Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1897, p. 3

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e~f~ au»e to Us.eM, Btha"ve u anaudleu. cause thm.flJing for yOiI toM Ustlucugh other eyes. This à howwlook to S. P. licyce, ,wholeaale end retait drugglst, DuitjMlnb vlo atter a qtin$*t of a century of obser- 491 have sold Ayerls Sarsapa- rilla for more than 25 years, bttI t wholesale and refait, atid have nover heard. anytblng butt Word& of prais. fremm ny 09#tmera; net a single coin- Plaint ha. ever reached nie. I b*1ev. Ayer's Sarsaparilla to b. the best blood purifier. that bias been introduced te the gen- erni public." This, from a muan who lias seld thousands of dozens cf Ayer's Sarsapailia, is strong testimony. But it only echoes popula.r sentiment tise world over, wiiich lias, Q4Nothing but word. of pralse for Ayer's a spallla." N oAMWdoubt aboutit? Send for'Curebook' Tt kiUes doubttansd cure@ doubters. MAdn.aJ. V. Arn Co.,. LoweiI. Ma4.. Town Oouncil. Mot Menday night. Notice was givond hbat an action for damages, lur an uvnutat-d ed surn, vas tic b. taken by Mrs (ijîmoui on accounti of injuries auataitied by hor herse ruîîningz away lust spring uear Mr D Ormistons resîdenco. The tuwn mu liciter vas inatructod te take action to defend the came. The following accounta vereoerdered te be paid. Tow n and market property-Hi tch & Bro for coal cil sud bei for lockup, #4.80; A. H. Alunà, methyiated spirite, 40e Jno BloA coai, 011.40 ; Robti Barries. iock for bock- up andputtingcon saine, 02.70. Streeté and imprevementa- Jno. McCari, work, 824.68 ; Wm. Hopper, do #29 2i0 ;Jno. Bravonder, do 85 ; Hatch & Bfru., nailb etc 68 67: W. HI. Noble, luti ber and wurk, O10,13. Relief Oun.-Mra. Joli ninga f5 veeka keep <if Mn Rico, 811.25. W. H1. Warner, coal $5.50. Councillor Noble said he noticed iu t.uwn and nmar- ket report an item fer ceai, and aaked if tenders had nuL been aékod for and de manded au explanation why uno of the tenders made had nul been accepted.t Deputy Scotti said thero vas ovidentaliy a ceai combine existing in town. Coun. Robson statied that as the coummitteo had >ben gîven to understaud that thon. vas no immediate ue.d for coal the matter iiad been laid over. Reeve Pringbe ex- plained that Mr. 131ev had been instruct- ed te suppiy any coal that vau nouedd sudilu the meantine, the qualit.y uf Mr. Werner& coal te be aaoertained. Coun. Robeen ald that it vas recornmended hhati Warners ceai b. accepted. Coun. Noble vas entisfied thati thero vas a nig- gev lu the fonce. He said that it vau net busineeaiiko te dispose of the tender lu muci a ceauner. Coun. Hayward con- tended thati Wrnorm ceaoa utftheo mre relative value as the ceai offored by the otiher tenderora. Deputy Scott rermark- ed titati apparîntily Ocun. Noble wais tak lu g exception te everything, vas in fact brlghtien Ing up. Ho vas glad if such vèe.tihe case, as Conu. Nobles depart. muent ueésled a littie brilchtening up. Ho liaiuquired inti ei. quality of Warnena coai, and had feund Iti higbly rocemmen id. The mayor aiiggested that vhile the commits. e ndocidiîg tiiadifficulti que. tien cf -acoptiug a tender, that sorte of the-cosi b. procured sud its sfflcacy test. ed. Tii.stireeti oemmittiee recommeuded the purehas. of a quaîtity cf codar sud pilns. for repalrlng and buil4ing nev croueiuge, sud thse ,ail atene for putting ou thse roada. Tii. Reeve tbought thati lu vonid be advlsmbie thati thé different commititie tutie eonomise asfan as 1: possble, inci the tova b.d 50 mîry iav suites ou baud. Pu'obabiy befere the corporatiion vas tiuiugis with thsse inatters ocusidîrable sipense veuld b. Sentailed, sud if incch wvoe titicas it ~would b. deuirabis te drav freini tis ap. proprîtions cf sacti depautîment, other. Wise 00o1, vould have tic b. borroved. Coun. Smth explalned tusati it vas titi intenort Dt topay frLth