Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1897, p. 8

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DOIS YOUR WATCR RUN ? DOES- IT KEEP GOOD TIMEP- RARE, h5ao poait Can Repair it and Guarantee Satisfaction. l'No charge for examining aWatch.1 3Doors North of Western Bank, .Oshawa, 1m.II1RE& -OSIIAWAt NOV. 5e 1897.1 OSHAWA P4 GE OBHLAWA. Zephyr woolio Bt Litties, 5 cents. Fred Baies wheeied to Bownian ville ont Sunday. j no Thompuon andi R A j Little spent Sun- day in Bowmanville. j S Beaton hi.. soiti his residence to Mr Wiccts of Wbitby and mnoveti into the bouse on Albert street formerly occupleti by T Md Luire. W j Haycraft, of Agkncourt, bas ieaved the well known Guy' (arm of 2oo acres and wiil move thereon the coming wlnter. Mt Haycraft aiso bought severai fine Ayrshlre cattle at the sale the other day. Mn George Buit lu In a very critical condi- tion. He has had a siight hemorrage and ail that medical skili can suggest le beinst donc. His case le about hopelesa ant i@i recovery wiiI be regarded au miraculous. On halloween the boys stariedt 1 move the postoffiçe ta Basbenrys nov stand. They comnmencoti wlîh the sieps, which they loaseneti anti wete carrylng ofi when sorne bodv appears ta bave happenoti along, andi Ibis figtened tbem off. Mn Cloas Law, son-in-iaw ai Mn Gea H- landi, bas gone ta Englanti with the l nugget found at Lake Teslin, anti vilI rm a syndicale thune ta work the mine. Mn. Law remains witb ber parents liere during ber husbantis absence ln Europe. EvIdently some people in Oshawa are <ully coovinceti that the postoflice lu ta be remavedti t the new Bosberry block, for A R Fanewelli atvertises bis store as being " Noit Door East of the New Post Office." Anti he adtis I"Dont Forget the Place." Noîwlîhstantiing the wei veather on Tues. day evenlng the Royal Tempiar Raily was a succeus. The bal vas nicely decarated wlth bunting, doagu ant ifowers. Tbree uew enes rnanthebugoat. Many Mare voulti bave done ao hati the weathen been more favor- able. A gooti programme was propanuti and partly gono Ibrough witb. Lunch was pro. panuti by the ladies anti enjoyeti by ail pro. sent. The public meeting at the tove bail lai Friday nlgbîta consider the advisability af ongan lzlng a Y. M. C. A. bine was flot sa langely attentiet as the abject aimeti at tuenitoti. Mayar Hareoaccupieti the chair anti Mesura Watt, Fowke, McLaughuin anti , Balles spoko ln layon of the movemont. The resuit vas that a cormlutee composeti of Mesurs A Hl Watt, F L Fowke, E Morton, Wm Coi, P Manuel anti J H R Luire ta gui the cms of equipping s panlor gymnaslum, etc,' ta report at a' meeting to b. calleti. The Chrisia Workers ban d vas la attend- suce anti funuishoti a numben ai sihucilans. A scbue' e*of atvertlsbng, henetofonu un- huard ai- in Oshawa, bas beun introtiuced this weoir. A company ln Toronto Issue coupons ta one menchant lu escli lineofa *busi ness ln the town, anti hlank books ta iresîienMs As the purchaser makes a rn Chase ho gets a coupon for every oc orhis purchase. Tbuie ho sticks ln bis book un- tiileolias coupons amouuting ta s$zoo. Theu lieenAia aon thea geont of 'the couspsuy lu 0* tonandtisuisln euh. Tt la imniMng howsoo afam ybuy $zoo woiotgoode of ail kndu, andti . opiedtbtiMsny wiul tuaeatvantageofaithe coupau systeut of buying. It Is vonkmng wviila aiUMerplaces, anti shoulti do so boe.. The bova counclimet om Monasy evouing. and cortied through a lot of business. Thé 4nanCe coumidtrieput ilirougi a repart or- detnsagpyinents nmouiiing ta 81887.67. Saine moehnobJected b ithe parchase et te. nov rond taller. tIs. prce