Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Aug 1897, p. 5

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-: - i Bunam han dicidcd te reside lu TOM bnto,6 hOW__, - M, atnd tic best wis cf our townspeople wlIl~" lfit t ibôtt op1ot Mrln ébd*'êW,éâ 50 Witb lier. wTorOite eeh eto die wifbhs*e-fv To Wind t Up. be ce189'4Mohee01 te_ Those wbo are interistcd ln theI Massa-Oro"eblndédg*m1,sitd 3Oè« bidsr chusoîts Benefit Association stand _» chance utsts a cigà, ee04Itý ton m n il ae of geuting nmre monoy ont of It socu wltotmemerý altefmbo Ck WOx havitîg to die to secune IL. Au ondin le 1k.- Inally realdentadBbk& ,e mtgW mpm ly te be tuuued igit off for windtnu p tii. rnetyidg, bovistw*,ea association, and If se thons .la lfd toisbea ofthei4rst ." o s h despouit of 0100,00 wît th he Dominion gev- as wslI as aIdow R 004Meoibebso«'i o orument wbtch would hi dtvidodamenits cf Almnotds Z or, _1 o»e4Wini i td aiïW Canadian pollcy boidens, ufter teLb. l ",t the tt'O( « wbk ' Who wind tue tbîng up shal ur çbld c e u#IOGIBt' , UP about bal eof the amount. rvn h t q better to dnew a part cf what will lie m WbltIb a C4 l left ou the Stoo oco tinto go oni paing$4o bc 4on 1i 4 1 on $50 Per menti ou a $1P5 o t$1îcopolty. BnSail Msny people suie were mond bin eresdub imbers of the old Mutuel Aid Assoclationos, a M M r and wbo suere transferred toe u é». *9 Massa'dra -cbusuets Benefit Asuoccatou, have lately ïa d & 1ê é* bi" ntob -f.P corne discourugid aud dngdopdeut Ofmomber ", létë thcrn witbtu a iyîar, snd afte s11thol, eutlay YT. o WHilnet recelve a %etfottewnl up. -.hto -Ticue on the Moves. b ,à E R Blow bas tichetid the foillwgPo am1é r1lm *0, ple for pont wedk via CaneýdW*n Patic lO movJ way:-Mn dm.l , esvl onOt. ta Whit. 5*U"t by sud retum ru n tsOrtbmt, iieCrý«C iners.Ont. te « hltby snd rctum -i rMn -mg Hogu, ~rOnt,, te Wibm&àdeum Mnr£ W Clark,'Otàwt. Ont ,te Wbitb; retin ;,Me. Thmens Shlitttl, Ottatwa Ont., te, Whltby and rettenmU . ML <estme Ot. e t .,lutby Whfi'b4t Aun - r lO Lé. Otawa O Lr , t ht j j N Roi0Wli gréhi it ib>y welthf helatg Pit'O, oi'*«%bu l" bar been _______________________on 4siîy tgï%ld. tliht iiu week. E rnCA ad tMaste or *rht R1 Ià L~Cm~I ltu*I~~l o t te i?>tl4 Bero che alged. 1 M yette. eIhadMs dthjohuiton B roo hesMr' Campbeflthe ccoad e ROlu J fttIOI' telt tu itonU0IIand badkt ant wtibk. MIe dais, âIls tlôo, swa ut ttw, d Messs WC Mchel B 'ad Allati Scre --3 nMicheli, Toronto, upeut a week at Ca 1 lo Ouri ke efeatn parlôt *mIbeo pen dutlg Hendersons quartete, Piue Pointon air. It .L> aage rived here on Wednesdly night on tie.ui way té%~o lbtSbu tk ra, 'Spcil esgn fohome, laden with flob.'T Mr and Mr@ W W Taniblyn and lSioé tth 4ado Strdyruutn gave B ptiy of their Mrende a picole". ~Tvses y,,ts prze orAtheteat Corbette point onl Wédnesday gfti j ^hTI 'orontce of tih.e ateru L eague play. games and schools. A splendid afternootil etjoymttfl<II t8 u- ed batebafl with the. ClevelanduoW the. Na. dulïed l and the party drove bofite early douâtl Leqgue _at Tor'onto on Tueday. The te save a w.utiug. Tootos won ; Stor'e 8_2. -A T-Old Jimmy Agnes. who used t& live at A ROýr R P McKaY, of Toronto, uecretary of -A T-A Pos, bau for years bien living lu a born, Préab>yter1an IporegrMssionh, wiî occupy in Toronto, but recently became (ractlouu the pulpit of St Atidrew's cburch ne~xt Sab- I N 1 and ieft. He came bte audwau getlulu nbath, att