Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Mar 1897, p. 2

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i.. Joua... X. N"loLao. Almost Passes Belief nu. jas. E. Nicholson, FlorexiceviU1e, M. B, Struggles for Seven Long Yea.rs with CANCER ON THEE hP, AND I8 CURI= BY Mr. Nicholson sayq:" I cnqîllîed loc- tors wlîo presc[îIbed for me, but to no purpose i Ue cancer brgiru ta Eat into the Flesh, spremsd ta my chin, and 1I anfferfed in agony for seven long y cars. l-iiaIiy 1 1 oegan takîing Ayrr's 8barsapariita. iu a week or two 1 uoticed a Decided Improvement. Encouraged by this resit. I perse. vered, until In a month or so the sore under îny chin began bt heal. lii thi -e inoutLus niy lUp began ta beal. and, afier usiug the Sarsaparilla for six rnonths the last trace ofthtie cancer disappeartd' Aye'SO'freySarsapa~iI a ÂdmIftted at the World's Fair. OORREBPONDENOE PICKERING It is said Isa.ac Lrttlejohn has made an assigtament te Sheriff Paxton, for the benefit of hia creditors. The lia bilities are beavy. Several in the village are considerably interested. We understand that W. 'Leary gets possession cf the Woburn hot.ei on March 8th. He wlniove his be- Iongings from here about that date. The fruit evaperator %vas put up at auction on Tuesday afternoon, but flot a single bid was rmade. Ujnless they selI it Mahler Bros. will operate the factory next season themeselves. James T. Richardson and wife are here, having been surmmoned through the iliness of their son John, who haî, ireen for a timue with bis grandruother. The yout.h atili remains in a very critical condition. But few of our people visited Wash- ington Tbursday. The anointing of a president rsay bave some interest for tbose who dwell &cross the lune, but Pickering people bave more important business te attend te. Mr. Lloyd, VS., who bas been ruade veterinary inspector for Westi Ontario, was ina Claremont on Mon- day and expressed much surprise that Pickering township had been piaced under quarrtine, to prevent the spread of sheep scal'. He bad flot been nolitied of sueb action, and ex- pressed the belief Ihat there bad been some mistake mnade ina issuing the or- der at Ottawa. A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Wm. Varîy, wben ber neice, Miss Maggie Ferguson, and Thomnas Jackson, cf Michigan, were married in the prerience of a few friends. Rev. A. MeAuley perfornued the ceremony. The happy couple tcf t the same even- irag for their home in Michigan. Both Âfter receiving ol. Lazier's report Of thse Post offiS investigation held e few weeks aego, thse PostmasterGeuçer- al thse other day reqnested J D Edgar I>P. for thia riding, to recommuend m pexose i for tihe position. This tser IDembïr. 414 Moo4dssy and bidt ,hoico ]ELR A. Buntig.Tobesu tq miae, ê-t wo, I-B ery ,unusual In rtise police court this week Mms (Jatharine MeDonald vas chargsdw'ith perjury by Conatable Les. Tise case &rose out of a presecutien under tise Liqsror License Act last fal, vison Mrs. McDonald had avorn that aise did net ssii any liqucr between cer- tain dates. Tbe càse vas dismissed. Cou nly Crcwn Atterney Coller pro- secuted, and Mr. 