Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Mar 1897, p. 8

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- f - -, .---'-~--,---,".----- +.- ~---f~~-~ -' .4-", ~Lht oir~runictt. OSHAWA, MARCH 12e 1897 OSIIAWA PAGE l"armers will do welI t.o cali at M. E. Mays for boys' resdy made clothing. o5EaàWA Signs of springs- the school boys sav that Little is gettî,îg in a large supply of fishing rods, lhues, sinkers, etc. This is a bad week for news. Mrs J Thom paon iu visiting in Toronto. Miss Lex Thompson visited in Toronto Iast week Mi's 0 Hezzlewood ini visiting with Scar- bor« friends Mayor Hare spent a couple of days in To- ronto this week. hl looked very mtich like spring on Tues-t day andi Wednesday.f Dr Thomas, of Toronto, was the guest of1 Mr John James ihis weeki.1 Miss Mabel Whitney returneti Saturdayt night trom ber Toronto vîsit.t Miss A Gurley in attending the apring openings in Trornto this week. Mrs Wm Young, East Toronto, is thet guest of her muther, Mis J Dresi.t Mr Paul Mias arriveti home from Bellevillet business college Friday night for a shorti 'tisât,c Thbe new policeman says that the greatest1 variety in pads ini îown is to be seen ut Liutle's. The flow of water ini Warren's creek on Tuesday was unprrccdented for thîs season -ofthe 3 ear. Mr andi Mrs J McCsw andi son were in To- rente this week attending tie funcral of thelr sons wite.t The Misses Dingles h -ve returned ti om Bellevile. where they have been visitang Prof Dingle. their brother. Mr Geo McLaughtin, who has been in the Maritime provinces for the lest three months arrived home on Friday night. R A J Little liait gven a large order fori ladies' beits, bucirles, helt pins. side comhs,1 darts. hair combs, cuf links,. etc. Dr Bett bas been very sick and on Eunday no hapes werc helti out for bis recovery, but we are pleaseti to say be is now a littie bet- ter. Deathe lu Kîrkfield, Victonio Co., on the 18th uit.,j Mrs Ida L Bell, aget 3.3 years, eldest daugh1 ter of Mr anti Mrs M E Vickery, Oshawa. Blrthe In Oshawm, on the 281h uit., the wiIe of John H Kîrby. of a son. Ini South Oshawa. un the 2nd mast., the wife of àrJas Judge, of a son. At Oshawa, the wîfe of L Stedham, photographer, of a son. The nany frientis here ,of James McCaw, formerly of this town, bnt uow of Toronto, were grieved to hear of the death of bis voung w-ice ou Monday. They were marrieti 1 ;t J une andi a couple of months Inter lumîg trouble set in, which was the cause of ber deatb. In speaking of the new chief of police, the Reformer says he 'don't' weigh as much as asserted by the CHRONICLE. Let the olti womeu of the Reformer figure out bcw mach a haîf a quarter of a ton is, andi then ask the chicf what he weighs. They w-i finti that lie "do" weigh that much. The Vindicator finds apace te, reproduce the staternent of the Cobourg Star that Wlmit- by playeti one ringer in the hockey match ut Cobourg. We presume that evervbody in Oshawa, including the Vin4 man, knowi, the statenient ta untrue, but even a (aise charge1 will do to flinîg et the Whît-by club, whîch neyer playeti a ringer during the years ofits existence. The Oshswa railway, and every other rail-1 ,wav for that malter, bas had a very easy tank this wlnter in keeping snour off its traiks. Tens of thousandu of dollars have been saved te the companies, anti a like amount withheld from laboring