Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Nov 1897, p. 1

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WHTYONTARIO,'I ePDAY NOVEMBEnU 2à189I7. <Just Rooiyed 1 I3ARREL 0F PURE NORWEGJAN Cod Livor 011.l 50c. per pint. Thie oil is proparrid wih great care ansd Msay b. relicd upon hy physicians and others to be of the hest îlualitN, free frotu strong, uiipleaait odo)r which accompany irferior qual itros of ail. A,, H. ALLIN, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, WHITBY, ONTARIO.1 WINDMILLS -AND1- WJRE FENCE. ---0 1o- Selle the O'eruune AER- MOTOR, of Chicago, a.nd the Ketsleman Wire Fence Intending purchasers should examine tbis milI before placing their order. Do not let mn agent put an imitation on vou when vou cari get the Genuine Aeumotor, thoroughly galvaiuized, and warranted, for leas money. More 0f tise omilîs sold is Canada to-day (han any obher malte. The Aermotor Co. claim (bhey selI onie half the number of wnd- milI outfits sobd ti the world, att(ho present time. Ail styles of Wood and! Iron Pumps for sale. Any infrmatpn regarding these outfits vili bo freely given by writing to Feb 7, t897--6rno. GEO. ALLIN, W H IT B, ANTEDIndusnousmen of characier. WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA. Whttby, Ont. BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. John Cowan, Esq, Presîdent, ReuberiS. Hamuila.E q, Vic-Pres. W F Coi. sus Esq., n4. F. Allen EaqJA. Gub- sou, Esq, Robt Mcitlnh, lMD., Thos Pattermon, Esq. T H Mcilan .. ..she <louerai Bauklug Business nsnsaotec!. Drafts bsued, payable ln ail parts of Can - adat United States, ac! on Leondoni, Erig- laud, payable la ail parts af Europe. 34 pet cent. ailovcd on Savîigu Bank Deposîtg ac! credted hall yearly. Special attention to collections of Formera' sale notes. E. D. WARREN, Manager of Whiby Branch. ýW NTED-Three Isoles ta introduce sa houmheold work Nplendid reluras ta .osupetontpensons. J. UAL LOWAY, Toronta. f#? TO fiENT Me Ntih baif lot *23 la 5tb con., Wbitby. USpeaiIy sdapiosi for dalnying Living tmr, snd railva>' stat on on fana. Reat tgooni tenant. E. R. B. Hsywarci, Pisae yd, 1897-t. OO G/YVEN A WA Y sone visemako thse greatest ro o eds ont ofthie phrase, ~1 .tono W.dsbur."For Wathingtout D. 0. i4 41 KLONDIKE GOLD lmS a wbuiwbn.Esper- esplW ls nobasstbae c il m m l. AD Fathers, what about your boys are you goiag ta the poiluOn the 17(b and by your vote sny boeB MnI D1ei7 goes mny vote giving the hoteikepers permission SB s. - Kmuur Of 0utg Louss te seAtluquor teo my boys and drag them ulown lain oadeoppsaseTbivnleu. Bokl ruin and disgrace te fill a drunkards grave ? la m, opinion any porion havuag any respect foi. w A MgoNElTl D V tk-4mnduaale of lie On. himseli or famnily wi nover cas: a vote for the ei au7cupîe c ie ilToronto; S>Soeian Sale of utoxicants. AUDLAY Mr F M Chapman sport Sunday vîth bis parents here. The concert and address on Tueuda>' evenuing drew a good numnber of our people ta Pickerinug. Mr Daly, assisted by Rev A MicAuley, vill speak to an audience un the church ber. on Friday eventng (to olgisî un tbe interest of tomperance. We veto sorry te lea of lthe let of Mrs Geo 0'Leary to our voit. Sie bansmufiered some lime froin dropsy, but net until lntely was it considered darigerous. The