Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 13 Aug 1897, p. 1

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c'l r(OL, XLI. WHtTBY, ,ONTA2RO, 'FRIDAY, AIGUST 1M, 1897. NO. 37 -i 1I là : !WilBonï's FIy Poison Pads 10e Sm3vithi's Poison Pads 7) Cents. Fly six1 Tang1efoot Sticl<y1 sheets, for '5C. Fruit Jar Rings. Seaflng Wax, Corks, Etc. CH-EMISI & DRI.GGIST, WKITBYO ONTARIO. W INDMILLS -AND- WIRE FENCE.1 Geo AUi~ Belle the 0-enuine AER- MOTOR., of Chicago, a.nd the Ketalemnan Wire Fence Inteniding purchasers sbould examine tiîs miii belare placlng thein order. Do not Ici an agent put an imitation on you wbets vou can gel tht Genuine Aett otor, thoroughly î Ivaiited, and warranted, fon tess money. Mo1re ai these mîlls aoid in Canada to-day than any other make. Tht Aermaîor Co. dlaim they selt one hall tht number of wind- miii outfite soid in the wonld, ai the present tii e. Ail styles ai Woad and Iran Pumps for sale.- Any Information regarding these outfits wiii be freeiy given by wriîing ta G E0. ALLIN, \'H 1T B Y. Feb 7, 1897-6n0, WiSTERN BANK 0F CAAA Whktby, Ont. BOARD 0F DIRECTORS. John Cowan, Esq., President ,Rriîhen S. Hamulin -Esq Vice-Pres. -w F t n Esqq., Wý. F. 'Allen, Esq.', J. A,(lit, son, Esq , Robt McIntosh, MD., Thcns Pattereon, Esq. T H McMlian.................. Cashier Genoral Bunking Butaineu5trnsnacted. Drafts issued, payable in ah partsoaiCan. ada United States, and on London, Eng- iancl, payable In mii parts of Europe. 3>6 pet cent. atiowed on Savings Bank Deposite anc4 crediteil helf yearly. Special attention to collection of Farmers' sale notea. E. D. WARREN, Manager of Whitby Branch. w ANTD-SEERALFAITHFUL Me orJANTED- eVERA travel for re- waponsible estahlihed houçe in )ntarico Saiany $780, payable $15 weekly and ex- peanses. Position permanent. Rederetice. Enclose self-addressed stamped r'n% clop)e. Tht National, Star Building, Chicago, -17,8. Entabllshod 1849. Whitby Sien~ Maîble and 6ranite Woîàs, st..1 Dundas HITB-Y. __ Re Smith, Iy Wolfenden Wonhs.> Importer W la M4ARBLE LSD iGRANr MENIT$, Btc, 01 tht lsîesîtuma- 4 d*etu. Al bises of cemnetY >an *oeh guurambgj >9 OPSIGtitlANDtiPaent40M LOCAL NEWS LETTERS, CEONIsCLIICoaauSPOx!sENOa, miss IDay, of Toronto, is bere for a week visit- lng frîcrîds. ,Mn Aiex Armstrong was vith frltnds lnu tii brîlgze lasi week. (miite a tiumber attended the A.O. iU.W. btrry festival at Green River lest we.k. MmSamuel Pinnock hae been any tbing but weil lately, tput is now much better. iiiiie a nimber from here attended tht uerai of M i, l atterson ai Caremnont on Stînday last. I-liogermen was ia Zephyr mest wttk, ne. ný.% ing id aiquaîntances before he leavestfor tbe Northih st, A M r Cooper hes been ia this viciaity cleaning orRans and pianos very oh!apI>, to the vexation of a local organ cleaner. Nir M B A n nis of N ew York, bas betu visit- ng his sisier here, Mrs. J. A. Pugh, alsa Miss Fanny Annis of Oshawa. Sam 1Lapp had Messrs Robt Ncitan sud Stuart Pherili before Magisinate Hoover on Fnl- dav iast charglng them wîth breaking his cart.. Afîer examnining acterai witnessee and htaning consadenable evîdence, they were fiaed 05 aad CLuta8. Threshcrs have coasmenced work ln thîssec. lion and so fir the grain as vietding very htavily. 