Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 14 May 1897, p. 8

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MIAY 14, 1897. OSIIAWA PAGE Miss A McLean has gone to Toronto to re- side. Miss Velma Gould, has returned home [rom Chicogo. Rev Father Jeffcott is spending the wNeek in Toronto. Mrs H- Sanders. visited with Toronto re-r latives lat week.L M1r and Mrs Hare visited with Totonto relatives lasi week.9 Ed Guy bas passed bis first vear examis2 at Toronto School of science.i Miss Minnie Lansing, of Scugog, is thef guest of ber aunt Mss Amusberg. Messrs Cryderman, Cox and Dixon, of Bowmianville, spent Sundav ini towti. Misses J and M WVakley spent Sundayt with Mr and Mrs S H Graham, Whiiby. %Ir Max McCulloch, of Toronto. was the guest of Miss Ester Lyons over Sonda>,. r Missesý Smith and Allan, of Toronto, were the guests of Miss Maud Lyons lasi weelr Mr and Mrs Tbomas James, of Bowman ville were tbe guebts of Mr j James, ibis -week. Mifs Workman, of Toronto and Mrs Rent der, Grey Monthe, II., are the guests of MIrst Scales. Dr William McBrien of Medical Ilepart- ment U S, Army Fort Sheridan, 111 , s vîsit- ing bis parents herr. On the 28tb of Mav tbe Mission circle will give a concert. Miss James, 01 bowmanville wîll take pari in the aijair. Mr W S Smart bas returned from Albert College, Belleville. He bas passed hi'ý ex- aminations subcessfully, and now stands 10 be ordained in J une. Misses Mobel Rîce, Jessie Wakely, Flo Bennett. Gladys Murton, Mrs F Tait and L Bambridge have joined tbe ranks of tiie bicyclists this sprîng. On tbe 23rd of thîs montb confirmation will be beld in St Gregorys cburch, while on the 3th in the evening Bislîop Sweetnian will conflrn a number in St Georges cburch. This Friday evening the park wîll be form ally opened. The 34tb Batt. band wîll fur- nish music for promenading and tbere wîll aiso be somne fire works. Mr Edmondson bas booked five picnîrs from Toronto ai- ready. The rifle association bas a new range easî of the town, on tbe Pîckell farmn, nowv occu- pied by Mr Wilson. It is about a mile and1 a haif from town, but is sale and permanent The butts are backed by a bîgb bank o t earth, wbich is beîng terraced to stop the bu lets. The Oddfellows of Oshawa wi!l spend the -24th entertainlng their friends, the grocerb' clerks and drivers of Toronto. We shall make no comment upon tbe connection, and then nobody can flnd fault. Those wbo worked up thîs combînalion deserve credit, as Oshawa must bave excursions inb town of some sort. Miss Alice Jackson for many years teacb- er of the prîmary class (if tbe Metcalf St metbodist SunduyScbool bas been engaged by the methodist missionarv socicty for the nortb west mission work. She wîll be con nected witb the Indian mission school of Morley, Aberta. Miss Jackson bas a large circle of frîends in Osbawa and will be great- ly missed by tbem. On Fîîday evening tht Oriole basebal club miet at the Brook bouse for organîza- lion, wben tht lollowîng offilcers weme elect rd: Hon pres., R Kirkpainick ; pres , L Brooks; manager, J A Thonipson sec., Fred Lennox treas., Walter French. capi. Joe Stapleton corn_ W Andrews, F Mc. Lean, W French, F Lennox sud J Tbomp son. Tht club will practice on tht cricket lfield with the McLaugblin Canniage Works nant. tems frein the Vin, aniSRef. Mn Thos. Condor bas observed doring tht last century and a baîf that wmodDeckersC flot only peck boles in trets in qotat of grubs, but also sharpen their bills for the proceas by whetling. tbem on the bark. This important ornithoiokical ladt, now given oui for the firat lime, may sel people waîcbîng the habits of birds, and no doubt many sucb items of scientfiic worth may be thereby brought ho ligbt before tht nîneteenhh cen-t tory bas past into record. Item No. 2.