Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Aug 1897, p. 6

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ind replied ýýrtiWnIy noti. Iow should 1 kuêw 1i t la je wlong incie-ahid indIferece whbti do,. I motter te uOh; but I know where she liv"- and happily tee 11 Thon, changing her tons as eho tied up ber bundie, se said:- ",Hôwever, if you do not care about hearing"-.- Maurier took long whiffs of bis cig- arette. Ho had the day before, after reading his brilliant thesiosreoeived hie dipioma and was now an M.D. In another weok ho would roturn to Tri'vas, his native city. The naine and memory of CJamille, the inilliner, who had been hie sweetheart for a year, at the end of which ho had brusquely cait her off, were not sitô- gethor indifferent tic hum. "Camille 1 Oh, yes, thati wuas long turne ago 1" ho said as ho iooked st the laundress, a good, ugly Boul f rein Versailles, whomn ho had sin- ployed ince his early student days. I'Noti 50 long, aftier ail," said the laundresa. 8h. was iooking ut hini now, ber hande on ber hips, ber keeri face expressing a sort of maternai in- terest. Sho wus zot te lie so eaily irnposed upon. She resurnod : "'You were rather cruel to, the poor littie woman, weren't you 1"' Maurior îbrugged bieshsouldes ai- mont i iperooptiibly as ho took frein hie closet, a lotit). of cognac and two glaises, suying, ai ho filled themn: 1 'II broke vith ber vhen I found the ruatter taking toc serions a turu; that i.na&H. On.eimuetibave amuse- nient. But te compronise a career - but 1 To your good beultil, Mother Leagrain." The laundreas as abs drank the brandy sald :1 "lIt doenet prevent ber being happy now." As île did net continue, after a short silence, Maurier, curieus, usk- ed : "'What ia she doing, anyway f" "Blée is niarried. WIati do you think of that?1 To a fat haberdasher --a bundsome shop, reaIly - Aux Trois Princesses, Place Clichy." "Bo niizch the better." "And three cbldren-loves-rouud and roay as apples. Yen would nover recognizo boer," eaid Mother Legrain insidioualy. ",Did yen stillsosee br l" "-Net longer agotban a wsok, M. 'Maurice. I wase t my door, Rue Mogu, in the pe.saed with her huiband and children. Thée - bad coe ts te Vrsales te viit the chateau sud the Park. She stiopped and talk- ed vitb me a ful minute. And dressod I1 Notiasahe used te be -oh, ne 1 Oue could see that ber buslaud wus woll te do" Âud iatiafied, vben Maurier feigu- ed Le yawu, thuti le vasinwardly piqued te i ntoesat, ebé lung the bundie et clothes over ber shoulder vitih a <tqýootda M., Maurier-until Mond-1 -good 11y. Maurier preparod te, go eut, indulg- ing ini the folldwlng monologue: "fAh, me4, poor (faile 1 Wells iL ia btter se. S3he hum ouud a chance to-bai geL married, lu fact. Curions I aboutd Se enturely bave lest sigbt of ber! SI.' vau pretty, van Camile- a trille thi,,1Ut a .giood ,grl and tut) of droIt humr ; a piquant face, aI- ways dusted, witb poude de riz, sud hersily a l1.ausroe -about ber head. 1EowtIieyeflay 1 Mxd ah. in married, aud 1I'Arna"adoctoe, _ripe for Patients sud, domueielt.' Reullv, I am» net curions, but t IWOntd b.s qute anunmng te see ber apix--to see ber in ber newsurroundine An d Pho knows t 1 b*Ived nme wbeu ent ber fi-oû me muid ab*ruward*mote me heartbtoken lettor S.h. Ulv. la Place OIîbyeh'tSo mtu. ball hme mue bave tforgotteuIoleI Stiti, doees wom. forgot vbeu ah kas 44ffred t NO. Itwouldbequ«Mu it after IL % Waha" bs1etowi*1I 1 leave inju%,wok Iltgo té se" ber. My -bout tel e te try My~ M. weu ent d owu sud iôek the 04on-Ilchy 00108,u., shetop i twhuioh ho imatimmiq uaÜlbu again. "«That te ail." Wbiie paying for the articles an idea suddeuiy oocured te him. "'Migît net thsse purchases be sent te me 1" ho said. "C0ertainly, mesieur. What . ad- dres f H-e locked at ber scrutiniziugly vhile as composedly wrote in a large bock. Then ho aid very distinctly, "Robert