Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 15 Oct 1897, p. 8

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#101A YOJJR WATCEI RUN ? I C~i MOES IT KEEP, GOOD TIMEP' HARE, the Watoh Specialiîst,, Can Repair it and Guarantee Satisfaction. or No- charge for examining a Watch. 3Do ors North of Western Ban k, Oshawa, OSHAWA, OCT. 15e 1897. OSIIAWA PAGE Little for 'voola. Zephyr, 5c. Mr. Payae spmnt a few days in Toronto ibis week. New mc'uth organe et LIttles. M Anderson of Toronto, @peut Wedaes. day ln town. Mr Arthur johaston, Pickering, vas la towii on Mondav. Mr Wettlaufer of Berlin waa in town on Wednesday of ih[s week. R A J. Uittle bas à large assortmtnt of 'vinter evening gaines that be 'vili rent ai reasonable rates. q Miss Dinney who ha. been visiting frîends in Western Ontario for some 'veeki past, re- turned t0 îown on Saturday lait. Arthur McMtlllna 1eR on Tuesday 10 taire his fourtli year course ln mineraiogy at the Toronto school of science. Mrs H R Barber, Toronto, bas returaed home alter spsading a few 'veeka visitiag friendu and relatives ln 10w n. Among other local imprevements te be notUced ibis week ln Oshawa tbis week la the painting of the poit office boxes. The New York World and the New York journal are sold la the clîy for toc. They can b. had ai R A j LUtiles for 7c. Frank Marrow, Toronto, formeily of the Vindicator staff, has returned homne after spencling a ew weeks visiting friends and relatives la towil. The new plate glass was put la the aew McCsw block on Monday. hIv as brougbî from the city on one of the "Consolldated Plate Glaus Cos" wagons. Mis H.-nderson of Cobourg, wbo bas been spending tbe lait few days with Mrs Kirk- patrick, william St., la now the guest ci Mr& Adamns, King St. East. L, R Luke and Hiramn Gifford attended th. Markham fair and 'vere gziven a red ticke~t la lte baraesslng aad speed test and a blue ticket for saddle horse. Owlng te the local votera 11.1 court belng held la Oshawa on Oct sf, the date for the Liberal.Conservative convention bas been fixed for Thiursday, Nov. 4th, ai the iown hall, Whltby, eai2p. GeoMeLtith' nwho bas been managing thbusines:' t cLughîî,, Carniage Co la the maritime provinces for the past year, bas reiurned borne. H. reports business aà' looklng up linbteùtern part o! lbe Domîn. Har'vey Davis, vin bas been thie obilng clerk andteîqçrapb operator as the o" iceo the Oabawa rallwaY Company. wlîî leave for Montréal on Mondapît aite a position ila th* audit office of the Canadian express cotbpany. The Rev Dr Bagdley, of Victoia a niver. sity, 'vuil preacb annlversary sermoionl Simcoe et. methoÏdiui cbuiceh on Sunday. A tbanksglving offering will b. taken a p In aid of trust nsof ithe church. The choir wîli rander speelal music duulng Use day. A runavay whlch migit have liss attend. ed, lItberiousreaua ocusnsd o" icitsg.t. la ' Thurmday sventdg. itv Mi Mélarec, vIfe and childi, of Col«ub~ es nva atout 'vien Uth ors, h* gsn1ruaI lt 1i vesi, and slippmd on tiii. tytaii e and 1u fell, The occupants o! telie < eprett1 badiy shaken Up, but no aeriqïsu daiMne re- sulted.1 A tramp Who lied prevlonly t>eta Whihy soilctlwigmouelcarrlved lbore g PrldaY