tuneral tuoï place Wcdeidny moraiiý. Thte adcbress on "Methodisryt" given b>' tbepastor Rom Thom, .was btàh.iy untereut. ing. Subject next vock, 'JIta Unit snd Dl- versty,' led b>' Thos Pockern. The league ia centinuing ta grow msore inues(- i:sg Encourage (heo young te attend aud becume familsar vuth i bble ruts. Etc long .ve wili be called upon ta mark our ballot for or agusbnst ths Scliug et liquor in Pickeri ng towshsip. The hiotel kteepera have roused the feelings of oun ratepayeru when (bey sttenp te ocontrol cverythlug. Speaklng kindly of (boe ev un en, v oua- dentheir businesss u uluwful sud de- grading to, bumaint>'. Stand b>' ene an- uthler y. temuiperauce votera ant Ive to the young mnaon. vice tenu toe nru K, ginl I n regard to an item unden Kni. ak i«. lag inla se weeks CH#tep<icLi the Cee- pondent Item vttom the etnlUclzed article aroie, banda us the folloim -lgroply id ex- planation viticli viii expis bul!:Tis1% supenliily of ebtoUuvsicis ovenlova ant surmeunti tho Klau").scribe isu agalu dis. Pluyed itacif. He utlaneproisetss o9«-ne- Marks re lb. Mt ZVon tes an ss sud4"nov aiainh. seeki te do likevise. W. etlti diseus.ete sOsir more (ail>, bugt hist Wb Ibue., <bat D ne a bse conidfaco liibis scribe te belleve ail lie mye. W. a» »m vo wî"i tise itZioti peo l ansd cossôti ening te diaance ve eoalibsqf, mllisqly te tisetciurcj, ffalers aUdotIs cmt ir >tWc, vise, as»u bl dlmut vue k, d"" l eu ma pur>lic)'ueobis qurtr (iclucO iarulmb* Pao.No dubq lise Uit 25.M Ws VOCLId11- on sis elon, if fs psn.a 1y v Pnem.ssl. T% sb tise Isia vu Oisif isy O tus m a st v br.is Kesed ber vili o« ruan«ct pIey <7) »eala. The tsmm ~bave BaIaIwed thi*r1 barven ad amre iP.km t thse Amenun, t g MM" ý im Il houe os nly a, PMI t RYer -dWbis anImale by tb. mma sJov.d melbod. Am sud dallslry. I>ay orr4thl essneu atboaded 00. 00" »sd iusae "n olI We Haive BLANWI nwhteanMd gre, wool O or touo, at prie.. msg froua 7sC te #4 pOt pair. r«dyor Uw to «re stock BOOTS A2wD- I7ufiIIKSI au &firtla goode flou rellal aer.fls complefts lu ail Ues. OROC13RY »t-4wIlh~ a ran ts, Peel#, ste p 4m $ .1 . C f« t Cti Or, " iéflîr h o Povrd«. ti erxpetIb HîoINUT PmRIC~U fQ] BumtuANDȣos neary smtrIgt te a boel, and vas agai, druuk. Seach vas made for hm, btt(ho dnnker couIc! ot ho tund. Thc man wan. dered borne alone sout ime Sumc!a ugisî druuk. Oniy a short tIsse ago th sa«Me man Msic! lun My bcaing (bat auyonevas as Cool vIte drink vbiskey. nSpecton Fer- guson, the Obsterver says you are igilan anti efficient. Am 1 wroug vbcn 1Iay y on are very slack er la lie Observe r rbt? 1 arn veilavare It îlu underutoodti iotel- keepers ahali 00x b. prosecatei, .anIlestise ilîtiotiLane very' glai ng ni f h Prov n c î e ctien. s i g a1 A , t ."Coesntsd Siasdw.. itTe Whitby CnSoz;zcLE of aut veoi dishe. up u icreied supply of i* C.. cetratet i ulnden «guin n er. A nattai thse bote! keeponrs caine-lufor lise largon portion et bi* vatdIsbut mme boyscisunci meinhers and maveb.Village Couachi corne lu for a part ýof bis te e ile tise village us avIsolà h IeM -u to public sonnuforprofane uentg, tItli& 1 rgmon onuhép ,tishs e sa nlkI" tablt of teeole vith eveny uthen lnregjarity lendt*sg te L dsedit o eise ean dtr otsW ides roseseking a ruilelce hmer or cous ltlu l do ban. But tie