FRESH GROUND ELLEBORE5 -0- IRE' PARIS GREEN, ý 1-oý- Pure InBeot Powder. -0- dhurohe'8 Inseot Po wder ln BuIk and 10c. Tins§ A.H. ALLIN, CHEMIST & DRUGGIST, WHITBY, ..ON~TARIO. Wl NDMI-LLSI -AND WIRE FENCE. -c--0 Geo. AlUn ."e Selletlo Gensüxne AMD V MOTOp, of Chicago, and the KetolemnWfre Fonce Intending purcbisers should examine ibis mîiibefore placing their order. Doc flt let an ant put an imitation on you wben yen Iraniget the Genuina Ast 'noter tborougbly galvanlaed and warranted, for 1.55 money. More ci01 Lesmille sold lu* Canada soday thau any other makre. The Aermoior Co. lafim îhey osilione halt the number of vind- mnlii onifits aold ln the world, at the premeut time. AliSstyloi cf Wood snd Iron ?umy for $,ai.. Any intormailoti regarding i.hese outits will be freely given by wlting%ýo Fcb 7, î897-d6mO. GEO. ALLIN, WHITey. WiSTERM BANK 0F CANADA. Whftby, Ont. BOARD 0F DI RECTORS. John Covan, Eeq., Presideni'- Reuben S. Harlnt- Esq, Vce-Pres. <NW F Cowan, Eaq., *,. F. Allen, Esq., J. A. Glb- son, Esq., Robt Mclntosh,,M.D., Thos Pattersoti, Eaq., -T H MeMllan ........... ...Cashier Drafte iseed, payable ln ail parts cf Cani- ada United Siatms, and on London, Eng- la<,payable lunail parts cf Europe. 3%i u- tcn. aIioWied on Savings Bank Ueposits and credlted balf yearly. Special ",etent ion to collection of Farinera' sale notea. B. D. WARREN, Manager of Whtby Branc ch. w AlTED-SEVEIUL FAITHFUL TVMou or Wonen We traset for re- sponsibie euiaulisitoo bouselit Ontario. \Sà lary $780, payable '$15 mcekly snd ex- Spenses. Postion permanent. Refareuce. Tht National, Star Building, 1edcago. 7-&.8 Esatablished 1849. Whty Steani Maîbte and -gîan4 Woîks, h Chai*.]EL Sna aesu or lu MARBLS Amu GeRANI ttOUIwIZNT 09 40,o< el"m eos- wr.Our moek guanasesd NOZ La )CAL NEWS, LETTI 4udlq j H Madili vwu iers ou Sandsy. .-t Mr Bray cf Ciaremout sent a couple of0 days witit frieuds bore, ltrnk Mclrady la a good colo: nov site: axercise vit tue voluinîcors. Dominion Day viii, ne donitonet bel,*"' welI oiterved as soute ycare, ou accouut et lis proximîtu to juiileo day. Ye: nedeubt a ev pivste pieutes viii ssii. place. Service vas ield bore lu thea ateroon o-i Suuday lust for tue irst Urne ; 88 vas bldi ati, 3,o sud te service nt Tite cituis1 vas wel illud, sud U lte seons. cf Si change litte cm ugd fron:ttifhetttrist ùtcf it, vo may lock for a beaVou tipne bore. The change suitset gtaI tajorlty, bUt luo<-, veniences titose vite go te citurali elsq. miter. ln thc a. t. But the force «,fhblit viii soon make titis &a ingit . lv -Ut Thomt brougits out Mr Griffith cf jesia vith hlm on Suaday, vite couducte b service impresslvely. E L cf C 8 mes led lest veek by If Onth.. ie after vitich the election cf officers for te comlug trtm ss eld, sud ste: diseus- sion lte foilowiug cficcîs vwer.eeetid,. Tite retilnng Pre.ident, F M CltaPnau, titanked tem for thc honore cf lte paut sir mouih andsudaked t10 b. slioved te retire ovlng si0 bis Iiitiy te te preseut tic witcle trt. Hon Prestdeut, Rev j Tiot B. A.; President, Wm H Guthruis tl Vice ThtomaPuekriln ud Vice, Miîttue Civb ; Xr ie dlth Gutiris ; 4111Vice, Pratuk McQuay; seretsrL ]amest LCh*unan; ireasurer, %Mm Puceunu; organissa, Misles Pardon