jail atone Y*hls ysaa', and the. only expense wouid b. fýtisalng ot Lb. same. (Joneldeabie' *discussion as tic the rigit tse ef year te putsgen. ou the.roadt the righ t i d of Omiqgnps te buld-s-tous, bleck or plank ýtouk place withouti any solution of th. et'obleu being arrled et. The r..,. Çýcgse olin. Bmiths Management es ,,e&ùmau of etrtAIsbut adeoctMda cur. -, matt of @ezpdituis for tiie ni of ,ýý w ff. Cocnsu. ayvasd uuiderstood .6 mortain ppropilatioias 4amade -olwooud appu ù hoiht &Mount ulm mom sbaufo . edidaunot tuaS b tPut mne on b1h. moud ett ilatins CultNobleprgoioui MÈdUAhsv* à short 47 fa»au log &U5 tao",Wnue BayaAU.~ --- 4hatcewe à lsvùe spnalthe %* to mals. t ftkiown, at4"Onc, vIl.thse oo10ncil ia row inlu vr pàint sud feth, or torecai hold tihir p"aS. Haclng la- sued thlis challenlge to ail and elugularttse wrorid îlugperaI4 the fathore adjoutne4t Liv, took Pointors. Feed cattie by cottlng up tbe shocked cern. it i seeoomical. The bog thati quietily eatu and keepe on eating la the. hog for profit. Defective eyesight is iaften a cause of shysng, and tihe whip will flot help tihat, W.i Iit 1 On. ounce ef Scotch mnf te a pound of greaso, nakes a good application for lice on cattie. Shorts, cern and oats, witib se.où nieai, wiIl keep the fail pig growing dur- ing the wnter. -Feing c n s arge scale canne t posaibly be don. no ecenomicaly as on a amali scale. It in bout to feed cattie only long in- ough to get a fair profit on themn and thon let themn go. Lice aud vorme are the hogs great enemies. When changing hogs froni one feod W anotber it should b. don. witih &orneO care, as weli as with other animais. A Queer Scotti-ah Custiom. In Scotland the custom stili prevails ef takang duwn the wiudow blinda wben thero is a corps. in a bouse and hanging white shoots acrosthe windows.nThe custom also prevails in some partse of England, particularly in the nerthern part, and ln many famnilios a apecial -death shoot" in reserved for the chani- ber ini which the corpse may lie and la often uned for many goneratiens. Pain«Killer. à stre and Bale Rsniedy ln every ce and every kind of Bowel CompWBlflin Pain-Killer. This le a true statement and It can't bo madle too trong or too empha" lc It Io a simple, sale and qulck cm. for Crampa, Coiub, JLheumatism, Colle, CoMas, Neuraila, Dlarrhoea, Croup. Toothaohe. TWO MIES, 23c. and 50c. Turuillg the Tables. A Story About Jones and Dobba That WiU be Well Reliished. Science bas not yet dîscovered whether the creature lcnown as the practical joker belongs to the genus homo or tiith gen. un simia. In appearanco ho resembles the former, whilù hie a.tions are decided- ly thote of the latter. In the case of Dobbs, en pronounced was hie mania for joking that hie coeseti frionds hardly knew what te make of hinm, but,, ince his experience witih Joues hoes are entertained that ho is at lest beginning te cee the error of his way and may ultimat.uly reach a point in hie de- velopment where there will b. no doubti of the fact t.hat he belonga tote human family. It appears that one cf Dobbs moiti cheriehed antica was te, approach a friend- on the street, from behmnd, and suftily twitch hiis pocket as tbougb feeling for a purse.. 0f course the friend would finally fuel the twitching lap hie hande on the. pocket and turn upen the supposed tihiel with kindling eye and exoited demeanor. Thon Dobbe would langh heartily and thoroughly enjoy himmelf. On. day he tried tibia joke on hie lu- timate friond, Jone8. A near.by police- man, %ho was net acquainted witIithe. nature of thoecaso, rushed up jusz au Jones halted wildiy and whiried about witb blond in oye. Dotbu joyous laugli was out short by the. policeman who laU.1 a hand or hie elieulder and remnrked loi Jouies:. "Ho was trying te rob yen, ir; I1sav the w ble affair." '"Noneaense 1" return.d Debbs ; UIt La only a joko. This gentlemen