1 lare s (lutte % bat of fat whtat sprouted, but it s not so bad as mail people imagined. la about a werk a greai many fat-mers will bo througb harveotiîng. A f ree fighî of îs'o females took place lu a brry patch lasi week, and miser cunslng euch other off in ebout half a doten tang nages, weat over to NMagistrale Hoover ta gel law, but did Uot succee' inw geîîing it. The village would be about as welel off, if they epeot s bitte time ln q uod. Burglors broke iioMn W Lotte house at tht Station tact w.ek, and siole about tweuîy fRtc dollars worth of household Roods. They thea eut their nitai in tht doon and decamped. Sta- tion agent Gn-en eaw thret suspicions looklug characters around tbere tht day before, sud il la presumed thel they are the guilty auto. The announcement which came aci-os tht icean durîng the tact week, ta tht effeet that the British governament had given tht atoeasary years notice of ber wish and intention 10 ebra- gaie the commercial treaty with Gtrmauy, came to most Canadians as an agretable surprise.. 1, s clairmed by the friends af the preetut admiais- iration as a greai triumph for its profereatiai trad-- potier. By nsaking the perpetuation af t bat polîcy possible it should oertaly tend most powerfully in draw Canada and Eagiaod nearer ta tacts other, though îl is fanr from ne- movtng aIt the dîffieulties out of the way of lm perial Federation as some sanguine tnituds af tiat mavemeot etti to supposei. The oi.her day whiie W. a. Ragermas» as spraying cate at Mr Thoratons place, a nm-, ber af emal boys oongregeîed, emnong henl Angus Mm*thewson Thte prayer was turaed on the boys and the said Angus dtd not like lit mid- cons menced ta use nougb lenguage, arn egretbie t0 the etara of the spra),er. The result vas ihet Hagerman wartucd the boys sans etc. Tht lads mother laid an information before Squire Phil)ips and on Wednesday tht trial tob place. Af ten heanng somne evidence ai rather a contre- dîcîory nature. the court adjuurned fon a short trne, and when il resumned a set ilement wqs t.- porîed hetwf-en the parties. Thets ewrne di- vîded and the- parntes %%ithdrew, qut satiaffiett wiîh the d -ptsai ai tht case. shtrley Misq Matid Moort le visiting at Brookliî this wc-ek, Harvest is rus1ling the lai mers juet uov as evenrîhilig iî, ronsing in at once, su thiit they scat cel% kîîow wha-, ta ('%,)irst. Mrs T Contes ie slowly ni covernug tn her long siegt! n siekses but has coniplete- y lost the use ai hur eye. Miss R. Graham and 'iss Denulsn tof Port Perry wcrt vibititig fli i':ds ini Shirli:y last week. Tht Rev Mn McC;Imtnt -fP-rt Penn, le ta preacîs a temp4 narne serm<t-,s at Bettie u Sundav next l(;-r le'e emre--nce IPvlmsi ai thîs pl1a re. We hope tt le viilb. a good turn out. Visitors svhom -ve uoticcd a:ntnc on Sundav, wene Mi and Miss MeConuelli ai Port Penny, Mn. o nd ,. MPhents of Colutmbus- Mn and \lirs Po1iaeAi sAU Mn su 1 1Mins Countice of Biglau, accmpsuled by a: friand, vlmted at Mn John Lewis o« Sa>i bath eetnu. 9 .rt4 ý , ,7 Jsts Ledgett »U ofso a fQanwood Maowbray pf lut. Mi and Mn. GlIbett cf tortotaeo*rms. l1" Mrn"su n.Samuiel Dianey ta aursua.i 1, Mly ittrayedraum -Mdlngl ra,, --é u.esaeaeeopoauw~vvu Rail, ilitokila. W A ia,,ioeu~.w h W s ~a.a .a. ie~ This WoRt popular and f"mlouable a=- Soool re-opens on Monday next.% mer resort ie now lu fullisblâtand Mine ,'Mr O Sebeat le attendlng the races et Fort Host Swaiu wears lis broadeet *mile anidCrie. stiffest stand up coller on ali occasions. His lauge, cOmmodiojjiý and1 fully equipped Mr W J Marquis of Pickering le spending i ostelry Je rapidly illing np wlth queses the week 'in town.t and, as T ma il 1verytbiiug la as fie a rhiud»o oono svlet her t ~~~ t Miss rhbloTootl lt hotel there are several large parties withins Mr and Mrs W B Robson, of Hamilton. à a few minutes row of this postal centre, and were in town on Monda y.1 every- afternoon and evening cumzerehs rde