Maurier, M D, 15 Rue Cu- jas." "ICujas" ahe repeated ranquilly. For a second ho bud the foolish hope thuti mie vould herseif brlng thé pack- ages, but h. vas peedily xrndeceived. "The boy wîil deliver th~.eider te. uigbt or temorrow ui-orning." "I shall count upon receiving tien> promptly," said b., "for I arn quitting She replied, with tâechaulca polit.. ues, "Oh, tIc7 shali b.ent iii tuxuel"1 ",Good day, monioisu.» The Dlmont.nted 1*herlng Mo i,.. "Hlave yen uuaythang te-'- ot" aked th. attache e1 théfe iglt yard of the. mxan who lad louuugo Wtvith lia bads iu hia pooketa. e"Want my1thng te- do t" "so., bu 1-wUt tb thé Monut, sd Ia -.- Po"In have lado aMething te gai 7,0 abat' md d gooitsaor outestp amoocd d somthig vthot, hiktag-go seiucb ethe IbpmpvsiIb tt ye*â'v.a s " k m beeýW to9pl fo y wsuviauj1 elbLl. -Lo'tiVW LxenLo ",Thuus tiW t theO moitworhl iRure à sa of -Véry~'lb1 0 Maurier iaboo-d mu tnd undècdecL. "Ilf the remembems me,' ho thougbt "the moit, thlnk meta prodigieus fool,"- And boliehîng tiat ho sawhovering about 0- .coinets et ber lips au î definable smile-Ssmuie wbich, he Welf knew-be aaldte o uef 8esa' ing ràe hack, thata cebrtan." SEW hs tooe began to mutilet a fpoliiib,< fatueuse t.inwhicb vas protnptly etlngultb- ed as ho reahized that she- was not Iocking at him, but seied to, lie al> sently waiting atil hb.should make bis cboiceoro a cravat. Fins.ily hé said desparately : «Il wili te this, and this and that." tie there nothing else 1 Monsieur wisbod te ses coflars" Ho nodded. Why did ho flot speak 1 Ho wui alone with ber, the clerk et the midday meal, the hushand absent, and ho cou Id not say the words which were strangling lim : "Camille, it is I. Dont you rei- enlier me?" Yes, undoubtedly she did. Again there flitited acrose ber lips that half amile se familiar to, him. Certainly ase knew him. '<Wbat aie1" aseaaked. Ho made an awkward gosture of ig- norance. She unrolled ber tape mess- ure and placed it in a businesslike manner around Mauriers neck. For a second, as she stood before hum, their faces were so near, togetiber that he couid have kissed ber. "Fifteen," abs mid, opening smre collar boxes for lim tic chocs. frein. Ho picked out four boxes; then, stili unwilling te go, askred to me o me um- brellas, aftier which ho bought a nuuf- fier and smre hsndkerobiefs. CJamile, had not once tlushed, paled or other- vise betrayed herseif. Neverthess, that eh. reoognized hi. ho would have been willing te vwager bis right baud. ,,la there anything els. 1" ahe asked doý tbreo a ahall'-vasuoï, dedfui tuf.! forêt,- frein ettéomtifor tâe e Reri. Wé tïtéti & unignbéif' of, Alleg4 cuýérs uand lev. ërIa doctors. but*ail vithout efect. Hez'.vas udeei-. bdtith~, ilittit bcdy *as entlrely envered with raub. One day Our local <ruggist.. Mr. Wm. E. Thistla, remed~ me to tiry Dr. Choses$ Oirnmet. 1 d1d so. anti foni.r bc>zeo effected a. complet. cu.re n"d eaved Our ebild." Dr Cae's Ontment I ta ait aseffee- ti,çe for ptlea . alt rbeim and i ores ut 911 tioîcriptions. For sale by a&l dealers andi Edmanse, Bates & Co., manufactur- era. Toronto ;-price 60 cents. There le unthittg te eqiral Chue's Lin- iecd andt Turpentime for severe coldusud bung troubles. La»rge bottîs 25 eeaits Egast Whitby Oouncil. COunoil mot Aug 2. The folovin commnunications ver. resd : Froin N Kenny & Boni reapectiing veode growiug on tiheir property ; from J Blevinis, clerk of the citiy of Toronto, roquestiing the douncil te mend delegatea te Liax exemption convention ; frein Judge Dartineil reduo- ing Lb.easesamenti cf Whiting Oo's pro- pertiy frein *22,000 to 416î,000; frein J E Lrewtli ro j mre lot. ati laite, aise tibat tihe oouuty would roquire $1753 from E Whibby for countiy purposes tibia yoar ; from rogiitirar genera tating Eut Whit- by lad registered 31 lurths, 7 marriagos muid 21 deathas for the' lest j emi. A p.