Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 20 Aug 1897, p. 2

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Sui 13eautifisl eyes grow duil an&d dia 4à the mwift years steaI awaY. i3eautifui, wlllowy formm so alli d Lose (airess wlth every dey. j3ut site stillisl queen and hath chimai to Tt $are f Who wear# youtb a coronai - beautiful g gr M Preserve Your iar hý and you pr.erve your youth. di A woman is as old as she hl looke," saYs the world. No B woman looka as old as shine d' if lier hair has preserved its e normal beauty. You Smn keep b ha.ir from f aUing out, restoring F its normal color, or restore the p normal color to gray or faded hair, by the use of Ayer's flair Vigor. OORBEBPONDENOE Tiie recent prolonge4 raiu wu the lisavies: ince Augut 4, 1877, a ld bas oniy been equaied four imes tu 54 yearb -Sept 4sbi 1848 ; Oct Otii, 1849 ; Nov 2nd, 1801. Hîigh winds played bavoo witb fruit trees and grain fields. The. danger of going jiîO water wbile the. body'i. in a state perpiration cannot be tee sîrongly urged ûpon hathers. 8ev- ®ral drowning accidents (rom shus cauis. have tak on plaoce Lis sommear. If boyb and men woold eniy tae. time te tLLk many Lâtalities might be prevented. Mr M Deaus sawoill, at Sprucedale, wad dessroyed b>' fireo n thaeniorung et the 22ud uit. Tbere was a large' steck of laniber in the. yard& wiiich Was eaved. .Mr Jas Birchar'I, of Beaverton, wbo we.s int.eremted in Ibis fire, e8Scped with a sinali lome on sblngleu of wuîic heb badl a quautity at et i.. In th. ubsicriptionm tote Indian Famine Fund. w, flid that Markbaxn cootriluted the am of U12.40. Stouif ville gavet 10.70 ; Richmond Hili $58 BU; Unionvile gave 81. The. total amourit sent frouï Canada waq, about 8200,000.- Beaverton or Woodv2Ilse no not figure at ,&Il owlng, no doubt, ho their contribution being meut to eprate fonde. Aà eoenewhat unploalsant and sensation. al oYant wau the swarming jute Mr. A. Obalmers summrer cottage a few day. &go o! a large colon>' of boom. The. active lu lseclts alîgbted on tiie 8111 of anupper wiu- dow and et ouce procoeoded te tePoo. LiaiMr Ww Turer wa.s setpnt.Iferite on. Ur E T Ourraas kïlII.4onet. wu.la a huoklelbemry peai>, aad vwu *aaltitaung a diffiots t ooîbold o ou*thlX00 eb aatloed a enake ocileai&- 6w nooh fa r bila.' 1*si Ut.r$is t. Ott aa Ibond froa wbiohb te&ke e s os @Md i kod tha situSa' aout i4 lblà mn&abila sould # le a U«ý s r r t A - Ï4M,~i 'tua mistss figgins, of Torou1ot r aitng hei au tT1s farrer, Mr ~oly.of tô'nb~~W"ê vilmiUig' 3 L~~~~u1~~~o~~ ~ ~ 1 iq<s ~h itco LN a duPol.~ eye F3 0 ,[nnnr n n~vr nii g,,.. i*ep lylO b Thed ai theü next seutn 'e au cutM tnl i ahrpol o o éaadOther Aliments a- t eare glad tb report that W IliIRobin- we elr iev. We#yê frthengo O-jus-o, Wls p l ,mewbatiietor .. ~ M Mcauad opened No 5 on Mon- dorluil Littie, Pellets, J Sommy w h t e trepr t ha ? rs B W i so I Aday.fo "'Or"dom s ert'hwell vB ii î on isCongratulations J H Madili. We Mr Geo L Akeei'ntucardiage trimmier heu doey gu . o vr elan wibco- GO LE viewed with X>easure the gratifying for Geo k Rudd & Co., regîdtng at No 10 Of lied kO.er W feritestival e o 7,VWATC 1H E S réulte of the. exame ns nSatumdnyi kiele tTor!ontOoy -1 asbcl Te Ay0. U.iWardtfestlo ced off W. aia congratulate Miss Bell' on se- trciib a'for a yeax with dyspepsis and i ul on lesving the hall mns atue> lid W UIa !Ast times asuffered extre pain. 1 was Tu ~odlie a asether ive l coepny AR w y uring the sanie at a Toronto sehool. aIsesugéfgfrl~ om alvet 'trouble whichhho ood oni gosd author i teàfit was a EV E RY MNTH. y MmeStu-uton and child of Taronto gavé mecounsiderable uneaniness. -AfLer toc rnd or n d as gîvt tefruet wu ar R M NT.have been visiting hber aunt, Mrs 8 s nug a emal vial eacb of- munyoti's in îiibng tro.. PndRwHeove reeSous. ur Ask your pemfrpatiuam Westney for a few days recently- Despepois audLvrdr U otsedironiaOrviste-sendintn feling il'rlgbt sud well once again. 