eft vbicl la ln- clîaded builite above sUie, but lbpC ud Thoe ets tecomittue vorte utbo risod bý move uovof theaIi=tîlc il ghsamoto dosîrble locationsu yul as ltbisex pof.Osu possble. Doputt Tatublyn lutraduceti sud carl ed ibrough ,a byhav rmuindenngt Oe0 st Y ta hae a permit bufom E ilinsc"u b. moud &long , the et, sud couapeliltu tht>.. Who have ponutat t *teU t. *public ed'to PrtPrde barrous bylaveet cor-ç portIq fo PNiçtimlapampflet orn. New pipes at Litties. Corn cob pipesa t Littlies, 3 cents. Now that the music hail bas been com. pleted, we should expect a number of gooci entertainments. '<Sîde Trackediluto b.put on on Tuetday evenlag next. Mr* Rev A B MeDillisi reported to b. at the point of death as we go to press. She ha. ex preseda' desire ta see Rev N A Mc- Diarmld, of Whitby. The general agent of tbeSuzeLoan and Savings Company was iu town this week appoinîtng oficers for . this district. A R McLean wau appointed generai agent of the Oshawa district, antd R A j Little secretary. The Oshawa district la to reach tram Wbiî- by ta near Port Hope. This lu a fast grow. Ing company, and we predlct a gooti busi. ness for them here. Cryital W.dding. On Moaday evening rut a piessing evunt toak p lace ai the resitLce af Mn anti Mr John Houlden, it being the r,5th anulversari of their wedding day. Nean relatives, took ativantage ai the occasion anti gave tbem s genuine surprise by takinig possession of the prenîlses. Aiso at an appointetiboure tht bride anti groom were matie the recipienti of a hantisoîne silven crystalI ntenlineti beni-y disb and pickie cruet. Presentaton b), Miss Lillie Lenton accompanieti by the fol- iowing atidrees, read by Miss Aillie Hugglns. Mn andi Mr Houlden :-We, a few of you: many fiends have gatbeneti bure this even- ing ta celebrate your crystal wudding, fi being the fifteentb annivensary of your wed- ding day. We wish you to accept ibis bmnry dlsh and plckio cruet as a token af the lovt andi esteemi in *hicb we bold you dean H~oping you will not value these for IhlrIin tnlnsic wortb but as an eannest esteemn of oui higb regard for you, anti as your lives in tht past have been happy ones may your futurt: pathway bu as brigbt ant iflti witb tht sunlight of Gode boiy %Ove. Signuti on lie- hall of yotîr many fientis. Mr Houlden matie a feeling and suitabie neply, after wbhicb the company pantook of a sumptuouti repast propaneti by ihe ladice. Ater spenti ing a mont enjoyable time the company dis- purseti wisbing the happy couple mny ru mmi iib fte day. A Sadi Ueatb. Itle aur painful tiuty ta chronicle the deaîh of Robt B Lovekin, lotgenkeepmr'in the Western Bank, wbich occUrroti ai tht General Hospital, Toronto, uarly on Sundal rnornlng last. The tieceaseti wus tliuatenud with typhoi féer ten days previousty, sndf on tbe ativice of frienis anti metilai-dviset anti ententalning a tiecideti prétenence ta the haspitai. *ent thîther accampanieti by Mr Babbitt, who mati euvuny arrangement fer bis cane anti treatmenî. Mn j P Owens was in daiiy recel pt aifativice eithen by cartion telephone wblcb was of the most assuiliai nature. On Fnliay ho lad na lîght bimor- rage, but railiiet for a trne, aitbou howh» ing signs af grant ixhaustion. On Sturday marnlag hie as again sseidwlbh hemor- rhagu, whlch occunreti every haut untili &Lu celock, whea dentb put an end ta bis sufier- Ings. The news of bis sudtiea desib vas a terrible sboek ta bis frionds lu towu witb whom lbewas a greni favorite. Ris compaubans lu tle bank uudertook the charge of bis nomaine wbicli voeconeuvyod ta Newcasile, bis former hotue, aon MOday morniug. Ris wldowed mothir sud brother- i-aRev J Baisoea, riidlug ai Coiibil inl Ha «àugaCouaty, votepres. tM0t>.