Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 6 Aug 1897, p. 7

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W~ s Do You Use ItP It's the best thing for the liair under ail circumatauices. Just as no man by taking thlought can add an inch to his stature, so no preparsetion ,can make hair. The utmost ,tat can be done is to pro- mote conditions favorable to growth. This is done* by Ayer's Iair Vigor. It re- nioves dandruif, cleanses the scalp, nourishes the soil in which the hair grows, and, just as a desert will blossom under rain, so bald heads grow Liair, when the roots are nour- ishied. But the roots must be there. If you wish your hair to retaîn its normal color, or f if you wish to restore the lost tint of gray or faded hair use Ayer's flair Vigor., 'ýEighty Miles up the Gatineau." (By N. H. MCG., WHITBY.) The Gatineau le a largo and fluent river in the Pcovince of Queboc. Ih je tliree bundred miles long and from one qjuarter to one haif tmile wide; takee ils eource from aowewhere near the head of the Ottawa river, 10inds ite conrse several moois away Irom it and thon fiows almost iiaralil wiLh the Ottawa and afLer a winding course of several hundred mile@ it emiptios itsoif into the ruehingz torrents of theo niighty Ottawa, a little below Par- liament 1111; the junetion of these two rivera iii known as GatineAu Point As you enter the Gatineau and in fact whilo travelling ifs wbole lenuLh the scenery la oîmply grand. On other 8ide ofitsL banke are Inottains, sorme covered wtt foliago and majestic pines, othore on whicb the tr* es and hrushwood have been gutted wth tho roaring bush ires, and ail thart romatins je hero and there a cbarred pine and barren rock. At the La8e of the mountains are hittla pastuie lande, ruunnng ont to the water's edgo, w bore now and iihn you s00 cattle, sheep and often a stray deer grazing. At eome plases the batiks of the river are very steop, forming at times a porpendicular wall of eolid roca. Ttins you see there is material hoe, il I only had the power wherewath to use it, of forming a picture or rather a vision, the beaut *y and magni tudo of which the human oye alone can couiprehend. On a bright norning, ae several liun- dred foot I ascond the tuountaîn saide 1 taIte a eurvey of a landecapp, lit up by tho boamne of a suures un andd my oye catches a glitupse of a variety of colore lvîuiLg upon the surface of that landecapo, w hich ie almoat indescribablo. 'Ubere ie thie doep green of the paet re lande ;thie <lark brown of the thîck ow:n gcop sps; tho towering trae on tho mou ntiain ide; t1Ue silver gleatu of the river whieh winds through thetu; the fertile valleye ; the dark hazy bIne of tho more distant hille 6een in perspective ; the clear blur of the f lys to and fr-o on 81 Mil; LaIt. Noý lady cao b. a member of this club for love or money. The three cottages are respecttvely ovned by Mr Hsaelwood of New York, Mr A& Malr.n of Bnoking bam, Que., aud Dr SOOtt of Ottawu. 1Mr MoLaren's cottage le a luxwe one, baving two -large bed-roomu, a kitchen sud din ing rooni on, )o unl floor msud tre. bed-rooo>e and à wlde hanl upatairs. There le a -wd. verandah on thre ides of the cottage. Nomthe. front door yon can sée. tii.foc$of 4 Li. Pemîchonga. and fromein lb bukdec u ad of 81 Mile Lako. Tlhe oott* uies1ads'on bigh land, lea*palntud green,&Pd trçrni its kg staff lthe Unon3Jack blows gayly ln lb. mot~ain bre., Point 001o>foina&bout five mulet a. tant (rom the.Gatineau Elveri and in idg- > &964- on a Carmw :: 040koflutdiabont pnt iundrea Y&O'iid&be1te êm 411 ent r hla« .èogadue#. ethere ae n y -do snilteta i tb. 