Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jul 1897, p. 5

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v ~flILII*; J Z VII t s gý bing sale"fr, 5dy et Cblcag~ mat! Mu Dôla I ita are gueula ai The $harniock lacrossete&M ofItontreal, Mr. k A. Paterson, principal of Perthb-côt. ,tjck Pins, StradMs Mt j A Undnbuli, teacher, p6ut Penly, Capt Coon.y of the Gatrdon City laid up wu hee o , ondy, ndtook a walk bore Taesda and Wednesday, and came SBrooches, ron o pbis tny riends. up towa ta ii bis many friends. Maiýpatbuasters are liable t rm. Mt Jas Houlden brougbt Into teCRN MIe dais, to~'glecUng t: haVO thee scuJi vLB Office yusterday morning haeo n (armera would hit'e this iwefcd for kernel. Beaten down ta the earth tiiey 50011 B d e . Grmsby Park lathe mnt dellhtfül surn. Mayor 'ul eyeserdar proclie )peçialdein fo Cite' wilt carry an excursion thero on Tu«.al not very long notice, but quit. long deigs orAugut 3. Faire for round trip 74 ctL ; enougb for ait that will be going on, no ter as riizes for Athletic * ch Id re0n 4o cents. Admission ta parie freo. we ca loa. arnes and schools, -2-ifl. Inspector Hunt, of the fine Insunanco Robt Ailiston, of the Canadian Express underwritors' association wus bore on Wed- office, met witb a rathen palaful accident on nesday to tako a look ovor the tawn's fire -A T- Sunday, ile down at the latte ho stepped upparatus. Ho had the. firobeil rung, and on the point of a spike whicb vent tbromzgb thebae had a stneam flying ln leu8 than bis bman d Intô bis foot. He ls confiaed thirteen minutes. ta the bouse for a fev day.. Mr John Campbell and Dr Will Campbell, ~ B nL n i YIl< Sf lTihe T. Bâton Ca. <limited) bas been oued Chicago arrived hon. on Moaday to shako 11< 11<1 ii for i ao,ooo for haviag on Its bill heads, ad. with -the boys before taking their annual al ard velrtlsemonts and elsewhere designated ît- outing at Windermere, Muskoka, who-ro self as "ltd." Instoad of bavingaspelled the the l put la a couple of weeks boating thece against the Oiro seems perfectly pic-nlc of the S S'.aifthe. Presbytorun and dlean. Tie liv takes ao account of spelîng Bpstcices vas postponea oa Wod- _____reforai nor defoctive orthography, neitheonensda luat. It has aow beon decided ta does it permît of abbneviatlon. The word hait! It next Wednesday Aug. 4th. The Ar~.IA must bo spelled ln accondance with the Place and arrangements tie same as pro. ULI tIICÉ aue mcat poîo.Rab. Walters, aged 12, found a bottle % Ho for Sea Bre«et. tioatlng at the bay on Wodnesday, and upon ___________________ Sec Stephenson," Whltby, opposite Hatch uncotkiag it a plece af piper vas diacovored Bras., for ocean, ses side, upper lakes, and ta b. its contents. Feming that it migit be officiai coaaty orgaL-Laargss 0170111fr Kuskoka tourists' tickets. Chice of rail- a document of gnout import lî vas carrled to tion of aay LOMUalpape? 1M C&asad. vays, boat linos and ta ocean steamship Harbor Master Galbraith. who found that it linos. Rates always guaranteed right. Bag- was onl y a Joke dropped from the Niagara 1age checked thro'gb. Cbeap tickets te Or Navigation Coaiany's ship Cbippewa. f D Y JL 0o19. romI Englînd, Ireland, Scotland. Manitoba, Oeo t,45llw hobr horam FRDAY, JULY 80, 189 B.C., Californna, ail U.S. and Canadien O.o hs elw i untermm ~ points an ywbene, everywhere. H. tickets with acid struck tova Wednesday morniag, tbraugh (nom Pickering, Myrtle, Brookli. and pnoceeded ta solicit manoy. Hi$ rm Toroto o Wbtby.32-413.wu. a horrible