Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Oct 1897, p. 2

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orbi& la the orladie In. wbIl here gr.- That thoug4t o aphIlaithropte braini A rernedy thet w'vooi make lif. uew For the raulUtudea that were racked wtth pain, $Twas sarsapatille, es made, yvn kaoW My Âyers tomne 80 yes sago. Ayer's Sarsaparilia vas in Its lnfanoy h hai acS-n tury a«o, T""day ldoth "be- sbride the narrow world 1ke a colossus3." Whab in the secret cf its power?9 Itscures1 The. muiber cf them 1 The. wonder of them 1 Imitators have fol- lowed lb from the beglnning of Its suocess. They are stili b.- j Ihind it. Wearing the. only modal granted t sarsaparilla in the Worlds P'air of 1893, It points proudly to its record. Othors lmftate thé remedy; i they oan't imitato the record.* 5o Years Of Cures. OORRESPONDENQE COLUMBUS The Coumbus beet ring held a meet- ing here on Saturday evening lut, and wouud up tbeir business for the paît and elecWe the following officers forthe comn- ing year :-Pres, Mr Wni Ratoliffe; Sec Treas, Mr Moses Doolittle. The ring wae worked vory satisfactory luet year and we are pleaeed to ses the interest atil taken in it. The Directore of the South Ontario 1'lowing Club met at Myrtie last Friday, and decided to bold the match this year en Mr Cariohels tarm jaet South et the O.P.IL. station at Myrtie. The. date has Dlot yet beau fixod, but it i. expocod to take place about the fret woek in lio- vember., It wil be noticed that the cor- poration has assumed a new naine. The Buet and the West Whitby Plowing &s- sociations have beau united and Reach bas also beeu taken jute the club, snd It ie now knuwn as the South Ontario Plow- ing Clun). The directurs report large and mimerous subsori ptiens, an dit is expeot- *ed that thia matc h l eclipse ail othore aer held in the county. Mr T. Wilson ,of Columbus, who won the $14 goid modal tmre twelve or fifleon yes age, but "offered it as a prize tei the man do. ing the best plowing in Boa ln the cominig Vicks Guy sud Ed Smith have returu. *ed fromn the North wet where thoy veut cmie wseke ago te asuist in harvesting the Manitoba cop. Thoy rekort haviug a good tirne and a- picuat trip. Mr Wm Bllghtili 1W. daugliter hau the lire. Sykos, of College ab,. Torento, in spendug a few daya wîth ber grand parents, Mr, aud Mrs Ashton. ilise Tonkin loft lutst eek te attend the Bohool eofi'.dogogy lu Toronto. The parlor social beId ail .B. . Tonklut, luat Fuldsy nlght, wu Dot very veRl aftâlteedlteinut f ua ves b. Do exemnptions, trttaIt wapot- sui, "hatina nuuber of thé ct~~ tewnhib. h ettleri moy b.e exmpt tro. taklnx eut deer iicoensseà" Mr lUe. gan scarcel 04fOtd "aY othieriapiy biseonqulry. but there weré s0 mally ecthat ho tboUgbt il sbetter to gai a posi tive elateanut frin mthi e arnet 'Il, atioue for lieusees shôuld b., lu earY1. Lait ytar the parties wbe put Ott outil the luit aioment came neMrly not Pcttiug auyt thee ~mand being greater than tb e eupply.