Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Aug 1897, p. 6

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_"_ é i Vas rulpod man, i, aradwmeru w, ~t hhohac invol,,d othét'.in, hi. ow* kit*VI.dge or their consenti. It wus ý"eo1dt old tale.- 19 fortune in' hus-ýi meet extravqgant expéiiditu4it'é,tbeni misamprçpriation of trust tuudté to re. pksirpaetý lose& and enable hluni te con- tinlue bis gambling ventures with the wild hope that previôus misfortunes could b. retrieved. Now &Il Wu' .80ne, the fortune of his orphe.n cliente as well as bis own, and in another inonth or so, When H*arold Williamn# would b. 124, and the "trust" would, by the terus of his old f riends will, bave te b. tendered up, discovery- or the real condition of affaire mueit en- sue. "If yen will consent te becorue their trustec, Marchmont," the dying nman hn.d said, 111 shall appoint ne one te act with yen. I can trust yeu fully and shall, bave everything in your hande until Harold is 24. I k now you wil do your bost for hini and Ellie, anid keep the meney where it is -in good. safe, nonspeculo.tive inveat- lielti5." Mr Marchment, thon a prosporons niercha.nt, had readily undertaken the charge laid upen bim, and fulfilled it it honeqtly enough until within a year or se before the time ou? tûry ceon- inences, but there had been a tirne of great financial depression and Mr Marchrnonts tirni hnd suffored like the rest of the world and thon in a fatal heur he had hoen attempted te gainl>1. on the stock exchange. Ilad won and lest &gain grown reckless and now that £30,000 which should b. handed over te lHarold and his sister in an- othor six weelrs was as nonexistent as wus Mr Marohrnonts own private for- tune. Business was much depressed stili and Jenkins the other partner had begun te advecate boldly faoîng the. real condition of thiîxgs and wind- ing up the firnis affaira, but Jenkins wvas, of course, ignorant of bis part- ners ernbezzlernent of trust funda. t is on. thing for a business man whose affaire have becoone involved through unexpectediafertunew te cail a meeting cf creditors and lay th. facta plainly before them and anether te have a confession that a trustehbu -te put it bluntly-mnade away with nney which does net belong te him. It was ne amail addit.ion te the ter- turing anxiety of the etintation that Jenkins wa.s se perpetua.lly advocatiug a "voiuntary winding Up" of the flrm anid a cartdid statement of their affairs Of course the crash and the disoovery were bound te corne shortly, Even already Mr Marchmont fancied that smre suspicions were arising in young William&s md, for the youth had hé. cerne rather pressing regarding the fix- ture of a date on whicb to go into ail the trust accouuts and have the invest- nlients duiy transferred. Alas, al thèse "*invetments" had been nonéx- iseént' for smre time. It haëd cf ten linteraet on & té a uished capâ f^ ital s ~wnteed mn satabus in hie private rom; ,hie famelooked grey sud liued, ,or that hé glsbnoed ofttn Mt a cert*ïn looked drawér, in whlch, mre *eh préviously hé Iiad plaoéd a tlny phWa. "iThere je always ,hst imemnsof e. 'Cape. I10" never faot4 Wi dSUd Ibis mter sud tell tiséin t hva puln théin," thbought Msrohwot 9wilotto- ,dohum justice,-wu «êvsilmoretO>- 'Cernd te thlnk cf the Oalsuiity vwhlo be had bro'ght upoi$ hUs yong fiand Pfathé prckïwb1e coeuecastO himmIf of hie rah sots. "if I'd only drunk thé contents of tutbottb. girS. thongbt thé lbrchant bItt«lrI. Hlevly t4i, iayt dragged on, jen, ~In$ growing more inasltept thm -*tbeSioulêt"Put Up the sh t. » nt our Ufait% but Imply-w 4n isnob eMn4 ont that ut vould often »Y. "It a -e.ipfttq4 f41ur. s1wad UsAwowà,btv*0- shughaipruessd oitement-. î ý110ffi inhemo," sid 'this gentiej tnàn, drig¶lls psrtller l>ythe arm i Int, téi - rîýtesanAtum. and 'Caro.