àladerer la bpttîn It une too Uck-ad no ocae vWif WoIw tbi mbisor lisini hmsaof thé vlae-on ccont et bis sahuam ar make tise Ieldkimao«-,tlssb O 61alai i"baasnwet c thse ---~ , eb LOCAL NEWS LETTERS6 Tbvetei eluP Royalt TUilit To fooiILl r13 10w da t u s home (rom Toronto Aloo ta ts Jous ron oo, ow r fràfwdy haweek. in w« thlo we.k4 là" and XMn John Deloùg re 111ivn GDENBN Itheir new bue g ic nae n11(rMnA Soper arrlved bon,, on Wedouday 1 Remember Bunton and ONeills sale of Pleted. ue ~~hhamost colin evefltbsglttrom Dye, the Klondike regon. llve. stock on Saturdmy next. A new ftcu of books for the publice Mat WIlBtilias--bought the. foUuufyanc libnry wfi Ioiow uecurlng good Men te Work for hlm, We regret to learnti (at Chas Phoenix ls moriîng. ni ade to-morrow (Saturday) WHCakla eue .staInl down wîth the typhoid lever. Re CRMarha baofBlackîock l oedsituationd IIn The first snow of (ho eason made Its ap- the services in the resbyterfor that tùwn IsSun.atur pearance on Tuesday raornlng ac! mac!e day aftemnoon, rîyolncbrh.~ar things lively for moat of the day. If (bis la Mui BrOWtl, Bravener, MaLîano Parr, a critcrin of what the wlnter la to be, w. The apple pacicers have neanly completed1 DoOadon, Qtlackenbusiî and Anderson w oPermtIonî bore for this year. Messrs Nesbit wers (o Oshawa lait Suàday. wilI have a regular old-fashioned one this ad Dudîsys men bit tawa ubLa week. Re-peIng services wîîî b. beldIte urne. r Hem~iîî, o Toroto, bas been here mt<<itcburcb neit Sunday whea the The methodist church anniversary came for a week on more endeavoning to organîze Rev L Phelp will occlipy the pulpit. off as announced on Sundmy lait and wam a a court of the I O) of Foresters. Um Lila Meharry who bas dlstlngulsbec! decided succesa. The sermons were good, Mm le a e'l eoee rn eotm biilnli ok o h the muendance large andthe fiacaseut h evere ilinema which came on ber very cholarsbip gîivea by Prof Harrison att(ho above expectations. The ofieringa amount- audden.0î on MondaY Of let week. Toronto Coaservatony of Music, wbich ta Cedi toale~ Mr Abert Medlmnc! bas mrived home (rom orhSio Creît aisBrandon wbere he bai been working l On Wednesday.evening Port Perry divis. OfC horses, cattle, lambs and pige. There sumnien. H. lntenda retaing for the ion sons of Temperance bac! a vist f(ron, will be sold by public auction on lot 17, con winter. 1morne tweaty membersofcuo dvsin i ,of the townshp of Roach xi miles est of *.Mr Robt Michael won fiat aie na 1n A very pleasont evenigdivasipn. d Greenbank, ou Saturday Nov 131h, 1897' the acre lot Of tarnipu ac! seco ronfedresse~s, singing and music. Cm gi following live stock, the property of Burton are. obî pizs er ie a on ncfiencs remwy eCone we wî and ONrili Horses,-l bay borse, 8 years thtes he t ize urhmm n n oebl . fwlthyou laten on. wecoe w w tion wt Ote ttario ac!Dra xib.b ihyo ae n old , i black mare, 6 years old ; i sprbng tion. Mn S Stocka was given firet pnize for H Bateman, Who for many moaths hum colt. Cattle,-2 cows due (o clve in Dec.; bis fine acre lot. enaasau gn t(o îUn 2 cows due to calve ti January ;5 cowm due Mar oldyBaar bwn oec-be assie nt entve te G T!oR station, tu calve in the spring i rfarrow cow ;2, two eserngeo d rs e odshîew ss oretanexa.ybasu hre o wai ore y ca-neio