meni who have fount jobs former winters in clearing the tracts. The Canadian winter in becom- ing a thing of the- past. Whenever the ai - pockets of dupes la Qptario, wbo are send- ing hard-earned dollars under the mistaken' idea that their capital is Coiag intq minerai development. In too tnany cases lit la goang deep into the pockets of a lot of bharpers.' who are doiag their minlng with their moutha and tbrough'the columns of ihe clîy press. The concert given under the auspices of Metcalf uI ethodiat epuortiu league ,Tues- day alght wus the best that bas been gîveq' in thbt ghttrch,{or gopmu.Tht -amn Mrnars FAutSansd Marna; aeadlag, iMr L Courice, BowmaustlJe ; sOlo, Mlss,IJames, Bowmguwkilk @flet 80!oj XîlSsmTr.w seadiaL.I1, ~ as~ nei~lamt. 1 Mr j Brooks, Port Perry, vas in town at week. Revival meetings are nov being belt inl Simcoe st methodlst church. New belts, bucirles, yins, bain darta, ipets, combu, pins, etc, at Littlt's. Miss M aggle Walsh is the gacat of Miss Zella Brimlcombe, Bowmanviilc. Mr andi Mrs Elîhott left for Montreal this w-tek, where tbey w-Ili reside in future. Mr Frank Butlant ilase omach improved as to be able te be up anti valk a short distance. On the 4th of March Joslah anti Jerry Lick were in Washington to witneàa the inaugur- ation of Presideut McKinley. The New Yorkr Sunday World selle in somne tow-na for iect s. Yon can gel il ai Little's every Tueeday ton seven cents. O' Brien & Stedham bave ufne photographe of Chief of Police Hoover in their wintiow-. Tht big cop looks well in uniform. We thinir sometbing aheulti he donc te let the mater où the sidewalks. At difierent limes this winter the)y have been se floodeti as to be impassable. The 1 O O F gave on open meeting te their frientis last Friday night. A good lime m-as rjoved by ail. Afier the programme refresbmenta were zserveti. We wcre i ti Osha w-a last week anti hati a look in O'Brien & Stetiham's wintiow. Fle- gant work! These photographers are away ahesti of anything in this part of the country If the Reformer clips a paregraph out of the Vindicator anti prints it as news the Vin. feels Katioru.s over it andi daims it has been paiti a hîgh compliment:; but if the CHRON- CLE cutLs out a few items and.reprotiaces ht-m then the Vin calla us a thief. Wby is this tîts%, Brer. Nicir ? Money te Loan O' Brien & Stedham, photogrsphera, beg to inform tht (armera anti public generaîll that they weulti be oniy too glad to lenti thtm ail the money they want (without in- rerest), but jusi ut presentithcy are invest- ing ail their capital in new- backgroundis, ac- cessorues, etc.,- so as to be able te maintaîn their position as tht leading photographers of tht cournty. At the last meeting of the Sons of Tem- perance Messrs Edw-ard Carswell W E Dyer anti A Hall were chosen Jelegates to the in- dignation meeting to be held in Toronto this, w-tek to protest against the legislature 's new icense act. The bill is in direct violation of the pletiges matie to the temperance people M0 1894 anti so cleerly in tihe interests of tbe liiuour traffic that tht temperance people fcel ,bat they have been betrayed. Mr Brooks of àintisay bas bceen visiting bis Mr Wm Hainan drapeti his batea as an snmIw rGoPetn officer of tht îaw antiw-cnt next day ino Mr Bowen anti sister. of Ne*castte, tave been business. Hel is a sirilleti shoemaker, anti a viitn st