Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 23 Jul 1897, p. 3

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1thum st PnâeÈ. lul vas wuread tfroin w B8arth, Puty-mlnuter of Agriculture, frýeeing t 4oýynship (rom qualrinîtine fremnsheop Pullp Leing vas heard complain ; Àng 01 th@ eog up cf a ditch made bis no under enginepré,award . He *%itcommouded tu i'otîfy parties cou- O*rUbd snd In case they'reuaainod in- #ttve tontht tho o0gieer ho ouipow- ërte have vork due and cbarged MrBeare, as chairman of the Indigent OOMMittee, soecured the passage of the iQlwing report :-Geoo B undy, burial adexponses cf unkuevu mani found on C P R traok oaistcf Claremont, 8776; 'WM Proctor, frein the let of May 10 Ur Barnoa, au ohairman, seoured the pasge cf the fcllowing contingent se- comute ;.-.W J Clark, advortiaing D nubar- ton OUjivtont otract, 01 ; James Hubb- ariQu accunt, 63; D R Boston, on ac- mount of aalary $40; Geo Phili p, engin- oerser«vies ne malter cf M iller n d others, 8; Judge Dartueil hearing. in 1896 cf appeal for Court of Reviaion $5, md lor herirg appeal from fanoe-vievers Ur RichArdsas ohairman c f the m-nd and- bridge oîninittee, seoured the pais. ing of the following report: Alfred Hug. glus, drawiug graves on 3rd con, oppoahe uoSa per coutn.ict $4,25 yards cf grar- land right of way for div 35 and 86, 88.75; J as Richards gravelling station road t tPiokerlng and un Gordon'. aide- road loading to G T R station, $22.50; A Booth, drawinir cedar from 2ud con and filhing vaihout, $5; W J Graham, plates botà , o for Buyor's bridge, 84-'55: B Lsrkl, sOrdng base-lino bo'ween lots lb and 14, 87.80 ; T E Crawford, 9 cedar peSt, 90 cents; F Sodon, gravelling op. peut.e lot 10 on 9îh con, 87.44, aise 20r gtavellîng sideroad betweun lots 12 and 13, ton 9. $13, and gravelting between lets 12 and 18 in Sîh con, $810 ; W H Buik,gravel opposite lots. 80 and 81, con 7t * 20; John A Sinclair, 81 yards of gravel .oppliod Alloua rcsd in 2nd con and riht of vay, $643; Robert Nolan, gnmavelllng ou Allons noad iu 4th con, $31.40, aud vork ini 3rd cou 830, alan 87 yards of àgravl auppl ied ouAltona road $6.96 ; ay King, gradiug on Dîb con opposite lot 10, 93; Imms Connor, grad- iug bllI opposite lot 12, con 5. $6.50 ; S Carleton, building cuivr nsd grading in 4îh cou, *'785j B Wagoner, repairing road machine, 83.80;- 8 Carleton, making dtéh and filng vathout in 3rd con, $1,08 ; J, Wilson, -gavelling on omtern tovu lino ai, per contaand repaiinug cialvert on towuhine, $27. 621$; Ed Lidizett puttiug iu culvert aud grading on ossioru toemline, $1.12j; W Cuieton, gruvelling lu4t1 ,con ýou BrookRa.89,ae giavelling Brook road in 7th con, 815.30, ise grvelliug Brook road lu 7th con opp lots 18 and 19, $21.60; Ray Ring, 'grav.lfliug fliou Ith con opposite lot 28, -87; Cosmor, gradlug on 4th con, cplt12 and othor work, 67.40 ; W J M onlgnaveUiug lu 8th ncou bween lots 18 sud 19, $16 ; G0IL Stotta, 45 yards cf gavel for div 20 and night cf vay 48.60, ais. 55 yrdisol ordiv 24 aud righ#ofva&y o$s; Wpenfnock, ne- piinuJbridges ou Allons road in Oth con s peot the. latter sMd ýnJr seaism pates reOOn- iM Bernes. etdrov»e