Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 3 Sep 1897, p. 1

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t 'ru r s )L, XLI. WH-ITBY, ONTAJRIO, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1897. NO# 40 1 1 sin LOCAL NEWS LETTERSO amioxîcta CtiRmpatNuwcon, AUDL&Y. NIis Smth lu vlsiting ber frfend, MIss 0,vis. Ed McBrady poid a flyng visaî home an Sun. Wilson's Fly Poison Pads 10(," Nir Rtîndir lias thent very iow fan the past w re k. Smith's Poison Pade f5 cents. T anglefoot 'Stick y FIy, sheets, for ",W. Fruit Jar Rings. Sealing Wax, Corks, Arelet'vr from Toronto la vsitlng at Mn E i b'Mrvrs re~ (J Toronto, have been va- SIX ca-,îng rt F,1wEi~rs x 1 Ni tw~1ing iabor-day. wil boea ho ( r (dr i-cWols htre. .1 lin îii bsd il e- nîtsfortutîe tabreak the Nlimç Sad'itr rba htrn spending e few î1<vs miiitinaires and triv'nde here. >n y 10ri) earn M ilie- sv-ous ilimes, i fMmi (( ' ).rary on ihv Uneenisood road ta aur Etc.1 o at ifin CHEMIST é& DRGIT ONTARIO. FENCE. Belle the Genuine ÂER- MOTOR, of Ohioago, and the Keteleman Wire Fence Iutendhnîg purchasers should examine this miii bc-tone pI acitîg thein ord en. [Do rot let un agenît put01ncri ntation on you wheri Nou cati gel the Genuitie Aetmatuor, thonottghiy giîiveiîlzed, anîd uarrntt-d, t'on less miney. More- u t tset mills eoid ln Canada to.drrv tsent any atilier niake. TIse Acrnotor Co. clAimnnthlcy seil uieliaifthie nutnben uof uitri' miii outfits soid in the worid, aitue preseni lîime. 1ihos Pi riii) i iing UP possession ai the \ai.lil cltar is yvar. Runton scys s a nib-. trn s 'il11colint- tent.a Mrs NMcitolut oL'xbrtdge lias been visltlng ?ir %î- mr~ , to FLawrence rmccntly. Hon broil-, Mr lirown of Myrtle, spent Sunday ae-k erc l- o litrary rmretintz of our Icagus nexi Tuesday r-vnng. Nlilion lirown was the leasder fan aset r.'ening. Wr- would like tw sec a good attend- auce t-tory niglît. Harvt-sting operationi are pretty realy cam- plerd around he-re 'IThis seanan's crop liai ben preuîs bard on avémni on accounit of the starmas. Ail threshing wil bc tougb work. Miss Etia t ht-las been spending bsn vaca- tion ai hen borne nean lient fon a ueek on so, when she gors liack ta tht ciy ta nsune ber lArgr- cas, and aiso litghen work tn the con- servatoi Y. Wr mupt congrRiuiste ) H Madhli upan se- cîîring his fulc-rtthoaae fan second dlais In so short a trne. Anyway e w knew be wutad do weil. Akso we congratuiate hlmn and the rus- ir-eq ai of Blaisar n n bat lie took charge af that school lest Moncîay. L'citons school chant lies been lntroducýed Into our eclîooi and no doubt ibis exbensive aid ta lea'chîng will bc appneclated by toacien and pupils. 'le section cannot supply toa mucb ta the schoul. Gerieraliy, country sehools ane raway behind tn rqtutjxflnti. Appies are more afIthe Klondike piice thia yrar. Many buyers have been îhrough bore, mrinetcipli for j. O. Honni, oai Qasa. Ve believe they are r'ffeing aven $2 Ian ulater fruit. John Bell lias a gaad cnop this year and will maki- a bandsarne figure no doubt. Wr wonder iaIl thase namies that uonm pub. lishcd lasi week as signons af the ptition t0 aur council, r-ipecied ta bct seen liu pria: ? W. no- tice the narnes of sorne wamen. Suraly uomen have iota enougli of Ihe ovils ai drink <o be more caneful i f temacîvps. W. hope tbâil~ will not vote as tboy sîgneti. Ali styl.es