Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 2 Jul 1897, p. 5

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Stick Pins, Brooches, Medals, Badges. Speci.:l designs for p1-tizcs for AthletîcQ 'aines anid schools. -A T- J. S. Barnard's, Offii County Orgagi. - Largest Otxoulia- lion of auy local papor in Canaaà . UIAY, J ,, '2, 1897î. LOCAL LACONIOS. SJ.ief rerînns et half price et W G %Valters , SaiurdaY July 3. Moi% Jarvis, of Detrot, is in 'Nhlîby @pend- ing lier hoikdays withli er mother, Mrs Luke. Nexi Wc'diiesday the Medd property, tient Cl.îrerîîorit, &till t)e sold ait he Royal hotel hiere jur ce creamn parlor wilIl e open durlng îlr eson irwh thre best of ice creena. 1D. Nlitliîsîîrr-if l'ai Geehan who s làan well known about towri lias rvturnied rom tie west where he lias been since last (ail. Toronto had a deficît of siooo from i ts iîbîlee The city gave e cheque for it, but tomrplained of bad management. Ii order to niake a clearanrce of ail rem- natits we have maniced themn down 10 half price for Saturday, July 3 at W G Welters'. Nihe iiethodist Sunday ochool will not ld theur excursion 10 Grimsby on july la. Tlitc date lias been chiangcd to Tocsdsy Aog -Master Roy iHarper, son of Pr Irvel liii ler, of l.anqang, Nlich, s here onr e vili Ijr hli granrdparents, Mr snd Mrs Major lilarper. i Jro HIl avis heua male an assignmrrent ftr ic bent-iji of ifis crediutoru lu Anthony Ianiai) Esq. and fis effects wiii be offered fur sale o>u Frîday, juiy 2nd. A iiieeitiîg oftie Libe raI-Conservet ives ofl>ckering township willi bc held at Iirîîîghanm on Saturday, July 3rd et 2 p. in. 1 it ire eetînîg wll h. address.ed by Messrs. 1 . Sîîif, Wn Snmith. ex-M. P., P Chîristie, Jro l r ig i aid ChaCalier. Sergri awrence Blogart, son of Dr Bogart otir- juin, hias auceessfotiy passed bis titri ,l aiîn atira at the Royal Military tlehge Kinýston. lie 8tood fourtb in rhrof mret on total marking. Ina irrîîleniatics and mechanics, lbe stood tirird , in fortification and rilitary englue. erlulïtthird , il, inîrlîtary topogrephy snd i -il stirveying. seconid , in phymies, tiaird in ciuiry. tlird suad ira frechand and pairnting, sec-ond. I nsit île NuPjes. ThJe diflerent fortn exAinalionas of the (',îlrgiate Irsttute will be lield as foiiows:- I-r ii jJuly and ;Form 2 Jui-y 5; Forme 3 îîrîd 4 JUIii7.Foitany innrmatlost inquire iii tlie lrinicipal, Mr John Waugh. excursion to Guelpha. Iii anoiher columia our readers wiii find ire trie tatule and tares for an excursion to the Ntîdei F-armn next Toesday, umder the aspites uor tle Farmneu's Irasti tute. The r.ite-. ire ver), Iow, the (are t0 Guelph bcbag low~etr, ýfar than holiday rates front these Oescrted HI, Wife. Il -s reporîrd that John H Lavia, a young Crllirer residitrr north-east of thia town, has de-etied bis wife and two littie chlldren and orie orit tu parts uîrknown 'with a girl Virîîrldi pîrroir (roi Brooklln, wbo han late- fi bereti a rervant igirl it the employment of Mis Il 'iiîley. Mrs Lavis was formonly 'a N'i. iLog Brookiin, and if reporte be Plrur there lias been very little pesce bc- a--tn theiti sîrace t hein marriege. Lavis Ilale iti ararigîrment to Athony Piowmen, oî a heav «v creditor, befor. lie wenî -and lefi no provision for Mirs Lavis, -il îrt rjSfic had High Constable Caiverly. - 1 tlire botiçe tire other day and seize mach arlI. e, is