Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 22 Oct 1897, p. 1

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45 T. XTL Adi An entirely uew and scientific iuvention. We',daim the following advantages for this truss: z.-lt la ligiti, welghing from tour ta Byve ounces, according tu ire. ,-It h lu etansd cean, hecause the mater- tla used ln Its construction cannot * absorb the perspiration. 3.-It la easy ta wear, becausu af the nove1 wsy _lu which the pad ia made to obcilitu. 4.-lt neyer leaves the position la whicb it le placed ôn the body, becausu the pad s occupy sot places, 5.-lt dus Its work purfectly, becausu the propur positions of pad an eaubusu- cured with eyery truie. 6.-The tnues la made ta fit the wuarer, nal lte man ta fit te truss. 7.-lt ls the laboer's tmuas, because bu can adjust It la a stnang pressure for extra bard wonk, and can change ht again ta au easy pressure ln a minute. Au H. ALLI N; CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, WRITBYD - ONTARIO. W INDMILLS WIRE FENCE.1 GeoAxa Belle the Genuine ÂER- MOTOR, of Chicago, and the Ketaleman Wlre Fence Isieundiug puncitasenseshouid examine titis mlilIbelons placing them aider, Do ual lut an agent put an Imitation an yen viten you cab guit te Gnuine Aul meon, tbonougbiy Cgaiwaîîlsued, sud wannanied, fon less moue>'. More os these milîs soid lu Canada la-day titan anv other mairs. Ttc Acimatar Co. * daim they sell ane hait tmiii outfits sold ln the9 Ali styles Of Wood1 sale. Any Information reg willi be freely giveu byi Feb 7, 1897-6mnO. WESTERN Wl Whitby BOARD 0F ID John Cowan, Esq.,1 Hiaail; Esq., VIç Esq., W. F. Ail son, Esq., Robt N, Pattersoll, Esq. T IH McMIign Genormi Bs.klug Draft. lssued, payai ad&a'United States, a tana,.payable lu al per cent. uilowed onuE âud credlted half yesi Special attenti£ Farinera' sale not Manul -W ANTED. olic Itoyal Quarto Volumes iision prid weehly, ToWhom It mi 1 eby WM i 18 obïïdiblnds0Ma bontb west quarter-i Au tm11* al ç(K] w MTye ONT&-9, 91 -RýI. AI, OCTOBER I - ,*.-~AT. loue i gene Misé l5~0~ ? LOCA NEW LE lUiSis for a littie over an bour snd ber iwtftioly W,,A'?tàbt of Toronto, la homne for a lnturuàtnk address wau llsteued LO wlth thé îsit closuat attention by evenyoue. The speaker hs~riegt f oot a utw OoEzso'uaNI. dlvldéd ber subject into tbreé pats-Thu of Torontoi' Isht Fnidat, GznawIOCL» o»s> x . Field, The Fou, aud The Forces, aud lu ad*Ittylë tdy berplesan * ouvrsalou sylegav a JO & Adamis, of Scugog, who bas been fùud eflinloruation coucerning the country very li now convalescent. MANGEUSTEt su~~ad lse peorle, of tbe feaLrful state of ignor- Miebtlsud isMciurtredo Mis May elsaf L1ndsan islavîsîtiug suce ln wb[cbh texcit, and of thte 5super- Tbursdsy of laI weuk front Chicago. Mee is Mar Wulherstitloes witb wbich thein mmnds are filled. R G Éaird of the Western Bsnk was la hurewit be inthen b fact tbat tbere la but onu mîsslonarY for Bellevlle on Suudsy, at bis aid borne. jos Munroleanm-ning the cutting sud fit- ea<ýb 25,000.000o of the population isas point--M Smt eundh ela wkafr Jas t Munall stailor shop, Port ?erry. ed out sud an imruseuappeàl was 'tade M mn mitb returued br a ee ter i Miss Campbell and Misn Jessie Bell, of for- more wre . Mis Kellan bas the 8 ttruerolsvîi hbr agtrl Uxbridge, were visitiug