Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1897, p. 2

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beautiful cyeu gMW duiliand dlms As the Swift years iteal away. beautîful. willlewY ferma s90al11M I.eue faîrunsa wth every day. ]Eutýahe etililta quccn and bath Charma te ;pare "0o Wear* youthu ceronat - beautîful biat r. Preenrve Your ilir and yen presorve your youth. #1Â woma.n Le as old as she looks.» Baye the world. No woman looks as old as she la if her hair han preserved its normal beauty. Ton can keep hair from fafllng out, reatoring its normal celor, or restoe.the normal celer to gray or taded hair, by the use of Ayer's flair Vigor. OORREBPONDENOE CLAXJ9119NT Judson Ward bas -eturned te college agaïn. Malcolm Forsyth is now bead sawyer in his fathers miii. Wm Hanes. Goodwood, basmoved onto Daniel Forsyths farm. Pork is down in price, the buyers only paying 84 per lîundred. Robt Graham left for Chicago re- cently, where the horse sbow is on. Vanstone and Russnell shipped a car-load of hogs this week from this station. Mrs Edwardý house, whicb bas just been repainted, wil be occupied by M lrs Besse. Mrs H-Ifield hus returned f rom Myrtie. where she bas been for the past montn. Miss Rebecca Linton bas closed ber shop und intends rnoving te Oshawa. Mis A McKay spent a week witb ber parents in the city. returning borne the other day. Rev White prcached ut Goodveod on Sunday afternoon, there being ne baptist minister there nov. Mrs Jos Slack bad a young son on Sunday. There is soehlkelihoo&-of the Prin- cess rink being renioved te Goodwood. The deal, bowever, bas not been cern- pleted. Henry Bundy, of Parry Sound, was here Tbursday calling upon old friends- 1-e is mucb pleased witb the nortb country. The pathmaster vishes us te state that John Reida accident did net occur on tie station sidewalk, but opposite tic old Reith propcrty. Our teachers, Mr Tory and Miss Lit- tic, bave been re-engaged for another year ut slightly increased salaries They arc botb giving entire satisfac- tion. Ed Gibson bas left D Forsytha cm- pioy, and moved into the residence just vacated by Mrs Isaac Lîaton, vho viii. for a short time atI lait, reside vîtb ber son. William, southeait et heme. W Gibsons sale on Saturday wa, veili ttended. He leaves for Medonte township. near Barrie, vhcre c lbuia purcbased a farm. Rer Findlay. a graduate et Knos colle, bas been placed in charge of Erskine congregation for tirce moatha We have mach pleasure in vokomini the rer. gentlemn wt our v#llage. Reeve R R Movbray, t"d Dety- Reeve lieae. acspue by Wwwk Cha" Klee, Co. Clk arklaevdItam Co. Cotai. Gerow *eut to Torouto S Thursdy. havlng tbe urnlly Sawe there to Sbow estue wby P1kerht« township and- QraWk>oe.aty rf te Uake tihe Roue wbr laddmPo pi tolU oad i Pkk«inmgomdt iTha aueent tàck Pbace sud Us Llteuuàt.GoWrnl Sm&adi rserim cd 0"M ion uthemttr-.a Mina tW.I KlVubiio vis.baàs ba vWl4WmfrM slat V">da CuS "" ho I I s I I UDORA Thé mauy f riende ef!BMn John Lodvick er., woro mach surpnised muid palofully ehoked to e h of h!is endden deat.b Mou day meruiog. Mn. Lodwlok bas been in apparnt