sirle could cdaim. Trwrî Couriî. Mlet Minrday îight Jonc s8th. Commouni- rttsreed (rom Secrcîaîy fic mnder. xrtrsassociationî and fromi Madili Bics. ti Lsakefield. The foliowlng accounts were r liereil tobeb.paid : Street» sud improve.] tiettî5-iýni Gilmore. tUle 848.43 ; W A- F'iaser, rep)aira $2a; JnoMcçari, work,$19.63; 'V ri Hopper, lao,25 ; u Braveuder, toant- "19 $1, 0oo Jno Hellett, teammng, $g0; Fred l'oî<son, work, $1.25 ; Jo Undenwood, -culs Crîg weeds $25o; Thofi Wlion cutttla $2 -rs a75 ; Bert Sturgeas Soc ,; ! orc. rrrack, timlben$7.68 ; Jas Cemerons, wonk, $2JE Sanies, dlgging drain, 3. Il* cf- D R Vickers. service, $Io; Jno sell, hauling toîd lumrber ..go ; W H Wairen Ih Nir% S Cofiey $2.76; l'dm ouniug, k.epoti Mtrs Rice, $13.50 ; Jno Wlet argocedlesto R Bond, $i. Town and masrktit prope Thos Penry, digglug aud cieaung itiog 513 ; Robt Ashby,doe $30714i O.oDaeoyI mowing grass on iewn sud rkiqg s«M $250; Thos Camneron. Cutb(ggrseou trees lnPark $,.pjl 1S5tçon,*ac1$De stck @Iboo t 0d eo -ob* cbunoe to gotbtàube . Mrm nte visling#i tt otrry, - nhe towa I. iuiwâ ~ u nlqeWho bhg' 844 Mr McGr t*le, 1b it*, wbd4wt*t on Sttnday isud whii ln iitüwa a of Mr Tbos ite.. Mr tO'Brien wIll b. htulthe Whibs~o 5allery everjy Tuesday Pid u > tr y. 'Bren& Sedarn, togtaphjj Mesure Geo H Hogartit A G 6 dro and Principal Waugh art pt*ald lie, ers et the entratnce and public scboolvo lits examinatio,îs. 1 Ho for Niagara Falla on *Ii Garden City, JUlY 141h. The Whltby Hglafid ',club là rünning the excursion and s radttinte may b. looked tor. [t tllb1 ,beîtrp tbis year. To Remt. Two comfortable.residencems etlow rentai to good tenants, wfth arnail familles. Good lolaity. Apply to J1 R Philip, Whitby. April 17, t8e-f. Jubilés Offur We wiil send the CK-RONICLI i lti Jan. jet, i8ç98, for aý cents 10 any friend (f auy stzb- scrîber whoee su bscriplon is pald to that date., Now corne on, or Baud te Chink and names of >'our friends. The Wbitby Highland Club twill ru an excursion to Niagara Palla by the palace steamer "Garden City"~ on Weduesday, juIy I4th. Highland music and ail kinds of amusements aboard. Watch for posters for particularit. On Tuesdsy Mr John Baker brought lnto tilt~ CHRONICLK ofike aoMÇ fine, large, uew potatoes, almoat full aise. He la always otrr irst visîtor of tl.e esson in tbisà respect. Hi@ neighbors Bey be budu tbe potatons ln the cellar, or itia bot-bouse, but hoe dois it somehow very early ln the season. The path along Brock atreet, nea.r the residence of H B Taylor, la covered wlîlb carpet tecks of various siâtes. On. bicyclilt piclced up three differ-ent ies, somte of thens had been used while others were new. Ont rider suggests that every permon buvlng a package of acks be compeiied 10 register for themn. The Farmer'a mast. of South Ontario have arranged for a grand excursion tolhe Model Farm on Tuesday, Juiy 6. A special train wili leave Manille Junction ut 6'30 a. m. and cail at ail stations south 10 Whitby junction. Fully five hoors at the college,, wbere at this season of the year mach valuable Infor- mation can be obtained. For rates and time table see adv. tn another columu. Au Appe Tres Blight. Situe sort of a blight le troubiing apple trees in some parts of the country. [t seems to turn the leaves blackt as If îtung b y sme insect, causl ng them 10 shrink up and rfail oft. The cause