Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Mar 1897, p. 8

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t tvr0ucte. OSHAWA) MA.RCH I5, 1897 OSIIAWA PAGE Farmner will do well to cali ait M.E. May's for boys' ready made clothing. O§RAwA.à Signs of spring-the school boys say that Little is getting in a large supply tof fishing rods, lunes, snkers, etc. R A j Little has given a large order for ladies' belta, buckles, beit pins, side comnbs, darns, haïr combs, cuti links, etc. Critikled tissue and wire firames for lamp shades at Litties. Miss E Morgan was the guest of Mrs C F M1ay, Toronto, last week. New belts, buckles, Vins, haïr darts, nets, comibs, pins, etc, at Littie's. Murrav the tailor is mnoving imb the store bestde Bleatuns grocery store. Mr Dick and son, of Canton, O>hio, are the gue-sts of Mr and Mrs T MKitrick. ()ii the i 'sih of March, the Royal Temptars- wmil hold a social at the tesidence of Mrs. R iMay. Mr G;rahamn and Miss Mintie I iîsing, off Scugý,g, were in town Tuesd.îy visitiiig Itiends Re-s j Pt' ilson and %r% Wilson were- the gutesis of lion. liti,,rd OîlfUtawa, ast weký The ilew polîcpiîan says ih.ii the greaies 1 varietv in pads m t uwn is toheseen a, Llttue s> Mr an i.. 5-i ,.,o l-it asi t vek for Colt ]VIr McFidden Wes is town over Suu"dy witb friends, Mies Emma Ccrnieh bas returaed from ber Toronto vieit. Mies Clark, of Cobouirg, las the guet of her sister, Mrs. J. Gregory. G.et tise new svaltz "While tise heart beats yoîîng," at Litle's store. Norman Burnett bas returned from bis vîsit in Si. Catharines. Little has just got In a loi of new scribblers. Largest Sc. bcribblers in town. Miss Eva Wilson has gone to Toronto to attend the tnillîntry openlaga. Go to Ltties for youi Honiton breids, sîlks, wool, etc. Litest shades. Get youi honiton braids, silks, woola. side combe, dans c, et Lities, Will Rares many friends are glad to welcome him back to their mîdst ugain. Mr j j Metcaîf, of Edmondton, N W T. renewed old acquaintances here asat week Niisjs L Olcott, BowmRnvhlle, visited with Mrs j Thonipson arnd Mus G Jacobi lest week. This season Miss Shearer, of Berlin, will have charge ut Arcade millinety depait ment. Mrs White, of Trenton, and Miss S Tyronie, of Bufialo. visited with Mrs R S ïVilianis ast week. Mr- Dave Tliompson, who bas been living in Carleton Place tise ast three years, has rtiuuned homne for good. Mu. ausd lin Albert Goync arrived Tues day nîguut fuom Drayton to spctnd a fers weeks wiih Mu. aîsd rs. P. Go>ne. Mr. and Mus. Wm. Manning are in Mari posa this werek atteiiding the mdirnage cere nony ot thetu îîephew, Mr. Fred. %V. Hobbs Qoîte a nunibir of our young people ai- tiiued the htclelors' danîce un Bownianvi;e last Fuîda-v niglit. They report an excellent lime. Miss Ethel Rîce sang at WVesley church, Torvnto, lAst 'nunday Miss E .Eversoio 1presided St Medcaf chuuch oigan in her ab- seiu. e Those who would like t0 give scmething foru tihe Imdixa ine fund wllh flnd a sub su. ipu oui iat on the.' iouitEr at the Western IlSu tl'a.l ta-ke iîeilim1au hiu Mu j A Thompson was un Cobourg last ituesci 0e w rkFriday repreeiuiig the Oshawa hockes Mua Wuux Brui ciouisbe anii! s ,Maggie C1Linutthe executive commîttîe aithe leagu't Walsh weruciii rormo this wek attendiu i eeuuIg the mfiiuiierrvoîeruigs Mu A Qsboune, of Bowmanville. left thîs Thle Ne-w York Sundîr 'r\'rlut .r111 evk 10citake up bis residence un Wînnipeg soune iownus tir r in - 'Ytu cari get i a( ile lias manv warm lrueiîds here sho wibh Litle- everv Tur-sdav foruser n centis tun ail success. Miss A \Ç.xsh. who hasa been %peuudingFi The houe and farm on King st. cast, oc- couple of moutbs wîth hieu gr.vuidrn,)theu Mr cîîpued bh Mu B. j Rogers, bas been pur Cotter. uetuuuîed tl i erhome us Foronto Ou ctased by Mu. (ico. Downev, who sili takt Saiudav.lrtsessoiîsoirtume thîs sprîtsg. j j L.