Near oid heifers , 2, 'one year oic! steertns iveîLrane f ibes la li emo hn"Hmn,"a ewumr amillarly al Shep-î, hoobe Liserew lm u .! Man of &t O ear nsingle dresi lengths led, waî a Young shan Who la acredit to any '-ýhepii, horbre Leiterwe lmbs a ondihîon (hat ilb apprecimîed by tbeirlady 1town ln wbicbho resides; h. wlI be mitssed 2o, Cotswold ewe lamba ; 2o, buck lambs customera. Al ibese goode are in doublei by St John# presbjibenjan choir, as lie wae a mnostlv fat, Pigs,-2 brood ows in pig, and width and the prices range from 15 centsto z. cogooci singer andc musîdan, Wblle bis ne- a number of Young pige. Termes of sale per yard. mvll erudalaepesd( oro mo. and under cash, over that amountlarerete iiTarheeadwomaa o months credit on lambs and 6 montha credit saxmyo t Thoum s rtoo. on atle n urcasrsfurnushing approved chre are detenrmnec! to keep their minis- Mansled on Weclnesday the rotb list nt ont notes. Sale to commence at i oclock. terac! bis family comfortable d ring the the resideace cf the brides fater, Scugog, RNelson, auctioneer. A liii at era have contracted1wi(h Mn by the Rev Mrndesn John Pogtal A Mll topu aClan. Bro u rnace in the Jr, tei Ecith, eldeat claughter of MrJbz Th rudwscred witodtheabsotifagoonCrotter. Congratulations tri Mn ani Mn. Thegrondwascovre wa th bautfulon "There lan othiag Bo uncentaîn as an Ploughman ac! may (hein iouruey through Tuesday. eloction or a honrse race." So said a pro.- lite b. lone of bappinoîs and prosperfty. Miss Hendry of Peterboro, Sundayed with iment Canadian poîhtican. But there en (hlm The happy youag couple hlb re I m Rev Clare and family. certa.iay la connection wlth the comlag ber cf fnIendi were at the station to mee Mr Whtehavng inibedpacingappeselections la South Ontario,, that mfter the thern off on (hein weddlng trip, havIng gn Ms M hre , ohi ornlse. akn apeconfiict(ho M. P P. for (bis nliding willl write (o Campbellford to vîsît friends. gon Mr. F. L. Greens oewoufice is now capleted biMpnt1<office dr, ofTrnroovo borentfront The.hockey playena cf (ho toun beld (heIn w1th the expePtion of a coai of paint. f ClMremokinr, i odyon bis wmm be for negular meeting on Thursdayoevening, when Mis,, Gertbe Gîbson spent a few doys of lait ac! noticing (bat bis horne wus sick decid -h uui ttmetwsredadte fo- werk in Audýey, the guest of Mass Winaie Chap. cd (o tay wi(h Mr J Skinner over night. 1oWIng Officeni were electec! for (ho esea, of man. He stabled bis borne, went (o (ho bons.eaac! 1897e:HnpeLOuat o Mr F L Gleeson, Toronto, called upon smre prepared a drench (o give it. but on retura- vice pies, W L Parrish ; prs, w hosu of hus old trieods receaîly. City hfe appears to ig to (ho stable ho tound (ho animal dead. vice pros, F M Yannolc!; aec-reae, WJ agree well with Frank. Mn John Harris, Who for thirty five yemni mîtee, 'Msur Powers ;own ao an WilU and 1 obr Stewart have gone ta Pqns Dal. bas lfved la ornenar Brooklin, dled suddeo-ueb. ik en housie, where they have secured good situations Iy on Tuesday evening. Ho bac! suffered Bcl;1 1kOM earis Platten, Dennison wih thrir brother Alex. for nmore timo with asthma and beart dis- andi Brown. The name of the club Is Port ease mdi a h lte btcr iedhm Penny hockey club; colora yellow ac! black. Mr Thomsas Maddens sale of farm