Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 12 Mar 1897, p. 1

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The Chrônicle. iJOL. XIL. WHITBY, ONTAR10, FRIDAY, MARCH 12, 1897.0O.1 SO LDO& UNDER A Positive Guaran tee.! ALMIN'S DI!G in J, j and 1 lb packages. To intraduce thîs Bakmng Powder a package of SIVINIOKNL.S ,M * CAiLS FE- EEF ;FLA î NE. S for making Jelýies, wilI be gîven sith ctery package. A. H. ALLIN, CUIFMIST & I)RUI(GIST. WHITBY, ONTARIO. Bstablished 1849. A Whîtbý StBam Maiblc and Granitg woks1 Tflîinic St.. 1-U IB- t. Chas. H. Smith, (Formerly Wolfenden Worksi lui- porter and Dealer in MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS, Etc.,of the latest mnaterial sand de-igns. AIl kmnds of Cemetery work. Our work guaranteed. AN&SEND FoR DESIGNS AND PaîCES. WIN DMILLS.1 -010- Sells the Genuine AERMOTOR, of Chica.go întendiîîg purchasers slîould examine tli&s milI before placing their order. Do îîat let ani agent put an imitation an yau ahen you can get tlie Geîîuhne Aei-nator, tharoughly galvauîized, and warrsnted, foi less maney. Moneoai tiiese milîs sold in Canada to-day than arîy ailer make. The Acîmator Co. dlaim tley sel1 one bal! the number of wind muii! outflts soid in thîe aiald, at the prosent tisue. Mn. Williamson, o! Orangeville, sold 127 eutfits do ring <lie pas! ilîrea vears. AIl styles ai Wood anîd iron Pumps for sa le Any information îegarding tliese outfits «fwill be freely gîvcn by writiflg <O 1 bUýý. TLT 7%7 Foi 7, iS7-6m0. GE . L IN i i LOCAL NEWS LET-TERSl -.0 - Messrs 'S I. Briggs, t) L Biiggfs sud W H Bniggs. of ioîonu, aiso Mi sud Mrs D At Brown, West Trironto lunction, were bere au Saiuiday lasi atlendiiig their fîîher's funeral. The following report shows the etanding 1 of the p<pils ai Myrtle school for the nuonthr ai FeMbry ý junior firt-Beitie Duif,i Frankiejeuikitis. Senior fist -Nota Bright,% Wullie Destnond. Fred Scbamerborn, Royt Tai-ves, Russe! Vipond, Frankie Dîsif. Part Il-Ira Brown, Florenice Bryant, May Chis- liolin, j(i!n Hoar, Lulu Downey, lennie Tarves, Chas Burt, Percy Kent, Russeli Grahamn. Second-Mamie Brown, Nellie 1 Tarves, Edgar- Ellerby, Irwin Burt, Mai-y Desmoud, Gea Francia, Russell Lawrence, Arthbur Maw, James Desmoud. Third-Gea Chisbolin, John Bell, Rimer McTaggart, Lillie Cook, Clara jabuston, Nellie Stark, oscar Gilroy, Lillie Hoas, Mable Maw.1 Fourtb - Clara Oi-xistou, Vi ilfred Burt. Olive Eîîerby, Harry Harrison, Wiuuie1 Francis, Rolibie Hosi, James Tarveq, Birdie1 Baieman, Harvey Hast, Oscar Downei', Ina Brown, Cîsyton Downey, Minnie Bell. Fifth- Roy Eîlerby, Ethel Park, Kate Tarîtes. IErnest Hoar. Leatl, of David Briggs. A pioneer in every setise off tbe word passed to s nole reward tram liera on Tbursday lait n <lie person of David Briigs. Ha wos boru lu Aug., 1816,ai Luuham. Misssquol, Que. Hia parents bad eniigi.utied froin Newi Eugtaud many Vears pîevîous At tweuîy years of age David ltriggs carnme Wst aud purchaird <the faim wbare lie ren-,de-d util liii deaili. He acbopped aud cleared tlie lrId. sud proved biroself a vîgorous woodmnau. From thea frsi il was appairent thai he was a man of <aile as well as industrv. sud bis faim aissys