Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 17 Sep 1897, p. 2

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~1 fleutiful eycast.rew dul sand dis. As the swift yeara ateai away. Ibeautlftul, wllwy forma sualm tome aires with every dey. but as esail ia .quecuansd bath charme te spare Who weana yout's ceresal- beautiuui hait. Prese*qgrve Your liar and you préserve your youth. "A woman is as oid as she looks,'" says the world. No woman look@ as oid as she is if ber hafr han Preserved 1$. normal beauty. «Tou can keép hair from talilng out, restorlng its normal color, or restore the normal color to gray or faded hair, by the use of Ayer's H air Vigor. OORRESONDENCE PICUMBRINO. Miss May Gordon, who met witb a se. vere fracture of oeeof bhrn liai ha inaBuf- floI a white &go, in hère with hen pareaita now sud is iuproving inicol>. lier niera> frienda are glad te kuov that she wili soc» bu compététm>' rear.ored to health. Otte cf thé finest fanming ares. et On- tario lies surrouuadi'îg Pickerng. Bort wé have &Il the advant.ages of churchés sud acheela aud a thriviug villa.ge huai- ness is doue. Basides, béiug ln a désir- able location, sud'on théeGrnd Trunk mati une, it is a pleesaut place te have. It oughu. tu att.ract fermera to thé sur- noundug excellent farme with the bard tinié eloud lifting, as vl s. thé gentle- man te mrer. We bave hoard that deen vould occas- sienally hé seen in thé creek valleya of thé adjoiuîng towuships but vo hWdnet cf lete ysan kunowu that one had been seén lu Piokéninge viciuity. But lest week vhile Jas PRichards sien wve von- iug on theo nonth end ai thé PlacéeLb?>' mav a déer créasthé field sud making ta way lu a nothessterly direction. They followed it for smre distane, but thé fleetnusa 1overbiaI té those pretty but nimblé créatures vas atili aofil.. old Urne renc'vn. It as. seen cnoasiug the rear of Boones Iarm sud ditappearig in thé woodsansd fBata. It le thé supposition that it b.d escaped fnom soie priraté parties uho have bad ile tamed. A gang of gypsies encamapéd on thé OLjeary flats ucar thé old résidence esuutb of the bridgé an Frida>' niht lu.t. Thé>' began ta imbibe lreely sud as h"y viabéil s ire te prépare their eveutig ré- puat, hagan to demolish pan aI ah. houas theré fer kindiugvood. AntianiOLeary. a studént of Taronto. beiog berne, walked soroma tu seéjf hé éonld persuade the treapassor te deelst but such a volley af aUnaof the vilfet typ met hlm that ho .ailcdp tu 8qnire Buntiug asusk- éd hlm te interféré. ShS ant> fténtMr Buuting appeared on théenum. tsié wuasréneved outburst et espleuves sud cusing that oe uold jndge théera tu b. cras>. Thé magistrat. tnled tue ré. soa vith hlm sud théns ordaeéd bitea tu leave vithin iveéheurs, Vrbl.bthé vegrant trihe decided tbéy vouId do. Nov a«y-psy Maun ms hmvet msy righte as any éther Idi&vidWelbut o«r villagérs vini Dot.tolérté secb a deolded- ly objectiosable aud deptaveil st as Ibis te camp vithin thé city vaisa. Canad coght te have neouse for momadhga .éw Miéss Brths Bmoea u emrtursédt. ly0 Alma Coie, St. Thomas. Ur John Hfopkis laputtina ous.lr able lmprov.ua.nt. tapesbis brîék blo* C Mr J Blssard, th* photopqbe ibo latoly loMatd boe#. bas bées v*Î bybAW'0 baspu.baedthé Monlsypropot>'au Ring sIret.. Mil Mvellda s u M »a U" u st l t afor ber ireoovqb>'] bw# !