Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Aug 1897, p. 8

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OS AÂUG. 20),'1897. OSHAWA PAGE O8HAWA. Lîtîles Little Lendiug Llbrary. Miss Loua Hall ls borne for a few days. Mr Herbent Harris peut Sunday lu To- routo. Rev G W McCall le lu Petembono for s holiday. Fred Wigg ia bomne (rom Ruchesier for bis holidays. Miss Mary Gibmou, Rochester, l isistlug adme John Gîlbàon. Mr C W Rapp. Toronto, was lu tew lest week witb finonds. Mr@ Hall aud Mns Chatohle, Oilîlla, speut a day wlth A Hall. Mies Effie James of Toronto, bas been lu towu a few days. Mr Frank Dewar speut Sunday vlsiing frieuds ln Toronto. Miss jennie Keddlc smarte ou a trip te Motreal ou Friday. Misses M Doiting sud E Blow are vlsitlug Mrs Siq Hemt, Toronto. Miss Lister, Harnilton, is lu towu visiiug ber sister, Mrs Dr Kaiser. Mrs Stadler sud daugliter, of Rochester, are visitlng Irieuds lu îown. Miss May Roitets, Torobto, is vîsitlng Mme Ei A Fielding, Albert st. tirs Chas Lyke cf Pickeriug, is visitîug Miss B E Rowse, King suetsu. Mre j W Elh sud daughtor Hazel are visiting Mrs R S Munroe, Toronto. Mr Geo Elilotsud Misa Haves, of Toron- to, spent Sauurday ast R A J Little. Miss Anie M Filse snd Mies Mary Coad are vÎsitlug Mrs G W Hall, Petemboro. Mm R C Babbitt ha. returned from bis trip te San Francisco sud British Colum bia. MMsJohifte, of Bowman ville. spenu a few days lest week viliting friends lu îown. Mrs W Cînusuton sud ber sister Miss Murray, of Toronto, are visiuîng finds ln Oshawa. The Misses Oveus of Gai speut the fore part of the week in towu visiuiug ibeir brother. Miss Elsie Ferguson, of Brampton, spout a few days lu îowu lasi week, the guest of lier aunt, Mmm e Rîce. Miss McKenzie of Toronto, wbo bas becu the guest of Miss Leurs Adams for a few weeke, bas reiurned tg ber homne. S E Mille sud wlfe sud cbild of Beaufort. South Carolua, U.S.A., are tbe guesîs of -Mrs Mille (suber, Mr E Carswehh. Mme W H Pemiton of Montreal, sang the contralto soo,"0 ! et lu The Lord," in hem usual goo stylo, lu Simca. et. Method- Isi chumcb on Suud*y oveniug. R J Urquhant ai the Boot & Sho. dopant- ment ofai Snsons, Toroto, who bas been speudîng a 1gw days at home lu Oshawa, ne- turned te bis worit au Fmlday lest.. The Rev Mn Eastman occupicd bis own puipit on Suuday, aften a few weeks boli days. Ho cenîlnued bis course of sermons au Suuday eveulng on OId Testament char- acters. About uweuty of Oehswas cyclistseujoyed a peasaut ride on Frlday eveniug hast te the home of Mn HoildaY of Brooklu. Tbey e- prt having spent an enloyable eveuing at UrHolldays, sud s plcasaut trip home lu the. brlgbt moouight. George Organ, who was committeil ta the ceunty gaoî ou Tburaday hast tu stand trial1 for the ch an goel(pickrig Mme Rysus pocliet eiecîed tao trled by jury, sud willi lan- guiub lu gaci untîl the Fall AssixC&, some Cie in Sepiember, At the grand lodqe o f Oddfelowsbip lu e8«s10n at Belevlle lest week, Mn J E Fane. well, Q.C. wss electeil deputy grand master and WAS alec nominatoil for the grand master ehlp fon nexi ycam. k Pye was on anc cf the standing cOmmitltees;cf tbo grand lodge, Mn Courtuco, wbo. farm surneunde the Countîco Postoffaicesgai a nov hler