-Tinies, Planer tooek iv. fingers. Wbii.e pcratiug sa buis plauiug ma- chine in the J B Bâton pianfing miii en Thursday afternoon lasI, Myron Proatàs, of Elgin sîreot, g et bis rigit -baud oaught in the. kuives, vhlch out off us-Index sud second inge. Mr Prest* viliinurse his injurie for a mouth or moe.. The oeuuy gant mot pal* Fat. At tb. lent regular meeting of the 111gb Scool board, the. troasuror report.d Ibat th. aupplcmeutary grant oiaimed from tbe couuty sund prsurnabiy paused eariy in lb. yoar bad net boon paid. Tih. connty lreaeurer was commuuîbatea vith anu ed 0oxplalu, Hie repiy byletter vas that lb. paymneut bsd net boon authorised by the speolal commilte. te, wbich it sud similar claims frein tethr Hi gb soboolesud Coleogiate Inetitutos had bec., referred. The ameunt ofoclaini is $29094. The eecrebary waa instructed te aak Mr Jupp te enquire into lb. mat- 1er.ý It was moved by Mesure Doolittle and 8laveu, sud rasolved, ,That the mover sud seconder eft bis motion, vitb the secretary, b. a speciai committe duly aut.horizd hereby, te correspond by mesu cf a cireniar vitb the difforent ~Igh Scool boards lu Ontarlo, with tbe objecî cf deviuing smre commen method of pctitieniug the Ontario Parliament to amend section 81, sub section?7, of tb. High Seool kct cf 1896, nse ste make it compnlsory ou the eeuuty concils te psy for the maintenance cf pupile frein their respective ounties attend«u High Sohools lu ether ceunties than t bose in which sucb pupile reoide."-News Let ter. TWO A GONIZINO Quickly Banished bv Paines Two Ceterv Compound. Thankrful Lettern That1 Bhould b. Road by Suffer- ing Mon snd Womeu. Porth leeffectuai banisîmeu t ot hon- matisin, sciatica sud qeuraigia, Paine« Celery Compound ia vithout doubît the best modicino Ibat buman science bas ever prodneed. Thie tuvelîcus remedy devjsed b>. Professer Edvard Phelpe, M D>, eue et lb. abloat physicians tht ever lived, ham vos the hearty prale of mil- lions ofpeople for tle wendreus cures il bai vrought lu' aillansd. hanes eVed tun vemen and children, many etfuirh hsd boeu ' ' num by the dotore, 'Il dees ité wver quickfy sud iveil ;it eradi. catea every Ire..oetdaeeas.,; :1baouda up, fertilise sud. mals aciv. every mortel vheee limbe have beau orippled 'ud -de, furmed by rîsumatisin, sud drives sway the. tarrore et neuralgia. To-day thb. ausI doctora are frsely presorbaugt Paisse éOeiry Cemaponnid for t rt ed rsalo Sud nouralga peuple.. The. thsnkful letters rffltved -.,ol ysarî frmei ti.Oured lu evry secîlomiof Cawadal vurld, if pnbliaWad lubokforoe, ake a large sud luler.lnbg volume.~ Ti toliowlug Jlettera vMlIsurtly in. sipi"rhe luwatle mand; ueurmlgksuffarers, 11I tlauk là My daty te lUt you ktiow' vbat Pains. 1 O.I oipoudu d o ue for=y hubsud. Frtvo yeM*Aiuta s fored . n lhrhsuata ta tb~e mot besd, eteop, «itluas.drM -t sud 1" vms .buto "t sb ais 104t MMi "«bu its la ube& -Smiut. ->y vmariu hslI* but mnodv , I ~Otr,,Dy'ppeis, Rtdîey_ t'out- plin ,AU4 13fôcd' and Narveus 1is. -eauesare Prümptly and 1>rmaneutly Your Druggist fer Mnyoma uide tô, Hc0alth. Select a 25 Oenl U eo1edy and Cure Yourseil, Mr William flormen, Xo. 767 Qorîard St, Buat Toronto, Outarie, 10usaeys' "Frsavon yeasaI vas a great'sufforer frin bladdor trouble. I1vas treatedby physicians sud used a&l ikinda cof patent medicinesansd local Irealmeul bul with.