Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 9 Apr 1897, p. 6

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'W -IWRITTEN FOR THE CHRONICLF.) (Contsnd.) In the eariy part of the country's IbistOry an idea prevailed that being well or ili it was beneicial to be bled ,every spiing. In nearly every settle- trent there was soniC one empiric enough to understarld using the' lance. When we were children we often stood, inouth and eyes open, to witness father perform the operation; sorne of the 'Jictims turning pale before the lance came near them, others bearing it like mnartyrs. This theory has long since exploped. Mr. Heron, of Ashburn, then Butler's Corners, was also an apestle of the lance. 1-e was a true son of. Scotland. wjth stron& convic- tions of riglit and wrong which were not easily shaken. I-ad lie lived in the turne of th---Corenanters" and been present when J-.eney Geddes" threw the stool at the minster s head he would doubtless have sanctioned it. If occasion had called for it lie would freely have uingled his blood wth the martyrs to purchase the liberty of con- science whuch they counted dearer than Ie. lie sleeps beside the church where hie delughted to worship for inany years. The first presbyterian minister In the township was Re v Mr Thornton. He came from Scotland te Canada in 183Z anti was ordained the sanie year te the congregation in and around Oshawa. His home was siLuated a mile and a hall west of Oshawa. Ne held ser- vices in tfie baptist cnurch half a mile west of the Union cemetery, also in Pickering in a school house on the Iarm cf Squire Leys. In 1835 his con- gregation built the brick church near !iis ho-ne on landi which they pur- chased. In a few vears they buiît a comfortable and respectable manse. A large majority of the settlers in the neighborhood of Columbus, then Eng- lish corners, were presbyterîans, and realizing the desirability of having a place of worship nearer their homes. built a log duurch a little southeast of the village, wbere they worship.ped for many years. There is no doubt but the songs of praise.- which may have been rudely chanted, and the prayers which ascended from that humble edu- fice, were as acceptable te the One .Who sees every sparrows (ail.' as that whuch ascends (rom the most lolty and magnificent cathedra]. The log church was their place of worship for manv years when the congregatuon built a church east of the village where ser- vices were conducted until the present church was built south of Columbus. As soon as the log church was finished Mr. Thornton, afterwards Dr. Thorn- ton, held services there and gave up bis Pickering congregation, lie also held services on the sabbath and prayer-meetings through the week in school and private houses. He fully realized how much the country's pros- perity dependeti upon the education of the people anid used his influence in every way te umprove the then unper- fect school systemn. He compiled the Instructive Reader," which took the same place as our third reader does now in the schools, and was one of the text books for many years. Some cf the lessons vere of his own original composition, the rest were choice selections of prose and poetry from the best authors. Ne vas superintendent yond that. Upon this modest incomne be brcught up in respectability and edncated a large family, wbich must. have cost both himself and bis devoteti wife rnany self-denials