Mr lames Pym's. viait te bis shop on Wednesday found bita Misa Maggi,. taagbieu ci Mr Chas Stewart decked in the reguIltion -apron. anti orna- bas been very ilI but is rccovering. mcnting a shoe-mair's bencb. He bas a Res Mr McCoI. ef Osbawa. preacheti in the splendid new stock of boots anti shoes, andi Mtthodtst Charcb bere last Sabbath eveaing. k novw-bat quaiity is as w-tII as aîîy man in Mer Fred Downey anti Frank Downs, ni tme tr.tde. He says he wil1 be satisfied with lowmmndvte, visitcieau wvilage lest Suatiey the -malies.t profit that will secure hlm a nigbt. lîiin4, anti intentis to live to somne exteat in- depentient of spectal public faver anti abuse. Mt F Rogers' horst w-hile being tinven around H,- is happy, as a king in bis uev spbemc, into his yard asat Montiay nigbtt ock frlghî; f or- anti w-lll soori bave a prosperous business. tunatcly tioing very lit île damage, G pot lucir tu hin' 1Mr J W Vîrtue attentied the fanerai of hii' ,uni Mrs Martha Vîrtue. cf Forest, Lambiton The Reformer seeks te ansa-er our siate- Co She w-s the w-îdow- of the laie Robt Virtue ment that a poker tien exista witbin a fesw wii baud a large connecoon of relatives in tlias (et-t of ts door. hy busînuati-ng ibat there is inty ga.mbling carrieti on in the CHitONICLE Of Msr vr niRhorscesu fice, anti that the CH9oNICLE.'s prOprietî..s r hri-sbers, deainons of meeting the wishesot their ire caru sharpers. There neyer w-as s card 1 olayeti in tht office of ibis journal witbin the cusiomera, anti beîng ,up to date" bave put kîîo-letge o irapropieîos, - as u- (asetifnomu tht Sawyer & Massev C.a of Hanii- litowidgeof ts ropietrsand t i u- toi, ont of their lat-st Tracrion Engines. said t îecesaary to answr-r the lying insinuation o w-i tht test in Canada. We bespeair for tbemn the Reformer that lte CuiRONICLE'S pro the reward w-bîcb îucb enterprise tieserves, mote prietors are card sharpers. Nor du w-e keeil cuatoiners anti larger profits, quiet w-hile a heillbee carmieti on almmst directly upstairs Tht olti womneî of tht Thoruitoas Corne»s Refomer uas eel hat bev re crrt The following is a report ef the precentage ot up pretty badly w-heu they fi nd it nect-ssary' matks taken bv- the pupîils in Union S S No 5 foti to utter sucb falsehoods 10 Virn People front Februrary. The standing of the fourth cîas ta he poker tien question.i baseti on regular examitnations belti eacb Frliaey The BibIa Soctety. anti the asat Thursday et each month, IV Class Oshawa Brauchi of tht Upper Canada- H Cooper 68 L Laugmrtti64, F Annis 41, S Bible Society in connection wîth the Tract Drnkle 37, L Davis 36, M Morris 34J Hantîl- Socity orkhel it annal eetng lst -n S-r 111 Cas, Parti1-M MorpliY 67. Sucity ork beti ts tinal eetng satM Martin 53, Y Luire S0. A Mow-braY 43,S- Wednestiay eveniug la tht Baptistchurch. 1II Class. Part1Il-B Ortanb 72. A Maiticas 63. Tht meeting vas addtresseti by Dm Lambly, W Langmaiti 59. 