she arrived here abe wau in weak 8tate snd a local physician1 P~led iu to née ber. He attonded JI som e tim , but ith poor resil ûnally aoknewledged that the.oc oeewhich he could do very li My iser hd by Luis ime becot ' K abe obj et ; the aligh teat Dois diatorb ber, sud the aligte would almost make ber in sane. q~uired someone to b. vith hal *turne, sud often afLer a fit ofi norvousnua i.wotild become sious sd rernainn tht atate f« Y~ W h ou 1 w t hom e 1 had o 1 boots off at the. door-stop so si disturb ber. When the. doctor hg ceuld do uothiug for he, I ac with my vife, who had great Mil Williams Pik Pilla, as the luei oral cases where they had work derfai cures, sud I con clnded ik no harm to try them anyway, al tioned thé tact to the doto toi did flot oppose their use, >br thought they iigit do ber geoou vere certainly a 900d nediinie. -tomber cf lat year ahe bgan t< pill, sd befon. to boxes h used, hg begsn to show aigus o nmont. She has cotnued t] ine sud is to-day a living test the Curative poer of Dr Wi.II Pl."Mi Minahuli hu no 4ausuding the praisesci!aies bas vorked such a change in tJ cfhie aiter sud oh.erfullY1 E eêl9O sFié W.It.N f14151 1X I -- A Common Brod Coi When toned up by Dick's Blood Purifier will give as much and as rich nulk as a highly bred aristo- cratic jersey cow gives upon ordinary feed, and a jersey cow when given Dick's Blood Purifier will wonderfully increase her yield of milk. It saves feed too- because a smaller amount of well digested food satisflcs the de- manda of the system n d every particle of nourishmaen t sticks. 60ORONTD A PAOKAOIE. LMiit, MILS à CO., .501 à C0., &puglestsrei. proprI.tsri c. ese e:: .~... i offico houri 9.0. éme office heurs Il arn te 1i r. .te Bp.m. Sprivate Telep/lofl oe'fiOIO 1). p. BOGARtT, g.D.,L.D.S. Whitb7. Brooklin - ffitbitale

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