o1 the bligbî han not so far been locatcd. Much disappointment ts feut, too. at the outlook for apples. There was a spien. d!d bloomn on the trees, but apples are excoed- ingly scarce, Miss L..Waren'@Succes. Tuesday's Toronto paperu give the ames of the successlul students lu and lu affila- tion with Trinity univeruity, sndd among those paslng Ibeir final erminations we notice the name of Miss L Warren, eldest daoghter of Dr Warren, of this town. She carrled off honors lu six subjectsansd hsd degree B. A. confered tapon ber. Miss War-. ren bas been e resident pupli of Bishop Strachan school. Wolcows, Mr. McDalrmld. Large con greations steuded the. method - ist tabernacle on Stinday oibhear Rev N A McDairmid preach hlm iret sermons hee.. He gave two powerful aud exceeditigly lh. teresting addresses. lu every way h. cie. ated a firsî.cls.s u ipreslon, aud we bespeek for bina a ~est deal of poptalarlty bere. W. welcome Uic reveend gentleman tb towu, feeling Ihat Wbiîby la hlghiy hooned lu bavlng the preident of the Bsy c>f Quinte conaference amnuglits excellent lut1of, clergymen. Tb*. best Papr. The CIIRONICLE le the only paper ln the county which gives a report of the dis- cussions of the couuty council. Only for this journal uothitg of the Sort woul1d ever rcach the people. No other palper takets any Interest lu couulY maltter,, Of seeks to keep the people of the couuty pM' - -à à- àheI- affre . Ga c -& îtL-14'1 enmbine te form ýlau ueeikti mAcOffl' fetur.originil wlîh îiiis pUbai teItalS series of frontlspiece pot~t 51sud 0oI panylng sketches fwiutssa mtoms.This portrait gailery ln tuelis Womt uMMtlian thé subscniptlnptiepof tise meseThe Chicago Daliy Né» @&y» of hs blCtgth*; **Among titi macatinea luit art i est and valels Pacte and Fktiosfr densedlesrnipgLe. os>'ta kew>»' seuted luns>îa rclve gh~ semple «W , belied b>'y 4UI~t publîstier, Titi Dominions Coma. Dearboraeet, Citceffl Vlftty00 year, ave contssa eopy.' DufàtoM o 1 mg l n to I % fiIWc4o, 3uly 5th ud 4tit, tIow NOW1 e-0,1 ,roy >w, p b uest sa", 141 ln~ ~sh1 J.' OF ALL. KI NDS, AT " Wes Wtàe lius ben to~igu d té la oj a' fw day. from thde tteu or M-WJ.Gtienwood and wifk or Ontarlo Coie l iegi, are apetidînite l olidaye. - AteUOGillivra>'returnu to thei ,8to ou' on Moday, tw Sulsh bis nMill- Krs, Mctaren, Mn. Den KeLaren and léi. W@eLtenuteviiUnt M1. Tieo. A. Ail neranîtis 111 oui'store wilIib. ntarked lu red. tln t o0elhait regular s5.11kg price on SaturdkY, JuIy 3rd et W G Walters'. laté G C Grose and Miss Edltb arrived honte on Priday evening lait, alter pending twoweete a Cicgo with Mr and Mn A Odd sites tu men's mits, chlldren's nuits, hoslery, gloves lace curtaîns, etc, 'ili b tnaînked %nrei link t- our haîf regulAr sel- Ilng pniCe on. Sîtrday, July 3rd at W G Walter&,. Mr. G. H. Hogarth goe 10 Port Perry 10 Preside at.the deparîmentai or teachers' ex- amînallons durlng the first week in July, an. Xi. A. G. Henderson goca to:Uxbridge. Principal Waugn goe 10 Toronto next week 10 examine papers, end wlll b. engaged there neanly e montb. Tuesday's Gazette came out witb haîf a colunan of local matter, and ail the rest bolier plate malter printed ln Toronto or else shlpped lier. frona the type fotundry. luàtead of prnnung a lot of old gtuff twice a week, we would advinse our cotem. 