ight, of course, and vould LOCAL LAOONIOBTrot.r bb.3-4n ave won him muci mopey, os Pome people Nir. Thos. Moore, Midland, wus boe Sun- Nov tic s4ti Stands. will hand out quarterti freely ta Induce sucb a), - Tbere are 94 Infant'ry Battalions ln tie a persan ta basve. Chie( Constable Calver- Nir. Fred. Luke, Now York, la borne for Dominion. Accordiag ta tbo luti militia loy knovs ail aboitt deating viti such oai ihrte weeks. list just imued, the folioving soven Battal- scamps, and whenever one 6f ibein comos M r. French, Toronto, brother of Mm. Geo. ions, of wbicb four are city organlatloIis, along he-should be finetout and tic chief su A. Ross, speai Sundmy hone. were thc only corp up ta full streagth or stent for. The constable arrestedt iis fellow, i Mg.Ev Hake ba rturedfro ~establishment: rst Batt,, prince of Wales but allowed hlm time ta get ont af îovn. o ise va e avu n hTorn edo.m Regimont, Montreal; 3rd Bail., Victoria Tie doctor woult! not Say positively bow ~ visi tothe now in oroto.Rifles, Montreal; ith Bail., St Andrews, the wound hsd been made on tbe felov Nirs. 0. Sebent, Brookla, ad Miss Tory Quebec; 4t ai.,Otai County, Ont,; vomît! have beon lockeo up. Hi.-(sIte is so Bandel are On a trip ta the Thousmtit Is- 66th Batt., Halifax; 85th Bat, Montreuil. aid tual Itl sa avonde epoaentbte lands. The 34ti leads the sevea, bein; the only on. postet! as ta the sami Mir. and Mn,. Wmn. Foley ad Miss Mary ot the numbon havtng a chîpîmin. complient t0 Capt Cooney and C-ev. L An n Folcy, ai Bufialo, are in tova vlsiting Arn~od Caugbt et Lai. Blt evngteCr are iyo Bur "Frelnatestr iodr t h Our readers viii remombon tic case of Tnebday morning the passengons draft, - Buk" reeanthesta filde oftheWilliam Arnold, Cedar Dalo, via triedto taheic oliawi ng resalution ad prosentet! It ta Toronto.EEssterni teigne toai bas batiet! out ilt Tunnkey Bruce bore tireo years mga. ibe managers of tb. boat : Movet! by Mr. G. V 9 homo ruas la the lust n t games. Arnold vas sent Up (rom Oshawa for stest- N. Simmons, Oshawa, socondet! by Mr. C. a' miss Saunders, ot Guelph, bift for homo ing cîrpenier's tools, and! only iad i vook M. Cavien, Bovmanville, "That vo, the.CI on Monday mter -spopdlng twa veeks in or tva longer ta p ut ln. As bis sentence exenrslonists onthe A.O.U.W. excursion, town a guest at Hie HonorJudge Darinel'a.. va almost oxpinet! Tunnkoy Bruce llowed that could not mâte Oshawa barbon on Mon- i Miss Bella ad Aggie Saith, Of Toronto, hlm some latitude, feeling tuat Arnaold would day night, July 26th, domino ta tender aurb cam doa y ie oatonSatrdy md o noting despenate with oniy a short liai. sincene takt to a CpL Caoney ad officens t vhîe l uon vno itither mnt, Mrs. longer ta serve. Tic tva af them wereofaitic Gardon Citv fano mstlinbnia Ghiei twnwRîcthte. aucooking super vboa Arnaot! struck Bruce the boul Bt Oshmaabarbon and tht Iu klnc- t mat!chilRiae boe (om bebint! witi a bammor for atone break- tiens ta us durinq tic nigit." Tic motionD Mrs. John Willis n i d anebone ing. vhlcbhsd been carnet! in thon. ta vas carnet! unanlmousiy and! al joinet! la from Barrie viti Miss Wilisl on Fnl a. Dr.break up sai. Arnold thon vont ta the slnging for "Thcy are ai Joily Goot! Fol- J ewett, Rochester, brother ai Mns..Wll place vicre bis ova clties were, oxciangot! loy.." vas here Stunday. the jaol garb for bis avn and! toit. Bruce ladia Famine Fund Sevenil paCkeÏ lkfives thave beet iedO!as atervards fount! almost doat!, but sur-. a way frai» tie _oditoial tables