Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 8 Oct 1897, p. 1

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"J." '.4 ~l.J. 4 L~. XLI. WrH4ITBY, ONTARIQ', FIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1897. i ~NOo45 LOCAL IN mai un f osiaCOI We depend on z'hezr Qua/z/y, eoand te Fazrness of our *Priées /orl'a ironage. Pure Drugs, Patent Medicines, and ail Drug Sundries. A.. H. ALLI N, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, WHITBY, ONTARIO. WINDMILLS -AND- WIRE FENCE. Belle the Genuine AER- MOTOR, of Chicago, and the Ketaloman Wire Fonce Intending purcisasers ahould examine this rnill before placing their order. Do not let an agent put an imitation on you chen you can gel the Genuine Aeî'notor, thoroughly gelvaaîuzed, and warnanted, for les. manev. More ot these mi lia mld in Canada ta day than eny other meke. The Aermotor Co. dlaim they ssi anc hall the number of clnd. milI outfits sold in tihe corld, ai the present tins.. AIl styles of Wood and Iron Pumps for sale. Any Information regard ing these outfiîs cîlI be freely given by writiig to (EO. A LLEN, Feb 7, a897-6m0. U. -IiTBY.1 WESTERN BANK 0F CANADA. Whitby, Ont. BOA RD 0F DIRECTORS. John Cowan, Esq., Pretiident; Reuben S. Harnîla; Eoq , Viî.e-Pr*s.; W F Cowan, Eaq., W. F. Allen, ib son, Esq , Robot McnoehM. D, Thos Pattereon. Eâq. T H McMîilan ............. ...Cashier General l3ankiniz BusiTneRstransacted. Drafts issued, payable in ail parts of Can- ada United States, and on London, Eng- îand, payable in ail parts of Europe. 3% per cent. allowed on Savinga Bank Depositu and credited huîf yearly. Special attention to collection o Fýarmera' sale notes. E. D. WAIRREN, Manager of Whltby Brancb. 'WAN TED. Solicitors for "Canada, an En. Ycyclopedia of the Connîry," in Five lkoyaI Quarto Volumes. No detvenng Com- plUioapid wekly, A canvasser r-poris hi. *sîtweeeImkîng over seventv dollars profit. IIIE LINSCOTT COMPANY, Toronto. o, Whom It May Concern: 1 hereby forbld any persan or persons Io pur- pM Ibo lands contained in the soutît half v(the gJ etquarter oflult 14 n ta ahe91h con. Of 2s1rWblby, unlesmv cnsent ba# frp t-en giaed. WM.ý BOWVLES. Dated ai Sprng. id ibis 17111 day Of Sept..- 1897-43 3 MOI. »sIl "Klondike Gold Fields" Swhlrlwtnd. Experieaoed canvasirreap- Sthe richet herest, of iheit liws ,new h. kmmr dolsg wooders .Nearly everybody sus.. 00 O.Young fellow onsa faT. ai Sis aa êlsmaI 8klo $13. A lady tffl.wrh iic #àek~ lu $1 ncil.who a tusi lu k-Rtîn$ a dy. W. lot 23la.hi cm.#, Whlibr. IEWS LETERS. LE CoanumPONDNoN TOWN UNE. Watt there ever seen s0 muci duel onulte roadg as et preentt? Mas Coakwrlls bouse and lot wee noua sold on Saturday. The ddtc are: Messrs Geo Rodd. Fred Davev and Leslie Austiti. Men have been et work on Mn Alex Jet- reehedgie tence, and bave chat they cail .piashed'" il. UAhere are aur wether propiels aoc? The ground la so dry and ian at uesenat that the fartners are unable to plougis. NIas Anderson, who spent a Couple cf weeks with ber parents. Mr and Mn W aller Mic;'regzor, returued ta ber hsome lu Toronto on Monday. Mesrs. Water MeLeiti. Wm Davies, Thos Perrirnan and J Snîaliicombe of Coi- unibils. carne oven 10 see Mrs Coakcelis' s..lç on Saturdey. An encouraging