Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Mar 1897, p. 6

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~usbMfïimJuices t h. e OS fOS tho Ounty c ou raa itld by Jusices vhoeM»MmaehUIUA. rte u ulse yi*uue u rvaosc i.Sauu tOu lb» eof the. Clea.k ef the Peso., Mar. 9th, 1897.J ÂRWLCLEEX lor TEE Puiu"Cuw, ry or Ornuso. 11 Breen ......... J H Dancester .. Go W Wallis ...Donald Cameron.. Wm Stonchouso ... George lintn.... *Ê 1 Breen ......... E C Burton... Alice Chapman .... Jne Chapman.. Wan Haluan ....John Aclieson ko Cornelius Wooni Wm Forrester RoVni.. ...IDuncan Camerori easy Brow-n. s..iiarah Davidson .. A I.evanty .. .......lm E 'V"ebber Wm Coburn . Frank Brow-n Wiliett Rusow .. .îohn Brown .. John raytor . ihniAshmcon.. AI an Wright .. . l;ieohaision . Atlan Wrightî.. . .Jo Johnston.. I.ouisa Welsh ... . ss Gatagier.. A R Long.........Khs (-ratod.. A R 1 ong........bnrs ( rawford R McKnight .î;.. e Neehit . R McKnight. G(;o Nest-it John Ferguson . R-hi Brwn John Fergaason .. obi Brown R MeKnight. R ohert Vernon ... Wm Calvertey ..john Palmer Wm Ca!venley .. 'es Cenlin WVm Cairns .. .. ....Wsler Mersam Win (alverley ...ehn(tr2wc . Lois Card............L)ani .... rd Date of Nature of Charge. Conviction. violation of liqîaor license mt . J . an z6, 1897 drunk anad disarderly .. ... . Dec 26, 1896 vagrant............. .Feb ». îi9 Violation of iquer liceuse set.. . Dec 31, 1îF6 .!SsaUla...........................Feb 8, 1897 ...vagRancy.... ................)ec 22, 1897 .i.. hefi...................Df 27, 1897W -lassaul............................Ma&y 5, 1897 .nsîîliing lenguaRe............ec ai,i189ý6 .nn p;ymeni <f wageS.........Dec 17. 1 P96 as'auli and Iaaiîerv...........Feb a, 1897 non pavmeraî et wages........Feb 2.4. 1897 nsu1t'ng language...........Mer 5. 1897 drunk and disorderly.........Dec îa 1896 drark aad dsurdrly.........Dec x2, iîF196 a sault...................a 4, 1897 a s s.suinz constable...........Dec 7,. 1896 ,ssautinfg cflflable.............)c 7, îq .1 iurk and di-,îrderly......... i l a.1 b6 . . x pottirg persen.........., cC ii. i 8e, ..ltoiti lil lcence aiC.. . . D.-c 16 i896 ..Voiaî.ng license- ici...... ...Fris24, 1897 .1nkand dsordety..........Mer" 3, ) 897 .j.grant............... . nS 21, 1897 ietmfg te psy dog tex .........11n 29, )897, isi.aUiî......... .... ..........De: 18. 1 896 .VA gra nl. .................Jan 21. a897 Iprotane, insuiting arti tbreatening, taniîa'e.................Mer 8. 1897 I hereby certify that a-he foregoiîsg Schedule centaine a arue copy cf alil Dec., A. D., 1896, snd the 9th day of Mar. A. D., 1897, inclusive. RAGLAN Too laie /ar lasi issue Wo are sorry to report Mrr. Geo. Or- snaneuon je cnder tise doctor's cars. Hlopeobeh may speedily recover. Mr. Sqnelch bas moved on the farm occupied by Mr. T. Rose au athe village. W. welcomne Mr. Sqnelch sud family in the commnnity. At the Lime of wratxng no hope is on- tertained of Mr. Thotupsone recuvery. A lively content je going on in the Sono -f Temperance division under the cRp- tainehip of Mr. Myron Martin aud Mr. A. Groves Mér. Myron Martin and Mr. J. Wodge att.mnded ths chnîeti.an ondleavor in Co- lumibus on Sunday ovoning. Mr. Thomas Stanton spent las& veek visiting frienda an Seagrave. Laet veek the good friende of Mount Carmel urpriseo M rs J. Hezzlowood by gatbering at ber