'vicinlîy, lu, aýtt of trbhohtli.r. j splecdld fishing', Tues. te .,are &a, bemmaed lu by mountlu, and the scen,é> of the laItes 1afnllyai grâ*a ti t6-0o the. Gàt1ûesu. Aller a heavy rain taîl th~e nooa appear enveloped in mistesmud.'l1cou vhlob beneatb the Dnoeudia en eVor. Me. and stoaruheavenlwar, 1o" lhut. t loftiest peake Witb a -perfect l5bh 01o fantaitlo wreathe. Iu the fali etftthe ysar this leia foLvorod spot for deer bunting, in.faot e'en. now yon eau Ises a deer a»y tii. yen vici Le enter the bush for a short distance. *I saw a deer on the firet day of maiîla1 It was a Yougeue about two years aid aud Inalined to be a littîs Lamne. On Joly lOLb a younî deer walkd in te the boys bod -rocim, took a look et them, aud quietlY teo(k a itht about face aud walkod ont Lb. door luto space sud dai-kues. July 26tb wiLb several otiiere I olimbed eue cf the monutains te look, for bine bernies ; vo picked about Selon quarte et the littie bine fellowe sud vended oui- way home again a little tired but wel satisfied with our good foi-lune. While on the top of tbe abeve mention. ed mountain I couuted ne lois thbu forty soyen other notnutain peakas, se yonse bow mnountainoue tbie Province la. Tii. boys (i. e. my uephevè) sud 1 spend our timo frotu day te day in roadlug, svii- ming, boatinq and lsbing, sud boys, girls and ail af 1er the eveulng meal, while telling atonies sud sinuiugr songe airouod the camp fire, netunufrequenhly hear the clear caîLI of the bcon on the. laite sud the weIl-known eoug of the wbip-poor.will. I trust that ths reader of Ibis litlt. peu picture may derive soie interoat vbils purnsing iLs contents. A OLZILGYMàUi'B LIFE. Hae More Worriee than the Public are Aware Of-Norvons Embaustiou Lb. Frequent Outcomo. There le more worry counected witbr the routine lhf. of the average ler men than moot people imagiue. Hie duties are multifarjous, aud iL le littîs Wonder that ho fvoqueutly becomos tiie victitu of nervous exhanstion, insomnia, etc. In thie condition Dr Williams' Pinkt Pille act more ispeedily'upon Lb. nervous systera than any other nmedicine, and promptly re,ýtore Lb. user L a nor. mal state of health. Rsv Wm <MOarke, a rising Young molebediet minunter station- ed at Orono Ont.,,Basys : 1 bave don,-ý od great benefit fi-cm the use of Dr Wil- lîams'. Pink Pilla. I found, that vheu I attom pted to study I voulci become drowsy and could noL apply myseif to rmy work. My digestion. waa, i10ry bd, and my foi-vous systom seemed te b. out of goar. At firet I paid but little atten tion o e ismater, butfunh yef Rrowing woree. At this ime I vas aIs, tioned at Fort Stewart, Onat, sudvaAs, boni-ding at the home of astorekeep*r, who aavised me te ry Dr Williams' Pink Pillp. Idede-too ,sd thanke to tl:is medicine, I arnagainrs- stored te hea!th. Ubder'$beatï om stances I feel it My dnty Le »Y a-gocd word for Dr Williams' Piuk Pilla.»-"ý Dr W.illiam@'P I Pll O r bgoinsg to the root of tbe digsée. by't and build np tbe blood, aud atrenglben the nervos, thus driving diseaaefrom the stemn. Avoid imitations by ,1islti d6at svory box you punhs.. la euolosed lu a wrappev boavlng the:fuità~do Mark,, Dr Williams' Pink Pilla for Pale POOPIE4 Tho Cook Brus, aure cuuing tboi' griot mii almost nigbî aud day. Thîi la the way vo 1k. to se WIhnpa boom. The Cometery commitie bu laid ont sud made a plan efthie"bùrylig groUndt 8o iL vili be quit.easuy t 1 o«oatOsaY 91O Particular grave, vbich.lW thépsat lbVwu vsry bard te do, espoolallythoseà itiout Wo arn serry'evs A", loaIng Ur e McLood. He o leoing, 10 ae àSitua' ion st Oillia. The bhad, c6r- 1hsne. division sud Suday uboot , ** urY' mach mise bis servWoM be"ýUfW minent part in theniait,14ib*e. 000 Sunday sebol. ]3éwu~ belp sloug auy wOrbhj" !P upLn the vlage, fxw~k beaorry 10 los. bin suocees lualiii futue#fi$e' viii ever u"horeslatire*6 