looked well kept. Iu 1842 ha was mared Io Phoebe Kdri. abo possessed the saime igrirous consîiuuoan sd worthy sitribut-s of ber worthy s"use, sud abo survives him. Uniformally tlie calling o! agriculture bas beau ýucc-sssiutin Ontaro, but it bis pasged tbrougb inany ryine vicissitudes. Thîougbou< <the aboIe 6o> vears Mr Brîggs pieserved the saine cheetful derneanor. corne abat would, sud is home was - ver thie welcoaîe sioppiue place of any man aho wanted ri or social friendghîp. The writer bas mauy t<mes enjuv:d <lic open hearted hospiabty of <lie decessed and his noble fanîîly. 5-ceased was a methodst. a teetotalir, Liberal in poli- tics Ne neyer sought public office, but ws_ langibhe respousible counîy coustabe of bi@ dis- tinct. Four sous sud hrea dauitens survive bmr. rhe eldi-si s", San Syývesier E , as oof 0tihe founders of the Sieeie-Bsgs.Serd Ca. V'oronto, and is vicm-presideni aof<lie compauy ai pieseni. Dani.-l Leslie.l, the second sou is also iuereste-d iii that company. Heurv Warren, the foiril son, is tiaseller for A A Allen & Co. Ia- ro)nto. WVlliam Francis, the <ird son, bas aI ways remnaited ai home ou the farni, sud hil continue <o occupy it. Toaail af bis chldien. sous aud daugliters, deceased waa a kîud fatber, ane wbose feart was f ull ai parental love. Bis neiglibars loo-ked upon Daid Biggs almost as a good aid fatiei-, ane wel-dispoaed to ail, sud who neyer (ci illilîl tawaîd auv. ~ E Y. W&STERN BANK 0F CANADA. Qýapital Authorized $40O00,00 Surplus 105,000 BOA RD 0F DîRECTORS. JOHN CowAii, EsQ., President. RituaN wSý -AULI'4, EsQ., Vice-Pres. T. H. MCMILL.AN, - - - Cashier. General Banking Business trnsated. Drafts issued, payable un ail parts af Can- ~4,United States, suid on London, Eng. la-nd, payable in ail parts of Europe. 33 peu cent. aliaaed on Sa-vinga Bank Deposits sud credited bahf yealy. Special attention to collection of .Farmera' sale notes. E. D. WARREN, Manager of Wbitby Brandi. PL4S-00 PARM. ~a *r, î897,' selon Townampw wit Myrtie Binesa Dlroct;ory ivRXy CEuNaz-Hav1flg purchased the Liv- ery Business recently carried ouà by the late >im Barrrsti, 1 am prepared ta accommodate va voilais and aLliera vitLli i-Rsat reasouab)e rates. Ceuimercial moi, dealt wlth liberally. SLabliug for boiges. and gooui csre given thenu hy reliahie mon. ihe Oshawa, Whitby and Myrtie stage does not rmn on Sundays* D>AVID ASHTON, Myrile Station. Pl1uto Albet NIr j Waîd spent Suuday at Raglan. Miss May Wadden speul Suuday at home. Miss Kate Mci ean, of Seagrave, is visitinR rh Mnb McFar!yn. Mr Jua Burnetil, Brooklu, bas been speuding s few days ai borne. Mis% Amana Haves. Orillia, la spending a fea da"a wii lier graudmnoiber. Mr Franki Tripp, police ai Taranto. la spend- ing a few days witb bis mother. Mis Heels sud daughter. Ludsay, are visitiug Mis Heels' (ailer, Mi R Blfour. Mis Hayes bas moved into ber residenze, iately occupied by ber sou, Mi Allin Hayes. The Sous of Temperance gave a pie social Tuasday eveuîug. Those preseut reporsed to bava speut s plessaut eveuiug. Mr 1luseph Wsrd bas bired aili Mis Harper, Mancheaster, aboie heansd bis famîily iuteud mnoviug sorteme rn utheneat future. A uamber-from liera attended <ha special ser- vices ai Bethel beinz cariied ou by the Rev Mu Weî heneior thiis place. Mucis gond la being dane. Mi los Burueit lat (ai Bioaklin an Monda>'. shere he sud a number af bis chums nteuded startiug for Manitoba an Tuesday. It la .ih- mucb regret aie lose out friand tram oir Midst. Jop la a pîarnisiug youug f(chwan sd se aisb hinu ever>' succeas. Mr. Wtn. Stevens, St., on Erinay night mot aith a very serious accident. On gaing ont of tise roont aithout a ligist se mistook tise cellar door for thse door leading outside, ahich caused hilm ta fa-l heavil>' on bis head on tise atone floot of thse cellar. The dortar bas 'Séen in attendance Pince and fiuds his condition quite critical, for *besides tise gaâs> Moa bhea-d li lainjnmred intctuially. Rev. Walter M. Ragera, evatigelist, Peter- bora, aiso bas beeau- onductiiig special services in tise presbyteriaii chtsci, left for StouffVille Satrda wunming; 'The meet- ings here aere !ery well attepded and hojpe they may bsave*&1asting goodef-ect uipon tic people. A photogra-vuren of tise neyer-ý end gent!emai 2 tefW hone of his sermonis le fou.-ndl - î3até issne of tise Presityterim u Reic. r On ThursdAy. Merisiti, RV.r. mc- Laren, Cqluibui, deflreitçdbis $eÇttu under auspices of C R-ocictyî., Mr. Kerr hadalce odi alsg inuber from -Po5 or, r ii n bars Cauing 0 14 K i»i t X4iUSmdi donblitrg te«», wmlen -as piitd ,p driven. by .&ndsýew D*uldOOg -4asbeêi, XIi at fuil speeà Wo borne. Tbey mefl* whe# golug ttroûgs.the lUIq lo tOïididu doine any lsein"4 mg Thé farmein a-fiigttfliW b« . Mr. Gée Rnu&4i Ut' 1>M*, sont&s. Meamis IW$U-#II*4 TOWN LII. The Misses Coakwell gave a party Thuis- day eveuîng of last week. Whso is the git officiai thatislawbippiug the people into line around here? Miss Emmet bas returned home from Guelph where sb.e has been visiting. Mi. McL.ean and Miss Coakwell af Colum- bus bas been making a visit a! Misa Coak- well'a father Mi Geo CoakwelL Mi Fred Draper bas eugaged ta woik for Mr Weatheîsll af Salem. We tbaught 1there must be some special attraction tbai isdraw- i.ng the young men oui there fromn here, but we have concluded it is the supei-iority of the young men which attracts tbe people who engage themn. We wîsh ta extend oui congratulations to Miss Alice McGregor. second daughteî of Mr and Mis Walter McGregor, esteemed ie- sidents of the Town Line, on bier mairiage in Toronto, ta Mr A Anderson. The wed- ding was a quiet ane. Miss McGîegor whil etborne was alwavs a favorite wîth old and >?Ing, clever ai achool she soon pro- cuîed a second class certificale sud has been îeaching in anc of Torautos besi schools fur 4everal years. Mi aud Mis Anderson are going to maire their borne f New York. We wise tbemt every bhappiness and prosper- iiy. A number of farmeis sud others have been taking advantage of the single fare maîkret tickets from Pickering to Toronto every Sat- urday for some vears. Sotte did ual buv mucb, ishile others boughi nearly ail thei gooda. We know of sanne who bave spent sixty dollars lu one trip. Tbis means a gteai deal more money taken fromn Whitby. The G T R bas said ail along that ibese tick ets did not psy them as the people would go an :vwav. Some may but if is our humble apinion that mazny s dollar will fiud ius way ia Whfitby that would bave gone ta tbe city if the single fare tickets bad been continued. AUDLMY. Spring showes-signs of spiing's ap- proach. Miss Maggie Orvis bas gone ta Pickeriug to le.srn the dressmnaking. Mr Butiîing af Pickering occupied the Me- thodist pulpiLhere on Sunday. W H Guthrie bas been affiicted with an acute inflamation ai anc af the tri- facial uer- 1ves. E i Mns McKittuick la seriously iil Mr Wm McAvoy iontemplates leaving iu a feai dsys fam Manitoba. Miss Lena Disney is speuding s feai days at lier uucle's iu Baisain. Dr Brow.n intcnds givinz up bis position as leader o! ibe Mariam choir. Mi Maîshafl Crozier bas engaged wib Mi W P Joues as f oreman for the coming ,eao. Mr Ul Joncs wilIlibe foreunan nt Mr T C Mc- Avoy's for the comiug seasan. Mi James Cal- vert ahI be bis most ale assistant. Ellis, Carrutheirs & Ca is sald 10 lie the usine of a tes sud giocery firm whicb bas tust staried up lu oui mîdsî. AUl pin in aisbiug tbem suc- ceas. The Rev Dr Lamhly presched a very able miasîonary sermon ai Mt Z on ou Suuday slter- nuan at. Surely alter bearing such a, sermon no anc nccd lie afraid ta give a litile ta belp aloug sstcb a cuse. Ur W P Joues bas iet umned home aitar speud- îug a veiy enjoyalile taa weeks véinl the west aîtb friends. Mis Joues bas not ieturncd as yeî. Misa Lena joues ai Wbitby, <5 keepsng bouse lu ber absence. BIROOKLIN ssy la-si Saturda>'. Mis A Robeits is visifing ber daughtei, Mms E Nichais, in Syracuse, N.Y. "'Golden Dip' syrup 40 cents gallon- Fin6 table ayrup SOC galion. Hollida>' Bras. Mr A J Statter, Oshawa, la suppîying a piano for the Royal Templar concert bere seat Thurs- day eveaing. Miss Milue bas beau very sick for a yack or mare, but aie are glsd ta know "Iasse te nos Mr, W Bliukhom bas pwovçd lte, thse souttu end of tise Darlingtols houba, laWoy oceWtped b>' Mi John Colton. Mr John Burntt go"s ta Oua-as on Momb-y 'terege as secured etùplovanmlw$litbie Mo Langbln Carnage Co. The Y. M.C.Â. commihttea bstecuoed a roapi lu the Masanie hall. aisere isigissaes *111 be Mr N*ion Rey bseeturçd a- ppS-int a- aour u4 ced store as Pèerorooasd a IcaVo-fe- bat îesolsorly.-- tise exOdt. i - 4çkrg, Iwatt aSm _f kLeà ý ýIîs-h '.1l 1ési Rey R 1) Fraser, M.AÀ. of Bowrnanville, wili PORT PEUTY. deliver a lecture lu the picabyterian churcb nex' Miij V Tbompsou of Toronto was bere oun Weduesday eveulug, 17(il insi., u "John Knmax n au d Tuesday. sud bis limes." The lecture la under the Mua auspices of the Y. P.S, C E., and the membeis 01 Rev Mi McDouald ai Bowmanville waa lu JI îhe society exteud a heariy iuvitation to the pub- iowR 0o Tiiesday " business. v lic toatt:end. Silver collection. Mr Tj Widden la Ihis week attendiug the Jt Mr A H Christian, foreman ou Han John Grand Lodge af the Sons af Englaud at the Dryden's (ami, wss marrled to Miss Bailey, af cîîy of Brantford. n Owen Sound, on Wcduesday of lust week. Mir Mr and Mis T Meflurnie of Smltb's Falls c and Mis Chnstian will make their borne lu the were lu town Tuesday snd Wednesday, and JP bouse Jately vacated by Mr Bliukhorn. We ex- visited many of their aId