and -sacrifices. He vas a modest, unassumung man. He laboreti among bis people for over a quarter of a century, sharing their jcys anti son ows, ever ready with the word of encouragement andi sympathy. He vas not without bis own sorrows. Some may remeniber one sabbatb, on his return home (rom Columbus, he founti one of bis dear little girls stald- cd to death. It may justly be said of Dr. Thornton that he serveti bis day and genération welI andi bas long since been calleti to bis reward, leaving be- binti a spoties. record, a beritage of whicb bis family may justly be prouti. One of the firet trame bouses on the sevcntb concession was built by Mr. Mathewson, brother-in-law of Dr. Tharnton. Qne large roorn was set apant for holding religious service@ on the sabbatb anti Prayer-meeting during the week and was neyer useti for any oh,b, purpose.. Tbe bouse vas bnrn- ,cd la 1863,,shcrtly after Mr. Matbew. soWa deth.He came te Canada in' 1833 J14ws awong the'firet setticrs. 'With , i. rlrght vas rigbt and wrong ,a, Ï4og iee ere no heaif meas- rç«'Ie waà a kind, hearted muan, ,whuo 1oed p6açce. a goti neihbor ~whM ngueicewaa always on the aide .of Bc lecps ii tIeUnion ~<where thé great snajorlty of Pp ipa ii--av' found a regting PLU*. à MUNYON'8 MOTTOU Toit tho Troth and Nothlog but1 the Tîutb. HONEST TESTIMONIALS From Canadian People are Posi- tive Proof of the Succesa of his BROAD 1HOMROPATHY. What People Who Have Been Curoti by the Munyon Renaodiee Have Le Say About Theom. Mr Thomas Shav, Morton, Ontario, sa> s: "I vas troubleti with tiyspepsiea andi nervouse for twenty yeara. I tried overything that vaas atvortisoti and oonsulted rmany doctors vIse titime ne izooti. 1 beuîan using Munyon's Dyspep- sia Cure and Nerve Cure anti they bave provedth de best thing that 1 bave ever oiseti. I amnfeeling botter iban I bave ever beforo in yoars. Munyonas Rbeumatiam Cure seltiom (ails te rlieve in oue to three hours, andi cures uin a few day.. Price.25c. Munyons Dyipepu'ua Cure positively cures ail feruas cf Indigestion anti stoin aCI trouhîs. Price, 2.5c. Munycu s Colti Cure prevents pneu- meDia snd breaks up a colt in s few heurs. Pries, 25c. Munyon's Cough Cure stops conghe, nigit aveats, mlys sorenessa, anti speeti ly beala the longs. Preue, 25c. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily curep pain@ in the bsck, loins or groins ant idai forme of kidney d"sas. Price, 25c. Mnnyon's Hoadache Cursetops heati ache in Cree minutes. Prie., 26c. Mnnyou's Pile Ointment poiiitively curps a forma cf piles. Pries, 25c. Mauye 's Bioti Cure eradiosies ail impurities of the blooti. Pries, 25c. Muuyon's Fernalo Remodies; are a boon te mIli omen Munyon's Athma Remodies reliove in 8 miutes anti cure poroeanentlj. Pries, si. M nuvou'p Catarrh Romedies nover fail. The Catarrh Cuae-prie 25c -eradicatos. tho tisesuis froua the system, andth de Ca tarrb Tablets-price 25.-cloauaaeand beal the parus. Munyon's Nre Cure is a wontierful nerve tonie. Pries, 25c. Munoyons Vitah.zer restores lest vigor Price..8$1. Peroual letters te Prof Mnnyon, Il aud 18 Albert et., Toronto, answoreti vi froe medical ativice for auy disoaso RZAVEEKTON Mr. Ab. Corner, cf Brock, speut Mou- day bore. Mr. Go. S. Willas spoat part etfIsu week iu Toronto. Mr. Dougalti Gillespie vas lu Pefferlaw on Fniday lait. Mr. Thos. Treleaven is visitiug rota- tives in Mariposa ai present. Mesurs. T. C. Hotigskinson anti Buti