lMit- H la i Ovasl to ésaltUe Ia<I of the bouefor mofey sud If aosrelusa4 hlm ho <onlgued ber oUt io*erre lm front wlwne non traveler ralnus. Constable Hoover huaMard th#*<sl, enriéo td brotialu:hW belw on, oik The Rev Mr McLaren of Bleahela occupi- cd te puipt of thc presbyteriun cburcb bot morning and evealng on Sundqy lait. Obi lea & Sledbam make specialties et lifesize work and copylng. Their work cae- net be imitated ettber le qumllly or prîce. Obrien & Steditei make speclalties of lifesize work and copyiag. Theli- vork cae- net b. initaîed elîber le quaiity or prîce. The bardwand firm o! Eversen & Haw- kins bas dlasoived, and Mn J E Hawkins 'vili carry on their business la lutul-,. Mr Mr Eversen vili giv. bis viole lime for tia prsem enttosiippieg apples te Englend. Mn Clarke Bennetapent a few dmys la GaIt lait week ateedlng lb. marriage of bis brother B F Bennet et Gait t Miss Florence Green o! Gali. Mn Bennet, wbo used te lire le Oeshawa, ta nov employed by the Goldie & McCulloah worka et GaIl. Tbe Vindîcamor prînts anobor bot columa ibis week on the contnovensy over mie ai. tempmed removal efthlie posl office, and ameng otiter titinga saya ibat the genoral feeling nov is tait tc office 'viii be carried on w itere Iii.lai tpresent. It I. iruinored that a movemettle on foot te coasîruci an electxlc railway frein Oshawa te Toronto, eqsipped te carry passengers and farin produce me ibe <117. The pinomot- crs aim le leicrest promîheel mleinte muaicîpalities alomg lhc route la the enter- jris and induce thein te becomne stock- olders. Itlal lte Intention te have freigiti cars wblch il irite lire stoek te te Toron. to market on foot, as weil as butter, egge, etc. Oshawava Isto b. thc cstera terminus, se tiat Ibis viii be the peint me vihich pro. duc. frei lte nontit mnd eüst viii grenitmie. The onila.o!flte chemne only bas teen conided te us. We are nol lnas position te sîste vitether aay stock bai been subscnibed or net, but lte acitene a on foot and cve If tii one doeesnet go tbrough it fta oniy e matier o! unme befone the uine 'vii b. bul, bul it mey b. pusbed titrougb frein Toronto. A Dose of ia Ove Medicine Thte Viadacator maires a leud bowi be- cause te Refermer o! lait veek prlnted an anumpoyous letten tram Raglan piîcbng lfie ttc cd itor o! the Vîndicator lu rerp streag language. Bren Nichiolson asys the obvieus malice of the wriîen readers the attaci baira- lesu, but go.-s ou me, score tbc Refermer for ailoving a hlddea alanderer te bave the use o! ils colnmans to pltcb loto petpe. tMr Nicholson winds up by obserlng tat "mte Vindicemor bansits faulmi, but 'vas neyer charged witit having placed Its columua et Uic disposai oethbie ulanderer." WeilI, v 'vosld lko te bave Mr Nicholson 100 c eVer bis back files for liceeetan sd note bow many limtes ite ba s seiiered hidden alander- ers viusi îbey pourmd theïr violence upeuu the ediior efthie Ciamfcts. Have net bbc culnmni o! boti tic Oshawa ppemabeen open te a-ny vremcb vbo feit 1ke Iffing l6h at us fnom a sa-fe hldlng place? Wbp sbould tb. Vin, min squcal se vien îtrcatcd to a doe. et bis own medicîne ? The Vindicator windi up ts litile complaint by ftatIng liai It-rmfiasmd