Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Oct 1897, p. 6

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lormon *ore %ted t2pon a i-,mdrs erm*ad.aMt Muro, one ôftueé Marâhs.l lands. Thie negt wua WrfIïmtly môonlit, and thé, hlli and oparu of a lifttle white brlg that )sy .anohored in the. lagoon about a tuile ,distant fromt the traders hous stood cuti as clearly and distinct as if the ,were but 50 yards away from where they sat.ê Tbree of the. mon present were visit- ore-Ned Packenham, the captain ; Harvey, the mate, and Denison, the. super-cargo of the Indiana. The. fourth ws e trader himueaif, a griz- zled old wa.nderer ofpast 60. It was long past nidnight, and the old traders nunierous haif caste fatuily had turned in ta sleep smre bouri; be- fore. 1 t so bappened that the aid marn had just heen talking about a 8talwart son of bis wha lzad died a few illofths previously, and Packen- liilid nD Inison, ta wliornthe lad bad l.,vvi weil kiiown, asked his father wliter(ýte lîv' in.d heeti huried. -1~ti ee'replied the aid iman, pfuti to a sma;ll white walied in. e alrý ;hit ta stois tlirow froifl g iii uvtnY rilves t here ow. let ume vas sIttlIhon *thê bottom boards, )y- ig altist tho.stem e teets, sud' eMM- ed tW b&tier raëIep .or' d"a&The, officer' hslping thom, they, iifted ber 11, sud out 6f the.bo&t' andi carrieti lir. ashom& Tien the Omoéer tarnt. to m%, atid 1 saw that though lie tred to speak uietly he wau in a iltirry over "'Whatm ail thisP I maid. What the p>atter 1 Wh.ti have yon got this pistol in your hanti for, and what i.- the matter with thia woman 1 " . "'Ha pût the pistol out of ight pretty qnick, and then speaking se rapidly 1 cenld hardly follow hum, said that tbe lady wus the captaine wife, and she had been taken iii very suddenly, and ber hushand, seeing my bouse so close to, had determined ta eend ber ashore and see if anything could be done for her. "'Thats -- queer,' I eaid. 'Why didrut he corne with ber bimseif 7 " Look hee-I dont believe ail1 this. IIow did ho know, aven though the houso is here, that a white mnu lives in it 1 And I want to have a look at the wornatis fce. She rnight be dead for ail 1 knaw.' s" ii.leil 1w 11eV, t lie hk upeîr of "By this tite ry wife and one ai t li. \h (if Suiîîa, smt1 tbne f bis Rotaus wives bad gone up te the 1,-il i'er«%îî t le i>utcihan- wounan, and I saw t-bat, althougb abe iiiii t h tt Izt a loullet inmt o Ihii mtfor wast- dead , site iooked î'ery like it, f. i -Ir r. iiti i t,. I w ii t , lu a ýI tlfor ber eyes were chosed, and ahe seoin- Iiis ul nli -h %ivrgùig unativ'es t-o ed quite unconsciaus of ail that was tjiýhit 4l- lie Nwaý%I nu uuk , t wo or igaing on. She wva youing-about 25 thl I. t m-- vwi,~re-u s wlio wait cor so-and was rather pretty. f-oi t. IlIn' u -tl li loteyard lie- 'I'leue take lier te yeur bouse,' ils.'t 1,y tbiucht tii muke rite sortie gaîdth -le otilcer, anid as soen as we have r-t iIirît fr euu theur fmimliie ite towed the ship eut of danger the cap- I-vw,--e leiii - -'Voluand the tai wî cre ashore and see yen.' wîuie wutîîîî iliohd oni! says 1, and 1 grabbed -'\ltt .otlin 7 stiu(the nmate ai bini by the aurn. 