1Io Saturda>' afternooh lut vas court day e rpapu-adb bXs iii ri. ssedn e ave ,'also used Mnyans Cougi sud th ore, tb. Lwe caseu weme f r*m Whitevaie. LEVZER OS Limited, days with lier friend Miss Smlith, of colai cures for Our uitie girl witb spen- Nei Lapp snd Phorril Nôlan -cama w»m CctiSre, oat. oiuubuda\sls aegratfihfgt lsposed cf. It toc>k about four sud a di3i l'esuStreetaVTogoeto.afU%\lu M UD1 lif bours tô hear the evidence on bath .0 A newly mocde housebold not over yn"-. ides. McOuiioch for the. plaintif sund LIZ4D8T. 10 miles frotu here Booms te have Munyen'5 Biieumuatios Cure seldeom i Folmes of Ilolmes snd Gmegryfoir the Of'ia onngie nCa ound -eut advemseiy on the succes tof filâ ta reliefe luin onetb tree hottre, andU Ongidyrynnglt ri h curesin a few days. Price 25c. te lefendeuts. Af termeverytbing bad been Reeves and daugtrNete wo the hymenial vew. Muon' yppl urepstOe> ummed up by the learned gentlemen Mr Reeves and a party of fionda had Weseta , eehmbe p u s ti oIndig eosladitem- c, aacb spread out Lt.eiiest aid.et their case beon camping for a week ah Plum Peint, pointed by Mr Henry, ef Oshawa te soi' trouble. Ptibe, 25e. heforo the prosiditig magistrate. P R vas eut for a troll1 preperatur>' toetsart- buy apples for hiim ln this township. Munyons Cola Cure prevents pneu. i Hloover, who decid-%d ou how niuch cf a ing for home. Presenti>' MmeBeeThej ut e ofdnc ap e o mo ntasd breaks up a cold lu a fewg In soud . rnosd n h.guilty Who was holding thoelhuo, feit a bard .heurs Price, 26c. parties wiio wems let off with the ver>' pull, sud upon i'auling in faund ah.e had a young man but w. know that h. la Munyou'5 Congh Cure stops oongbs, imrali nurn of 5iv. dollars aud oosts. IL i6 booked on te a mont;ter lunge. It wan ae .te fil the duties. nigiuê sweats, allays sorenes, sud speod- veli we have a letiient magiétrat. on thii. s diffloulty landed sud diApatched, etld Everyone Who lias been entrueted il>' beals the uge. Pries, 25c. aid ofthetownahp.wben wigbed at he ti ap tipped tii.b>' the Aimighty with the cere et a' Munyan'5 Kiduoy Cure speedil>' cures .VKCTUALI& COarNERis. scasesa a 24 lba. Taily eue for the.12o hors. should use tho animal at least pains lu the bact loin. or groins and ail Tbe Mayor iias proclainiod Suaday womain. enty W ausi hr t whip forme of kidue>' disoase. Price, 25a. civic holiday. Mr Wm Balfour, a farmer cf Leobnn.eet> la s eteet Munyen's Headahe Cure stops bond- yie ie otia mme tpe a creature te makre it go. Feed more ache in îbree minutes. -Pries, 25c. Procure youm cattie spray rom Badera ou a em>'uilesothreeOwoekn ago.Tii. a ats and tboy 'II go alrigiit. Munyon's Pile ' Ointment Uooitively wound was triffiîng and healoti over iu a Puring tho thundeor bri c last cures aIl foruis of piles..i., Se Harresînglevei adanod n tisshort lime. Laut Thurada>' ho was at week Jas Flakitts dog went into- the ILuu>oD's BloodCr eradiae i looai:y, and farmers are uow îiiresing tackod witii lookjaw, sud in spito of med- iiouse and whiie Mme Piaskitt went te impunittes eoftth. biood. Price, 25a. o>ut Lheir Weil filied barns. -ical attention grew apidi>' woreeo n pthm u t ifirtie eel. Mnnyou'n Female Remedies are a boon Our esteemod pionoor citizen, Mm Geo. sufforoti groat tee>',anlsucumbd t al 8;. John, coiebruted bis 77ch birthday the. disesso Monda>' night at 10 o'eock. i.dgwa tocùho.Ti ii uyneAthma Bemodies reliove lu an Monda>', tbut. Deoeaoed wau 88 years o! age, and mar- b. geed newe aisea t bicycles as lie wa5 8 minutes and cure permanonti>'. Prie., Vlsitors.