home an~i precientiug ber' witb a niosly worded addrsss aud a ahina te& set of dioee and parlor lamp, as a sligbs roken of appreciation of ber services dnrin.g the las& fifaeon yoare an the ehnrch aud Ssbb-,LhRechool. The Rdl- dreawu rend by Mises Hamley, and the P~resent.ation was made by Mr Jonaaihau Thompeon, on bebalf cf ah. tnends. A very pleeaant eveuing va sapeut by &IL. Mr. Miron Martin gave a party te a fev of bis friende ou Tuesday eveuang in telebration of bis birtbday. A very pies salut ime was spent in games %nd other amusement. A surprise party vas held at Mr Jo@ Groves' lest weok and al onjoyod ahein selves. Foxe@ are very plentiful around bers. MId. Holliday vent ont shooting ene day last week and killed Lue ; aise two minkaý A very s;uccesaful wood hee vas field et Mr. Frank Brown'@ last Frqda.y afa-er zioon. The eveving wu spont in dancing aud other amusement. à very unpleasant affair Look place in one of the stores one eveninL, Iset week, vbhen two of our youthei (wbo ought wo kuow beta-er> begzan debating who Pecorai ed a certain young lady home from ahurch on Sunday evsninug bot worde en sued vbîch nearly ended in blows Fin- àa lIy money was put up aud in order to #rove that one of the conairacaing parties did go home vith the ad young lady Som.eof the. neighboru had Le' b. rou&ed ont of their peacoful alumber ta settle the matter. Suroly boys abers are encugh girls for yen tô have oes piece viaihona .qnarreiiug. We vilI wilhbold the usme. of ahose boys as tbey are betb respectable but hope they vil net malie (cols of theruselvesaitain. Mr. James Eezzlewood, of Mount Car- mel, is makiug preperation for mevinR in our village, sud ho bas securi-d an agency for aelling fartu implemnen te. Re is pre pared te, supply ail the farmera needs in tbat lins via-h the sherteet notice. Mr. David ThompAoics again in one~ midat. as ho b.d a sumnions ao the bed- aide ci hi. fat.ber. e s aslooking haie aud hearty. A leig l bd cf youug people had a surprise psrty ai Mr. Mark Holliday's. euet of boe, ou Mlonday eveuing, and ne- ocaul cf tho hsavy rain did net return homne until Tueeday noon looking like drovued rats. W. hoe. bey bad a ples saut lime. VICTrORIA COaRNESBa Rer Stewart, of Sunderland, deliverod an excellent sermon bore lust Suandsy The. church vas wvo illeud. E F Sander@aspent a few days in Tor- onto lust, vek. Mgr sud Mrs Robti Huise of Alandale. are viaaiing frieudo horesta preseut. bda aLv Qaytia eoovdha. ---Aé-o-t Namneof Anmens of Penalty Ccnvîcdng Inities Fine or Dausagle 6 Gea Y Bruce.......as. 7Oea F Bruce........oeltcgeuo 6 Chas Goutd........ ..ate.. OROl O 7P R Hoover.......$m . 7 LXK Munton .........6 imos in c Raoi, haêrd labor 7 L K Murton........recognizauCeItaenensd 7 L K Murton.......s5 fiue.. 6D SBrown, lA Maybe. $1* . 6 1) S Brown. W H Hoyle. 57 7oi" 7D SBrown.........a. 7 DS8Brown........ .S5o.. 711) % Brownu.. .. .. ..... $2 6 Wm Hamilton.......... oe ys 6 Win Hamilton........$5 Or 3o days 7,Wm Hamilion .. !si.~ or 30 days 5Wma Bansîton, JE Gould. . 'S5fine 5Win Hamilton, E Gouîd. . $# fine John Not.a..........i fine lohn Net;............-Si fin .1ohn Noti and Major Harperf$ie fine John Noît...........5 fine j1ohn Noît............i fine 7Major Harper........2 tmes in Raol, bard !abo, M,%ajufIrarper........ordered toe e;1lice-nse 5Major Harper.......'s~i andi costr...... 