publiîcation of a iatter o!feron1 Ities eren viien tie wrtcr ofered9tO amlge the saie.i lua sa-fe le«Y ma-y lttIer vas net au onsaugit sapes i*6.Caoncti Furbiier, wv roulre tosa-y liai lie letiet woulId have been publimhsd If no custoaner et the Vlndlcatur vere ceiicrned. No anony- meus leiter lu ever publiébcd lu the. CJiCoNicLa, unIe e li ntinbua ebesWé uslenoJect and visauaibrogl aodmt te svold beconaingprontiemut. Tis ha pepéus have alwaju beoe fî-te a1 orts of dinmj sebblog, aud t le. ligh lune liat cdi. feund ontt lai peopie w l tuodtent lu Cou- Iciapt as mou se=Ile s lie> siekerdlnty skunks -.bl~ ind màlola oomNO mon can efford to beîbe protomtero de- testable covard wvie stau e iah mous elsuderer la am" ' sugite rt i &sDanmusilti msilh di hodb. blsmned for vnitlug aucilttnM u sr its mmesthe Ombaaffleg Mn Tho S on t t Ina e o frm t mli pola reglomu a plece of imber spllm cOtise centi p _W Tii.pos appss«t t e mde or lorucewood. a-"dosn tiseboiub n et ta lMr Coom 14 arved 'WiIm 4. Oues," hue_ origl fai1y ains. Idesaio- li# date 14'tde,» ici unomd miat 'ha oilluIum i tvwlale oli S'bit I*we, b ASerlms. b, coueS _vy--u as ffl ûr VIrole City by prof. df b*w « * ltt fr mbe Pon bis aliontrp.h ence, M -- ~ i Imgotbeteun hlm à #âer "miiuett ofliv*o etO ati Imùpi Wintà, atid b.a ws i so ùft it wb are eood Wotkuns,. l ileIyejsplied tê Mr Chornis Teônant tur té lea, u.ne of bis ý very ior*e farins, eoliapti si xty.t- nl .etneasd after fMr lotiatied ilnepeced tl1Hoplesm outfil he gràiïted hlm a lLààge tut ivo pemrs, feeling thât a tamlly o! macrh linieage and se mucb fine fetimprolaerîy vould centahl b. good for a two yeâOs rentai, One of Mr Hoplees boys la n ov Iurtowltngthe sou o! the farila quesition, lmeparing for the crop of t898. The IHottlefaty le 19Jusi sncb a one ai Mr Tetanitilikes for bis farine. Ommie va aslau blreftry. 0 L. VIOKIET, barber. Blnce stresi. BROOKS' LIVET, Sinuco. street, north. WM. ROLPE, hameau maher, Oimoos stresS. r. B. MOTKERSILL, butcher, King et, West. Ds. PàTa¶"nz, Dentiui; office oéer Rove's store. k,. J. STALT»-Dominion pianos sud ongana, Simces stresS. Wu.uuax J. Dnais, Dominion snd Ontario Land t5urveyor, Viril Enginser, Box 87, Oeh- CoMudUz. OTEL-J. C. Woou, propristor. iloderu hostelry, neat and 'oomlortably squipped. D. M. To). -aterer for Balls, Assembles, Wed- dingo, Suppers, etc., etc. Aisema k indi of les. HlOOLDEN - Whitby-Ouhawasotage lins. Lesv.. Oshawa s aSan d 2Sp m, and Whitby sil10s m sud 4 p m. lowe Bmmui paluter sud deoorator. Dealer in vaspers, oeiling deocratlons, paints, oùl, V"rnihines, brahées, wincmow "hdes, etc. IaMu PULtww, dealer la stome, turusces, ftln vare, etc, Lurgé stock hept ooustantlyeon hband. Jobbing a speeletp. Studos street uorth. L. K.MOoB.A-BartrSlot, Notamy Publie, (Jonvepaucer. &o. Meney te lead. Oficee over Dominion Bank, SAuoe street, Oshaa. ftLT Bues - Wstchmakers and Jevelers. Deniers lu vetohes, clocha, jewelery, silver- Wane, sp.taoes, etc. Engrvlg, gold snd siver p atlug, and old geld rings made over. Fins wateh, oiu ansd jewelsry repairinu a specialty. There in nov a greai deal e! frelght. traffic orer thc Grand Trunk. AppleS are comlng le by train