good bea!th, but on Sunday morning ha vas suddenly takea uitb a pain in tbe beant and gnadnally sank, dy iag on Monday mnoraiog. Mn. Lodwick wai one 01 the pieneens of Brook, sud bis old pioncer frienàe viii regret bis &ad and suddeo deise. The funeral took place ou Taesday te lie 8t. John Cemelery. Wbile sîrolling tbnoagbtii.he many front aud baek streets o! the villagte oe eveaini last week, several of ouir ré- peotod ciioens vore urprised ais seing a inigbt ight passiog overbead, vbicb on caneful examainatiou preved te b. ligbts -iu a baleen passing toward tbe norti- voit. Since reading the report et lb. bailoon pasainir even the City o! Mon- treal the oveung before, vo cooclude tbis vas tb.ane, but ne furtbon accoa dees thore apes.reotly bé.. By request v. veuld suRRu es ithle meusiens cf oun L. 0. L. 571 tua eut lu çond fonre aithe. oeil meeting on 12th in@t., au busness cf impootance prepar- &tory ferrLb.esnnai Docemben meeting is te be trsnsacted. I j DMM ffPe h be Tdlgpr. ~ A Maui deesu't bave t p al he tulggen binseil ln onder te commit mal ci. . Redoes't ave ueed a gu or n my king of weapea. AU hoem* do la vonk buard ia the same lime uegles bis heailh. Deâtbvi de tie nést.Menu uadays arem &Uin huri. They bollt tecr food, snd get md son sud torpid liver. Itii blood Se rMpure. Wben the blecdinlaimpure, og or later smethlug viii smash. "'k Th smash viii b. ah the veafrnt and mei ovenvonked point, lu a manlay connu l viii probmbly b. malaria sMdi clis. vonklng usu viii proibsbly bave a biliot attack. A clerk or beokk.epmr viiiba" desdly Mousmptloi- A busIess, or pu fesmi isu, nerveas proslnm±leu E exiiammhou. il lsu' bard te prevent or cur i* tpe dl esses if the icbt Éreurd' Iàtaken ast]t =ijbt Lime. Dr. Plenc*s Golden Mued i>aooymakes thee appuiitai bous. ai" ion and aselllaimionperfect, thtt me t Ive. the bloaipur Md lii e UV"stes sud grenu. I ir.= out uli dhis esm Xl mafia ici, =re de., amruSei, toi usueMmd bby UeVe-abr. if cm ma"ans».d bïions attacha Il cwure«e pern etOUmioeof caSuuJ084 ,br< iki&4 hineel Md ktmed= te Planc Cmmo. sasse me"iolAdvio eosttua be lettarsof lb@auimavibu 4 bets ued.n 1 h ave bos o.me aspaetta tklug Dr. llrwi ksu4nuev ma CookectiW. CIUbuy. 1 -sil(e Simd y 0»e40Mt *551P, tos.S U cIIlom 0" l5dlîf liaWor -c *WWdmi lua.Avos bel lbavyt. -.t Mme eu . Mn h J*hiewI. à*il~6Y44I proving. Thei. l4g e tcien Itoti, of01 f on Ucitis A ehOft ti bas flot y et been ,Y0ft0ed, but Mon-u ,dyWekteept uretuýCed#, aâ besidesfi a l %1 , 1 6& thuathd, evldently be4n ,ttach~dto a chain. Aâ thi# Coin. la the. protèrîty of one of our moast iprürmiflQtt btwtnes mcathee ae ,auyqueries afloat. ýM" satgrve bas' dispÃ"seaof e'r aide wfth ber son, Staff CaptitHr grave, of the alvatipin rniy. The captain and hi$ wife have been ber. for the pust week aselstiig the old lady to prepare for the move. Hrs Ha'rgnve has been a residetit of Brougham for ai number o1 years, and we ail rrtlier removal. When returning. from a short ab- sence from bhis shoe store, on Mon4»y week, Bro Bodeli was surPrlsed to sec what he supposed to be a man stand- ing in the shelter of his dogr way. 