reýport bas corne frem Mn Mjathias NMackty, regarding tise beneficlal change that the clitnate of Muekoka has efected ijo his bealtis. There wi ll he to preachisng service al AI- nion1d'- ch irch on Sabbats, awing 10 lise an- inîvetary service at the Tabernacle. Tiere will be Sabbath scisool, howeves, isere on Stn n ta y. i)ehghted, indeed, were tboWwiso ere prement et our endeavar society on Tuesdsy evening Miss Hlanris led tise meeting as a bible clais .4And a very profitable Urne cas spent studying the lesson, Phil. 2-113 The bailiffs sale of tise farta stock etc'of Win Harrison held on Monday lutI wua nostI retnarkable one, both lutise attend ance and the prices paid. People frata ail over W hitby and Pickering townsisnere preseni. an daithougi tise terme were cash, higher prices pnevailed tisa inla suai at credit sales. BALBAU Mr Josl 1 dgsoti nots rides a bike. Inspector McBrlen vigited our school on Fnaday and left a very meifectory report. »Paul Jones, Uxbridge, spent Sunday clîh W H Jones. Miss Irving, Owsen Souod, spent several days rrcently Fit J E JYmsaneys. Revival services commenced at Mt. Zion Mondav evenuaîg. Res Mn Legglott, Clètve- tuant, wili assist in conducting thse services tht. week. Mn Plkey has had hi.sbarn rnoved and repaired. Mn, jas %Vightonis suffening froni an at- teck ut bronchas. May uSe speedily re- cove r. Miss Jenie Wilson h slocly recovening froni an attack of typhold lever. Jas Hontop sold a valueble hors. on Sat- urday ta ilarkneus Bros. ttaly rua t. Whitby on th" folowipff Satterday aittruo. The price of the ticket bus ointe basa refuuded, but lte lady (Who cotild jiut as wefl have corne bome on. pi. day hiad site not been asmured liaI ltte boat would make another triplte nerl day) wus put to addltionai expence and much annoy- ance and incouvenience, lte whole blame for which muti be put on the ticket agent, as Mr T G Tackson, the manager of lhe boat knew nothlug of lte occurrence t1111lhe rieid it lu the CHRoNqICLR. Dr May, lnsjector of public libraries and mechanics institutes, paid an officiai visit to lte Brooklin library on Tuesday. Hle ex- pressed hitnself as pleased wlth ils condi* lions and with the selection of books tise committee had made. Dr May lbas thse fix lng of thse ansount ofîthe governinent grant to these institutions, ln accordatice with statute. Ths uin to be paid to out llbrary for ts year from, the goverument appro- priation, ln iI74. Report of tise standing of the pupils of lise Jr. Dept. of the Brookli scisool for thse month of Sep. The asies of ail thse pupils ia each clama are given ia order of menit. Sr Second: Clam Cook, Nellie Spencer, Mibule Craig, Clara Cotton, Maggle Craig, Clara Wilson, Laura Butson. Jr. Second: Minnie Spfeer, Lilly Robson, LauraPots- lie, Cassius Spencer. J ennie Grass, Arthsur Coakweli. Clarence Bickle, EIma Cheyne, Ford Wells, Mary Cowle, Geo. Bannei, Frank Aguste, Ralph Marshall, Ramntt Colby Sr. Pt. il James Huseon, RalpIs Ciscyne, J catie Cairns. Flossie Bray, Patience Francis, ERimer Beckel, Frank Scott, Chap Elliott, Tom Chinu, Andy Cook Cecelia Frankish, Datce Delont. Jr. Pt. Il Frank Cunningliani, Willie Hislop, WIllle. Pirie, Walter (tanner, Frank Colby, Jerry, Balle y. Preparaîory Pt. il Marlon Bnit. ton, Chas Spencer, Beatria Hueson, Mabel China, Fred Skinner Wesleý Redman, Ef- fie Reeson, Relis Waring, olive Cheyne. Peari Spencer. Firet claenet reporledr Average attendance for monh, 70. Mr- B. R. Eddy, teacher. W. A. H. BualmeaS DIweal@T7. BEALL, a. - isuu*er ef Marniage', Lieenue. Besidence opposite Town ana. Ercoklil. 