Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Oct 1897, p. 6

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*ft he piano eand slegling thIe tcnderest ïof romsi»Ces ln whlch'dtaring the last note the butterfiles loi the song inger aM the heatt of the roses. And the garden ln which I was wallc.. logywas qulte of a character too fôster ,hsgentie frame of mind. litwus noV ,wild or overgrown. Its flower beds were blue red andc1 yeilow baisatns, were ranged with as much precision as the Sevres cups and Saitony statuettes on a whatnot of a ,proivincial housewlfe; the sand of ItsJ paths, where the rake had left mark- legs as distinct, stralght and exact as -the lines lu a bar of rnuuic, and ita cor-« rect and uniforin borders, stîff as the frilis of a dress that had flot been ,crushed, seerned to suggest the ambi- tion of a very pleasant ideal-an ideal in perfect taste, without violence or exaggeratlon; narrow, elegant, pretty and qulte suited to fu.rnish water color s5ubjects. .A July sun lavished its gold and threw into the garden aIl the infinite that a bouquet is capable of holding. A butterfiy which was fluttering around like two fiower petals set free by the wînd brushed past my hand, leaving on it a little of its. fine, white powder. ~White butterfly," said 1, for the re- membrance of the song led me into such conversation with this delicate vwinged creature, -white butterfiy, do riot hasten away, but stay, rather, and seutle down on this leaf-a flower would take too much of your at- tention-and listen t a question which 1 have always wanted to ask you or one of your kind." The butterfiy poised hirnself on a leaf. 1,I arn listening.' said he. For why sheuld lie not have answered. since I had spoken to him ? " -Frivolous lover of roses and 1 iles,' I began, "whence cornes this delitate powder you scatter from your wings as you ffy from fiower to fi9wer, can you zeli me ?1I arn sure you rnust have siggested the arts of the toilet te the perfurner. for yours are the only wings that scatter whiteness like a puif." The buttertly said, "'Tis strange." But as he had nothing to do he conde- scended to enlighten me. I arn sure vwe should learu rnany things that are mot in books and net known by learned inen if we chatted more frequently 'with the insects of the woods and fielde When aubpurn haired Eva vas born nt 16, an age at vhich the vomen cf our trne do flot linger haIt long enough -in the miraculous Eden, teerng with life and yout.h, shc vas piunged at first into an ecstasy et admiration nt the aight of se mucit magnificence, mnd not the antallest pang et envy po isoned ber heaut. Evee before ehe Lad gazed into the neares spring ml creatures crovded -around te do heu bhorage, and after havlng seen heu own radiant reflection sie conceived a profound feeling et compassion for ail other created thinga The spliendid ligitta ln the lions inane, luntinous in the sunsilne, could miot rival the tawny brightnuaofe Evas long, floatliig locks. Why should site have be jealous <at the uvan, since hee~ oven throat ad armae were made etf living snows, or, 'why et the great vines luntte foreat, .er owc embrace being fti more ,treacherous and more sweî? 1 The uky, inu lu deepest, ciearest