'Gunn defended. Norman Broughton piesded guilty te sen'ing coal cil without a license, and was fined $6 and conls. Mrs. Vni. Clark, whom thse town has been sup- porling for some inontha, waa charged with vagrancy by Consalhe Dreyer, and was sent te the ccunty gaol for six months. Arch. Fyfe was arresled in Toronto on Thursday, on a charge cf forgeryI and brought te Or-illia on Friday by Constable Geo Clark. Fife had gel a joint note for $9100, signed by hirarself and hie father-in-iaw, Mr. Edward Turner, cf MedonerI, discounled aItishe TIraders Irank. Whien shevra tbe note, Mir. Turner repudiated the sqignature. The case carne up for trial hefore Police Magistrale Lafferty arnd Mr. G. J. Booth, J.P., on Tue.sday. Mr. Turner then st.aled Ihat though bis son-ira law brui ne particular autbonily to sigra the note in tquestion, ho brui frequently empowered bini le sign bis rianie. lie consider-ed that Fyfe right have thought hiniself justified ira srgn. ing bis (the wilness' name to the tnote, and lis would net have raised riny ob).jection if be bad known whe sigmîed thîe note. The case wa.a there- fore disnîissed. Uounty ('rovra At- tornpy ('otter nppeared for the prose- cutiora, anrd Mn. C'uan for the deferîce. -Packst. MNr. Geo. S. Wallis spent this week, ira Toronto. NIr. Janes Cowan, cf Canuington, speat. Tuesday ira our town. Mr. W. H. Oliver, cf Sunderland, spent Friday cf hast week iraîowra. Mr. IL. Francis, cf Brock, was the g7uest cf Mr. A Shier on Friday last. Miss Loxie M cRise is ina To[onto at present attending the milliraery open- irags. Mr. A. Hamilton ha-s traded hie fine biood mare wilh Mr. Corner, cf Peflerlaw, for a very bandsonie driving herse. Messrs. Jas. Chambers and Wm. Chalmers, cf Georgina, were visiting f riends in tovra on Mcnday and Tues- day la-st. A sleigh-load cf our ycung people attsnded a social hep ira St. James, hall, Sutton West, on Tuesday evera- irag and report a pleasant lime. Mr. C. L. Mectae's familiar figure is once more le be seen around lise G.T.R. station, be having again com- mrenced work there on Monda-y la-st. H3eai Disease Strikes Down ail Classes. Thse Essential Matr i. to ho Prepared for any Emengency. It is painful te pick up -the édaily papers and observe how people cf ail classes are ~<Manufactured by'T h e Cook Co., Windsor, Ont, and Detroit, Mich, Îs the only known safe re.Iable monthlymedlcine on which ladie ca e1nd in "the Aoarr and lime 0f ee . veny lad y vho readi iisis request.ed to inclose tvo post- age stamps, vitis hon address, for snd fuafivtcui,? i&hw. yl sfend by returumailin plain. aeaed envelope. Au oId physicin, 33 Zeasecm-s tinued pracütic seatugaIseam s f woeIuchageof teoffice. snd -,cmýbecmmffl by letter orj-lu Roam 3-11.. 5 Odhû MWCook'aCetes ol OOpOI il la »M to be iîfî"edsa i'i Imflendshis, formied tevarda hfe'iloe.end., Who 'auamiREarth'a cumbsrlg hindeus btd: Lmstru h coum ebak aain;1 But thougb f orce may inceie s. lette Of dayi. 1I inis in tri. No power h equalIob the itrengils O<fneuiedlp ;oiued with pouris, Tva krow I lu the flower ef ysar,- And friendship îvue la theirs,- Each -ber companions dark heur cheers, Ille otbher's joy escli chare; And when along eue countenauce A happy smile is ceeu, The orber melies ir min that glance, Which passes friends between. rht-ir picasa laces f t Isec, Upon the crnwded street, They lirne kuow thoir jeys ih me Are sharea each time we mcci Nor car-e 1, îhough, a@ by they rove, My form lhey may uoî seek. For- those who heediess paca msy love Far more than those wbo speak. -Who neer have loved fcel pain the icast,* Is truc. but yeî 1 know That frendahips eer ahould be increaseri, And oes be causerita gr-ow - 'Tis Iheri îhai lîfe seems like a sang, Whnse uotes are good for ail. For- frendahrp makes short pleasumes long, And maires great scrrows smali. The mrong shouiri neyver bhisme the weak Who <ail ;hr'y amUi sr-e pur-c. I mind ;afi more for- righr îhev sek, Thau those who leas endure; Anxd often. too. the srromig man sighs, Wheu fruits comprise his ends N'et fa-ilia are viriies iu the eyes Of those we callaur fr-ends. Then let ail frietrds rever-cr well he, But masi Ihose yct n youîh. Who lu expenience tanner sec Se seau mixe