-lt may intemest many inhabitants of Oshawa 10 knos that a Creal battit seas fougbî where the îown n0w lies iu tht ytar 1705 Tbe mili sîreamn which nons through tbis town was ai that time inbabittd futher south by several thousand mud-turtles. and nortb of bere innumerable beavers had been operating since before tht Norman conquest.i Hard feelings gîew up behween tht beavers and tortîts over hheir respective rights, the beavers claimiog preemplion, and fortht r as- serting that the turties were natives of tht ses, and Ibat îhey could not locale on inland waters wtbout naturalization. Sir Roger de Coverley witnessed tht baîtie wbicb lash- ed 35 yeas, and resulhed in the beavers cbanging the course of the sîream, thus cut- îing off retreat mbt the mud by the turtles As a result the lahter were overcome, and migrated in greatly decreased numbema ho Labrador. This incident la now related for hhe first time by s worthy descendant of Sir Roger, wbo still maintaina the family name and wealhh. Item NO. 3 -NO citizen of Ibis town is so public s, irited as Mr Tobias Con- sent, while for modesty be la celebrated. Though immensely rich lu this world's gooda, be neyer says a word about it, nonr would ont suippose fîom bis conversation and writings thal be laad hen limes encircled the eartb in bis travels. However. he some- limes relates to bis many dear frienda 1111e incidents of bis travela. On ont occasion be had presented bis credentials from the. Em- press of Indla ho the Dinkey of Bungalore, and tht great budian ruler became greatly impressed wlth Mri Consent's majestic bear- ing. and for tbe want of a good intezpreter mistook our wortby ctitizen for the, King of Portugal, anid insisted upon'gving thesuap- poaed King tbree of bis wives who lied an average of nineteen cbldren each. To re- fuse a present of a living human being frorn an eastern potenhate is bigla treason, and oelsa for deqth, so Mr Consent was ln an awful plckle, until he bethouglat bin of bav- ing the. ruie: inlormed that choiera wae pre- valent on board the ahip lie bad chartered for hie trip round the wôrld. )dr. C. was afterwards favored with a message from the Dinc accornpanled by a wooden oz-yoke, whlcb lie treasures as one of the most vaiued' of the collection of curlos be secured in tihe cast. 'Item NO- 4 -Tbere are not many owncrsof vau acreage who make Ik pleasant for their îenantry as dots the Hon. Thomson2 Consel. *Me knows how-happy it anksa poor sean to b. out of d.bWand ln 'ordçr to prolawle ibis feeling lieecliects bis, rentls poaaply. t la sald of hlm that las pIdsret id a tenant lie even went se pù one oII ou <SOi sto go and, haul home some pluie uumpe the tenant had dug uàp fol firewood. V Ibusmay oe eman'ms Mun SflDtYMake it piessant fer many OSHAWA) -:000:- Oshaum B-tuleiDirectOry. E L. VICKERY. barber. Siracoe Street. BROOKS' LIVERY, imcoe street,north. WM. BOLPH. haruesa maker. Simcoe Street. r. B. MOTBERSIL.L, butcher, K1ing St.., West. [)a. PàTTBasotS, Dentît; office ove:r owse's store. k. J. STALTR-Domiliof pianos anid organe, simce eStreet. W E. Dv.a, General Agent Outarlo Mutual Life Ansurau"e Co Agents wanted. WILLIA. J. DEaas Dominion and Ontane L.and 8urv.yor, Civil Engîneer, Box 57, Osh aWva. 7,omsrEcIÂL Ho'rxL-J. C. Woon, proprietor Mlodem bhosteiry, neat andS comfortab1ly equipped. D. I. Tor.