fieuidi hure ibis happy faculty of tulllng ber audience JuiL Ohio- week. wbsitbuhy waulta know about thai fan oùfi Hou John #Dryden was ln iowu lasi Mon. j Grahaim, oi Purple Hill, and Mises Bthel land and the needi of uts people, and the day. Report isys the fouadry will soon Grahamn,a of Shirley, wure visiting4at Thos meetings shu le holding through Canada will start. Grahame an Sunday. .ciertaiuly creatu a dueer luturest lu thumi E Muudy sud R Mackie, of Oshawa, wenu Rexnetber the auctioti sale of fanes stock sud a more uannesi dumînu to send ibens the lu towu lait Monday. Wbai political dodge and implemetst, the estate of the laie John gospel of Christ whlch alone can givu ibeni la 11w on? Graham. on Monday nuit. Oct. s5th. tbe llght sud liberty sud bappineus thu>' are 1%eu sale ai James Jackson wss successful Our genia la ieimiitt hMn D J MeLeu " so saely la ueud of. on Tuesday disposing of smre $700 warth af bas turned out quite an artist. Duriug Lte The convention ai the Presbytunlan youlug surplus stock. past few weeks be bas dnawn potraits af al po< les soclutles of the pnusbytery of Whitby Rev Dr Burwamh deliveved two uloquent the business men of aurtonsdtesar lhueoModywswiatuuda and Instructive sermons lait Sabbath la the at present on exhibition lunte slttinuraces blghly succusaful. The languit numb ersmthadisi church sud held te claie aLten- of the Revere House. Mine Hast Tooley carne fro ite societies ai Oshawa, W'bb tion af bis beanens. le so proud af tbem helbu aving thenalilsud Pont Penny, but ibune wunu also tu- framed. presentatîves ircm Columibus, Orona, New- Died. et Mîrnica, ou Tueiday, xeih luit., For a ime thene bas been some trouble ln castle, Blackitock, Dunbatn an sd ater Ana, beloye wiie of Albert Blake, aged .5 exciting lntenest ai the Sans af Tenipersuce Places. The Items af the programme wene years. The body wai broughi borne for divisan. On account of tbe busy season pnesenied lu full, sud the papers nead and Ourlansd Iuiurrud ln the Plus Grave Cerne- many ai the membuni wenu ustable ta gqet addreises given gave uvidence of caneful ery on Thursday. out but uow that the rush in aven, monre lu- prepanation snd an eannest demire on theu The Guy' Bras mInsiruli itad a full bouse tereet will bu akea. A contest will likeiy psart oi those wha prepsrud them tô give lest Tbuvsday uveuing rnuchbebtter than bu started soon sud then everytblng wil sometbiin U ne with t he varlous topici dis- ihey deserved. Sucb companies always boom. The officeni, elecied for te presetit cussud, that would buet practical itenufil taise mare money out of a town than they do quarter are as follows :-W P., P C Grahamaind hetpfulness. Iu addition ta te advun- ood. They makre a fiue street parade sud WA., Miss M innie FiLcietI; R S., Mises M îîzed programme was a brief addruss fain ib9at la whai drams their crowc? ithe pur. Pankin ; A R S., Misi Elva Holtby; Treas., Miss Mc ellar, a misîiouary lately netuvued foniauce ls ouly passable. Miss Dons Pankin ; F S., Oea Lyle; Chap.. fror n Idla, wblch wassMucit appreclatud. M#nay regret to luara Lit Conductor Mc. Lmiss Allie Titompsan- Con. Missutillie We somneimes huarit i ad thai there are Lo Milîn bas been taken fnom titis branch of )Munto; A Con., Miss Lillisu f,(artyu I many conventions, sud thure rnay be