Tistil spont Fritiay lu Canniugtou. Mr. Duncan Freneb loft Isot Tburstiay for Toroente where he intontis residing in thse future. Meers. Ken. Davidson anti Jas. Birch- arti were visiting friendsis n Sutton on Thestiay lait. Mr. (Gardiner, who ba8 been in Mus koka, during thse wiutor, returneti home ou Monday 1ai. Mr. Duncan A. MeRme, of Uphifl, vas visitiug friendsinl this oommunity duriug the past veok. Mies S. J. Cameron in once more in charge cf thse millianery departinent in J. J. Bclmes' gênerai store. Mr Ed. Muir anti family, cf Pefferlav, vers the guosta cf Mr, anti Mn. N. Muir, Simce treet on Sunday last. Mr. John Fui-nis, jr, cf TbormbTe l land, bas purebasetiMr. F. S. Kingas farm on thse l4th con., lake shore. Mr. Jas. Cowan, cf Cauuingtion, spent Thursday lait in tovu anti vbie bore ho icked np a nice pair cf general purpose A couple cf rnisecf our ourlera vent over te Orii on Tbursday ei lait week te play thse retura gaine vitia the Orillia people. Our beys vore viped ocnt by about tbirty aosL. Botter luck Dert ime. Aul parties iu this section Who are the fortanate ponseossors cf a "hsugar bush" are buay those day. making syrup andi aluibongb vs are ne great shakos ou Oat ian isyrup, stil vo e au do our share vitb a large chunis cf maple sugar. Mr. James Miler, cf Pickering, wbc bas &been Prmticing law ber. turing the. Pa tvo yoars, bas oving te sickues been compelledti t give nph»lis praftice for a ime, ati on Tuesay Iash. loft bore for Lise general hospital in Toronto, vbere iL in te be bopeti ho vil speedily recover. Letter Prom T h Eec1ioee of vui High Echool "lDear Doctes, lover. -I shouMd 11k.te adit another testimonial te tIse numbie yen have already reeiveti infayot Of 'Quiciionre.' I bave been ironbied a go'od d6al lateIy vftIs Boils, suad iried 'Qu*k oue'Ieau enly describe is eftmt mnagicl; in about haIt a miuuieatoe-*p plioation, I fei s ho aIbn ee been troublit at alil,and vas4oompleely, voîl in tueO days. Wishingyi vr sucs itIs yeur Vainable dubgeovui,~ remain, yours ver Qy î,- fligüeot, T.Âur Y ps< About one o'clock Sunday afternoon the resitieuce of Harry Roberts vas dus coveroti te be on ire snd an alarun vai hurriedly givon anti in a short tins mos, of or people yene on the scene. Mr Roberts anti family vers ai George. Mudtileten'e anti of course the bouse va!w ioceu up. After mnch sxertion on tb,- pait cf ibose preseut the dlames vere cotuquereti, âaliongh the funiture and bouise vers bad-y tiamageti. The origiuu of the ire is not deinitely kuovu. %W, are net avare what insurauce thero va., on the promise. - Neya. c ATARRiI Aira. Dobeil, of London, Ont., Cured for 25 Cents Ioctors Could Rlelp, but Couidn't Cure- Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure Relcased the Prisoner, and To-day She is as WCU as Ever-She Says It la a Great RemedY Ves, 1 aL Mrm Dobeli," saiti a cemely. plealsaut-faced voman ai her home on Horion street te a News reporter to-day, "aud I wiIl very gladly tell yeu what you want te know. About three years ago my husband was vMr il, anti I had fr-ecuently occasion te risc in the night and go for a doctor or te the druggist. Iu mny hurry 1 often neglected te properly clothe myseif, and coutracteti several heavy colds, which turneti ai laat te chronuc catarrh. 1 tried doctors. who helpeti me, but did no% cure me, sud several specual catarrb medicines 1 vas relîeved but net cured. 