1 W A IgONZUEL?, D V S.-Oraduate u1theis Ou tfrla VeUlnuanCuilege, Toronto; Bonoal meniber of tise OulartoMedcal SoietY. Trestm aIl'ilseam oa ls.hedomestlcatid animal* by thse mcmi spprovod method. Alun patitoular attention te surgical Operallonu and dentistry. Day or nxigit oalis pýromUaty attisuded %e. Officesud resideuoe uWookJii Outarto. Our Stock of New Goods is rtow large and is being added to eacis week. IN UNDERWEAR we start the seasqx with 40 dozen. Special values in all lines, for men, womea and chîldren. Mr Lawretnce, teachen, Sundayed dihJ H MadilI. I SHAKER FLANNELS at ~ ,8 o Mr jas 1 Davidson cas a veny succeustul prîze cinnen aitishe Whiîby and Uxbnidge Thse followîng lusa repart of Balsata sciseel for the mnnh of Sept., asires lu order et ierit: V clast.-Wm uiller. IV e.-Fred Disney. IV jr -Edna Phllp, jttiet Blsdon. L Distiet, Alucv Ward. 111 ciass-Ge-orge Jotues, Roy Wsrd. Il class-Viola PSilp, jatiet D..vt.lsos, Eva Burgess, Roy Wilii, Allan Waken, Johin Quisilirs, Necton Bin- gess, Elmrr Lochart, W1lIent Dingman. Part Il -(.ertie Wallcer, Frank Qualia Part I-Lawreiice Marden. May Dîngantof, Randolph Bit ket. Geo Lochant. Finit cl.îsa -David Pi;key, Gertie hiartien, Ada Joases, Rose Pilkeý,. Enooklu Mns A K etchen je vxultitsg dihfrieudainu Scarboro. Miess tizzie Watson et Toronto lu vlsltlug ai Mn J F Finies. Mn. Blair Kelcisen atanted for Guelpit on Monday, ta attend tise Agicultua4t.Olleg. Prom Icent, vta îhirly loadsetfgrain are beiug deiivered cadi dcy at the .sievalor here. MnrE J Hollidty bas gene back lu Toron- ta to continue bist uedicai coirse at Trlultp Coilege Thse executive of tise townshtip Suudmy School Association 1lacSiled t ee cl ermo Saturday afternooau. The eanly closing efthlie stores on Tuesday and Tisursdayr eveuiage cii bcSeentieti durlng tise cînten menths. The Young eoples sotchtes of the Pros- bytery oe W esîby cil mect l arin uceuvenâ- tien on Meuday. tise î8t it. We noticed hirJoitu Vipoids naome pb lisised tise otiser day un a membi r e n rwl1y i ncorporatcd Ottawsma %ire Feue. aia Hedge Ca. Miss Olven cabsee rous tcOutnl Ladies Coilege (rota Piday tiltMoi!y S5e was sccompanied by a, îée stt!il Miss Pergisacu. cf Ottava M% S IE Brandon, wvisebtenu SuWItt fi om an abaces on coet of bis ksuees,1& aoc gettiug licItr, but laucm «t p e goe W aume bis daties mstlthe .T.L station. Mr T H Wilson bau tatcy matie a tiael cd imprevernent Os the appearsuesof )00 medicine btIles. Re.-m bov liai lâ cafed la aeatly priatet! cariom -50th lamer hindi are .Mvued c;tisà A ýo photognapi ut Mr n lou- RevgJoisuCitiitlm of a b inie ojoie bisstrpMo t u co ooventtom lbue aboty, ,,e- m meeting of ttc yomýcg peols 6W o *Titeroyaltemplars ae_ meuloa ra vllycst, ta »«d suai metur"at av*0.e boit! ou Nê e o «d V . Mn prayas bans bave Msvi4 1o citer. Mn r PU bpoyhos ena) Ueeka. M bomss at et lbg Un Mr Tiios ploussu em Li Si tau u '4 1 and 15 cents. GYREY FLANNELS at 15, 20. 