somnsalte G T R. Whilu lhat, regret ls ukprussed Hiram Fitchett; 0 S., Allie Rues; P iP., tnutb ln lte statument but thure wotsid buaedilae pieased .9% bis promotion. W D Mun ro ; D G W P., for tite ytar, W D fe asythtgtelg sucb as tis was, Dand >asibu are sr a1c Munro. This division will now muet even>' evun if beid more frequeutly than now, are frieftd lo s genial III ly Ilan ad by is Friday evening. Vislting mistibeni areni aifrnucb benefi te. ail wbo are privillged pron' nt ieexercie oa ieiiduties, bu wat always made welconte. ta take part lu It Mn. W. W. McLarunb of aisohliging and ready et auy lime te do s P C GRÂRÂM. Oshawa, was eiected presideni, Misa Pautoit laver wblen It- dld not clasb wlîh bhs duties as Credit Sale of Osbawa, secreiany, aud Mn. D. D. Mac, s çonducion or la the G T R. - . donald of Bowrnville, iressuren. bht b l Tt S cf Hl il 4 se b i ai ci the numben ai wind. t world, ai the pruseni c and Iran Pumips fan I gardlng thesu oulfite i writlng la iEO. ALLIN, W HIT BY. OF 0F 1ÀND0A le subscnlbers bave recelved instiSuClUi 10 Il1 hy public auction, ai Lot z4, la the -qd On 1Reacb, the prapunty of the laie JNO GRA- AM, an MON DAY, OCT. a tt, te folow- g valuabie pnopenty, -vs :- arse-i gfty are. is ycarm aid, stppasué ta bu la bal la ranite ; i grey bance, 8 yns aid ; i bisaishorse, yrî aid ;z1spiling colt,irud b>' Kiag Antony>. :aitie-6 milcit cows, suippoied îo bu ruasti î3 tenrs. comiXng 3 yrs éldt; 2 steers, i year old; spring cabries. Plgs-8pie,9 amsold ; i owvand z pigs 3weeki ad r bood eow, sppased ta bu lunplg 2a heu$. lmplumntis -i Mlassy-Barrisbindur, nearl>' new, z ms- ey-H«arnsmawen, i MasseY.Has aciili5tor, wed drill. i Wilkinsoni plow, No. 4, aearly auw, iohampion plow. i piow, s wgqn, 1 catting box, i bey rack. i bai raite, x o' red buggy, tbuggry. pais sud wbfhgluei55 cutter, pole ad wiffietree, isemt iteavy itarnesineani>' new, asets tealu baruesa. s se single harass, i set Iru barrowis, i setl ob-eieighe zi Chathasu tnnlng Miii sud bAggur, i os>' fork, car, nopes and pulîcys, ir zoitorme powrer andi roda, z post hoie digger, s large quiue taiad Iran. x8 no*, bhains, about x000 fuet basswood, »ago gaibaga, about zc ton ai hay, -a acres of corn lu ihocis. 4 acres af turnps, 2 cuphoards, a bedeteada, 2 lage ketties. 35 ydî gaod msg carpe!, wbfi- rues. ueckyokee, aboveli. ionise, rkes. bous, ehalni, sndather artIcles. Sale sti oclodLs p. m. Teruis-Tunipe, bay, corn, hagi, huas, and ail smi under $10, cash ; for sains aven bhal amaun s i mas. cm iion approvsd Joint noies. FAIRBANKS & BAIRD, auctlonees sKOOIUIN Mn James Croxaîl bas ruktud lte ickell fanm and bas takuen possession. Meusrs Hollida>' Bros. "Rock Battons" window diepiay là aLractlltg attention titis week. The new presbyicnlsin book of pnalse mil bu used ln ihe churcit hune on sud suer tise first Sunday la Novumbul. ~, Ont. Oun nem stocks ai mens ovcostesud ulaters bave îsom buen received. Prives are 'truck boltom." Hollida>' Bros. DIRECTORS. Abert Wells, irto tas bues worklnlg On Rebn~ a government lob on teMUùekoka river aIil Preideal ; ebnS sutumen, neturned home laei Ftida>'. ce- Pres. ; W F Cawan, Mr Thomas Rautley lied a maCt'uil sale un, Es q., J. A. Gib- cuisee. Heisuwoinittlb Mcitos, MD.,Thuos îaîeîy occupied by Mn Bowiea. lair Mr. jas. ......... ... Ca ibien Croxalîs. On Sunday, Oct pett, Capi. Stuvusea&SIa Busisese îransaoted. aid officur ai Brookîli, Wlitbu mt us sud: b1. in ail parts ai Can. itold apeche1 meilng, Iunlte atterc'uaaêai aud on Londau, Eng- ociocis and iunlte evutting et 7.1$ p.!ILAi Sparts of Europe. 