Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Nov 1897, p. 1

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w, XrI. l eoeived IBARREL 0F PUR NOR WEGZA N Cod Liver 011l. 50c. per pint. .'hia ail ia prepared witb great care enad nnay be relicd upon by physicians ndothers ta be of the best quality, ro streng, unpheasant odor ci.ihaecompaay inferior quahities of A.H. ALLI N. CHEMIST & WHITBY& DRUGGIST, - . ONTARIO. WINDMILLS -AND WIRE FENCE. Geo. A1linoolb Selle the Genuine ÂER- MOTOR, of Chicago, and the Ketaleman Wire Fonce lntendlng purcitasers should examine this Miil befere pîacing their order. Do net lot an agent put an imitation on i-ou when yen tan gelttce Genuine Aeî metor, thoroughly galvasîizod, and wsrranted, for lesa money. o4re oi these mille sold in Canada to-day tha~n an>' other makce. The Aermotor Co. claira îhey sou eone hall ttc number ot wind- miii onîflîs sold In the world, at the present Uime. Alil styles et Wood and Imon Pumps fer sale. Au>' Information regarding these outfits ulîl ho freely given b>' writing te GEO. ALLIN, Feb 7, 1897-6m0. W HI TBY. WXTANTED-lndustnous men of character. TVTHE LINSCOTT CO,, Toronto. W'CESTERN BANK 0F CANADA@ Whftby, Ont. BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. John Cowan, E-sq., Preident; Reuben S. Hamlin; Esq., Vice-Pres.; W F Cowan, EXq.. W. F. Allen, Esq., J. A. Gib- son, Esq., Robi McInto5h, M.D., Thes Patterson, Esq. T H MeMillan .. ... .......... Cashier GÎnerai Banking Buuinesa ransacted. Drafts iusued, payable li ail parts of Can. ada United States, and on London, Eng- l anci, payable ln ail parts Of Europe. 3%~ per cent. ailowed on Savinga Bank Deposits and credlted haif yearly. Special attention to collection of Farmerae' sale notes. E. D. WARREN, Manager of Whitby Branch. WXTNTED-Tbree isoles Ie inirodm ea WVbousebaid work. Splendid returnu to =wpetnt prson , 1. ALLOWAY, Tomoto. -'ARM TO RENT N*Mrt half lot a3 lu Sth con., Whtby. 1aly adapied for dairyîng. Living orsiandrallway station on (aTm. Roui to, good tenant. S. R. B. Hayward, ii 800 GI YNA WA Y ont »swho, make thegrnat.st be,Âf or1'yw Mtd»I the " For addr.u lthe NatioalB*. WHI'-, I Thrifty Local Btory. THE ORNEROSITY OF> A RICH UNCLE. -HIS GREAT KINDNESS TO HIS NEWLY MARRIED NIECE.-A REAL- ISTIC ROMANCE 0F WHITBY, IN WHICH A NUMBER 0F PROMINE T B3USINESS MEN TAKE A VERY CON- SPICUOUS PART. Miss Summers - PPlly-I-I--er--da- But the peaker took s beader over basit- fuIness. onfi yto bear a sweet * Ves, Charle>." * Cati 1 aspire tîe-er---o-tal-is" Again a lapse into silence, followed by an encotiiSgiflg 'Yes, Charle>." "Oh, if 1 might exil>' epe toer-te."1 Another failure eot language. Il ws seetuingi>' a hopelese case, sud mlght have been, only lor a dernire, * Charci-. I have naid 'yes' buice, sud if you mean it. I mean lb, tee, and-" And lu ibis day ltat young man iwill lu- sist that hie popped tbc question. Ail this ha ppened away down oet, sud lb wasnt long before there was a weddiag. Not niuch l.ongrer befere there came a letter froni Pollys Uncle Josh out bore, wbo wrote effusivel>' of his deligiti atiber exhibition of wbai ho called "grît," sud he proposod that if the young people would locate at WVhitby be wouid atari item up lu lite, as a wedding gifi. O! course ttc>' sccepted, and ucre soun biddlag their friende diu A few weeks subeequent te te above conversation a travel-atained part>' arrlved in W~hitby. Our frlond, Uncle Josit, wumenlu charge, and he led te part>' straigbtway te, a hotel. 