'Do you mean to thvie lrtg.I(il Il white wnuari die say youm-e gaing off ln t-bis fashion hvtem-' without tel ling ne any furtber 7 Whbo 1IlI tell '.ou FOIl1 do know, ind a are you anyway ? What la the. ehips (piier yartîî ut î toi I1 nitliose naine1 a I was the otly whit-eiaitlwre. tîHeheitte just a second and 1 ýf)ton erywel wtiltil illti-esthn sid 'Te IcaPrince, Captain mi w-u.doinigil ig lîusjrieti. There Broughton. But I cant utay tai talk \%vi-n ut nuany whalesbups lucre t bemi, naw. Tire captain birnself will tell l'lit iexeu-v ten iuortbs or so ua vessel you &bout it iti the rnorning.' i ivIire fmom Sydnîey, anîd 1 wu C-And then, hefore 1 could stop hlmn, mulikiîîg uuomw4Y littt( over tist. hp jurnped hack eut aifrny reuch lut-o '[h.- bouse lit whicb 1 thlenliv~ed thbe boat, and the four Sailors, tmo ai stnoî farther awriy toward the point, whîeu were niggem-s ai some sou-t, uoi ramlier al learer spot thamu t-bis. shoved off, and aiway they went again. Yiîî cani se.- the place fri-nuivre and ",Weli, we cauried t-he wownan up t-o alsio s-e thuat a bouse standing unt sucb the bouse and placed ber lu a chair, al pit i. i %ou hI lie Visible not- oihy and the marnent my wife t-aok off t-be fr-inaIl parts of tih.e iîsid- eaus of woolen wrapper that covered bar head thltuîguon, hîut- fromu t-be oeilam Weil. and shouiders sbe cried eut that t-bore 'Mv ifo ruthtle presemit- ome, voi was blood running down ber ueak, kiîw.-was a Bomuun îsland bah bIred And it didnt take me long te discovai- I'iirtiuguîtse womuuamu,ami as he gener. t-hut tho worn-în was dying frein a bul- ally tillked tu muîe-liu Enghisli anud bad ]et wound in thbe back of ber head. n.. native ways to speak of we used ta "\Ve did ail that we posslbly could Sit ciiitsudle Ili t-le evenings prett-y it-en for the poor tbing, but she nover re- nîuîlwat-u ur kîds amud the village gained canscioueness, and toward sun- people dancîinug anud ot-lerwise ainuing ris.e se died quiet-Iy. Thare was ne- tumîîvson the heach. thîng about heu- dot-bing to show wha - - {<tuîu, tihe head chief ai this la- she was, but ah. were rings sucb as goîn, uimue niglut-t-old us tîîat- a canoe would belomig ta a womnan of semae luauliuîmute froun Nijîli, ait islaud about poition. That ah. had beau rnurder- dur,-datym saul ta t-be loeward of ed 1 could« net doubt, sud perhaps Wdllers plac-e, anri epomted that a som-e day, aven after ail thes. yeai-a, sIlif hiobilipsse.] quit-e close ta their t-le crime may comae to ligbt." Isiriatd about a week before. "But what became of the.shipl" -- Aftr em ha.] sat- taiking for asked t-haemate of t-h. Indiana. awlilîe mîy wife citiled t-le chldren in "Out of sigbt by eigbt oclock ln the au.]l put titrmI ta sleoip, an(I Rot-au and mrn-ing. As seaon as 1 saw what- was 1 amnd lis wuves sat- out-sude a bit t-be matteu- with t-ha woman I knew longer smoîkimng. It was a mouonligbt- tbat wa need net expeot ta, seeanay muigit, ahuuost as htriglît- us it is ta- oeefromnt the sbip back &ga.in." titiOlt, amui t-bene was " sisnootlu&s a 'i wondor wbat- thbe tue etory cf muuuî pumui-so smuooth, il, fact, t-bat t-bat wornîas destuh wu? 1" eaid Packr- t lier,- was tot cin a break upon the naubrnt-hought-fully as ha looked te- 1.