- itien vau prented signoc by J J Mc- Donald and othet wancing police pro- tection aitbh lakq. Mr Henry nioved tht the mater of doaling with LIe opeon- ing or closing cof certain streets st HBar- mony be laid ovor for oe montil for fui- ther conaideration. Carrieti. On niotion of Mr Henry tue uholo connoil vus ap- pointed a commtéte Ieet Mr Butiler cf tih. Oshmwa electi ermilway, on ISth Septiember in regard te * acre lot at lake fer use cf township. Mr Bosan oved thati th. petitiien received front J J Me- Doiaid and 7 otilera &bout, appointing constable at lake lie referred titithIe 1 sessions se they are thé proper porions tic appoint a consable.-Cîred. Mr Rosa xntroduced a bylaw teasses the uniipaiity for connty and township purposesXBy law read fst and 2ud ime, and laid over untul nez-t meeting. Mr Guy moved that thb. reeve, grant bie order un th. tresur fr the Lb.mcf *15 lu faVr of 84tà battalien for the- pur pose cf giving prizes te, the rifle associa lion as rensted by Cot Paterson -and Capti Wtn Smth.-Oudred. 3fr Stocka moved thati-the reeve gant hie eider or the treasurer, for the foltowing acconte Mis Jno Dingle, relief for Joe AIrans, 13.50. Ipdw*tta. Jas H Uebl ,Mit $18,10,nd-bridges. GeosArmstrong 818.0, red 107in 15, BamnGlovim 810t Jas Stocka, jr, $17.76,Jls Val 815, Pred Glover 4U do. *18434 I Christie te,", fi A -s 6St.frei Pike *S, Joha Qloyer *03,BlTrueva *$0. Jo. Huber 4».08,, jas Matyoi 825.45, Jà. O'Boyle $10M,# 3ôs B ubb&a *19.38,9WW iuicut *8,76t JO$ Ru)b&rt $70 Tbcé Rosa 41,509,0 wition 41, Jo Vinlant *4 5.Phit arper$201 87k.. & Sou V*7.01, eUui28 Jas Stocks& Jr, $12.05. O nmotion et >1w H enry thi.oooTd adjofuna4to imee t 3a4IIady*i $. Ana 2ad, 1'f7 M WnvsO in oxite, but the Iaroeit amlontsttWe. taen in 180 and 1891 a a nïr uof fiveo frm the. tandtrd bant, ra&.feIr-fie. Btadfcid -batik wll hav-6 Borne difficuly in, getlng thé 15,000 'back,-if lt ,wier dée. get lt-as the coucty by-law otl authoràeed $20,000 te b. bcrrowed 'and thbe treancter purauaded tiie banke te let blm have $45,000. Ho borrowed front three batiks, and iL is the faulti ef theso institutions if tbey loge tbreugh net knowin; ho* ntnob was berrowed, and bow mucl thé by 1mw allowsd. As tüe $5,000 frein Bradford was net used for' county Purposes ut ail, the concil will vet'y properly declie te niake àt geod. The seonrities held by the. county, in. eluffing the prcpert seized, consuLt of $2.000 bold]oftho irantes Company, 85,000 bond of Mr J L Burton, Barrie, bond of the ludaestate, ÇBarrie, San- fords residence, Barries Opera Houso, a store andi residence in Barrie, tbe steam- er Killie, Barrie Eleetric -Light stock, and certain obatitles. It is oxpeoted tibatJ frein fortiy to fifty thousand dollars willi te realized from these securitilel, leaving a debit balance cf fifteen or twenty thon @andi dollars. This arnount will net b. taken eut cf the. generai county fund, butj be levieti on LIe innucipalities interested1 ini the ralway debontures, as it is frein that funti the stealing bua been dons. Ths andutors report will be issned' short ly, givlng, the details of the vIole cae.- Times. Saved Ber Drunken Huaband. She Finally Administered a Rernedy, Without his Knowledge, and Cured Hum. A correspondent vrites - 1 had snob a happy home and a noble, big-bearted brm-band titi hoe toôk te drlnkina, firet througî aeciabiuity, then bécanse the fisndieb desire would cerne over lix», crazing him for drink. 4I1vas beart-broken. My bapy borne was fait bocoxing one cf uisery tilt a friend toId me te try a liquor cure calisti -Ani Booze. I vas wilinig te trY any thing, se I sent *1.00, as ah. suggeated, tte .oriental Obemical Ce., 20 Bt Alo% te Bt., Montreal, and by returu Mail1ite. oeived in a plain wrapper a littîs box of pille. I put eueetofthese in hise oeis. every nigit and morucIng vithont hin> 1knowing iL, (as tbey dissolve ltnmedlat.