ecent- ly. By Satunday nîglit tb. machine bâd sot boon ail set up yul ail on Monda y *benltse wonk vau meumodýI hw»asfoul ihat syeral ,of the parus veresoo. ' Il vswu «d on ex- amntation tuat the. Ihief bail lied is bores at the roadalils nortb1( th e idla vbicb lte bamu etacil aud carrisithlb.parlu la tbe bug gy. The tracks la lte grass sud 1r~o u cated- thai the ttib.d been Ceuearîy Manday mnilg. The resuli. cf th. Secohil Pora 111b Sehaci pramotions. vers manonce .1l0 I*i Tomanto popera on Satunday. -Follovlug le the liai of aucceful puplilsfront-Oshawa --> Fora iL 11.-EI ath, SM a8 sunEWvr am N F Kuter,E L acke Y L aye E Phillipa, J.A. spencely, 1W. W. Swansou. Part j, FW.ruu II.-NW.WA Garrard, C Glaupes. C iCoti, 'A _ut Cie Part 1 Ulms B Pollrd viuteil ber cousi 'mi" EvbCourtice test week. R. J itttê bas in'*great lot of llow styles bin tbessdeecs book*. Mn rB tproqile anI MvF Mar-tcf Toronto spentSundty la towui witbfn«,4d. Seo the new 5 ct. square lnk-bcitlos et R A J' Littos, with creues for selthngpeau lu.- Mr aud Mme Sugilen and twôocf the chtld- ton have goseto the lake f or a4 weeks camp. MisElîbecli, Kingston, asu d 1 llbeek, Toronto, wene lu town yesterday vlsiîlng friends. Rev j Whltelock, cf Port Perry occupicil the puipit of the Metcaîf ei Methodst churcb on Sunday. Miss Stdio Urquhant cf Berlin, sud hor sIien Mary, of Exeter, are borne ou their holidays. Aunie H Ellîs, Wilson Drew, Mary Cead and Neillie McLeau teck lu the excursion tc Burieigh Faits and report a pleasant time. F E Elils and wife and Dr lenry and wlfe rcîurued tis week (nom a iwo weeks otnl ai New Yorki sud Atlantic Coast sumnmerY'vo sorte. Miss Tetberngton, of Toronto, who has been vis, tug smre time at Mn. RoscO ot Slrncoe ýSt., returned homo te Toronto on Weduesday.1 R A J Little ta having a competition open to Rit pupils ln Osaa or surroundlug soc tions. For particulans see hand bis, or in- qulre ai store. Messrs WV Bile, Bort Martin sud- John jack, Cleveland, were in town last week for s few daye on iheir way borne from outiig at the Thousand Islande Wallle Foster wbeeled to Hon Jue Drydens to attend the garden parti on Tuesday ove. uing, and reports having had a nice time. Ho enjoved the refresbmentm, ospecially the Ice creain. The Misses Williamsa, Toronto who havi' been visiting Mrs W H Bennet or tbe past three weeks, returned borne on Fniday pe: stearner Garden City, accornpanled by Misç E Bennett who will rernain a shIrt time vislt- lng friends in the city. A uurnber from bore wbeeled te the Garden Party ai the Hon John Drydens on Tuesday ast. Tbe rain ou Mouday had served to beat the tracli very firm, and ahi enjoyed the mpin over the bard rond lu the bright rnoonfigbî. Ail wbo weut (rom bore report having -speut au enjo7able eveuing, havlug lots toeaet sud pleut y of amusements. Ice crearn was served on t be lawn, but wî hear that a nuruber cf Oshawa people lu- dulged lu Dutch trente. We are sorry te bave te report that iw.