frein west- cra pointe for J O Henrys vaeoiouse. Mn E G Wbiting, whe bas been sponding saine veeki ai Omaha, bas returned home. Thos H Kain, Kasas City, ln bei-e on p riait te bis brother, our wertby station agent. F G Brethour, our former pedagogue,*whe, bas been lante nertbesi Ibis summer, 'vas item oser Suaday. T H Coppin, Grand Truak trelgbt agent et the junction, le deing niceiy ai the general bospitai, Toronto, Robi Curtie, Geo Malleit and Folese Mai- leu, fever victime,. aie able te be eut agiuin. Mis Knigbî, Wili Gune and othens arc lin provieg. Mra Sid Porter entertained a number et friende and fermer asseciates a! the Arcade mnîlilnery panlors at a pleasanî social gaîben. ieg one evening lait veek. HAKPTON Mr Harrise, of Grecnwood, visited ber. Sundey. Rev E E Howard preached in Bow- manville Sunday night. Mis Maisi, Peterboro, le visiting ber son and daughter here. C E Hi-owe sang in St Johns church Bovmmnville Sunday night. Mrs Wm Greenavay. of Port Hope, visited friendà here this week. W Beer and famlly will moire te Bovmanville finst November. James McLean, of Bowmanville, but a new silo on his farm here this faiL .Mn Wamsley saye apples are coming in rather slow to the evaporator t.his MaIL. Dr Gleason. wi!e and daugiter, of Port Toonsend, visited at J L Browas Mr A B Crydea-man and bride, Biackstoak vlslted et M B Crydeinsans on Sunday. .Miss Aunlc ,Crydermen vho bas been residtm nnCartwlghî for wsooime hesmiuetund home. c N I$hmbas medo heposcg la-ely pwtbased frein Mina P cmo tie vett ide of tic pond. Maa S Thompm eon dfamilIy ha-ve> moved te te Tenanto Jwac±Ion wheme Mn Thompeon sbea wolMug -for 0991ýýIu %tr H1, Elliott r.hms aecepted, the ,plstono! clerli o! thc division otmrt,. . nrl ile sud vil! move to town b1 tort Cbnlstuss. V Blle bas etorusuilfront Enamhad s llptlt ailUni*ton.dTitô w ubtltiimbeày ado îed. flic tnIJtjttée 0on réoflrtitis breugbt Itna eti-ong monlutiou tl i hété, 1 Uei-àüticeques. d ton Üid~ng thesicietkst e i a hi vr tii iuistire tcnioeS o the comiag tolha g Utptue Ctitilttees ln the niln c Al ôh ces, tesuperguce ergn. IstIong aid Oubg epe ocieavhl tic~ ~ ~ t lb o betlu vlew :Dr IdeKentic Ceunngtot, W 0DolSuderlan.d, and Geo.WssuintonSanford, for NortihItid. ing. Ma. icha rd Cragg, Gteenbank J.,N. DeHant,4. oklin aud Rev- W. P. Pletcher, Oslaa, fot- South idinig. W P Wlddifield, 9i1eam, Ai W. Crosby, Uxbnldgre and Rer. A MeAulely, Pickernn, for thceVWest nidiug. thc last nîmed te be thecocnrener in caci chic. Tie fellOviug ds a lt of tic officers ef the union for.the, coniag year. Presi. dent, Mr W A *lelday Broohlv-; lt vice, MrJ N Dcllant, Btookln, 2nd vice, Mn. W. J. Anderson, Uxbridge ;, 3rd vice, Miss PearlilMcGilOshawa ;- Mb vice, -is C. Thempeon, Whtby ; dec. -Ti-eag.,'Mr W W McLaren Osawa ; Coun Editor, Rev. J. S I. Wlison, Wilfid jnorSptMise Hamilton, Port Perry Rzecutive Comil.t tee, thc above named and Rev W P Fletch. er, Mrj A Blekie and Miss P. Storcy, Osh- awa, Vire Wm. Puirvis, Columnbus, and Mise Nellie Harper, Whitby. Il vas decided te bold tic acit convention ai Oshawa ln Sept z898. At the evening session, Mr E. A. Hardy B. A., president of tie provincial union, de.iivered