-f4, ui., t-lue t racle wilid hîavimug died ward t-he place wheres abswus buried. mt-hem-e was not t-be sound of a "Hoaven only knows," au-&weï-ed the. lofst-irrinq in thbe pilm gmove. old trader. "Wbetuher it wuaa nutiuy W\\e ha.] beeru itting like this for and bar husbaud wus murdered, or ibut- liaîf an bau r, when Nom-a, my whether the. officen wiio camne ashore w'ufe ;just- as site was comuing eut ai the witb ber wus oh. capt.an himseif sudi door taoonr us, gave a cmy. ber bmîsbaud au wall I cannot tell.f "'Te Kaihuke iLok ut t-ha ahip.' Anyway, I bava ainca learned thatt --Ij uuit pe. u p and looked, aud t-bore there neyer wus a ship uained the. Inca sure enouglu, was a big sbip juat show. Prince. Ive told t-ha sto-y to every imig m-aund]t-be point and clos. ini, no abipmaster Ive. met-aince that nîght,- muore titan a utile away front the reef. sud il wus writteu about a god deal "Foi-r a muomuent 1 waa a bit scared, in t-he Euglinh and Aunerican news- m-eniemeibeming t-bat-t-hem-e wus net a papers. Thon t-be affair wus forgotten, hreatluof wind aînd yet geeiug ber mev- sud, 1k. many anot-her suc i bng. - mmg. Then 1 menembem-wi tii.enruent the secu-et nay never coma eout,. aint knew t-bat ahe umust- bave i-un up ta t-iue land frmonut-ho wastward befora dank perltaps, and tliat as seaun as thei hreeze bud died away the current-, boat wu. comiug. "As soon asnathevwu whbn 100 C44vrOICdJ yards cf the. beêcbI bailati them t-o lisaiut keep a bit to starboard, as tie -vag a pwf! big cocraibowider right inu front of tii. = "flet io«à spot wÊere thsy vere steering for. dfa6 "Ayet miye' asvered -the man tngbp9 steerlngs, sMd he did as I told hlm,ir Zt<.g uiohrminteOr tivo the boat siot cbid"- ltP on thie beRhaud e d 'tsdback, psa, oatoo -ter, sekiu m croua ur A ID IFFEREN Suier nteséAgonies This, Smoaiy onAud -Women ini Dlanger@ Great To*Such Mortals' Paines Cet- ery Comnpound Guarantees a new tif e. The Great Medicine a Sure Cure for Rheu.matimm ,ndSciatica- Thousaude cf people die annually cf rheumat-ism, yet every case couid hava beau cunad if Paines Celai-y Compound had beau uaed in time. Too .many men and women show a manked indifference wheu, in soe foirn, t-ha dread disease commences its agoniz- ing work. Soeafeolishly imagine that bright, warm and dry weathar will bau- isb the. intruder, and t-bey determine te trust themselves te time aud circum- stances. Othens place thein hope ihn warmer clothîng aud the frequent use of liniments, whi!e semae experimeut with eleotricity and bath. As the day. pas., the caraiese sud in-. diffai-ent f6nd thernielves it-be mire of suffering, and they exponience ail the caunhles. twinges and agonies af the dis- ense. They have chilIs, pain lu t-be back, quickaned pulse, constipation, las@ of ap petite, coated tangue, sud the joint@ swell-usually the knees, elhows and wriats. Now i. t-be time of extrema danger. New the eciferers realize that- they are paying t-be penalty ai their caneleseness. Man y Ili sen b. haîples ansd useless wo shZah lsea them with stiffened muscles aud joints, sud limbe twist-ad and drawn Up. Sorne wili ask the question, "IR there truly a cure for such helpleais rheumatics3?" W. say unhesitatingty ther. is. The agent that cureis effectually and acientifi- cally ia Pairies Celui-y Compound. It ha. cured thousauuds in t-be past-men aud wamen cf the highest standing in every