1 vas suffering untolerably when Mr. Shuf recommended me te try CNAS'8 ATARSUREii, sud ih egan at once te help, and un about two months bati cntirely cured me. I canuet speak tee highly cf this rernarkable medicine. and cheerfuly reconurend h te all sufferers frein catarr.' The blover uucluded s a gi-at hep te suferais The spocial services vhich have tison condncî.ed here in the Mothodist ehnrch closeti lait voek vîtls gouà resuîts. A couple cf .1.1gb loade of young pec- ple f romn this place atteudeti the social beld inj Gaznebritige lait Wednesday nigbt. Mr T Overenti, cf Beaverton, visiteti bis brother bore Sunday. Mr Aloi McILonnan, formerly cf thia place, but nov a resitient bi Orillia vas hon Ilsat veek reueving olti acquaint- muces. Mr Hngh bMeDonalt in avisiting at bis home ir-Beaverton. Mr anti lra W. Orr have been on the. sick list vith la grippe. Mr J Overout i s visiting ienEHamilton. Miss Bella Santimo in viiting in Beaverton. Mosis Sheridan andi Fleury ahippod a carload cf pige on Menday. TIse reads are ini a bati conditio j uat at present, tiser. being neither good yheuling o« sighlng. W. gai avay, ahsol tffl tcfeeet fer a limR l d iue ot' .Pouly % *oneu KsoIà1 M# The P IsoeM; j- sta;r i te Bock Wini o m . w aote- 1 The tcitoviag aeru atateunent in thse bout proet that diabetes ianet incurable, and Stha tisais làa aremedy vhleh viii curs it. Ontario, Coanty cf Canleton, te vit: L ciharisoliess, of the City ef Ottawa, In thse Oonty cf Carleton, Blaoksath, do héreby soesmay docire as teooa: L. I r" st5DBeillitreet, in theaaidOCty of Ottawa. 2. For thiepast Il yan i 1aishave bena groat sufferer froin kidasi- disesso; arnag the prozaInent syrnpioaa cd vhtch ver s oener pains lu mi- bock, betl sab.es tsndlng freont the base cf the opn. up belveenm my shuiders, diaslnes, beadaaies, otc. 1 vas ln a bail stais gSslaly sud suiferaigremi agoeut ai lm. The intese noPain provented My sleeping, sd I meezedte gsi veSse eontiuaBly.The dootoru vise vers oilin luprenounceil ry disess» diabelsa, but Ibsir tusatmnai 1ne geed, ou tissi- bed ont but alight hop@ of mi- resoveri. 1 vas thon ne far goee i h the diaaastbai 1 ocultiamotuSurinluobtd ithoS selp. My usine Vas cf a dark vins ce0oMsd fall OfediMauI6 a. Itoh&U ail ideof.!meihinsbut vitbont permanent roeLf 4. Hsartng of DcaannKluy PMlla Mtia box et EL . U&OcVaUaadru lr.bta ibsin.Roever, 1ia-neS imklugtiu, àu they utrnok the utsat a oe, suýI d f se.- menSeilte fet bott. Pomtisai ime ou Impoveentwuoonuusuawm nfl lmrMno, ai 1er Sie veémsofi cf >mWsKidesi- ls m" treefr.frontpaiucdauy kind. Tiseurine in naluansd 1 amn»nov voe iu l eg s. ItIu.gatsouroscfpsirt-Qt "fisata te s de ! ib 9 o te UMalUe at Doue Ku y is siIn*Wk wme mihsvu tbal 15a t (assuios adi sota Ufmais ueer osouiMd yvietu 01 tas Caaa vlle "4c Deelarsi befunoipaihe. twrf thie CoumSjof Carmsio, ib ofs 0<4 -FOR SALEBY Cherni the-d Dvoils B of Sre un. Mqu. i.s ehat bttr, whil ber daugt.r à al=nouthe. mend. The.q»pnng has arrived and ini couse- quence our foundry s running funl huait Ràobert Day'. cbuld i. getting along "Il# iyblg uow considered out of dan- ger. Miss Aniei Gould in with ber aster, Mm- 8chaurr, of Barriston, for a few wooe. Fred Dowiwell is st Rat Portoge and and net at Portage la Prairie as slated by us laut week. Stanley Hughes bas eturned to Tor- ônto, but hi.. chances of reoovery are vsry meagre iueeed. Alei Boy.. vill vacate t.he Cooper bouse this veek andti ake possession of the