7Major Harper........2 mes in gaut. lhard labo, M N Dafoe.. ..........SI fine TIse vben ta TIse when To vbcm paid ever by said If an paid. wby 30 bpald te naidj pad. justice, and ubea snd general 0bsC5 1Justice __________________ vatlon, i any. forbvlh .. .. Jan x6, 1897.. iquer fileetse fond, N Outario Xortbwlth .... .. . . .....Tîea., Vil. Beaverton, $16.ito iortbwtth .. :: Mer 5.';89,7 .. E 1 Breen. lcense inspecter N Ontario. CaseOP- Pcb iS. x897.. Feb î5ç, 1897.. County treasurer pesled Appeal dismissed sentence 'sus pended (fotbwtb....Mer 5, 18W -.. teen treffsurer, Mar c), 1897.. forthwitb . .Dec 31, 1896..- G J Hoyle 8 days.... Jeu 14, 1897 .. ncalied for ai yeî forthwaîh . .net pid....atleged peverti' 8 dasa... net pad. -i.slcged poverty forthwitb ..1ne; pid.. . sîîge'Jpoveray torthwith ..'..D#c 12, 1896..- îown treasurer forthu'ilh... Dec 1.4 1896.. tee-n tîeaurer .Jlau 1. 1897 ..Jmn 6, 1897-. county tleasurer, paid on case fermerli ret'd J an 1, 1897 Ian 6 1897..- counîy treasurer. paîd on case fermerly ret*d forthih l c ixi, î896.. village reasurer, Port Perry forilbwith Dec I 1, î896.. ýviage treasurer, Port Perry ro days......................... ..,appealed îo days ... .Mer 6 1897.. paid te lience inspecter NMar 9, 3 days ... .net yet paid - fonhwarh.. . ,lrhi*b . .ceuni>' rrasuirer forthyvith . .Mer 8. 1897 . townahjp treaB!urer I returns of summary convictions madlea-o me by Justices of the Peace aud filAd in my office between a-be 8th day of JNO. E. FAREWELL, Cierk of thbe Peace, County of Ontario. MrSadeeAUDLMY I DLCKWATERPCZEIGfU bc d i MrSandrsbas nioved te Waubi- The folioving hase are composed in The People Oft abis place sbould potition goon. 1 ernery of bygone day.s@peut at Black. parliamout fcr au ameudment te Lise rivtr ___ ___ Mr and Mrs R E Johnaston have vater. and etreanis bill, sud enve if possible thbe -- ___ setaied on a-be front rosd este, eltia. ~g-eîl nnoyance of< vng hero ns c~cellars Dru. Warren J Moore, Weilfols I' grwin pun ol, flled via-b vater. M r sud M rs C Parki ng, Y ork, epen t My age is geaung fiuod aud ripe ;Wila Goresuvfsylemv a day or so wia-h relatives here on the 1 Own l Iads, t own ne geld, Willae ori adwf il env My riches s an old clay pape. t irmont neigbbonhood in tils course J. J. Moore, M. D., F Warren, M. D. l at ef the week.1 And as 1 it. and as I susoie. cf a cou ple cf veeka, visere t.bey vali con- Broolalin. 'Whitby. Wesley G-ee, a-o our uortbwest, have I otîcu thial cf dasys gene by, line te tarit. We are exceedaugly sorry couc hme ro te ca-ya-omangeWben e-e cOUtl bhave a good oid joke, a-o lose aivo such wertby ctazes. office heurs 9. a. m. Office heurs il a-= And take c acoos vison e-e got di'. Tiso lamentiable casualiiy a-bat occur- Se 11 &.M. te 2 p.m. th st the-rentar na e smmisnd I. i nd eue tinte scrcwd of beys red at Bevmauville ou Weiluesday afa-er- -Pr,-ivaie TelePhone Commuas.cazIsf. a-benioa- ndepnt usiesS essud Were standing b> abe tunapike gale, noon sbould bave a lescu for parente re- ______---- we hope a-o see yen remain. When ecar ex-reeve, (yen knoe béainveil) SCame up. sud ahere bc met bis tale. siding by a creek abat overfiove a- diffor- D. P. BOGART, lDL .. Te-o or three cf ah. Marra-t Bros, An emnpty crock weas tautis ban- cnt seasons of a-be yoar. Dnriug the pasiPyaaSirensdAcocese of Pickering, but formeriy of thîs Poor llally, bc e ing ail acen- week cbldrou of sili agos bave been ai- office sud Besidence next t Ail Saina'e place, lefa- on Tuesday for a-be N.W.T.0' of het b boys lt love ef fun, loveil a-e ander at viii about a-be village Cburch, Dundas StresS, Wbit.by. N B.