f on s >atnd tron u rrps ton ruleOuDS dAy informantion regandîng t tes. ou:fits Watch eu n the~ti S af T conicert. The date will be freely gîveit by tvnîting ta fixe-d for ilts l'hunsday Sept. 304 Mr ansd M nit Wilton Stan and Mn William Stan GEO. ALLIN, af Ohio, have beon visitlng at Mnr Blairs. Feb 7, 11897-6171 10-Wstt-ri. Tht Rnis J B MicLarea of Calumbus ull C-- ________________________________cupy thr pulpît oh the Presbyteriau chunci sent Standai at the usual boun. Mn lames Leask letives ibis wueek vltis bis WiST RN B NK O CAN DA hrd O 13Cute ta show a: ihe Toonto Indus-. WCSTER BANK F CANA a l Heo4astsîiinnds îaklag îbem to tise O W hitby, Ont. Mn J Burke. who sornie urne mgo dld buslassi et the corner store but ubo nnunoved to Thorata: - - lun îmcocoeun -y, lias dectded ra returnanad o"e BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. out ati bs oas un sud. He expecta b liairt sonu JohnCown, Eq Pesidnt eube S.time te October, Joie n CosEsq ,ýiýPrsdn RubF . Mn W lM Rael met ii sa painiful asoe Hanilu Eatt'ic.Pns.;W FCouen, lasI week. Whie dong bts chai-es he came in Esq., W. P. Allen, Raq. J. A. - contact viti a nust .tino ubtt4 e Is mincit ueo son, Coq., Robi MJelnttI. . hntirougb tie tieshil'part of bis iogbelvesu lb Pattes-son, lE.q. keme and sukle, Mr-dtoad vus secued amd T H 1cXllan .. ......... -hle h@la n,-di--si -- il-- - Id h vmemd Goeral BankinugBusiness itmnsot.d.1 Draft. lsued, payable ln -ait parts orCan- ada United States, and on London, Eng lanci, payable ln MIi parts of Lro. Per cent. ailowed on Savinge Banik Dpoit8 and cr.dit.dl haif yearly. 8peeaL attention to collection of Parmers' sale notes. ~.!.WABRREN, Managaf ci Whitby BSuach. fttFarm for -8,le "ho Poat Fami lfor saleby Mtae coe- %ruot. Wilbe sold onVy asy teAbII A ppy .D.MCBatDy, Audiey, DO à eIL- dot. ol1ittCada LUtt uZic. Toronto. Wblîhy. JUly 19, 180. 1. 8ROOXURI Counoil moets ou Mondmy next, 61h lest. Ur W Daie of Bowmanyllo speut Sunday lasi at home, Thée Miss Lytel, cf Toronto are vlsltiug their sîsten, M. H Haimnan. Mr R Il Waika B.A., cf Lindsay, was la toua on Wedaouday. Mrs R T Elarrison of Allat Cnalg vislted fends bore un Wedaesday. New alil dreua gooda, a: t 5, mn. 25# 50, 60, 85 cents pen yard, at Holildsy Brai. Mn Gao Gimblet, M P, cf Cobourg, wua bers on Fiday ilut. the guest af Mn A Robe.te. . Iir send Mm j1no Bond of Troronto viited somne of theit rind enabre on Sunday and Mon- day. Rev C E Scott af Sehofnheng wrtç fn town thîs week and recetved warmn greetings fram (tiends here. The presbytenlan SundRy ichoal wiil meet ai 9.4.5 a M rni t !Snday lnottd of ai the usueal afimnonon bouri. MnI J F Date af Rochi-nten. sccompanied by his wifé, h.as been visittng his moihen a6nd sisters for a week.- w' AI ta te ce et i h ni p ft Mrs W Rontloy, of Windor is here vfstng 5- lier mothen, Mrs Hopkins. Sho Intends ta te- st main aboiut foui weeks. U Patatoos are nottng badly ln this section and â neorats from other parts ai ihe county are ta the lame efimt. Pottats will beRasscaroce sapples. fc Dr C L Sterr and Mns Stanr auri Rev W W a MoMasten and Mrs Mctttster af i Tver-n, have tl been visting fon a few deys at Hon John Dry- fi dens, ti Dr Phippen,-of Michigan, an aid Brookln boy t wba lit bei-e wiîb hîs parents twenty.faun yeere t ago %îislted uf th Mn and M,-s lames Croxali thîs Mn Chas Bules, wha