-Caterer for Balis, Assemblijeit Wed- dings, Suppoe, etc., etc. ÂIos&11 kinda cf flowers. Jos. HorrLuEW - Whithy-Oshaw& stage line. Ieavea Oshawa at 8 a m and 2 p m, andS iWitby at 10 a m -andS 4 p m. JOsEPU CR&aI, manufacturer of fine carrnages. carte,. wagons, and all kinds of cutters aniS leigbs. Repairing a speciatty. IoEiwsBBaxwxs, painter and ilecorator. Dealer IDi wall papera. oeilng decorations, paints, oil. vartiîshines. brushes. winaow shades. etc. JAMILS PULLOW, dealer in stoves, furuaces, tin. ware, etc. Large Stock kept coiistanItly on baud. Jobbtng a specialty. Sixxcoe street nortb. L. K. WURTON, B. A. - Barrister, Bolcitor, Not&ry Public, Conveyancer. &C. Money to leond. Office ove: Dominion Bank, Simcoe Strteet, Oshawa. FELT Baos - Watchmakers aniS Jewelers. Dealers iu vatchea, docks, je'welery, silver- ware, spectacles, etc. Engravlng, gold aniS silver platIng. aniS old gaIS rings made over. Fine w&tch, clock, and jewelei'y repaii'ing a IEAUPTON Mrs Hawke, Leskard, is visiting ber son, Mr E Hawkt. Messrs W M Jones and F C Trebil- cock visited aI Mr C Rogers' Sunday. 'Miss Beale is visiting friends at Lesk- ard. Rev E E Howard preached educat- ional sermons in Oshawa on Sunday and Rev j P Wilson, B A, O)shawa, took bis place here most accepr.ably. Rev H T Lewis, Orono, is expected to give an address at the Epworth League Thorsday everiing. The new waste gates at the miii are completed and a temporary dam is be- ing built to turu the water to the m1Il instead of the break in the dam. Mr. and Mms. H. Elliott vasiîed wiîh friends in Bowmanville Sunday afte(r- f000. Mr. Thos Stainton is the delegate to the district meeting in Oshawa next week.t Some fields of faîl wheaî are looking excellent, while others are poor. The Reformers of Darlington meet here on the 2oth inst., to select dele- gaies to meet in convention in Bow- manville on the 27tb mast., to choose a candidate 10 conlest West Dorham in the next Piovincial election. Dr. W. E. Tilly, Bowmanville, spent Sunday with friends here. Mr. Theodore Salter, Greenbank, visir.ed friends here this week. Miss G. M. Brown presided at the organ in the church Sunday evening. Mr E Trenouth gave the town hall a good coat of whitewash last Tuesday. No tree planting here on arbor day, but we hear that some were planted on Saturday nhghL COUILTKCE Mrs Geo Short, Morefîeld, han been visiting Mts Littiejohns. Mr and Mrs Smith, Pickering, cailed on friends here recently. â n Miss Eva Annis,, Oshawa, was\n day guest at Mr Levi A.nms. Mr and Mrs J G LanWgnid, Zion, spent Sunday at Mlddlegreenvilla Dr and Mrs XMin ar- ';-#iting bis father in 1Prince ' EdWard C9uinty, who is nçt exeected t~~ Our ivcItwi preaehet, IReV~o .O Gade and Mr Go Pover, CYstifc Ur, andMrs Johnr Gfbo*cm e4-~éd tteet*-a siclç relative in *iope tlhu week. - on Saturday the army saaif band wlll be in Oshawa. Tbey arceA. band bf fine fics- icians and will render'good music; The public generally'may flot know it but ia a fact nevertheless, that undeç the statule the QChawa Ikeiltva y Company can prose- cute/the owners of t hose cattle wbich aie al- lowed 10 fued on the roadaide soutb of Cedar Dale. le/case of an accident wbich resulted 1 n damaàge to the companys properîy or lbas of lire, the owners of the stock could be beld resoonsible. The traffic to the lake wîll soon be on now and as a cow was run over by a beavily oaded car last sumnmer it s flot out of place to give a