f 4ennt iie promenadt OnT streets by the score au ase Mn Chas lrodie1tmot v 1ie quaintancet are being formed that may lead ut Mr E REdy ewe to more interestiug resuits. Mr Thos EUl- For pure picklng spfÏes and firsi clame 9 liott and vite of Hampton HarrytCaun sud vinegar go to oIiday 941 1 vite, and Richard WortY- an d famile Of Mr J A VictHert lae etjoving a two weeks ]Bowmauille are camping on the bluff a few vacation at his home ut Princeton~. rode frorn the hotel, while juat acros the isGri otnsn fTrnt a lake le Piue Point Lodge Captuin Hender- bMise Getie Tom iso, r oront', hie @On'@ Cottage, and Messrs Holt and Pickles envstn u ltr rjte hye cottage. Dr Hunter and purt of New Mr WV J Murray and Miss Jesgie Murray, York are at Bold Peint a dwhen ail as- of Hulifia;ý are visiting et Mre T J Houi- semble here as they, *eIluently do there datys. are lively times for atblle. At Washburn, The Nix fRamîly gave two open air con- J Elliott, M D, HamiptonFrank Trebllcock, certi here on Wednesday and Thureday1 Bovmunviîîe, Ben Smpson, Peterboro, A éeig N Mitchell, unlekillien H ai itcheli, do, J LIet, Whitby, and F ý; Lee, Iluniskillen The scholane of No Y eection (Drydens> have pitched their tente for a seasoit. The ate ta have an extra week of holidays, their young men entertained thtý young ladie of 5cJol Pot reopening I tht 23rd let, ,aTpt Hendereons party on Monday laitand ,ftr J I Pin.e, agent foýr the Ontario Wind cid the amiable ln a most excellent style. gne and Power Co bas placed a wind The cousine prepared by tht boys would Iiiion Mr A Kemr new barn, near Asbburn have dont honor to Delmonicos and put to thîs week. shameteladin[ otels and restaurants of e eIlè'B h fWib ou Cnaie ctics. Dr Hunter sent hie Re MAPlp. ] T. f hty steam iuunch to convey Capt Rendermon ièiii preah ttt.ptetchrc and party to hie locige at Bold point on net uda Qa morning and even- Thnraday night, where tht doctor disetsed lit s ervices. tht hospitable in a trul royal style. Mis e presbyterimn C E Society bas eIected Hillary le tht lateet addition t o tht camp at thi lowing officers,' Pres, Mn R Hender. Pine Lodge and le reponted as having ist vice, Mr J P? Pîrie - nd vice, Mies caught tht largest lunge that bias been J ~ Morison; treas, iÀn John Crnig; caught up to tht date of wniting. Tht se",tury, Mise Lizzte Spencer. struggle to capture tht monster was moet eeuieo h rsyeiuon ttrrric and la said that not only tht captaîn «exetivefof tht prebytenian young vho vis rowinir but tht fuir damsel who ityfrttptbtr f Wi held th%-lnt faÃŽn ted when tht fight wa on Wednesday afternoon and ar- over and the victim lay van9uishedf in tht rj a programme for tht convention bottom of the skiff. Tht fishing ie unusual- w h le to be htid bere Oct r8th. 1y good and basa and lange are caught inWuggone viii leave tht vlcinity of the aundance That raret of figh the gen- poýt office neat Tuesday eveniug et 7 and aine blacki base, le occasionully hocked. A 7.»0 to convey thost wlshing ta go out to tht remarkably fine specîmen vus landed by Rdyal Tempiare garden purty. No charge Mdiss Dow of whitby. a guettet Plut Lodge. wl$Ibe made for tht ride out and back. Mise Tamblyn of tht'marne cottage, whose #iaser Grant Eddy who bais beeu epend- alto voice le Ã"fteu heard watted ati'ose thte111* a part of hie vacatiîn st Claremont wae luke in some familier gong, captured smie . 