ý young men of Cedardale wbo are plenty old enough te kuow bow te, couduct themmelver- lu te preseuce of ladies, became very abusive aud used very obscenelauguage on Saturday ast wheu asked by the cond uctot on a car of the Oshawa Railway Co., te quit smoking. We are glad iliat the Rallway C( are se careful lu disallowing smoking or suiv nuisance lu the cars, sud also'that they art. determineil, wbere possible, te puuish an% ofienders, as wcutd bave been doue lu tit case, had it net been for existing circurn- stances whlch prevented lu. The free concerts wbicb the sîrcet rallway are holding et the water-front are vroviug te be very popular. A large crowd, ail thai the cars could carry, gatbeneil ai the grand stand ou Monday evening aud were tumo> ling over eue anothen for front seats front seven o'clock tili baîf-past 'elgbt. wheu the curtaîn wae llfted. Un Baker ls provinag hînif a fovonîte wlth the levers of comi( songe iu Oshawa. He bas s splendid voice for soio siugiug. but excella lu aide splutinju songe. sud odd costumes. Ho is welI adapi. ed te bi1 the part ai au Irlshman, a Dutch- mn , an olil womin, a young lover, a school boy or a tramp. The empîcyces cf Gaoeon & Warts distifllry, Toronto, bail an excursion sud picnic homo ou Th'unsday last. They camf by spocial train of elghî care sud hadabout SSo lu the party. A handicap blcycter road race for modale ail a bsehUi match for pipe for the wiuning team wene the evouts cf the day. The' wlnner of the wheol race vas a lame. man vbo vas qîvon a big bandi- cap beceuse oa ieinfimmlîy. Nifs va n easy wianer. The base ball match vas Io one-adeil b be luterestiing. One feature of tiepamty that oeecould Mot elpobscmvlng was the number of aldermaule lookM#g mon la tb. partv. Quit. a number 0< dîeus veut op to the Park thlnkïog',tbat lb. - cunsionièts mlght bave brogiti a Îectlof tbe diosiîlemy vlibt itm, but lt'&bs h1 y vote uistaken. Tbsy vote a tblrstylo,? Si truc, but îhey «Ilipatronticedtii. goms acc t aithe outrance tle b thkgrouwls A la"excur.lon of cltulstlam udsor etis ftmTumaoUoon tit; Gardes City Wednee&dan md teck POOMsU o f -lte loy, geersly, and Prm- Mect Park tut pe tlidr. h vOtld »mu, ltai lthe butaei of .udeavedugla ot W" ypopuler viti thet m.k1w ersunac, Mmd 10 o ouatt'togytls u,44 -aWi117 to* ,lce b~gd phe mïùï le sp pis Qii. oth r iabr realiit sd Mm *udSpu9 t #ïïdmeI 0t~~~~*~ aac'bandsnstkd f fu Mv oUcu, frr',eituih e Iêsbtll a'mbrsi square ail the difficules, AwtdespriAd beilefprevails, tothe eflect tuai tth. fi:. cen. glu. b o btt reljn, as behng quit0-,as tact everythlng mi- *and ry ody cected wit th ib ire compauy IâdUàîbttëï er r@in Pe cept the tOrs e 11sed the sprieg Whtb sup- pliles the watiF to the big tank.- UngM#t.fkil s,,Mm Murray, Our mosi feeing aud hlghly cmpliet- ary refereuce ocflastv w eet f JS"Mur. raye ires bas been conetruedl lta ýau of-. fence, whlch ho replies te iln the Vindlcqtor "by declaring. that.w. sought 10 ,castiImpÎta- tions upon hlm because ho efuseil to tur- ther advertise lu tho C.HioNICLa or t ive us a persoual lino of credit. Ho dueoct haippon to stato when any person connected wlth the CHRONicLE over ssked hlm or auy. body ciao for that malter, for a lin. of credit. He does flot say when we asked hlm for any advortlsiug asud'were rerused. Nor dos e h mention that we were very glad te tako bis lIssiaccount out inlu ood s, Ii ordor to get the deal cl..sed, 11owever, these are lu a sense unimportaut matters, We wero m0ch dlstressod eover Mr