friends bere. B tend aur bearticat congratulations ta Mi Chris- Temilnrbae titd orfrte tian and wish hîm and bis bride a long and Th ilnrhaesrtdwkfoteE happy life. spring tiade sud those ladies will, no doubi, P ooigshew ta the ladies some âine thinga lu the ii Foi san ie ehie public bave been loigmiîîinery art at their apenings. forward ta a second reudition of the drama "u iu h <li reci" bei-e. The sunouricemeut îa now Oui hockey team wenit toLindsay on made <bat si will be again pîeseuted liy the Thuîsday uigbt ai last week sud were de- Royal Templar Dramatic Co., in thie Masonic feated for the firsi time this seasan.' Ou bail, ou the eveuing of Thuisday, i8tb inst. lu Tuesday nigbt they aient tn Uxbridge and 1 connection witb ibis a irst-class concert will lie -the game iamulted in a tie, 3-3.f gîven. The cotumitîe bas secuied the serviccs Mr W E Yainold, county laud surveyor,a of sorte of the best talent lu Oshawa aud Wbit- bas prepared a fiue plan of the village ofr by for the occ.asou Tue admission fea bas Pinuce Albert ; with it the asses4sor for Reacb r beau placet! ai i5c aud a large aiteudance is can now do bis work îo advautsage. If ail looked for. muuîcipalitles bad plans like aibat Mir >lar- t Couservative Meeting nold is capable of doiug it would belp tbeiî t The îawnahip of Wbiiby Couscivatives met assesuors very mucb.f in tbe masonic hall here ou daturday aiternoon, j A Miller G W A of the Grand Division of9 for purposa of orgzaniz-liion. MirJohn Bright thc Sons of Temperance atteuded a meeting township chairman prcsided. The follosvîng af the execution committie lu T ronto la. t oticrswaçie eiected:-Pesiduiut, Johu Bright; Saîurday, This noble ordeir is gaiug ahead isi sud atld vices Dr Moore aud G. Thompson; and is prospeiing; since the fiast ofJauuart seccetary, John lâobisonr ircasurer, H Bickie; itweuîy uew divisions have beeu inatituted chairinen no i division Ji Meen, E Pasi«>. and ten maie iesusiiated sud re-Organized. Markt Crawfoiîb, T H Smith, Thos Emmet t R Pr er iiinbuhdfrsnii Gulhrie; No a E A McBrieu. J Vîpoud, S Man- Portver iiion evsry nig urt this iiio uing, Wus White jr., Win Mctîieu, C Spencer,sexpeclintiavinsea il it;is ivasiew j oseph Stevenson, las W arlng, H Laugford. D eeka ohv alofteroni e Buine, Chas Coakwell, NO 3 J Modlaud, John wes Pherill. J Morrison, Wm A.îkbey, Wm Cioxal Church of Bugland Woman'a9 Anxiillary. T Ciaig, Gea Biight. H Bîckle; NO 4 F Br-own, Tbe annuel meeting of the Part Perry R Hodgson, J Whie, Wm Tancer, Tbos Duif brandi of the W A au! hae held D V lu the j Cock, C Valleutyne, Thos Downey. ) E cbnrcb of the Ascension ou Frlday evening, Disney, Wm Hoai, Wm loues The meeting Mracb î2tb at 8 p. m. The aunual reports asa s lrge one. and amoug ihose preseut aiere wui hab rend and afficers elected for the en- ootietd nsany leadinîg Con.ervsiives froui varions sulng year. Mis Williams the Diocesaii pie- ajacet municipalutias. The abject wis <o sident bas pramised to ha present sud ad- afect a workîug towuship organiz&uou, in Pur. dis the meeting in subjects caninected uiltb nuance of the deîermîuaîîuu af the Conservaîiva the saciety. Ali memtbers of the congrega- party to maire s