Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Oct 1897, p. 3

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an the PMNR-KILBR t, y it no trt>v AWO VE5MAMIKU RLIZP if *Ptu-m fusim<ls eéui painsese Seir PÀIN-KILLER luh.wsj 0 Ile ne arumr, rpïuir,=PIr,. td n' "d%" vun mS tm ior exteraly wfth UiWeity of îeof lweof ItuiionL Taire noue but tihe genliifl dieU"v DAVW." 51so ur lar. .4use..14bott.. VMy kgobottie, Ou.. - Elgi Court cf Justice. ~The non jury sittingm of the 111gb Court ýO1 justice openadi be on Mondmy, chief 'Justice Boyd pnesiding. The bar was ne ~~resented by N F Pattenson Q. C., J E iarewell Q. C., W R Riddell, C J Hol. <mnan, TW Chappls, C A Joncs, J B Dow, G y BSDtè~, FN Raines, James Rutledge rand othenm. It is a long time ines thonE vas.auch an arnay et talent. Rien vu Town of Whitby.-Aetion foi datmages. Thos Rice vent te, Bowman. ville vitiitho Whitby fins brigade on Ma) 25th te iielp clobrate tbe Queons birth, day. Duriug their absence a house b. longiug ta T hem Deversîl jr wau hauleè upolen i.reai b7 J0. Heard who had Lbi contraet etfrnovîng i. The building vam loft ou the turnpike of Dundas street op posiLe Geo BriLLons nesidence. lIn e Lurning trom Bowmanvillc at 9.30 tha ovening the. toam auling the canniage is which Rico wus iding wit.h eight other shisi atLthe building and succeeded ii Upettiug the canniage into the ditoli Ti.heo esbroke hue.fremi Lan ranu u Lovu. Rice. va fouui undon the rig bad 1ybruiued, uni sued tho town for $1600 Tii. tovu took action to, mako Tho Deveroil jr a&joint defendant, or thint panty in the uit. W R Ridd.ll and C. Joies ppearmi fer plaietiff, J E Fan vol Q . for iiie tovi and 0 Y $mit' and 0J.1 Holman fer defendaut Devenell Thos Ries-Arn plaintiff in tussmuil Bad been at l3owmauvillse on May 25tî with finemen te elebrate Queens binti day. Thon. vere 9 lu the ig dmlvin home, aid mot with an accident on Dur dao streuL lu the tovn of Whitby.1 was a vsry dank uight, and wu rnl &long viien quite uucxpectedly th herses shiod ut a house which waq sittir in tii. middle of the romd, and tunuod th carriago ita Lthe ditch. Was sitLing c the nlght aide of the canniage on the f roi et. Wbon the hors.. shied intu LI diteii uttemptod te, jump ouL, but tt, coven ofthLe carniage h.ld hum lin, and 1 vas pîtchet into the gutter. Lest cei sciounesa. Whcn ho negained cei meloumnesa teund thut he couli net ine Bethi eyus vers swelled shut, andioesey bail wua lmoat gougod eut. Hai thng eeth knocked eut, vas hurt in the il ani baok, and generally knocked eu Was in bei six weeks. HRai attendan, frein Dr McGillivnay aid Dr Eatwoc W**auttnded by us i» ie. two daughti und ameon. Wuu net intoxicatedi on tl night ofthLb accident. Non dii ho o r serve anything vnong vith Smith Cami boll, who vas driving, on t.hat li union the influence et liquen. E tbecny us te vhy lhe ani the etiiers the. nlg diflot see tho building un t roudislathst Lhey vers net expecting am thing etftth. kind te bc thon., and besid masntile. Thonvas frnue luger ut B mmafleforfireman. Bai on. gli D »oa et re ollet iaving more thaï i mtnks aL Bevmunvihlu. liaimore r hveêon * borne,-Do«arot kt bow muait StitkOampbéhhhlai oidr lpre the. accdent *or* ddihg pn to the northhditeli. ,Fin