Murray's hard iuck in iiaving mc msny ires-be Ir. said te bave bhail ivo or six, aIl of umac- countable enigin. Thât »eue shouid smn- pathise with sucb a man la but natural, but that a klnd word apoken lu seascu should be. talion amies maie eue foot that the gratîl tui;e of ibis world la tlu< tured with unfelng- noms sud Rail. Neverthiboeeswe shall ne withdrsw our sympathy ftom Mr Murray ln bis serle of troubles on accouni of fires Our heari warmi ail the more to hlm since h.e lu him diitress misintorprets aur feeling allusions to bie string of troubles. -000:- Oshawa Business Drootoy. M. L. VICKEBY, barber. imcoo street. BROOKS' LIVIIRY, Simoos tret,thi . 'VIL BOLPH, harnos asker, Blzcce treet. Ir. B. MOTRERSILL, butcher, Ring St.., West. Dii. Pàtmlibtos, Dentist; offce over llowse'i store. k. J. STLn-Dominion Piano.s ad organe, simocsestreet. WYLLiAM J. Dns, Dominion and Ontarhr Land aturvoyor, Civil Engineer, Box 57, 0mb aws. OOMXXREOIAL HoTw-J. O. woon, propretor )Modern hostelry, neat and.coin ortabi) equipped. D. M. Toi). -Caterer for Balle, Ausembliés. Wed dings, Suppera. etc.. etc. Alec a&U 'inds ci flowers. Ion. gouLuEN - Whitby-Oshawa stage Une. Leavez Oshawa at 8 a M n sd 2 p m, nud Whitby st 10 aim snd i p im. TorN Bum. »p.intier and decorator. Dealet tu 'Wal papers, coUWng decoratione. paitis, oan ehines, brushea, wincow asiades, etc. .YAxice PELZow, dealer tui stores, ftunaoes, tin- ware, etc. Large 'stock kept contntly or haud. Jobbing a speciahiy. Sincoe sireet north. L.. R. MmTx . . B.resSllchior, Notary Publie, Oonveyancer, &o. Money to lend. Office over Domïinion Baenk, Sizncce Street, Oshawa. 5'ELT Bacs - Waioiaksrs and Js'weleru Doen einl watches. dlocks, jéolery, sflver* wars, spectacles, etc. E1atg gold ad lver piaing, ansud 1 ol ri'ngs Ms.s o m. Fins watoh, chok, and Jewelery repaiinc e Mr and Mrs Geo Morrow recently vi- sited friends in Cartwright. Mr H Oay, architect, is engaged in overseeing the erection of the new mal- leable building at Oshawa. Mr S S Broioks intends buying seve- rai tbousand barrels of apples for the English market. this fali. Visitors: Mms L Cryderinan, town. at Mr L Courtices; Mr and 'Mrs Nichols, Enfield, at Mr F Nichols; Miss Evelyn Everson, Harmony, at Mij Courtices; Mis Squres, Oshaw a a Mr R Court*--- lm; Ms$ E ver» and Miss Squires, at Mr S Eversons ; Miss Haywaet.o Whitby, at Mr E Worderas. Mis james Vice te vlting friends st Islay. Mr Lewis Pâscoe 15ccatmp aiga trip to Manitoba. Messis T Baker andWWerq ,hmv faI~ ~poiior20th Msd 1t eo~co~~faesf-or the townsýhip ln' encession w0 MoîêCoa 'The hoots for thelaesbrk 'trout Of "the 5caso0soi fâr, belong to E. ,P. DôncasteiK he havlug captured 'one 14 lonches long andl weighing as many ounce&. "1Deacon" Martin, ou Friday lait on 'the roof of David Stevens barn, clear- cd Off the old shingles and layed 525o new one. We question if there is an- other man ln the county that could do the saine, *Mr and Mrs A Stewart and sons, Earle and Howard; Miss Beruice, Miss Byrant, Miss Brethour and jas Bannen- ev, ail of Perny, were guests ai Staîker Bros Sunday lait. .The Midgett base bail team of this place visited Newcastle on Saturday lait sud was defoaîed by a score ef i6- i ix, but the