bh- ho hasie u eâaî£1la hfi 4 yoaul ay satI p obarater alwayarmw At **** ns -Â1l e ' ùoôto, ta wlwib ÂÀM veai' sud Wifé fleth . é " au ktur, -f-8ýaftcý,la -wlt ?bM itsd,*iftfor a. fev thym. M~ <~,,of Poaing, vas hmu MISS .JO flie aws0,of Toronto, la hère, wfth 'lier nith.8r for a couple of Xuar. autriok s=d Fajwkes, of Pick. e-rilg*-ere lier. ou nlWedoeday. -The, r6uet rai atorma ha"v causaid miicli damage Le Lbhe grain l intis vliuity.' tev iddleton and vife have complet- ci avek't visit vith tii. iatters saiter, 41à Hlopper. Minsamnpbell, of Toronto, le here with baer broôther JfRobert Campbell, of the O Mies Perrior, of Green River, le hors wlth lier trier à, Miss Ela Pattersen. - Mr& Bd Gibéon has been ili for some ime but is nov muob improved. James Patterson, of Manvers, ie bore wlth liii mether, Mnre James Patterson. [e i% as robut'looking se ever. Mrs Oeo Ogilvie, of Wiacoousn, and MUn Josepb Btzrgovs, of Stouffville, werc hore with A Wilson sud family lust veek. Quit. a number, of our cltizons took lu Lb. gardon party at Alex Duiffs, Myrtîs, on Friday evoning, sud a spiondid ime vas eujoyed. Joshus Bundy and party 1sf t Wednes. day Inoruing for Bindays ]Point, Lake Joseph, viiere they viii spend tb. usual Summenr vaation. Duncan McNab la taking a ovules on Lakte Ontario thie weok for the good of bis bealth. In hie trip ho ho wi 1 vieiL Haiiton, St Catharines and other places on tho aboe. B E Micheil and vifs, of Toronto, are hors for a few day. vith bis parents. Ho ien ployod by the Toroento Street Rail.- wayOCompany. Ho lanoct opposed te Sunday esm, as hoe yn a mtan doed net bave te vork on the. Sabbath uniss e osa deios, snd if ho doesbof geLs suother day off in the vesk. The Magistrates, who tried thoecase Brodie vs Bayer, wisb us to state that the whole matter of evideuce was fairly placed befors the Crown Attorney, who fully coocurned lu the 'ruling that the lauguage usod by oe o f disse msn te the other, soins daya before the. trial, cooild not b. ad,.nltted as evidence. Anothfer point vo visb to correct le thât the col- ledtion for the. paying of the, linoevas taIt. on up before aud net whilo the. triai was on.-Nows. A City Man's WaiI. There Are Thousauds Like KIM lI Canada. 'lTo be candid and trutbful, I1som mis. orabis, used up, norions, sud oa lep tisse daya; I fool -as if 111e vas net w-ortii living. 1 have. Lried countvy air, and iae atriotly llovod my doctor!i udvice yt ber. 1 am»,lfut vearing svay." .This-ooeusion, made by a resident ef- one ef oui- largeat Osathlfan cieis, ruly epenta the. condition cf thounud of Innsdvomon, old and youug, aL Ibis ime of Lb. year. z -uI la almeet certain that sucli veakly snd broken dovu meon sud vomen bave net yet heard Lh. joylul usî IbatiPains'. Colery 0Cm pund t Lb.great life rnew- er sud bulder, the medliilne ht ae tieWa strong, Lajve i Uneru iotIvity Le the langui Ana th"t meniakthe btood pirudreelad, * tha g:ve# dîietive vgorý'sud Saeet rofreshng àxe loup dear reader, 'Suonost- the sud~ sufeiu aýd o fil na?« If no. lt tan,# oint -Y«' to *e ouly- ne cine >tba eInee»Mtyow r Osa. wfthout al fear O cf lubin. it Î& PuIies 0otoÇQM-- poud, oabM e' ur41 uofor the:Mred sud vmonet boit i:asunsr guf At tire Malof lite troble, yulokir àg* of crâ afsat ti .4 lm» aine onby resonsi sud ité WIi U tua*tIn fis y enMt I 7019 znisd ptlara. ibdmsé*U Vat" ïu mner, W*lý m aay f~Eilm&o inv boa p d,, satb.ob.go mû*toopvm lti itYlci roiia>ded, curve o ter. aide > f 4h. aelng to nrw itb.Et h eo*fôuabI afoot wic icigure ta the ocàe. ed-4uttoned-ý-Corcu CantlnoWiueco&.HRtsi=eaSto il. Widts E 0 E.G<odyear WecId i3.OO $4.co% $5.0o. Starnped on "The-Mater .