- amsedi n plecSbet a amstue. sdab odri -a eu aaî- a etlSurgery in aIlIjis branches pzcxnçtly where ahein brother Fred je successful, ad steneri ta sm ft atba ena We ec haa Jon dvads er.isPoor Bil, be grew ase-l amd, neot occorred. Parente ail over Canada attended tie. Weseta onEwrshr s And saad hec *uld noî sec ahe acke, (col sncb sympaa-by for Mr. sud Mrs _______ aendeing for a-be deiivery of wood te rbct ail the usen abould in ant iaiugi Luxou in the boss oftibeir abreoebaîidren. thbe Whiaiby achoola. W e hope a-o sce At aeeang abeir neigbboaar's buaer-cock bru W gh m a An benest Gril was sianding by, lc Captain James Hua-e, died at hie resii D r.H . W g t a hin gt abejobasve no hevii He sad ila was a bloomnaans aamedns Pickering barber, Wedneday, b. eure a-o give satisfaction. 1 The devilmient vas in bis eys. about 10 a mn , alt.er an ilinesa of abouta Diigtehaywnsom f But Bais diai net sec tbe gase. ielve mena-bs. About a year ago bo ho DENTZST. late ahe wiud-mill on tht Bye arn tLet Pence reigu here and Sverywbclc, perfect iu ha actiorndaf lri ngo'vr ros T he bonesa Gnit bc abus aid sy OT niaacin n fe rin vr(Ts ,aanger'e. Wb.tby. sullered severely. The aail iret loosen- t'he mnmuwto did thab cowardly tracla many domestic remedies consulred a play- Iýý" Open every Baturday Dight. ed and fel, aheu a-be st.orm of Sunday For mlil ur drinks w-II bave te psy. sîcian ansud asinîoruned a-bat bis vas a Look off seio fatbe viieel. Soj docia te Gtcdsr.one's dîd the>' go. case cf vital importance. This vas con- No oult abe ig ale ofJoh A The ex-Reeve comning iu the reer, firmed by several eity spocialilts anddas Whit th nna'<lhnarci.r n Rriig Tbey ais ilted up witta saur ber.thse disease advanced ths Capasn'. oya-tui~ U I bain, sud James Maynard, of Wbia-by, wîli atract naany cf oun speoulative and appreciative farmers on Saturday and Thursday of ahie veek. Simaon Puckrin, vho is vinning for hiatîself the naine of travellen, camne Poor Blty iaughed sud dneuci arouud. Ragbt well didai i cjuy tbs juke, t cas net long tatI aIl coald sec, He hait forgea lis crack e-as broke. But aht a-orne dsys are psad gene. And as I have mucta eIder grecu, t si, aud moke any pipe azsaaad. i)aK iom y soosinon L ur8ciay 01And as 1lait.cuit as 1smoke, *lasa- we-ek look Inu extremely veil afa-er Aneib-r tbougbt ornes bacla te me, hie eheep trip. One nîght a crowd ofe boys frein Wîck, Caese ere 10 have a jolI>' spree. EL of CE flouriehes ber. in spia-si rbeir cazh was gone. and abhewee fuit, of wind sud veather. Always an in- 1bey couîda't pul anoaher coila, i ~One 01 ibe cee-il, a xarnîed mana aeresa-ed few asenabie on Tuesday Thotagba he cou.d pawn an oitdnng ferla. evenings te help each other by disons. - nu a.