1 Mow-bary 57, K Banner 50, of Brooklin, anti Jas Putter of the sailor mis-RPiti 2JNrhy3.MMrb 7 sionary vork of Ontario. Both speakers i Sors 21. Jr 111 Clas-F Mow-bray 61, S were weil informeti on 'the work of thtse Maitiens 59 F Hamilton 5t;, F Garrati5.1, J. great institutions, abpwing tht practical Biw-n 52. E otephensen 39, C Morris 19. Sr. valut of botb societies tu this country anti11-W Morphv 54, M Cooper 49, M Plttien 45 the w- ri at large. «Tht president. L K F Garrati39 E Hamilton 39. R Lukre 36.lIlI Marton, occapied the chair. W E Dyer -W Bnauev 31. Sr Pt I1-J Harlock 61, N. gave the report cf last years work and the Martin 53, A Cocberham u, Il Stevenson 44. recommendtitons of tht executive commit- Ir Pt Il-G Hamilton 56, D Flintoif 54Q tee. E I Row-se stateti the financial effort te Balkwel 46. Parents w-ho have littie unes w-boni bave reacheti the nice atimrofS668i. Among thcv intenti tesenti te chool ibis summier w-lit the executive cetmiîttee reeommendtitons please senti themn on or shertlyafter April 1. No vas the division of the tovo andi commanîîy on rol duuing moath 5o; hiRhest attendatice 47, in nine sections, the collectons te be appoint- average atteutiance 41.-W W McLaren, teach. eti at an early date. L K Maurton, president; er. R McLauglin, J O Guy, F L Fovke. E Selims Lick, Jati Gense, Win Gummow, vice pres:.- lt -ai aevr lppr utnv dents; W E Dyer, sec; E 1 Rovat, treas- Terasaevtysipr ucnw urer ; Messrs R Wellington@ F Grarfet, Geo W A Tom vas vsiting lu Toronto cn Santiay. Edwards, T Morris, D Keith, J B Ketidie, L %lannest andtiw-fe are vlsiting ait Walter Mayor Hare. E S Dearborn, J Roberts, Jno Vioe'. Curriei B J Rogers, J E Haw-klns,ý E Willi5, Miýche! Teltow- visiîing frientia; ais'>Mr C R Bassett, Jne May, W L.auchlatit, D Cmn- Kmvie (rom Clarke. namon-these with the effleers anti minlaters $piepry-tM ekso ensa la 10w-n form the execatlve commfttee-. Revse Supise pAnty aidînJ e. n~ nWdeta S H Eastrnan. J P Fltcher Lokpalin thteveig et ie exercises. -ý Willamsand F Wesdake rvisiteti friands at The annutil At Home of thetA.O. F. ,5772. New-castle. on Suatay. - anti Pride of Oshawa Cincle, No. t3o, Com-- J Rer-moIts shippeti a carloati of pigs and ont panions ef Forest, was belt inl their Iod ef catile, tu, Toronto on Kontiay. rooms on Wetinesday evening lest anti vas Vice Bros bave secureti a gooti sunmer's s grand success, tht hall bexng tillet wiîh w-euh, If Urnes are hart, the (armer auavîli- tht membera of boîh lotiges anti thein firiends. proving tbéir builtingn A large anti vanieti programme of-vocal anti instrumeîntal muasic and recitatiens w-ee »Ut& D»USUZago given by Miss Walsh, 1fr, H. lbbotsotn anti Mrs Jamtes Rundie visited Mns Levi son, Mn. J. Hicks, Mr. ýFrancis, Mr. E. T. VanCanp Beanet, Mr. Peart, Mies Miller, Mt&, Fran- nP cis, Misa Wakelv, Mr. N'. Bunnett gud Miss Mrs. John Metéalff l very sick with Jacques. Speclal mentiqu shoul4 1b. msde bronChitis, of the latter, w-ho sangi5Thére'll corne a lime," with great taste.. The actiuence vas M r W F Curtis, sold two -fatC attle tÃ" refresbed at interinisulot* byý-a bouuUiful re- Mr J ohn Medeaif. past aerved by the ladlqi of the lodge,!sften r." M w-hich Me. 1H. SàMnme4;ChIeRaaser, he ýîîf Murtry brught Rev.: acted as chairman. gave' a short atireos0 Mr. Fraser o0ut on Sunday. tht Mens eof foresluy a4tih.etert liet Aytn aêtrarv4a g broketUp vltb God Sv8 the -Quleen -ai Môffats. Cougrter ris,, Mr beaty voeof lhAL15 boe w h y ,,ons contributeti to the, eV = a pcs s>yuiemt. Mr 1 arVCY,, Qoflth W, >bas b@en A 'Cho"d iMore - - - the gucat f Mr John Wjtherage. W. 'do mot'propoe outl qsLkb il tht Mmi-H= tand M .i S S.aotchmen on esrth If sýe c ua p i t, bitt l iaa aévsti i>!