a stlrmlng address on "thle Pledge," sand Rev. R. 1. Colville spoke on conscraten md cnuced an uipressive ceasecratieni servie.Thiis closed au ex. ceediagly profitable ad succeseful conven. tion. J. S. I. WILsoNq, Ce. Editor. COITICE. Mis Rev Dr Marvn bas been visiting ber parents la Lindsay. Mr Albert Rundle ha. beea vlslîing bis broîners la Detroit, Micb. Mr Chas Gibson bas returned to Mead. ville, Pa, aften a 'veeke vimit witb bis.parents. The division eft he S O T bas been inviîed te furnlsh a prograin on Christmas nigbî ai Tyrone. Mrà, S Flintoif mad Mr Frank Everson have tb. typhoid fever, ad Mis Simples la ses very sick. Miss Claie B Littlej ubai e I visitlng in Keene ai Rer Mis Liddýys, and on ber 'vay home wiii cmli et Rer Mrs Pheipa o! Mili- brook. Soin. poison entered the bouse of Mr David Clark. one aigbî lait week while tht family vere avmy, and looh a aumber of ar- ticles. Among ibeni was a silver watch, a gold chain, a revolver and a set ef bicycle tbols. jas Waddell bai necently erected a silo. jas Hadden and vife are away on a trip tirougi western Ontario. S Rose hias furtier lmprovedil bs place by iavleg e vindmili put upon bis tare.- Died, on Sept 2ieb lbe infant cild o! Mn and Mrn John à1cCully. Thc fumerai vas atbendedby a lange nunuter o! sympathizlng fnieds. 'The litile oeU a about 2 mentis old. Died, on tic 8th list, tic little daugiier o! Mn and Mme G Rose, aged i yemr and 3 mentis. Tic tunieral iook place frein tic residence on Sundey te Fine Grove cerne- bery andl vas atteaided by many frieuda. We regrmet te bear liai our biackmmiti Mn cellines bas decided me leave us iavimg purciesed a business at CreuIL lHe bas oui7 been icem-uiert lime but by is kind obliging maunor lias madc liaiself many friendi vio.vill vii him gmeetez prosper ity wherce e golug. Ou Wednesday of Ibis week a meeting of tic W.F,... for tic Lindsay presbyieny vas ield un lte citrch ber a-ad vas ezced - ingly velI attended by ladies from ail parts of lhe Prcsbytery. It vas addressed b ya lady mlssionsry, Dr hcKellar, of hudia, vite gave au intereatîle sud profitable sc- couut of Mission verk in Indm. Tic visit ors were given a tes la thre basement e! tic 'chureb at tieclcoie o! lic meeting by bic ladies o! lie cougmegatlou. Anothver of the maay deatis vhlcit bave lubeIy occurcd lantis uclghbonhood le thati o! MnI Xdnrnnd McCully vici btooliplace ou the evenlng of lie 4th ipîl.Deceased bua been ailiug fer alient 4 years viii a klnd o! contnuptlon seaietimes btiler sud sometirnes wve,, tilta le* mentis mgo it became apparent liaI lhts end vas dnaviug ner. fHe reccSicd theo best muodical treat- ment m»d the kimuat attentïon o!frûiende but lu spito o!f.1&I. egnadnuhy peatki 11 deu a-un"e on Mandeal gil. ticfunerat tbah pWae tic follo*tug' Weduesday and vas atcnded by Vieilrg fe nunter o! p *v.,oer go Èsboitin the Procession. e. was 46 yeara41d -me Iva.nembcr of te OUW. sud vmentbcr allepr.bv telen cisani =su -sbili>tepected b aU viekuaew hm, Ho bavesa- idev su $mc' ilnrenta mo*wu iesloise Tic Ro Itt »hrova of eCaingtou preaci- cd hêre o»a Siands>. Mn Pred Pttrson vie liasbeau lu Rua!. fa-to lb; dme lime bauscomahbuse fora The îbut sftî