cotumuity-aud these have given) the atrongeut testirnony for the encour- agemnent of others, Besides removing thbe cause cf rhanmatitn, Paines Celai-y Compaund is the ouly medicine in thbe world that- guai-antees a permanent cure WîIl yau, suifai-ad, eontinue lu agony aud danger cf deatb when such a mighty remedy as Painas Celai-y Compound ià ofered ta you 7 Lot uaeassure you, poor nheurnatic eufirer, that the use of one bottie ai Paines ýeery Compound will quickiy dispel any doubte that you may hava. The affects wili be en eucouraging t-hat you will b. foi-ced te continue witb the lifa-givin-g medicine tilI you are souud, well and happy. Repanring Roada. If a road couid bc induced te wear evenly dewnward, t-be task of repairiug weuld t-hen bc limited te eccasional extensive reconstruction werk ; but whatever bc the rate ai wear t-be in- evitabie irregularities lu thbe strength ai the structure will lead t-o the ferma- tien af ruts and pit-choeeof varying depths and sizes. The aim of the patb master or superi-utenden t sbeu Id bc te detect these as seen as t-bey be- gin te iorm se t-bat t-be destructive process may be arrested as seau as possible. Once a depression is aliewed te loru and go uncau-ed for, eacb pass-, ing vehicie dropping inte it enlarges it with wouderful rapidity, wmter accumu- lates and soit-ens t-be metai and smon t-be road at t-bis peint hecomes danger- eus and impassable. Wben t-hese de- pressions are élight t-bey mîy be repair- cd by a litt-le clean grael or broken stone. Where t-be depressions or ruits are vide and deep and the whole sur-' face of the road-bcd ila "orn and eut of repair, the r=tsand hoies sliould . be filied vith coanse gravel or atone broken t-o about i W luches and t-his shouki ho covered vith a fluer grade of gravaI and dressed vitb sereenings. and the whole rolled unt-il firmly comn- pacted. Wluçrever new matou-laIoi applied for the purpose cf repaire. cate *bould ho tken t-o se Mmba- tho surface of u-oad Is gliven Sufficient crovu to, pertfcly shed t-he voter. For .11 t-the directions whlch, may be given la t-he matter of i-ced ropaisa, t-ho rest -de. ped8malny on tihe ukIiof t-be super-. inteiudent and workmen -in cotriving thbe vork so t-bat t-he surface of thle mneded plac may b. lattbeend ouct-. ly t-o lt-sproper 1teve l I- hlgi«or lower, thce t0ect irouly t-emporai. ' A depreWaoo vili forainat-beold plac If it be loft too low, ot-ber bolet vi fotvi along side of t-he thor ateitber eMu fît Ië lftOô .Tbtlg ewth Mondellt Miss XL stituh, of Wbitbyt wus wltb her friend, Mâst ws B oerSnday. iss oJoiêl! Keunedyo f Bloomnfield, was bor.e vet 8nnday w1th J8ev and Mrs Legats. - Mr Young, cf Nova Scotia, shipped twa carloade of steak frarn this station on $aturday. Dr Eastwood, Luther ]Bowes, Chinles Bowes, Charles Macnàab and cther, teck in Wbitby fair on Tnesday. Mrs Amas Hawes, Walkerton, je visit. ing witb ber father, Joseph Gregg, of North Olaremont. Our chair of thea Mathodist cburcb 1@ about te b. increased by eue or twa gead singera we believe. The Misses Hamilton are having the paînters deaoratirjg their cosy residouce on Brook street. Those loase boards on the bridRo re- quire attention, baere smre os amity re- suits from the present condition. Walter Hall and