10 print §mre original malter once a month. Two or three weeks ago the CtRoN ICLIC gave e very favorable estIma te of the prospcts for fruit. Porîher Investigation of tb. malter ceuses us to change that esti - mate by about hait, and especilîy in regard 10 aeiples, which wiil fal fr below lest year m cru p, Ni Huggard, from wbôm we igot our Information appeers 10 have taken rallier too optlmimîic a view of the case; but taken ail round lter. will be an abondance of ail orts of fruit. There were uoarly a bundred candidates et the outrance examinations liere tlias week. This p roves, ln the firet place, that the pub- lie c scbl have attalned a very advanced state of efficiency, snd lu the second place Ihat lu suother generaiion cvery Canadien wiil bave a, good education. The text bogb eand metbode of teacbîng have become no simpiifed thÈt year after year one cen notice tht the candidates atîthese enîrance examînaîlons are smailer and younger, wie the course of study la vesirly becomlng more advanced. The educatlonal interesta of titis couuty are evidently lu good bauds. Probably 50o pupils lu the county are this week wnltIng at the six places where en- Ineexm'nations are heing beid Mach credît le due to Inspector McBrien, who bas fora quarter of a century bent bim efiorts 10 mahing n.r public echools uniforml>' good, and whio Is a teacher of moral and physical as well as purely edacaîlonsi branches. Our counîy ls proud of il.. schools. St Jobhn. Church Contirmation service uas held ln St John's church on Fridey lait. The rite wes ad- minlslened to the foliowing : Misse(-Stater, Hewii, Southweii, Adauts, Vine McCourt, £va McCourl, Meud Arnold, Minnie Arnold, Correli, Goidring, Porry, White, Atkintton, and Messrs L Arnold, Ben> Reeves, A How- den, W Arnold Fred Gale aud W Goidring. Ordination service. Pastor MoAlpine was ordaluod in lbe bap- tist churcit ou Friday lait iunte preseuce of the foilowing mftnistere, R ev Principal Wallace, of McLaster Univerit>' Toronto, 1ev Dr Thomas, of Bsthurst st ch urcit Ton- onto, 1ev Lougford, of St Thomas, 1ev H199h80n, of Lindsay., Rev White of Claec mont, 1ev Camerou. of 8louWfviiie, 1ev Sîple, of Wbltevale Re, RosaL of Uabnldge 1ev Bo0vlngton of ($siawa, and 1ev Vîchet, of Brooklu. 'rue ordination sermon was g reached b>' 1ev Principal Wallace, 1ev Sipie ezîended te band of fellowhlp: le, Hughson gave lue ordination chrgetoIho candidate ; 1ev White offered up teordilu. ation prayer sud 1ev Longford gave lte charge to the church. CuasesOrat Vltodns-gra Exposition and isdestrial Pair. W. hav e nceved a copy cf the p lu. list for titigreaL Vlctorlan-PEna Exposticu and iadustril P air, wbach la le ob. Ied *t Tlor- onto, (rommthee tb August tW bite tb Sep. limbier nete ?4promises toe ecw la Mus. nitude and altracivoeos ailprvious u. tihbLulonsh&M ilu anada. Amoog lb.&seau> On OiII~L1 Saturday, c~vv Reninants Go. July 8rd, WALTE R.=matî Of PÈILNTS, COTTONS, DRt8S GOODS, TOWELLINGS, LACES, YF'RILLINGS, RIMRONS, ETC. ODB READY.MADE SUITS, ODD PÂNTS, O BD PR. LACE CtTRTA1NS 1 0DD PR. ROSE# 0DB CAPES, 0DB PRS. 0F GLOVES, ODD TIES, 0DB MEN'S SHIRTS, 0DB VESTS, 0DB' COATS, Ail emuntswil b. offered At One-HElf Regular Prioes On Baturday', July Srdi, at ~w. os WÂLTERS', Wbitby-v owa L c i In the HIgh Court of duatloe MissMay ntof Toronto, la the guest of her osimrs J) J OConner. Rn MEDD-MEDD vs. MEDD. Ladies' sud children's hosiery at excep- îlonaliy