i. esieu vIE Ubc kIhd thlavsi b tesyaadloste :vs tidsuli Mn. bolciior. Cnros I PrTH ce $i, 6MforC$5. OMAil deF also ddress Mgs. Tione Holder, cf AtInmer, says: i4q bave been a greet $stiffre for a good rnany yoeawlîh Sait Riienia, se, b.dat limes At Sag Impossibe for mii to vasb a dlsh or do env bousieWorki but after taking anc bottle eofSiot, Indieun oleilttck erery peticle of tbe ~ case oui e! uY SNtls aCn d made a perfect c~ it bas new becu four jeanss Mac I t 00k te nuediclflo amd thc disedel bas Dot returned' The Josepli Hall Machine Works OSHAWAe :-: ONTi,ý -..dCIN'UFÂOTru]E- CLOVER MILB, the Improved CHAMPION MOWECRO Etc. and mupply parts, and repair ail ma- chines muade at the Joseph Hall M'fg Co., Masson Go., and Dingle Estates, having bouglit ail their patterns, formes, etc. Koop in stoolk 1 Knives and sections for most any makre, unower or reaper, Iron Pipe, Steamn Fittinge, (brase or iron.) Rubber Belting, Packing, (rubber, gariock or rope) Thresher Teeth, most ail kînda. Repair Bicycles, and supply parts for sanie. Engines and Boilers repaired, (any make.) Repair Machinery, any descrip- tion. Macbinery Steel, also Cast Steel of various sizes for tools. Pea Hlarvesters, R. Woon & Co. Apiary Supplies, Beehives, Sec- tions, Oornb Foundatien, etc. Re WOOA9 & cou W ANI'ED-TR USTWORTHY AND ACT-. IVE gentlemen or ladies to tmercI for responsble, estabiished , euse la Ontario, Monîbly $6r.0e mnd epne.Position ieeady. Refereace. Enclose self.addreosed stamped e. relope. The. Dominion Conipmny, Dept. Y Cii cagO. 41-810. Es J. JOHNbSON# LEIADING UnDE1RTAKZR, BROOK STREET, - WHITBY. FOR ALL VYOL. XLI An entirely n scientific in, Boat, Rail or Ocean,,. W. P. STERICKER, Oshawa Ry. Co's Office, OSHAWA. IR. C. Carter, Agt. AGENTS. "The Boit Popular Utc of Her .tlMjesty 1 ave ever seen," vwries Lord Lorne, about "Quecu Victoria." Saes unpre- edened. Easy te iake fie dollars daily. Big commisson. Outfit free to cavasser.> The BRADLEY - GÂRRETSON CO#. Limite, Teronto, Ont. FA RM TO fiENT 2w 0 acres, nean Audlejlu Pi ke ig b n-. hp. Good land, suita le bulding, Pl*#y of vater fo nt velu ma d treais o d d chazd, no mutard. Poess»iont 1w sI# t once. Full possesion vext q~n, pl te Tuso A MCGttLIVRAYp Whtby. Sept »2 18-tf. Part cf Lot i n le7th mco f Pc tailuig 40 tm o f gcod land, e e e fiaue bain, 8bed au tWes, lio cie« ad vood- shed. Gooîd ocamdo bard mm e aeAs earso g oe n or ste u. M uai Le so , T e i Apply ta WItJ COULTICX,Clan Ont., 0. T. GARB TJT, Rox :8I , - Oi Ont, o T.L.SALTER, G0oeibiuh Wi#claim the followin this tru lý--hb luUgbt, weigbini ounces, eccordinlg 5,-hjt is neet and clean, * lais uscd lanies .. absenbthie Vperspin .Itla easy to e ee, way ln vbici oscillate. 4.-Il neyer leares thce placed 6n tbe bd occupy seft places S.-It does 115 work pe pioperrpoiions 6.-The truss le made 1 te man tefit the 7.-lt lh the laboere'str ad3ustIlbte oamne bard vork, sud an easy pressure Au"'He A CHEMIST& WIBD WIND 0"U tIm MËOTOZJ the E»1B For thoeholn eu WE HAVE A FULL LINE SkeZZs, Powder, 8hot~ ALL IFOR CALL ON Price $ 1, 6 for , $5. i t (£#ront*tlt. 1 ROCK STREET, m llrurrL7ll7'8ýYs 1 mi

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