- uu- ay aa- as- nagee sien and vorehip. Lust week a-be a-epic vas ahly exemplified by Rev J Thom, vhiie ahie veek Misses Guthrie sud Orvia took the subject of "The Exten-t of a-he Kiugdoin for Mission- anies" Tbey did veil sud those Young folks e-ho miss the activi-y cof the meetings, mise one ef the grandest ad- vana-ages ef our band. The mont» of March deais with missions, sud some grand tboughts, nev te even the obd- est christiane, are being brought ont. The invitations, for everyoue, are standing ones. St. Patrick's day, 1897, Éas corne and gene, and those fev cf us vbo had a-he sprig of green on oui' button-hoies on Wednesday lasa- brougbt the faca- to the minda cf a-be more forgea-fol ones e-ho allov a-he year a-o roll by via-houa- core recognition te the Patron Saint cf "Owld Oireisnd." We talk of aho brogue and misaakes of these represenaaives cf the Emerald Ilie, but fôr sa-true, heara--fela- and sympathetie God bleua you, give me a genial aId Iris»h eara-. It would seena te the casual invader of oui' neighbbood this weehk that a gzenerai migration vas goixsg on. Wagons creaking beneath the veiglia of household goods travel every road. Wia-h Mr and Mrs Johnston going-to- a-be f ront, Mr' Bray aud family te Claremout, M-r R Puekrin moving on a-o thbe Bray farm, sud Mr B8andera moî'iuga-o a-be G.T-R. for Algoma, our quiet folk are fcrced to- believe in th. "oircle et eternal change."> Theso ahi carry ar bitasinge vitb tbem. 'Trou-zbles k J" . l Wicla boys have changeai since idaye gene by, flaey woutit't teste the bitter beer, Unicci they get t on aise sty. Be baugeai I Sure i coulai take a glass P,etore a-be Pope, tbe King. or Queecu, 1 e-ouldn't make inyseît an asc, Andi go sud bide bebind a screent. Nov as i close IlI drink a toast, Wbich malaci the olai man's beart grew light. Mey Gledst-one. get tbis liceuse, back, Andi seil til twaelve e'clock at naiitt, For pshaw it -ahoua a glass of beer, A fele- does <col actait bIne. A glass eif briug a-be laea good cheer. ,And the preacher's nephee- sayî su te. Bt Gos 8,&1& A CITI-ZEN'S STORY Two a.s' Enough. Be Feela Mapplep. DID -NOT NEED nLtHREnE. Mr. Jsames N. Davis. cf izS WclingtS E&, &t Thosas, speaiesof au eveut of ats oceur rence, e-hdimud be:"of interest te many et Wciîcitizen. Mr. Davàis uovnllon vii Or repireseurtetive said: a Doan, Klane7PflUsar h e ab Utkduey reiuedy I evu herd ca- Thty bave reuuevd tic dstresIng euy ùvuab1. ith vici1I wa aflicted, aud made a atroge, happier MMsaof me. 'Ferso r I 1batsbous lroued viiisere$ e utws acros ihe lover part cf"fi. bock. The urme vas dark ilu cebo setau me a <ras ra c SlySt. meaoi-, peIM 4to g« 14îu-àa-='-nhe ekif Uea i rngthe 9«O fbed uadruitlwn vl 4lI5t gfSl rare tt*SIiysul had grt c làe headat*; aa trublcd viii veaineatif the eye-a m e me l Va s W - .- tom grew veaker, sud seme eight veeke ago ho had aie remain at home. De ceasod vas a man mucb resected in tbis communia-y, and bad many friende in al] parts cf tbe township, ho having sea'ved blome yeare as a mnenuber of Lthe council, sud no man ever discbarged a-be dutie. et ainch an office with more perciaien sud ftgarleesanesa. Ead ho been in good health la8t December ho wonld undouba-edly have been oleca-ed as firet depnîy reeve. Deceased wue in bis; sixtiea-h year, aud possessed of s ruzRed constitution sud undauntod perseveranee. Re lbaves s vifs sud a growu up family cf boys sud girls, all cf ubom feel koenly thoir sad bereaveint. -Nov. WOMAN, WHY? Tas hbave sallov sXia, pupiem rp- Wby resert t. seamettos sid p.wders t. bide the effeta?1 Dr Agnsv'a livsa plla regulats the sys- tem and restSeste the esek bs - bealtbMn rosy blompuand peaeh biab e9 y.uSh