À Ldies Mil .0bitué relélUià ou" o m *u0,iUaPaUii T. flethePl t day lama t .san aI sa utB av oss pes" wiaicht ey «aruhppaag tO Mon- On.e Ofthé it" ad osljobs havé been pérforméil thaiiaàta ur piosmâuré te ridé orer. For aerly as mile teo tar eut the roud bag béés roundéd sUd thé sweIl t- wuoved. A gord coat of grarel le g10Olugte be put on wbén s grand roadi will b. mades . w wt more of tuas work sud Out rmad& would soon be A 1. The pâth. waswr or conauisioner osigbt té tee that thé proper grave4in sput ou. oas&a!woon Aif sud Allée Stérer Visited friénds et Whitcbnrch lust wetk. Miss Mabel Laughlin spént Sanday wtb triénds ai Lak.viéw. Mn sud Mn J Weavér, oI Muskoktt, anevsau st J Ressurs. Mliss oie Maiuiand, of Scerboro, spent Suuday lboxé. Mn aud Mre OeBirnaie ere thé guéste ef J Héendenson overn -,undsy. On Tueda>' lest Mliss Anle Garland left for Toronto where abe utende spéud- ing a yean au thé couvent. MisAnnie being a vry améocb1é Young lady site vvi 1 be mueuun issed inu is - localit>'. lier wanu>fri-ends hèere join in wiahiug beï evéry Isucer-a Atlough thé rftin pnévented a nuniber froni attending Bihle otass on Wedueday eveulug ast, mee taitbful tow turned out and app)arenti>' received the biessing, a couple léavang $Le thé cburch looking tuudh mture -reconciled' te thé dîisagre aile weathr than un the previous bain- day ev'éulng. GREEN RIVER Bryou Ferrier, of Markuiai, spent La- ber Day bore. Johin iùrLy, et C.ýboyrng Collegiaté, vas visiting at 0 P Fennuere Isat week. Mr and MmreSsrk aud Dr sud lire Freél, eofiltouf1ille, Lavé been viaiung aW G Bannés. Criah Younk, is maktpg good tué a& nuil aking prizes at. thé Indrptnial Fair Torunto. Our cooperae e hre, owned sud oper. ated by P B Hoover & Sons, as again epened up for thé seasou. Mr n d MrsPowis, et WinunipegMan. are et prettevt visitog the latterasster aud brother, W G sud Miss Bernes. Wie mak:ngsaviage te0 iight thé morniag fine, Mouds>' it, Géu errier, infliaéîéd a vouad on hie kuse that may probabi>' la>' ham up far some e éks to Mr n d 'lrsay-ne, of South Dakota, vbe bave béen visiting thé lattonts th ,ér, Mmn Jeséphb McNeaty. havé Rene to Moaut &Ibert for a short viait but are ex. pecaed ta re-turu hèfre agma beforé going home. kni* at a vo. % h5 eaft lac usuall# cornes ir is.DoSm't what be'.Uplu about tht. little Md tot.' ai, 3u«io a the lt-et- =ÇM AtSWILL' TËTt-IY That Mno s stfait h witb the Puople àand HIS PiROMI8E85t Ris Remédies ar Beooming the Safé- guard et th Homo-Thé PeopIle Bavé Trustéil sud Bave Net BoeunDoieive&l Mrs Mary .Mess, No 260 Chestnut st; Toronto* Cnada, Bys. -"11hav* I , osed Munyons Dyspepsis Curé ulth aplénlid résulté. I waa so bad with thia dises. that food won)d lie for honni uon my stomaeh éauang e gréat pain sudan agenyl. I alesohvd seorePains ia M$ back and was lnequéutly trenbled wit.h sour èt.omach. 1 hail te ho éxtrémely careful what I1sté, but sîter naing euee ri.. ai Monyeus Dyspepsia Cure 1 amn now able toeaet anything without distree ai terwards. Aftén saffeing for yéart with this diseasé it in a pléasuré te be again able b ontstsuythiug I désire. Thanke te Muuyou. Muayon's Rheumnatism Cure seldom falte te reliévé in eue te thnee heurs, aud cures in a few ditys. Pnicé 26c. Muuyou's Dyepepa'ia Cure pesitivel>' cures ail ferms of Indigestion sud stom scia trouble. Pricé, 25o. Muuyon e Cold Curé pnéveîAts pneu- munis sud breaks up a cold in a few heurs. Priée, 25c. >.uyenas Gugh cure stops coug'ls, night sweata, alisys sùirness, sud speed il> besis the unugs. Priée, 25c. Munuyon's Riduey Curé speedily cure. pains iu the back, loins on groins and ali forme of l6iduey disésé. Prico, 25a. Muuyou*s Héadeche Cure stops boad. ache la thnse minute. Price, 25o. Munyonsa Pile Oiutmoeut poeitirél>' cures all formé of pile.