R Ravson dwelling. Geo Middleton lef t Tuesday morning for Rainy River district where he viii &pend the su mmer at least. George Russell leaves for Buttinean, North Dakota, this week. Luit week we said David Rnssell, bnt that wuas mlst.ake on onr part. Our milkmen are quit.. jubilant over the decision of the Ountario Goverament in setting oside t.he cattle test until new andi more reasonable legialation can n introduced and carried through. The ourler. andi their vives, at leait those wbo poussis bem, enjoyeti an oy&ter supper in the workmen hall on Wednesday evening. An imnprumptu program vas znuch enjoyeti. The rnem. ber& of tb. curling club recentiy h<àd their pictures taken, andi the probili.tieb are that thbe picture vil] b. reproduced i the Saturday Globe ahortly. After a short Ilmdutio Lo poplexy, Alexander Wilkin, dioti on Friday, in bis 83rd year. The funeral touk place i Saturday when the romainis vere interred at Asbburn. Deceaset bas been a resi dent of thîs township for many years, and a few years ago retireti and became a resident of our village. The funoral was well attendted by old friends, vh', voie anxioua to pay the lait tribute of respect to a Lnuch respecteti and vorthy resîde nt. IBICYCLES O flurng the Y ar I18"~. PS tu ufui arlub mes adverîlsemts. or app17 to UM U508, T.,2$Scmr 8T., TOM"ST Borne Points in Feedinig. The four factors that make success un the daury are the feeti, the cov, the methotis anti the man, Ail these have changeti in the past fev tiecades, anti for the better. Wuth the exception cf ensilage. no great additions have been madie te the list cf feeding stuifs, but a knovledge of the exact use cf each single material is much more wudely disseminateti than ever before. Notvithstandung ail that may be justly saiti agaunst the book fariner, ve must. ackncwledge that whatever ativances we have matie in breeding resu iargely upon the resuits obtaineti in due labor- atory. We have learneti that the fat in the milk is as certainly deriveti frein the starch. sugar and fat as f rom pro- tein. anti ve ne longer furnish protein n excess cf the amount reeuired to maitaun the vital funetions. anti to supply the casein of the milk. The aim of the feed(er shoulti be te feeti as mucli cf the carbo hydrates, in addi- tion, as the cov cani be matie to eat. [lie quantity of protein a fcod con- tains may be taken largelv as a meu- îure of its food value. The quantity of fat and carbo-hydrates that it con- tains mav be saiti to ineasure its heat value. As far as keeping the body warm is concerned, the value cf (ced rnay be tietermineti by burning it anti measuring the heat. As a unit of mea- sure for this purpose. the amount cf heat requireti to raîse a pounti cf water 4 degrees us taken. This is calleti a calory. Here in Ottawa Irresistible Proof Tmat There Is a Cure for Diabetes. Brooklin. ()OOceheurs9. a. iM. te il &.mn. Offce honra 1 im te 2 P.m. fflo aIte TelephomeCommsurlCafm D. P. BOGART, DLDS Physica, Surgeon sud Accoucher etc. Offie sud Reaideisce nexite oAUl 4its Churcis. Dundas StreeS, Whitby. N .B.