Diserders liko tbese arise. rom slug- isb lier. Frotu eue te two pille a dose, will clarify sud purify the complexion iu short order. See Ihac you geai vhat you ai'k for. 20e. for 40 doses. Sold by J E W illis. Mus. A. B SAXTON. cf Port Buasuell, Ont., ays: 'Ihad tassai roubied i vthl aick beadache for years, aud twc boxes ci MllersCoumpomul Iron Pilla eared me." Sold by A. IkL Allin. druaggis, Mr Luke Madigan. af Mount Bornai, au ae- cured the. coxaa.act for thme Governut work, un goderiach hrbai. The Pruprleteraoe Parmelee'a Mis are con- staatay remeviug letera immiurte the futlow- iug. ubioli eEptum s teel. Mr. John A. Beana. Waterloo, Ont , wrutes : 1"Ineyer use ny mde»tuâ a auequal Psrmeloe'sPuIs for Dyapepaia or Llver sud Kadey Comeptainaa. Tuei relief experimeod ailter ustug abein vu woidurful.Y As a sada aMily mÎKedal ar- u>eleës aVegetable Patta eu be0guTIM l 4Il cassa reqmnr'g a Cathartms 7*IF#tiW*"L $ C., r r lmRII ," WRM. CALVERLE Y, HÂ"Bu Mxua. v iuRB. Having mcved it our nsv premises, ee are propsrod 10 ex tond thle range of business. &Il von perteuani te athe harxae-making snd saddlery business vil te donsete, satis- faction. Collara a gpecialty. Cati and ses my ahop sud stocka W. CALVERLEY, Second deor e-est of oid slaop. Dundas Street, Whitiby 1W. A DAMS, G:ýDENTIST Roomi over John Fergusoil'5 cictbing store Residenco--No. i, The Tenrace, Byron St Wbitby. Jan. a9th, 1896. LIFE INSURANCE. -:0:- Manutaturra' Life &AÂoçident Inm-rance Co., Toronto. [.argest Capital Stock Lit e Imaurance Co. ou the continent. Niuty per cent. o ail aocciuuations et surplus ta returned ta the polcy cîera.AIl claire .are paid vîthout deîy or ls eunt o u proof of de alia or maturity cf endovinent 1Feb. lot, os. .B.POWELL. Agent, whltby. lite offtoeocA pisbloatiu Ti R, = abrr I. net uuadert&k*o eloves lb. pape ai su ae Officwbut Wiitay. ,A !yilps ufirtalta te reit ttc estiastl' nmvi1b. repissed upon slIaIs a smaCler et oousS"y. AMver#iilij ste l i-ysn tot"" es 0sud 5 etal.p.', limecaimi musie bbroaagbt -la TIOS later <ban Ta#idy tOBY4wug, xfl»x Dundas st., whitb'y, J. T. NEWPORT, Proprietor. loimerCiAlmenlilberslly des" ithi Teaming doue a& reasouabie pricea.' Frelght sud Bagga"e haul.d sreusa- able pricea. . A euâ aohcited. C. mi. RIGGc3c3S. DE NTI ST. Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. 'For thes nexi 1hz.. sionthha Iamn glvite speciai attention t10patiêits f roui a dIs- tance. A&m .111 makmng pistes iu rubber, $8, celluicid *10. Gold and ailier fllling vorla ero'ving by 8rst-elus operators ab the mest reasouablo ratea in the eity. Wbeu in the City OUtI In sud let me exam- ine yur aaeth. I mû. ne extra char@e. 0.. 111GBS, Dentast, seutk aesat corner King and YonglSte., Toronto. We H. WARNER DEALER IN GOAL, LATE, LUMBER, gumLES, OORDWOOD, BLABBI ETO, AGENT For the PEOPLE'S GOAL CO., TORONTO. Office and Yard just East ef Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 26ths, 1894. A8K YOUR 8TATIONER -FOR- SPARTICA, TAKE NO OTHER.Iê Affgusu 314>x8~ ýCHAS. s AUCT1ONEERfl; WI, T'ub.4uuersged luga, i bas, ïswe1Ite.oi $aluenit- f vBJ5bi,oglMIo fibc*sfi nesa lits book viiaI ik oft. Noev-allwlnzaa#o CT Ty WITV ONT. a F. Pb. 8à; wbS 8,; k"@WB JUDOS; JUIlà;ibop. 8; Oe. S; Ne,. 4~ Dec. 8. tsn ,we BBoUGB.&U - M.I L ;oGew eCerk.