and Bell. Tic programes 'iii te eut lu a couple cf veeks, asuaci Tuedai' evcning soute leader la present. We Wi for increased sltendauce sud strengi et a Il the meetings. Ichool cloaed at No s on Priday Ilut wheu the sciiolars held a programme, liter ansd musical. The. patrlotie sonne, The Maple Leaf, the Maple Tree, Red, White snd Blue, and God save the. Queeu,,w'ere rendered là good style tn chorus. After the programme the ?upils asked Mr. Cbapman to taire the ch. r, when they read the tollowing aiddress and peented hlm wlth a handsome o.&k secretary as a token of the appreciation they had of bit services, for the lust four years. * Dear teacher, it lb wlth feelings of sincere regret that we, the pupils cf Audio, echool section No 5, assemble here this afternoon to tender you out heart-felt sor- row at partiug vii one who han iteen a guidlug star for the pu-t four years. Vour plcaalng manuerth d strict attention to oui welfare ha. formed ties whlch urne eau neyer eflce. To yen, dear teaciter, nothinq seemed impossible when th onor ana~ welfare of the. puils of y=u dear oid Alma Mater, Audiey sehol vas St stake. May the same vim: and pÃuck whbpb you bave showu in the luterests of ycuÃr puptis here, be with ou ln your 1f. -ventures, ls. tit sincere wlsh of yburrmpllo. jew teseitft If auy. bave %5* ýe edxpru< wbich you hstç. tour progresbas been watched by the eIder persona of this sec. tion. It seeme oniy a aboit space of tinta since yen vere s pupil cfttis echool. Voui succesaets the polegiate s: Wititby, and yorposition dé irafiter of the rllg gene:ý ai erlean honored onç u gthe.x arduoti tas you have pro Vd ourslf e pabie cf overcoming every obstacle in thq .eaýrch of your aspirin; aim., W. ist you te accept this witing desk tea.li1gb ,token of out love sud estet towards you Signed on the behaif cf pupila, W. WnsT rixV, B MCSa"Dy, W UcQUsY. où Ãuey vent, sa ses u ponu M"de s UlmI 66 am tiel7 lSîllbie vas tu gutté propose auajcrnmuott tuthe pnoepC miesb oysV avcýPëd1)êVg ,th i tdMans' Mud titi ilred boit aud drove tem te te villas. p@,t"d4mS<lonvitence *:bey bad ,soe oysilydearuèd bt a Loy bous beferef,- m~uglgetieaders If yoe sp, th~ e Ob ttattou sdotrefof tuepouud-is vien1 is bovines ve ro renid te hlmu once1 SgaUMO ««cofinement. Twce lu one day, two sets ai fees, two <taints for damages.i sud vont cf an' tie ponuS1 keec r, as 01M- er of tueiêm lns4bsd -ePay luselbi o0a fteSée.sua-i.Tue ibaIdes of a public pol atvliô té pu%tup bis! 0" fées,.sud take a aeohhlsovuuso$iciue, tiuew on: ,poud-boo tata e is ocf monetoly t=at18va abo0ut te tend: ga e lne. =*rfosl rading of U thettaesssed hlm of lis tact tiat lunpaetugthe by-lav niai. oni uiawavf orco-bosaeas d otiier four tote eittèeste rua at lag. Tite conseil b.d gs.yesceed urj urisdctlou. for lun thle couneili my panse by-lam te probutlit e sale oflqor, fi tsvlng ob- tea0-tité sseut « t e electers iteuce l folleve liathlb. ant-cov b,-lav là Dot lega rllppro o f lby thceppe. itis re- in'.irblo s*ud im>ntlutal dsvery eau*"d the immediste releso o the prisouers, sud gave lieus a fairi showv teoir suppet's. Wite tootur lns imeuts é peared lth vlg to co leet thir ltle' r li.fer dam an sd tees, etc., lt e aninlutite In.r . ua pluition te @ai 'Go henco and colieci your tbilla -from thtwcnshtip ttere. Data éges mgo it msy have becu thougibt gond 1mW, but tod? #Itlà snet mout aitrldlc cow's hotu, an if a of e yon S e'u Pride or byBssbylieon inadled spoou, 11il smash ybun, sud .tbe cresîfalîcu, buusbled claimauts, vent boe mitentthbeir tees. h la undarstood ltai s petition IR belugecirculated as theiticeun . cil te submtl 10à votesa by.iav prohlbittug ttc ruuuing at large of aul antidaisxcepi. lug,.mlhiieovsovned by tic boldersef las ltsan , 2acres cf land, sud If 5ha1 augusi body refuses.,te prontotersmay lakeoeut oue ef those thîugs cailcd zmau.dsm-uis, or mu-udam-us, sud commouly uuderstcod te b. a j udical proj ectile vitit gréat force or anumbers b.iiudil its ving for lta objoct the compeilitgof couuty municipal legisistors to toc lte scratch, Iu tite interests cf ttc r poor mn's ccv, tiey may not bave toi pas r lt" avfnl alternative. 'r r 1, e e h 't i. WnrITEAza Quito s number sltended the Cherywpd s- ý tertatnment on Monday nigiti. ;e Quito a num vent over t Locusi 0111lms Sunday l hem Mns. Dale .preaOh. 11 Mr. Sel'vood Oeoch wu ln Orilispurt of lutsA week, renowing old acquantas., , 1 b[ M is iie Bess"~f.TorouiQ4 sud ber biedher Geotge, of Drayton, arcataiprisent under iteè parental roof. bi Robeit Stevens, oi4>vrnanvllle. Mud miss lys ADOlsof Oshava. vvieset Ms.J.A Pttgh's laat Sunday. I BpsîoùýS troo 'ofllgbt cerbu etmi are coccerced loolas ioe, Mr. wSn. Gerow I 15 dcua smushl ln ithe carniage trade lsaily, ho ,od'titre nev buggies lms week. > The metitodit choWu sppplied tite musfc le a mycredible tannerai t5 sudy a:tue £.. U. .serviceaai Greon River. Miss Nellilh Tomupon a asm tv lu Toronto, bui vo ame pieaWed 10he at Ola la Irnproviui uatlestemsoouta. go= W: Ibo 4uliagen ibav em~a 0vllsgs lad to e hd'beir cati. on te r sudl bnp thontuloflibe Ipsomr'grams. nêlvor a* -0so-tu ,Çberrwood Mog aie ivo~t Sanday. ~MW emule Spoumcaà à mt i'..N*eslmV ma laIt cnm oodai' afteruosIwi-Rat PSblm *5~béUt tletW istrshuaband last ti eýpeM ûMe li. Mr. lEH Wîisong. B A - loaI C1 e home wth bs paecuta.*^ Lsssmbuyiue P= ed the ancuai 4&.O.U.W. esimS"AI 3t Àpatition bas beau çliSd etr*êM"as lately tO bavemsother Vote osnibca se fac vu bollevo hlé omes W5itI'S*erp@o«' cetes. '-wi nl]&TM STATION. Mis Luke Fraucis -vas on the sicit Uit aIr cmw dsys latm eoit but las tuer nov. t Mn George Melaggart's large harnvas v ralsed. last veoit miitnt ,any serieus ccl' 0 lent. - 1 Mus Phebe Bniggs suddaugitter Idayere a at the decoraion ef graves atttlsln cemtery où Frlday lant. Misesis Hodges in doms vitit lever snd Mrs James Noftatt rot Leskard bas takeu chtargcetfsite post office for a tom 4sya. I Thte M>'rtie sud Prospect Su,îday sc jos Propose hauaiug a plc.nlc lu Mr Thiti e Mai sn's grova on Friday ifteruocps,,4 Iuly 9tb. Tue-district division of S cf T held bore, t n Frlday lait wms veli scsandad luntte afiel:smon d the baicould n"t secomoadati te lrge gattcrlu tniis hir. W. Bateman fobutd quIse a gdfl bt betmeen tii place sud Raglan on Bat- unday lait, sud thaemner eau have tb imte" by =Ullng as hM:. Batons'sn', noir the sontb pol offIce. Wéamar pleased te note titat Milsi Nate I Mcggat pAssed mih-beora. msnt