- eut any permanent relief. .Advleed ly a trieud 1 dooided te give Munycus Biadder Cure a trial. Prom the very'firet I ex- poined grett relief and atter uig leas thne u en coulbtlc I have beon cern- pl.t.oiy cuWe. As I iacked confidence ini Munyonat Remedies the reanita te me have baioa simpiy vondertol." Manyeu's Bheumialiam Ont. s.Idcm <aile te relieve je eue te Ibres heure, sud cures lu a few days. Pries 25e. Muuyen'e8 Dys peia Cure positiveiy cures al fere fIndigestion sud item aeh trouble. Prie, 25c. Munycu's Coid Cume preveute pneu- moulsansd breaks up a oold in a tew heurs. Prie., 25c. Munyoe'eOCough Cure stops congbs, uighl eveale, alîsys scress, sud apeed iiy heals th. lange. Prioe.25e. Munyon's Kidncy Cotie seedily cures pains lu tho back, loins or groins sud al forme ef kidney disease. Pries, 25e. Munyc' Hoadache Cure etops bead. ache iii tbree minutes. Prie., 25c. Mnuyon'ls Pile, Ointmeut positivoiy cures ail forme et plie. Prie, 25e. Munyon'e Bleod Cure eradicafes al impurittos et the blood. Prie, 25e. Mnnyou's Pemale Remedies are a hoon te ail vomèn. Muuyou'a Aetbms Bemedies reliove lu 8 minutas aud cure permauautly. Prie, si. Meuyon'e Catarrh Bemedios neyer fail. The Catarrh COre-price 25c.-eradioates the diseas. frein thc systein, sud the Ca- tarrh Tabiets-price 25c.-cleause sud heai the parua. ,Munyens Nerve Cure le a weuderful ueilve tenic. Price, 250, Munynj'us Vitalizer resteres lest viger. Personsi letters te Prof. Mmuyon, i sud 18 AibemI et., Toronto, auswered witi ttce medicai advice fer any<ilseaso. (Toc laie for last ssue.) Mrs Jas Leask has gene on a visit to ber sister in Michigan. . Last Sp.nday vas childrens servi'ce iu the presbyterian churcb. There was a good attendauce aud a very-iuterestiug and. profitable: service.1 The W. F.M. S. thank-offerlng social held ou Tuesday eveniug was qv.Iîe a suees, the proceeds amounting, te over $ 16. The receut rain vwuvery welconie, but ît came rather latie te do -nuch good te the turnip crop, which .las suffered muet. trom the long drty upc». Ail the sick are. mpntviug. Mrs Collinesud tamily, cf Toréonto,. ase visiting a* P R Hoovcre. Misi Lela Fraser, Locusr HI!, visit- cd 1cr litr , vr' recently.- uaOtIt u1twouy ame t ofa Véry isupqt Re taellasib,ýiiat ho Voeysel, dom~~sa af~r b6a s eir 7ieia of Oeod 1la t ho ftrse* ro0P. ~À-gei'h~eu dWege l. 't vork -e t Pickering harbeor-Ibit wek. I Tii.ochan- ina) !romn tbe eloIratoi, acroqs t4 .b4y tu tb. Piaeowiii b.oleanaed-O'nt thorcùghiy. i. Prasor, the. goverudment engineero *111 complote hie survey thie week and inêve he o tftttWhftby barber and mako £ shlar eýurvey down thero. Theo e moys are being takou for the purpoe- ofethaving a uew chart drawu, wc lieto ld. -99v ]a M Craig, à fermer pastor cf the Preabylerlan ohurcho Doubarteu, bae iu- docd worked binfloîf te the front ince loaving this lecallty, se tho foilowiug item in Mcndaysi papota wii show :",Rev. Robert M Oralq, ta former pastor of Mel * ville Preabyterien ohurch, Pergus, bas beeu oleèoeodote .office of Superinton- dent of Missions for the territories of Nov Mexico aud Arizna. Thisela oe of tb. higlaest office iu the gift cf the Prcsbyterisn ohnrcb of the United States aud it vas offered te Mr Oraig by tbe uunauimone sud bearty vote cf hie breth- cru iu the S.Ynod." HIïs mainy friende heroabout offer hlm thot.' hincere con- gratulations, and trust that ho may b. longspared te b. a pillar iu hie cburcb. W. H. Bankt has erected a double wrooden silo aud the saine je now filled with cern. The silo construction bas takeon hold cf Pickering farmers as though it were