'The Royal botel" eaid te, 18 5a typical Canadian t otel o!flte beet claus. I have known J. B. Scitieller, lte proprietor, for yesrs, and hlai mine boat after mine own beart, thorougit businesot man, endow- ed with that deligit ful intuition that makes a guest feel aithome, comtertable, content- ed and ini migbiy geod luck. Tte bouse la one of convenience ; tbe aparîments are well furnisbed and lte cuisine excellent. I have engaged rooms tere until yeur own bouse la in readineas." "After breakfast,"I said tte aid man, "I amn ready te go and bu>' your oulfit. To expedite matters I have ordered a carrnage front T McGeary, our enterprising lver>'- mati.' When the hanldeome carniage and prancing horses drew up la front et the h'tel Polly declared Ilthe -'fineal minent she had ever seen. " "Yes Sr-ee,"- repîied Cuncle Josh, "tic three S'a, 'Speed, Safet>'1 and Style,' is McGearys coat ot aruts, So, young folka, when 7eu want te take a drive, cubher for business or pleasore, go there for a rig ever>' lime." Hie ueddlug, picnic and funeral equipinents are unsur- pasae& [it was ini ene ef bis stylisit turu- nuts that the rounds et liete own wére made. At titis point. somewitat te te confuision of Cbalrey, the old man lndulged lna s al! serions criliciani ot bis personual appear- suce. ""<ou are decid odi' ffsy le for a lownsmen, " aaid hoe, "sud we itsd botter go and sec A. D. Fraser, te mercitit taller, about some new dudda. Ho is an up-to- date taller and bas a aplendid stock o! suit- ings front whict yen nia> select. And on flua, I tell you hoe caul be besi I gusrantee that when yen gel togged eutlin oneof A D Prasers suits yonlileok more like s now- ly xnarrled mtan. Il alwsys pays te bave a firâtîclasa taller niake yen.- clotes, be- cause they loot boîter sud [ast longer thon ready-uiade ones. " Cbarley loti bis mes- ure and wben te fine suit se finisited lb fit te a tee. Se be made a resolutlt thon and there te, ever sfio.- be a custemel o!f M Fraser, the taller. ecsne oi' "Oh, sai-, Ucde," ecamd Ply 'where cati I g o fer dry goode ? Titis dres ln hardI>' Bitable. 1must admit." "Weil, my girl, if yen waaî bo select froni eue o! lte moent popular estsblishments la tbe toua, I ilîl direct yen ta lte well-kua.owu dry geeda carpet. sud cleat bouse e! W G Waliers, ôddfeibows building, uho ctsies* s stock et dresse gooesltai for varttansdi real value le soldent seen entalde the largest metropolitan cîiles. He cardes aII lte latest wesves in tasionambe dies# goode and yen are sure te boe guided rightinluy'our selections. Yen will fiud .br Walters pleasant te deal, uith sud te employea paliesud exet til he prie« caunot ..Law sakes 1" suddeuly' embiamed 'heu, Jest. 1"ail ibis trsdhngsudshopping roundf boun bas caased tme te forgeor oliha Pot eeetiels te uueotaeo. h ae ieard ih nid bise sel>'auiel fot* could liue on love sud s0ny but as491, raa o! expe uehocsbte' table would lIoek alliulult bre j¶la thc staffe! tof ou1o Momi meot Dave MatkiSusthse 'M bread, Piec*.akes sd *"isac%sm «W ceded baU t e dm ois s m I-W* ucraber, Chad-I.>'., tla n1*uêu r VUos> uotyb t tube n¶~oIo as thetu a Matisteais aud #014k e 1» U ume ON TARIO, FBxflr NO EE R"' 1897o kuit,>' md lie e hireased 1If, bl~et eedOwab rlh i Jouies canoanud fabbnas, a lis 1 Qërson- ls viseklng t ber son Char- After tht. viait, Unpîe jeu suggested es a mOOttesue place o z refehoient . At théo table this *id tn waed phtiesoj>bical. Sliu Love hbu gone north on. a e 1 "Novevti egleet Your larder,!-' snid ho. huttdor it "that IMPOrtant adjout te hotuee.keopts idierd Cragg la the new presîdent of the~ cetteOlàacuinale tempet,. 'o that eng epwùrrtb bague. Yen must Patronise a grocer on whoniyou1 Qun depend for boestgods.Th 1 BIi. s-dnthe b hof Oct., the wife of Mrrsi long ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C 8rto e~ aefudKt¶o George -Lee, of a dausbter. 