parh mn rrumh. But whe. full early. finri Qie guide, Which learis to virtu-s goal. Nom in experrence. but mside A youug companiou-soul. Tben in the breasts' of these two friends Love shOuld ris lmage trace-. For h-ugh it user- high heîghmai ascends, lm spreadrs acroçs ail spice. The frf-nds. whrch vouth masr car-es ta gain, Arre made by i alene. %nd lovr's fr-end% faithf\i ail remain. When fail ail need has kuowu. O, vou ih's dea r year-s sha 1 socu have fl er, Anri yorth's ;ffecroma Irue, Thte futumre ihen shall be ouspr-ead Whai has ir for- these lwo ) S-ome fr-emd. there'ilibe %whoti inlve rhem well, ',orne. who, ta hate. may dare; But noue, none, e'er &hall those excel, Who marde life's dawn brPak fqit. ALBERT R. J.F.HAS.%ARD. Toronto, Mar-ch t897. For the successfult «reatment cil ail Diseases of the Kidneys and Urinary Organs, Ki*dney Bright's Disease, Diabete and Paralysis, and ail formns ol Blood Poisoning. .Pl*Ils. gr Tse. Pil are pu.t up n large woodeui boxes at 50esents. Soid by ail Drugglata and Dealem---never by count or li bulk, and n'ever under any otier Dame thaus DODWO KIDNEY The Dodd'sa cd ici neCo., Toronto. Gentlemen-A new medicine caUed Dodd's Kidney Pilla bas been recomrnd- ed to me by mny physician, and, b y is adrice, 1 semîd eue dollarthe price eïtwIo boxe&. Pleaâe send îhmv hotdly Your trlyANDemW iLutdela. nicely sritentainod about foty f iendz st -Ryland Farm" Wednnsday. Visiton: bit. Cecil ýWeicis, tomi, aI Mr. J. Okes; MUs. Storie, Glaaa, at Mr. L. M. <outtiee's; Mr. Aà. And, Ty- relue, at bis fatiiers; iss Psnfound, '- roue, aI 1Mr. 8. Penfoumd's; Mrs.'Thos Hlaueock and son Herbeit, Pickering,- at Squire Bundiesà; IK,.. 1.McG-owslu, Oakville. as ber doughter's, Mjs. (io. Momrw; -Mr. 'Lewis a"d the missesPà.. coe, 8ohina, vils fi50334s mmissliva Ceu4ies la sii gyropniesd. Mr. Bort. W"rDeuaMim. 1.rp Bw fin aue leag for CrystalCity..,û Yf. . Y-Brooksa ao » , r. front bis rfflait if....tevo uî houa.es lPra aêl. MUNYON LEAD988 So-CaiIsd incurable Olsoases -Y4eld te bis Renidos:. HONESI PEOPLE TESTIFY., The Eicperiencs cf Those Whso' Have Been Cumed Proves Tisa-tlise Most Ob- stinato Fourus cfBisou ma-tiaa, Ca-t- arrh, Dyapepsia, Kidney Complainte, sud Blood aud Norvous Disea-ses Are Pnomptly sud Permanently Cuned by Murayon's Remaedies-A.sk your Dnng- gist for Munyon's Guide te Heaitis, Select a 25 cent Remedy aud Cure YoarseIf Mr D M Johnuson, lhee voli knovn car- riage bailder and genera1 blackemitb,- living in Toronto for thbe paet ton yea-na and iocat.ed ai 173 Palilament St , Baya "1 wus troubled witis bheeding and pro ira ing piles for seven or eigisi yea-ra. I used ma-ny ex pensive medicines ina an AI- fort wo gem relief, but eouid net. 1 began aaîug Manyonus Pile Cure sud inside cf twc weeka I va-s completoly eored sud able ltc go ti er. Befone this I vas una-hie te do anything and bo love tisa-t if it had no& been for Mnnyc'n's Rsmedy I woaid neyer ha-vs beora cnred. I would net isesitate te psy $100 for tise good 1 reeeived frein your pile cure. Munyon's Riseumatien. Cnrs seldona faile te nelieve inroeste tiares heurs, a-nd cures in s fev da-ys. Prie 25c. Murayon'. Dysepeis Cure positively cures ail forma of Indigeation sud stem ach troubie. Prie, 25c. Munycu a Colcr rCure lîreventa pneu. monta and breaks up a cold ira a few ilours. Pnice, 25e. Manycu's Coomh Cure stops cnghs, night aveats, alisysorene8s, and speed îly hêals the Inuga. Price, 25a. Munyon's Kidney Cure speedily crer' paina in tias back, loins or groins sud ai orme cf kidraey disea-s. Price, 25c. Marayon's Hea-da-ehe Cure stops bead- ache ira tIres minutes. Prie, 25c. Munycu's Pile Ointmont po&itively cures a-il forma cof piles. Price, 25c. Munyon'a Blood Cure era-dicates al impurisiea et the blood. Prie, 25e. Munyon's Fuma-le Reinedisara-e a boon te ail wemen. Munyou'a Astisia Remedies relieve ira 3 minutes and cure perwanematly. Price, si. Munvon'e Catarrh Renaedies neyer <ail. Thxe Ca-ta-mb Caue-prie 25ec.