-Mr sud Mme W Hotion, of riod. Reo baves two brotbars, one of a terri'ofl tires. $1.MuynsChriiI#ncie oe al Wick with parente bore ; Mis eus to viier le sRev Davidi Balfour of Thoms It seenis as if aur neighborhoed 5 i. uy Catarur ee-pice 25c.er aiteI Rynard cf Scott, wtiigrrs C Fai r Mme. bag, four aisteresud an aged mothir- drying up sociaily. The scarcît>'ofeThL. e astaram tesyseun suerdithoCa MIuimhead cf Toronto, sud daugibter . et a couple o! veIeks ago Mm G R Muilett, young ladies lias madle the youlIg men theri Tabe r tes e 25-canste Cad Cleveland, Ohio, visited h.oaugitter of cumnrior in Robaon's tanner>'. had a val- men clear out and new the congroga- ahabl p rts.5c-len n tiie former, Mca Wesley Doble*, 1 t' eek, nab lvrwateh stolon from i bs ettin adgthrng rtnthhtt e>'panyos.NreCr e edr Ili*& E Murray'ef Scotti with #re Thomas pocket wvil te .garment wus bangiog in tiesd be i theare net g one nenve hyoule. Ne, e.r sa odr âMerick ; Mies Kato Merrî%ke of Booti. a roem in the tanner>'. The matter vat sedt e i'termigelsnretue r,2c -td lMima E McDonaid cf Buff.do. wihii placeti in Obiof Belle bande, wviic she huld came out anyway te enliven Muioyeu's Vitalizer estoeos lest vigon. miss Miaule Bandera. bad the offeude-a yonng lad named the corners. Price, $1. Pyma-indurace ile.Tbewate th làPrsnai ettera ho Prof. Mnycu, il ____________Pyan-in odu rm nc e ila. idwatc Tii.e fellowing are leaders onte nd 18 kiboit et., Toronto, anevereti - - - - vs poduetifra uner siowsk.new tepic carda of the league Messrs with free medical ativice ton any disease. ~whero 1h hoa ibeon biiden. audrestoretiy te ils owner. sud Pyman, wiec brought (Rev) Thom, (Bey) MeAule>', W H la__ ______ before P M Meintyre, seceived s vamu- Guthria, F O McQuay, F M Ohapman, OOODWOOP Tdr1Y ing snd vas alloed te go an espendod Gea L8w, J B Hemt J H-IMadibl, M Mieu, Camenen, o Orillila, is visitiug e ~sentence, frw hou Puckifj SBmad ie euk * weneaciet ok»lc a h Rr4rînt iH Smith, -JcsoEL Mis '. rmmtrng. et Tarento, i. visit- - WUiWAN (armi eMr Gea Davoy, near V&lentia, on CiaRda'w J_ adt.R WM-ighmprns oe Tueuda>' ai luttweek. Mme York eof.&Vory, WGWrIA erne he MissesCastor, of stouffrill.,ar SBuffa. who witihbem, husband. îi. visit- and MissesGUthri, Pardon, A, Lin- vlsiting their relativesbe. îug ber parents, undortook ta drive a tu ri.Iýat'l'a,%une rmTxs - I. there amusement.She had ne sooner mout- The loud whimtle Of the-nov tractionfel o ulv i htsae than beautlsful, morehn amusgemahnet.n h llifrtn ri. ato Mftme rmTzs more wolsme d hsest wheu the horses van away, igxo-w healrde it i.quite- , N»ovelty J W Lawreace, inilal erk ônthe MU!4 mare batfl oecmltl lsigthrowîng ber off la rn'o tektv for &Âàdleyte seo the landsom)e oe-.lUd, la holi4ayig. miLlifried, heoe la even temperedintelligent, strog- e 1ortâl omnyeraShawmtlOblngecued as vwas foundt taelu e ndrawiug the. tliiesher. sad tank i Lottie Jonce ndbrother -returud on Ihealthy. g taii real>' tells e h woe oD htblgh be r bes4 ertdina frmeIlêplcte another,; BesideOs OLu5day fom,-af 5 gt4 io "YIIi Wth star>'. Health meaus strong nerves mi<ngîÀ îmarner. ,1Dr gall, u ih oc nX mTd ene' tr. u'evn troug body, snd the>' go for tevard B W&Iu as 1i'O ,>ly 0Xhi- - 'an bnlng'ng good looks sud e.miab 1V. the ýwouds dresed- - I itasfouJd Meo w now tiheir iek lee i ter spendiug two veeks vith XiùsBy A wonian vorn sud wearied y the ft0fy t6- put intbirt>' a tobeeln Orde ,toýue eteos w. belièv evythreeher A~rna waknese neclla telie mer drw ta ege of tb# WOUflds t he.!. hôuld 1)9. , omipetéuitexpedéuoed W ýÀ Hnesr & o oet ta hiOt 1m nk1--vi-A__ ±1. '.. .a f. Èsntae411..