0 1r0s. er f cti gl1bae our iOu fond To clip or not to clip la the ieadlng ques. W themu =arful dealers, alu'ays fuli>' atecked tdon ln this 10cailty Jmminow. wlth eVerY Possible thing la te lne of j lra jtPerrin, et Newcastle, was visiting staPle and faut>' greicerles, freth snd firit- btfinsi Eyp u ek cli"no meif.wroragScda there. freah Tbere ra asln E ngypt to eek hee- fruits snd vegetables o fail kinda, while threl ln nfo 1 ut teSs uces are away dôwn to brans tacka., To g rave and Greebn iciso h ehd keep peS lu thfe family get ail your [St chutrch. eaakcrut fterehd grocerles off Itathison Brois. The farulng commuity bave been bumyg 1 see YOU ssdlY ln ueed of a pair ef shoos, theo Iset fw day. iiarvesting their turnip crop Poil , suppose we cali upon my frlo'nd,' M wblcb la not'quit. Up to the average yleld. CoIllne, tbe West Sile foot and Sboo man, A deputation [rom Seagrave circuit waltedc who bas but tecenti>' sbarted in business, on the quqrterly board bore on Monday, do.V Hie stock of shoos tant b. equalled in style Iag a Ilitie conrtsbip towards amalgamation. and extent in this section. Corne ln, look MsVnetwobsbe aiga x thelm over, aud get acqualuted." It rniht lisVcetwoasbnbangae- have been pollcy net toe xtend that invit- tended visit to ber parents, Mr snd Mrm J tien had net Uncle Josh kuown what wise Leask, ieft for ber home ln Chicago last economy it Js to trade at this store, for week.1 PolI>' fouud 90,49sud prices so seductive Thou elu ueod of anythlug lu the. une or tat site pnrchabed an outfit frorn a tan slip- live a"eé aeould attend tbe sale on the r3tb per te a handsome walktug boot. Charie>' b>'Moeurs Burton and O'Neill. Read bhe invested ln gnts fine shoos, wile Uncle ilst. Joab induiged l a astout farraboot sud capped the climax by orderlng ru6bers Mr (3borge Roei la enlarglng bis out bulld- sud oversboes for te part>'. No one ueed. IÛngs luth. shape Of an implement shed with ing footwear eau reass the styles snd prices a stoue basement wblcb wUll b.e ccupled by ôfiered by M Colline. the plg sand foWls. ««I would like to introduce you te Mr Il Jamp Carnoagle bas rented Fred LovesC Wightmau,.> ydentist friencl, to' df the oid man. -e o vr aebe"sadfraf a terra of years and 1Mr Love le go- 4'l yo evr hveto suppie- log to iiove ie the bouse la the village now ment your naturai teeth." "'Ugh!1 Dont cei bMrCngi. Yo11 mention falso tooth te me," cied ocpe > rCrege Poli>'. "I wiîî nover carry 'pearî liem' lu Jamts Gordon bas ieased a faruâ near. the my rnonth if I go toethlees."11"Obt,s for village ef IClrkfield. Hoerpects te meve thai," laughed Uncie Joah, "if yeu will oui>' about *6. middle eftihe winter. The ferm t consuUt a good deutist lu Urne yoeu tn ave now ocSupied by Mr Gordlon ha. be loa. a catastrophe. Dr Wlghtmaa, for Instance ed by Wtn Thoras..c je wonderfully expert ta savlug natura Georgt-ller sud Miss Clara Perkîns wbot teeth sud b bas tii. sktU sund every me. bave taigit our public scbool the promeut cban<a applilce noeesar>' te do hie 'oik year bhie bèen e-engagea for te year rS8 wlth the least dtomforb to his patrons."at aù n crease ia salai-y lu beeh cases' The 4Say, Uncle Joah," interrupted Chaile, action> efthe brustees lu this matter wlii meet "la there a good herse eheer la toua? Yen wft theoariy approval of the'ratepayer know hou iparticular I arn about =y tmare01t68 Kiti>."l Thats rlg'ht. he replied "'sud e isection. ehant have an>' bother about be1r, tither. fle tttodist cburcb ll bold their first The. enl>' eclentlfic hoeeheer iu town, I anniversa ry next Sshbaîb sud uil b.favor- tbink, la John Pallen, at Wrn NCuporte ed wltbtb. presence of an old frlend sud' esbishment. He understndm the con- former.