~ Steinseears a petitlcttliq uuçu for-slgnature li abysh t owntbit- Miss M AWe WeIh8tý Ë"Manvf -t lisûneo thultIMgaiuSo - i'v iting Irts GC rg e~rg mauch apparent enthuulasm as the Scotch feel themselves. Yet oeany ofthese things wouWd be regarded as objectionàble if ig wet-e fot for their bistorical-connection. What me are coming at la that the Scotch bave not much to k ick about iu regard to keeping their na- tionality alive. They are well able to look afîer that wiîhout petitioning anybody to roui for themu. The Scotch hati hetter learn te believe that their works and namne wll sur- vive without being sevampeti andi revarnish- ed in the way nom being atiopteti. OMMbaamsamu Dtuictr. U L.VICKERT. barber. Simcesatreert. BIROOKS' LIVBR, Simoos streelt, north. S'I l BLPE4 harneasmalter, Simneostreet. r. B. MOTHEBSILL, bulîcer, King St., West. Du. PÂTTEBsmON, Danttt; Oo*c over Itowsol. store. f k.. J. 8'rÂLTuLý-Domiinfon pianes andi orga.ne, SimoSe treeL-' W. R. D-rxa, General Agent Ontario Mains] Lite Asurane Ce. &gent. vanteti. Wnaa>.&x J. Dwrsm, Dominion anti Ontario La.nd tiurveyo r. Civil Rngineer, Box 67. Osh- ComuuouiL HO'aL-J. C. WOOD, proirieter blotiorn hostelry, neat andi comfortably requippeti. 1). M. ToD.-Cateor for Baet,&Assemblies, Wed- dingo, suppers, etc., etc. Âlooaou Xkintis o flowers. Je@. ROULDEII - Whttby-Oshawa stage Unse. Lieavea Oshawa st 8 a m a.nd 2 p m, andi Whitby as 10 a m and 4p m. Josapu Cause, manufacturer ef fine carriages carte, wagons, anti aP kinds of cutters andi sieigha. Itepairtng a upeiaty. leva Eazwrnt, paint.er andi decorater. Dealer in w-ail papers, oeiling decorations, paint,, oi], varnliihines, bruahes, wlnaow shades, etc. JavCs PIELLOW, dealer in atoves, furnaces, tin- ware4 etc. Large stock kepicoenatamt1y on band. Jebbl.ug a speclaty. Simooa simeet north. L. K. NuRaToat, B. A. - Barrister, Sollottor, Notary Public, Convoyancer, &oc. Money to lenti. Office over Dominion Bank, bimoot Street, Oshawa. X. E. MT.-Lealer in Oroeerie.Faney Chia., flrockery, Ttnware and tmoany (eeda. Pur. Tena andi Coffees. Boys' reaiy m»ae suite e speclaty--very cbeap. FICLr Bas - Watcbmakers ud Jewelers Dealers tn vaitobes. clocha, jewelewy, silver- vais, spectacles. etc. Rngravtng. golti andi silver platlng. anti olti golti rings matie oser Fine watcb, cluck, andi lewelery repairlng s Quite en umbeu cf -th -Courtice sports n'yb.at w» duat% tei) star Jo Hall.s ria uton: Wéidaedaya and- Ssatwîdays, vibee they avwe afius- cîas b1fal( it-ice' triek. .Tbr hey test lb. soeed aoC ther blfsm - l.tsehbard ,to Omdit' wbo- bas tht -Fartiera, a'tention, Il you a-e tu néeiof Any faret imb'kemett-Oits lb.sés&of -î897 yoà,'.ilido ft fo ccsault R-FRiëatd*-of Coarffre. Ont . as, lëii asset for - Wikni,âm Ho<rsa To fient. House No a, -The Tenrace, Byron street. Modern conveniences. Possession Marcb 1. Apply to W. ADAMS, Dentist. Whitby, Feb. 3, 1897-10-4 in. HEIR MAJESTY'S DIAMOND JUBILEE carnies "Queen Victoria; Her Life and Regn - into every homne. Persons Who have neyer sold books take orders fast. PIe- face the most cloquent of Loird Dufferifl'5 achievements. No book so highly praised, We need more canvassers. Eàsy to make $15 to $Io a week. Bocks on time. Pros- pectus free to canvassers. A trial wlll ceai flot bing and it mav 611 your empty pocket. THit B&ADLEV-GARRETSON CO, Ltd. SPEGIAL Mis Hobtien is stilI on'the sick lia sul¶ering from rheamatism. Mr Albert Hunter bas gne ge Dakota