b.o borsea lhrov up thbir budl.. T *sh'a U lkè,uabuilg on ther th, tté.1 ia fwom th".bu ürïet*4es éWmThe, * n.did sorkilift of tbe ho.eds 186f 'Fa 1Xe Farewell-Did t duI rai~w the dlagra M ptuea èd -lu W âe . ' kuow where t bsppened. Sa* t'o hbmi.. theoand the brokien t4r i . âtleal he knows about it. Dm ose uoir~thb.t the. building had pot beant uoied houlho saw the cmii. of the uoil4et'et Moê ing. It wau about 8.80 next onig when hoe visited the. place. James Foley ws u nb.heoatlaq *holà the accident occured. ÊFinui h. know about the accident, carnage upieti. Waa sitting in lut âst. Oaa'nigeusto poBite building. Wae the. last Moiaittoi get out of carniage. Rie. had aloboéti pulled out. Thinka Rlice wam standiqgj up. Saw Rice. wa hurt. One. eye wai closed, the other nearly en, face ont, m6uth bleeding, and complaied of hurt in bock.* Vas conscicus apparently, Saw the hou.. after aocidebi t, but Lbé. fore. It could be seen about two rode away if ones attention weré callod La IL, but without warning eue could drive right U to it and fot e. t. ToM fr Farewell-Thoe.was free beeur at Bowmanville. Drank with Oampbell tprobabi y three glaises of lagor duinng the fday.HBad a drink ai Oshawa comlng rhome. Jos Bande] took up collection te pay for the drinks. EBad soui, fast driv- ing coming home. The carrnage b.d nine in it, the band wagon about tvmnty-two. Were singing as they approached the bouse on the noad. To Mr Riddell-Walked round tb, buildin.It at klnd cf skewed acrosu rthenroad. Nons cf the. monuin the. ig vere drunk. y Wm Taylor-Was at tb. place cf Lbe accident before iL took place, but diii rot ueo the building.Thssvwu about 9 oclock. Walked aong north sidewalk, eCould not sec building. Saw building after accident. Rad walked 50 yards wet of building coming back when be heard a rig comaog bohiud and soon after a crash. Itn eaat along the. romd a piece and bumpea into the building. Saw the rcarniage afier a ime. IL vas ini the n ditch. Smw Ries thons. Oould flot ne- . cognizo him until ho geL ver y close to hie 'P face. The rig appear.d to b. coming at a fairjo when the accident oocurned. To Mer Farewell-Did flot heur any dsingiug as tho ig came &long befor. Lthe .daccident. ADr MeGillivray-Attended Mr Bice eafter accident. Had mttondmd hum b. Lh ore. Rie. was no& robust. Rad been to me for niediciie fer bis back. At. th. accident found tb. nlght eye protrud- hj0g 50 far that to wink tbe eye would be himpossible. The. ether oye wasonet 19is spken c f that night, but wus a lth n> biaokened next day. Hiem hp as ore. ILSaw Lh. place wbere theto ttihbailbeel îknoeked ont -of bis moutb. The.pro Strusion cf theoym was due to a beior ig uago freinibelînd. Me sight as gre&mý lly effeced. Would net despote Dr >nBurubamu opinion as a apeciahist. nt To Mr Farewell - Would net say i43 whether or not tbe accident burt tbm eye hepermanentîr, but possibly it muy haie 10 doue me, Diii net test Lh. oye, u.roly ntook Mn Rices statements fori L. ke. Sviens ta the. accident had treated Eoo 'o- for bis back. Would net liiito ssy iiiî Strouble with bis back was the réouit1 Sc 50e Lbe blacemitlunp t nade. Suspeted tâha b.it arome froni indigestion; Notioed a rit Sdisplaced in Rices ide, but that wus Ion@ ce after thbo accident, d. Sit apelDoel.hr. «ck treos vuld baveee s,10 b4Utid. PB4I< Lb.s the dimance botv.