boys dlaim the teain pitted againist them were older and langer, in fact the regular junior îeam of there. The preprietor of the hoggery here, Mn Rowe, was ondered by the board of healîh of the township te remove his hogs, which it was claimed wene a nuisance, In the quanters iu which tbey then wene. Mr Rowe claimed te have complied with the eider in placiug ibein in an adjacent field and allowing thein to return for .a few minutes, thnee times a day te feed ai the troughs, but tbe board.nogarded it as an evasien. Justice Rickard, who aften heaning evidence, decided that the order had been complied with, placing costs with the plaintiffs. The board has uow given orders to remove boîh hogs and treughs within 24 beurs. Ooodwoed. Mn. Audrew Mergauson starts for Manitoba ou Weduesday. Mns Watsou, of London, is visitiug with hem. father, Mr James Smith, mer- chant, formerly of Beavenion. On Satunday night the lads and some who are eider iudulged iu the sport of letting of fine crackers. It le wonder- fui whaî a litile of that stuif called booze or airship fluid cau do te awake a spirit of celebration. (You bei qi hundred) Goodwood is al ighî. The pathmasters should look after those hoies.luin he sidewalk or the îbwnship may have anothen Iawîuiu which is expeusive, even wheu ou the winuing side, andl I îhink thene îhould be some more guard rails aho)ng the walks, for a youug' lady lasi week was oui walking with a child in her anins and lu some unaccouniable mauner she feul off the sidewalk. Luckily neither panty was hurt but I hean ihe young women feels quite indignant. New Haven. Mn A Moore is vishîing ai Long Sauli. Mn G Shurtliff is visfting friends ai Toronto. .Mme W Jennings visited her sister, Mrs Annie; Uxbridge. Mme T Power and Miss Winnie Pow- et visiîed frienils lu Toronto. Mamie. -daughîer of Mn F Guy, feul froru a lailder eue day lait week, strik- ing on her head. andl was unconscious for tome ie but la now convalescent Visitors,: ýMiss Jesie McDonald, Bow- man#il'le, atiïMut M MMillans-, Mr Ed O'Bren, TorntoanilMis Thle~ itz- gerald> -Seafoth, ai Mi Erastus Urks; ,Mr Edwn Ha bllMrs RHlaybafl andl childisal, M ï nand.daughter Ha- tel, T=nai t MrC 6es; éssvs. Williamns anid Wetlak, Solitia, ai Mr S -Wervs -,Miss Annie Bates. Toromitof ai ýMi Wltlteiidgejs. titis Mr Alex S Itli- 10e eçlgul0 Mr R Hall lost~' A vg1II&ble bose 'y, potinn> at Myrcie Frld-ay ov;ning. Mir and Mrg W iH -Nicholei isitCd friende là Courtice ýundayV j E Dyer eniert0Ined the band ire- cently to blackberries and cakes.' Recent visitors: Mrs. (Rev.) Smxith and Master Smith, Niagara; Mrs (Dr) Archer, Port Perry; Miss k Reynolds, Danford; Mrs McKlosky, Toronto-, Mr W Reynolds and Master Arthur. Osh- awa; Mr and Mis Luxton, Mr and Mrs W Halfacre. l3owmanville; MISS R Avery, Pittsburg; Miss p Hezzlewood, Mrs Kilts and Master Rex, Saginaw, Mich.; Mis Hezzlewood,. Oshawa. Ml* Gove. Mr Jno Power, Toronto, is visiing friends hére. Miss Annie Shelton is guest ai Mapie cottage. Miss Annie kates, Toronto, is guest of Miss Annie Crumb. Jno Cox has gone to Chicago after a pleasant visit at his fathers. Mr Gea and Edith Taylor, of Port Hope, are visiting at Mr M Mundays. PiOKEimiNe Wc understand that D. 8. Smith bas mold out bis pump business to George Gcrow, of Ciaremont, wbo takes over the busineesai once. Mr Smith will remain a. resîdent aud pursue othor mercantile connections. 