note of warning îîow before ane miachief is done. If the owners of the stock do not act the railway company may be forced, in order to protecî their property snd the bumnan lule that is en trusted to their caire, t0 adopt the.necessar) measures to aeccre safety. It will not cost mucb to keep the catîle within an enclo-ure, and it may coat the farm to let tbemn run ai lige. A bîrtbday party under the auspices of Christian cbuîcb was held at tht hospitable home of Mr and Mrs. Stone ait the lake shore on Monday evening. The weathcr was fine. ihe toads good and the hoepitality of the hosi and hostess so well known thît there was a mnuch larger attendance than waa counted ulion. Betweenii 50 and 200 people were present and enjoyed a plrasani evening ou social intercourse and the musical and liter- ary prolramnie that was provided. Tht bouse was packed and a great many enjoyed tht refresbîng air on the lawn. The ladie5 furîîîshed refresbments and the tables were laid some eight limes before all bad been me- fesbedt. Tht proceeds were $56. Tht day happened to be Mr. Stones bîthday and the company broke up ai an earIv bour wisb ng the hoat many happv returns. Joiseph Cochrane was arrested on Sunda% nigbî on a warrant charging him witb hav- îng stolen a robe belonging to one Cornish of Bowmanvilht form the Commnercicl Hote ont nîgbt last winttr. He was locked up untîl Tuesday wben Co Attorney Farewell appeared for tht prosecotion. R R Los- conmbe, Bowmanvîlle is retained for tht de lence, but cou Id not attend, so tht case bad to he postponed to Mav 201h. This case in. vvsa difllculty bard to deal witb. The mnafn wiineas for the prosecution is a parti% named Bur.ýe wbo ta at present at Rat Port agt. If he were in a foreign country a com mission could he îssued to take bis evidencîr whertver be mîght be fond. But a curious iverslghi no provision was made for soch commissions where evidence is wanted in tht Dominion of Canada. and if evidence is wanted from British Columbia or Nova Scotia the winess bas 10 be brought beme Therefore if Bokes evîdence ta ntedtd il îll coet s,5o or r, to bring bim here. In tht meantr e ahi the Cochrane tamîly went bail for tht acrused ontîl May 2ith. Mrs j B Mitchel and Miss Josie Orr recently visited the Misses Goode. Visitors .-Miss Phipp, Toronto, at Mr M jennings'; Miss N Hamm,i Clarke, at Mr D Moffat's; Capt J1 White and Miss White at Mr H Mann's. Fridr-y was observed as Arbor day by the sehools. A numnber of young maple trees were planted at S S NO 3 and the school bouse nicely decorated withi evergreens by the children. The Base Line Sunday school held their anniversary service on Sunday last. Regardless of wet weather the bouse was well filled. Dr McLaughlin gave a very interesting chalk talk to the children. There were also ad- dresses by Mr R E Osbornse of Eben- ezer S S, Mr E W Alin and Rev R Douglas Frazer. Mr F T Gy occupied the chair. - SOURTICE Mr Dempeter of Ganonaque l ierem buylng horst. tbis week. Miss N G'oyne, of Toronto lvisiliüng beu suai Mrs Geo Reynoldii, MenursGay brother. ook WhiûhexusSg the Cty last week. Mr Edwin Waden, of Orclipd Lodg4e, l building an addition to hlm hous. Miss Mabel Walars cs iewnmèd hooe.fro Oshawa where the has besat or orne lime, We were pieead te sliMr fJoanBrook& able te tabka.rne le lalçasdsgée uTiiurday1ast. Mr John Gituoamid wi(k were ealjd te >ecýt Hope oS bMoedal 118 bmbeeis lfaer ueq ormts-bis Gé>rjgê5honm f ifflfiéwd. r BOLINA Mr. Robinson, Belleville, calledon friends here. recently