éu th buédig'au ~e the. grauaet the oda ai of. thI ito,*Ia -Il fouditiL hre pacs. , -1- - -1î, utt- Bénj Worfo-Fainéb4. umu<gt I b up buonding neat morning eune The. corner of 1IL sleo4 '0 - .tge of the qaat t*èt.l $I4ort pftunupiko. IL wu nea Pbeéé S Cau Perry-Âuu m.WIaR firei brigade. Was lua ýOw cident ooeouxv.4.WmStïýWW- f' tu. 8&W Oalw4 tour wviie .tii.y, Mll1b.o4- jak lames S0t. s* le *A "47boues be miet i * e t mblbt" boa e . 13810l.#itI* aayi but no psu, memeer of tune %owsa eueuuil. Torôl Bmlth lho *u. geliug tO Ilàiu a. bufiding dowm iàarthée-fait grount. 2Whe éhhtltb thé butilding, nta ilgbt thoa .was ver 510 <ot of clear'- rôad -b"éesu 16 au the p#mmsat the1 notthd oid et bo, turplke. Walled twù. bundred yardseast wAit Im othein s ud coulit se.the building olearly. matîhew oampbbell-I ugree with thioseasta darknostt« I vasootningi borne ln another rîg aud knew that the bulldiug was on the roa. ,mw IL wheu Wthun tbree or four rode cf iL. Looked utft1 Doi mornng. It did net stand etrigbt witb Lb. road. The nonibvoat cerner vau 8 or ton <cet rom theii.dtci. Ta 'Mr Farewell-Did net measure distance. (Jouit se. the road plinly al the way ulp rom Lb. ilndellabool.lke To M omnIwudnt1k c COntradiet Mr Hoard u to distance Lb. building vwu <nom ditch. FOR DICFBNOE. Dr Burubani, eye speciliat,.Tonnt- Ras pnctised lu Torento 18 years, and vas previonualy eye apeoimlet ln Lonouin "Igl - Examined ii e oys. Poud loft oye mlil nigt. - lu normal tor reuding or ton distance. Witb a different glas. foui Lb.erigiit oye nol 50 quick but non mal as ta varions omms, Coud fini Do evidence et elîher oye baviug been inur- ei. A sbeck aigbt hurt the. eye, wbioh mugit aftenvandsneoupenate. There la aio neason-te believo that tie accident affect ed Rucea eyea hnurioualy. Thoeeha nc danger te be apprehended ut prebent in neference te Ilices oye.. To Mn Hohran-Hai Dr MoGillivrmy prosentiii Lie examunatien uni board ITem Lhe docter as go Lie condition ef Ricea eysat he iehmeofthLe accident. To MnrBidell-Se tan as he camisoi Rices eyea are net uffeeted by tho acci- dent. 18peuitive tb. eyes bave beeî isaimilan for yeans. Jerome Scott-Knev notiing of the moving et the bufiing ountil returning frem Brougham on evening et tb. &coi dent. (Jouli steeLie building when iris, inp home after iark. Rai b9en ta Lbi lake o. end ose.the. building tram m,3 bouse. Wus standing talking te tva ci Lire. othens. Heinmtorne one commn in a rig. They voe.singiug. Wei dniving fut and attractait cur attentioi Were driviug recklessly. Bobson witl >vbom I vas alkinîg yelled "Look eut 1t The herses von. poing aiL-top speei b Tii. berme8sahiedaulr pusaing oua-oei of building uni vien vWet vest eni the. canniage rolled aven. I vent devu the. out. Tics. vho bai been In tbi oanniige voe-'in a bea ia the.dilol Tii. centre cf the buidng vws 17 <tu f(nom the cravu et.leiio.With !aue fol dnlvlug I think hvo rip ooéi pas rTii. oustend cf the boilding vu are seti. ýTic roa i s alvye i lgil tiro elotnic lîght (nom niodel ochool te ves ^ofviiene thebuilding ataoed. RWp wva g ui~ahlr Ie ac-"dent Iwthout 4àà or h hrses on the, igt;ahwu u »Wt