- Prie., 25c. Munyou's Blood Cure eradicates al imparittes of thé blood. Priée, 25o Mnuyons Pemale Remédies are a boon te ail women. Munyou's Astbma Remédies relier. ln 8 minutés sud curé permaneutl>'. Pries, Unuvo' Catanr Remédiés neyer fail. rThé Catarrh Can-prie. 26e -eadicates thé diséaso froua the system, sud thé Ca tarnh Tablets-pnace Ze.-eiéause aud béai thé parte. Munyou's Nérvé Curé le a wonderlul nerré touio. Pnice, 25c. Monyon's Vitahser restoeas bat rigor Prie, 1. Persoasi ltténs te Prof. Munyon, i1 %ud 18 Albert et., Toronto, an*wered with frée médical advicé for auy diasase. STOUWVILm dlE Theé WatsWrwerk Reeeatciff sud Couzacilon Baker vent on a tour of inspection Of vater- wonkeaet Béeten leist véeliasd rnoet tuat systema ssgiriug tt'ie bet of "Si facion. thé ruuning éxpenses beiog little or nothing. Thé vater head thon. le about 170 aud le cousideréd tee peverful am thé airain la to «test ou the hoeo. Ours heing about 120 féet, vili b., faaly adequt for mil parlassesthrocahouî the wbéle length of thé village. Thé colt of putting ilu thé Beéton, aytém vasfuily equai te whMt enta viii h, altbongh eut maina pipe vili b. a mile longer, s» they> ba4diugturouch hA.tmile f woo4 snd lid ed éeraid»eé culsto mmaoe ôt, .hleh vas 28 test "deeç > Oot coûseil bavé ed ol ee oy ls «e aie àpuer, Mr Jobn GalItto oto wosuper-; vissd "é ée lie s . égava tb. -numottisfactâin lu bimnagment tbe, Il la thé-Intention tê éetanetbe6 ,*ci*as »On » pfilalesd iiéapé b.fe"re tb.Nse Yfr. Thés iSsu mseon oé udthe .onna l oatM-Ub evéry luzea to bring it toWjAé, n I*ouId.no th wbeê sein Of abedtc utt 1watt n éd u blé, wichreuere baa uconscdin ruï Read l Gilébisi r etfohe s4 ud sucédi l nig hm tasd a cab bii prourhe hounIded bman wase rrmoed to bis résidence où King stmet,ý where éveYthlng *as doue te gir. hlm relief. Vortanately bis Injuries did nôt prove ;-serions, sud héowas abie to b. around again iu s fe*, day-s. And now' thé ovuer of thé buggy thnestens to sue hlm if hé does net make the breakage good.-'Times. ».moIt he bohumey. The lightning on Tsday moring de- unolished a ehimuney ou thé résidence of MýAnsdell, Mary street. An iron ladiler résoiung from thé ground to the ohis.uey le supposéd te have sttracted thé current of eleerrié fluid snd eanried it iute thé earth. This tbeory sééme te b. plactia able as it le doubtîni if thé ligbtuiug would have stopped at se insignificant an ameunt of damage unies. thé ladder hsd acted as a conducoer and grouudéd it. The resideucéetfMn ýRobt Donaldeen is aise said te havée nfferéd slight damage frem soe cause or anothér during thé storru of Tueday maorning, which was fan tee close for nervrns people are in thé majorit>'ona occasions of that kiud. Thie 1ose faetory. Méessrs MloGillivra> sud LPole, thé gea tleruen who wisb te locate théan hosier>' factor>' in Orillila, arrived ln town on Tuesday sud havé laid thé détail.et théin achenié befere s number ef citizens According te their figurés, which seemi réasonablé, théré wilI hé a large profit on thé gooda Mn Pole, wbo is a pruotical man, likes Orillia almost weil enough tu locate hure éven if lhé bas te put bis own mouéy in the cencernu., Se stock in thé prospectivecoempany ha. alréady béen subscribéd for, sud doubtiésa ln the course of a wéek énough will be promised te guarantée its estshbishmerit hère. A meeting of these iuterested wus to have béen beld lut uîght.