Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Oct 1897, p. 8

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*10W -0ESI,- YOLJR WATCH RUN? ~~ING DOES -IT' KEEP GOOD TIME HARE, the Watch Speoialist, Can Repair it and Guarantee Satisfactio: tff No charge for examining Watcý 3Doors North of Western Bank, Oshawa, (JS IlA WA, OCT. Si 1897. OSIIAWA PAGE New. pipes, et Litties. R A j Little has naines to retit for parties, etý )wtnig to the eveninfz heing cool the band cmt ett oit Thursday last was riot weIl at- trCild<ed, R.-. Mr McLenîiati formeri:,R a issionary itn Ctia occuied the puipit of the f'resby- tenit church both mornîng and evenirng on Mr antd Mrs S GrRham and famil),1 of c., t. n. h. Suhescribe for ail your papera at R AJ Lit îles. Sec the new gamne of "Cheville" at R A 1 Liîî les. Oshawa Council T'he town councîl met Mouday evening. A letter was read [rom the secretary of thc board of trade at Victoria B C calllug atten- tion 1 the fact that many Canadisus take Unitîed States Hunes 10 the Klondike wbile Canadien ahipe leave B C porte regularly for that region. The report also complaiued ihat many Canadians buy their outhts lu bbc States who cou id do better lu British Commr- biii. The finance committee put througb sc- counts ernouuîing to 01371-74. Mr Hezzle- wood brought up Ihe que9tlou of a free lib- rary for the town sud bad a commltte- named to coufer with the muechanic4 institute board, the commitîcee b cousiat of Messrs Hezzlewood, Tam blyn, Provan sud Heuder- soin. A representative of the Toronto Rub- ber Co was heard belore the council« sud warned the council not to buy from au> other Toronto company as bhe other corn- panies are flot branches of the Toronto Rub- ber Co. Messrs James Msckie sud Bosbery sddiessed the council iu favor of baviug a gzranolitbîc wslk piaced lu front of the music hall nt a cost of 81 cents per squ are yard, but the malter waa laid over (or Ibis yesr and the council adjourned. A Child Burned bo Death. ý% runv. pent uesiJy ad %%euiesuay otf lOn Sunday about noon Ernie Gray, tbc this week amnong friendi, snd relatives, of fie 'car old son) of Geo Gray who lookes at. )'.hawîî. er Mr Robt Williams horse, was playing Niatty were the disappoited youths who with somne n e iho children about bbc yard. lefi tîîwn uon Sunda>- lest expecttng 10 gel a They h ad med e a pipe of a borsechestnut, ii ot beach nuts. They report the crop as andti ttle Ernie was sent into jas Dwires to Iîttg '.ery sniail. get somne matches. Mra Dwlre thought Mrs R A- J Loitie îs getting in a lot of new (;ray had sent the little feliow lu sud gave nîtvels. what he asked [or. In his effort to ehieid A-~ fariner [rom Cerîwright named Bruce the match aller it had been lighted, bis cloth- mas ini iown ori Moniday lookîng for nine tflg ought ire and wss soon ablaze. The. head ofi cattle whtch hatd strayed frorn home blaze about hîm b"wiîdered hlm sud be ran lie was alo xking for a fortune leller îhrough the gate outInlto the atreet. His whoitrlie expected to tell htrn where 10 look acre aeaîracîcd hie mnoîhers atteution, and tir te animais. t er htbv the time ebe reacbed hlm be'was enveiop ra:iced lu Bernes, Iu her efforts to rid him of bis We are pleased olrnta the anti clothing her flugers were burned to the boue. ('lut) bas orgatîlzed for the wnter and have The little feilows acreeme of agouy were ttiw under rehearsal "The Prvae Secre- heartreuding and nerved the irauîic mother tery- which they inîend producîng lu the i n ber work of reacue. Belore the Bernes nerar future. We wiiuh lhemn every success were eubdued aIl the clotbiug on the upper in thetrr iew uuderteking. part of the childs body bad been burned Wttt