- pastor Rev E S Roue, o! Toronto struction of a herses hoof, mast ubat kind ef wIif prescb aete a. m. and 7P. M. Thbe Rov s shoe la requlred how te make sud put lt S W Dean, et Sunderland ulîl couduct a on. That rein<s me titat I promised speci' Interesting service iÏtr the Sabbatb Polly a aite buggy. Newport la the. man Scho.SAqd lvorkerms t 3 P nM. A titsnk of- for that. Ho manufactures ail kinde of fer'.Es iplicited at each service. AIl are rige, that for hlgh-class workrnanship, are we o unsurpaseed, and ho dont charge any faucy Ro a eesdicus. nib us iprices cîther. Ho uses te best of materisi , MCmeed lagecouregon e es sud alloue nothing te go loto hie vehicles tien Wéspytemrew hxhth u w -Sna that wil net stand te strengest stralu. Hi e prsytlachchleli oSua> bus service betucen the bewu sud stations afternooos. Especilfly was bIle tte case4 le meet popular, becanse 'ho bakes great lat Suncla>' hen thte ordinary seating at. tare te see that his patrons- are weîî cemnodetlon was net su0fcleût. Mr Camer-1 served." On bas , takeu up lte sub4ect lu a very deil. U routeto te heir home te part>' csllo4 borate and therougit maqluer sud lb wilt take at tbe CEBRQOICLE office. "Vnul sut bthe4uother sud perbape. îwp more -sermons to ne"weovM er'ek,1" remarkod Uncie Joah, toveùbte grond ash.ý le te proacb a: Feu- "sud a« tIe Cmosz= gIves all the local Ion railIl act Slunday the aubjctuil s,, papp-u'befaof es 0 e t or ustit tfoIoiu undsyatr thns 'o aebuh seveny ta usoyceobelse ta bhing," she exclalmed. "Oi'one thlng,", repllcd Unte Josab, 0f hersescattîs, Iambe sud pigs. Tbere't reftctivîy,<'bu I au rmodybiti. To ylb. sold b>' public ancteou onlot 170 COn feeiuro aiea 1 uxlw edythâhav e soflio te t.tewnShlp etReach iimiles eomt o themsud en tn ee wienevr ~ Greebauk, on Saturday Nov x3tb, 097 te waa ~t iîî >'~>i t oliwig Ive stock, the ofpete!Burton ezb- é cliamed Poil>' utItgmteatnd Oei.Horses,-x ba orse.,1year e8rme. tIn0e .1 iio .?"01; i. lack mare, 6 years od ; i -sprlug - '~iT~U îaba~ ~ ~colt. CatIle,-,- cous due ta ,talve lu Dec.; B u t Po il> lab e2 a co s d me t, ca ive l a a ry ; C o u s' â e té calve la themprng ; i farro* cow; asitwo l yesr old belfers ; a' one year 014 Steeti. LOcAL, NEWS LEUTERS& =ÇInasi>-fat. Pt tôôôboo -so 1 u1P ansd a-- nimber of youni pigé. 'Ternus e i OumozoL Ooausiowpuo., oi sud uuvder cas1 over btha -AMmt 3 mtuhs creditoIambe and 6 menthe credît Ob cutüe ýo -- ptchaemiafruleblgg spoe U4JKUBSUloit nte. Slete comtmeee t 1 obch. UilasmMad Spence le vWtuug lu Taronte eeeactoer Mir W&ltcr Bo@#sbu ýpue noth for a duer . ame 49 Utimés biimmWaonlt.>0n - ~ 1k -- &" ««U.mr.4 p oe Ig mde-#eýpwMb&l Mr S Bond frein near Columbue 'has reited the Hoar, farnl', froni wiich Mr Beèkle le leaving, sud wull shortiy m6ýc Onto lb, A notiter purchase of booksce nu shortly b. made for tIec-public iibrary. Mr R H Walke, B A, of Lindsay, was lu toua on Saturda>', Dr Lambly le engaged lu bible so- clety work titis week. He was to ad- dress four meetings, at Omeme, Pontypool and two obter points. We bave a large assortment of lined gloves and mita now la stock. New styles and low prices make a good combination. 