dovn 10 o 0t10",# O Moud&,. Mr.10o Draltes -w.bohsbu ei i d.' dent of WhMiteUvee forth leaelitlug bit relatives la t t4 Capt. Lewis, of 4o&h oarolu.eo wsl 1h. ouesatof p NmoillalI P4r.la"*s ek, sud veut away greatly lmpreuid - wlî the charma of our beutudl l~,anddlts admirable* batblng, groauds. Tlbe strawberry festival bPId lut pri. day'u nder the auspices of the ladies of et. Ândrowls church coupe ation wua sc eseful affuir, upWardo cf, $40 -being realized. Toi asu orved OÙ thé beani fol groundis sun.oudij the oohnrch aMd' tb. Oiimue'sBand roniered vert mmnY cholco aelectiona. Bey Dr Watson cf Sb Audrem's ohureh is away on bis annual holiday. Dai'ig bis absence bis place will b. fihted by'Dr. Smifth cf OgaonQ. Meusrs Robt Way, Geo. Veslie, 00e0. S Wallis, Geo WilBarascn, Jas B Watre, T F Godion, R Clark, 8 B Leacookt and D Molunns Cgmrised a fishine party Who oleaned , t Crrige.n'o bay laut 'Fr. day. Tbose gentlemn h avealways had an à 1 raputation as regards their vers- iy, but oven gorne cf their moii Inti mate f rie nde 130w look upon tbom witb suspicion wben they lhaten 10 the talk cf thoso bold fisher boys, but then, you know, te ene who is telliug a Baihig oeory an ale wance ie always made. Master Cooper, obeocf a, érowd of Rochester people wbo are caumping et Jackson'a Point, was in town laut Thurs-è day. The Orangqe Lodge cf thia townt, visit. ed Uxbridge ou the l2th and aalatd lu t.be celebration beld thore. Mises Leslie ef Toronto, la visftluag friends in townata proieût. I 1 Mr D A Guun and ly cf Toronto, are surmoripg in "Douroitn,"t Mr Andy OaCh iaîn n d bts obarming1 bride retnrnod homeoon Tuesday laitand will @pend the aummor montha lu their bottage in Ethel Park. The Cheokere go te Orilla te.morrov, wbore they will play the Orilila, team. The team vill hoehoien iran thétfollw. ing players P MeMillan, Ken Davidien D Calder, W J Ritchies D ýmouillazi,1H 8 Cumeron, H MeKinnôn, Â E O&aýeien W Murrê.y, W Caw ron, E Moinula, A. C Camoeron, and1 Hamilon. e Messrs Jacoei udMoffvt fp9torboroý shipped a carload af very duneherses frùuni bere on Wedn.sday. They wii.be abip. ped t0 London Boit. Mosars N Boissud C C McF-addeu, cf Cannington, ver. bore laie Tueidây. Mr Jas Ritchie is building a c4tta$e ou the lako shoro road. Mi" Scotcf Sultan, ubo libu beau vislting Miss Ritehie âu-ring thep-it vo woek returued, -bome ou 1ridey it PYNI EOOA PosItIvI>l Cunea COUGK8 amd COLDS enM ertany, biedamd trulliaooWh5n W. C. Mcobso &l Iu~,aa a. W, t Ed Boothby speta I Bleuhein last week. Master Samn Hoover is few veeku îh bis relalivt Mn, Fleury, of Tmaotq, a tev veeke vith bler cda Chas W McDonald, ou. lu spending lia hlidaï parents ln Whktby. 8 NiSbswendt,1Sý I lvislîing. is 1May f1 locality. He intenidute- for lte suntuer. Od LQsus bat uîuslly vesse thin 1 eaen i18970 Rtcr fuil parden&as»sadv.rrlmuts, er ipply to trna mBRU., krI., ta 801M ST., TOSOUT looping -th.ecso cool. By a Little Can4 Intense Summer Heat Can be Greatly Modified. -How best ta keep the house cool ln îummer lu a grave problem, " writes Mrs S T Rorer in the Ladies' Home journal. "During the hot months the hou'se ih mucli more livable if