for the year. He w-Ilha misatti. Mr Wm Rizga ant izu L Potier visiteti our ruirlest Tharttiay night. Visiter. ut Mr A Taylor. a brother anti sister ofMir. Teylors (rom tDakota Mr Watkin, Oshawa, bas renteti the Royal Boit 1, laiely occapieti by Mis G Corfielti. Mr George Nesbitt anti family bavé movedti 1 Toronto; aIse Gey McLaughlin and lamiy. Moore Bros' bave boaght a match for their diver. Tbey have now an exiellent team. Mr N Seymour, of Dakota, whlle visitiîg bis iaîer anti frients, (cil in love with a yoang lady anti marrieti ber. Mr Charles Gage anti Eliiabeth Avery, of Bowmanvitle, were msrctiat the par.onage. on WetinestiaY 3rtiMatch. Hvlaiswo erÂithelong suffering of Miss G H v an, ho s Iitfféring (rom a severe attacir of inflamnation of the unags. We also ltarn thug Mrs Win Swama ta recover iag trom bher long sicrne-sa anti bas gone te ber ancle's ta Bailieboro, Dr Grey. It ias spposeti a large nuniher of people are preparing for Manitoba. Mr F Thompson L W Larmer anti Herb Swain; mucb sticcesa boys. The Smith family gave on Wetinesday the 3rti an excellent crncert. Irw-as 001 very w-cil at- teadeti on accouni oftihe evening proving nougb. On Sunday lasi Mr Robert Cowam tieparieti Ibis life leaviag a wtfe andi taug hier to mourov hii loss, Mr Cowsn bas been a sufferer for years. Wbiie Mr F Cooke w-as tirawing rails ai the bee ai Mr Kemrgans one of tht rails fles' up, .tnking him on thet- had. cuîting it open. He s'as taIn-n to Dr McKibbon'a where bis woands wee dresseet. Anotber ot our (air youniz ladies w-ho has for. saken Cartwright, ia Miss Vina Henry, who hb Zone to Musiroka. Miss Henry tsa a righi anti intclligent young lady anti highly esleemeti by a.U her trientis anti acqusîntauces w-ho join together tn wisbing ber much happinesa. Bgowmanvife Three Chiltren Drovnett The saddest fatality that ever occur- reti in this town happened in Williams' flats Wednesday afternoon, when the three eldest chiltiren of Mm. Frederick Luxon, who is employed as deliverer of ire with Mm. D. Williams, were drewn- eti just outside th--ir garden gate, in a boIt that once formeti part ot a mill- race. The children were eut for an airing in the warm sunshine anti ne one was near but Mrs. Luxen, their mother, who is nursing a baby only ten days olti. J ust how the accident happeneti wilI neyer be known. It is supposed the youngest chilti strolîtti too near the boIt, which is surreundeti by ice, anti slipped into it, whtn the others flew te lier rescue and lest their footing andi slid in tee. John Luxton, the grand- father, called just after 3 o'cleck in tht afternoon te inquime afttm tht health of tht family. Ht chatttd with M rs. Luxon fer about fifteen minutes, when she asked if he hati noticeti tht chilti- ren as ht came in. Answtring in tht negative, ht was rtqutsttd te go out te sec where they were. Ht went, but could net set themn anywheme, anti walk- ed down tht bank ef tht hîghly- swollen creek te set if they hati strolleti that way. Ht coulti find no trace of themn that way, anti then returneti anti went eut ef tht front gate te go up thte stream. Close by tht garden gate he discovereti tht lest childrtn, ail thre floating in tht little pool of water, about six feet deep. lie fished themn out with a pole and rau fer help anti tele- phened fer Dr. A. S. Tîiley, who came quickly anti tritti te resuscitate