22 251 ýc MEN'S Ckps at 25, 30 and 32 cents. DOUBLE WIDTH DRESS GOODS at 15, 2o and 2CIas, up Lo Si. HosiE.Ry for ail sizes cf feet and at al priccu. BooT, GROCERY, and ail otiser depart- menîs. fuily supplied wath sesa- sonabie goods.-1 Holliday Bros., '~Brokin. WZIT8V*SA Rugit Pugi cas iunlte cdtyon Sund.ay luit. UmaRila Whie cas dt clty frieuds lait week. las Taylor cas lu lte ctl1ait eek cit 1Mr Gorulep, e( Plekerini, cws tene iai Mooday. XMmieBhlilseansd Pheril cu lu Witt by ou Pnlday laut. utnd àet! MnCocam r ruiani.cci.e ai bMv siplu on ou uday. Wm « S&o8»smpep verptblug st Wbibydltit teïr tanicotts avne. $~o<~P aSit! a boiselait uek for b*JI*I4 ver iSc1800POUmis ied la oui tit aveof * s s « oi t anu lienefor pealO ins Fui, 0ofEvmobtdga lesaltfriands "sd relatIvu e s r ar <nmmy jeans alonue.. Sb* Wli xlsliulâ »=Mci. badna ntWunla hOmme. a brother vteee ,, ,k. -atm au= lia bas<iemt *itep -o '"uai pr b bilt hoable te bt pualtr ddltie econoies citicit mght b.Ã"tin madk1e tItot lt l n ay Miupalnag lie efatleecy o ut u eubllitali tutions. Te vitere suci a Programme wau agreeti upea. ce woulti always bave sometbiug dean and umistakeable tefigit fer. Theno would be ne more general crylug cul for ecaaomy. We would have a definîle programme le chici la, pledge candidates. Then wben auy part cf it cas aceomnpllsited lte saviag ln publie money would be obvicue and im- portant sud would encourage tise calapalgn for lte abolition of lte remnaiulng extravag- suces. Cas day LATTON. Hu and Mns Geo Kelly and lamily vlslted lu sel on Sunday. Mr E Reesor cas docu <o Mongolis ou Fnl. ,for a sont lime. Rev Leggott et Claremont cas calling on f iends bore an Weduesday lait, Mn sud Mn J Â Hoover sud tamlly visited cis fieuda lu Goodceod an Suuday. Mn F F Boethby, ou genial talon, leSt on Thursday for a vsit ta Iiends lu Bleniseii. The trustees bave purcised soie chairs for tise accommodasien of vlstori ta Use academy. Tic tisresisers are ln u car uit agalu but ne nain came cith tisci cousequeutiy tise ind sud cisterus are veny dry. Our popular mercisant, MNi Jno Menkliouse, cas a judge of dalry sud domestics et tise Stouff- ville fair on Priday. Mn E Boothby bas put a nec coat et shingles ou bsis Sous., îbereby adding rnatenlly te lts already neat appearance. We are a pecullaniy favored people. We are led ta Selieve this trom tise act tisat the gypsies pad tus another visit ou Monday. Mn John Wltte retunned ou Tuesdsy from a visii te hie sous lu tise nons ceait. He seeme to, be dclighîed and. ce understaud, luteude te ne. turn and sppud tise dater <bore. Repart ai Altena public uchool for tise month of Sepiemispu 1897. Namnes la order of mccit. V cas- 3rdie Kestor. Chas Mocder. IVi clau-Rois Kesten. David Nîgisucauder, Eruesi Fonsytis. Srn111 as-OscarYake, Lot Mocdsr, Benj Bootisby. lu III cissu-UbSie Barkey, Gertie Lehmap, Millie Mocden. Il class-Laura Boothby. Mary Hapeard. Part Il cîats-illenny Eluen, Preernan Mantie, Stanle) Ciaif. Sr PClass. Florence Roper, Verglt Mocder sud Ev% Brocn equai ; Willnot Sîorey junior Pt zx-Clarence Madill, Peter Nigis wander, Maggie Buruham. C W Macdonald teacher POUT PIER Dr Archer le building an addition to hi