bluel migbs have hoped to rival heu -eyes half shey nos hmd a seter and more exquisite azure. lu fine, site-looked at ail shingu, aud a greas irave of pride came over ber. -Without doubt," ste said, -"mil la very good, but thon irbat of it ail ?'" And thereafter ber favorite amuse- ,iaouS va ts it under a troc and pasa tII te day klaslng thie rosy tip& of her aslenader flnges., TIlt ons day site sair a rase. The roe vas there betore ber, a ýyets scrcly a rose, aluaoit pale ilu lu triutupbant guace. It opened and wld*1eeed, radiant as a star, lunainous sdliving, ýalmeet ituman, like a A-tliPmsPalSng that way lingercd se *aMeOnt It md Weps iront teedernes. .Thon 'Eva tilt -uomethieg ssirrod 'wkVlhint'ber. Sha %fucderstood tit "throsg¶loqt*mit eternty ste laid a riv&iL as sitf tassé, ste roue vas fot 'Ipt beautitul. Perfume aganas pet-i tt1ume, pAM magalat- guce, Vo sie end 01 tinte thélu charma Woold bo pttssd -:4tgcta notter sud te ivould -can cndle a ad umceasng Stmu gle.. livain lmuamo edrof af -would sry Inu ouil cadial o -ý1rovC VO their âmisuesse Vs eOfs 1îe ovéeign Io*rý Eva hmd no il 4uplorà .'on thte subject ' The ros«. -lWoud *lways df(y ite,, mqd to rcwtIm once ech a' vusture selle IL ar& 0 woêuld sab* have lked Io tsar the' iDrt, Howcver, aihc beshought herself OU another torture.>Se ultupon Ste smnd a lIttId pyýc oftdied grass es, light- cd ît with a gloWwormn, and picklng the - rose tossed k insto the flue. Alshuddsr4 pmsdthroughits delicate Petals, as1 wath a low, plaintiff murmur it yielded1 Up al lu perfume, its charm, its rosy whlténesse is lule and incompa$able grace to the devouring fiante. At last nothing was lett on the dying embers but a littIe hcap of white dust -the ashes of the rose-and the vont- an, in whom savage instincts were al-j rcady rife, was satisfied. d3ut the butterflies lu the garden of Eden were mad with anguiah, for they loved the rose so hated by the women. Neyer again, quivening with pleasure and deligbt, wuuld they settle on its trembling petals. neyer again brush with open wings the perfumed myster- ies cf its heart. While the fatal act vas committed they flew widely round the mercilesa executioner, but Eve did not even see thern, so entirely was she given over te her revenge. And nov as she walked off triurnphant, they drew near to gaze upon the pale remains cf their beloved lying on tae little heap of extinguished grasses. At least they would keep as mucb of her as they could. So lu a tumultuous swarm they fiuttered down upon the precious relics, sometirnes singly, some- ti'mes aIl together, rolling themselves lu her duet. And ever since that tinte the fine white powder, scattered frein the wings of butterfiies, is the ashes of the rose. Womeu whose faces by uns gbtly erupti6-us frequ ently (ail te nuder. - ' ..inward dis- =euta sud powders, net knovug that alt tke whlt thse trouble iu not iu thse asin, ltselt-but tu thé Bye. tem. It le somnetimes ab- nolutelydagerous to une outacard pil. tonsfri h skin aloue lu clearg ,tise resl i Msesin likely te sttack some Interna orffl of the body, whereIV ulay proveofa&a la thse Mmjrity eot Cam sthse" wilgt#y skia disenses a"e die' teo thslugsf, woak- nesa sud disordmreof thse dlstlnctly