50 be at once cballenged the bold burgiar, but there was no reply. After three charges be attaclced the stranger and found that it was a borse-blanket t.hat bad been removed f rom the barnes shop door. doa tr I I A, maberof vst.vWb w ' Osterldl lu se ftm~t. smu to »Mi. m *i. romelamolasl »vlig' prsoit AUÂilaeutisbM tb.sh 8" Mis Ia Pu P» b e**i.Qum ~~u~ss4 h. oi mi - usm", Mdoa Mino"tout 0&b h O tous adÂho~ba amru un wRica r Woii.lmdaerwbWAsI -ua srtsss .mWy.,i « m4i 'Rejief for TA ND À OLI BiRotry 2and1 be ]Burued Countless AN AGE OF EN Poisonous Drugs Nostrunis Mus Advanced~ Hundred8 are eI GI'VEN :: AWA Yl'»ý 01 fat tien, or1 net do Lie Your Greo? w ill gi#e ou artàouarat Or dropa potear, tovis LEVEIR EROS., Llniited, TOrontO 8 Grennle the prend fathen of anotherge Sont 'We are pleasod te learu that Hubert Hedges je on tbe moud. l Eivorybodly ie plowing, îhreshing or hauling lurnips thsse d&kys. F( HaIlowelen vas net oelebrated in Ibis vlcinlty. W. f..l prend cf car boys in -Our org-aniet bing absent frein tbe service on Sabbath eveuing, Mn. PoynlarT kundly fillod lbe position. Il la cur painful duty thie v.ek te mention twve detanthwiois eighborheod. The finitjt laI ofMies MoCrigbl vbicb occurrod Friday monning frein a turner, wbich bail troubl.d ber &11 summer. 1Thougi b. causevas rerncved veryt 1skiltfully on Wednesday yet ahe seemed 1, tee weak te rally after lie opération. .And teoOur soutb on Satnrday, Mns Pick- ans. aged86 yeans, passed quietly te ber' rosi. Tbe sorrowing relations have the. mtince?. sympathy oz the. calme commun- Dity. Mn and Mns Z Pollard, Lindsay, visitodl 9f riends bore recentiy. C Several et our citizoa are-on tbe move; Mr J Colwili, jr, being about to more ever te bis f athers, haï r.oted bis bous. te Mn F Wihbnr. Mnr.las Morris vili meve in the. bouse occupied by Mr Wil. i bur whicbh recntly punohased. Mn A E Clemens mado a flyung trip te Mariposa te accompany Mrs Olemens and Misa Florence home al ton their pleasant :0 ON£ "MN ST MAN, vL. tu te ami at bu bbbgLa& 'to ry VI id et 010$, M Ues t hé,do met-fa4ÃŽ boe âWWsa neefaquartette to #aitWMfi4té, U15 Lhêùiiýig ka l6re ohroh the do t o ku w t i u o n of s l t B ui ven r eatr irt réba s ttIR e d"b ii ioba, bu P~~"* uat i ouii~e ,t .~ng, oet n o itody *y ,i~t~ àu oma his veraolty mlght flot b. quosë- tg th ge' 6 1"6»I". was resoïnded. à$ ý,hoD l tatingtb.t h.do me"t , .ýnd - , p~.or <0ht vaiisafllY 110 ahy à, &à -modern pin. sawlo> Wm' plinets otea. t the lin left a fe'w of thon. vegetabies moiî re~ not hla, ho tried te Co s, ron' à ce- où odaThi7ey 0much t.. ùlli Jlu.sit dia net, aune ôit~, Sot go for ordinary use, as the. erdiar .,btb d leii ogOIpehoatc mer? h ma n t suà ient stock betw eea 0 êo a réd in the O rillia Tow n cou 'rel t oo y Lobh tu distributea whoie on. ne. of the . emIilês of i1nowined preach- gnYWAONCOPcau.. )ur sidewalks are in ne.ofet mre ater who is in the habit of timing sermons tien beore going int.o winter quarter.. averîang ébat il la.ted fur au, heur and cms the. pathmasters bave ne money fifty tve minutes. Tiie Oouniî or#0d. labor to expend ln snob a way, why