11te seroy 111 on Sunday. On Tuesday of tht lurgeet baee that tht famoue Scugeg 11 ror rv on eeadM n cao produce. A few eveninip ugo whiLè* ,c>àesdo ow r adM an Cent Henderson with hie wife and %IrsEddy returned to Ciaremont witbhlm. clifidren vert trying to maire this harbor a ~h doctors report on Tueedlay wee that hie etorm came up and they were dniven ubore pakttent waseslightly better but stili quite below shingie iunding. They vert eçu sIcý. We hope to soon heur that h. le as from Plut Lodge by Masters Clarence and vell as ever. Blake flenderson vho immedlktely manned Tht Ladies Aid Society of tht metliodiet a mmli skiff and ulthough tht laite vas rot- cbnrch held a-ganden party on tht grounde llng mountalins hî!h braveiy rowed acrosa of Mr A Roberts on Tueday eveoihg. Tht tht luke to give assistance ta their dietres- shrvers of the afternon ad left an uncom-1 eed parente. Their brave act shows tht' fortable dempnesa but tht attendante wuas kind of etuif tbey are made of. Messrs very sstisfactory. Tht beautiful grounde Hoit and Pickles cottage wuas the chief p0fhyilndae it atrm n o-h centre of attraction o uuduy lent, when e&, Aller refreshmente bail been served an fuliy farty gCeta paid their respects ta tht excellent programme of recitations and vocal tva pular proprieto rs.M John Spence music vas given ln which tht foilowing took ia mrassed from tht lakte thîs seasn. Thetprnt,:-Mlse Dryden, Mise Lambly, Miss geulal John came day» but hie famlly vert tetjsieHldy n taken cdown with mesules and tht were yI9,1 (Oabw~.Ms eseHldy n forced ta returu ta -tha&ity. 1 W >Thom>p. ~~~lbr u.Hld son andThos Green of tht flducatdlu'DelîeTie Rbvai Tevuplîr, arden parti tù be wert guett of Capt Hemdersou ut Plie ,beid on Hon John Drvdeuegnomide net Lodge oven S>iuday. Bentamieson of To- Tueïday evening (17th let.) wiii noù doubt ronto vas a guemt ut the smre populur ne- be a grent succese Ithe weathen con'-dItions sort for a fev daye this veek- Tht youug 5reTt favorable as we hope to Ms-,tbem, mien of Sunfiover camp, Washbu Island Tht 34th Batt band fram Ohava, ont cof the vent the gueste of Capt Hendtsn ana beet musical organisttone in tht province, purty on Wednesday,. Mn Saudereon of bas betu engaged and mhould be a gi-ent ut- W)itby arrived ut Plut Lodge ou Thuns' tatilon. In addition ta thue thora v1iib. day, where he isîtende to remalu, a fev other amupements, provi.led. Aù action daye. committet bats charge cf thé arratngemente an i l do everything they can'ta add to, Wm Foley, Jan, of Broaklu visited mission tee le only s cents.- fiends litre ou Sunday. 1 On Thdreday evenlug of imat weele, Mr Tht beef rings are gaid ta be glving thteFP lin. necel*ed s telg~ ramm Detnoit au. nuaui excellent satisfaction this season. uounclng the death of hle brother.in4law, Mn Miss Gibson le quite lmproved lunhea.lth John Wynti, vho had enccunbed ta, an Bt. of tute, beiug able to drive ont occaslonauUy. tack of typhold fever. 0111y s lew dsys b.. Mn Bd Lawrence In visitixig fiends ii 1be OMn. Pirn.bad! a letter- rom ber rectthe Gravenhurt and w-lu be absent one montb. lu wbieh she was îold tliqt ber brothene lii- ]W Mn sd Mimse t, Mr and Miss Rodd Dm %as :t likely to Se serfoui sud the vert gette o Mn Rod aid arnofyonsisdetb **fs a gmst sot*t. Mn yM getteof gr Rdd ad fmilyce Wya1t&t vwAu %mnlonvdAbyt,esursHoË, etla Many who remnember the Rev G Stafford wcre pieascd ta hear him preach on Sundity lait. It ie six years §Ince he wus here. Il Thteheevy nain vhich feli on Tuesdsy was discouraiting t tht (airmers ; but theré le a brlght idc, s it gave some of themn a chance ta thresh, Durlog tht sîorm on Tuesday tht lightnlng ;tn»cek tht corner of Mn S Anstins barn anîd shatter#d -il very badly. Xitle fortunîste il ws ntio set o- tire. Tht christlun .'ndeavor