lias labely heen worklngn wlîb Mn Stabback, Calumbus. willileave shortly ton Fart Wiliiam, ubeno ha has aecured a posi- tion with the C P R. Mn Rebi Haines of Part Penny, la the neu f section foreman on the rallway bore. Mn las a Rautley did lis lail deys uark ai bis aid job onc Tuesdai, and Mn Haines took bis piace on t Wednesday mornlng, Mu-s john Magner died on Weduesday nlght.t Site uasaln ber 83rd ye an sd bad beon grsclually sitsklng for some time, 30 that ber death was note sit aIl unexpected. Tbe funoral illi b. held ont Saturcfayfet 2.30 p-m. Mn P Fraye, wbo bas been uorklng wltb Mn F Scott, biaksmitit, fon e numben af vears lu abouîta oleavo teun. Ho h gaoina te Oshawa wbere be ulligo Into lb. business on i bs oua ac coutt We ulsh hlm success. Mn T H Wilson reîumned firn himttrp ta Klamouni. Bancroli and otier norîhern points on Frlday laut. Heo as more nougb cauntry1 and bad noada than he has traveiied aven fan many a day.Hes brouit back some speci- mens of mica and sonto goid and iran are. Re-opeaiag ServIces. Thet e aponlag services of tbe Prssbytsnlan cburch uill be I-tid next Sunda y at i a in, sud 7 p in. Rev j NI Cameron o! Wlck, Mdodenstor of the S3ynocf of Toronto, and Kin sto ulîl preacb at bath services. The uark of mno- vaau uschunoiswsa - #udetatee by thse "'Dtugistens of thse church,' sud tise spectal col- lections of the day wulI go lai eïr ti-aury. Ti ublic are cordially Iavlîed to attend these serices RaiUwayAccident- A serfoui accident ccurred lit DrYtna cO-i siag on Monday evening. 1 ho nigisi train, duc bei-e ai 8 4Ï, nuealng at bgh. speed, sinucli a bolier uhici was lying on tise trackat thls point and the îuo biad coacies were deraled. Tise track use toi- up for a dos=n r0ds Or s0 but fortunateir ne one uw» iojuid. A wrecklug train (nom Undsay arrlvd about Mîdoigisi wth a lange gang ot mca,. but It u arlamy momefug Wooro the tack wua agmi n eonder. 1ise ouner of the animal tut caused the dia"is a ot kncun. t i SI e At lut à etn'cet fen hs uhem ett complaisba buen beard (sad with aood rmma) ni tise Bltiy state oftise shodius al tise ru"d uttile md simp ton mtlms have nmado e kuhir be.d-quameeus, Ba ite ua aw hoped ibtha i uli b. classerif tisose -imug the sb.di wussld tu keeplusan iega l ti %Wwam à Mx xItm Uns 1 Ajomes Ila inislt b ftlsf u Un- blidge ttlis wek. Our San1st becg a&"y oS lgmayi Vu.s W~r and Mus N oseset pik. vtisilci ber brother, C WDiu a.. at Sumr mi»s Cors Ivans eortc1aremvu vis at. ber S11 iý"W4 uý$AY Mr da'. n« ud -yb o Ou ( frmetsbave musy br ve*lsg vih a tmge ; o ffeW,. 15* st yuwtb er.asgWWessu Mîm sud M LO # uit&e4 btu bet our 1 Tb*eUlum *7Pax«sf. m -sboe.~s A brlght end hm y gatiserit amsbt i'huada> nmr lau ipie ShisaN * bome ef tise nu on eDry&do. to a ts esanimi of bis daughrer Neile Elisaboi e t 0IseP M = 'a be ppItor >cf i e bo paoroflevuSt cisurci, Tocate10a9Mt4 cbaa..*Qr Wab).Dnt, Ru Wa Weua flclasd Teuie gaidla ville alk herlog a bcquetof. l i t' ossa Md mal Gos h wesu at&ded bo aate «wl VedL Radlf OC omai oepportod' usw ~oi.Atuiosg 11* gsnte sud ~ BMo' ,lutr hrlsi Mid MoUssus as00 a pur,1% Min Smill, L1 Duras, MLotand deugb tuMud Mr aud bnsGSDydm . Tb*aimm lgg.* vas - sud Ose boM s".