3X~ are welcome. Caipi. Brant. Bavîngi Bank Depsîts Tise hockey club aretInaking actIVe Pme CIy. paradlons for te eMtbllsllmeiit'his le iter bn o clletio of'fa i naihure la bu usé<tefow1okey suda on t colectin ofskaîlng. A subecdtî'ipllOsle l befng d=s'- ýtes. lted to raisel.th essar>' utb d la t 1. D. WARREN, W.e pleaisedto, 0IMM othat ÙtJohn Bure i itity, la comlngbc < vo Lgen of Witby Branci. Bisr[nm itiM'Tss ofV tY 1it ion lut. Mn Burnnila condbitfor m y~>'but 'tars abor o &Cinmette daUUMUanonthedi ite Conn-in~l Five boesîsd. s. No dulivening. Cern- .... A canvassen nparts bis TI>*f mli b. 551 o bs ver semvti dilar inrfit..the e hItinti ao( i u ts'4y.iw OMPANV, l'omoao. bu renserbered tisat the ooxks« 0* dO mande tetust l b. pie b aiM $**or h ayonent u wseu i plae. 741" fltSiyIl$4 ay Conoern buceut In quartereansid do«WY rid persan o eS tor. w ti tito bstsan e wIII1IIta t 'sud lu the mut bailuituporaiid bMýW ky " p la 54la the 9th005. t ra MYousient bua m bues n M SPou OVt ,- WL-.Daied ai Spgtsg. Id rS ;ifl4 .P..hm,,MI isrd ut vslefà *à oaidtke GeM Flîde"W i puel 14ubutalit, ào ué. fo;k L f am; MW lmb-t$d» beaiô .A le~q$~4ayW. hct«fWst BIIÂLLI S. - IsueO! 01 liagO LIoe8OU. Bieidunoesopposie 00" Eau, iBrooln. W A lgosEgLM, D V ..4»As4Ute of the On, taria Vsteirin**7 Clese Toronto; Rlonomnr nionber o! tbe On;wo o KdIibiSooIety. Treste &mli disesesof theidomsstiomtod animale by the =~BpOtt* odmuthod. AIma pmtieuw tbttOI2 3aL uxgoorations and dentistry. Day or n1ghtt "Ilsi tapti attsnded t'o. Offo. mad rusdanes grok'n Ontario. Our Stock of New Goods 1e now 1argý and itabeing added to eac week. IN UNDlERWËAlt, we êtirt the season witb 40 dozen.? Special values iu al Ues, for men, women and children. SHAKER FLANNELS at 5, 6, 8, and 15 cents. GREy FLANNELS at 15, 20. 22 25C MzN's CA.Ps ai 25, 30 and 32 cenlts DOUBLE WID)TH DRESs GOoDs St'15 2o sud 25 ca, up to $1. HosixRY for aU i seef feet sud at.al prices BiioT, GRoCtRY, aud alt ther dupas' mnente. fufly eupplie4 viit soi souable gonds. Holliday 1J3ro8., 22t 1897. NO. 47 ng sud the lady found that she had W Jackson, Fergus, sud Mrs Gsyfer, Hans- *asted a whole pail of milk trying to Ilton, with Mrs Sandford Browa n Milis, hdr-Guelph, and Mrs C Hardy, Hamnilton, wtth scare her own husband, who h ' e- rs Wlllcoz; Mis Phelpe, Mount Pieataut, urned sooner than expeted, A eigh- and Mrs Mitchell, Georgetown, with Mns bor kindly furuished rnilk for breakfast. Woodcock; Mrs Lsugford, Orangevile, and Irown16tueMns Dr Powell, Toronto, wlth Mns Barnard; TowuLin.Mrs Grange and Mrs Gibson, Napauee, Mr Abert Rlchsrdson la buy resbliglig bis with Mrs fcDiarmld; Mrs J C Wilson, residence. Tweed, witb Mrn Haywad; Mrs A lRCamr'- Mr Byrin Davey ad Master Wlllle Webb arc bl, Hatngs, with Mn Mowbay ; Mn J ou the sck lUt. Kendry, Peteboroug, Miss Veazy,. St We exed to Mrs Coakweli ad family ont Stephun, N B ad Misn Spencu, Kngton, mympathy ln thelr recent bereavement. at Ont Ladies College; Mns Copelsnd, Mr John Gîmbiets sale wau- a succes. The Deicranto, and