- Dental Surgery l inlUis branches promçtly atibendedti t. W. A DAMS, .Cý3DENTIST. Reema ever John Fergnsen'8 cletbing store. ResideiKO-No. i, Thse Terrace, Byron St Wistby. Jan. 2tao19. -JJENTIST.. LIFE -INËÜA.N*GE MSULU&011201S Lifpk  'lueg of Coal A daY would k* eepyotroom vwarm n uwiter. Btthat sala steve wili butai only t=nt-iv.Heumdlcoafort A certain amount cf fat, burned dally, weuld keep your bady warmn d hcalthy. But undigestion la bad, and Yeu t r-tf rom ordlnary fat- fo.Hence you arecb.siliy, you catch cold easiy, you have coughs and shivers; while pacurnonia, bronchitis, or con- auruptian flnds you with ne se- 'Do' this uru better fuel. Use SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver 011. Apetite and digestive power WM revive; and sean a warmn coating of good flesh will protect the vital organs against thse cold and the body against discase. Two sl.us 50 ct.. and $1.00 Book fi=c for thseaslg SCOTT& BOWNf, Befle, Ont Thas Pale race. For Nervons Prostration and Anamis theus la no medicine that wili su prompiiy sud infal- lubly îesitore vîger anti negtb smScotts Emulsion - cgai JUliN L. FAREWE.LLI, Q,. C. Barrister, Coanty Crcwn Attorney, andi Counny Solicitor. Offie- South Wang of court lHous, Whlitby. JAMES RUTLIKOUIC, Oetober 7th 1896. New Llvery and Sale Stables COUNT?07 ONSTAIMO 1806. 0ms'-. uO. Keoeel, Wbltby Clark Jan.83; Peb.83; Mai-h 8; Apnil 1; ï£ay si June 2: July 7 bop. 2; ct. 2; N UV.& Doe. 2. Osuava-D. C. Mdacdieol, Wisitby, Clork i Jan. 4; Fsb. 4; Match 4; à pril 8; May 41 June a; July Sep. 8; oct.8 ov. 4; Dec. 8, Bsoeux- - M. Gleeson, GresuWo.d, Clark. -Jani 6; Matela6; I- 5 ; July 9; Sep. 4; Nov. 6. PORT Pmnur - J. W. Burniafl Port Perry, Cleris-Jan. 29; Maich 9;isy1 Jul'y 20; Sep. 28; Nev. 18. UxiuBiDn-JesOPh E. Gonît, Uxbnidgo, Cleri-Jan. 80; Mai-ch 24; MIay 19th; JalI- 14; Oct 34 ; Dec. 16. çC>1xweve-George Smniths, Cmnuingtou, Jan. 81; Mai-ch 2b; IMai 20; July lb; Oct. 16; Dec. 17. BEÂvZaTroi-Gec. F. 'Bruce, Beaetin,. Clerk-M5.tci 26; May 2t; July 16; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. UiTnuOSOVI'-Iloî. P. Hart, uptetItovO Clork,-March 27; May- 22; lai- 17 ; 0.5. 17 Dec 19. DundaB St., Whitbyq J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. CommercW lmeu iiberally desit wlth Teaming doue at reasonble prie.. preight anti Baggmge hanlod ti reasou- able prices. A cali .olioited. 0. IL R~IGG8. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yonge St: Toronto. For the naît three mouthe-s à=gmua M special attention te tiaieuts froua a dib.- tance. Amn still Makung plates in rnbber, 08, celluloïdi #10. Geld ant ilvor illing vork erowning by firsS-class operaters s the mesS ressonablo rates an thse caty. When iu the osty caîl in andi lot me exam- ine your teeth. I rmke ne extra charge. 0. H. B1GG$, Dçntast, south oasScerner King and Ycuge Bts., Tor~onto. Ne'u.8th.1892. W. H. WARNER» DEALER INI GOAL, LATE, LUMBER, SHINGLESI OORDWOOD. BLABS IETO. AGENT For the PEOPLE'S COAL CO., TORLONTO. Office and Yard just East of Uptown StaticÇn. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. A8k TOUR 8TATIOèYER J». H. .Mer . Resuits Astonish MEN 0F SCIENCE. A~TT~um.,cSarsa- AYERsparilla A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN EQUAL. ,tatement of a Well Known Doctor 'Ayer's Sargap.arillu li wi*ioiit :in erqual as a blood-purifier and Spring m o...ind rannot bave pralse enough. I lavewsaObei-p its effects ln clironic cases. w1iîre otlicr 4reatm-ent was of no avail, and have betît astonlihed at the resuits. No otlir hlo,pru mnedicine that I have ever uised, and t h.ave tnied theni all, is so tiiorougluIln i .Io, anud effect otssemary permanent curq as .Ayer's Sarsaparilla."