stock ad a n Tedec as teted as a wel knwn har hr sIspco egu Pbiem ents d o toc e t ws wliatîadd acter but dung (be special services l inc e 91xcuse me, inspecter Pegsu o i Pruesreaze fr soc wro 001.methodiat chuncit imet win(er ho wus c'on- tligU.lbrt ol b eadionfor(hie A large nurnbe, stiended uhe aoniversary ser. verteci aad bais ince lived a chasged lfe. tarite lbePrtPe1 o bs erver-s goodhl vieha t veo ndonSunday. The choir waa ont He negulmly ttended Uic prosbyteria authorIty on tewîb. ueto--ay in te eenig ad db remarkabiy weil for the church durng (ho lut six or elght months occasi an. Ia tbe absence of« the Rom J B McLaren, Rev 'that law la strictly en(orced by our vIgilini kev G R Claire proach an excellant sermon an Dr Lambly conducted (ho funeral service and efficient Liceuse Inspecter."1 I sut: sd. Sudyast. Mr Clare is a fine man weil liked on Thureda>' afternooa. wypeudt ea btynd or duty.i by everycne, and as a result the congreganan le On Wednesdsy afternoou Mr B Mannng Lo 1àtui d i lu IMen ac ase. Towekuj gradually grow.ung largor. and Mise Crummer were uuîted iu (ho bonde dthat n u fain stfeet&fon The 117th Nov s the day set for takiag an. ofnmaaiimouy Tiececceuaony was pee.*nkonee ai Setso other vote on the Local Option bylaw. Both *d by Rev &>r Aniblyi, thl, e nidcc lm PW U s.X.4a>afa utatcl p uties are workiag bard to have (heur aide wn. (ho brides parents, Mr and Mis R CUniesso n L ".uu tiafted man *#àaseien on k 1nowbng the misery aond sorrow the liquor buai. a numben cf int:mmnte frlends cf tefmmlly dcnmuk c oin twds i bo ni. y Freeli ne-ss causes in so many homes t ita amystery being presoct. Miss B Crummer wu citas ou <bise: n your dtyFut- bard to soive wiîy ao mauiy art- founid anzious to bride"paid sud (the groom was supported oer, I c.aohrcs nSudy c o cas% R voue agamnst the temperance cause, IuYo by bismbrother, Mr T Manning jr. iss M a man or titown vas pald for d<bi gajo have been a close observer duning tbe short turne Coakwell was the lîtIe maid of houer. rroook br! flradh ldhm the byiaw has tieen un force you ceuialy bave Manning bau rented (the Lawrence proierlv self oifte the botela sud ou Swiday, momrng seen it i s ahead of any lcense law thai cao tic on (ho &th cenn sd be and bis bride-vifiat the hour cf two ociock vent r.ellag drunkc h.sd. 'Somnsgay the hotel keepers are seiling commence bouse keeping at once. Wet bis bomne. He alept off bis drunken utupon rughu along (probably (bey are) and wby not Rive wih theni a long)aud hippy 1f. andi on Sanda>' forenoon (oic! bit famhl>' b. thein lbceose aad makte them pay wel lotsanme? w. A.. H. was going for. a valk. He di "klfr v gtlciIpes( ébriety and temperarice, and 9 Wu ëllwothyÃ"(Imitation. 1I wlsh 1 coiid uy, the saine to-day df Mr. Baiird. 1 Wel rerneMsber the trne, though 1 mas ouiy a ladi whon ail orgasion câlIed tihe Sont Of %vprac as Insfituted lu the then emait illiae 0f Port Perry. Tho present Obdv dtor wâs thon an earnest, falthtul workera sac! k la sffi fresh'iii my memory Wwén %kr jâmes Baird, boti. wltb voice and! peu, did valiant work ln tho ause of tetm' persace. tu those days It wus only nece* mary to, anilousice that jus B;tlrd was to de- liver-an addredg, no matter on what subi oct, and he -wss sure of a good audience. Why? Becmume