Jewell, who comes (rom Viîe %ilcox away sud the flesh was frightfuliy burued. fartit, Whitby township, has signed a len Ail that was ict of bis clotbing was the baud Neat's lease wilîh Mr Conant for the form srouud the ueck sund wrist bande of bbe utext soutlt of bis residence. Jewell has sons eleevea. Dr. McKay waseeumrnoued aud ablie to wiuk, anîd be has the reputation of did ail that bc couid do to alleviate the lttle eitg ait excellent farmier sud can manage suflerers agouy but bc succumbeti to bis in- tii' large terni 10 edvsnîage. furies about 6 arn. ou Mouday. Fromn the Th le advance agent of the Guy Brothers lime of the accident 10 bis death bis body Mistrel 'froup wa lui town onit Wednesday' waeconvulsed witb pain. The (uneral was lt mtîke prepareliorte for the opeuîng of te held ou Tuesday. Mr Dwlre lu bis efforts to inuiuc hall witil one of their old tinte con- Rid Mns Gray lu savin g tbc boy from tbc irc crts lie [ouud bowever that hall would burned about tbc hands, su that be could not r il t b ready for them ai the lime that Ihey work ou Mouday. Mns Grays injuries are ..îll beien th. pari of Ontario but bc savi, serlous aud it will bc isomne lime before she 1uai if ihcy are wîthiu a huudred miles of wlll bc luliv recovered. The horrible fate of t tJitaîva when the music hall is ready they the child has caused the deepeat sympabby %iii corne and give ont o[flice beet concerts for the parents iu their affliction. Itie>liait cicr guven. Wnit File wâe on Ssîurday cbarged belore Magîsîrate Murton wii1h ai) ropnîsîing a wrenc(h anîd&orne other tols th property of A mita Waring, File set up tie defence that %lite tbols weîe gîven bîm by Rstranger- on the sireet le dîd not know hlm sund could not give a description of hhlm but the accus. cil wals b sl l te tools and ha.ve hall the ) roceeds for tht trouble The magistrale ted heard the same aiory seieraIl imes be- fore anidment tht young mani to Whitby for a utontt. Fr-e, Labrary for Oshawa Dîr MeV dîrector of Public librari" e-t tht 'iesalibrtry board sud a commitîe [roui iihe (<wtt cîîîncîl ai the reading ruom Wed rîestl.y moriuîtutg Tht chief subîect of dis- tui nwas the lîrojeci now heing agitftted ofi maktng over the ttîsîute imb safree pub- lic liiirarv. Drr Mev aaid that tht preacut gu [tit of $tustX would be doubîcd if tht library were itade free and the preactît grant of $50 iii the [ree retdinig room wouid be cou iittiiet.Ith s vcry ikely thiifret llbrary sclitetl ite~ll lie put throiigh before the dis- (usiotuteIIrîttutates anîd Oshawa will lake au- iiiuer siel) hirward 10 kee ) up wltb the sgt. "I () ipen ot ithaîe et lîbrary wouid cal iîîr a la'rgc trtcrease in thookaq and ltse lown cou iotil wuîuld have 10 corne dowu sith abo)ut $zoou te irsî >ear and ptobably as mucb everv year, buî eterybody wdiqtd gel the iletefil of i1 anti tht Byve or ten cenis lez ii wouolîlcot ratepe3-ers would bc made up tive tinies tiver, The Danger of Long Freight Trains The Gmenti Truuk t3 bauliig sorne very heavy trains nier ils hune Just now sund lb la utot an tînusual thiug b osec îwo englues&,t lte head nf e traiuearl y hall a mil e long. This of course meaus lesal train, for the same business and therefore less train banda. Tht objtt le ecouomy, but lb la doubttul If the mnetbod wullprove Saucsautl thebb r0ad h slrsightened sud leveled u p. About faIl a mlle east of Oshawa on Frida y nlg ht, e train 0f(64 cars had tye breaks. The irai break 1db bbce van and a numti>cr of Cars standing iu the bell >w at the culvert eat of the overbcad bridge at thce eff end orthne yard. There le anup rade. (rom Ibat point to the depo aud iluruaEnng It the train galun brbke sud the cars runuîug back