ie a filou of mine." But Jonet nover cracked a ille. "le that a fact ' aked the poh*ooea appisalîig te J on.. W*%hy,' returned Jones, by a happj" impulse, -I nVerw vtii. ecundrel b. fore!1llun him inl\1 "Thata vbat 1 vill air," roeaed th# blue-coat, takîng tig r ppon »ob and starting for the.paro-box; e'k, lai pretty neat grfter-vidently au èeh hand at thei budanme."' "Look bore, Jonce," criod Dciii. f"what do yen meani1 Why " ibim- a ioutrage!1 Let me go offlea r.r 0 Not on your hite1I lfyou doutee 0Pulling svay Ï111 giVe 7YOD a tult» of @ aclub. Oh. yen art a fiu» bizd. You bac got galiove vritt.a ailov. u 051facle Thiswwu aIl Jouai coud pa«d a&"ho broke a&»y from the. rpidýiy eoUeIImd i rowds and Wa quiet Iaugh,.mod Oii W As fer Dobua ho vuas off t h e t&*"on sud cims.lybse*d f.B ifore tht ette r soee&4furw JOMI d * o aheet th# pélIce h u tu«%e, c"SI4 Say, usee 6 o[4canditff.' su tching 8oalp..- Wéah, the ëMpevery ~ W th -b*, -ruo ewbioh ofo' quin Inepowde *0o1 rd.d.IIm.ub iiai. mnbarides bus beeau adddib -UWthsei.lpýwell vils stroù1, gage toe, two or threé urnea Veais temnporary reli.raw gali, rinkled thîough ithe hait sud rubbedlTto, the saldp. T1hIS viilot injure th hik, sud. is easly -brabed or vashed out. À strong bordools tés lai.l"na gooft romo- nodY. Lanoline rubbed on the scalp rnskes le hoaIîhy. Lanoeline je toc sticky and sbould b. eedvl asî.mas gage the scalp voel ev.ry niglit but do scratch vits the linger usile, To Prevent Bad Breaîh.-Kosp tbe stiomaob in order, the bowels regular and Lb. tooth and moutti dean. Waeh tbe tOestb Often in water ln wbich a few drops of myrrhbabu been drepped. Waah the montt witt a solution cf listierine sud water, oqual quantities. Waah the MOU th several times a day with water in wtiicb cerbpijo acid bas beon droppod, tien drops te a gisful of water. Pure licenice la oue of the boit breath twet. eners ; il basthe avantage of having but little odor cf ias evu. Obip it ini smait pie0esand let a piece lie lu the. mouth until ih melts. A goed remedy for dieordered stomach 18 an infusion of wild cherry and boueset. Wbeu thbe co10r le that cf strong tea, Btirain it tbrongb a fine cleth, sweeten and add a few drops cf sarsparilia. Botule and and Corik; drink a wine glais evory mon ing an hour after breakfast. This will net keep more tihan two day. For Aching Feet.-Wauli thons every night in cold water. Cracks in Fioors.-Weigh out a pound cf fleur sud meaure tibro. quarte ci water. $tir luto the fleur as mach cf tbi vater as 15 la neoessary te mals. a smcctt peste. Add the remainder cf the watei sud a tableepoonfal cf pulverized mmmm nuzlng thorougbly. Tear nowspaper,. into bite, putting as much, as it wili ab- scrb loto tiiapute, let iti stand au hotu thon 1et it cerne to a boil, stirriug untî th. pulp le cf tbe consist.ency cf putty F11 Lbe cracks witb this, slicwing h t t harden beforo painting or staing ti lbr. Last year1 filuled tie cracks cf mj kitoben floor with putty, before painting it, as thei paintier camne unexpectedly, ani tihere wus ne Lime tic propane the. papei pulp. It bas beeu lu constant use f0i nionttisasd shows ne signe cf comini luoe, lbut I cannot tell wiether or no it will prove ap durable as th. pape: pulp. To Moud Tin.-It cau bo doue in a loast tibre. differeut ways. 1 write fron eipoiionoe, baving triod thons ai. Pire odean sud icape the part to e bmended sprinkie it vils pewdorod voulu, lsy ove the tic]. a bit, ,of solder, whieh muet b, mslted sud i=n mouad ie icie vii tith sclderlng ieon. Old soldéring irons cai o ften ho bought aet the tinters for a trifi vbiot i iiianswsr ary veli. The solde le biard, to out, se, viien you are makini a purchase at a hardware store, boy lb bita. Thi emoud rnetbod cf mezding th le by znmofsoldenhsg fbld. Put soin brdroblorio sciïd fitoa boit]. aud dro b e zd 1Joa nI~l I l ldisslte n more. 2M ibi tsa stick, bein. vM ary a nût ho Sétmy of th* Uqui ou the bands or elobing. The tir neuhod cf tuendïng lin require a soldu more, lng",-rw tip.Tbaîli o i V'n t uls tha ste, aroiiid tle.