-Nw-Letten. Mise McKay sud Miss Galbraith, of Uxbridge, paid a riait te thé Mise Bal- fours lust week. Miss Lissie Balfour rétnrned te the cit>' te tae charge of ber casas on thé te openiug of echool. Apple.buyer are arouaDd begging for apples uit two dollars per bbl.. euch as asat year thé>' vouid net bar-e takén as a gift. Thé viagesns are oomplaining that the. net has appesrod ou the potateés. la woulaDotne omnéh wonder, soeing thé &Mount af nain ve havé héen fayoréd witb this sommer. Hlm bout çf fiende lun this village véré pleased to receive s cati Item Mr John N OiaM " nrformer sébool toamber, ada ,nov stationéd et A.poley, néer Petérbmro Hé is lookiug nems.kably well sud le the owuer of a fiouriiug moustache. or chaseém tuttueutt wiI dure 1bom at, a (test et>bu-nf6or<tntl, Plés mroltaa, éczoaatic -erupttOC!, seaid head, iait rhmméuznud alLr tetr e anaaeylng and Muad skie i diîés <dan b.> easly eured b>' Dr. ýClasses lntumt. i 1lad protruilq ,plies, flt"ten y-mr,» Iwrite . eH. utbrlIAd. cCOTi- merdai tr.mvuler, o! Truroë 4Ç,S-;èitrý*d mus>' téniel., and bai docte"s oppt ste, It wa* no ut*. Wu* a O&WiafplY 414 d a t titués, --Chase'!a 0k4 tL of iltnéafmmdd o s 4 0'Mv 1réan. - ta~te It, uosbosa çoaa$etely stàé Mn., ,ttis. hé dLtOrOft té Streîita. t*ay et trday hoMe ri foeg hie et» hg 1 rtéd a. thé e"suit ofsigtui njdcb.It is safe to aseert hat nny fth blhe eti5are -f ~ ~sWllhard1y bear -the alotépottid ilid0noed !Û -thé pnp$de* b couuity, have aIl thé ig -of lûèlée sud honesty àboat-tmu, and thé o'riginal lltoing#i b.eée0e tsny time by an In It has aIse béen Prfén in numbelesa instances thali thé cureS tnade bp Paires Colery Oompino6d arý e rmanent. An- othet lettet bu- juat bien reed, tuia tijue froin Mr P J Kilbrldej Postma8tOr' Inveries, P 19 1, téstifyi'ng toý tha per- maneaoy of bis cure. ' is cà%e 'aaohée of thé moat serious and critical ever givon tô thé public, and hie comaplète, curé satonished hie many fionda and thé reysidente of hi& town. Mr Kilbride says:- "Ovér tares years age I gave yon a testimonial for Faines Celery Compound afien it had curéd me. "To day I ain in splendid condition, and have net beén eick a single day since I used thé famousa Faines Oélery coin- ponnd. "'I oeétainly owe my present héalth te your medicine, snd 1 amn fuily cotàvincéd 1it ssaved me from à condition bondening en insanity. Ioan now sléep and est weil, and I thank God for Paines Celer>' 1Compourd snd the great ohange. "'I have neceived snd answenéd 250 lét.ters sirace my.. testimonial wus publîsh- é d. These lettens came from ail pata of 1Canada and thé United States. It has .beén a pleasure answeiiflg thèse letters from suff,3rers, and 1 trust My recomi- rneudatioa of Peines Celery Compound rwill help suffening bumanity. BUNZSaZLAND Mn. Frank Thompeon sud Mn. Thos. Thompeon returnéd te their bernes ina Iowa this week. MisIra Bryant ré turned home this weék ttr an absence ef fout weeks witb friénds lu Beach. Mass Zella Jones et U %bridge who bas been thée guet of Miss Lizzié Teéhier, fer a fév days, nétnrned hbeé sis week. Mrt Harry Switten, Miss Lena Switzer sud Mn Herbert Brétihour toek iu tht camup at Jacksous Point, Sauda> luit. Mr sud Mrs Robt Charter drove te Cartwright on Wédueseday to, attend thé mrriag#i cf Miss 8SoSele>' te Mt Jamnes Hadden. Mesurs Riebard Edwards sud A Rosa of Cniugton u ve in tevé on Tuesday, attéuding théelaineral of thé Iste lire. Thompson. The Rer. S. W. Dean and Mr. J. W. Thotupeon utended. thé finnéal meet- ing et thé meibodiet district which was held-lu Umbnadge on Wédnsaday. MNI Henry Jackson, who busWueén i attendauce on ber mothén, UM@ )George Thaupson, for thé pat two montha, ré- turucd te ber hotuaslu Lindissy ou Fil day. A heary windstorsi paséed ovér thie section on Sunday ereuîug about 8 o'clock aceowipauied witb, nain. Many trees ver. brokenand