artificial heat can boc ut dowu ta the minimuum. Use the stove eardy ilu the monning, prepare certain foode that wiH keep vieil, and avold the niecessity of a big fine-dui-ng the rest of the day. Banc fonr are7very m ucb pleasanter iu suum- rmer. thanstrav-mating, aîthougb the latter io pke(er4ble ta caspets or ruge. Where one eau cornmand a vater auPý1y the bouse is mçasurably cooled by,,reducing the temperature of the paivement' and grounds around by coplo 'us epninklugu. A goodly stream of uéw air shouldbe alloved ta -sveep thrpugh the entire bouse morning and oeuug The hot air of midday will ýcondense quickiy lu coid walls and cause mold or dampuess, consequently 1: e4offld not oe alloved ta enter auy poton of the bouse. AIl the roome lu the. house should be kept icrupul- oaslyýckean and neat. :"fte outeide 'temperature lu ual appreciably lower at night t.ban durng, the day it is almot impossible ta keep suftlciently coinfortable ta obt.ain. neces- sary rest. The sleeping roonis may b. cooled by placing lu the centre a& eah a tub, two-thlrds full of ccol,, or bgtter, ice vaser. This viii abso thîe hat of the =mon in a few houri1 and will bt fouud particularly beliul where thercare children. If the heat co6ti.l tinues during the night tIh nigo peratureibutht raou. Alryour ceUams at night whenu i l possible. C1aie thon aI nninlthe norning and -the>v yull be cool aud dry thce ntit; day. Ex. ýceptious ta titis ruile are on wludy dayS' as the rapid notion -of-the air dose not, allow conden"s at. ,(eop *the collai 'perfjectî duftnd- finit, VrnÈtquént ~ plenîy cf ane ofthie gr#îcu: sivalut lu summer. A,ý Prolmont- MreS$oldo horne"No, MY,, us)5 0 :andýýl are not.golng oa, asumm rip, tble year. We expe=ý to, ý taket. tbî moncy it vould cot sund- buy a.firet- claM ùandem bicycle. Mr..Gofrequet.Thatlisu't ut 'ail èlcb; We- are golng to a e the sumïè mer trip and buy e tandem, too. Tbey don't speak. e bu hs 1Kansas halletones that welghed la lb. aplece ? Wats--Ye s, but everybody knows vhat a littie îhing a pound 'of ice lu., 1 think a woman. shouj4 always allow somneone ceae îc, choose lier huuband, What is your reanon ? -Sa ebe won't have to blame, herîelf If he doesn't turu out well. Don't you thinit these stripes :beý corne me ? asked the summer awung. They ought to ru crosswise, "u ald the wisndow, savagely. You are nothing buft a daylight robber. ',When do you take your vacation, Mr Tompkins? "'. "Can't tell yet; we ahl have . t, wait and sec wheu the typewzfter glil vante, bers." He-The record says you were boru' in i 86o. She-That le, correct. -Bioy old wouid you say I arn? He-Oh, about 3o. Sbe-You borrid- thing I'rn not 25 yett -I understand that Timmins avore a blue streak vheu hie tire èxploded." sTimmnins, allow ne to iÀfarm yau, dld nothlng of the kind, Ho iéis- îoo, much of &, modern litear mantot swear cîhef than cnrumson aaîbs." ÎDR. ft Caarh Cr TreaMson,Iî i ,b ,a igue~ ~vwwu'Pwy# LB ~LOOD BUNflISEÂSEDI 1* ~8e masS wia~wmIàntanA m~1ataa,4nua Sa air e. 1 sig a4,44t, f8AY ,-r.HE, Oity - Thinkg as Htghly of Piu Celery Compowid as ~ Did4 Years Agoi

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