-Jau 6; Itarohô; '"y; lyS Sep.4&; NOV. 6. Pou? Fr tT - J. W. BUrnbh o pOP.,yClrk-Ja],.29; Marob 9; id.7 1là Juil 20; sep- 28; Nov. 18. * U1381o,__JcePh B. Gould, UibridMi CerkJ».90;Iach 24; Mayluth;Juy 14; Oct 34 ; D)ec. 16. C~,&NI]i TOi<e George Smith, Camingti, Jan. 81; MaTch »; hiay 20; Jul7 lb; Qdt. 16 ; Dec. 17. BzÂvZBTOIIGeo. F, Bruce, Besertm, Clerk-~MarCh 26; May 21; juIy 16; c.3; Dec. 18. UTBG V<T P. Hart, upiergro1 Clerk,-Màrcb 27; MaY 22; IUlY 17; Oct. 17 Dec 19. - re, . .FABEWELL, Olerk of he Pme October 7th 1895. New Llvery and Sale Stable"s Ayer' s Pis " 1 wolire tna.dd MY te.stimony ta th" ocf otbers Who have U.-<1 AyoPr- pila, Sud to saytiat 1 bave takii iàbpm mayga sand aiways de n ced the besrssosrot betrue lFor Stomach SMUdIver trouble%. and fer *he rir. <if Ayer'a Plla cannot be 0-qualed.Wh MyJ friersasak me what is -t rueyfSe disorders ofthLte stonlâcn. Liver, or Bowels, my lnvsrIable mnswer Is Aïf-r, *aen tu 50850fltley 'I -t i' eold, prOtent la grippe, clie"k i."-r diý regulate the disrestîve organs. Icey ar. Are the best @a-round f8511y medieine T1 have eèver kuov."- Mrs. bMA yJoHussoN. 368 Rider A&ve., NOv York City. AYI3RS PILLS HE.he.t Awvarde at Wold's Fair. .&îg #".Swazyailafbr the blood. IPOVZRTY 0F THIE BLOOD A TROUBLE TEIAT IS NIAKING T1? LIVES 0-F THU-USÂýNDSý MISEIIABLE. It Brings in ItLs Train, N-rvousness Pain@ in the Back and Sidîle&,; aches, leart Papitation andl ResuJ:, Fatally Wbere . iacacacus Tetnn ie Dot Resorted tw. Pro= the Susez, 14. B. Record. There are mn!uy wayA ina wùaoh peopit- May provo bonefacturd of tbe ù'xînau r..cr. Tnere are thotie who cf their aLauhdsou, &pend large anme in erectang pnb;lc balid- auge snd beatutifyinit pubiac p<srk<. Ouhere epend tcher t oney in charitahi1 work, *and in-ýaileviatin,, tue buffcraogs 'so bon. fortunitte fel]owra, snd fo'r îite a cz- these people are bonored. Thse p-rso,, wbo baving obrained relief froru vac Ges- and makea pub-ic the ns«ans bv wh1cý heaith was regained, as notie tiue lese ah public benefactor. Among thse -latie à sa Elena O'Noal, dau-,uLtrof Mr Ja< *Neai, a woil-to do fariner living near Millstroao. Kings Co., N B. N1a' ,O'Neill vas atuacked witb anoaaîua (pov env cof the blood> a trouble uinîortuusueîý loo common amnong tise you0og girls of the. preseut day, and one wbachi is cer- ta toterminale fatally if flot proaptly oeeked, aud the blood enracbed and re- nswed. Having dircovered a remedy that Win achieve thas happy reialt, MI&M 0'Neill as willing thut lIvs foriuuste suit jors may reap the beaeflu of Der exper- icomc. To a correspondent ot tihe Re tord. Mii O'Neill related the awry of b« rlîlinoand cure. 8h. aaid : 'l be lieis that lied I not begun the use& of Dr Williams, Pink Pilla my trouble would bawdedfata.y.My illnesseaoee alboe -W kradueafy that I eau ecarce y ssay»ben iýbsga. The firet sympton a vere si -lm of celer, and a feeling t f Jjdeu ollovng eveu moderate suer- Gs radviafy I becameas pales aa uups, ad vas exremely nros -%aI, wau g$taoked witb a pain in the Awbiul ay grew more and more ilatàs. Z.oîugbed a. great deal sud ioal y pw se0-veak taif I vent up- atïirm Ihasi terset ven I reaohed the top.My:apytite forsook me. 1 va& subjeot teollaof dazaineîs, sud sevore Cvbeadai and vas gpadually waeiug p .wayus i Ilest ail itrtoin hfi.Il Nase cf Presecutor. Nasse ct Delendant. y . . ..If

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