other damage, doné. Mr. Win. Wese sud Mn. jackson, Of Lindasy, M.richoard BEdwards and Mn Ale% Rosa or., of Csnniugtou. attended thé fuaal of thé luté MnsQe Tbomp son on Tnssday. ; bisra Hexry Glondlnnuing and Ilarry Balwinrieil thémr lac&aet thé ducla ou Sept lit at Pefférlaw. but thoyy report that thé birde have beoja hSate for tii. we.k &Mad iwll Îdiguity ûee eau «et a -##ot et thena fsciansrtgon basehali club swolopéd âown qapo ns onTu*.day ïafloottwit> out a MOMetsA wavuhnandaadenan4o4 a gffe. Qi uoursé oys oulut M. ahm ago Abegi«lng and pIao*a stea i th .4 The score .t tb* eoa.Isaioai atooil 2--19 lnfavot of8nudarlad, h lato QlrasW 4q y bit 'ik f a~er f î a p fdi t b c v c é nI e f iýt h . i d l , onn' dp :fr -th Iou, hl op 'ù4d neŽfléÈ Héwas M0 Wu boxs cs gia 1 ë bêboys tinsOu ont jhoeqUé ini IéC*ad atiofr ézhbitiofl, Wst witb0e pioceédiug ,ith thoe triai.l.ieéthought4 thre esaalàb éxeot l d ftét paying thétu ho hsd ouly 8 enou et brl énoogh foir queobii#hi hi -Thé répo1tt bas been published tbaî potatos al oerthé coUntfY-&ITé affected by rot, sud thstpr 1:à b vr hg as~ ~ ~~~~hi a eiéUD~-I If hould b. true it will probabIf bfêiPthé fàrùets of Utbridg ownshipe'rt0et'5 a o rut. Alter sevew lMoths iinéis and an unsocceceful opéreof St oroflt hos. ptai do aert Mrs DunIop ýlied on Fr1- day , lst at ber home bore. ê h.lééeas a bnsafband and several ali éheildrefl. De- Ceased wua. a, dughter of liMr Aici. Har- per of Ultblid4ét u~ Tâe lnes1 on SqdSj was largely attended by Thé Stocisértradé ii.boomilg. accord« ing te Tordit tpoyte;# sud local informa- tion vonfirme it. Maray catile are being honght in Tooto,ý and taken to the Stat.et for féeding. Our Canadian feedere are finding diffieuilty in getting $n'table cattie at a pvîié ibat wlll £eave s 'fair margin of progt afÎef fbey have be'en kept durina the winter and atnffed with turnips, bay, enigilair O.-02rlI EVERI- FAMILY deluteruab PA IN'JLL sI s om- PAIN-KILLER ~T~2<ï~'M XAD~e Jtbvinga S~D? M49 1U1IA~8U~? J4~Î .a o.a.s or awuIs.a, Cuts, Bp#ais, 86Ve1s Duras, etc. nATI~VTTtT> latta. wél t$e4 &5& ~ »s4 et ai. M.élmal.tc. Fawnoe~. Uer uuM, wlI lia ra4aM ~b'uuu wunIIM a iu~'Latrit ways aihard vd BATS ?u' 1TM8 tf1fl<~ily oeCZSBIU4UW ~'Uta s.riatnhy et NU~Sft ~'~¶T~' of hnltaU@DB. T.*. uions bol $h pwaln ~PuaaV D~VW~' 8014 .v..t!wt,.t.# UO. bli tsO& * ~oey IàvgaboLils, 50e.- Mis Maraar, 4 W JGra4~m 4 for a day or 8o. Mu mangat IL for a few day. Mrs F George, ilig Mr Ju asPtte Harry Tboinps térnin BufWat1 Risque Rogers are v1iL1ng à(tla] Mre Albert Rii f tMetafter a Peter.MoNoi,, turned froin Lhei Nirs Armnand MiesRawson, ing ber Bister Mr Nelson Connor on Monday on a Xis Bond, of(C of that place are Mr@ McKay je wet k ut ber fati lotito. Geo Cowie ai vit;ited their grai on Suinday, Mn Kennedy' to ber tather-in-] ene. Mr Harrison. the paint brnsb Harniltons resid L Bowes and in a week in the John D Fore SHe bai;agood p a Toronto bouse Frank Smnith * nn and wife and of Audley, catle Mrs Frank 1 learu stili cont! fniends now are Lewis Baubtu bory, of Aurora relatives hère L week. Mr Widdifie] was in town on Hugzo, of Colm horse deal.- Hngh Greg the neighborh they have pure for feeding Puri James Ândéî T some time ai sith threshing, MissL Bei in amuic, hbu thé past week. Dr Eastwoi in hie garden i a hat in bis jal keepe it sa a fr, Word was rd Forgie, Wbo i John Fbrgié fèver. Hie fal to Stayner. G Gerow ha etberwee Pli Some les& farméra, of Ni or on Tueuday chaeîng higb 1 stock of that-, .4 tht ana Rien mU~ity .-- G ~a. uu

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