ê1 -y lvqm~aedmsiwe ~ lu M4bUJW~4U# eaa~i «w«ens nmm bm wothe soft W *abIa au .wIi.l.u i aggoaviie. Appl0r tS Bau enormous price tbf. year. Sehoi l lanic" gond rutoiug ordor with a air attecclaflus, Whtt a i, Icouftil>' gong Io respect lîseif Dongsi &bave rondesA fi o ule toustavel on M18S1 ifOtîls 0( Audiey rtnd Miss A Smith of ýolumbu' pald a vit b our sohool on Monday. I1 :hmitheresî4d in sobool work are weiconîe a vieil uf and lnepect our sobool. We 4e ver'y'pteased ta earn <bat Our ex oachet,liefr 1ýN&dfiii. wassucoessfttil In the re- ent O*kminàtions. Our pleasure la asfio in- 18fe.ue4y knowin g itt -1% r-'Miadilit has obtato- d the ionoireceni het4 byMfÇ SmIth,ý> Mr Ne th<itrore extend in Mr Maditi our double rtd 'npit earty congiraîulailons, and we wîsh li eertV succris Il- bisi new iocaiite, Thti,o.ther clay as Mr and "Mrs pardon were *îturnljg <rom lown <beëy met à mati w1th a orse Viul carrnage near Mr Sonicys. Bath par os soélnto have înrned outi .aufor as the. rond ouldd tilow but flot far enough ta pais. h gs caine logether witha crash aud Mr and Urm 'ardow ue, hrown out.' The hoase became rIght ,d and soon datted clown the rond smasetg the oartývery badly, but liberated Itseif so as ýUl ot reMeve muy serions initiry. For- 1 natel>' Mr and Mns Pardon escaped wlh ia eeverejibakiug up. Ortrustees have purchased a Caxton chan' fr îhi' uchool, This chant le, a model oif ekill and lIc*enutty. hIl lluutrates and explains ail te braïnches of anlthmetic from firat 01.54 ta fitt. 1%e lesians af the fins: book areso, beau. tifuu lytictured that the young people cannot, li aorce ve a lasting impression of tho lestnsisa ste a.m ught., The varloticuti cf theo bumau , ýotsfl Inteachtngpytloy r alone AfRtent to recommead theo hart 10 an) 1or~o ttustees, ý The batIui coloroci me t,~ht i tuftlou Qofthç Places tndicatec t e.the cames arte elf ut &J,10 ahing "0ogr y and save'àa gregl' dealbtiMi-16the uIstar aiand war maps aré 1 ie o fonteicbltng hîstoical geor . cerian and .îttical wrlîlng are presetoh a »aY on thit4bart as tc give the 118 4co bhe A and slanc of ibe qci, c are ,e t ieuwhtch ail g 1 I là a Vorn iîefu. tie tc bot: teacher and p IL.07u foroefilm would certatly have goir witb In- W lewooder and amasement, had such à tbing$,.eouiutroduced In their day. Surely no one cge sayOur trustees are not desply interest- id ta pur ÎtÏbooi and li progreB#r1 Port ore ej Geo Irwln le home fi-cm Rochester. Mlsý Minute Donnîson le vlalting frlends ln Tonuto. MîI Maud Kyle la coufinod 10 the houai Mrzf Rse and family returned from tiei bolfd4ys ou Morday. Wib Parlsb, Teronto, was home ovor Sun- daty «âiting hig, parents. Mihg a n Qr. uho waa very il] lait week, la ai4 to bosbout 9gaf n. M,'tDonuellthue new toacher, commnenced is 4»ti iiýtîWeditgdgy, Maisteu Howard 'Tummotuda returned ai Manday froyu thse Tisoussedi slands. Mn. E amd MIs Clara Broad are visitinl Mne Boads parents in Rchmoud Hill,1 Mises Ethel and Alberta Clark are vîsîl. lng relatives at West Toronto jonction. Mr F P Rae, sou of the late Dr Ras,n Oisiaua, is bore irelievlng iu thse Westeri bsek. Mn <(DrV'"liuple ,etunned test ue rom a tireS ruonthe trip to Flint# Mich. sud-athon cilles. C L Wbiiby, moi-chant tallor, inn rt moved ta tise Alison block ounLis. south sid of Queen et.l» Mr jas Leask pasacd ibrougis town a Tuesday wit îis Btôto of catile for tise Tc ronto eililu X ia@, Bonis TdtLein, Who lm5b"O ilat laab et.b ar#;uud.