surgery. Mise Ada Platten la agaln 111 witb ber ln jured knee. Miss Lottie gond le confined te thse boum, through illnees. Mrs (Dr) Sotngster le conflned to ber mon with inflamation. Rev P Mode goee te college this week t complete hie studie. . W H McCaw was ln Trenton on a bus ness trip lait week. Miss Waite, Toronto, bas been visiting ol acqualntances la town. Arlte Sinclair la the dispenser of lquid at the bar of the Whitney bouse. Mrs A L Stickney, of thse Cancer hospita - News Yorkc ciy, la visiting friendu lu th vicinlty. Mr F Howard Annes, of Whtby, was th guestuof Mr D j Adams fromn Saturday ti Monday. Mirs H L Ehbeie and Misa Maggie Mg Brien leit Imet Friday for a vsuit ta Uicwe etti States. 1 Died, ln Port Perry, on thse gtb<Iluit, Go don G, son of Mr Jos Hambley, aged 4 yeu and i i s. Miss Gladys Muirton and Miss Nora M, Millan, of Osbawa, were gpeste of Mr* Currie titis w.ek. Mins Florence Jones and Arce ORire left on Monday 10 pursue tiseir tudios Toronto unnveraity. Mr F Esrcbtnan, of Epsom-, bau toved town ; alto Miss Terry, sister of Mr Jol Terry, of Atmbeide. Nexi sabbats paster UcC&am w ili pneu te tise sabbatbsc sbol, ïan tb e chancis w Se aîtllbly decenated. - Miss Olive 14CBnln lefion Moudap Teranto Ite k.a pipe ONg»scoune la t enenetovy of nide. Mn rJoo NouItbsbeena voiîite&by ou Wsrden Tinsleyfer thIsdistrict te t Ileuses (onbuatieg deer. Miss Ethel Clark., ciao bas beet ult nepi~îves Ati iponete junction for sevo vweekso retoruet!homuettuel Cisai Domdusuet Toroutoï,Wuas iddI bis relatives mmd frduf lova su d'C tuy fer s tedy baatu Ur Andrets GlIroY""OfC.dan Cve4, ho 4tf" micow cv kiletilaM wcoliby tCe.< R. at tise cnioîs#Img, lu h*=ysutpd fM borne. Lecis Lugke, salo tb h se teo W "eto t so mleg ,btreturme4 to te »et nec bau bise i old ition t A Jm %ffl *torm 7= m p m m m > 1 a i 1 1 Da ÀID TITE :PLlLý director, Prof De Catbeart; Accompanist, Gie»bak. Mise Yaraold. Thse fée as been fixed at Mns Coppcrwaite bas removed to Uxbridge. seventy-flve cents. The term will last froni We regret ta bear that Mnr Weston Phoenix is October untilJune. It le the Intention of thse dowu wilb the typbioid lever. Mr Thomas Pisair socty ta gise t we con&erts, une la Decem- lsaiaso under the doctous care. ber, anad(lhe other !n june. The music Mr joseph Wards sale cf lise stock ou Mon- selected for the tiret Urne le a sacred cantata day last drets a large crowd, prices ruled high la "Ruth," by Gaul. Most cases. ,George, the isatter, and his chum, Sliti Tise annuel ubanks-gtvlng social la connection Jm, are doing the town this week. They with tise W. F.M.&* sud Mission Baud of the are a funny pair, and it la laugisable to ste Preabyterian cbt1rciswili e helci on Tuesday themi as (bey walk ou treets. Our side' evenîng next. An interesting programme will be walks are wide, but they are haudly wlde presented, after whlch refresismenta tsIll 13e ars- enough when thse couple stant to go for their ed. There will be no admission tee but cacis is "lire itself." George dont want anvthing asked te bring an offering. spurnous ;ho wants "Scotch hieather," Ses. Tise S of T cooncert on Thursday evening pass- grains heu, while Slîi Jitn says, l'Ill taIre ed of tu the satisfaction of ail wbo