- fitlly sbutting the. doort 111 don't. vant thé dlents to get au irnklîug o!'whaet i baye, "to sa. $y. Y=ur tbe h tïrins at the cape wbloeh vé tpok over -as the. onty asset we could hty hande on-whén that South Afrin& ic m î fa.ibed and-]et us mcheavihy?"- "tY.., aï.d-vl esnough they, proved, " said Marchmont indifférent,- 'y. "Have tbey ?1" criéd Jenkins exuit.- a.ntly. "Just wait and sée. 1 have received pivate information-frnm ac source I ar nont at liberty te disclose -that gold bas been discevered in1 soeé part of this baud, and that if we ý wait and play our carda woll we mnayJ make a fortune yet eut of the sale cf that 'valuable estate.' "1 And such, in tact, proved te, be theé- case. Jenkins, a sh ewd and eau-i tieus man of business, suocessfuhly ne- i gotiated the niatter, Marchinont in- deed being tee dazed by this sudden change in the situation te, interrneddlei much in the affair.I There were delsys and many dis- cussions and niuch correspondence, Iut the niatter ended-thanks te, Mr Jenkine good management-mn these erstwhube despised "«African farma" proving a veitable "lgold rmine" te the1 original ewners, who sobd theni for ai sumn which entireby recouped Mr.1 Marchnont for hie pivate bossés and enabbed Mr Jenkins te retire t rom the trm-Ls he promptby annouticed his intention cf doing-with a conifor- t.tble comipetence. 'II have madle my money and 1 don't mean te nrisk it in any business isgain," remarked thie gentbemn. Thanka te, this unexpected stroke cf luck, Mr Marchmont was ahi. te look forward te tth. dreadéd trust audit with miore composure. t was noces- sary, cf course, te prepare a very ela- borate and fictitieus seriés cf accounts te conceal the rea facta, but mt leut thé money was there te bt handéd over, and recipients are usually satis- lied te receive théir own without in- dulging in tee close scrutiny as te bhow it boa beén dealt with béton. it ar- rives in their banda. Mr Marchrnont winced, hewever, as he saw that Har- old Williams, when he kept the long deterred appointment- at the mer- chant's office te "«go imb thé account," had brought hie solicitor with hlm, a shrewd, keén eyed, mniddle .aged mac ef well kuown. ability in thé profes- sien. Nothing, however; coubd hé more counteous than this gentiemans déméanor as hé explained that "1hie young client, b.ing sornewhat ignor- ant cf business," had suggested that hé should .acccmparÀy hum and check oven the trust accounts. At luet the monéy vas forthcoming, as Mrh mont thought with an infinité sensé cf relief, but as thé quiet lawyér ex- amnined' thé adeounts ti silence thé, misérale truste Se.vilareht Iordas4. dÂndsow-vé havé onIy to raq Ifor the for" sitr.*shré.t tén nés. te Iii. orphin'hlldi'éu sud thauk- ,you, as , slncérely, s tdo tee yens noblée ,IMd ontii osfulfilméent et thée, tr-uït h èoe i ,on." Ms' March mont tqlc~y staggoped to his tettt awful .#smyneob oves'- s-pree n QQ taé fi i-."very .».-ouChing -and- gratitying,'0 hé begau in. a strangély alténed veicé. Theu ho suddenly colbapsred -and t. on thé flôoe*-dead. "Thé folUow has smrn conscience, af- tes&'a, thought )P' Vivian th hiniseif, whenévér ho loed back on thé awful occur'rence, but, lawyénlike, kept his own counsél. "$Failuré cof thé héart's action," was thé médical výerdict, with thé adden- dumn that Mr Marchmont had long beén in'a critical state cf heabth. Harobd Williams cf ten reproaohéd hinself fer having by a. little addition- ai excitement possibly acceberated the fatal catastrophe, but yet, as thé Young man once remarked te Mn Vîvian : III cannot understand how n-y mené- iy thanking poor Mn Marchmont should have affected