humour lla dpatience were impBUSrbabl t nake a bée on. of these fine days and whÃŽle bis 0oolleagues fretted ai lhO N EW B S LNrIE.. a gave the. boys who de net contrîbute undaer the. methode of obstraction, 110w te ything te tthe maintenance a chance to, th deliberations of Our aunsnt teWDe fat i ME S ALL TRAINS. a iktle werk for the sate eoftth. village. erg,i& waa good Ionfor lbe spectatoTs 'E S i soarcely think that the proposition Tliat speech bas been the î'alk of the towU mid meet with disapproval when mn- eversince. We eglret tbhlet pacedees Fîrst clans accommuodationl. Orders prompt oned te the said boys.-News. net admit Of rcporting il l in uli.-Packet. atletided te. Calsat hotels, or execflte order 1'JI'IOA. ffl lefi ai Newpoft'8 liverY or carrnage factory Mn. and Mis. Staples, Toronto, wOYO Dr ATourWA111» SUOCOSU opposite pont office. WM. NEWPORT, Pro siting friands bere. Tbe Athens, Ohio, Mirror says: Dr prieton. Quite a number of oilîdren have the Arthur Allun resigned fr-oin the faculty Whxtby. -juii>r .zW~.-u yr. Lmif5 a couple of weeks ago, in order te ac- Port Perry division favored their cept the chair of psycbology and lacktock friende with a visit and pro. pbîlesophy inl the university of Colora- -am«.Th pogame aewelin o.for wbich place e left Friday Wanted-Afl Idea wtbgoaet bich was very good, ocly a uittle tibm, regret upon tbe part of botb the stu- Wàig«4DCtrtOrÏ,Pi 9 ke seme ice oreain h. received hale dents and these -in authority that the tz" Mmi i sveuIeewsls >me time ago. Ohio university loses the genial, en- The Presbyterians inteud haviug a thusiastic and able gentleman wbo bas ow upron Tbunsday Nov 25tb. done se mucb for bis department and WxANTzD-TRUSTWORTHYÂAND ACT. forthlisttutonpnth brief time V IVE gentlemen or ladies to traçel for Om fthhe bsbeentonncted wit sit sible, establshed bouse ID Ontario. thathe as ben onnctedwit it.Mnhly$65. oc and expenses. Position steady, Dr Allun bas been in Ohio but a littie keeèrence Enclose stif sddressed sxamped eu- AT STITTSVILLE!1 over a year, but he bas made an en- velopec The Dominion Compagy. Dept. Y Chi- b. Tewn'@ Leadlng Merchant Laid U7p viable reputation as a true man of cage. 41-8in- science and as a lecturer, bis services __________________ Bàhouiatlsm in varieua tormuain one ofbeing in deinand in ail parts of the .e meut common' dseases there l. state and in Penosylvania. Unfor-RhbeuniatisID &Oyppl u It arises generaily f rom Impure blood tunately be was called west just at a nd a broken down systern. In the time when bis services were most ini imbu it in puliful; il Maost of the in. demand in Ohio te- materialize the57ST ,ernal organe dangerowi. and lu the plans that lie has mapped eut for the 7S. PATRIC K ST., eart uually fatal. pedagogical benefit of the buckeye O T W ,J L 1 8 6 The expeiene o fMr. &. Mann, the state. The cordial hest wisbes, ef aOTWA.JL 3,196 well knowfn general merc.bant or! Stitt- large circle of friends among botb col- rii., le interesting: atePrnln eiieC. i. "Lest witer 1 was badiy affllcted lege and Athans people go witb him te o ePheOttawaMdicnt ., t with rheunuatism. 