ai the CH RON-. vivet! after a bardtilme ai IL. Anovant! a fuhe rot of nain tnhb t $176,00ta i CLE ltely. If thicparties viii bing tien sno vas offenet!, but vithout reult, until 8awtii.fited ndAlaiela eu $176.000, t>ack vo simil pretent! vo believe iioy Cr vwek. foa doiective ati»tiodon spotiet! vobut aontute$6M afd mi bs Cbeei nrrd ried thcmf off by accident, mat! amy considor hlm unc or a tals aeadho îli b. bore bue $1Q7, nubc~ $48,o66.56 Nova the question o ai !ng out a smali neyant!.tiltis voci. Ho is mIsa chargcd viii sîoaling cwtia 4%1-44, Nov Brunswick $il 70$.41 Word bas reacbed bore of tie deati of Mnr bicycle at London, mt!va9a7.6pgo Mnlo,m L rince 14 alt Islubd a 1 5 Montimer R Woodbouso, of Fart Williî'w, senence yesterday. s'6,pri Evr îind$ 04,4, an oId Whiby boy at! brother ai MissTh-rit ig -hie Ceaimai.North-west Terrltauos l$,94-U OfaiéIsthe woodiause, ai Port Wiby. We bave tn o Smo yeans mga hItvas an undoubtot! (act Montres.! Star collecte&i. $.%,owbîhh Iu- (union paticulans but bMn Waodhouse's al attic CHRONICzLzgraVeyard containot! cludes ith.e ntribution of!=May lune~ may fa-ends bore yull regret ta bean ai bis ina-docks of sncb superiOr grovlb and cipalitlca, ($1,895-15 dof vh *" vs ubMculh. deiii. quallty tuat tic vorîd cotaIt!nat boat thora. cd tbrougb Monàtres.!Witces) the. MX- NI r. Jna. Boaver, of Uxbnldge, wviebedto ta w as aur pide and bautIuit a Single lbai Empire, >torno, coflected e $s6fl. -,Tor- t. wn on Suay and wvillegivin; an exbibi- ai antc 10l tieso (mulousdocks a sulffie Vto Gloe 584.6, ChrSilof Onari ai tion on lhe fouir corner msi i nuit avrm rAa er ut uf- 5.47-3,TePý ttis ! ndrl.gv uînalo a acoa~11b o a be1, fell mnd dient ta maie a dishounet! grave fora della n u? e t broibe a10 a t! tic bîku& we ptl o-qot uarber. Whou v. bat! ichievet! Te tixicoti îoa -o. ( 4i*td*of bsi boeapedmi. H a h k u no- unob c nil h pfb d h ofetcao- der at! retunned borne ai nigit none 0tie &Il tic glory possible from tic pro-pagation Mdsn PU 7 &. Otw%,tsnto f varie piysicmiiy for the mishap. "oai mn, v. naturally turuedt o C&aùad n oot1 &«ILosUtav"city es anlg Ba7s Dnovaed ~~thitiles as thc nextat esiuhng akc ii m Tva oys mme! Dais vre rownd rui (om ar suenir inellet. or ta ir > 5cozitIa m an vh ec alc vad lm U do n, ic ia l W u d bg mw, ta " e e8'7Z thelgcasetsaiOfe shIyed 8 dms. s! ir ta TutMoallbà zunsAibGoudas um T!uulu une sudiistiP< Of. ie ndicaet Wor qoice u alntes ai p a asy oeShdtisai Goudasirlà d js clrdb rnn !ts astms nota thbaon lt$oeu le= tsn. oss i gu ot neg Li;. yivli i d t1im1u Tent ab.m ep it pm l eA t"- b ocsin t r s oe k#l =0m di>b ", .â*1*f Th i ti c s oaihi i xOur IOCO lKY se Of Pa"" Mr s Mfa u u agemenlof tis Omdeu Clty40 PSflf tf thenuder toe la ma .,me h .~0itbt TfGor uaedet- WÎObI'0'Sni «* oat!isjk ooifte 'id tisa titIo *met hav t0a ualhi otit ot ppa! roe t ib*VtII M 1th m Oftefreles e _ vey 1100 .oia tIp fOS tiss O<tiM b*Î ut ti onsgcfitudoTb i gb»W th" " V*Oit'pquvi*fUlS dte "o miii fo forg1 the OuSuSfr StS du 11* ATo 'G.o WALTÊR' Our Oleari:ng Bale, of Remnauts bias been a great suooess. Now that Remnants are ail gone we hl-oe reduoed ail Summer Goode to almoat One-Haif in dMWer to make a dlean sweep of them. mPIOEL "a . 20. Plain Grass Li#uens, .Sale Price 1 4c. 15. Victoria Lawns, 80e lack otto Cren, . 80c. BaSaleton re lic. Sale Price 15c. 85. Navy and Black Serges, Sale Price 24e. 10e. Ileavy White Cotton, Sale Price 7k-c. Special Ladies' 50. Cashmere Hose, only 4 doz., Sale Price 29c. 20c. Cotton Hose, fast colore, Sale Price 17c. $1 Colored Front Shirts, littie soiled, Sale Price 50c. $7.50 Ready-made Tweed Suite, Sale Price $6.25. 