-.i csunea oncetC &>f«dzs h ý duntn amuseme t Lii. tesin u"Ye uteanus gloonitoUfislon emds la wittn ths Oto *h o!we o beu r upmit ii wiiemli .r fleB ut baehand ati The choesekstla* of Utslth la.ydnig The ceeksla& uUnets,.te . lc sp!Mocthe5nai jackwutter. - ten bave! WC .nSdII7 $ i$ o mm ýth«t ought ab"e 4i ohe'Sté bel-tio .*4~~i t~aty I a t elpýrtý ée!piëý-' Ptdplt J éfiü6 tu, S bth,; and lu deiWb ; itii uinco-X 0tiKo îroh nn, thé Pd làeiin Catfh.e biniflan igig. ' ln. ,he gâdert parVy held Pn -the band. me lawfl murroundinîr "Lialock Hall," ý,Prid&y eeointgjwat8-h nousnally suc. gtful'affaoir. TuÛe large grounds wero Lazo witb eleotrig ligbite sud Ohinese utee'ng. Theolver bAnd boýgd Wasi Ïndane and rend ered several Selea.4 Due, while tbe singivg 0< b1MisMassie, Of routo,,and tbe Misses A Ã" Watson andý bnet BiLabie lbit notbing ta b. wielhed Messrs WaIt M~ lti Art Nit, t uzboifaregusisa~ b--te Hlazilton case fér'the boIidays. ý Mr. Jno. Qvenend was in Embro on lesday last0--where ha bas purchased a itel. frir Overen4o mrany friends in own, will. we are ýsure, wieh hlm sticesa abis new venturfe. The Oheakers went down to Canning. on Monday e-venýig laut and dfeoted be boôme toam ln a game of lacrosse, by ÃŽgoals têo0. The play lsted abýout 8à »31bU105, andi wah té oci siled ta be en. sresting, Tbe returc match will be layed here où Lakeview grounde on londay eveuing ne:t. The Ganninuton san will b. sîrengthened by several cèw playvers and a much better garae le looked for. Kr Steve Leaeock ii; st present omuis. ing areund the. lake. with a Party of con. genlal spirite, ini Mr Sheppards large Schooner the. Iverna. .Mr T E Godeon jse eummering at Ni. agara Falls at present. -Mr Farquhar MeRae has been holi- daying with friendm near Breohin. Mrs Rosa and Mis Georgie Rose, wiio have been visitlng relatives hAre nuring the past month, beft on Thuraday for their borne inIi Yankee ]and." They were acoompanied by Mis Anut Sthdldart who will spend Lbe winter with theru. Anotber uery pleasant hop was held in the pavilion last nigbt, about 80 couples beibg present. Mr. and Mrs. Gresgg, of Ubridge, ave occupying the cottage Owne d by Mr W Hamilton, in Ethel Park. EVERYFAMILY %OOL NOW IMATr To'm D un nub Crowds of Pe6, Allin's Dru Free LNEY~ Hundreds -Now n th nO inene ýweeka isaue, tba Blobbs Sparagusi sud ask for iL *Store. -. *Thi intereat poctedi>' numere above store. M are suffereras frori pressed their auto -make no charge fi lofoe, 1the pracfi ,toma le to equiro the. efflicted take The proprieor Kidney Pis are preferring ta ez -."doing ta otiiers -b>.' The>' bolieve, nriarated lu uiiose effected vi try thaeePilla, t thoir great mont Use. For ibis rs ais many ample' for, duning the 1 on. who sekei of chargo. have expm se Or ",Tii sciece advanced vheî remody eau t aud universa t "The hanesita nom lu which il trial, gives me, hope t vil P o "6Dr Hob.t made e groat 'A sud« build u i prov, iL free e * ion, sua gisees. "AThis le ceriÏ have everytbi Man>' Win é the Teaulhu of t - going On un t littie tua 5008 ha" faithfulli they Wilbeéa * thein use. It la gratiy thora sfoi remati> IrIo' pManedloohbo EVeny P.r IJiat Le ikini -the folloWin 1 , 1

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