thtetiti- est, but was unsuccess(ul. as they hati been in tht water fully half an heur. Thet hree lifeless (orms were laid eut by kinti hantis anti presentéti a heart- rendiug sight to tht huadretis of be- holders who calledti 10 st hem. COUlrTICE. l: ai~ :kal. 28 LUNES, INCLUDING-4i%-# MEN-S FINE BOOTS, LADIES' FINE BOOTS, LADIES' FINE SIIOES, MEN'S LINED RUBBERS,- LADIES' LINED RtJBBEP.Bý LADIES' PELT SLIPPEP.8, LADIES' FELT BOOTS, laoed or gaiters. LADIES' FINE FELT TURN' SOLE JULIETTES. Miusi 6e sold by Mar. 291h, Io make room jor our Sýring Stock..- JOHN BA L El Simncoe Street. (DS I -A.W -& Repairïnig a Stecialty. 1 all at PELLOWS9 and see his Wrought Steel -AT- $P50OO. Mlao bis GOAL OIL ana GAs STOVES -FROM- $ M5.50 tO $25.000 *1 VOL.' XII, IJNDEIt A Po.sjtjve 'v Uuarai ALLIN'S sas a Dose of -PEINTERS IiX In Ris Eye. We hire a space in this paper and pay the pninter for putting ink on it. Then if the. ink strikes your eye. we have accomplished out object. Thte more printer's ink we gzet in your eye the better for our business. You see the point. We want you to read out ads., and we want your trade. GeL our prices, we are offering BARGAINS".i all lines. See our large assortment of RINGS in al styles, at ail prices, for ail people. You are wanted by The Jeweler and Watch SpeciaJist KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, N. B.-Watch bur Window for Snaps. Grand Trunk IRy. Colonist Speclaf Trains to Cana- dian Northwest via North Bary. Commencing MARCH anti anti each Tues. day thereafter, during the months of IMARCH and APRIL. SPECL4L TA5AINS will be raurfte the Cana- dian Northwest vit North Bay. Coo- nist Sleeping cars wili be run on "hi train, Berths cra wbich will be free. Train leaves Toronto at 9 p. m. Tbrough Tickets cati b. had froua Oshawa te ail points la thÈ Nortb- w-est. Baggage chtckcd through froua Oshawa station. Fer ail information cal! on or write te tfvkî v OSHAWA. R. C. Carter,, Agt, Any one. canue Paint tiat la proper yPrepiraz m in thse right plaçe. Trhe dO6 tsIlctpeople do not knowm hd betweea,,geed pantand*por paintt proper plate t* use- eveas a good -pais paasart net alike Ont May- bé ë ~.us *u. w.rete usée il,. tbat THE 3411KG 10E in il, j and 1 lb pqka To introduce this Baking Po package of SwiNF, ** CALVE-s FET Gri- for rnaking je]Ules. given with ever-y pa A. He.ALLI CHEMIST & DRUGGIST WHITB, - -ONTi Etablished 1849. -Whdby Steam Maîble and Gran.'ie Wurks, Dundas St.. WH r;By . Chas. H9. Smith~ <Pormerly Wolfendcn Works. -porter and Dealer in MIAREL GRANITE MONUMENTS, 1- the latesi anaterial andi teeig-n kinds of Cesnetery w-ok. Our gnaranteed. *,EN OR DESIGNS AND, P WJNDMILI Geo. Al-0n0---Id SeIls tihe Genumne ÂE1UMOTOR., of Chic Iatentiing parchasers shoulti examîtn mitn before placing their order. Do n an agent put an imitation on you whei can gel tht Genurne Ae'notor, thoro galvanized, anti varrantti, for lesssan More et these milis solti in Canadat than any other maire. Tht Aermotî - daim thçy sell one haîf the number ci Mini outfi solti in thet vend, at the pi tre. 'i Mr. Willianmson, of Orangevle, sol ouifits dunnpg the past three years. Ail styles of Wood and Iron Pitra sale. Ay information regarding tbese ril bfreely given by wniting to OBO. ALLDN 1897-61110 IF I t P.fIIT - lut. BARGAINS IN- ýIt, It This Man

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