-eradica-tea the diseas freintise systeinan sd the Ca- tamis Tablets-prie25c.-cheanse sud beal tise parte. Murayons Nerve Ours is s wondriefui nerve tonie. Pnice-, 25c. Munyen's Vitalizer nesteres lest vigor. Price, 1. Pensenal letters to Prof. Munycra, il çand 18 Albert st., Tor-onto, answer-ed vush free medicat1 advice for a-ny disease. Drainage. 1Tise drainage cf a road is quite as important as the gravellirag, bal tise beat way te, obta-in this must bhoe ada-pIed te tise nature and elevaticra cf tise soit, and tise direction ~ad extent cf na-taraI valercoarses, etc. It is iruperalive, however, tisaI provision iria-Il ho ma-de wberever tise soil is in aa 1ev or vet location ; or is of relerative nature, tisa-t il shall he drained betis1 on tise surface and below il. Sandy or gravehly soils very frequently do net need ani-drainage vile cia-y aI- vays requinea iii. Unhess thers je na-- tarai suh-d rainage,ý a-rtificiat under- drainage must ho esorted te, (Jonsiderable bas been done ina ma-k- ing open drains by thse roadaides ina most townshipa, but a great ma-ny cf tisse need deepening and chsaning te, provide betten snb-drainags. A uxucli botter prs.ctice, isevever, tisa-n ha-ving deep oen drains, is te use tle placed belov front fins. These ahould, vhemevem practicabis, ho pla-ced ho- neati tise present open drains on each aide, of tise read. Nô malter isov good thse materiat ptacsd on the- sur- fa-ce of a roadway, unisstise na-luxai soil honeath is kept dry, tise motal is forced down and tie mud'comes te tise surface. When roas in this country a-ne gravelled, tisoy a-re frequentty termod "macade.m." Thse important feature of tise road built by Macadam, vas thse drainagenet-tise surface Coverig. -Tile and open drains muet hoke lre with a good fa-il te anu- obsîrucmt- ed outi9t. It -s uteleste-drainwate r froin the ros.dvay aud tissa keep, .tl' -tanding i ù- dmai suntfit f8"sols tc and soflnstise atur soit'nader, tsel grve!. At- -»Il see oU cfthe-year, special atbal *b.MuuiOips -s ~ '. r' to, ç.fflt, th ý'on. eW Look Out For The Lamba. Thse good ehepherd will net negfleot te make frequent viilte tethse sheep fold during tiselambing sesson te ne- oGeive thse nevoomiers and give theni a welcome te a nev wvend. Re viii, net begrudge a littie Ioss cf' sleep if ho has nos-son te expeot en inerease in thse tamily during the night. A litIle self-sacrifce at this time may nacan a good deai in thse record cf succeas or -failure in the results cf lthe seasen. Regrets are vain, and can do littie good when a good lanab bas been lest for want cf a little attention at the right lime. Give the Iamb a fair start and lis wili soon look eut for hiruself and will repay you for any care bestowed upon hlm). In connection witb the care of the sheep ira lanhing time, il is weIl te be provided witb a few low hurdle-five cf six feet long--for the purpose cf making temporary pens te, receive the ewe and ber newborn lamba tilt they get ncquainted with each other and the iambe learra te help themnselvcs te nourishmesst, but we would net advise keeping îhem in these amalI en- closures many days. The lamiba will soon need exercise te keep them in thse best cf health, and Ibere is danger Ihat in bis kindraes the shepherd may overfeed thse ewe wiîh healing, food, which will cloy ber appelile or in- juriously affect the lamh through her milk. As seon as