<uia ebic loo10k et - the 'burosuca James LovOlki, uncle ai deceaset. Ti. pail bearers fraom Oubawa vero, J P 0wmns,~ Chanies RBaslms W H ir«oy ; frteNe*- casile, W A i4aîten# John Pool sud W j Bryass.Thseervies secite !b thout u, presalvekisti, couduciedi by Roi M Taylor. the lubunnient -took placea Dsatu«lo bb raisbol ~fole, d bya*tarie m- bet of frientis. base sebo vent trotta OsIa' swn ta do respect to M-ueso tunc est»e.ud vote-Monts G Becch' FA *Ou-8,1G~uy, R C Babbt,e G bmshtbwaluo,, & Gregory,ý Cas R Bailes, Chi W OvtisGuy B Dinit BrtSyiaeusJ Oes.,HBot- ber, Chas Tboniws, f M Usmun rèd -Rare. FM 4»uiIpW A Usr.Igg piva, F AraL W <Cuuaa . rTuUâÉ»« mm SAler 1; î<1.hs, Ikjewulry, s9.6s Mr Wm White has sold hiii Jersey for a good figure to Mrs Wm Courtice of Bowmanville. Gay Brou are through rnaking bar- relu f or this semsons trade and havè dlspsed of 5ooo. Mrs Grace Hancock lias that dread- fui disease, typhoid fever, and is no better at time of writing. Mrs Thos Gale and Mrs S Flintoff are flot improving in bealth as fast as we would like to see them. Mr S S Brooks is about througli packing apples for this season. He bas bought Borne 4ooo barrels and is shipping them to his brother, F Brooks in England. Mr Harry Young who has been a re- ,eident here for sorne five years and camne here frorn Montreal, very sudden- ly took hie departure for parts un- known recently. Mrs Mary Richards of Pickering, who left here some 16 years ago to re- atd Rn Pickering township, is visiting atRF Richards and calling on old time frieride, of which she has a host. Halloween bas corne and gone and the boys conduet was good in general, as. they only removed a few front gates along Front st, and carried them some haîf mile away in peoples orchards or ravîies. TKcOlnTOIE8 CO011RS The promotion exarns will bc held on the last three days of the first week in December. A literary society lias been organ- ized in connection with the school. Programmes are given every alternate Friday from 3 to 4 P m. Ahl interest- cd in the school are cordially invited co be present. The next literary is to be held Friday Nov 5th. The follow- tng are the officers: Pres. 'L White, vice presidents. M Martin, M Cooper; sec-treas, F Annis; executive, L Luke, 1 Mowbray, J Brown, E Hamilton. As the faîl work is about. cornpleted. let there be a full and regular attend- snce dtiring the remnainder of the terrn. The foliowing is a report 'of per centage of marks obtaineti by thepu- pils in Union S S No 5 East Whitby for the month of October. The ttand- ing o! the fourth chass is baseti on ïx- aminations held on the hast Thursday anti Friday in cadi month.. IV clais. -Min Marks 56, N Garrard 5 , F Auis 4.5, L Luke 41. L Wbitecand M Morphy absent. Sr III Cass-B Orton , I1 MOWbray 52, K Banner 48. W Lang- niaiti 42. R Flintoif 4o. Jr III chas- S Maitiens 59, 1 Brown 56, F Mow- bray 56, E Stephens .5 1 F Hamilton 42, P Wheeler 39, C Mortes 29,, St Ilt classn-M Cooper 51, M Platten 4 'R Wheeler 48, E Hamilton. ». L Bailey 28, C Bailey 26., W Morphy 2ý5. J! -W Brathey 44. Averae attenac for Sr and Jr divisions durlug -Augui 45. Septeniber 55, October46.WW McLaren, teacher. Halloween la patquite forgo,,t k Ou Ue f te bliosctbooî .Iwwhth li, -rllow : .