- iy), and in olésat a week, te my do- J. liht, he topped drinking entirely,. "Anti.Boose bas chauged my drunkeri huaband inte a scier; indunstrieus, happy muan, and 1feetl t miydttyto tel ethera aboxt it, They vill sied.ful informa- 'tien vithont charge to any whi> vii write j. D. H." BreokiU-. OMfie heurs 9. a. Mn. to i a 5.. Offce heurs Il am te P.rn. ~'-P,*ae ele houscommunlicaionf. sres **accoucher yetc. »CI¶. uis Steetlxtby. o U ugeyluàai Il.brnchs promjrtly. attéix tiéit. W. A DAMS - CtbNDENTIST. «« laovrIba F ces*iOd'Sotbitgtore RIdmneN T.raz Brti Whtl.Ju at, S6 Clark à;; y 0,;uy 9 - , . UrhmflPort hà E.tolUxrd Ci , k49no0 ?XrC)o24#Ma lthl; july 14; c 14,; Dec. 6 )xeeg 1zitbi Cu.inlngtofl, ~ 51 Mac>'2b; Iilay 20; 3uly 1lb; Oct. EEAVrov~OO. . BrceBeavsrtofl, Olork-Moaroh28; MsY 21; July 16; Oct. le; De,18. UPEaEVITb1100 P. Hart,tptrOV blerk,-Moxc>' £7; Mal 22; Ily 17 ; Oct. 17 BI ortier, J.B. FABEWELL, Clerk ofihe Poace. October 7th 1895. UT EDSBEVEP.AL FÂITHFUL VY Mon or Womef te tiravel for re- spohsible estbllsheti bouse in ODtarne. Salary078o, Payable $15 weekly and ex- penses. FousitieR permanent. Reference. Enclogese ,ef.addressed staniped envelope. The National, Star Building. ChicagO.-17-8. ac- IDENTIST. Cor. King & Tonge 93t- Toronto. ifor the nez-t tîrse Months I amn glvfng ipecil atteutiontO jatiento troni0& dis- tance. Arn itilinia n g plates in ruIler, 08, op11uloli $10. G an sd silver fiUling vork crovnltig by flistcelass operatorestm the Most remeoumble rates li the City, When lu-±he City callInl and lot nme exax»- cIni urtth. I1inake ne extra charge. 0. J BIGSDentiott moutiisait cerner King andti Ynge Sti., Toronto. Nqov. Sth.1892. Wu He WARNER. DEALE nu11 LUMER, CoOeW-OODt AGENT For the PEOPLBES COAL 00., TORONTO* Office and Yard just East of Uptôwn Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. A 8K YOUR 8TA TI-ONER TAKE NOOTHER. Lui 41 9. k Our I'z" 000. Ot Our l'à are they were fif we have cau But we have1 to praise or do the prai more than i us throughc is how we Io wholesale atu Duluth, Min~ quarter of a vation writes " I have sol rilla for moi both at whol and have nevi but words ol customers; plaint has ev believe Ayex lie the best b: lias been intr eral public.' mnan who lias dozens of A3 is atrong te Ionly echoes the world q "6Nothlng bi for Aye's. AW doubt abu It kiledo Addes J C AHM -Miss Amina Kel- Subeequent C Shouid le Reat ada. !jlisaAmin& inuol esteenied Mapiewoed, N B Mny duty te lot Y( derful -medicine Aprîl, 1896, 1 b celer-; my appet _.up staire I votaI bave tic i-et. I -ion fer tIre. m .uddonly ilI l Our family. de pronennced my of the. blood.) pemred te do timo, and I tIen 1 continned t thios montle, '1 at net regaMI4 D ed taking it ay liquid medicm*u like mine, bai 4 benefit. IIsâd ed and veak. rible roaring neý pale ms a, ceipse -conaition My'f of Dr Williaus' to trythein. -ait up, and luý walk, qnite -a fesh and ol" haif dezen b had 4vir beeWl ne pec t mei icngf ati thé, lîamS Pink IfmyttiUé I JOHN 2. F*REWBLLQ.9 . Barriater Oounty Orown Attorney, and Qoiinty bolicitor. Office-Bouth Wing 01 Court Houe, Whftbl. JAMES RUTLZD03E, Barrister, etc. Office f ormeil y ocoupled by Farewell & Butledge, neut »Boyal Hotel, Brook Se., Whitby. DAVID o1IMISTOY<, B. A., Attorney-at-Law, Soliciter ln Ohanoely, 0onveyan<gar, etc. Office - In the Office south of the Pott Office, ln momilafl Block, Brook Street, Wbftby. G. YOUNG BSM1TI&. LL. B., Harrister, etc.,-Money te Loi. Issuer of Marri ffo Licenfieo. Office - Bmith'u Block, Sont t akeBock St., Whitby. DO0W & 31cGILLIVRAY, Barristers, -Solleitoru ln Ohancery, etc. Office in Mathison t& Bawkeu'i new iblock Brook St., W hitbl, south of Ontario bank. W. E. YÂUNSOLD, D.IL.@.* Oounty Survoyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Ferry, Ont. Drs. Warren d Moore. J. Ioor, M D. Y.Warren, .D

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