AIcu for tbeieoad year' lu- ustnmuli site lte Coateervstouy cf Mdusk lTor- aso afev da7e ago. j Thte Sundsy scitlee-ire lW about bu0 tidIr, test teichet lu thoerqniof Mhio jos Cart", ou écSountof hsieà lgAsiturn»O âecpt circuit wota lunste Bay ol Qttlntep, -sietitit onference. Mir. Clarry's charge", lase= sIes awtt of Piterb.ero. W'. ai mii tasucées$ in-his citrist 'onk. nqt ilsi#twoikat ruit iii" I>,sj Diold Mâd eto lipt . ove.wotite. r, ut, tr aprau t tila e<wk"it be doue cc the tut oproid lu th es t»'CLt thiiold beisepsin 1 i.btdt = 1 dvulit t thora ame third, aul iov Mi 1c u he Sae Islw~t" 1asrtiai srnecuîv sie *'.i ImtêiWeeeas r¶'rds <o besueM ofeOt filwu thers. eaitoereiM te s aaidte aohrjastbc OMS, Of , e0 noS maen te bbte Mr Obi as 'bluk beibuadome bis hast. 'but vIii augos' btu'tussorelegravel as 1: lo Ms tu iuo tbat witis auled lion te laie, lu va nqudi iésd staklng as oooh sur. Mie tsvarysloh(romt paway- sbiut exdasslovlyiýmprcvlng- Tihe IuteStitud emirance eclasilt for Cgobâ titis wed&whore sbey viiiwrita e somsmetuof L'O L No ý6y3viii celeit. SOui nalti sietmbis bisugivema nea out *ofc sune .elsiier brchait vp fine or ramovad TIte are Site Omt hats cf oui'r ods. Oui nov p"hol offi s la uaigprogr'.u Umm isAudersansud Dobue having tb.geunac andibatellUpush 1: vlih eir aectstomastt an- M lItts to e =dy by Aug. z6îbfortîbaac. à ,d** Onf'sIoe sciool. Rev Mr $temsn prin te slem eoopeentiou ob metodilchiroi bre usher. IfRe a0"Mtoi spaca titn0eue ooltitil Um ins astar: left berbiroà ijD. YF. Ur eWm riacu mer Va ter at lait sui MrC0 on a vt hImap, jecai' eevcily SeMA U-cr1 M.sdMr&, Pesir wosuIuilueasCtour te Domin- mtv hat the tmev traffia in Th t ell olpit0oismpitl a ve emoed'O A_ amttedhaïUte 1qi frevnus as t Cei fUos i eitmnsé hebitero Il bas b b w 22 ihorvmere sbouid ho tg- 3).1M Pdeuuim'atsalies stop. trefoojMrledie oursaivs te di- Da. = à ,&d ve sisIitflnava uleceý , - = ,b, inutlitat -tit e eai saI galu cf iryiag s stars aà lite Geveruuen 'go s ptovfdefor dutelmocf publie lh*a la car vilae. Titis vould boa reve.reultng Iote cite pingocfaprohltlt moteI e lu ie iat dciuection. Wbon placie .ory >iaeât'go e sbost mber lte question Sundsriand sud in el cn sassin aà ibearM vlit dfficult or pr~jdi a tdtitm.We lur- wmit Je teheldetQremnbaak. tt<ele< suee.gvrmlc a Oui ssteented 1ftiekd, Mr.' W. J. Phtoenix, country efk cte iafty eoct uay.plye stats this vcsk ou a triple tse ld econu'" . to e ~etheraeeIltieir efforts te flfil mut bin a plisant voyage sud a atei ro t rahlsrplgelushmttnb peîleasci' ile tce'bc pesi libati ur *osisus iii Msjtîsiu as poaible & areèrepare2d té plSdge owurla gond order dunlng ht#a abëeseu, sil would lbc leasti ti geverumeul la caurylg -iprohibit- *ry inconventut tte-have te aud to -onef rcryibtfltoasae iffect. and tlitIà a oM etfitis ualghbenng soyas for a constable lu ac f a resobdon boesus te our DoiniOnf sud Pro- ale-OLst to ts eis«. Titsvodaplers la t. The foclcig are th c f T officere fer am titudeeoft tu LfoceasoCosmuisieursfor Seutit qurter: W P, R Miciie ; W A, .ositus ouair lu painting te pfiontia UtJica- for a Ward; R 8,,Ele sRail; A R S. Lusrd;, ,vie ad b îî oues, sud sot grsnlloùg lte pS Il S~ Wes Phoenix - Troas George