ettruc those standing ou tihe irack. Ther. wua rnigbîy smash. The car tbat leit te track veut oves the Cmhnuki»n enn *sd dovu te. step)etbainkment, tIc other cuti au- ucar thO track. Two other cars voe bati mmashed. A crcw of vrcck.,s came do"s fromt York anti ail day Saturday vue at work getdng the vrecked catrs Jae eh"to taire te théerepaf r ohepThe. wrccIkj a«r wus loadeti wtgts ctnph ep a Un tatu bo daJtbons >tr POl lf show itt S t au r-,, tii. rS le" que <bgades Itb chay rao* té 1DiiWon court. Mr. Tbeo A. McGillivray, LL.B., officlat- cd as judge at the sittng bere os Monday. The must important case beard was Wl- liams vs Slemon, an action arislng out of a bicycle accident. The îisbap bock place ai Cedar Dale. William.suad sanie other youug mes. wei-e wbccling u p (rom thc lake, sud met Siemon, wbo vas drivi ng south on bbe leit ide of the turupike. Williams was wbeelisig rnbead of bis part anmd suppoaed Slemon would sec hlmi anidbur> out to the rigbî, but Siemon dld not sec the boys coni- lug, and finally Williams g ut so close that be could not turu 10 bbche ft and bad tb bake a hcader mb bbcheditch. The horse struck tbe bicycle sudp ut one foot througb bbc spokes of the bind wheel. Siemon at once expressed bis stroag regret cunceraing the iujury doue bthetheel, and offered 10 pay Wllliamas $5 to pay for repaîring th. daniae, but this was dccllued. J F Grierson for Williaino couîe'>ded tbat Slenion vas drlv- lng on the wrong side of tbc tur-upike anti would Ibertîfore be reapouable ln lav for any damage doue by accident arlslng out of bis driving on tbe wroug side. 14r Murton argued that whîle It is customary of late lu Canada and the. States bu drive on thec rglit aide, it le not oncesduty 10 do e, uo àamatter of law. I-owvecr awkwàrd lt maï bm» o do ao, Slemn vas at liberty te drive on n part of thbcmati. but voulutib. obi gt t turu out tu bhc rigbî 1f1h. met au wd vt a conuve> anc. or bicycle. Ithbad ot bec.1 abowu Ihat Slemnon mm Williamrs, butWl>' liame admltted that be saw Stemmon, bue. fore be abuuld bave eltber jumped J*-r cal- led to Stemen iu good timeIo» pevmrtMa accident. HI, honor arccd iti, %r Murto that drlvlng ou tii. tg*t aide Of"<b. tonde rusre custom. eoct law, sn4 <bai Semmi could not b. held for au dcdfd.ebleblie'bé could not bave prevanted, 5101 kmowut b be was meeting auyoue. The plasauuw's nonsulîcd wltb Cout& The P. So~s Thse talik or reo*olu mualc ball block b»aia ,var- Thn. h.a e la, reuide or doc buulMs location, antidiua <bt for ovcbaeng tbe sgon hall "lu cive ftueroom thSs e in <b. pros= <ç tedly .affle& b" h. Ont lb. odmrl4< It a etoin à 9a -:000:- BE wi r. Oshawa BluusiesaDtr.otory. L. VICKERY, barber. Slmcoe stireet. IROORS' LrVERY, Sintos itreot, north. M ROLPH. harnoss maker. Slmocoe street. Da. PàTTzymN.o, Dentimi; onice over Rowne's @tore. A- J. STàLTE-DoniWxon pianos and organS, Simooo street. WI.xLuss J. DnAIS, Dominion and Ontaric Land Survoyor. Civil Rnglnoer, Box b7, Oah- aws. Oo0etxai. HOTZL-J. 0. Woon, proprletor. Mbodern hostelry, neat and oomlortably equipped. 0. M. To.-Oaterer for Bails, Assemblies, Wed- dinge. 8upp.rs, etc., etc. Alo&U kinds of nova. bos. BOULDEN - Whitby-Ogawa stage Ili». Lesvea Oshawa st 8 arm n sd Sp M.,and Whitby st 10 a m n d 4p m. loim Baam, pe.lnter and dsoorator. Dmere in wll =enceiling deoorationa, paint., où, véru iies. brushes, wiuaow shades, etc. Juras PNLLOw, dealrne toves, fauaces, tin. van., etc. Large stock kept ooimtaly on hand. Jobblig a spleotty. Stmooe street IL; . - liosT, B. à. - Barrlster, Bolitor. îoayPubUo, Oonveya'>or, &o. Mon.y lu 0u000ne over Dominion Bank, Slrooo VELT Bacs - Watehrakero sud Jevelors. Den in lu tces cloche, joel.ry, uiber- vw&». ~ eltae". *e. Kn9 rvin&, goid sud SUTU pating, su d 4golarings zmade over. Pin. vatcis, dock, sud leelory repairinq a ai SMrs John Hellya, Bowmnanvie,wa Mr John Sauedems andtifamily are mc- rnoving to the Cole esidence. Rev Dr Marvin, Courtice, occupied thie sacreti desk Sabbath eveaing for Miss Lily Vttue. daughtem o! Mr jas j VimiueTomnto. bas been egaining health by a visit hem. The junior'pastors emeika on Criti- cim» no: the -Higher CriticismIl how- ever, came in very appropriately on~ Sabbath moming. New officm sof Tyrne Division S of T Nox26: W P, A Aunis; W .4.w Wrry; R SM,lC CuMîe; -A R! Miss W Soucb;SM J Peuft»nd; treas, 'G D Wlch; chp1 j »togbam; -cou, South; A CMik E3rsantoo iS, Saonden.; O S,.«A Hawkey; PW P.T HP« --'cet ofo w~471~2&:1tt b~* Ut i ufounti *t~~AWuIs~Wto Stop the 4nitiji lii Mratit. namâp li lsigfrientis in Mrs Amnos McMullen, Clarke, visit.. mu urier u~rnnuuo1îonde. Bite t hiif.Mr lDryden ou ,thé. reitoy ffcequestion ânitIo please4 ttô thnédititowr4.>a blglows ln, the Mesttme M Eosety hââboeu, ordereci b* the ptmet, ln#Pr tôr to go on îanti lit up thenew tplace for ti Instittution andi h. Is dolhog go. It look% very'muc1ý as If the office le to b. movedt taMr boebys- building, row or no -row, but red bot letters are being seul (rom il quarters to Mesurs Mdulock. Dryden end Buruett. These gentlemen are betweeti the devil and thé deep water andi scarcely know wbat to dcr. Over the signature oi IlPhîlype" %orne person writes the Vindicator sarcastically referring to Mr Bosbery as a dangerous party becase. he bas a faculty of hunting up uselesu edifices and moderulzlng them. The letter also condemne Bosberry for earuing mney lu Toronto aud apending It here. It furiber objecte to any person lu terferrlng 10 annoy stay-as.we-are people. A Loca.l Gold Rxcltement Qne day last week jas Bulkwell, black- srnlîb at Thornton Cornerg waa making arn excavation under an out..house which he had intended to use as a root cellar. While e- gaged at the work he saw the dirt he wao- handllnq was full of yellow epecks which glittered lu the llght. Mr Bitlkwell hadl heard a îrood dei> about the rlch dirt at the Kiondyke and the appearance or the dirt he- was handling waa such t hat he formed thc opinion that he had founti eomething that would iustifythe fullest Investigation. H.- cnre(uliy gathered up aIl the dlrt that held any of the color and put It in a bucket. There were mre atones about which alen showed nch in color aud these were care ftilly collected. Mr. Ballcweli says he ira:- comipared bis find with his wifes best goid ring and the color was the same. 'ýie then sent hie wlfe with samples of hie find »0 Mr Taylor, jeweller at Whltby, who he aaya pronounced it gold. The other jeweller. however, had uothiug to say onie way or the other. SURl looklng for confirmation for his hopes the stimples were brought b Oshawa, and Mesars Feit Bros were called upon buq they couid not assure blm that It was goid. That night the bucket wlth the mysteriour contents rested lu a place or eecurity under the blacksmiths bed. Hie dreams were pleasani and golden but lu the mornlng Mr. jerry Licir, who had panned gold lu Colifor nia lu the forties, heard of the discuverv aud vlalted the place. He pan ned a lîttIe of the dlrt, and from the way the yellow speckq had of fioating on top of the water, conclud ed that it wa not pay dirt. Mr Balkweii ihereon turned the contents of the buc.cet out Int the yard, threw the rocks nway aud returued to ie annvil and forge. Thus an. other gold bubble burst, but flot before It had caused quite a atir lu the nelghborhood. The inhabitaute of the cemetery over the road will neyer know the narrow escape they had (rom beiug disturbed lu their long1 reqt, for uad il been golti the whole country j for miles around would have been turned upsldedown. Mr Balkwells fiud was mica schist. The rocks being under the soil aud auhlect to constant moisture, the Iron as- sociated wlth the mica hâd acted as; a dis- qoi vent nud ouly the cnrea of the rocks were ieft lu their native condition when (mmnd The fiakes of mica deceived Mr Bslkweli s.c they have deceived others before him.