Harnmond Savage, of Rich~mond llI, whéeled over andd ent Suuzday with R P Hopper and wife. That notable horse-buyer, Blackwci] bas beau baro for a few dayS puroliasin4 snob horses ns met with bis appreval. The marchants aud othar businees men of the village have agreed te close their respective places of business until furtber notice, cach evening at 8 o'cloclç, datur days excepted. Things ara brisk witb the C P R Pao pie juat uow. Mare s0 than they have for yeare. Sa important a station bar- Claremant becorne that a night aparator bas beau deemed a necessity. Ho start ed duty Tuesday night. Grahamn Brou returned bomne witb theit stock from Ottawa on Saturday. The3 sgecond first.pu-ize aud sweepstakes ot their fine hackney, Royal Standard They did flot show the other hersas foi reouons thuit were obvions te ai lalvera cl fair play. On Wednesday of this wéek tbe mr boe cf the Ladies Aid society, of Erekine chureb, were entertained at t-ha residence of Wm Scott, aud on the afteanoneaufaithe 6th of Oct., the-members af the same se ciety are iuvited to meet at the home ci Mrs .Eli Barcl.ay with the ladies of thbe Brougham congregatian. The annuai meeting of the W F M S will be held an the evenungoe Tuesday. Oct l2th Rev Dr McTavigh, of Centra' Preabytarian cburoh will addresthbe meeting. Ha will ut;e hie gifts intellec tuai in speakiug on "A Great Miesionar3v snd bis Motiveît." Thare will be a short programme. Reuident ministera will be presant sud ail wil ho weicomc. Col Bobineon. of London was boe t-bis week looking ait-rorea stock. Ht is ona of the moat extensive stock muen oi t-be weot. Lt will be remambered thai some time aga, a man named Arnold, of Oshawa, stole an ovai-coat and soea t-ber thinge cut cf Robai-t Gi-ams buggy whie the vehiole was nuder t-he botel shed bei-e. Tii. suthonities wsre natified and Arnold wau arrestad aud tried at Wbitby, and sent to stoal for some menthe. Lt wiil aiso e aramamberad that the priscuer made a brutal asemuit on the. tui-nkey, Aloi Bruce, and eseaped. Notbing wus bard of bim until a few weeka aga when b. wua srested at Lan- don for steaiing a bicycle. Ha' wa put in 'a'l up' here sud again -esoaped but the pQhca gavechas. He wusmore fee cýf foot than the policeman se Cl Saved Ber Drunken Husbaud. She Finally Administered a Remedy, Wit-hout bis Kncwledge. snd Cured Hlm. à, seoudeaut wrte: 1usad such s happy home ua u oble, big-besrted lir-baod tfiI!h et-o dru w ,gfirho OSl ,omaoabmliyt t-hés - bene. t-he feds uire oo-d oe . or bizu, oramng hlMfor.t-"rk "I vu beart-brok.u. fj h ha oua -vsoat beeoiIn-i#eue ô fu.rytili a i d to ,M ,t'tO û 1 : e t . . à»b14, 1. wsut-*IAOa.-e gtygoy.d "0 à-.Olus bxuluO,9>tAe "eSt. ota mt #Liv ,w Ibo uw~~ated * 4 MorsM. ., P. Warren, M. D. JTHESE BRISK LITTLE PILLS ARE 9XACTLY WHAT filALWAYs *aoitD oIN AU. cAte oppCONSIPATriON, BICK HZAVACIE, 1BILIOUS *T1ACS LAND DYSP(PIERA. SOLD £VEAIYWMCtIUAr 210. * maX. DOCDD'S MwîcîIN< COMPANY, LpROPIpiqgIORONOe O CURE OILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE AND AL LIVER ieOiietÉS AS a laxative, one pili acts penfectiy, Aand if -a stronger action is desired a cathartic efl'ect la produced by t-wo pills. In obst-mate cases, where a purgative is necessary, three pis will be found sufficient.