desparsie flgbt ta wln <ha nexi tion especiallp the ladies are cardially mnvit- Provincal election and s mosi enthusisstic and atcd ta attend. deteîmined Ialliug pievailed. Tbe speches Thlaisooi nWCTL rea- wcre al dirccied tu <ha uecessity ai every mas h aiso u onWCTUaeer straiuing every narve ta briug about suce u"sft workers aud do not miss in tbeir cal- Speeches on ibis therne were delivered by Win. culations very oten, but they musitbink bv Smith. ex. M P, C Calder, P Chiistle, A John. this time that thev were taken in sud tbe Stan. John Burns, sud Dr Moore. Mi ýSmîîh public too aiben a Col Haskel lectnied lu reiierîuîed bis charges m atde at Wbuîby rcceuily the naçîbodiat basement and tandem iheir aÙs thbai e ecau prove the charge af baviug sold <the pices. From fiast <o Isat it was Dr Keely position of couuty registar ta raise funds îa use sud the Keely institute. The large audience alzainsi Mi Smith iu the Dominion clectionit in went there to hear a temperance lecture pure lune lasi. Mi Smitb still asseris that be cas and simple and not a-n adverlising talk Io rprove tus allegaîlon, and it is ieporied bas airit tell people that the Keely iniitute lu To- ten Mr Dryden ta that effcct. ronto received men aud womcn sddicted to W. A H. the drink sud ding habits and wonld cure ____________________________them Cfor Sioa for a moutb's treatment. Mr fBuinsDaowy Haskell's talk it âail igbt, but it shou!d be BEALL, S. - lasuer of Marriage Licenses. aibo attsedn uitsrkhnainebatd10 entho Besldeasce opposite Town RaU, Brooklin. Woatn ilko htt xet tai-la Veterinairy College, Toronto; Hanorar,. meniber of tha Outarlo Sdca 8clety. animais by the moeti appraved.>method. Aisa parlicuIftr attenition ta surgxoal oper.atloiic êsù4d dssltz-y. Day or niglat caUse pramnpt]7 atfeuded ta. Offica sud résidence BMoklin These are SPOT CASh Puces. No Discount. Black Veiveteetis, at 35C sud 48c a yard. 32-lu Pints, hesvy clotb, fast calais, ioc. Duck Suitiugs, 12C per yd, ta-in Pillaa Cotton, ati2<c, worth i5c. Heavy Grey Cotton, aorth 7c, for Sic a yard. Gingliam a at 6c, 7c snd toc yard. Waist Stecis, 7c per set. Victoria Crochet Cotton, sbaded colora, 5 balla for 25c. White shirts, nnlaundrted, 47c, Black Sateen Shirts, 2 for 9c. -Alaiool Tweed, aortb 5oc. for 40c yd. Union Carpats aj 32e s y& Colored Dres -Serges at #$c yd. Black Dresa Sergeq and FHenriettas at 25c, 4oc, 55c aud goc. Black, wbute sud grey Factory Vain, a-t 45e a pound. BOOTS Men'. Kip Grangera nt 81.2,C, Womne's India Kid, buttoned, at $1.25 Women's Sboes, patent tiPPed, at 75c. GROCERIES Tilson's Rolled Qats, 12 lb. for 25 centsa 3 iba rnixec$ swee-t Biscuita for 25 cents. PkTENT MEDMOINES Liveî Pilla tac, Williams' Pink Pilla 3, Dodd's Pilla35c, Sarsaparilla 35c, Bée Iran and Wine 5o cents., Mis D W Luke is under the- doctor' care at preett. Mr L Blak Raglan, was visitin here this week. Mr -Wm Lave bsa agin talcen' uie binself a wife, this tinte'in the per"o of M4iss Gibbs, Uxbrde Myr Burnhem, -Sinderliind.' ïýsm>ad< two o he «r~Wcr*in chii o ce 5 tm d to trg iz ý lie lias succeedéd. - 'lckerling Divsion Court. Hood va Carter. Action on a a note. udgrnent by non suit for $3o. Badgerow