f*mi- aine orMlau, sud lupudies oft he blood cue ythens.Thse voutac vise ster froin 7disesse lu s wemanty way viii som enfer lu ber gouersi IscslUi. I1erstu*b liver sud other otgas w iii (ail V etou thi rprfusaeus, vs abe rsi ia Uic bloobecomes Impure.Left te lber. self; eho vill puobaitl y ort:telu%% 4tlc sud olutmeuls. if #ho cousuits a phy#CIms ho vi tell heu that the stomacisor lver only; tea afuit. aerdlstîàetly voliszay ailiment lu eatly the flustai m Col 5. For ibs is eoshouid reson t .5on eSe éDr. Plerces Favorite Prescript=ýion t ots 41 rectiy and ouly on tse dellcateaMd important 'Orms cmmhed.Itmais. tIansstronir and wIL nn a course ot Dr. Piecla Golden Médical Disco"veryMilpnrlfy sand esrich the biood;smd mm: b er aneir Vo. man. Medicine dernss1slaotis uemtdies 1CU sa.tee Mach 5w Dr. Flts 1%- Dri~ Mee tcu0 IOs « my nue suda te."' pela."frth, Sure,«&te sd siPle msyw t.fcn al mimeroft silu 4luessss 5.1 l, u Dtr PlSc. mcdimii dvlser. P1%t psp«eovered copy sund 3tOneut tmms, 0"zo r uao»= an ïaliafMriyte Dr. IL V. Pierce, A by-iaw vu aS masdas te les meeting of ste Sowti eounçU fixiz ste, fsnd Titursdmy In Augaoitthé date et1 Lindamys anual ci* b<holdsy. This wiii do a;way v ith ,t us ltiop sud' petty jealonsie& Akby4lawlImpouing sa iicense tee 01 $50on i&Hpdlamsetc.:, doing business wltl4tt te c«p=ouuo A veyd1aesUus &6M Occrred là«t Sturday eveulng'on 513% la=1 of 1Mr. J" >bL I*aM ftI!oewâo& Mauvesi>p He waSý ltt4lug Id$ gnditebed by1 sMu Roht cafta uhth a stam thr«am1,a, D7 me,15 propitoirâ of -PamoneI I>ye-- and evez et$t anpy p*edn These speotal Damopnd -Dy e Ctten' colora are great obomical dicoeêeries, and coufliedentirely Vo the Diaeiend Dys. The Colora are aixteen ln number, sud ar'e lmmenaely populgr, wlVh carpet, rug and mat miliera everywhore. -Qottont gooda dyed wiVh thes, Diamond DOye Cotton colora noyer fade-in sun or waahl. I1f you are about Vo dyo cetton goodu, or dosire Vo celer ragé for car pets aud matis, be sqre audýask your merchant for Fast Diamond Dyes tfor Cotton and Mii- ed Gooda. Ho shiould'- keep the f ull var. iety--slxte useful coloras. Brook Counocil. Met Bt Sunderland on Oct. 9. Ordere wore granted ou the troasurer tor the fol. loving : 89 Vo'Mn Aila» MoLean for 180 yards of gravel supplled for lte con 8 ; grant of 6256 ote Brook Aeultural Society ; 88.90 Vo Mr. Geo. Hodgeon, for 78 loadaetfgravel eupplied Vhs corpora tion ; $2.25 Vo Mu. Samuel MoMillan for 45 loada of gravel ; 88.76 te Mr. William ['urvis for 175 loade of gravel ; 818.20 to Mu John Murta for 264 loade ef guavel; 82.50 Vo Mr. Frank Doble, for building crosuiug lun Vhe tova hall prop.ry ; 89 Vo Mr John Argue, for repsiriug oulvert and gravelling sideroad lots 18 and 19, con 14 ; 85 te 1Mr. Josepht Reekie for work doile on townhine Georgina, sud one hait et salid expenditure vas ordlered Vo b. char ed te Georgins p ; 64.26 Vo Mu Da» .1 Warville for E15loads of pra. *tl ; #6 Wu refunded to ite Publie Li. brary, Sunderland, being amount receiv sd from that institution toirenot of owe hall ; a grant of 8$5ias made toirards Vhes upport of one Aloi. MoD)onald irbo lu in idigent àlroumstances, ba d sid amount vas made payable Vo Mu. Josepb Thompuen Vo b. expended by him for