attended. what my pardnier takes." The hall was nicely filued, aud thse programme. A Sabbath scisool convention cf tise uni- weil recelved. Tisose tisait to pari were Bai- cipalities of Port Perry, Reach and Scugog four of Prince Albert, Croxaîl cf Uxbricigc, Ter - was coasened la the presbyterlan churcisr and Miss Broad of Port Perry, sud Ward and (Tuesday) Oct 5th at 2 p m. The convener, 4czkney of Epsom. D N McCamnus, proceeded te organîze the District League Convention munîcîpalitles into a S. S. Association. Mr l'li Whitby Diutrict League Convention bsld Cleghora, of Prince Albert, was elected lisu3rd aunual B. L. Rally in tise Methodist presîdeat, Mrs Grahami. of Shirley, vice churcis Greeabank, on Friday, Oct zst, under preideat and Miss Bunton, of Port Perry, favorable circumatances cf weather, beartines Secy. Treasurer. Tise programme wbich of recepticu, couvenlence and charm cf new and was good la iîsei( was well carried out. commodions uancuary, ail adding entbusiasrn Thse essays addresses and discussins gave and mtereal with tise central ihougisitisai generai sai lîfaction. The thanks cf tise ex-1 brougzht the delegateaso entbusiastically togeth.. ecntlon were ordered te Se tenadered ta tise er. Tise A. M. session wl'sopened by Rev W f officiais cf the church for the favor cf their Weatherlai. Tben came the conférence cf de- commodloua building and ta tise choir for parimniîst under the district vice president of C their excellent services. The next conven- k, MJss Epton, cf mlssaonary, Miss Brown of tien wlll probably ho iseld iln May 1898. Literary (la absence of Mr Hogarth), Dr Lamb. Tender afeepted. ly. of Social departrmant Miss Macile, wbile Miss Lambly found many luterested wlth bcr la The higisest tender rec.ised for tise mai n the Junior work and eacis cf tise meetingswere building la tise Ontario Central Fair greundsIabud very profitable. The afternoon sesion, la tisp lace was $300 wisicis bas been afcept- presideci oser by tise presideaf, kes R H Leitois cd. Tise building la te be removed ofi tise was very hearty. The varions leaques af tise dis- grcunds by thse finit af Decemiser. We triai sent la many short reports of progres sud aunderstand tise material goes ta Uxbtidge. work wlîb outleok. Tisea four minute reports >To shlow sucis vandalisai te ho perpetrated (rom lise vIce-presidenis mcutioned, chich cere as the tening down cf Usat magnificent full of suggestions. Res Dr Lusnbly gave bis building, wisicb colt aearly *4,000 would be view of permanenz echos frointise Toronto con- a diagiraceful acl and onc (Set Port Perry vention. An excellent piper (rom Mns Rets J R ceasld fot wel aflord ta bave enacted.-Ob- Real, preaident et junior depariment cf B Q con- Tserver. f erence, on junior work. T-hen a piper gisen tMiss Tâmupsens Mlfiery Opcung. by Miss Hurd on social work, cisicis was uàk. To those who liadttise leasure of viets- ed for publication, aud very profitable dicus-. e nj te rtste isla o tilinJ ylnth sion cf the aboya programme followed, atter in e rtistiofdUlm ay mpo nuaelas t ise whlcis ail cere Iaviîed te tise basemeat wbero adShotra r elrooic im npoait forldseirflne tables daiuLlly spuead cere lu waing te Se atroubltnrdatherewcibarsad orets e seated snd