s H4aight. Def't paid debt and cois. udgment for plaintiff for cosis ofthe day. Dunlop vs Rowe. Action for wages. Judg- ment for $4 aver and above suni pald into uurt. Willia vs Stevenson. Action for price of a sleiigb robe. Judgment for plain- f for $7 - F Dcnion for pUt. Perry vs Birk. Action for hire of a borse. Mdr'F )euton for piff. Judgment for plif for $10. Rvan vs Hick . Dismlesed, no ont appear. ng for pIff. KINSALE Not havlng tbe opportunity of dolug so persorîally before leaving. gr and Mrs A L Orvis would hereby express their warmest appreciation and thanks ta their kind frends lu and arourid Kinsale, for many acte and tokens of kindness whlch îhey bave recelved froni them white living in their ridat, and especlally wben about leavlng fr their new homne in Wabigon. And ai- tbough they are now widely separated as ta the outward, (rani old frienda, and acquait- mnces, yet they wiah stllto be kludly re- membered by ail. Balmy spring lis here. Mr Thos Saddler does not Improve great- ly we are sorry to report.- Miss Ethel McAvoy bas been 111 recently, we hope for a speedy recovery. Ouri teacher Mr 1 A Lawrence abeltered at bis home near Audley on Sunday. White many are wonde:i g 'vhat will be donc nSp since the election on the by-law bas been imade void, yet we tbink that thon- sanda n pýn thousands upon thi saide of the Atlantic èêé wondeîing what new atracities are committed in Crete. Mfit does not lie in aur power ta bhelp thoaechrîatlans yet there la one thing left for us to do viz sympaithize. WIGKL Mr John Imrle of Toronto will lecture in the churcb here on Frldny evening the igth inst, on *' the Scat et haome and abroad " The lecturer la well known as a lecturer and *poet, and shauld have alarge -audience here. Mr Edwaid Ferguson, who bas corried the mail frc.m Layton to Blackwater for the paSt 12 years and given universel satisfac- tion, ba received notice to quit. Ne rea- soua are given fur bis diantiasal but it ta sup- posed that another party wants the job and has brought Influence enongh to bear on the P O department ta induce theni ta take the step they have taken in tbis niatter., Cieaawes The thaw lust week bas made the sleighing very. thin in some plaçes. Miss Rowena Herron bas, returned Council met Mouday Mtceh 1. CommunJ Mauvera. icatians read from Fire Underauitei A sso- ciation. The communication lu question Farmers and teamsters a re-. i On- had irefereuce ta an application front Mr ishinqtheir wne wr aiigwo Jos ambly for permission ta builda aaoden. and gain, t& niark't. structure on Perry St., altbtu the fie by- iaw limita- Thse following aaa oidered ta î "' îe-Mr wh~--etred lie pald: Wm Brock $3.15 for goodsup home; she bas been visiting -fieds in plied indigents aud $2 for requirements of Cavan and several points éast , town bail; Mi Deshase 7o cents for poi aious ta Rebecca Monck% ; Mis Jno Abliott, Squire Deacon's gang cf oïece and milk for saine $130; T j Widden, 81.3o do; teains are -still'engaged placÏng cdar Miss Butson, nursing do, $6; Forman 8: Son tmmber ou the shore of the histot'ic Si.5oi- goodasnupplied Mms Wilson; Wright Scgg and Ca.