iow pricos et W G Walters'. Mrs G W Stewart aud deugliter, of Scer- Pursient 1o the order for administration mede boro Jonction, bave been vislîing friends lu ln thîs ceuse and besting date the âud day o9 town. Apuit, A.D. , z$7, there will b. solé saiit $1,. Tho greut annuel meeting of the Canadien a proatoncfEeo H Dartl Esq., Loas Wheelmeias- Association wlll take place kt MuSter at Wbutby. at thi Rotai Hota,-Wittby, Chaetham this week. aet the bout ao 0»oclock lu thte aierucc, cM Mr Jno Beaver, Uxbridge, fonmerly of [ou WENSDY the 71t day of)ULV, A . f Bsnde's brbersbop whcled 0 îon r 897.bLevl Fairbanks, enctioneet. thb. fliow- Sandey. Hi ls uow ruuulng a barber sbop 9 ~l oitl1~ lu Uxbrldge nthlb.Counîy sud Province cf Ontario, and Mn Frank M Cbapman, aller wlding tuh e g lte moriberu or rest hall cf Lot No. sa>lu bîrcit rod for four years at No 5. Audiey tite 7tb co& of titi saléownutp of Pickeilog, echool, discontinues teacbing and wili attend oontiniug onu hudned socie, macr or ule. Toronto University. -There are enected Iberefn a îwe stM ihme [t takes s good deal longer In haul down dwelig bouée, and a b=i abut i eltr ib long the. dicoratlons lu Ibis town titan to put and tblrty-eix lest wide, wit aÉtone foundalcu nu- theut up Mauy appeer boand 10 iaold out der the whole, wlth bee peu ataieaai untîl aLer Dominion day. driivniidd ad aben 6 5,Thrlsialae good weU suad a datera on the arntssud Strwbrresabout an acreof orohard. lTh. e >' (soen- Pensons desirous of receivi ng a supply cf tlrcly cluared, wlîh tite exception r f îwo cot iare. fresia straw bernies dally con do so by appiy. 5acres, sud la capable of cnldvatioue [t te situa- lo ot8Brant, Witby. ted about titre, miles tromt Ito nearest Marlte: lug~~an -sdabout oeeasd o.guetten m ou, titi4 Wlb"wii ho bestp. stoareeffl l..b resarmexcellent. Wm>WestlUake brousht lmb biis' office tt Tthe be ie ds -.111 b. sWd sebjiottoe a die da yt rly 8 feottil. CitsSpen. nictgfge 'o WUIian, Won, snrVtvlag eentar cor ,, lrlan 'ard of II and he smpled'hie 'ofthe listât bto aPallstite eie, Romp 8.18 I oen 8 1î6ln~~ ýwhIiwM lb. rosos tlte lime of salt, Belon the cotetition ends we expeet t'Tte salénaugaebears mméuroes tae:rat oto bave tryctldg sn elt iat te cîcirds wIil 6-enco r enansum whlc te tapayable wear tops ot tas ttey passelong lnu tee, viosarly, e.oud'Y. Nv. né:s Notle toOredtoradueané ayabe la'fo to e a e itai. Nosio moma it r g e t$felIot *iuîitt~b'rwrdowbooéd tie In SAr afi é < f the e i > > " ' S ? ofé pr uti es i t ,s t S" emb t f WmàTthme ons l Of otiot p Wou=O 04l. sae.sltaof cf et WIotitey glîl. exiprun' o Otea#-l e af eloeit5 U.TI 4a W~ yeoan, dOéés ,are itembres equlred to, rodS acy>' stamte oU a ls dsao&4Set seud, O&nit oreuilé. onor hafwsud ski lit OP»yftUOS@t tts lirts t9ul* Goodgfoing june "~th, july 6th, andJuy 2o:h, 1897; return until Aug! 28, Sept. 4. md Sépt ig. To Del oraine, Reston. Estevan, 11113a=11. MoosoMIn, Dauphin '.$28 To Regina. Mooejati, Yorkton.. $30 To Prince Albert, Calgary ...... $35 To«'Red Deer, Edmonton .......4o Froni ail stations in Canada, Oapi. ing, Sauit Ste Marie;î Windsor and Eut Get Honiesekers' Guidé%, TIcke«sau4 an. Informi on (MMa E. Ca'BLOWI - cou.dppoet., ntmoJ., e. ýWM. TI sul Wou UlULAI 11101 1897e at I * s w * e Whitby. -TO TUE- CANADIAN :: NORTH-WE8T.

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