thse lamb will fcliow itLs dam il is better for both te mun with the other sheep, where tise ewe will have the stimulus cf competilien in workirag for ber feed and will net L'e hiable te get more than enougb. The ewes thal have lanxbed should have a pen te themselves, 50 that tbey ria be lucre liberally fed than thse balance of the flock. When the lanîbs are lwo weeks old they should L'e provided wilh a separ- ate enclosure, witb a îîcreep" or hurdle with slats, so tisat the lambs can pasa through and the ewes cannet. Have a low rack and a trougis in this enaclosure, and feed some dlorer isay and ground cala and bran. The littie fellows wîli be proud cf their pen*and soon learn te eat regularly and grow rapidly anrd vili net makke as heavy demanda upon the ewes as if tise were hungry and had nolhing but mother's milk te deperad on. "Should assistance be given te a eve during lambing 1" is a question te which, ira a general way, vs should answer ne Ina normal cases, nô0 in- terference should be pracîiced. Pa- tience should he exercised, and tirais griven the ewe te work eut ber ovra de. liverance. If, aller laboring for an heur or Ivo, she nakes ne progress, it 18 well te examine and determine whether the presentatien is all igist, and, if se, giv-e the swe more time and as wiii generaily get threugh a&l right and be tess liable te a aften- trouble thara if assisted. Many a ewe is ruined anad lest by thse attendant being toc officious. -0f coulrse, if tise presentation lii false one, assistance should ho givera, but ne unneccary force should he used, and when the foetus is brougist te ils nat.ural posi- tien the ewe had botter be released Famlly Medicine Of the Age*# Tralon Intemallil t CU':os Diàrrhoeri, C - mnl ad PoefInth Stomach, 8ore Thro«t, Suddsn Ce/ds, Coughs, etc., eto. Used jxtamallys It Cures Cut, "iodse,, érne, Boa/de, Bprains, Toothache, Pain in the Facer. Neura/gia, Rheumatiaml, Frosted FeeL. rNo ,Ttiels @ pq talmd te mwh b mnidédpopaikS. 11 S ol- Obaerv.'r. Wornbe. t;entYiZfl.n117 b tre eOf t b]Pain- Kfr.We ha"o sa-n 1iaM C eeff&_ ip"I» I . t saverut pain. BII4 kwiw Slot ag o c a cL.r»aea Notnhun bsYelB"t prMM h4 tr an-E mer. wbch tu mer Mo" vaimm rub i ndi-in Wl ,-Tae4se "it iras roai morIt -,as as-mlO f M ra movn ai.ne eaididne iras aoqisiied a repuiaZlOO limai 90 POMpDavis Pain-K irr.r. -Nu.pert >Nom. DVs. olS seW=; elarge celais. 26c. vaylrebo1u&Mr-. -of Red For Couglispuc Colds, Bron chitis, Sore throat,-etc.ulf PiERRY. W&TSI?&5 @ o's-os limaI lkcli n R e'Bdauhurg B55, moe ;nt4 e ht ss'uKootsCOun,'cunss ntilnauem PsIîMsm»M IbmiÏio A ber OW-recouint t e flof ber lieib.Hope lsenied beibut io.dsy 849 WiLwsikngsnuud iaflut rer fr-fedubow Byckmajrlî #ego" esyCur' cm hcr lite sud bsplreu we 'Io, Jiy x1 la% -clOne J. W. Seymour erleyNotarj ule sWO*1 &EET @ ETII Loulsa Whitenisjn nn id, u1& bo muffeued viti ce¶na sieber binais, b" 4" on ntjrelj Qum nedu rer geierai astem urbilt, op byjkinas '¶oOtsnaj .rure. liae abots acte egiven uswomu cam-s- secnt made by ber math«n,. Mm.George Whilte, 139 m'ce-n St, Ramilion, Omnt..d&WedJuly a. ISa. 'efnre J. F. Monck, Notany Pubia 5TATmNLMT NASE. CixariesP- Newn, .13 Manlboqgh 51. Tcs'to )ni., bail s empdim Oe f.blocd tubeRhssa- latliau, »m- ens "tenble sMd oouelpacxon. Vums f rstueurily diitiarbsd as nigbt. brt bis appezt. ud as vey mek msa i& Eluevs are 50w in ,ydcxds onihis 5pp* bajodPsuseop nd sueaad eonutipationa mmmd; l biswu douse by iycknumixan O &KoseapOuns. FI*uxakua avor ..atemnît t ite above tac=.bafou J. W. sepuxua ..onley, Julx 10. 159( ~'y ~ J Break Op a Cod in Time y USIN ' PjÀy- PEGCTMRL Thse QUiers cujre f=- CQIGi1S COUDS,_tO4 IEN ;f I Srenna be, opVrr o cre cf -S.a aiir,UpneYr * h stu* dn= e nu ià,' ...