$oe" M. W, OLLIN$,' SOLE AENT .FiouE WHITBYO The Oreat Hmergecy Rem.dy MsIyothbebest kwn people lauthe landi testify to its efficlency. It promptI~ Toothache and ail pain. iQuicky ly ay mation. Wherever the skia lu cut, brulseâ, burned, ffiimmed or diased inuziy (arm 4 4Qsakcur1' wiU do ho uSidruIwork.- Dr. I. B. Ihbotson, Major Royal Scots, Montrel. and Com- z"f dan of -ge Te m la 1894, -. tes Çn keM 9 W s a W W W an au uthe s yu saf oer 1t; yeu tesIt kouasadi uota ldalnw drugs, untB wf ii stw agvin dbso er P heta remedymnd eamn- keptnte hmlstou that wil efea prtot nti porxeut oeal t so 7e iWoo,£w.jv s of podm, .Tobecormoi E SIùàWas,£1c lcà hof l e m binantyOnumt tMMsudia«Mead gra. oo4 ulmo boplessoasetatlbuit ws aveOeedb th O ttalentehys"wm clanscase thatwereon that rgefS iandiiuit -C58B5thBtW8DrSs O retoe WmnlStgrai bhlt.-EeA" 'r you nedotdesplr-uat.bs j#na 5ev ho as glenyouu siwsIe-4hê eme4ty ot n wltu yorav. odi reb, by Ian. ona . p rstornetibu a 118 fum uesul hn&ds f aUi<t Prios, oepa-Ckag, $; saha es, $5; .dby tmouilfree postge 1'he tatWood on hvMpaofy, WIn<r Ont., ky-Can tada AfeoT Wood'* Pbophodlsi.. tbsolti th" epo"sble boSal sud utalld.Iýrglt uh.Dl restredto mnly« nd hWthW d yo nSdlm u WI-bomat - To pan Lomatees, C'ut the tomatoos iute halves, placé them in s akg pan, -zldn -aide dowu, eprinkieiightiyý eith sütait udpepper, sund put in the çeutre cf eéaçh- .# t ioy bit of butýter. Bake sicvly until soIt. Dish, an& add5 to the. liquor,: un the pan one. pitt of piik. Moisten two-lovel tahicapoops- ttit f tour wl-i it tle cold uil;add tt tü,tthe pan usir-onatyutl ~ a fpepper,-Saud pougr it errt toast and serve. 1- Mr sud- Mr x..Forsythe, Dr snd Mrs Barkey, Mr and MumY L Barkey sud. Mr sud- MrsT Barkey heve returued tp Uncle Sain'.do- mains, aîter a v-eek' viait vitli tfrueudàand relatives bere. Ifs~~~~~~ cb'gba enfde oomb the b 'taàbri:W 'Feu r ahnqthe l,1dryILant pply Dr. Ohs. A yot- aaid Mommgtok l "b aI s 4*v le nday. R a beoî v ppW* aARams KMEWMiT. HA ng m6,»dlu1o o théw rn>lüaew uand MIry busiunss iU b. dons b salis'. 1taeld n. IOla a peclaty. oelCaîsuus el *shop andi stock. W. OALVZRLEYe Second door voit ei old sbo&e Duandas Sieet, W1iI y *GRAND TEUNE AND MIDLAND go!8, Express Daily Mail....... :80 à m go 7 Local, exoopt Siinday ...8M50a = No àPaosnger Il fi ...::9:88 p m, No.1, xprssMail dally.......5:560 p in TRAINS 00130 NASTWARD 8o 6 xpress, dafly, ezcept SUD .. 8:04 a M No. 4 Express, Il 9:57 a in NO: 14: Passengler "Il 8:08 p ma No. 8 Local, i di 0:17 p m No, 2, Express, Mail. daily.... 10:08 Pmn MIDLIND DIVSION G0110 r(nru-IDLAD BTT10 v Kr illO...................ST.ATION a Mail ........................:0Pm Vized To Lindsay ....... e..$... 6:85 r COUiNO SOuTs Xlxed Prom Lindsay........... 8:87 ar Mail.... . ............ 12.46 pr Mail....... ............ 9:10 Pm DOMINION BANKS O apital Paid upu - Ssurplus, $1,50oo W"hitby Agency. GeneralI Bnking SAVINOS DEPAETKNNT. tuteroil allove t ibgbest 0o0'rrent ratas. NO notice of vithdrawal requlred EJ. TNOI-NTON, Mianage FAIRBANK'S Real. E8tate CoIumn. Small Prame Bouse and Lot, corner of John anti Byron streets, Whitby, Will bc solti very cheap. LOTS-To bc sol1d, lots 3?4 aud 258, norti, ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Ash street, niortb ward, will bc solti cheap. ,Cheap. A fine,. two story brick bos, wltb brick stables. . Slîuated on Byron at., Whltby, the fineat residentlal street. lun5he town, wlthln three minutes. walk ofýthept, office, There arc three lipte of-laut i wtban eutronce on two streets.. Hense lu perfect repair. For particulars apply te L. FATRBANICs, Real Estate Agent, WhItby,,Qut. RESTOREcD MN 80 DÂTS. > GO*D UYEOTS A? ONON. 1- t. . Businem Toronto, 1 RAîlway TImé Table $Itôootooo

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