he endeavored by preceptand ex- ample to show to thoae whom he addresd or those whom he met dRily, that lie prac- tised what h. ýpreached. Mr. Baird should b. pleaued t10 e .and know Ihat 1 bave t(nec to follow ln bis footutepsofa those emler days. 1 respect hie gray hait a and years ; 1 do flot respect bis opinions asu ex pressed to- day. Mr Baird, sccordlng (o the lama of natue, you have noarly run the alloted time of mani, and lnt ail probabllty vour years are flot many on tIhlsearth; your mmnd and brain are stîli clear, you have a, good education; though ripe lu years you can still do some good If you wlll. In tho lait twenly- five years 1 have rend your edltorlals slnd many of them sbewed thit wb.n you,.so de- siréd that you couic! write arn hn the days of yore. Though ' ou huri many Inivectives at me ln the above editorlal, "Concentrated Siander," 1 hesitate to belleve you meant ih. In conclusiôn, ailow me to suggesîtat my old teacher and fnlend, that you rlgbt about face and durtng tie Unie that a kmnd Providence permits your.,heart to, beat, (bat you join tortes whh me, and you. by vour well-traln- ed and !educated mimd, andc!1Iwlth w y htuvm- bie abllities, les4rained. and less.educated mmnd do whmt lien ln our power to uphoid thé grand oic! cause and prlnrciples-Uiaet at one limte morne yemas go you heotrtly es- poused--of sobrlety and! temperance. W. J. WaTT. TO $250 The Problem solved. People are finding out that we furulsh a fueral and Bave them $5 to $M on eaeb order, mangng from a cbeato coffin to a fine cloth cuket Why fa Ik?7We are satisfied wlth a living profit. The dead eau b. buried ln au appiopriate coffin or caeket for % espiria. thtan bis been and la uow cbared by the inajorfty of uudertakui'g.Our tlnder- taLkinq departmuet la on etof'thq best eutt os Toronto. AU ordèri deffvered and recMe.Prompt attç*nt*oni W. bave the EUST IrIRS1x -sad CASKICT WAGON ln Outirlo otuty JeBBop Furniture Co. W.l3 NOT, MMâou Port "ORAy. Ot Charbo Movder Il spenc!iug a fev dais ut mogoîhs. - Mr Lincolu CliO sBPent tvo or tbree day. of laut veck iuToronto, Master Frauk. Hoover vus dowu home to Cedan Gnome on Saturds>' Isel. Mrnd ud Un B Lebus andi Mr S Hoover ululteti vili friendu bu Garibaldi on Fr145>' .lut. Mnt ChuascsDonald sccompauled hy Ulma Neule Reesor spent Sund*y of lut weois i tise'formera parents aI Wbitbýy. A nuaberofoapueeople atteoffltise'fa. erad et ti. liste'Mra 10 uo ukboldar of LcnnonomWet et Dhxon ii on MUdey or asiek Xn C 1D Fergusoo Uxbntdge sud &n 1) by W tise utengatse! tis Wedoesyulin wli be tlisp u day, ~s3cIPùOsL19,W11 be a Sau. t Hlamaet la hWio ufoquoe, "To 6e or *«oté se, lîst la tis esto.1lioweven, local eiocau en aaure at t i l 1ralvt "II Ivote, Of (hù Pa" Oftbe iwWu. Seeobipcnpepe,à.Oe' ats I I I c Chants boule huMOcured a Iuoeadve pai. tien lu Teronte, Mr (leo Reynolds second son bac! (lie mis fortune lait wveci tebreaktilitlkg. Mr& J. Brudmn b0 ver>' alo earier dangtous la Lindsay>; hope te buseabi la hotter soes, Tieets a nof ber oocteu tsnod blied divison here wltbQGS. Reynolds sud T. H. Boue>w a Mr lu Brades sud Misa Senea Randi are0 dologato te tise F. L. covention to bu bold lis Maukon tis di. oct ¶nisevunt ",r, peilg be.qn onSI 'o accouâitcif the quaneerly mein " Ymss en beld bore la Buudoelania Quit. a numbor, rom t. ne ohbàiso~r tmi&~d 10 attend I lis cot 6f C" iewýI*ëII a blied lu: Susd.ned "i vue, ' lu nii io m-laun e phoed om t4 evoter, it Mr,. Q eu6disubougbttise lboum and shepo. Ie Coqr, $aceo ooglýh -about' twouua ug bebus vwou&o4 icoo4 - ut" a d itaîbbls buk 1t sasob.