su epIdeilO, the. euly différence bsing that t hose who were firet attaoked are oves yct ioud in its prois. Before many yeara, if the présent operatieus continue it viii bo diffiouît te fied a tarin without ont. Those wbo have net accn Mr Banke structure would b. inte'ested wore thoy te do se, 'as îtit l tinluth. vory lateat styla for a square silo. Whio at play with a number cf ether eidren on Saturday, Miss Maggie, daughtor cf Richard Moore, hadl the mie- fortune to break on. cf her loge amy.e the knes. The. children vere iu a butcher cai't that stood near ber fathers ehep un- dorgoiug repaire, and tee many cof the luttle eues gettiug te tthe rear cf the rig it, pst backwirds with the abeve resuit. Tii other pilidren eeoapod injnryq Médical aid *as at once calied and the fracture reduoed, sud the littie sufferer is doing as niceiy as could b. cxpocted. Mucb eyoepatby i. fait for tb. parents in their treubio,-News. Standýarndu-c con.But wc won't dif fa as to t*4 meIts of o-nestïndaad erulsion of cod-l4ver cil - sor'sEMULION bu nuiy 25y vu« n the void sf medlçne untlI to-day 1ht I- M>ost 43 much the t add il "ij *as tieiy much* afflicted wlh rheumnatism and -kept my bed for riear- ly 6 weeks. -I tried nea t-l' vcrt -iï'èdi- ciue recommended 0 Me, but without relief, until ýôur. advertigemfeflt that Lo gave away sample boxes cf Dr. Hobbs Sparagus Kidney Puis -vas brought to nîy notice, I got asamuple box and it helped me. Since that turne I have taken four f ull boxes, and arn entirely cured. I cannot say tao mnuch in recommendation of your pis as a sure remnedy for rheumatic troubles. " F. W. I)uNHAm M,10 Fifth St., Bay City, Mich. HO Bý,$S Sparaes, Kidne MI SBUS HEUDY C 00..?esvECnÂ. Dr. Hobbs Pif a FOI sale l HLin tI~,b A. H. ALLI N, Chemlst and IDugg ist. markham vair. A large numuber of Uxhridgeitce viited, Markbam Pair ou Priday, liat belng iii. elosiug day. The fair, wos as succeselul as usual, but tic attenddasce was net se great un til tbe. iset day. The cîbililtors frein bore w.re .1 HNu, Wm Thompeon Geo Watson aud W»> Rynard. Mr..Six gel firet prise for hie herse in tb.e*oaag clase ever 16 banda, sud aise in thé. ud- dl. sud carniage oies. ; for bis harnees ho eecurcd 4 frets sud 1 second. Geo. Wat. son received firet for turoe nad irt for single driver under 19J. bauds. Wm. Thompeon won soveral firets for sheep. Mr Bynard bad several exhîbits cf sheep, recte sud herses sud carried away maey prises. Who W"a thies meak?1 l n u ieue cf September 16, undor Vallentyne sorreapondence, app.ared au item anueunciug the. mamiage of twe Young couples in Ihat ueigbborhood. As we have .vory falth lu our rogniar corres- pondent ve did net donbb tb. item for oue moment, aud published it in aIl good (aith. Since thon we have learned that the. items did net eome frein our evu correspondent, sud that the item referrod to about was uttcrly fale. We are mak- ing evemy effort te flnd ont th. author of the item, sud if vo aboztld aucceed, we vill make it se warm for hlm or ber that tboy viiI naver kuow vintor is appreaeh. iug. Correspondent. aboula remember that the. editor ha. ne meauof finding cult the trulhcf itemns sent usil atter tbey are published sud il vould alise b weil for thcm toete in mmnd thabti iy bsave tbemsolvcs Hable te, damagos fer glander. W. trust nothiug cf lb. klud wil evorocoeur agaiu..