- These pis leave ne unpleasant afler effect. One pili taken cach night during thusty days vill cure constipation. - FI E O ONA LE Sua J.E.WILLIIS,9 Chernist and Druggist, Brock Street, WHITBY. MADE ME.& MAN. AJAX TABLBT POB9I1PLY CURIE mwm_ &vtif~î1 oiW~7~ ait esehethe For Sale in Whitby, Ont., by J. E. WILLIS, - Duggst 2000 RoIls of those very be&utifui Améitoan aosWt ÂIs a, lot of whîch WiII b. sol4 at ceet and laider. Etey Dy Jargrn Dayt uiIL1 Brookliu. ý Ofic hurs 9. osim. Whitý,y. Ooe haours il a.m AGENT COALorj Office and Yard just East of Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 2Sth, 1894. A8-K YOUR 8TATIOVERý TAKE NO -OTýHERoi Flfty Yeu *ho could Imagine th Se place where, ln el ~hat white wazid-W Sheuld shadow the usl Bere atthbe Fair was1 on Ayeu-', Pilla, by th Chicago-like, they a r Siuco tàcy rstarted-19 Pr 7t'Tlephone CommU'uicafton. P. P.BOGART, gJJ.,#LD.so Phyuiaa, surgeon ad CaOahi Oflice and Résidenc0e neit to AilU 8ù buroh, Dtitdai Street, Whtby. N. B.~ Dental Buzgery in &il ito branches promr tir- .teddta. W. A DAMS, 03'DENTI ST. Rooms over John FergusOl's Cltbng stores Residence-NO. i, The Terrace, Byron St. Whitby. Jan. 29tb, 1896. Dr. H. Wightman I9ENTZS T. Over roctB k rager's. Whitby. ?ýe open every Satnrday night. ittîngs 0f The Division Courts. OOUNTY 0F OUTABIO 1896. WnfrrB-D. C. Maconell, Whitby, Clerk Jan. 3; Feb. 3; March 3; AprIl 2; id y 2 ; June 2: Juy7 Sep. 2;Océt. 2; Niuv. 8; Dec. 2. OsKÂwà-D. 0. Macdonell, Whitby, Clerk; Jan. 4; Feà. 4; Marcht4; April 8; Iay 4 June 3; July ô; * ep. 8; Oct. 8; Nov. 4; Dec. 8, BiaouenAM - M. Gleeson, Greenwood, Cerk.-Jan 6; Maroh 5; xMy 5; July 9; Sep. 4; Nov. 5. PORT PRRT - J. W. Burnhar, ort PeMr, Clerk-Jan 29; Maraki 9; May 15 July 20; Sep. 28; Nolv. 18.' 'UxuianDo-Jaeph B. Goul, txbridge, Clek-Jan. 80; March 2é; May 9th; July 14; Ot 4 ;>Do. 16. CNN!WXGon-George Smith, Cannington, Jan. 81; March 2b; May 20; July b; Oct. 16; Dec. 17. BnÂàvuaTo-Geo. F. Bruce, Bevertone Clerk-Marh 26; May 21; Jluy 16; Oct. 16; Deo, 18. UPmAoaov-Tbos. P. Hrt, Uptergrove Clerk,-March 27; May 22; lay 17 ;GOt. 17 Dec 19. By order, lerk olthe Pece. October Tth 1895. W. H. WARNE.R,. DEALEcoup 00OAL, AGENE the PEOIi-LE'SB taken slok vit- se tnedimt-sy calleW s 4Wrbed -for be r an thbuet of cam. lever tsnbaided. -b <I have, from the preParaion,. bee auccesa with ti that meana Vu aooomplizh wha for them; the, others f ail It iherefore, that 3Popnarity Of ti ~be reoognized b P1air medal of 'whiob emphaaii 50 Vears THRILLINQ A YOUJNG LIFE S MARK ABLE Floreuce Sturdivant laud, Saved Froua -Hon Parents sa Predicament, but,% Her-How Sha wa Among t-be Thon eaiiad Griudstone. 1 and three wide. The 4sland ai-a well-infoi who davote t-hei n ee -cuarrying for a livliht -of eue of t-haie island J Stundivant, the foui of Mn sud Mn, Wili Iu Febrmuary, 18961 scanlet laver, sud ai fever ah. wusleft wii ~Igrad ually begar te finally deapite t-he amcans htn 111e boni was at this criais, wl -est-, tl4at au-angel ai, the scene aud raes fi-rn pain sud safaéri toestrength sud bealu occurrence is best the fat-ber.. F 1 4'l i ýFmlj fii; 11 1111 là Ji 111 ý 1 fill 11-i! f q ý, Ü, lit m Ayees Ci lý. Druraist. 1 -1 4i Po 1 1

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