-Dr. H. F. MERI<ILL, AÂUgusta, Me. Ayrs e saai i Âdxtted at the World'a Pair. A Ver'& PiUs/ofe r er and bowels. A FÂRMER'S WIFE. TELLS A STORY 0F YEARS 0F PAIN AND SUFFERING. D)octors Utterly Failedto te Hlp Hor andi Morphine was Conuanuàlly Rsesorted to Became se Woak she Ceuld Scarcely Perform Ber Household Duties. Froan the Beaver, Napane Mr andi Mre Robt Stone bave been residents cf tbe township cf Ernestowu, about ton miles oaist of Nap.anee, for a perioti cf about tbree years, and un that tiune bave gainodth de eeeten of ail their rueigbbors. For six years prenlons t( this time tbey had i lved ini Glenwooi Springs, Colorado, and ut was durinî, their reuîdenice there thbat Mrs Stone wat. attacked with an ilines8 that madee heu life mîserable for years. To a repQu-ter vIse recently intArrieveti her Fhe toLu the following story : "Duriuig the sarIN part cf our residence in Coorado, mv illassa first camne on, At. the outse: evoa'y two or three week8 1 voulu] be at tacked with a pain ini mv suomtteb Lator on it inersased iniiieverity, andi st time awusosebadti tat I wouid ecresun alond vith pain. à doctor waF ealled ini. btintheb only benofit I ever rt-eniveti frouc buis troatmont was tbrougli the injection -FOR- SPARTICÂA,- Auffl 3»5t 1893 AUCTIOER#: WKiE ,OT ,cf morphine into my arm, as a result cf wbieh the pain voulti gratiua.lly pas .avay. TIse motioine vbicb vas given me, bowever, bat n-8% these ligbtest ef- foot, andtheLb doctor aprueared te b. .greatly perpiexoemd at thereafter con- tinually resortoti Le injections cf mer- phaine vhenevor the attaes came-on. These attaek.s coutinneti at intervals un-' tii eut returu ta Umnada, vIson tbey in- creasei iia frequncy anti intensenees The andt vas tIsaS I grev very veak, aud my wholo systein appearedti tb .giving oui. My complexion tuurned a yellovish hue, andi 1 bat itle or ne ap petite., Latterly 1 voniti be attaekei vith' fainting apefls, precedeti vitIs at. tacks c dizzideas. I becarno ntterly un *We te sand fatgue, anti caun&vith th, groattsidificls.per cimy householi 'dutios., A deetor vas- calol v in treated. me for -sBome ime vithent bela efi tiisgM4 mny. -Then -hé gave me- Who 1 nov mevwto e b Dr WilHiaufl' Pini Pilhsaud after I bail use t io boxes i.1t somewbat boero. 1 thon purohassi the pilla enyohf aud.,ontinueti the treal MecnS. -I fou t e i.pi as g-ad msalydeoreiig. I eoulti geL reat au] - sleep i nigbtio lh- Wbibtherto bée Almoat -inspo a.e-I coutinuei nana Dr Williamie PI4k PIS for sensr xeoi,,bs, an& th$esnlt Le thusi ihey ha' c#fe5d *,eooVlèe .or anti I arn no ."j o býa--cf healzb. I eau mu wiêbg-ea-relief to e, ~fri -. .~ iia PiMefor gtl 10-4elo. 'y J. . ABBWELL Claerk of thse ïfeCo. Barrister, ste. Office formner 1 occuipiei by Farevell & tetenn cyloe, Brock S&., Whitby. DAVID ONNIISTON,9 B. A., A ttor'ney-at-Law, Solicitor lu Chancery, Cýonveyancsr, etc. Office - lu the Office iouth cf the post Office, in Mcmillan's Block, Brook Strest, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., 8&arilSter, etc. ,-Mcnel te Loan. lamuer f Marriage Liesuses. Office - Smith's Biock, South ef Market, B, ock St., Whitby. DOW & Mc<ILLIVRAY, Barristers., Solicitors iu Chancery, etc. Office lunStathison & Flawlîn's nov block Breck St.. % hitby, sentis of Ontario bank. W. 9. YARNOLD, D.L. S.. Oounty Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. Ors. Warren & Moore. J. J. More, M -D- P. Warren, M. D. wmm%ý- ]BY ordi

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