80 pieces Dress Goods, aIl new Goode this season, Worth from 40c. to 60e. per yd., Sale Price 29c. I Corne Early. Firsi choice will be the best to buy from. 4 W. G-0WALTERS) :0-: hitby. The Saivation Army wus îîlrty-îva yeîu hmmmImR fvn ieIuri t!d on Tu estay. III uIIism yspp ss Cr The CHRoNIcLE bastaken aven noo nevwe ait i obacrlben dt!nnlngJuly.Sc a t n s C l Mr at! Mus Robtj Lynde, of Totoato, 571 ST. PATRICK ST., peat Sundsy witi fnieudà noar lava. OTTA .WA, JULY Ji, 1896. -15 THIE-- Mn O'Brien vii.l lb. heWibypbato r ery vcy Tu eday, Frldmy mat! Stur- To the P Areno/ne M edicine Co.,, Ld., j L i . 1 y. O'Brien & $tediam, phatagumpiera. Ollawa, Ont, Stan da rd F e Mn Jna Grnaham, fonanonly teachormit Tovn U.ne, viabasb been siudying la London, Gentleman, - On the at!vice of a Ont., a-rivet! bene on Tnesdmy ta visit his fuient! I triet! one bottie of your famous nany oId (rient!. nheumatic remet!y, Phreoline, and to .yester!ay vas a t!aisy ot a mornng 10 my surprise it curet! me of -rheurna- Th undersignet! la the only- Importer vlcv the cclipseofaiticesnrq. W. do not sectîm fo ihIbaesfrt!or ,, of Scranton Coal iy vessel to, uyuein bmnging out mn eclipse vionth I sffolich ae ufre o cienk af lie veathon la drunk. many years. WhtY Un E Siephenson hbu ticketetheu (oiiow- It also cuned me of dyspepsia. .froni NoW is the time to Oontrmo for ing lis weech': L T Barclay ta Nanti Bay, vhici I vas suffering ai the trne, so Mr and, Mine Allio 10 Clintan, Fa-et! Haîci tiat I foc! Uow like a new man.* Tou Beusns mupply ofGo. wa Uptnrve, Murat! Mr* Albrt Richard- 1 have îried several remedieS for A!~ awy oSok saon ta i4ackac Islad, Mjeh., 1 Piquet, lu, Alsz awyInSok tua Monta-cal, Cimrley Bond ta Uzbridgc, rheumatism., some of which dit! me a Mise Siadorsanti t Stoney Lake, Misa certain amount of goot!, but, nothia GRATE,' EGG, E astwood ta Cliaiton, Miss Clans Adams 10 that I have takea bas donc 80 much Cobourg. for me as yeur Pirenoline, >îant! 1 bave NUT. (srove aize,) The Pust Paru Ofenred Eor Sal much pleasure In recommenâîng it t o PEA and! SOFT COAL Auctioner Fairbanks offenedth te Post other suiffeters. c$^ M h dD Fanoae aiauctionm'etiheRoyal boiel ou Sau- 4#yi-4t',we f-8t'put %!qenbIqc, atdU Ge> 'ours very truly, anI»i Cowâaý,>freçd s7,Soforthe, wboi.propeliy, (Sîgned) JAS. CARROLL, GatiaIPopt»U y $1,oo.- fe i b« a Wcatit! elohc h(u Foreman of Works, Rideau Canal.E. tV J voidda cover reve bl ld-asi .9 04 > tz.0 Re uB !Companvtsut! Mu D-7cBsdy,, but, viicb Manufacinret! on Iffonor ndt!solt! on met, wold, ot940rd mnyuhing ta Mr. J#H# LongsolitluWhttby only by for a îbird sortiage b. bolds. T-.nat buntdw et! e im>put ~a Mr. týmeronAs E.o ALuNo DRUOGIST. ofterot!a for alitd oigO _________________ 6co or i. otb hut!rd. Thsus aasttll : uaahît!f $0 emrblmthe propeuty 10 sH ISTe IEUEI1] .0"o cmi tSnus me osimate a! the gresiatU str 4Mxolday by the- !.ct. that mi th oler »opl enthelàbos seektng, plea- 0 = là av' ondor t pip0ne geiJ 111*vV 4 r sF. sfoed?dit! not godovu '*nut!_ *tb Lb. L ity ie arn- 2 I(l,. w mari- returti FaI8 1897. IlinittoIl cer, No ispecil Steamer aving tie sevral i sing. Li8 p ai. ie Fli. and tare m d colt! goo! ta ,akefied o romain t one ai ing very Chilt!'n. ,30 i a.' 1, Sec'y bard taIk. si x dyes en dollais 12je. Prints, Sale Price 9ic. w AL e

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