'We bave slo special va!ues lai top shirts. Hoilida>' Bros, Mr Robt Balfour o! Hamilton, whose recovery froin a receut severe iliness was itardîy hoped for, te aow rnuch better asu eslowly tmproving. Mr Balfours many !rtends here wiIl be pieased to learn titis.' .Ou ttc same nlghîttat Mr Croxalle sheep were attjcked by doge (s re-1 ported it aIst ueks issue) Mr, Wm Jeffre>' had ejree valuable iambs killed. Tte mutton bill prsented to council -on Monday was a iteavy oue. Tite Royal. Templare of Temperance are kaown ro be specially fond of coldi water, but the elements poured rather too muct of it on the arrangement. rhey had made for rail>' nigitt, wbicit s to have been celebrated on Tues- ýday iast. Tte event was postpoued tIlt next meeting, 16th in't, when the programme willbe catried out. Report of the standing of the pupile of the Jr department of the Brookiu echool for Oct, Sr Second-Highest mark possible 125. Clara Cook 12 1, Clarm Cotton go, Nellie Spencer 8o, Minute Cratg 67, Maggie Craie -67, Clara Wilson 51. Jr Secoud-bîghesr marks possible i 2o. Tilly Robson i 6 Laura Fo>vlte Il , Minute Spencer 96, Fôrd We.s 86, Jeunie Grass 86, Lau ra Butson 83, Cassius Spencer 8x, Ralpit Mai-shall 79, Arthur Coakweli 78, Elma Citeyne 77', Mary Coule 62, Chai-once l3Ickle 55 Frank Augustus 46, Geo- Banner 36, E.rnest CoIbY 38, Sr Pt.II-highest -marks possible ixro. Pat*ence Francis iQ2i, lames H,1ueson 95, AuÏdýv ÇC6ok 3, ýJennie Calres tî, FràtzkrScott 8i,,FlosieBray !B, lXaph Cheyne, 75, Tom1 China 67, 'Ceclia, Wihlie Pirie 7-4, Eâ eRetn7-1.B- trceHueeof 72, Frank Cunongbam 7X. Chas Spencer Jiî, Olive Cheyne 7o, Mabel Chin 69, Fred 'SkInner 65,0 Frank Colby 65, Wessie Red 'an 62,ý Walter & ner . jerry. BaùIqe46, Pear SPeficer 456' W. A. fl.. ouw. NO.49 'Victor Mcliecian ta home on a vii. Arcitie Weir retnrned front the northwest last week. MEr E Burton o! lUxbridge us lu town Isat Suada>'. James Bozali o! Lindsay wus la toun on Monay. M d Rundie of Osbawn s home on a M.it laet Sunday. T C Nicholie etUxbridge wae Iu toua ou business on Monday. Mr- and M.-. W Lally o! Luite Brlbala bave returned te toun a iliv. bore. HLoDn ueDrydena us lutêwu last Frlday la coanectlon witb lbe toundry. James H McBrlen, son o! Inspecter Mc- Brien, le at lte dosk lu the Western Bank. 1 «Mrs S H Graham o! Whitby b as ibis pamb ueek been vlsiting friende la ibis viciait>'. A meeting o! the hockey playere il b. beld next Tuesday evealng, 9bmmi aitte St Charles. Cbas Poara bas bought tbe baker>' business latel>' carrled on b>' J Deshane, w ho Inteade removlng te, Oshawa. The btoyesud young mon were more than bus>' with their tricke on Saturday sud Mon- da>' nlghts-celebrating halloween. l'Tbe baud of hope had a succesetta con. tort on Tuesday eveaing. The little folks acqultted theraselves ver>' credîtabi>'. Mise Ma>' Bennett returaed bonme ou Tuesday evenlng from Milwaukee, wbere sbe bas for sometime beon visliug ber brother William. Mesere' L Quackeabusit, J Goudy and W Anderson were lu Uxbridge on Monda>' 'ewoniuy. *,the guests ai a part>' of the ,"JolI>' Fivl'In bloun. This le Guy' Fawkes day, the Tnt. Blues o!fte-tounwull celebrate te day b>' an oyster supper lunte Senso! England hall this Frîda>' nlghb. A recîtal, on te ew pipe or g au wll be given thîs Frida>' eveuIng b>' Pro f Geiger of, Oshtawa lu the citurcit et the Ascension. A silver collection at te door. "There ll be a bot tIra. in te, od town bo nighî,"1 was o@otblng lu coniparison wlit t. bowling old tilie ai the pie social ai Prince Albert on Mouds>' eveulug, Couinorama. Thte ladies sud gentlemen cmonpeing St Johns presityterlan dhurcit choir purpose glvlng sornetblng, unique lanttheus>' et a entertalament on Thankaglvlug e'nla Nov a5tb lu the bewa hall, Port Perry. Thte programme ulil coasist o! Instrumental miusic b>' au orchestra, cherusus, solos, marches, etc., Somothlng, uovel wullbe sitowun lte wsyof advertilang ; look fer lb, wait for lb, bu>' a ticket for lu, go te lbt.,. lireJoshug Wrightî*s strcken lit Paralysie ou Wednesdayo! k l e wee ile rerigt oe-o tiP ;- t.1Mr 'f W*#- ol ahI. te itit Iose, Dr J - route oni atendiuu .2-2.2- W.-=22= N(Ye 49-

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