-Vjn. Master Leslie Snowden met with a painful scalding accident and has been confiued to the bouse for two weeks. Mrz Elias Perkiu, of Owen Sound, visited old frieuds here receuîiy. it is 35 years since he ieft here. New division officers are: W. P., M M unday, sr. ; W. A. S., C Rundie; R. S., Miss 1 Stevens; A. R. S., Fred Foley; F. S., J D Stevens; Treas, Wm Jeffrey; Chap., Miss G Foley; Cou., Ernest Foley; A.C., Miss C Munday; I.S., Miss M Spry; O.S., Miss G Stevens; P.W.P., J Stevens. Epworth league officers for comiug year: Hon. Pres., Dm Marvin; pres.. W C Frank; ist vice, S C Rundie; 2nd vice, Fred R Foley; 3rd vice, C I- Snowdeu; 4th vice, Miss B Munday; sec., R Snowden; treas., M Muuday; organists, Misses G Foley and W Ax- ford. Nfew navm. Mme H Bartlett, CSeearea, je visibiug ber daugbter, Mrs Wood. Rev Dr Marvin and* wife visited the C E of this place on Friday cvening. Mm Geo Reid and wite of Flomida have been visiting a: Mr Casey Trulis. Mm F T'rull and sisters a&te'>ded the golden wedding of Mr and Mme D Steph enson, Oshawa.$r- Mr and Mms S Veal,'Mrmand MrsF Vanstone andi Mr Albert Veal and fam- ily, London, and Mr and Mmi Wm Dîckimnn Oshaw, who weme calicti borne br the death of.-theim father, Mr T Veal, have returned to their homes. The MinsetWitheridge open% Sun- Mr and Mmm C Mottntjoy spcnt, Sun- day with friendinl Cartwright. Mr anti Mrs H SatnoeUls. of! Cart- Wright. spent:Suaday winh Mrs Thos. Moun:joy. MmsThos -Briîmcombe and MmsS Mfountjoy report à.good tîre viïitlng We have a <Jaily mailtno*, t*ks-t' Mr R BcliM. P, -Whoopfrag cottgh la very ýpv.aleatt haro amýo nid t»vomet f a ~db Price $1, 6 for e5o.auaeiiIM u THE LOAN MEDICINE COMPANY, F HAMIL TON# LIMITED. aa~4 dit have bonu0e great istferet fot a gOo many yesrds wlth Sait Rbeuin, so bati at Urnes it wu~ impossible for nie t*, wasb a d1s» or do any bouoeWork, but sf1 S t tkilb'g one bottie of Sîpa-s Indigo Tonlc, 1: took every Partielle0f the dis- case out Of Mv y sten, and made a perfect ou<e. It bas now bec'> four yearssifîbe 1 tooý t>z medicine and the cilseSe bas '>01rctumncdy e Mrs Bamforth, of Oshawa, 15 visiting ehem dàughter, Mrs Herb Powere. tMrs Geo Manning, 'of Bowmauviîîe, visited- ber brother, Mr jas Towns. Miss Maggie Oke has returned after a pleasan-t visit wlth friends in Sea- forth. Mrs David Vaucamp and daughter, of Woodstock, visited at Mr Jos Van-. Camps. M-r and Mrs H W Burk. of Bow- manville, cailed ou Mrs Thos Vancamp receutly. Q uite a number from here attended the harvest home at Ebenezer and en- joyed the chicken pie and lecture very m uch. A meeting of the . young peoples bible society wiil be held at the base line, school hr<use this, Friday, even- iug, the speakers being Revs Mr Mc- Keen, of Orono; Dr Marvin, of Ebene- zer, and R D Fraser, Bowmanviîîe. Taunton. A very pleasant nuptial event was consummated at Lowlaud Cottage, the1 residence of Mrs Geo Leask, Darling- ton, Sept 29th, when her daughter, Miss Margaret, and Mr Albert Hillis, ou the adjoining farru, were marrjed. The bride was given away by her brother George. Beneath a verya pretty arc% of mapie boughs, trimmed. with flow~ers and snowdrops, the cere- mony was performed. The brides sis- ter, Miss