reseated b y tise soclally disposed, ie btroul at r thels sd boneyts.rc guously and ciscrfull'y provtdnbedteYoung berauflreti onsof ie n irdlier at.ladies of the local league, whlch l oatseegin. Tise. ar mey coonssbow, bid. eathru sation of nearly slxty members, boudes s junior ospreys and nlbbonu are tise main trininings. longue of oser eo citis Miss Leiicb as active rTise crowna are decidely lotser than itast uied tTcenlgposmieae scana wlismachcf he ani-ffct sown greaf variety. Tic executive report gave tise tise nets sddcls arc ummler but have de. prsidency for thse opemilg veau wo Bruo Ge Lee cided brima. Mima Thompoon was pleased ancecfi ii. mont laithînIl legue woriters, wha le 'witiste number cf ibats sold far excecd- aisetise superinîcudeut cd <Sq umiths seool ef lng sny pieiouesesuen». Miss Bond 18 tibis chureb, oeeof thse meut progressive sud -bead niuliner, for Miss Tisonpson and cen- olive sabbat s sciools on the district. Mina tainly did iserself great credît for ticefâne MacIrle cf Kinssle wua tise ec-treas eleet e exhibition cf îrinimed millinery. and takes the pl acencted Sp Mise M. G. Cour- Joues & C« Mluery 7Opeslug tice, cis bu suerved faltfallv for tbsec years n Tisis firn bad thicr openlng Iast Fniday sud chose report showed an incresse cfovenal sud Saturday and cvery lady cisc sac the leagues snd a pressa memhoruitip &II, iold cf ~efine d spl d I1$wucas tis eecr exhibit- Il 1The Chaiesqua sainte cas givon.to Mu E to d b tbrc Bas, onetsandtubans L sort ci a former pester -wbo bad corne lii be coin as usalsI is eseason. ^Tise pre- t ea la the isteneuts cd tise tudents-uiissln- ivaiiing colone and coninations are grey ssYun "ter n fuolemfnth uaecos Id I se and black, purple, faca and white, goldenyn ssu o&tlte ela t tis fi sdh«n s Id broca, greenu f ail sheades jockey shadeD*O55X e 001111erel a bis ibis dTrec-bible ~tdan -lIclination te brtgist vud. pARmEAToekngv pers~b~il de thse nosi beautiffii goùdu "W àv IUylb XW 1- 0 pau1 :W,. Yerk turban, a,. icture ibat lu black, a nstup IWoitae praweldb 1 h.ý ërvORe.ca mot0,0010wbit bu- Frenchs .bonnet- A fa'vorite lu8lbhlm! teandvilsbis splie daeso Cdes il$ re lir51 in ftis e face. It lu D- and cisusessîp" Tholicb ee bo*rcb u' tle etisat the bout hats AU i ae offtise duv the able Icdersblp oet lUtter and bmw., face or tilt on tise side. Misss Jamtes, Dies- jng tise help of siW intrmente mnd upwards er Se filan d Brooks are ettlstie milliners Aud ucent vuites, gave tissir iot&É l aterest and inI thelr handlwovk wus te be seen at tise millit: besrj(nss te tise programme. Its. 1D. N. M0c0 ery epetting, Camus yyysprpfa 0l me5e heCoijvcn. ce- W. J, Noi-i. t=en cui a S1c cooseeraien scivice caletilate et-__ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ te seat AUpe abeaïts i5. good impression# of iv- $~~~~ thse da7. _______ Matr OMicel.Portcitlaby bus ~ $25.been a j ét of Havod M itê*etL The Prablem solved. People aneTeot oiwe fe laatvs ate *udlsug out ltat we'furulit a funb l ftOWCM at and mmxctem $5 t. , $n on u b NitsM Rd Sylvester ýLindsay snd Mrs gr~.ra r, esb comalito, Sylvester, FeneloitPtta, are gueste deü, tis i W: oIn»» JooJVlr 1W f . S No;z6, Darllngteo. ti

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