hmtnise much. It was net as if anythinit had been wreng with his accounts.' Mn Vivian only coughed in reply, and to the end et their ives Harold and bis sister beliéved their trustee te have beom a model et honesty and rec- titude. Yet perbap, nas the lawyer had surmised, it wae Marchînent's "conscience" that had kilbed hlmn, atter aIl. Poor Bfood ls starve4 blood. It shows ltaiff in pale cheeks, white lps, weak digestion, noappetite, eËhaus- tion, lack of nerve force, soft muscAJls and, chief of ail, weak musles. Your doctor catis t Anacitla He wlU tell you that the weakenlng weather of sum- mer often brings t on. Sco0tt's of Cod-liver 011 with HoroW phosphit es, wil make pooi ,blood rlch. It ls afood for-ovr-axd: and weak .dige"tion , so Prepre that- 'It cm caily bè taknr-lnI sumewh=, e , odlver ior wcnrdnarfods megt repe.. SCOTT & UOiSU&vleU, Ont. au e&«d*.» h u 4 f. Il thés'. vere oMsy a largérpro. tion of aetsuswsérappie l> "~u)4 W hé -hthé béat for mnig lu- toiulegAr itthe varni weathép,- at tbU ttme of-thé yeas'causée iWéu# i. cajQ à rp4 béeus of the -t- péatr.th vn-ags's'éutisgthere frérnisthtnior. :FIThe Ie;l - e#cher"How niany bonoe ten ln the hunian body? Pupll- cn4ko . Ihavent ierýttld;to -ride a wvhèel yét. Flush4on Io'ladrowned ln the - 1uîht-Not a bit *of kt, That's where it is bof n. I Wife-John, den't you thlnk you had better give up trylng to shave yen rseci and go back to the barber.? .Husbaccl-Why, of course net. Se howmuch I save every m»Lnth. Wife-Yes, I know that, but then Whllie la always aroucd when yen shave and he la learning toc many bad words. Doctor--I told Yeu plainly that you should rub the orandy that I ordered for you about your stoomach, and now yen have drunk it."' Patient-",Yes, but yen sée, doctor, 1 have neyer in nmy ife cared much for externals. Saved Her Drunken Husband. She Finally Administered a Remedy, Without his Knowbedge, and Cured Hlm. A correspondent write.: I bad Snell a happy boni. and a noble, big-hearted broband tili he teck te drinkine, firsi *brouqh sociabllity, thon bécaBe the fiendigib deaire would cerne over him, crazing hbu for drink. 'II wae besart-broken. My happy home wvas faAt béooming one of rmîsery tit a friend told me te ry a liquur cure called lnti Boozé. I wag wilIing te try any 1ing, se I sent 81M*0, as ah. auggestéd, we the Oriental Chemnical Co.. 20 St Abex 8 St., Montreal, and by returu mail I ne geived in a plain wrapper a littie box of aille* I put oeof ethse in hie coffer- ývery night and morning witbont bum knowing it, (as théy dissolve immediate. y), and ini beoy than a weék, teni>' de ;igbt, -h. stopped drinking entirel>'. "«Anti-Boozé bas cbanged rny drunken *husband into a seber, industrie«, happy 'mac, and I1 feel it My duty te tell otherF; about it. They will sénd fuil informa tien withont charge to amy who will write thein. 64 . D. H."9 By Theit Fruits. Nothing more clearby shows the painstakicg and careful farmer tban te, bave fence corners betweén fields or along the roadsides kept frnee froni tveeds, grass or sitrubs. As a mile al thé oid-time fecce-corners-were kept scrupulously clean. A good> deal cf valuable bay was made frein what the scythe reached in and cut thcre. But wben the herse mower and thé self- bnding reaper came- bte use, it every year became harder te fànd anybody who- coud be hired to clear out the fence-corners. Tbie resùlt, was that t4é axe rathér than thé scythe vas ré- quired, and thé growth. Instead of be- Iug restricted te foence- corners, en- croached catit year more on thse culti- vamted flelds. v HEADAGNCS ILIOUS AT¶AQKS AND Dyappeubn. OLS £rveAvWWt E 20# Bmox. ODSMEDICINECOMAY &lemg~, 9O Or, ONT.