- Miss Rachel Moeurt vs umTceia'cil 'b toi ntoame bsh«eldut al5tsr Xk a Me and J4ise bs1 it okas' Joues& Co.,are ln TorOSto this. wse i rtendinsg tht (al l ls11etY OPiniIPP Rav Eayoeag ptea ,4 io aceeps e ismsl 450rg555SZbith tulthéîbnwtl 'chssrIu and on 14êuday .yêuiil etttdý .a (ait 94 udi%4. Is beuk on TOW&a4yft% ,Paut bt w Conqtab1o MeKnlght wouid klndly look aften tht. 1 fuel sure ho wotild recel vo the thanks of more than the teacher. 1 heard smre ladiles say that a- gang of boys and youuîg feilowptgather near thc park and If flot insuit the ladies and ypung girls, the next "teto 10 , anid the Indien say thoy wfîh tht chierfconstable would stop f t. Sandy Stewart met with e peculiar acct- dent ln on. ai the show windows of Ccîurtfce & jefirey one day lait week. Ht was an- nanging smre articles lu tht window when a dog trippd hlmu and he e i through a large pane ai gias, cutting' a deep gaili above the rlght wrist which reqtsimed several etitches. 1-lad the gnsh beci nu elghth of an fItch dteper It wottld have severed tht radial at-y. The Cou andthelb Raiiway Frlend McNMlllan, botter knowtioan Cati ductur McMillaii, enid Iu me an Wednes- day : AàfC w wetkg ago you gave nn ac- count of n poor ernanh caw being killed by oun trïain, teAliu4 êbut tht fat mers caw And wlîat II;did for us oun Mcfiday nlght."1 From reports fi seins thent cow waî lying on the cr, seing lcuowii as Dryden% cron.slng, the reeult,beiig thai the mail coach ýwas de railed a'td tea now oh Tfor reparie, and caue tng the trafnrneuna dentI af work and trouble This le a catie where the cow wae a tres' g ner and ln thfsf ntance the ccw was ta lame fon the accident. hI le plaitily cvi- dent that ln this case the engînte was fiat to blanie aslie gave due warntng when neartng the crosslng. The case 1 had refer- ence to, the cow or cows were drînking nt the culvort or g uard andi I am tld was ln plain vlew ofithe eongi neer, and in thie pan- ticulan case the animal belonged to a pon mari wlth a ianîlly, Who sorely feit tht lois6 oftbeit new miich cow. 1 do flot thlnk for a moment iliat the tfnmen- are aîways ta blême, but 1 thotîglt that ln tht s instance they mlght have been s littie mort caroful. Of ail positions for a beait toibe found oà a 1nailway crcssing the traînimen fear the lying iposition the mont, as ik generaily derail* eltîter the engine or carson bpth. A New Style cf Bat, -th Auitiiproverb reXe41: '"Ieeessity lfih mother fvn to t. savery serîcus necossnlîy lat draw,r evertu lmen, Young and oid. 10 on, eut t otéls 4n the sabbat dayè4 Dont Imagine foi on* moment tisaI any*-of those men are rosideuts cf Port Petrym. -Not at all. Alare' oderète drink- ezs,.rVather teîperate di'1n ers, 'would b.t asb~ed. ta b. seen arouuld14 hotd - lu town on *1ândqyv, whore -drinkin Io go Dg on by thé' ne# tyle o0f.,bar. Tbey a*ist as,- be fno 44tisacountry- liais sud concesalaue.1I staed in san article lestu we*k isat. the >lêt-e eof the. iaw la stricîly kept o at a» seilllugo bandiug If quoi- ov.r a bar2w oiC.rned là r the hotelshoe, i béIiWeveè lethé tmaintis la correct. 