-lmam. r 49=bbmraSor . I tba c iten l r:r4 n , 7 f~Jrd i ia et Llîe Itoe CoN.. itau I WmITECvALE The revival services in the bapti8t, church'are closed for the presemit. Mi"a EUs White ham been somewhat in-r disposed but la Dow botter.r Mr& Benj Ellison has been rather ill lately, snffering with the quinsy. The a*sesor hau been around here thew last week. He had quite a &et to wîth (,nit of our remidents cover some dd)hcul!y uniklo*n wLuus. Mrs Osborne of Bo-wmanville haig beeir vi. Itîng her daughter Mrs ()Ke. Stlr hab - hsd t0 go r.o go to Toronto hospiai for t(, *jdergo an <!p+rt1n. F Mis Maggie Sîdell had a collisionn a bicycle wîth afloher onie ini the cityla.sr Meek, and gor a v'ery revero, sh;kîrîý! Iîj, but we are pleased to hear thet t rjie progreasing favorably.r Mr (eo Farmer, whodtîed last wî,elý at G reenî River frutti diptheria. is said tý 'îave coîîtracted the dîsctase frîniR a at. ms the cat siîowtd levery îîîdicatiùrx o-Àî!av iithe terribie disea..e A loadi frorn Whîtby came up a few nights wo soon to hear the uieth-dist et, tr'rt-aîîîment. \Ve trust iitht .1 he. îy ed the drive everi though sowiiewrîat îi The atinual oyster supper (If the L iz Hill crearntery took olae at MIr 1) l, Nîghswander's or) FrPlay irî-htia-st. jI. every respect it wao quite a suc(cems. Mr and Nlr-; Tilinuth 1herrill, (,f Scarbo)ro, wa8 wîth frieiuda here ùur11vî. the asat week. Miss Edna Chester (Jf Scarhoro. is s'aY- îîîg with frien dB here for a c' u1pde 4o weeks. Mrs oi.(hn Turner of Dako'ta, wh- has ben pending the wînter here, returtrîe-1 i9hme on Wedniesday last. 1 Quite a nuinber attended the 1 tt .ysster supper at Miarkharn on Fridaý nig.hr last and reported oysters and Pro>. gramme good. Mr and Mrs L G Annis of Port 1-ni-or was at -Penna Bank*' un Sunday lasi. Thes new liquor law aeema lu be uil versally denonced by the temrperanc, people of the provir ce. Mr and Mra Shaw of tâe North West who ham been visitîng frierids ber.- a!!i elaewhere, bave returned to) their h 'ni. Mr Shaw is much iiiterested in go mines at present. A few creditors fror here are i1nterestç-d interested in the a88ignmielît of %Ir Laa Littlejohn at Brougham. Mi2sa Maud Mathison and Miss Fi-r ence Smith who h tve situations in T- ronto, are spendingLy a few days umîdtr t'n parental roof.- Mr Ed Bagshaw of Brock, li ail friends and relatives here for a shor time. Meusrs Brace and Metcalfe of Mar'~ hain, spent Sunday in tihe raie. The Mesurs and Misses DoIbron an Camplain of Greenbank, are wîth -NIr Ja Thornton f or a few days. MiÉs Ida Thoruton bas returned afit. spending several weeks with f riends the north. Little Phemie Reesor bats had a canei or sonsething that retiembled onc, a f rom ber cheek by the cancer docto Boyer, of Markbam. Master Jas Lyonde is acting as Pat during the present session of parlmame at Toronto. Miss Metissia Palmer of Pickering. with friende liere at the present ilrite. Whitevale seemned to be fairly swarm ing with viaitors last Sunday on accou of the anniveràary. The new regulations tliat went il 1 11cm-utaion IlCkt.adpbeP i omaril The anniversary services of the mel it charch were held on S-unday f7 Mondsy lest. On SundIay the Rev ery snd Edwards pitached eloquent mous ~p~1>G tee different cixoir nisie ~hso i si t acrwded ho On Monday a largo crwd gathered ai ehrei o car Misa Jesmie Alexan ;alt -, Seenfident no one vas d ointed. Miss Alexander excels everyt ~hm.Lheval hiever ssu in the lu elocution.41 her sélJections brc Uproarim-aP5IS adsoi h srtsiwý' isit abswlU ertsiÙly '1- r.'! - 1 - -, . Ai&à& 1 I tir l le,

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