à 13 icI1 JOHN E. F*RZWEL]Lt, QCet Barrister Oounty Orc.wn Attorney, suid Connty Aouofitor. Office-Soulth wiug 01 Court Blouse, Whitby. JAMEB RUTLEDGE,9 Iarrtster, etc. Office former!7 occuPled by Farewell & Butiedge, neit Iloyal Hotel, Brook St., Whltby. DAVIDORMailsTON9 B.A.9 Attorney-a:-Law, Solicitor in Chanoery, OJonveyancer, etc. Office - In thie Office 4outh of the Post Office, in Mclll'a r3lock, Brook Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LJL* Bat 3arrster, etc. ,-Money te Loan. Tuer )f M.rrla.ge Licenues. Office - Smith'u lock, South cf Markiet, B-ock St., Whitby. Dow & mecGILLIVRAÀY, 3arriaters, Solcitorsiù C hancery, etc. iffice in Mathison & Ewwken's new block Brook St., W hltby, south of Ontaio bank. W.- E. YARSOLD, D. LaB.. lounty Stirveyer mnd Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. Ors. Warren d Moore.' 1. 3. Moo, Mo D-9 P.WMré, MD. Brooklu. Wkitby. SOsfce bouta 9. a. Mn. OfIce OniO lL to har.te P.m. Mr Prvate Telephûne Communicatimf. .D. P. BOGA9JK,*M»,L.D.be su ad Accocer. etc. Obureh, Dmus Street, WhItbY. N.B~." Dental Surge n »aul Its bn-snbes prornl;Ïly W. A DAMS, oe'Jb1'TrUou a clot Mtom whitbY. Jan. a20h, s180. D. 040»e ell, Whitby, lrk; jtuié$eu b8;e .8; oct. 8; Nov. 4 MaTohô5 May 5; July 9; ?Uay - j. W. 'Burnham, Port 3Pry OerkJmno 29; Mancti 9; May 15; -euly2v O BP. 28; 1NoV. le- UXZtl»o%- .ephje Gould, Uxbridge, CIJS.80; klarch 24; Mayl19th; JuLly 114; Qc 14' Duc. 16. ëI eorge Smilth, Cannlngteli, ' 8U March o 20; July lb; Oct. 16;, Dec. 17. 1 Br,,viarolt-Geo. F. Bruce, Beaverton, 'il« àh28; May 21; .Iuly 16; Oct. 10; SDeo, 1e. 17przjenos-Tni.P. Hart, Uptergrove Clerk -Md>0h 27; May 22; luly 17 ; Oct. 17 .Dcl. By ord5r, J.BPARE WELL Clerk oflthe #e&ce. October Ith 1895. TAN TED- SEVERAL FEIFUL YY Mon or Womefl te travel for re opohsibltte estabilshed bouge ln Ontarie. Salail $78o, payable i.5weekly and ex- penses. Positionl permanent. Reference. Enclose sel(.f.ressCd stamiped envelope. The National, Star Building. Chlc8go,-l7-8. a. Alter..0 a course of Aý system is set il order and a m& that life is wo: lwho lias becci pyty of constir realize the frict he labors, unti lifted from h, meuntains sin his, bis Mc place te jol1it3 mnan again. seem worth i, may take a ve ,of it after tak DENTIST, Cor. King & Tonge 18t. Toronto. ver thé neit three montho 1 amn gîving spécial attention te patients frein a dis- tance. Arn stîli malnz plates in rubber, $8, cellule14 $10. GOld and ail ver fIlling work orowfllng by firet-cla:o operatorssat the Mesttzroasomable ratés n the City. When in thé City cail in and let nme exam- ineour teeth. I make ne extra charge. 0. Î RIGOI'Dontiet, somth eaat corne, King and Yenge Bte., Toronto. WB H. WÂRNER. DIEÂLEB INI COAL9 LATHI LUNEERP oBEiNGzU, cOODWOODe BLAIETC. Ayer's 0 THE WAND 0F OVER MRS. Froi n eCbildho Heart Troubles- Coubd ho Done Deatb at any Mi prise Thena. 'Frora the I-erald, -0f thé mo.king end," it bas beeî claim iuht b. I tuaking cf tee.rw Wiiliams Fin" -Borne ef the ataten nowspapere as te parts c f the Co proves the hait ha it net for a fais. i a great many pec te sncb mattérs, press would hé gratef al acknowli rived from and p b>' thé use cf Dl for Pale People: mark te say tha-t ,cine offered th. comparé with Pt and thé s'.l.net, Dominion in w' net been provéd.. -came te thé kuC -tive cf the. H-erai widely knowù.ý heart trouble tii ,umber of ph"y positively refus t he gre d s wife co Ir 9lY far»e' in the thé village of»s cf -Dr W mla.I good tewios.l AGENT For tlae PEOPLE' COAL 00, TORONTO. Office and Yard just East of Uptown Station, Whitbyq Oct. 25tht 1894. A8K YOUR 8TATWONER -FOR- SPÂRTIOÂ, TEE >13W WR~?XI~G PÂm, ..AND~ TÂKE NO OTI~ER. Auguet.3xet ,~ifl la. i:;tlc3-c3-s.

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