R. C. Carter, Agt. In the ,naller of M. _J. FOY', of//hi.To of Whiibîj, in the Eoueily cfOnta ri,-, Hoieikeeper, insolient. The Insolvent bas made an assignment to me for the benefit of creditors, under R S O., î88', Chapter 124. A meeting of credit- ors will be bcld at the office of HENRY B.RBER, No. iS. Wellingtou Street lEast, Toronto, on THURSDAV. MAY t3tb. i97 at tbe bour Of 3 0&clock in the afternoon, for the appointmeflt of inspectors, the fixing of the amounit of their remuneration snd giv- ing of directions with reference to the dis- posal of the estate. Ahl persons claiming to rank upon the estate of the lusolvent must file their dlaims witb tbe undersigned on or before the Sîh day of JUNE, i8-,, after wbicb date 1 wîll proceed to distribu:.e the estate, baving regard to those dlaims ouly of whicb I saah then bave bad notice HENRY BARBER, Trustee. N. B-Please file your dlaim with as littie delay as possible. Toronto, May Stb, 189--24-:zin. U/os/n g Sale of Pear Trees during the montb of May, 1897, at the Home Nursery. Lot 3, 2iid con of Picker- ing. We bave a choîce lot of No. i Pear Trees 10 dispose of aI purchasers' prîces Trees bave excellent roots, fresb dug and ready for planting. Please call and inspect before purcbasing elsewbere. Former price of trees 75c eacb ;closiîîg price 25c eacb. HENRY %VýILLSON. Whitby P.O. MaY 11, 1897. NOTICE I The undersigned can supply pasture for several bead of cattie doring the sum mer. THEO, S. BRANT, MaY 141h, 1897. Wbitby. E. J. JOIINSON, LICÂDING UNDERTÂKERP BROCK STREET, . WHITSY, To Builders, The undersigned bave received instruc- tions to ask for plans and specifications for atone cattle and horse st4bling, unde: build- ings on lot 2, 9îb con., Pickering, to accomn- modale 40 head of cattie and io horses, wlîb sufficient root ctllar, accompanied by tenders for the work and materials. Apply fer in- formation to DOW & McGILLIVRAY, April 15th, 1897. Whitby ALMOST A MIRACLE.1 OTTAWA, SEPT. 9th, 1896. To the Phrenoine Medicine Ce., Ltd., Ottawa: IGENTLEmN,-I hardly know how best to express my appreciation of your valuable rheumatic remedy, Phreno- line. My son Gordon, who is 9 ye81 old, bas been a sufferer from ilamma- tory rheumatisrn fer tht past 2 years; was so bad at times that he had to be carried about on a mattrass; was at-. tended by two city doctors, apparently without the sightest besiefit; spent zo- days at Caledonaa Springs, came home with- no ,narkçd improveinent; took 3 boutles cf a. Homeopathic- rejpedy now beiutg epsivly advertised, which did not elieve bin theic çasi. I was be- ginàing to ingivjip.4hpe of bié te-1 qvem viwben' uç I mentiôèùed -,bte.cetoa~irieui&ý-*d stroJIgly .ad- The i4-year old daugbîer of Mr Wm Me-. Knight, Cavan, dlqd^ from lockjsw,' caused by a aliver rurtn iqito ber foot between the large toe snd tbe one adjoinlnig. Mr Albert B Couch leit Tùesday înorning for Toronto, where he bas aecured a position in Messrs W, R Brock & Co's wbolesale bouse. His léany friends here wish him succesa. We see by the city papers tbat Mr Jno S Bond, formeriy of thie firm of Robertson & Bond of this town, is now preaident of To- ronto Retail Grocers' Association. Mr Bond carnies on a successful grocery and pro- vision business at 220 Gerrard St. E. Again we repeat, Wesit Durham boys are bound to lead the procession, because menit will win. West Durbam boys continue to keep up the good record establisbed for many years past. In the reports of the recent exains. in tht Theological department of