-nion, formeulv of tue \,iisîleutulu poutrvfarnwhohas'ben it. usfor;I The members of the epworth teague Ml lew week, leti oui Weduesday to take s eclecuc r raigarneet ~~~~~~i ~ ~ ~ ~ ( milupuuiu u e oili gve a grand concert uexi Tuesdlay nigb The chr-tian chkuuch ladiles Zive a soci n h body o( the cluuuch. It wîi be one o! be'c"' -t the league have ever given. clown at Mus. B J. Rogers', King sti . .c1tsieb tbis evenung Retrstnents and a good pro- Charles Caru, who had the misfortune tcu gramme will he vi..en. Ail welcomne lba part of hua btisd lasi fail is a press ai Mauur-l n \eunessyMar h(ui, Pedar's, and who has be-en suflering front the ie R --.OM \Steuin. ay ai E rch 3 1 encor levr fou the past couxple of mî,îsîis, lias the bu ides father, Mlaripo)s;%.Mu Fîed. ,\-stauted to wouk again. having obtained is ilîbs, aleulu. lie o (Ituacxto issposition un the Pedlar Metal RoofinCo in a gellant and tony menne. He -là te be allowed to board et a hotel If be chooses, but muet flot emoke lu public places, Mr. IEiezzlewotod read hie curfrew bylaw e fret time. It shuta boys -uader 13 anrd girls under 15 off tise streets after c) p m. $125 was asked for isy tise firemea towards pur- chasîag uniforro, and tise petition was laid over. Oshawa Bstness DIr.tory. E, L. VICKEBY. barber. Simooos treeti. BROOKS' LIVEBY, timooe itreet, north. AIL. ROYLPH. harissasmaker. Sirocco treel. r. B. MOTHEIISXX., bxftoher, Ring SI., West. DR. PÂ1'RIasoN, Dentit; office over Boveu'u store. &-. J. STà.LTB-Dominion pia.nos end organe, imcoe Street. W. E. Dylta, General Agent Ontario Mutuel Lit e Assurance Co. Akgents want.ed. WILLIAM J. Dz&e. Dominion s.rd Ontari o Land 6urveyor. Civil Engineer, Boi 57, Osh- awa. Coxx»UslLLHorsL-J. C. Woon, proprietor. Modern hoteiry. net ..nd coomfortably equipped. D. M. To.-Ceterer for Balle, Asaembilee, Wed. dinge, suppers, etc, etc. Alfo a&U kinda of flowers. los. RounLDEN - Wbitby-Oshawesotage lin.. Leeve shaebwe et 8 e m and 2 p m, and Wbttby et 10 a m end 4 p m. Joeztpa CiL&xo. manufacturer of fine carrnages. carte, wagone, end &II kinds of cutters and aleighg. Repairlng e specialty. VoH-w Biaxwxn. painter sand decorator. Dealer in w&JI pepers, ceiling decoretînnet, paints, oil, varniahines. bruehos. winciow ghmdee. etc. rAMEs PXLLàw, dealer in stovea, fumanes, tin. ware. etc Large stock kept constantty on hand. Jobbtug e specialty. Simcoe street north. L. K. MupoN,~w B. A. - Barrister, Soliciter. Not.ary Pnbl'c, Convmyancer,. t. ouey to tend. Office over Dominion Bsank, imcot Street, Oshawa. 'd. E. MT-Leeter in roeeries. Fany Chine. ('rockery. Tinware, ad Fm.ncy =oda Pure Tee@ and Coffees. Boys' r.s.dy made suite a speclaty-very cbeap. PrLT BPaon -Wetchmakeris and Jeweiers Diealers In wetcbes. edocks. Jewelery, ait-ver- ware, spectacles. etc. Engravtng, gold and silver pieting. end old gold rings made over. Fine wstch. docek, and Jewelery repairixg s special ty. KAPLU 9GROVUc Mr Will Snowden hais thse quinay. Master Han'y Tyler hais infiammatouy nleumatiori, a relapse. Mu W Gay, Oshawa, was home over Sun- day. Mu John Cox, Solina, is viitiag friends bere. Mu Truman Power is vieiting frieudu iti Port Hopeý Mesura J Stevens anci John Power visited at Soltua over Suaday. Mu A W Foley, coutracting agent for tise Page Pence Co., was home a couple of days last week. 1 t wa gr si Albierta V. eldesi daughter of NIu. Geo 1 Fancy Go>ods ye lisses, of Mrps R A J Little bas tust ueceived an up itu in The followiuug su7rna have been subscrihedI date lune of stampeil dovlies, centre piecesH il) the lidia Famine Fund ai t te Westeriu etc, n colons, and plain. lie is doingT batik bere , 0iPudiar $2, \W T ison 8i stamplng for teS c;oths, tuay c.,veus.' phot., () Hezziewoou $2, W 1, Las', $1, 1) %\ trames, etc, and lis suppling bis customneu c Rogers si, \W J Rare $5,P &A AL.ukr- Si, R uS the best of stamping linen, C luilui $1 tovutciucuiof stisa 50. Tie prayer nmeetings of (ihe îown sas cao flc Tlue Chunamian arrested here last wecir c e tled Wednesday nighi to gîve the peol'- 5s s' is watited uiî Bowmanvulte for obiaIiuin$i. chanuce 10 attend thie Oshawis brtiîch of tht 'S nirmnr'v tndeu (aise prettftîces. He had Upcr Canàda Bidle and Tract so-iet) 1 sîiowssguts of eariv pueuy andl tome good I whuch sas held in the bapîist church. Tht Si týeopjle thi-nking hie migbt possîhîs' develu i mt-etî.