1 decided te srY his new field of lab>or. OtwOt Dr. Chaae's Pilla. Tociuy surprise. 1I--- iot limediate relief, and before 1 lied Gentleman, - On the advice of a Ie oB ane xMyacion ed whbilons- friend 1 tried one bottie of your famous ucu for &Ar.d a1o trnbe itva lo rsrheumnatic remnedy, Pbrenoline, and tc nnfor weaeoud a id up v ls fth-eeTomy surprise it cured me of rbeuma- ior u ee woold be Wd td ick , toch aixTCetism, floni whicb 1. have suffered fte uoing Ohaue'is Pille I have Piot lied au Cureyers atcofelthr. It aise cured me of dyspepsia. fronf - Imai .44 that Dr. Obase's Oint- Uwih1wssfCiga h ie inent for piles mcd skin diseases in jut t hicb I l wa suf e a n t ma. t e as effectiv e amu Dr. Cbtýe's Pilla for biood t atI eein w ik afoim n troubles. I have a cierk who ou feý,el 1 h. ave tried several reinditf tee' laten aad l a fy , i.u I t t SV £ ~ rbeurnatistf, sorne of whicb did me eiaoouitelycît d InIa , i. Iys W&& certain amount of good, but nothini Aioleners au:t>d Euinon atB& c, r_____i _____s____ that I1 ave taken has done se0nuCl AIdaulacers an Tbraon. B25e. C.,for me as your Pbrenolilieand 1I havi mbulaes Lîsed aTi4 oTureuim frScRS. PAR LL ucb pleasure in recomm;endlng it t Coi broneh -iu mud cTiuuptlmoa.Sr S RS PA IL other sufferers. cule. 25 ebtMdeutanmtiPROMPm T Yours very truly, - R ELIAB L.E Sge)JS ARLI vlnse~~~s. ~ AND NEVER FAIL& Sge)JA.CROL Miss Muriel St. John is suffering M WFrmn fWrsRieuCs fromlagrppe.Manufacur o Houer mad sold on meri A number from bere attended the sold lu Whitby ouly bY last sud rites of the late John Brent in i m A N Scott. JTOMR Doe RU GS Messs WC S.JhnWJnScoands Ouephenson Bos. areail uh Wlb"f forward to completithJ Br--h--rs a ýo il, rt. AFaw cf theol Cocored cotten fa] Risbacquent vashunt valer le vbiolL.b"' of sait te every four net removo Lthe oie &Wldow glasbl clearer ligil. Presi ik stulas eloih a eb.-ne oiea" loba wzras Cea*rma t upnisle I ' " 0* cl l bae .ad i1.10 mi. aw S~ est uowas*mssaLitmb&r pWMi. bS 2> ai Io-"bôohsldooy___ -mt I .4t D*andieB. d& ,dSsud.ty Moua.£S'QT 16", 1 j 1 Disease la or llow Failed ta Cure Nearest Drug Sto to Health, Buy a Cure Yourself. Mrs S Nichol, No ronto, anys :-II wa from nervous troubl ing Munyons Remed at times that I couic absoluteiy powenless ( also effected me greai I wus compieteiy ru one half botties of M com pietely restored have mince been feelii Mnnyon's Rbeum fails to nelieva in eue cures in a few day. Munyen'e Dyspep cures al forma ef Ix aeh trouble. Prie, l Munyons Cold Ci monia and breaks n heurs. Prie, 25c. Munyons Congli night sweais, alsay'è il7 beaulb.thelunga. Munyon's Kidney pains la tb. back, loi forma of kiduey dises Manyen's Headaci ache in tbrea minute, Monynyc'sPileC cures ail forme of pil, Munoe's Blo( impturlies of the blo Mtunyo'. Female) teail woeen. Mnon'is Asîbua 8 minutels and curep Monyc' Catarrb The Catamni Cure--P tbe disease frein 1h. tarnh Tablets-price beai ithe parts. munyo'a Nerve norva toule. Prie, I Mu70 'sVitaflizsei Pensonalletton 1<o and 18 Alberi t s,9 with frac modical adi

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