0 A Michel cf larcinont, and asfriend named Hayes werec oui sailing on Toron to bay W,,ednesday, when the boat cap. fized and ihe îwo woroe aved from drowning by Capi Tyman of the Islaud Queen. The captain wili soon ho cuni. 1 ied to a modal ais ho ha. alrcady savod coMa thirtetn pomons from drowning. Wo met with a slight miisbap on sat. urday morcing while trylua, to ride a hi cycle, and bad a trivial wound made upon our right shin boue. Blood-poisonicg set in sud as a result w& bave ince been 1oompolled to walk but lUttle aud that witb .a uamp. Soldera are iwo hearses seen iu attend- suce ai eue funeral. Sucb, however. was the cas on Snnday momning wheu the romains of Bd Wslsh sud Noms O'Connor weme laid at rostinl the R. 0. oemetory afier service in the cbumch. Edward was lu hie 28rd year, while hie cousin had apen smre thimiy sumumers. They had boih been iii for menths with coneump- tien aud have gradually growu wcaker until doath resunited. Edward was the. second mon cf Timoiby sud Ellen Waisho cf the laké shore west, aud vas a young man highly respected lu the community, snd the prideocf his parnis who are ai- mosi dlsiracted oev hie death, Noms was the second daughter cf th. laie Denis OConnor ase.bas boon s osideut cf the village ail hem 1f., bein u ach e- spected by ail who kuew ber. Tb@eb.. rerved fMende cf bath*bave thesnympathy of al li heir surrow.--News. OSHWYOT, OLOV~ NILBthe Improved QEAMPION mOWER, Etc. and supplY Parts, and repaïr ail ma- chines miade st the Joseph Hall Myfg Co.., Masson Co., and Dingle Estates, h&ving- bouglit ail their patterns, fornis, etc. IEOOP in Stook-I Knives and sections for niost any inaket mo'er or reaper, Iron Pipe, S3teani Eittings, (bras or iron.) Rubber Belting, Packring, (rubber, garlock or rope) Thresher Teeth, rucît ail kinds. Repair Bicycles, and suppiy parts' for same. Englues and Boilers repaired, (any inake.) Repair M.achnery, any descrip- tion. Machinory Steel, aiseo Cat Steel .of varions sizes for tools. Pea Harvesters, R. Woon & Co. Apiary Supplies, Beehives, Sec- tions, Comb Foundation, etc. fi.WOON & Cou VOL WisnsFly P Smaith's Poisolo Tanglefoot st sheets, Fruit Jar E CHEMI si, WHITBY, WJIN D' w ANTEjD-SEVEBL FAITHFUL' Men or Women to travel for re- sponsible estabilihed bouse ln Ontarlo. SaIary $78o, payable $1.5 weeklv and ex- penses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. The National, Star Building, Chlçago,-z7-8. FOR A LL WERE T G K Boat, Rail or Ocean, GALL ON E.J.JOHNSON, W,' P. STERICKER, LEAINO uNDERTAKER, BOOK STREET# aWHITB y, Oshawa Ryb Ce's office, O0HAWA, ]R,- c'O Cater, A Geo. A Belle-t 1hi MOTO&~ the Kri" lntendîng pureba mil befoe placlngît au agent put »mu 1mb eaug pithe Genuin, galvauim.d-, and was More of' these mtm than any- other ma Clala they se»ooecb mâilI outtits éd lnla t *Ail, style ai Wc Any lfotumtlon viii be frecly given>t Reb 7i 87-iiO WiïSTERN -S Whia BOA John. Cavait Hanuilu Esq., "~ We ar1" 7 e fù E countq awitd uiA" ~ofi - E dwwt t .I - au' d .,C 1

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