bot' moi'nln uad evenlng service. JIVllfhiSaCi bad condition~. Chier Constable Calverley Mess, OonoesJ MelCa B Paxton, I1l Ifl U~ took hlm in *à-&uîerday, and Police Magise, Johnt Thomusou nc1 !mre oh are ou a traIe Harper gve hlm two monthu lu jakil. yachting tnfp down the gay of Quinte. A c Those who owe the CHRONICLE uubucrip. card received from McKay yeterday te- ' q, tien accoutîts witl meet an u"expected sur- Portetd that they were having a fine time. 40 »-- I I 1Y prise one of these days If tbey do net pay M ente Robt Stewart, Gîo Hillary, W j Il up. They sbouid net kick a 1er fair waru- Richardson, W F Tranblyn. Ken and David ng, aiîhough WA are loath to take strcug Campbell, Fred Howden, Samn Kemipthorn, ____________________________ Friendship la noeoo where It C S .FatwoodRtnd a >eung man (romn Tor- fosts us a dollar a year and we do not want ontn namned Tiiley returned on Saturday ~Ii~cro icc sberbelt ~terae That ort of tbig ast fror a tortight: camping aitStoney On Wednesday a quiet wedding ceremotiy noses and otberwise bore the marks of hav- ---was perforrned by Rev George B Kulp of Ing roughed It. Tbey report fisiiing goodi ---- the Methodist Episcopal chu rch at lits bomne and that they had a great outing. Offitai County organ -Largut Circula- onl Turner sîret. The contTftitlR parties Accident to Mr& Carton. ppricaaa were Alfred-N Howeil of St Paul, Mtnn, and MrCasnhdtebdlconStry tien of any local pao a<~»d~~ m% Minniie Rich of Grand R~apids. Miss ntgh 10Casln adbrekbearm. konShe wmm -Riclb was weii and favorablv known by a waîkîng wtth a friend on the coilege lawn, losî of iriends both hone arid ltu Greenvilie, when the other party stepped onth ed of FIUIAY, U~ t ST O, 197. whiere ber niother Mrs H E R ivos' - --Mr Howeli was a former employee of the ÇC epak asn teohred1 i Ry bre, ine earsago.TheUP nd trip Mrs Carson. She pitched for- W M y hrenite vete ge.Theward heavily and sought te savi herseif by LOCtAL LACONIOS. b)ride and groom received numnerous and stretching out ber arms ahead, the remuit be- costly presents, whicli howed the esteemi ln iicthat one of the bones of ber arm near the Mr \V Il Bewell la bornie fron11t the N 0rtb- ahlchi they were bieid. They left for the wrîmt %vas broken besicles driving the other wetit. enst Frlday afrernoon, where they visit De, bone down amnonq the smail banes ,of bier MIisLang, Po(rt perry. visitedJ Mrs Law- tro)it, Niagara Falls, Toronto and Wbtiby, wrîmî. The accident proved a verv painful derv()Ver snid.ay. ()rt, where tbe groom'is parents reside, and serlous one and il wIlli be smtrn ie be- Mr and Mrs Sirx on nS al heeM oelnlso illgo are aiter which they wiii retturn te their own fore the wound wili be madle good. witb frîctîdr in toilI lucrative positton witiî tbe Northern Pacific A Rough Gaini Miss Maggle Canpbell nof(.îlt, 19 a guet railway.-Grand Rapids Democrat. The lacrosse champianship of tbe York -ftMiWsiernSomvlde iLndn G T R Cheap Tickets. district leagueelias been decided and Sueufi- Mr altr Srnervleýor ý()ld0e i a Ho for Diamondjubilee Uxhibition, Mon. ville are the hoiders of the pennant, having guest oi bis at it, Mrs E ArnistrotlK. tel, g2,3rd. 24th aud 2thWhtb' t defeated Markham on F'riclay l.t Great Mr Anisroix ndMr O sebert arrived Mtreal nfrtn ,30 Aug Witt 0rlvalry existed bel ween IJiese two teamie and Mn EArrntron andMonteal nd ntuni 06.e, oinl ug24 t he supporters of each