MoDonalda beneflt. . -The reeve was mppointedl a commissionw or Vo mclt i conjuctien with a Commis- Vo reprust Reasit te adjuet the expei tume of ateney and istqtte labor perfotmn- ed on the . Voivje of Brook sad Beach during aneas188md 1897 ; andtl.. elerk wos nstrfeted Vo rtetify the. Resal Ocunoil ofthe Reeves appeintmenî.' Mr Tuner vas appcinteid Commission or wlth similar povers te, seUtle wîth Georgirsa Coucoul regarding expeZdltures, and statute labor pertormmd o orline of Brook and Gomrgina. Mr Turner was appoiùted <3emmlssioc- wttb p<wr Vo ngotlate' vititTh*ra (luei orte saleê lal work snd Itafut* ,laber peo.rmed.on . town- line et Broolk andTrhdiulng the proeet yGIP. Mr Weétheral Wins-'mppolnted Commit. uiod«use wthehs mre'powers regfainp te, oieuine expenditures and staUt. labor, us eBrook sud Mad»posa. Thé Clerk . vas iutuotÏd Vtonotlty Meurs Newrton sud Hsnr Brethomuat compi-te have beenauM4ê!to1iee60=11 that tbef fieeon hs -Public *ivày ai -d in LbeÏouse e of u icmottoe, mnd Vhs Clerk lai i nstruct'V o 110114 dopm Vo have ite fonce rsmoved fr-ont e the rad'foiwlhwitb.-4 y",- 'kt ay~o~ll~O tlilng 01 the 1sort,* Ho~ * on ~petVhs e',Pple Vo g "Thisai a efut mans furuithileg store, 1 bll v ? Îh sadto'the aprQoe clerk. "Tes, uzdadam.,Whàt sah 1I1have te pleasureoft sltow:ng 7013 V" Samamples."ha "SamPles Of Vhe gentlemen you fur- euýh."p Throggina, a notoriousiy lazy man, met bis friend aoppendyke on the street. "lGlad Vo io youo old fellow," said Ropondqke, "but y ou are looking thin.", "Yes,' replied throggins. "lt iis the :eault ot overwor. "0f overwork 1" echood the aaitonished Hoppondyke. Il Vhose ?"1 #éOold," aaid the teaoher, with as much impresoment es if he had just made the discovry-,"cold contracta and hoat ex- panda." "fThon what," asked tho now boy- &"what is the reason that them Alaska fortunes shrink rio the farthsr south Vhey git V" "The railway tare Vo Canada i. vory low nov," said the cashier of an Indiana bank, as he looked up from an excursion handbill. "Jamesi," called the preaid3ont to the janitor, "look the front door inatantly and send for a policeman." "My daughter is very spiritual ; she kopt up her churoh work through ail Vae hot weathtsr." "&What kind of churoh work T' "S8he went Vo thes aashoro and came home engaged Vo a clergyman." ,"What doos M. P. stand for V' aked the Chicago girl in London as ahe persu. ed the oeoznini paper. "It says hors, 'SoniebodyM?" 6"Goosie 1"t crisd the other Chicago girl. "1V means mounted police." Pai'nmKi"lr. Pal n-KiIIer. Tht. la tssta* Mtud 1t.ca=%tlm anae tocsu-mug ortoo emuhAUc. illa fi emplae Msd qulck cure for Crampsa, Cough, Eheumatlam, VU, Colda,% usga TWOSIZS, 8e.suneO. Ont by a Scythe. fil have used 'Quickcure' for many accidents this summer," writes Dr S J Andres, of Montreat. One very. bad cut from a scythe was heïled ln a won- derfully short time-in one week the cure was complete. For burns and Sores, it is really far better than any oither-remedy 1 know of." !Vot.a. Cons Thomas Marquis in hustling the cattie trade. S»e visitngfai-da #ère.- James u Uddy tnd 3.13eMoKe. are sprlonsly -111SM preseiaO Mlis Wood,.of Torontoq, spe1ït a fort.. ig hvî&h Mr .