Victoria col- lege. Toronto, we note that A J Carscadden ln completing the special course, won first- class honora in systemnatic lheology, history of doctrine, practical tbeology and Greek W H Foley, who îs also a strident in Arts in Toronto unîversîîy, won first-clasa bonors iin christian ethics, Weslevs sermon and cale- ch-sm. Mr James P Berry, also an Arts sto- dent, won first-class honora in systemnatic tbeology. We aIl rejoice at your success, bîîys. -StRlesman. Mr. John VanNest, jr.. is further improving his lawn, having planted a row of evergreens. Rev. Mr. Thompson, of Conn., U. S., will preach at advent church next Sunday. morning and evenîng. Arbor day was celebrated at the school in right royal style. after which tafly was served by the teacher. About two months ago Wm. Van- Nest received a kick from a horse, and nothing serious was thought of it at the time, but last week the doctor pro- nounc,?d it a fracture. Grand Trunk Ry. Queen's Birthday Mlondayy May 249 '97 Fares, Going Dates, Time Limits SIN LEF FiIýT-Cî.AscFA R F-Tickets good g'ing Saturday, May 22nd. SlIn- day, 2,rd, or Monday, 24th, valid 10 re- tomr leavirtg destination flot later than Tuesday, May 25tb, 1,S97. FIR.qT-Ci,.As~ FARF AND ONE-THIRI). Tickets Zood going Friday, .NMay 2ist, valid to reîurn leaving destination not later than Tuesday, \Iay 25th, ISî9'. For Tickets and ail information, call on or write to W. P. Sterioker, Oshawa Ry. Co's Office, OSHAWA. $25-000 WALL PAPERI Just Roccivcd Have You Tried BRATHWAITE Cafl at PELLQWSY and see bis Wrought Steel - A T - $ 5 . . Mlso his COAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FR OM- Boys' Beavy Laced Boots, pegged soles, ises 1 to 5 ............. Boys' Pegged Laced Boots, lined round toe azes 1 to 4 ... BROSO For Hardware, St.oves, Tinware, Painta., Oiua, Glass and Housefurnishings ? Renienber We Hlave brought the prioes down and you will save money by callhng on us and giving us a chance to sopply your wants. We put in a brand new stock of every- thing, in our ine, and marked the prices down front 25 per cent. to 50 per cent, on ail uines. Get oui- Prices -and you wifl se that you can always get more for jour money here than else- where, for We will Nor do we nmean on a few lunes ; but our prices the Lowest. on ail lunes are Give 'Us a CaL--flow BRATHWAITE BIROS. Oshawa, May 14, 1897. WAKIEL - VOL. Fresh A. H. DA' U-( 95e 750 2000 Hou slM ens Fine Caif Needie Gaiters ... $1.25 of those very beautiful' American Papers, with Borders to Match, which will be soldi cheaper Also a lot of Remnants-..mmoo Ç hilds' Button Boots at 35c, 50c, 75r- - :00: JOHN BA LE, Si mcoe Street. IMRF: f RI 'S Il>-- -- 1<' il ~ - - -.1 1~1>1. - NI' 'TII (~i NI -- I\-~k( - $100 wc,îyh cf Fui ~cok- of M which will be sold atO S E A.V cost and under. Ezery Day is Bargain J kit/z Us. Dayý P.B.WARAM, WA ANTED-SEVRAL FAITFUL Y M en er Women to travel for re- sponsible established bouse ln Ontario. Salary $780, payable $15 w eekhv and ex- penses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self-addreased stamped envehope. The National, Star Building, Chicago.-J7-8. C H E MIS T WHITBY, WJRE Geo.ÂAU -Sele thD MOTOR the Kete Intending purchas Mill before placîng t an agent put an imit can gel the Genttnî galvafiized, and war More ol these mii than any other ma dlaim îbey atllone ý Mill oulÎita sold 10 ti lime. Ail styles of Woc sale. Any informationi will be freely gisen b Feb 7, 1897--6mo. WiSTERN BA? Whitb Died-In Toronto, on May 9th, Ida Prout, fommerly el Bowmanville, sud daughîer of Mm Edmond Prout, aged 18 years. The Bowmanvîlle Cyc!e Wood Rim Co., receîved asat week fromn Coventry, England, a large order for their now famous bicycle n m. A gamne of base baIl was played here on Saturdav last betwten tht elms of Toronto sud tht Royal Okes of this town. Tht ne-r suI Was 12t2 121 in favor of the home teani.