tvene confident that home (rom t(le Bilalo races on Satufday. and 261b, single fance, ilod till end Aug. their club weuld prove the champions. Mr Al Mowbray, '\ S, vIV110haS been 3oth to return. Fer tickets snd ait lufor. Lacoeeprscamdta aka sperîding sorie m1onths riin bty s slow in uatioti apply to Stephenisoni(opposite arseeprscamdta aka tirenidcounrv.Hatcli Brou) Whitby. Ho tickets te and sbeuld win, hein& If anytbing the more the ld cuntr. frituanywhere, evenywhere at rates guai- scientifie aggregation b ut Stoufivilie proved Mr anîd Mrs jns Hobbs, of1 PontYPool îrom riht faut sud Ibeir weight and heavy eiuggtng were in ttown on Friday atnd Saturday on ii A need nîgbî. toid ou the Markbamn players asuthe game vriitltehlm ister, Mrs Coiedge, nof erry ANrv olerogresued. In the sertes ofi*matches the street, A Manîneai man advertsod a life.like teamis brokreeovin and the officiais of thç C. Mrs John Crane and two bilidren, of double portrait of the Queen, lu youtii and L.A. appointed Friday last the date for the Peter bore, are guests at Mr W H- Crosabt"r nid age- sanctioned by the Goverrnent- final Sanie, te take place on the Island ovai Her humband spent twu months and a half in for 5ac. A Peterboro lady who uaw the ad- at Toronto. Hundred of reoteni went clown Euop tis sum mer. vertisemnenl, forwarded the meney, sud lu te Toronto ou a spetdial train, end bad li net Euop return received a îbnee cent jubilée stmp been for the wtne netting between the upec- Tbree conductors hbve.ehein dismised People wîîo are aîways îooking for cheap talons and the lacrosse fild, pt up te keep by the nmanagement of the Grand Trutik riings generaily geltbohm. tepol rmbigbtwt h alt i railway for non-Com1Piial1ce withIllte rules On the winîg. easternll Icgue basebail garnie, more gore laid down for hie bandlirig ai tickets. Mr E Stephenson bas tlcketed the follow' would have tained the ground than lost by Messi s F R E Ueiiart, WVm-McCausiandt, ing Ibis week . Misa Smith fnom Hamiltonu the pîsymia, whci wau no uMalt amount. Geo Beweii, Albert Starey, Wm Phillipo, ta Wbtby ; Mrs Y Gîbson te Port Perry; 'After two hou ru play the ame stood a tie, and John McCuilougb leit Wednesday monn- Miss Soniey te Bowmauvlle; Mn. J C Ceu- .2 2, and the. referee onden them to play s ing for Manitoba and the north wesl. Ir ner taOnt ilia; Miss Colley to Buffalo ; bithaif heur more, Stoniffviloe scoring a couple they are pieased with the country tbey willi Thos S Oniniston and bis twoc daugiters cf minutes before time WR, up, îbereby wiu- in ail prohabiltty seutie Ibere. trip to Muskokca laItes; Miss Meeu te Prés- fing thechcanîplonsip. Ptesident Craige f The editor of tlhe Wbitby CHRONICLE cot; Miss Annie Rewe te Rldgetowt-, l isstle C.L.A., r.fereed the g urne. A number thrs week announices thrt be lbas talcen upon C Wilson, of O L C, trip te Bouton, Mas»; (nom ber. teock ln the match and declaré himmgeif, son far as his ewfl paper is coilcernn Master R Harper te Latrsing, MIIci; Ml» issihey never witneseed a rougiier gamet cd, te, abolàeithe use ai the apostrophe. It Breeri te Rochetiter; Mn Allan Catuere ticteDqmttcu om Hedge Pncea Js trou bi exo lu tgel type-setters ta undef- Stratford ;Mn W Pillipo to fBoistèevalu, stand its use, and lie socs no particular nOc- Man ; Mn C-R Green te Boiusevti n Web.dthlia epatlto nidf ay lest one esslt for t, a ysy Our ,cnfrere bas McCullougb te Estevan iides;lnGetipn'nUreptto f(amn ri alreçidy taken ani mally liberties witlb the Ben'eli le Estevaîr; Mn Chu Tlpp Pleker. Carlton cetnnty on a visit te severai of the ',tIes 5Eniissh that a ltte eccentrtctty ofIîng te Ni nga, Man ;N rHcrb tobsoli sou diffeèrent frmis lu thls vilnity wbere thé tira kind la bardly worth uentiionirg.