*d Mr.W oble. btph*boiu 08, of, Udora, h4av"ue..h thé, welght of1eégâ lSaý lnuü Mnor her an In Cinadian eggs, _f6r ini fer thah shoie- 'ipped ed States, And eggs' States ot th , count A those front thé ouott"0 A. le ïthlf aehalei ni 1. Moor.,M. O., d Moore.. W. Warren, M. D. k1Â1... - to il 40.te0£p.m.-ý Dhr ianda5 Street, Whitby. IN . RebtdIflcO-No. , -The Terrace, Byron St. W hitby, janl. tbz86 IF YOU HAVE: WEAK BACK, LAME BAGK, BACKACHE. LUMBAGOO I RI4EUMATISMO DOA'SKIDNfET PILLS WILL CURE YOUl DO YOUR HANDS OR PEZT $WU£'? UP 80 YOU HAVB WBAK KIDNHYS& DOM4'S PULS WILL STRBNOTHBN THEMOh HAVE YVOU DROPSY, KII>NEVOQ R I- NÂRY TROUBLES 0F ANY gIiNp Igo,0 DOANS PULLS WU&LCURE YOU. SOMETHINO WORTH' KNGWINOs MIADAM1ES. DIZZINUS, PRIONIPUL DRB3ArISDt&TURBU11 SLEEP. LDROW8I NM.SI OROETFULNESS, COLO CM"LS NERNOUSNES, EBC., ARBONAUSED 13V DISORDERED iNRs. EVUNRF VOUR UEWRY 9 EPIVE. YOU àSOUD "AL(ys RaLEIBEmfun T DOAN'5 PULLS CRM AUL KM"NYTROU BLUS. MDNO1BVBRY DOSE3IUMS TMt SOLOAT AML DRUOSTORPS. -FOR SALE BY- Chemist and Druggist, Brock Street WHITBY. Dr 1. igtman DENTJST. p~ pen oveuy Setuadsy nig4Lt Bfttinge 0f The Division Courts. OOUNTY OF ONSTAJIO 1896, ,Wxmy-D. o. Macdonelt, Wbttbyk Oleri Jan. 8; Peb. 8; March 8 Pei 2;ayB Juce 2: Julyl 7 e. OP t ;Nsv8 Dac. 2. Omuw-D. O. Maodlone, Whltby, Cltrk ;, Jan. 4; Feb. 4; March4; Apil ay Jue 8; JuJy8 iSp. 8; Oct. 8; o. Dec. 8, 'Baunx-IL Gleesen, GreenwcfOûd, sep.4; Nove. PORT rx»T - J. W. Buzhm 'i Ferr, Oiek-Jan. 29; Maroch 9;M.y 15 July 20; sep. 28; Nov. 18. luxnuwlg3j3eh B. Gould, lUxbiîdjs4, Ciek-J. 8; aroh 24; MSYl9hh;JnIY 14;oll4 ;DmO.16, OàvuoeeT eou&O5miVbh' OsnvnIcn Jan. 81; March 21; ka 20; lb -f15;Oci. 15; Dec. 17. Olerk-MaJcit 26;1 May 21; July 1716 Oct. 16;~ Olerk,-Mar-eh 27; May 22; lidy-17.; Ct, 17~ Dec 19. B'y oier, J.3B. PAZWEXL October 7th 1895. W. . ARIE DULER xlu1 IATTÂoKBD W1T. ORY RHEUMJ EA.RLY Bach Successive Yeai tanks With lucres R.e Wasa Phyca 'ZOM Vhe Sun, Bele Mrand Mrs W RI si% deeply grateful, tiü of Providence Utth and happinsas 011" on, Muster RIlr aI44reserved. Mr ~iknown conduet lïison of the G TB ingin this city. A Leard of the cure of tI the joy of han paroe èomse and wua met en being inforxned co visit,,t Ionce told t] and hov the resulVsa were living in Mado about five Jeare of 1 wsnt to cail him one plied Vo my cal] by es rise.. I at once vent' that ho was unable aid being sumn ed inflaunuatory rhseuxn boy iiiita grar-p. Ail docton could do vs teck p.ssed off, but tI while'in Peterboro vith ýthe dread diseue in aterribis dread o: When Vhs warm vos rtllîed, but vas veri &W- ow of hie formel Fo eould do ho wa@ a lext upring. You car md dread with vhic' scurring attacks, os bian Vhe lut, and os ey in a vorse conditi eut before. Hie Ji im te bWdfor tret esut vwu dangeroui ufferings vers terrib gl to ses him ryiug1 teutit., His neuves hstered that a fera ad affected him, ani remblod mc that h.ocW ýimacif. Some frieni il. Du- Williama Pie, md cyàîédei àv em tVo Haruy 'l nd 'Wbeu Vhs spuing' iwasly, fearing a mo >ut woue.thAnkful an Io,- sympteus e f t i roublsd. for' the, 'Wbae là- Vhs opdltl >rmsnt?" s sked III e ssýVurdjmcd as h »Vs'cou d inUifr' ovr ac3prsen h 'Ink PI&sn' mcd t i4enV . W

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