( Messrs R Beth & Co received seven li,c tbrtee nd and two 3rd pnîxes and îbree1 sweep stakes ai tht Canadian horst show1 held ai Toronto lass week. Mr D B Simp-2 socn eceîved 3rd on bis three year old coltt Flossie, in a large class of roada>ters. t NIEWCASTLE Mm E C Hilîman visited Cobourg recently. Rev C Parker. Bowmanville, preach- ed bere on Sunday and pleased botb congregations. Mr Alf Cowan, Oshawa, spent Sun- day wi th Mr John Dickson. Misses Floience Hoar and Efle Wight and Messrs Fred and Frank Hoar. Providence, were guests at Mms WX B Alun's Sunday - Mn Geo Coulson, New York, visitedi fiends here last week. Mr anp Mrs R Gray spent Sunday at Mr John Laws. The Misses Philip, Oshawa, were e- cent guests of Mrs D Arnott. Misses Fanny Eleanor and Ethel Stapleton have become members of the rnethodist choir. Miss Maud Fisher, Toronto, is visit- ing aI Mrs Litîle's. Mr Richard has leased Mrs M1 Coop- ers land. Mr Fred Argaîl, Oshawa, spent Sun- day at home. Mr John Parsons bas moved on Mr W Richard's farm, Miss Annie Moon and Mr W Moon visited friendsata Leskard on Sunday. NEW HAVEN.- Rev Dr Marvin visited the C E on Friday evening last. Mn Geo Vancamp bas returned to bis home in Western Ontario. Mrs C Frank entertained ber Sunday school class to tea on Thursday. ip5.50 to 4 I HARDWARE. not be Undersold Your Price and Sie That's ahi we waut 10 know. Both Foot and Purse cao be fitted salis- factoriby. and it is itnpossible 10 get belter values than we give. See These Prices:V Mm Harry Robinson is home from Roches- ter. N Y. Miss Adat Coleman, of Saginaw, Michigan, s home on a vsi. Miss Btland, nf Oshawa was tht guest cf Mr Pierce over Sunday. Mr Sam Kivell has sold bis barber busin- tas to Mr %V T Newman, of Toronto. Dîed-ln Bowmanville, on May îotb, Robert Reid Lawrie, ageil 28 years. Born-In Bowmanville, on May îotb, thîe wift of Mr John Cîsylon of a daughter. Tht S S Conqention held in tht disciple asat Wednesday was largely attended. Mr and Mms Thos Elliott, of Hampton, visitd Mm and Mrs R Worth on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Chas Gorvett and Miss Mary Hambb.v visted Mrs W Everson, Ebenezer, on Sunday. Miss Brimacombe who lives on Duke Si bad the mîsfortune 10 faîl and break tbmee oi ber rîba last week. Mr and Mms Thos F Joes and daughter Honot visiied relatives and friendsata Osh- awa and Columbus thîs week. Rev Mr Taylor of Newcaatle preached two excellent sermons in tht methodiat cburch lasi Sonday 10 large congregations. year. 1 of BOARD 0F John Cowaq, Esq., Hamlii; Esq , V Esq., W. F. AI son, Esq., Robt Patterson, E'q. T H McMillan General Banking Drafts issuerd, payat ada, United St.ates, 2 land, payable in al] per cent. allowed on and credited haîf yeaî SpeCial attentiU Farmers' sale nof -E. Maia W IANTEWSV iMen or wo1 sponsibie ectablisheî Saay$78o, payable S penses. Position pe Enaclose self-addrss Tht National, Star Be Eistablishied 16 Whitby -stean Maîhie and Dund4s Si WH 1TB) Cha.HL (Ponmerly Wol and dealftin MAl MONUMENTS. teuil-ad desivms work., Our worki igWNTEGS KgoôfdgeneraI serv S-WANTCO A eopyoflfeer's Eg

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