- $.25, wood supplied C Sheebyr uog The folloaiug aid was granted: C Sheehy, John Waltozi# of ilhis, place, had a 1;, S Houck 8-3, lirs Lewis $2. The fe«. for 9,dnme ftam atStra inspecting corporation aeigh scales wau or- hanling Wood from bhis farin east cf dercd tn ha paid. gîen Reading Room edt. The toan libtary sud free reading zoomn, There was a good size4 audience .out under Mr Perchal, îhan 'wbom no more to the performancecf the Smiith family suitable person in toan couîd b:e selected- for the position, are prospering. He keeps, on Thursday-nigli 1si te nwsic ana good order among those aho attend, and bell riogmgWas go.Ptroceeds $î. the ioonis are îidy sud dean and evcrytbinst in its place. The readlng roont ia an ex- cellent place for our young boys sud yonng - Wlt7T 5l~ men toa pend their eveninga ; MI the Iea4Îng isçeenB --*0,uero espo papeis sud magaziles off the ,day are gsIways in iei atýs.~vç qze:fe~ on file sud free ta. ail. Theà -'libàrar>' a aapedisgatwduï ss'the Cfty, large anc and tise coniàittee blas placed en ..-;ceradD - -@fheDon the sbelves tie st bnoke tratefoimud at tlw - sTukrtdmiilodtýýii leading bookstorea. -I1have bisard t ieones bfuik,-Toronto, Weel tnwur da<tv-sun- tion asked if k auîculd ha rlgbt, 10open thse.. dy reading roani on Sunda>' afternoons to aI- Tise freshets of Tuesda3r sud -Wîsday bai young men au~ opportunity 0. îgo, --ud vc eywit, and atuàunted te6 '.waa iead the papers sand imagaz'neS on -'6le.'ttre. deIu9e -.1. .. >- Some tbink it ta-s' .dceffation of tue Sait- Wm- . BaIlev la, agala v4uniugig>,pl bath to, open the reading zoomn. I_.do bot -Milîl ,agtteêld 'stand., Çus10as griPdi0g thinis tiere la a-y tiiore wrong fis 4iu1 sepr tt-a ded'tO. "1411lu .than it ta for young men t to a 511 "Mr DividB~i, 1 ét-' ssl doati oui aîréeia or to tIn 1a-ngrupSs Ottun Ifoasyý, ig$1 li4 êt on thse streets- as l is be ins -eéO7~T 1 o i-amt Sunday if tis'e reding ramas *ar AIeised fe U1 ç l y- on that day sa), frot à , tntfive là be'àfIet.- a îbsygeAé-i,j8 w noou ma-ny a young psrs&ao.iIdo5»o1U selfofie pevilegé; '1is tsi.aie fo rie aë a ,l-W"A.Pe , é diîrectorsa to thlsk' ovetl f at'a G d feaatble? i * rth .-. N 1 n, .1 1 - - 1 1 ý 1 l iý - 1 ,rm ura jLare nce suînt-lurs muat usehim The teacheî ai No 5 gave an avslei supper ta the trustees and their wives on Frîday eveniug last. A picasaut time aas spent. The season ai Lent sas opened on AsI- Wednesday ai la-t week. The festivities af that feasi wene celebraied in due style lii thase aiho regard the day. Rev J Thoni B A, ai Pickering visited here on Tuesday ând aas the eader at the league in the eveuing in spite af the inclement wa ther. Rev Mi Tlîom's efforts are apprecia- tted. We think hi would be in style and proper need for oui Liberai Goverumeulta gîffve ai increase in wages or salary ta oui postmas- tar bore. Just thiuk $20, for an office! Whv, aiho would tbaîîk a govei-nment for it? A higlier salary bas not beeu able to ha se- cured for mercly but now aie would coin- mend it ta their honorable attention. Cou- sideriîîg tbe trouble of an office sud the great numnber ai people accomodated, even $too aiould ha littie enougli. 0 * 1 Asilsualq. r WDEUI

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