Mrs Dr Sparks, Kingston. sutendance was large and .he articles sold fairly witb Mrs Woëdruff ; Mrs W E Ross, Mon- Weil. treal, and Mrs T G Williams, Sherbrooke, MrsTho Mrcobebai a lqittn ee"onwith'Mis Wm Âyrus; Mrs J H Locke, Eg- Mres ThosMorrced lad a 'qullvttig bshow 1lrgton, wltb Mrm Powell ; Mis Geo Bigelow, Tucada>'. Mar thnled les eeiuie t h Cornwall, snd Mrs Hughes, Perth, with Mis thei ikîi wih th neeie.Elliatt ; Mrs Chipinan, St Stephen, N B, and The beef association will nmeet at Herbet Mrs Brecken, Sackvlle, N B, with Mrs Chas Webters on Wdnesday a7tb mît, at 7-.P P m Taylor ; Miss Palmer and Miss S E Smith for the ptarpame o setttihg Up the business of he St John, N B, wlth Mis Y Gibson ; Mrs J ' year. A fii atteudance f the patrons of titis Srnith, Halifx, N S, wlth Mis R Patterson; association i requestud. Mrs J Strathmrd, Brdgetown, N S, and Mis Mr Mahinas t.key arrivu4 bainsfi4mHlbbardé Berwick, N S, with Mns W H Muakoka on Pridsy -zxth lit. On the Suday Crosby ; fns Cancsny ad Mis Dolmen, Win- priai ta his leavlng ther, fie had an sttack f npeg, with Mis Hogath; Miss Beavis, Has.' hernorhage of the lnngmsuad on MandaY lmmi ting, aud Miss Jos, Toronto with Mism ho had another bad attacit. Thtis lait illîssai wlll; Mrs Gordon Grant, British Calurn- aimait proved fatal; but we are lad to report bis with Mns J Saunders, Mn Biggs, Mnm that at prement hu là recovering alhougit 50111- anc1Miss Ogduad Miss Wles, Toronto, whst siowiy. wiii also bu present at the meeting. One lnitiationat the S.O.T. lait weuk. Tpt igtn Theappe ackrs redoing a rushig There are not rany people wha select Thae ape aknsaeKingston as the objective point of a trip and nre.A on th titI itt. - Mr lames Mahood. the most of those whc> do are cornpeled, ta 6.. IIpea evesawiiftudJo rniir bis boss. Aniotber çantesl nîphi, teapa Harry Hylaud. Wbitl Ms rJantes Hylo wll bold an aul Oct s8th, lHe h everythiug whll b Mr. Wm. Lai twlce unauccesafi -Dominion 'mar12 til<r seme weeks"past lte business men of collecta? ofetcust Port Ferry bave althe urgent ruquesi of tbe Mr Jôbu Bumni ladie aiolthe tawn conseutud te close tem fa m e B oo resp ctive places of business aI Len oclocis bas given up he on Ç5a ut ngt. To lt those mua know unlabie ta fiud a Whitl ta a hur -s ho y as blîed te ring iînssuf for a yeg s b~i.le l êt reletion an aur business ien iat tlsey muet bu vrnlunded by thte M t& CIatêt aell i ben itlàlaUtente aclose up ? inf fora ust If il actal>' nucéear>' le givu sues no- 1N. *.aud mai tioeet ov totld I1: do te b% . 99cent alan -càeud fret b> t cocks sud plâc. e- lesc business place aud 'itbelet pelock arrives lte «latin dock Thte dity'oai't wIIl o j., ;enuit t ose Iu thse place wtéis glving the blcyî lie4oscsbeclosed. tis would bu Vuiticles sud pet ü uebtter ihviu soya Iduthse sptedal proYWia et usesc à d ver uîgha nït. Il All a cyclattbaie mige n aletje amy n.ug inoconfidence o roacit. irei 1e p1s PUI ln-u nvbtneês ments wclose a iebccei a(~ th apptil*lied isour. - Busiee men stop cycliste bave rS thaï Ilninl on $atuviday. sigitîs sud do HF Allas, 8 noàt lèi Il b. a89l iba ytl caumbôt close your aisd ies ithé esswiw=enis aittoft cl, i vthsu b lu Ïae luta posi' tcalldfi i"bycsgu abl paiPro@ertlen a dowu ueustueut. à fuir6ro1dÏ16 thoèe e c o eonc Who o stop ou Satuvdy nigt,; eve dueI5Iô wa fow mi oedra erller lul te-eVing, tand f utbabI>' d oua ual la neceseary to deotour shopping e atle g ud mi« flmrtl nîns ocloci , CmeYOur GirlsparceiS de ,romnt-I»a aud save ltse deilvevy mu# sud the cleris lbe letter la onder. laie heurs tisai have bee i eufoïced entbentbl to tike a,Ê Sb>' those vite have Itesu ite habit of btiY- ingthem ntusale S 110ou Ssturday. nT hIawl ueunigi. 