*1 ttsun .4ic.. 0 i.5s ie. __u. 't - wwmgmýýim extend a few words of advlce to sncb gentie-ý mon. W. would sa> te them that eut citi- zens are nov doubly prepared to gîve such gents a heanîty reception an otnhlng wiii give (hem more pleasure Ihan te pandoure th. auatomy cf ligbt.figered fellowo. The osil> exceptfon leoOur cliasena lu the ay ao f attsasacan ammunlUionisay e scribe aoc! va weuld merel>' oay ' "Us bard te gat blooti eut cf a turnip."1 WBitTUVALE Misa EUs White vas wbîh ch>' friands lait week. Rev Mn Siple ltends le move hile the bouse ai Mn Wm Paîbstor, shortl>'. Mr. Rarnua>'asd Mrs Bradshaw, cf Uxbnidge vas wbth fMentitbore lait weck. Mn JosephIsLaughîiioef Cher-rywood, wus bere for a short uta>' on Thurada> lai. Gao Burkbolder la laid op thae .day.svwith typboid fover but la Bot couslderec!c!ango,.ous. Borne one bas (oIc! us (bat E Alger vas lintte village tits week but as yo vo hbave nos secs A large oember attendod (ho concertaet OrSon River on Monda>' aiglit suc! vre higl>' pleasod witi ânme. Thon. vas Do vonabîr bore in fte baptis: churchit ii Suday, ov ug e lthe Groon River anniversary. Tho baptdet ladies mission circle infends te bold a binîb day par t>'aiJacob Turner& on tbe evenbng cf Thauksgilîg cia>, Judson Pugh bas la bLa possession a- large osprcy vhbcbwue caught aive by W Aum- strong. . It bas become qubte lame. Thora vii ho a tomrece meeting held ber. on Tuosc!ay ovening nozi. The Rcv McAuioy and QuCWIar wlacidres h lanthe neresas cilocal option. The unediodiat choir suppliai! lb. mulea ai the 'ixdi services on Sunday aiernoon lait and next Sunciay (bey wili do tho sase alibotheconienli church Port Union. Tho following itom front Saturdays Globe will bo re-.d wth muel ictut oesb>' ma>' e1 the older reaidents cf thus townsiIp,.- #ourisor" ye0 , sud cen la the reusarkabuje oas ts" olin Benîon, one cf thi. ounlies:t et 01Ul-mtv. ship cf Plciteriog, died on COutôbor li~tii. beroui. doameof bis oldesi son, Wllim* at ev owoiI, T'he doceaudeWu bvas hiunuArigylshine, Scoaad bu 1807. casse te "scounitry'la18»3,maiuold la the townohlpe Ofickerng.vItert lho maruied Chusbia MoKianon la z8g. lie louves five sousi of whom Dr A JI "ua nlu mocikal supe- intendaent of the Ontario asylunieusOrlîll; X.7 Bleatnla editer of the. Manitooba Fr eus HualiBeatSnivinlaWaubansb.o, sMd Colin, the younges, lu Port Arthtur. Thodeoasod vas a metuherof a amill cf ""a'eu, alof Wh= spas- ait ths, four scoremark. laTwi broUtaispeectd. .4 lmn. Noil dyiunlaisg5th veu, sund ie- tor r its an!,and a 9811wInhbu Sth yos,, Two sîmon and eue brother survift fhlm, Mns Keruy, cf Wbodhndgo, Who la 88 ofse ac and Krs MÃŽoàiIWiry. alse f cf m 8igsg Yeatand sdJohn vho limes la Dakotu, Ms u , :t yc5oaflfeR. The toled uo. f-the sOcu flic thethi« lvin Aetou dd,là, 6syiun. mikt- lu gu avorageage of 88 ,oars whli>' ps sibily b, omread. This -àa pbouom.uai a» cf ~ ta logvy nsa u n ilsesla be ontil

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