heid a very Interest- Ing mpeting Tuesday evcning. There was at cood *ttendance nd by severai taking a prcînsi- rient'pèrt madê,iT service p-tes off vêt-y nicely. Thisis-te econraging anddil Iihoped tht mcm bers wilt continue ta take acivantage of the oppor- Lunity to becrime the gît-ut power and influence for gciod which ie their privilege in the commun- lly. As Mrs 1 O'Ornnor and danghter wene drlv- iug to, town Wednesday mornlng -thtelIttît once bat biew off, causlng tht horseto1 jump and liii, breaking tht shaht and part of tht hernese but tht horst, whlch le a weli kept ont, did not runa ,y. hls was v.r y fortunate, lndeed, as tl gave ihe occupante a chace ta gel out f the cart. *àetp soon came and the ose wa thon freed, If It had run eway no îelling what strions damuage would have been dont. PORZT PEMMY Mies Nettie Wallace, Lindsay, le vieitlng at Mr E Conklins. Besele, daughttr of Rev D N MeCamnue, le on tht sicit liai. Wm Doubt. Smith Falls, le home on a visit to bis parente. M'e Laura Roberts neturned from ber holldaye lest Saturday. Rev R Whitemiau occupied tht preebyter- ian pulpit in Oshawa lait Sunday. Mn A Soper left on Monday mornlng for Dyca, tht gold mining negion on tht Yukon. Tht methodiet and union excursions vere largely attended and suceeaflu ntvery wav. Dicilfin Port Penn, ou the zoth met., Roxanna Iza, rellct of tht late James Rich- mond. Arthur Quackenbueh and Stanleýv Crovît are confined ta tht bouse wlth e ligbi attack of fever.' R Rose, of Lindsay, aud Rev Mn and Mre Hossack, of Torouto, vent visitons vith Mn W Rose and tamlly. Dled, on Scugog Island, on the 6th luet., Elele, belovtd cdaughter of Mn John Wanua- maker, aged 6 yeare. Mn J H Bnown Is lu Belleville attendug- tht Grand Lodgt cf Oddileiowe, beiag a delegate framn Warniner lodge. Mn Geo Colline, vho vas nfortunate lu breakIng hie nighî leg a 1ev veeke ugo, I. able ta be around ounci-niches. Mn Wo Houston, of the eduç4,tional de- puntment, Toronto, was a gutet <if \Dr Song- etgr for a fev daye thîs veek.. .Tht Misses Fulton' and Misses Stenneit, Woods aud Mec"iln, ;11 af Tornto, vene gutets thi'slavtek of Mné C L Whitby. Wtduosday was Port Perrys clvlc holiday- A goodly nunib«enet- vit thse finemen to Peterboraoine: wefit vlsitlug fionds aid many st;ayed at homne, Ms Aunie Roberts has nesî:med ber dti«t, the teloouoffice, sud flasvony ,woIl couiderng the long aptU of iknes. obbashe -gputhrough. i 0Lait Satunday nlgiit muaî have been a Sood night for splingas fIt as noýtlced tiai tiser, voiemnont laite aons ta tise diffen. eut chunciseï tissau uay thécem., James Richmond. ai Toronto, RJ4 Rich- moud,-aI Stayuen, and Mlv W J,,AsOiuK, tof Niagara Fallot have boots ln tov vil their aged;mother, wvisasdaugenoualy Ille Diod, lai Cosarea, on thet h Ipet.,tt bo homeof Iber moun-lev Mn A Hern, Mary,- relcîtofthbe laie Jacob Staioy, sud fur sany yearsi a reildeut of Scugog and Port Penny. Miss Maggle Reid, ofTomatoa, evlsitlssg Mn. Frise. Miss.Rtld vi i s Ingl St John*. chuncs nei Sunday evoing. She le sad ta b. one of 0*seboat solo fIÃŽgorsla T«oon MONEY'ý to L'OAN it -Sprer St. ~ Pila "tle lwm erobu ceî vcd a large numben ai preseute, -hobUMI fui sud Qruameutai. W. vieums j1I eut sud happy journu.y ub@t" 1tl boys gave thesu whituhey 51511tS grand seretiade lu thse evaulog. Ge, Millernile avuy 0oua s týà 10 aud Collingwood. The familian emofnitht a iS beard once omr. Visiîang-b(in Jessit Drytden, Mis Mabel Tbnoppb, Petenîqea. W Akisuut wavm sll.ju *jbî MnsJhcLeau, et Colsam1bap, tî. veek. Haneseng solai la fo b- thetgrain %vili ie cmi t S «d Tb R.ftI ffflé of0< m day vkhliblo f(slip. O.