-Times, Wepiey Dobloein oarrylng bis arn lu a eliàg ewiug to, bis t1bike" givug huïma throv wbilegoiug devubu Y ýWBryact VS &, s,beon appoînte goverhument inspectercf 8stock. ThIÉ lsà T heo I.nov on t f arint Quanud Ar 14m'iLot17, C3 tmp I 0 tue ltoiqu i bis itou. inlden *ci Before , take Ayer's Pills, and'you will sleep better ,and wake li better condition for the day's work. Ayer's Cathartic Pis have no equai as a pleasant and effect- uai remedy for constipation, bifiousness, slck hetidaie, sud ail liver troubles. 'They are sugar-ýcoatéd, andi so perfectly, prepared, that they cure with- eut the annoyancesexperieuced in the use cf 80 rnany cf the pis on the mnarket'. As1c your druggist for Ayer's Cathartic Pills. When other pilewon't help yen, Ayer's la THE PILL THAT WILL W AN TED-TRUST WORTHY AND> ACT- IVE gentlemen or ladies Ie travel for responsible., establlebed bouse lu Ontario. Monthly $65o aud e«penses. Position steady, Reference. Enclose self*addîessed staznped eû. velope- The Dominion Company. Depi. Y Chi- cage. 41-810. Rheuniatlsm & 9yspop sia Cured 5'71 ST. PAT-RICK ST., OTTAWA, JULY 31, 1896. 7'o the Pkrent Medicine -Co., Ltd.. Ottawa, Ont. Gentleman, - On the advice of a-. friend 1 îried ene boulte of your famous rheumatic remedy, Phrenoline, -aud.to my surprise i cured me cf ribeuma- tisrn, frein vhich I have suffered, for. many years. It aise cured me eof dyspepsia. troin vhîch I was euffering at the dine, :"_Ã"o that I feel nov like a nov rman. I bave tried several remüedies for- rheumatism, some of w14ich :did me a certain amount oet good, but nothlug that' I 've taken b-as doue-'so much for me, as your 'Phrenolirie, sud 1I bave., much Pl easure- lau tco0m 'gdingk éthet sufferers. Yours very trly, (Signed) JAS. ýCARROLL, Peorcin»of Work.,Rideau -Canal. sold lxi WhitW oul~ A. E. A1LIE~ J3 ' ?IALana XE PAcr.IN-KLs E PAIN-KILLER Bieknftul.5ilck Demi PAIN-KILLER It L bring PM P cAI f Braises, Burns, etc. PAI-KILLER Neelsante. Farmer, P tel anl dau affl atlng stid 809 Tu t iE tr»7f cezalrg7oftrend.L Pdivmre of lmiltiona.1 "Piiu&vDAVIS." Sold e.vaq % Ver7 largeb High Court 1 :.The non jury Bitti] df justice opened h.x Justice Boyd presidi p rasented by N F P, Farewell Q. C., W, man, T W Chapp. G Y SLnith, F bRaïB sud othere. It à aa vas such an array cil Rico vs Town of1 damages. Thon Rici ville with the Whitîý 25ch te, help celebru ' day. Duriug their longing te, Thos Dei upon the rond býy J-oo contract et moviugi leit on the. turepike posite Geo Britesr turning fi-cm BowD .vening the. team ha vhich Rice vas nidif sbmed at th, buildiA Upaetiig theCcar TIhersoes broke lix tewn. Rie was fou ly bruised, sud sued The. tewn took au Devereil jr a joint asrty in the, suit.1 onsappeamed for <s eli Q0. for the t;6 'iandC0Jllolmau foi Thos Ric,-Am p Rad beait Bowm with fitamen teo c day. There voe home, sud met vitb dao street in th.- wuaa svary darkn aloug viie qu herses shied ai s bo inthe'ud-dieef tb Carng e tl.. the -ghtîI& loft i seat. W heb. ditol ,attemxpo vas p the I il .yqes ver. aM teotlikàocked out auback, .and. I Wasinbed Mx - W KSoott and Un hrdy, of Ooprs towàïbip, Co of *»O t r ITWUng uosu4 Thé. Udors e l't lu t it omploWe anI ru. oya aprnd

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