-hotus.a,'ilchel; P<ollo 111Wiu1aa s tei t ftaville pub. lie achoal fortotith OfOetober. Namtes l onde: of mett:--IV cu- -Iîte utton, vaies Coates, »Mressie au, Mabel 13d. waidS, àmma Lntotte,Tayluii. IHopkins, Ida Mckiv'oy. I11 class-Gertrde MCAVay, Tlos joues, Aunle Robertson, Robert Satifer. Il I iasA.lbert Tucker, Robert joues Juo Robertsône thel Wilsonu, maHardy, pred Lue. Levi Liutou, Delta Evaus, ffdith Hardy. Part II-Beatfice Linton, Bella Robertgots, Mahel 13vans, Ploreute Itee, Fl1oreuce Hopkins, Ethel Evans, Hattie Linton. Patt II af 1-Laura Arbuckie. part 1--àArthur Oaslin, Agues Hardy, Rosa E3vaus. otitwowed Nearly cveryone Io preparing for a big lime et the bot supper ai Zoo on the Bib. Mn and Mrs Henry Adamuon spent a few deys oi lasi week with friends ln Toronto. The farmers' are busi' getting ln tiwir turnip crop which lu neported to ho light tis year. Mr Wess Gec bas retumned from the eas:.1 wbene he bas been for the past few weeks pack- ing appies. Owîng îo Quartenli' meeting being held at Brougham, there was no preachtng or Sunday schoof here or Sunday. nhe recent nains bave matie the land soft en. ough to plow, and Il is needieus to say, evenyone ts making the bout use of bis timne. The choir bas been invtîed t0 assistitn the annîversary services ai Mt ZDon next Sunday and having accepted of tbe invitation are doing Borne extra practîso for same. Halloween passed of veny quicîli' this yeca very little mischief was donc toanay one. Play i ng dirty mean tricks on Halloween seemu to be .ong out of date now and none toc soon. OMessrS Walter anti Tomn Wilson bave returned trom Manitoha where tbey bave been assistn n barvesting. They like the appearance of the ,ýountry very well, but very litile love for the peo. ple. Mlessrs John Emerson and 10e Harbron ln company with soins five or six more sportsmen, eft on Fniday last for the norîhern country. rhey expeci to thin the deer out considerabie ho 'i)re returning. Mr M Gleeson lu having bis bouse treateti to a -oat of peint. Henry Adamson & Son arc doing ho painting. The little flies were so tbick las: -veek tbey werecoompelled 10 watt for coolci ,veather 10 finish painting. bita Albert Mnjor bas a number of clîy frienda uviii ber tbis wcek. -Mi and Mns David Annes were wlth friendu ln 'Jberrywood lasi Sunday. A small load tromn Oshawa was gt Mr JudsoD P>ugbs place lust Saiurday. Miss Mauti Mathewson of Toronto lu bere with ber mother for a fcw daY. Mn Eawkey attendcd the normal jubilec in ho ciiy lasi M onday and Tuesday. The baptist ladies mission circie mei at Mrb 'Connors of Broughami last Tuesday. miss Richardson bas been engagod for an other year as teacher of the junior depariment in the achool. There scems ta be very fow farrn sales la the ownsbîp ibis fail, something that we cannai mc- =ont for. Dr McLsren ai Hamilton was la the village rage lait week. Ho is gaing ta bave bis largo 'rnsb fenced inl. ,We notice that semeai or tbe main noants of thle township have heon sarapeti- of ail the lbose stones, wbich aidu mnuch ta the comforb of drlv. ing. Quite a number from bore mtendedt th court A1 revision st Braugham lest Fritiay. Sorne of baseu who attentied say ihat It was a anc sjded 51ffar. We are plemsed ta ami' that Mn Ezra Spriag le tiot doati. as we staieti lam week, but fa improv- ing wandenfuly uai Hovever, fi as a very claie Cali. The publia sebool Icicutis baving a concert on l'hankigtvng niglir the praçets ta, purchase picturietce for the sohuol. W. vill give par- ticulara OUL twcek. Halloween vas ceebnateti a$re s lcustm. ar, but ws beat ad ne pattioulany inan tricks 4W0 vamwr* e tha be taahngatway of a foi gât« ffl «Put bungalows. rahgsus ucis n abomd b Uu.id' tok adomsof e4s bowdets:laeu Mr T Marquis cafle on frientis 1-t cenutly.. abe vu brir and Mrm Bailqy, of Brookilu, sport