- of W Robeon, to Rechster and New 'York. jýWhiby HdeC payhu lnti (Inita Paciet.hedKes. W. lad taken notes with ths lu Mr Cas mlt goî teOttwa,,tenioncf rl ie, lcu r ip anesi fthis To Mhe P/irehofine Medicine Co., Ltd., 1H ARV EST... G Ota,On te.vceo fiend 1 îried one boule of your famous heumatic remedy. Pirenoline, and ho rny surprise it cured me of nieuma- tism, f tom which 1 have suffcred for many years. It also cured me of dyspepsia. f roui wbich 1 was sufferlng at the time, so that I feel now like a new man. I haMe îried several rernedies for rheumatisu. smre of which did mie ai certain amoutit of good, but nothiug that I have taken bas doue 50 inuch for me as your Pbreuoline, and I bave puh leasure in recomrnding it to 18970 Men's and Youthe& Ready-made Tweed 8uits that are real values at $500, $6.00, $7.00e $8.00# $8.50, $9.00 to $10.0o ; but we have bought heavy for our Fai Trade and what we have in tock now we wiIi offer at For One Day Only, Saturday. Auguat 2lth, 1897@ See Display in South Window Friday Niglit. W.G. ALTERS, :-0 Whitby. Notice taO Creditors In t/he maller of LAING &' ME- HARRY, o/thje Village of Port Perry, Merchants, ansolvent. The Insoivents have made. an Asutgnment te me for the benefit of Creditons, under R.S.O., 1887, Chapten x24,. A meeting ni Cnedîtons wili be beld ai the office of HENRY BARBER, Ne. z8 Wellington St East. Toonto, on FR1- DAY, the mth day of AUGUST, 1897. ai the heur oa o ecieck in the aternoon, for the Sp. pointment of inopecters. the fixng cf tic i4mount ef their nemuneration and giving of directions witb nefirence to the disposai ef the estati. Ail )sraous, clatmiug te ranli upon the esiate of the Inuolventit muai filic heir daima with tic uudonslgned on or belote the 9th day of4 SEPT., z897, afir whitc date 1 wili procoed te diutributî the citaI., iaving regard to those dlaimts oui o! wbtch 1 shall then bave had no- tice. HEN4RY B ARBIER, Trustee. Tornto, Aug 9, 1897-37-2in. Farm to Rent 150 acte&. lois iS and tg, 6îh conceulon i o Wlî,îby towooship, oni mile (roin Brooklîn ma, tion.- Good but dings. orchard, Itving utream apd well, Good fences, ln a bigh state of cul- tivation n Sd '(reee (rm bad weeds, Apply to 080, LID2, Ilrooklin, Ont. Âug 7. 1897-37.u 2 Ayrahlre Buila for 8ale 8 mentthe Cid. Gocd isuensd therobred. Apply to j CAMMRON, Port Oshawa. u Y 70W am 1Rhouniatlsm & Qyspop sia Ouîsd1 571 ST. PATRICK ST., OTTAWA, JULY 31, 1896. ANDA .t.EXCURSIONS -TO- M A N ITOB A -AND- Canadian Northwest. Good to go on Aug. 318t, returu unt Oct. 301h. Good to go on Sept. 141h, return until Nov. 13. From ail stations lu Ont.ario, Ouapiug, Sault Ste Marie, Windsor & Est. Yours very truly, full iuF'crmatiou,î appîy te (Sigued) JAS. CARROLL# .B~,u v Foreman of Works, Rideau Canal, EuR. LO safctld lu Witb cnndld o meti, Agett C. P.R. Atlan lin. and Beaver sold u Wbthy olylinoueTickets, sud C. P.R. Telegrapi A,, M. ALLI,-DRUGOZT. iudDomninion.lZxpreu Ce. - WETEYONT& VALI 2000 O ~~SEF1 0eU~ con and b. m LOTHI NO For Saturday, August 7th, 'l

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