1Bt ýtise Ïu*W ztyle of bar dî%the climax cf aîraiegy 1.lna keopiog té, tise laU and evadlng tbe spirît'o f tise iw. Abbqt thre. months augo 1 had occasion 10te writu about a Suaday jamboree lu Ibis same botel and out of respect for tise licenste Démon ci ,d Information tu show a chsarge to b.'laid foi lnfruetWlo h ie la« lC stuling iqt o', in Sonday was rcfused as t 1 "jà ,liaè tint tise ike would net occur agaîan igPromises are 1ke pie croi, ossly bruken STo come dcwn to rosi facta, the uew style ci ban ls corsducted lu a isomelike, socal way I-a sont of free-aud-esy . la good lime Sun day mornlng a keg ci good, siparkllng b..: of twe or -ibrée.decauters(cf rime cotel rn wiskey, Holland glu, and jeialea rm wlîi tishe o enctussaschooners snd Mi ekferont sised tumblers, are duly conveyed t htie kitchen wiset tise fauzlly Io watt mbeet on a èsudsy .uicrnisg. Iu due tlm, thewfU dry feilows fmtise coucS Iows as îisey sia net get t awfuliy dry 9 Suc Aya tlier .ïtoun41,tbo boer k«g au ou at xa surrlalugbo-w awftelly dry' the. EIb ro- of ac (lluedo gsi o a Suday ;b>' Il fway «C«ber e oun a i. qo '(whlak4y) la pmned's*roud >o etske aslodd '2uw bleotbers baves*-,gin-fias . I th tngeooftbos.dry tistoats bl'. N The Seavanly Ilualo. The fallOwtng verges were wrltten by Narman P Black Coiborne son of DrF Black once a restcâent bore, 6ý more re* cently of Uxbridge. The Inspiration came to young Mr Blacki frons Leanders Traunt- creten, and the fellcity of the. rh yme in go striking an ta render it well worth y of pre- nervation, TIIB HXAVENLV musrc, In the ditu Golden Ages forever gone by, Wben the angels flew down frons their home in the 1y Andjoyously joined wli tht children at play, And the Poraas of Heaven stood wide rtight and day; Then of beautiful things the most beau- tiful there Was bhe heavenly miusic that thrabbed i the air, For that music the dcar Gad Hiniscîf did cronceive, Andi its echaes the arches ai Heaven would And bc hcard of manicind when the min- .strely_.eunRg. And. ýt1*. silence of extacy a'er the earth huülr. P~ot of beantiful thingn the mont beau- Wuaa tie Heaveuly music that tbrobbed in the air. Yen, thus wua it once 1 But men grieved xlm aon111gb And the Portels af Heaven swuug shut in , the eky, nd the nad silent singer,. their music abeets tare And the breezes the pleces o'er ail the world bore. Thus of beautiful things the mont beau- t1fül passed Wh.n th e Heavenly music was listened te lait. Soon tise ciludren cf men each a clIpplunI possesscd C the. munic that <cIl rein the roal Ms -the blest, 1 etalasi1 each ane thoright tat lbis clip- îAnd harmony vouished lu -dis4Ord and 1 btawl, t fhougba of beautiful' thiugý ,be mont 1 beautiful thete0 Hrad once been the musiLc thatthrobbed lu the air. And thufl it la yet I-Butltii.morn sa aF arise Wlten at Judgmeut mAnkind shall gaze 4 IrAnd shall theïe mue the angel.choir c wfiod of.bits of they strewed, t.the bItf autittinge the mW 't beau- Y 'tiful there it Wts that music that once ademp tured the air.adeap W n »,'lgthrtOW8l and the fRats SSh*ah be al put lu or C .v~ shaU ainu ouud the etainus as they u«e& to cf yole SAnd the Portals cf ,Beaven shall swing- wice once mole 1 A.nd of beautitul 'things the. most beau- tiful theret ' Wll b.that',.ear music, once more lu. b 'be air. n, NORMAN È1. BiAcX. r-?Ott Coiborne, ',,lie 7, 1897. to _____ toY Mn E ha iStiIg wlthrelatives le Cédar UnMr C ,tins. of Ques Sound, le Visiduog wlîh ild Mda Mie eom.or5ltd l i4dic iig _ hW I ~4P:5:2::: * e -w" 'tour-o uembs e W $àtY vi i'«*,D ~c ~ p1*6 WHITBY, WJNDMILLS -AND- WIRE J' , tUbliaedkb4g.' hi1b Stean MlbIe and DudasSt.> NITl-BY_~J

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