& ýw a trip ta ttseTï;zeusaase4 t- MO FOR 8ALFe mait "Myfm a m r A Scugog Lake Yaru The Lindsay Watchman sys While trolling ln Scugog lake on Thursday veek a couple of Toronto campene noticed an un- usual commotion a few rode ahead. A fur- row of waten vas being plowed up right across tht boute tracli. They put-o>n a spurt and Jmet as hey neucher! tht spot an immense lunge rose ont of the Taire and at- temptcd to cdean tht boat at a lump. It would have been succeseful, but for a powerful blow from tht paddit of ont of the canot men, Ianded juet back of tht head, bringing the moneter acrose tht canot, when It wos qulckly hauled ln and despatchcd. When weighed Bt tht camrp it tipped tht esiles a littit oveî 2o Ibs. Tt wae packed in ice and shipped to Toronto fiende. Plcnic Excursion Tht Port Perry divigion of tht Sons of Tem- perance wiil have their annual picnic excursion to Fenelon Falls on Friday, Aog eoth. Brnîg aiong your lunch baskets and have a pleasant daysi outing on tho water and view the beauti- fui scene-ry down the lakes, per steamer Cran- della. A bnet-class brase band bas been en- a.ged for the day ta discourse suitabie music. Posti vci no dancing, rowdyism, or any ont in- toxicated, will be allowed oil Ibis excursion. Special effort wili be made by the committee tu keep good order. The boat will icave Port Perry dock at 7 s.m., sharp, arrlving et Lindsay et ii am and Fenelon Faelle about i p.m.; lenving st 3 30 P. M. and urriving in Port Perry about zo p.m, Tickets, adulte 40C., chlldreo und 13 years 25c. Lommfttc-T Stovin srn, E, Bennette, H A Nott. j C Taylor ; WY.1 Nott, s.cretary of oommittee.-ain A Pon Country Mn W E Yarnold, P.L.S., rttined IRst Suturday fromn tht Wabigoan terrltory. Mn Ygrnold epeake hie mind very freely about that outiandieh part of our province. Ht suye that between rocks, eand Oiles, blacki Olics, deer Mies, bull-dog files and mosqul- tocs, lfe in that barren country le unbear- able, there ie no vegetation worth unything. He climbed on a bigh rock and wlth hie field glass h. couid set around twenty-five miles each way andth ~e only thlng to b. seen was a darli green colon of tht ipruce, ý ltch pine, popuiar and silver birch trece. e dots not ad vise auy man to go ta Webi- goon, and saye tht glowIng reporte ont reade of that countny areo too rosy, lu fact, too much so ta be profitable ta those ho go ta that piace, plalnly eheivtng that ont cau- not believe ail tht glowing reporte of 50- calied goid filds. W. J. NoT'n. TO Tht Pnoblem solved. People are finding ont that ve furuish a fanerai and sun. them $5 ta $2,5 on euch order, ungg rou a cap coffln ta a fine cloth cashet Whla le t? We are satisfitd vlth a living prgfit~ The dead eau b. budeie 1» an approprie coffin qn casket. for a ite prie than bas been and la now cbharged by the inajanity of undertaken Our Unsden- tuklng idepartwent la ou. of thbe t test ofTorontoi , Ail ordens dellvered and necelve prompt attention. W. bave the »BUT HTARS8 and CASKUT WAGON lu Ontario couuùy. Jege8gop Furniture Co. W. J. NO1'IU MANAÃ"EL. ,tit eporec tuat MrearSersvna ass orltyphold féver tu Paàrt eny. - I bava, go>d authanlty ta smate tIsai there la mot obe repu* lar typboid (ever cmtaiet- ova. Thon. f very llttle iclanew lt isplame AJDevls, ceomitebai boes bonored vWiih aplace an the baud qi tht College oi ?lssresaçy for. Poienbor distrilct-is l qnte au Isoor ta aur citzen s a drsgglst mnsraetand- hlih ln bis cslllng têbepffiac.d ptlibe bud. Port Perry, . ont. 'l A NO. 37

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