Jennie Leask, attendecj her, and Mr Wm Lammiman of Solina, the groom. Rev J B McLaren, Columbus, tied the kuot. A pretty travelling suit adorned the bride, who carried a bo- quet of white flowers. Some forty re- latives were preseut. Wedding supper was semved and a happy hour spent. When the bridai pair went home the guests accompanied them amid a shower of rice. The rest of the even- ing was spent very pieasautly, refresh. ments beiug served. The bride re- ceived a large number of handsome and use fui preseute. Mapis Grove Rev. H W Foley, B.A., Lakehurst, spent a few days at home. Rev. R N Adams preached here ac- W ANI'ED-TR USTWORTHY AND ACT. IVE gentlemen or ladins Io travel for responsible, establisbed bouse in Ontario, Monthly $65.oo and expenses. Position steady. Reference. Enclose sel(.addressed siamped en-; velope, Tbe Dominion Company, Dept. Y Chi cago.- 4> -Bm. E. J. JOHNSON, LZADING UNDI BROOK STREET, IRTA 9R - WHITBY. FOR SALL v~ v E Boat, Rail or Ocean, The Jsoeph -Hall Machine Works, OSHAWA9 -:ONT, -MANUFAC rURE- OLOVER MILLSe the Improved CHAMPION MOWER, Etc. and eupply parts, and repair ail ma- chines made at the Joseph Hall M'fg Co., Masson Co., and Dingle Estates, having bought ail their patterns, forme, etc. IKI30P in Stoclk : Kuives a.nd sections for most any inake, mower or reaper, Iron Pipe, Steam Fittings, (bra.ss or iron.) Rubber Belting, Packing, (rubbem, gariock or rope) Thrt-sher Teeth, most al kind. Repair Bicycles, and supply parts, for samo. Engines and Boilers repaired, (any make.) Repair Machinery, auy descrip- tion. Machinery Steel, also Cnet Steel of various sizes for tools. Pea Harveetere, R. Woon & Co. Apiary Supplies, Beehives, Sec- tions, Comb Foundation, etc. For the Shoollng esn WE HAVE A -FU LL LINE O...4 Shelis, '1. Powder, Shot, Cartridges, OZea»ers, w - Vç5OL. ~. An entireiy scientific 1 We daim the foilow 1.-t I iihtthis t l ihwelghi ounces, accordil 2e-It ls neet and cleat lIeused lu its absorb the pems ý-It is easy to wear, way lu whlch t ccillate. f4. gIt neyer leaves the placed on the bc occupy soit plac $ -It dos ha work 1 proper poSition cured with ever 6.-The truss le made bbecmnuto fit ti 7. It is tbe laborer'si adjust it 10 a r bard work, and an easy presati AsH Hfit CHEMIST & WmTBND WJNDIR ueoI ÂTh sellethe MOTO%- the Eetai 'au agent put a to oi r o r" t 1 o m u l tban any other -i" daim <bey Bell oua l ,mli ontftts ýsold t tisse. Ail styles of Woo sale. -Any lnfoimatiln' Will be frcIygive l WESTER -patteroi T H MK. Speckrl $b40.Owýhv »e Pont lir -MMÈMMM f - Il 1- 1 1 1 1 = 1 1 W. P. STEBICKER, Oshawa Ry. Co's Office, OSHAWA. R. C.. Carter, Agt, A GENTS. -The Best Poptilar feoHr cedented. Eayto make five dollars daily. Big commssin. Otâtfree Io canvassers. Tbe BRADLEY - GARRETSON CO., Limuîed, Toronto, Ont. FA RM TO fiENT a200 acres, near Audley, in Pickering town- shp. Gooti land, suitabIe buildings, plenty of water froni welle and stress», good or- chard, no mustard. Possession to plow nt once. Pull possession vext aprlug. Apply to THno A McGILLIVRAY,,Whitby. Sept 22 1897-tf. Farm for Bale.- ]Part ci Lot xZIn 7thcou, c oi, g~o. talning 40o1cmeofgoodI>land !=e ' hr.o frame bait, sbeds andto lbles, gooti bou* . t..- choit and wocd sbed.- Goodioca4o pls peau, plants sud grapes, etc , au abundauce of~ bard and soft waîer. Also zo ac«c 1 mW, land composed of maple, -oak ant busswood, on-, lot1.l I,9b con. of ad Pickhlin. Wllt geier or eporate. Muat b. sol E'Teris easy. Aly to WU J COULTICE. Claremontý. Ont.$ 0. T. GARBtJTT.Bx 8 Oaemu Ont., or T. L. SALTeRQrecon ,On. excuor o ».bie amsCouhis ont CALL ON m :EI U . ý ï t (Ë ronitlet

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