Miller ; sdon etSeagvva, iiitpoltien vas strongli' chob' Maggie Blar: Con. foint Love; A Co , 11 reutilaz.Ncliug wItit plesaiume Areit MoArthur ',l Peter Lesk ; 0O8Tb5o. hcwevetas riisiood it tfor 4- dorSaIter; PW*P John Sontervîlie. Accun- e -ep snietM$Dsrc tst h bau n ttéJ vitit Aiex Edwin sud Arcib Livisico Mseug =prts a gaïust the Licenas MeÂrtiur usopsdainsd a boomt-là e epected ocmIselssionrsgriî g a wlnend tiéer ileuse bélore lie end of te quarter. <o VI lescheyer iievg te mm.tu ta more Thte Methodist Suodai' sciool SA lvrss ot- dsngstous l ita areèUlar otel '1 ,M. h vices on Sundai' mciv a decded successsluav tbsiesrsnsected astlita District Diuisiostue respect. The vsstheoî msperfet u ba rcla sdviteul ugn e stedivisions spaclun oiurei vus Orevdolu ha utt et 5I n Southitnaulo. Tituksi mre réurmedtcthte Oaech service, The Rev. A. O. Creva ocoupledmutile fmm##pe ot, êi#ukiud"ss sd- oi6w illi' *te pupit lu tb. morualgj'tee to vas sie ln eutoriluu inteé'd1ltes. l li em v09g children's nee it va "s atdraesd bthe t.concrtv en 1' brnlu diuHl. he bal Revs.. Cameon, Crmensd Idnîom& nd sdte vasorcdoseitote doors, suaqdiug rooc ua evaiugMr. Creva *asin.- Titeofierin a h ntaab a apremlain. Tt1 à rs v esupr s "vcevr good sud if Dominion dnycomasup la bytte visiîlug utembers of otite: diviZon oîm uaitli e a ianualaucocs. s Weil asiuiite sMd vasasi asl vi i L mmmVpartioplar. qw.j irr md hie farewelI sermon Rat. W. C. Washtogton sud «&, o f Mines- a Sudayvouignthe ano, 0cmiBadre, voie visltig frinds un-temu. MrBrL ou j houo Thse iools closd ou Weducsda' f« titssm- re-people lanà givan mertbolidavi. Tite umomm essail boyv lbe bipsile. lahigli glas uov. IM -OSSITha votiug iou ltaepark ty4flateitplace lest Isavs tiis lnrlsy)Pnlday sud-rcsnltad lu a asjorlty etf 94 agaluet b-Moud. sluffýa) a rât, tlhý "te beng Sa foi and i4d ugainit. H.b, Htchses mio ba oBuuffalo.oil ou ~ ~ ~ ~ M Go.ytevst lucftlerl i ete rn bobatik lu liii place Sti" S at t, N. Y. for seme ysaz, baiu, appoiqxnW ues augur pro la hotue fremthlie Ag- temn, hupt,for tue tue. - Tbc outrancexeanluadoù up -ow Ioino vi*itgocandidtUe- nilng; thet1 pUtIo scite ïf ufflo i.ber' te Tvoveobs go 111114 titi pisusura otaa<ing ýpt letvi ;à bls ane , sees cý f svi!o us younlpeopluste et MiCljig b lera Empre sn$ Globe a.oog, stote *vit rei'd, s64 ut. aud MW .Jeiohn d(0 andboumoulotlcethà t Aieile M.Eau- ai', nov lualier Sand tain t ii4 t ,bM~tsnavirWd dtit. 3cr It.itb, sud lier teeiuo-Ginsçiif'a medi.lda odem languos o St*e iblýçrd yasd Ito J3us RosaÃŽ-is oTolmnslul =eMb=ocf th eur ~i 61 5t dli club, ptopedalii'. ul îi fo al em osi As vas tobe çxpWctd Pi P e a vtd ~pitstp bilpo-byiunias rsfytiink t eae ashta Wort h Knowing Tiiatwe Iae ti. est HearW, sud the fin- esttCasiiet WgnsdÇsktSeg la titis county. Thot we coudlucit fames ltlî econ. Thaf tu tk ~r an t.o wonk 1titan do :11e uIsjor fUndotatev That we use kid and i*i gloses mtoA of Thot we Useapp@i* dOor"snd arm, drapes, if W- ibâor n, Watlftul pedes- ansd.dra'pes lari b akor toblie. oui' CaaI# Wagon orCakt lelgb. -Y 0 putatteot ond WTýi oeg NOtT, MÂX,Â, ' a, tisa ,ir t, ,ýdflti ma is im Luke itoms.- baU for * 1 1 Il Il 1 1 ýi 1 mmý f ýWf»w4v jrjý a& bot* fe fi d, ai ci y Ji 0