Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 30 Jul 1897, p. 4

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ni ki i c Pl I s fIw4~ hi> Mr toi lit ed CI Ail L.eaf Eating Insecîs. Churoh'8 1fl880t Powdar lo. per Tin 'and in Bulk. FRESH GROUNO BELLEBURE. FinestloEgilsh Pauis Gîeen, Jo E. WILLIS, CHEMIST & DRL'GGIST, MEDICAL ::HALL, 1 BROOK BT., WHITBY. itL(tronidtt. WHITBY, JULY 30p 1897. short Notes.ri What vîittce nain and thcetnl0ute paid ta Neptune b>' excurslofllsts, Lako'.Oiltario tan rîson about a foot. When peoplu pra>' for raIn lie>' siould ask fan a modersto shover or sa. Golng lte viole hog las hable ta brng an a deluge. If Mr Tarte causci tait as mucit pain lu thc bowels of tic Grit part>' as te dae lu ttc Tories ho vil1 soon destra> the vitale Tic veather clork muet ho clearng off bis raIe sud vlnd endors for tiec esosa, pro. paratan>' ta takLng a veli earned holiday ounlng the dog days, Il titre ho an>' ln store for us dunhng tic yean of grâce 1897. The uew McKileiy bill, ta be kuovu au the Dinglo>' iaw. vas passed aid slgned by Premîdeet McKLiey an Sstunday aset. It bits Canada bard le evcry passible va>' Tiene vas a great deal cf opposition to lte nicasurte, but ail agneedth iat It siould stnike Canada tard. Gad nover made auylting Ln vain. Ttc barren landseofthtie norlhvest shiov more vealt t tian ever ttc world knev, vitile the banen Gaspe ta te nanlheast surges forth 5po barrels et ail per day tram eue shaft. Wtee lte vealtitoftH udson Bayi s found Britisit Amerîca viii autunarvei Uiche rd. Hurrah for Canada!1 Sir WiliIrid pays s ver> ponr compliment t< htitle c vien ho <akes apecLal pains ta vrite hdtie expiaiîing <bat te did ici aeek ik, an< ony ccep<cd It because te patent vas alremd: made oui viten te vont to Englaîd and hi hated ta refuse IL Witen Qusn Victoria anc ber advlsers read Sir Wiifnld'a ictter te>'vIl beel soie>' <bat hc 414 nat doe heI, even titeugi ltse big seul andti nbtos vould have been wui cd. We tape no novu agency yl tartie lbi vonid vith a dispatci thlaI Canada le thd scene of a deluge, andt ltI evorybody ira bee dravncd. as la ttc course usualII adopted La teWestern ,Stt«vitenlte: bave a beavy sitover. Thone are portion cf Uncle Sam'u terrilor>' viicir bave boit twlsted Up b>' cyclones anrd carnled ava times beyoud reckoeiug. If vo were ta set ai ta, vîte -an edîlorla about good roada, Il vorild ho toa atvocato lav makieg Il a paiisirable oftence for road overser le put- or allov to b. drimpe or ielieconbis roat au>' stoesstiat von flot go Ibraugit e Inchtand a bal ia Tite penalty sitould be 4, *il cases ltaIia overseen vould have ta psay cotesu»dbrea lte stane. Nearyevor>' mati overseer1 te country vouid .bh cracking bardires for îhree mautits to come. Th« e wvu have good.rmatis. Tire blg.atones that bia been sunk ta our roads, maon togethen vi lte julliaus roling aroucnd!on top, areé vi bave desînoyeti ouir oade.:! If Mn plovlud Road Engineer Campbell voOdt attend iis malter for four or 6ive yearsa" b»ir ail visible stane pried, up su inasi 1 voulti ho abi. ta guaranle muS g orade Two triag becatue painfali>' evidat, readimtg the. uaninatiau .of Hon j» D don and U1r Wsn Smithre-i. a once It tieirsauder -sut. etiros lhieutappears 10 o er>' duhab out wl iretiti la roeorence te tire male malter dIspute vrile caciroftirem rb sd îlntà=1ltieuaboàt viral tht er valdMW 414. S8 rtir es.thei.pnçpato " sr are coucern,4tire>' vWpago isW*M vMs <a deintir of tac rout tira atfm dipt.If tire Uit«m in t e-case bl all t labout, It asthe Pdo aIti bard écratcblIng f he tra lwy to lt oe~fo a*un492a KILLS~ ald bus ke«i&apan.i wtb.&s Noeud. *" ttiedu sibatmud havakm*i2,.on our bomewsd tri dm aieougitt toge for I. 1lu dm put ofthe e bave bre. quat5mof an hmo ~wbb lb *mvi.visI tit o"k*bsiReffl d * ê«,theam * bm *irr.tir f wmi> k. , ,y mmmec5 elet laIPhm' auosb «asor, b"a tme, m tire a&04soour ut i bt h< WUI*O ~ aoaujytiti M" <,w etiras sy or- ttrva.1attisa béoftt but tr , butte r7'aIli ANOTHER NEW LU.A~DJ ,4 SSORTMENT EES' RTOU8E go 49blacke mannumow LW.ae4 *,ôh- ,t 'npr~eded to, àfl 1rguWâ ail tl hdei4 hthé bRck of KcGe&fyp ë_e badid not #tift the b5ay ?IIC5dSk7 bad,-wlthôu ii à lopig ltheltâteto abe heard 7 Lg~. he oy 41 *~t~tftt t owDlàmi o, 1t4'mc ,Spry cslie*êfoui, *viîtitue - p 0 t-4' tT > e'e -rate he cmatnt.: tig h P'alks, this week bus squelgct h* e bcy- ea'ot dscs ionte blood lbed rusbed A cotortofltt înne bimeifItisde t te face of thé wnanglois, and vas ruaning A contoronigt trnentilhuihetet de tu me the ew tirnes on the font cornetS on Monday 'Jhn ht.pval resbavecau for furtber discussion. Mis Lawier bas ireturtled tojoî Hp tserday tàrlniSugu, McGeary's tin hospital, Baltimore, te resume ber driver, backtd Itb Newp rt'. hack aet he ýtudies. station, bzelcing smie wheels and sbortly Jullualrge stock of white china wbicb aller dinner St.urgtee,,,-tid E 111, (rom the rebuitcheap lu Toronto. Prices away rival stables, bad a talking match at Wood- lown A= ni.ruf',, ach t hreatetlng to wear out lthe The clty iautidry cati now boist of anotheroteb>mppute udwhhl.fth Chinman GeoLeethe proprietor bau lm- ight had starîe4 tbere la no doubt but lte hinamai. Gea Le would have been valarausi>' contested ,orted one from Torotto. until nigitt wouLd have set ln ta give the miss Marie Wilson of Bellevllle, who la beiiigerent'i a reut. isiimgfriends in town, spoRt the week A. 0. U . Ecrso with eis EUsa Richardsonl. About 450 peoplo vislted St Catherines The town courici should Meet Munday on Monday, anud made the United Work- icit, but as that la clvic bolday il wlll likeiy meries Excursion a decidod success ln point ait some alter day neit week. of numbers. Wbitby and Pickering. con- Mrs Collins, who moved Inta the Tili ré- tributed about 175 each tot this nutnber. The sidence lately tesmakinff improvemeflls in morning did flot look very promising, but he way of paitins, paper&ng, etc. people paid no attention ta prognostlcating. Thte Sons of Scotland throughaut the and vent as if bouîd ualta turn back. The Province will hoid their annuel picnic aid lake had been rough for ornie days, but ra&mes at Prospect Park, Oshawai, on Dion. did not rock the ship mucit at firet. Sitortly ~ay neit. after leaving Freilchman'a 3ay, howcver. The Lord made a bargaitt with Noah it bocamne appatent that there was to b. a about deluges, but there appears ta have big swell aid titat the direction te boat been an aversigitt as ta a provision against was itcading would cause t ta lake thte haita dlug eta tme.trougit af the wave. Te Garden City la au halla dlug £1 tîe. ran ship, and not ver>'- casily rocked, but The wwse ones went berry pcking on Surn- the sweit was so great that mhe had ta bend day iast, their prophetic spirits no doubita oIts will. As a consequence some of thte prom pting them ta take the. tast chance they excursionists began ta (cci a lîttie qucer ln wouid have for a week or @o. thier equatoriai reglons, a feeling which Thtis was a dry moan, according ta Ihose was aitortly aterwards loiiawed b>' a violent vita pragnosticate when the>' behold luna eruptiae of titeir gastrlc apparatusses. By viten new. But t taok ta drinking. like a thte time the deopeet valer was reached the good maîy athers round here this week. siches had becomne contagiaus, and about The mai who dosen't khaw t le loaded, 300 vere selzed wlth it. Some people have and the mai. who rocks the boat have been tremeedous powers of expulsion, and ane jalned by the man whe looks behind hiai would almast suppose (romn their heavlng while on a viteel. The fool-killer finds that tite> had swailowed a itouse and vere plenty IQ do yet. bound ta restore the saine ta the venld un- Thils would bo a good dme for the streets coin- digested. On every aide the revoit af the mittce ta buy soin* fine broken atone aithet jail stomnack vas lu evîdeece, both as regards and 611i the ruts on the main streets. Asuit. the visible aspect of îhings and sounde as committce cul up the streeta baultng stone in te from the dylug. An odd oie via itad nat sprlug. Chairmau Smith shouid seu <bat thc ruts cajight t could be seon hueting for a place are filed. j where vas not s0 much vomniting, as 1< vas Mr I. Paquet, Jr., bas secured a good Pài turning iei or ber stomnach ; but relief there tien ie Montreal, aid vent tbore on Fillay was noie, qind once the feeling seized anc logt. Isaac lb an induptrlous, stcady young he was a victim sure. Proudi>' and grandi>' mai, and vili keep up, bis end lu the cait. thc good ship rode the wave, aid the lake His removal breaks the srng combusation be vas most braciig, but lte stomacit of iu the Whltby hockey