1-f stoppera woUld #lot iheçh 80 suad charges lste thte business iies would uockuepO ope,*,flirtiter eftan Trhe>' would close for výant ofcustos5e lm su adS*oti John W*. J> NoTs'. vMr ry tth",»i I# LU sWtiCS 0111, M'uet tren i G. earentheaiet, aocdent&Uy siliped do« llai frOnt et tho flwnes whcrc tii.wLtrva sVeIy deep, Dia ris. log to the ,suf= bc guA$ped hold Of a ,prijý.cù,but cetild 'net pêu hlnaWeI eut. ?or'nnately, Mr' Fred Te.ry who wu* workiug on the. hill voit Of thse daùo et erd iliI* ries for help anded. coud otseehe, e lin te S.O.T., te laittiwe ni being James Bruce sud jui, notibesiolibis towu, acon sale nui t Tiundy, bas rentud- bis fani, nsd be disposed of. udebonotugh of Maiiposa, fui Lîberal candidate for the mint, bai bes appoiuted ms at inldsay. i la abêt t tamove auto hli klln. Hia tenant Mn Routiey eplace asudlMr Burna, buiug sultable mian, wlll farm il Mr. sieon express agenit Wiby al ~Cia¶es of sud money SüeLeneyBru at Windsor it >casslliatl, Ot.111 Ilbu tue Canadisu lxprés Ce. roto bas paed a bylaw n te ngt of ïwsy over boah bd*etflaus i allaces witere Mi, Io ade fàr bicycle nidlng ,isto dol gvewatn~ it àbfist Indicela netAlew ta kîll nal 1k.o rooia wbere 1e Mail, aU. odo W.,9Bt <~Ènnt-91 .m~liIfwe ai ibis reai moral ue*spapen wus la accoi- pany lie Oigaode football teans whit made Ils aunuai tnip ta Kingston to play Queens University' snd the preseuce ai aur aId frisnd W C MichelLou lte Iearn was an addlîional Inducernent tit go.* (Besidles ibis titure was s cbuap rsilwdy rate, of course.5 There was a specisi train titrougit bers ai 10-30 Fiulday ulgbi sud on ibis a lange major- Ity of the excursianists ivavelied, the pla-yens havlags pulman. Thte enibusissis consisîed of admirera aiflte garne and ai the tesrn sud a numbet cf people wito went te Kingstoni la visîit em relatives wba were reusilg ln te penitentun'. 0f lte latter clasa we shall spesis milter along. It won a miduigittip, sud as It was a apuclal train lter. wefe -ne stops ai p>laces witure one* could gel ô60 ta îîretch bis legs, so ibose wbo brougitt ne uitieglin along had te, go-dry ail the wvay. We arnived la Kingston ai .3 s m, (Aute inorluvu we called hi because (roms the brut- aliles vucordud of thte juniors et tbe iwo te .at King~ston a wuek pvevibesly ire au- titpatd afëwdeathi d<sng thé ganse> -14eal morng aller 4 baonesl ýeup ie oi the gQqpode men lu a trip te visit théte pni- ttusy* About htfo uira1bG âavei ,,ladies cmns sud h soon beu knowu thsi îwo.a sd widors of lte lot *ve. titere ta violi, sous ibnlu t nsqn*t o *usk- nes, feu>' -orîemnptatIoa bîd comnntted cries ofuaithe oonii,*Itht tehse cmsu*0 bllsh bisI tua> M " la &àe TO I iding ast ltaimu muris aud ba yu thse = $5 te , enfer, mue , oqrIrom atoit a fice lo a ceeut Wb7 a"e 1"isifef vith.a lnli dead 9su be btdO ip au 4e88t41 W. L s 10, Jw 0 ý 4.1bý»J

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