-place t sud jovw -nuevr- - -' Il -Il cbas lyet etrnd.Il cçi a sehougi h. onld have te Côme by -train. Othii es itaken dovu vith inflamemation afsi er velum ~ ,Y onFlaoveliing sud 5Bovas'ne able te attend ber 'studios.luntJxbridgo thle vel. Glad 10 houthai ah.é la 1mf I m aé kud to draw ihe attention cf tii. nombens of L.0.L. 571 W ithe feet that tie üeit regular meeti»g. of thé. iodge vili b. ield oun Novsmbor l2th and as; tbis 'lathse lapt befoe thé Decomber meetingsa good tLuot ilexepected.--1 This week the 8 of T division viii ioid an aI sthome" for ail the memberu ln good standing, wbîoti promises to bs s unique aifir. Bach inember bau lhe pVitego cf inviig a friend, sud a lunch la te bZ served. Af 1er wblci amusei. mentes of diffèrent varloties viii bu ln. dulged in è Thé 1.0 F. baket social on Nov. Mt promises te b. a greatiincoso.. The H 0. B., Dr Morgan, wili bo a drawlng card aud tihecthar talent tibai basbeen .pro. cuned vili bc fully up letti. standard.* Bro Harvey, th. beed postier lin th cou. cern, is snerRetically woiking te brng about an intorestlug eveni. SAOKAOHE LAEBAOK R M EU MATI SM X'SbY & UMNMIV Earley u FPood for Ohlckens. I have nsed barlsy ifou Ils purpose for a long tino, and aincestue prie.c hs buasn vionny ull-grovn ions have -re. ceived barley as tii. evenigi fee& for 12 menthe put, or more dnuthe s. smer withb cern added fou vinuir fed. Wlsen iniet or blood meal, linseed (cil cake) or cooked meat is given them lun thoir sot tý food once a day, or vien green eut boue is aued iusteadt 1 betieve thati barley serv e ii sme purpoie feu fov s as viiest would. 1 usebypvfeene sad- leisa brley. Young 0chih vill learu te like, tis cery asonu. 1eI vAt ïlb u the begluuing for a lev voe«; vishon toUr wvesa ld. tlsey eat iii viole, 1h touit hovever, be kept stoied il>bon, beomuso mie, nais, or othor roeota alsào 11ïk. l lu pretirinci te caSer pgra, .*een te 0, MOL1 Aeu~s -ppthe VýE7 u, ma IC~L ~*~SINS, ~ftOUSDEBIUTYP KLI~*1RIOUMLEE, S~%IAL WEAKà l otPILELOT fMANHOOD, Ul.NN-AIJB- À ARÙ, #KIDýNEY AND LADEbStSS ltn=U@,d do«dmntl viSer deblilsfd;tronlj OUARANEEDb OR NO PAY-COWFIDENTIAL duo 1 am oMa hdsi astiohwti h "Yanlecele made M ltsmuble. 1 wu weok sud 1ue"ouo0Osa, ecukbssluWl e,helr thin. ops;2dued myes.eeNew m.th.d m ýMe aa 8,10 .-LL u PWrDli8N.loi, 1 . P. flKzESOl n4a!tssh z92pimm.. 6.. "I fs 0g *vntmhi@AttlfftThusterile blood dises.u vasl mys>stsm for ait PH nLuoDnuls0.Ua ce muu for two&esbut the diuse -~sndphIuaabltch= . i.ska lesthé mouth s6cn~ ailsout cObLreuec ILse.I brother, vho bdbs l3tlc~r b~Dr. .nn~ansd Kergan recormndden 17 VRARS EI4 DCTIROITO 200,000 CUREO. NO RISK. READR! re cu =P.t B aie ot on hopAn pou octm RIE I)E II . mpt "LO yor . omu hs tbsd fRaou fw o o n t ,M N n a j h " b u1 a d fe r v i t e r s ho m e e t WNOAM SU R EN CONSENT. P9.. T' l, 0 n at, . . NnahesOn oxes or enve-m VAS.omd onfld9e0tiai. uostion listan sd p«at nnIeft09MSHLBYST R uir~w «.KEON,&RotiT, MUOH TOWN 0F WHITBY Treasurer'a Sale «Lanld for Taxes' Town of Whutby, By vrune of a vannant Counîy of Ontmnl, i. mued by- ibe Mayor under ve wrri Uicouai cf ibhs Copomunon of the. Tovfwn v.teà me dlrSced,, boanlg date, tbeTbâty ftt'day c f a 187 sbaR snbiais soudthé w oasi aeSeoerlé M" the taxes md -*0Coa& teof, la the Conu-mli DAYr., D C.'-A, ïî3g.-At the hohrft Ioocol inathe <(sOtu. ?=y , a PLAis mur WEOKWlNI IANTI -,BOOZE i THE Oh'ÎENTAL RE EOYe aO The New, Bute sUd Blure Gare for Drunkennes. I te santarl-s. I ahe Db. adna *"O «ne, ih tls patlut'shuo. crdehs i se an g.t oc.êa- aria- vllL ýjjtmi -. I *toit bi n* * TTW 1 ouer st. CasteTotal les Lot ftxe su8z 70 7--' X64 s momffl 1 1

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