club. the land iubber is ual attueed ta Neptune' s .Uxbnidge la offéring the 34th battalion $23 a airs, and viat waa jo>' ta thc wled aid vavo prie mneyforth anuelrife eet prvidd as almeest death totathe plesure seeker. prie mev for < te sUxarig eetroifded However, more of this later. The Welland niewmee LAtat t uxbtte ro Iyf ldcanailvas reached about tva o'ciock, aud I eling erse that tovhas a b oter, wtay te Garden City taok the aid canal, which aIo to blgU id e meer tan match= ier t asana wharf at St. Catherines, about ltre affod tabldhîgi for<tematces.miles up the river, for lte aid canal was The onivay ta stop lthe bris vanwil be ver>' foolishiy built slang a river. There la ta wan travolers ta keep awa>'ftram here, or eow a new canai buit paraliel ta lte aid oie cisc gel a trolleyUn lu . If the figimls vereprtf the way, aid Jonecd Ilit a few adverlised So that everybody caiild sec lbem mlsP ptartuI>. tCah oefl l t would uanot;besa bad, but ta bear of lthe charter lp caiied the Gardon City', because scrap aid ual bc a wilues e t i l a severe of lte fi ne sai and cli mate il beaste for aggravagtioi. fruit and vegetables. Apart tram titis there 1 Richard Bond a former emplayeeoln King' 8 dos nat appear ta be an>' speciai fuature tanner>' died on Saîurday test at lte*mgeoai about lte place. It ta a lovel>' rogion, aid > hirty years, of cansumption. For a year Or everybady ls indusîrlous, sociable, aid '.vto te has been alling and about six monlts happy. Aler dinner the excursionhste took mgo had le quit work, sunce when ho bas the neal littho trolley linos ta rui along the been siowly growing verse until deatit re- dep valley of the, aid canal, wvictrcitp le s elieved hlmcf bhis suffriig. Deceased mld vwa>' jesuggestive et traiing upte elouves a wite aid anc child wito bave lte brInk of lte gorge ef Niagara. But there la esympathy cf thecocmmunit>' lu their anthue- a vant differeccolu one way. Ever>' quart- I y bereavemoit. er mile or lue there là a tock, arid,, 4tuatei Wanted, ai each lock le a thrrving fatar3t softie ai. à Tva or three Boardons forlte aummler. them large oies. For a amm m-uni the 1Home comfortm. MISS HAYWAR9. gevernmout aliove Uic manufacturera to put Lahumuum Cottage, Wbitby. in a turbine bouide lte lock, andi tic saie May 27, 187-tf. vater rns (ram one ludusîr>' ta another, 0John Bsrisycoea on tbe Rampage. anîd canes thebhm cf geelus and humail te Tth e vea tho tis week bas promoted prosperit>' déwn the lovelv valley uithîe lte consumapton QI the juice cf lte baràr m rfloul> useful dltmy Ilaest Lu> lte ayvfu land likewtze <Ira of lthe rye. If anc àsnrging suad, splsbing cf .Lake Octatne not know botter bo might fane>' Ltvr ua"tlbe bus>' plesmure seekis tool e tair veoisor that a race meeting voreb inte trolleytup tw Uic new caal.vitore Un idproge.s. Some were spillcated who bave migitY 'shipe 'ate wilb lthe gresteRt «aUeand M no drunk ntigsS frya. faci Lily borne ip lte groal heigitta wlc b anthin stnng fr yens. meeltbe e lu lolg tovards Lke -Erie and Boys' Hats and Lustre Coatse Also a new range -of Twee ds a nd 0F Sti t: Specio prizes games shades. Ies Straw Trower- the latest patternse suitaoDie for present use and also4-ýor fal Wear. ~ANDRE Fancy CIna. ALarge Stock Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh Always me G rocerles. B' elitb le. AT GIBSONYS, GIGNTC SALE' Io HAYIAIYS'Ol sSTAND iDUT GOG»BArn Iigte -G entilTVriiigae, GI e. SugFdl.u RO ss. Here 18 a Good Thing. variety t/te Largesi I Quality te C/toicestI -Prices t/te Lowest- the FURNITURE trade. Re-upholstering -done on ehortest notice. je.J JOHINSONY Str. Gardo n City Friday trips to TrnoLae 8.45 a.m. Returain¶lecavesToronto ut p. M., arrn- J I R d tbip ooly So centé. On Saturd«ys baves- Toronto at pm. lot, «enrsiOn to Wbitby o ohav4e Bowrnman- Fz~.Whitb>r t» Toonto and réturni T Noi. lut; Tios JÂCKSOtW, a $1 spot Muslins in white. ii incolored. "Madras Sateens, dark & light 4moý uon day. Mn. 1 titre. w Me. E Ïe> A.Rosu isst Baxidel lands. relativt 'Buc ghome Miss on moS tavi a came i vitile. I Geo. i Mrs. back nried ti tire qi WC Mord furtit' raau_ brokil der ae vonu Tu Vhhbl \ I v *ýikk -il 1 l ings. in i di Gallatea Stripes. di Assortment Men's fie 0 St: Here is a Good Thing, m Whitbye Brock St., - 1

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