usualomoe boildings sloag the msee Un Ba=&Mr-Bxlutned a hart ho ba îdm«i fothe UseoJt hé, court. kt of t ' ho eet und oul14 = $éboe n from, vhon. I wu tnlg~I wltb firemsn that. baoiod tî BImItb outpbe1l, wbo 0eveL.catrn1el, wus1 feeling *tiqgeai, Thé ,two-rgu racéit ubôflt tires miulles Ott ,the à*"aY home, Flnally Oatpbellsez'g geL asadt "ad keptiaod. Wltnesm » - é iuIb baud wuCoû. undt irunniug ym en tiî rig. Lockeil fonard and ccci et i.h building. H1ad no trouble gettung by. eW. J Luke-treve past tii. building previeus te Lb. accident and fauni pler4ty et room La geL by. le, a member et tbe Lovu council and sttreets committee. Whou he saw building thene bm did no- thing to bave the. public protectoit againsi James Batleige---Visited te p lace where the. miabap ocurred and fouîdtheb lighting et tho road is unînternptle it u ibat point', Ia Mayor cf Whitby lewn. Gave no pertait ta ruovm building. 4 lue 8mit-Is memîber eocunoil aia chairman cf streets commlties. Gave ne permit to inove tuilding,ý,but ala'wed Huiard tô take up mdevslk ou condition tbat be put iL down again. Wm Calvenly, chiot constable et Wbit by-Wae il en 24th of May. In vliing Dr Egastwood ini quett ot medicibe ieaw ithe building on the. street. Undetooid i <om Mr Hearntt hob exeùted to have tii. moving fibnushei thbat day. I JUDOIMENI! REBERYD. His leimhip suid that we muet finit cousiden this case tram Lb. standpoit t , au an cident vbiob we &a1 know ocoutred. Thé fi'emon loft tovu tust inrning woitb, thé mroad unobajtructed in any way, ni e expoctedt tafini iLBo0aut uîght. They - er, returning home enjo hng theu)elivos uft oi huvrung speul aijolly day.,The knsv te i dand iiherses kuew ,thé, roui, Suidenly the- bonseq bleit of, w hieh tshows tuitt Lby bai fot prevkutsd ýg ly msemu Liis building. If herses : oulit Vnet see thé bufidinguntiltbel. ver. sony Fclose ,we May re ovy el,.thabthLb Le driver ouit net. Tere vouldcoerlahnly Yhave béernaocident mat ne penson w ould bave beenu" njurei il thon. bai g9 beei.nénebuilding on 1thé, raid at tuat t place, or i h tii. buudin lad enpo teoteit by huý n g i u sonavga hoont,.-nMostly tesponsible oibtis t i. ident'niît b. .Lb oweer et thie b ïdun ta wbc eujoyei thteiliberty et waving a id 'building aleng îbthestreet and the cou f toi quent iÀtvautak.i. la himsoif. IL la Worth là mntiniii, f1a teveral- officiai of the Dt Mt X. IrNea S,' NEAVOUS DBLIY OII-Ã" ETr SEMINA L WEAK- MANI4000, UNNATURAL .. 'iJ s;1 ne ore threatt ais. YQ O AOKNO PA Yo NOr PAY-OO7NFIDENTUAL A-àIot f trnithe Uvlug. I lV L =i1saedabs4 . Ti4iu badb Meord bi t-#k edySKru ,M mod u I& en1wscm[s î,yoemsukou bumlijiceuarbn ALdOiiO~~nnea us 5rbnIabit. whieh .blood dises.lmmsla miP eyshsm fon elgit wen merUn7 fon two=as but the dises gon the. ukbal cetq u iMouth Mdon nous4. My n. vii.-h 17 IeËM91S ICIMB'tIT, 200,000 OURBO. NO RlISK. NAM1 Wu a 100MNOuNTpgf Om note O a sI lx rn DRSEKIIJY&48$HELBV-ST. __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ TOWN 0F WHITBY ireaurrîs8a/e ojLand for Taxes vi*tu ot a warrat 'ir -t he bMsvoe ndin Town ot VM County cf li cf tb To M theé lb. Wl va LAN Aoi, 5CRS I [ef - go * UEMD Y. UM - Th fet*f uuand, ureuure ,, WOITIt

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