Suuday-witia (ciende bere, M apples. Mr c lebouglet IS ,Geo Watis t prosein the.b' saoub*auryhiwiai der. '.ay ce, 0 'e have good suces -Mi". Pardon. sitit ber Cousin Mi <~ Biretbour. visited wkth the forttua- pn the counuo t of.wcur- ldaue ,w al t-gt n t 4mi (Dr.) I-s leitide ut e 11wapa$54ad ucarsly antoIOVsd bod.bOe "0"w h complote cure. TO)NIC for agl. «sd5 ~0W It 1làtian j It. I will b. pleaed ta g 9110 etooltlOi csta animeus uiily ef Bn the inedlcifle 1 bave bad n o ture f ,ds eff . I have in easd grealy le welghteà,_s Dow enjoy prfect beatb. Price $1, 6 for $5. Ail dealers or address THE SLOAN MEDICINE COMPANY, 0F HAMILTON, LIMI TED Il yIa Arc Loaki for an appropriate Holiday present don't fail to inspect our large stock of Watches, Jeweiry, Silverware, Clocks, Spectacles, andi Silver Novelties, at all prices, suitable foi ail purses and people. We have no Old Stock. Everytbing new anti up-to-datc. Corne and sec us, we will please you anti sel] you gootis cheaper t han you have ever bought the same quallty before. Just a Word on Watoh Repairing Are You Aware There are more Watcbes rpolled by lu- expenienceti watch-makera, than by actual wcar. Rernember we are bead- quarter for Presentsition Gootis, Law Pnîces anti Watcb Repating. OVENS,+- The Jeweler, and High Grade Watch Specialiat, successor to J. 1. BOYD OSHAWA. Bu8IneBs Men and Farmer8, At- tention -I Private and Business Collections made--at iowe.t rates-without cost to creditor. Over 4oo reliabie correspondents in Canada. Prompt reurns on settlement of accounts. Correspond- ance solicited. EQUITABLE COLLECTING Co. , 17 St John bi., Montreai, P Q. Nov x, 5897-1 yr. W AN'IED-TRLJSTWORTHY AND ACT-. IVE gentlemen or ladies ta, travel for: resonsble, estabiisbed bouse le Ontario, Moîbi $,oo and expenses. Position sceady. Reerence. Enclose self-addrcssed sîamped en- velope. The Dominion Company, Dept. Y ObM aGO. -8. E. J, JOUNSON, LEAINOUNDfTAER BROOK -STREET, a WHIT8YO FOR utRel 1 Bi PURE NOR -,od Lt ALL 5OC. E G N T This ail is prepar and may be relied r and others ta be of free from strong, fwhicb accornpany i. j il. Boat, Rail or Ocean, GALL ON W. P. STERICKER, Oshawa Ry. Co's Office, OSHAWA. R. C. Carter, Agt., To Whom It May Conoern: I bereborid any person or persans, tir- chas h e an ds9contained in the s=b af iii. nortb west quarter of lot 14 -in the hcn f East Whitby, unles 0 casnt bs fini ,bee obtflined. -WM. OWLES. Dated at$ppdug. field ibis 17th day of Sept., x897-'43.3 mos. FARM TO RENT zoo actes, nortbhuitl Lot z6, Cou. iche =n x. ~Mile from Ciaremont C.P.U i bu 3odbuildings, fénces and ore'tb ,;,ai aer cd and land weIl cultivated. Applyta >.M BUBBARD, Clarmomt P.O. Oct 14, 1897-46 311>. Farmu to Rent . J 10ars lots iS aud 19J 6th coùcsu '4'r- Wbity tpiîmile ftom Braokltn station. GotmbI gins, arChard, lv'gsrannd well. Good fences4 Pirat clasa lati wult watored. Apply 10 GEO LIDDItE, rook- lin, Ont. Sept 30tb, 1897-t£. TO LET That snug and tomforýable dwoqUng bousêr aud promisecmou erry tgIbet'tmmedliate south of the residence of Rofts johnto. Possession At once. For terme, ca 't ther undurslgiROSS,301f N. WbitbYo Oct î14, î89g--tt' CHEMIST & WHITBY# WN-D WIRIE Geo. h sella the MOT01~ the Eeta1iw Intentiing purchaser Mili befone placing thel au agent put an Irnitati can get the Genuinu .J salvanized, anti varra Mr ithese miutam than sany other makéï dlaim tbey selI ou. bau MiiloutEts sold inhithe i Ad *tyl» of Wood' seul bo fely givea byý, Fub 7p 1897-6m0. W NTED-Ind TaE 1 W mwILErm Stovs BOAR» J. e. " anal VOL. xý

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