îg vas xddressed by Rev Drn Lambîstr inuu a nîussuunaus gave hum a chance., lie asnd Mr James S Potter, the sailor mission d umpiros r-ut t hy doing theni up for ailhr ars'. rouil ,url ludngThe carnival hast Friday night was vers p If we aite quîîrrmied iii judge no papen ever succeýsaful, the ritik beiig wehi fillcd wîth tl gt a erse s aiuir- tustaiîac stp 'in cauede'spectat. ra. Miss Chrissie MDougal, as d ove li veitiousattcllen thesoii , sde- . ipsy Qucen, took first prîze. Ada File, a-T pîanunent andul n.lindrsn fl .LFions McDoniad. caîîiuned the girls prizr a r-ornes uuon t is wr-rk stîAkung harudas wih it Gordon Banmige, as Zulu, and Georpe- sef oscu thre resuit .somne men do niot Wright, the boys' prises, l'be groupe prizs c knîuw wueu tih-s' sue hbrt untît sornebodu s Yas wous by the Cubait Insungents, whir.i. I kicks thuen A ltle intetlectiial 1puncning a opsdo h oloighg cc, dos iiilhut n nialwhchha n bais.boys A O'Connor, C Rae, D Guy, R ' Thue-smu ai hop guv-n tuy ibe boys otf Si. Hyiand, A Bus man, F Rare, J Morris, 1 î;egus luî l Im'i ondas' ight du w ;4a Murton, J Hunter, J Day, C Smith. Tht 1larger crriwd ihauithi-lait uauy onue. FThes% 34tb bait. band was in attendance and furE suirier i lurd tr) itîik-i.'-,ua . -sanîd wertc usbed good music. TEe prize wunneus îlr-uebtr-uIwiih lie r--ilts 1 ie Ryle trruutli ere photogra1uhed in costume ast Satun- <'us îu rut shE-thIir u itrr. u, i lt- ti ).ilmiiof day hy Hetsry & Putniey. tEe utnArs Flue (Ilu ieuuiuru-, u ;% i gt-ni.ul w-l rlxer-rt ii t w iricr sxe The event of the week has been the initia ar- suri s' iu sa> cml iii e salul aîîuuuut 'nie ro: tîmun of the new chie! coilstable, Mîr Hoover. i le uum eusoftIe utiu rlut S otu îo l. ilo ib cetainly a nman of commandîiti filed xuvbeurs otiwîlt, hr- ut, isle .1 r igre nusd good counitenance. He is unu andl ptu.iriuL..heul td>gvtN. b ortrrud splrruudrdy,sand wben he catried hi> The -sai 1-n concert g s'en un Simcoe sirerl wtruc opriued for 86o instead of $35, whîch list Isetuoiiirilu , tus.cchoir iai Thurs stînut bIitvpeu cent. of what o. cost hini dav imi d r,.w .a $3() bouse ai tel cents' adm~îîe liomuven îs s single mars, the admiration -1ssruu î G m egvrugaie several i thbbc lir sex, ansd tic objeet of reverence luruu s cui uswlirhi ert gucatils'eîîoved Ioit4 îtn uî. He is a man of sontie officiai Lu all srsNI dîc i Tornas. Lih el PRire, ex pceuuece, bai yîuth on bis side, and will and A lisHan-.em s-ing 5uit)s 'lii lu aculeecx buuulthe ritizens o! O-ibawa even ready to ceedingly wr-Il rendeued The- churusea (u% support bim iin the dsharge of hie duties Misses Kedulîe, liaîssen snd Rir.c, and -F-lue 'r-w chie[ bas sbown great vigilance so Messrs Hi Luke. F Lukr , Jolimî, Pr-art aîd I faur, a littie too nuclu to hold u ut long, bui Adams werd atamu good. Suutîcor cbucb b-s use doubt not tEst lhe wyl prove a good a choir o! whîrb bte peoirîr shuuului be prrrud, oficer, and if so thene are a few thiaga wt anud wr- are sure dur-v neveu .lhu)wed lîcîr %souid cexilis attention to For one thing. u-uigingK capîtîs' to hetter advauiuge týanin u therc are about a duzen places ini Oshawa iht- several anIîtr-uiis Eclu tlie- -! saîuig 10 I here boys are supplur-d wîth cîga'eîies snd Zet ber. tobacco in other fonms. Boys who are nou A peddLand Rotier so supplied give tîseir money 10 lauger fr- A Splndid ows, who take s few o! the cigarettes foi Mur. James Hîuirllouî, i i,'iawa, manufact theiu trouble. TEis thing of selling tobacco unes iauud ruilers Ibi bar suds sale as tu cili to boys goes on to the citent o! bundreda of fin an cuttangeut hictons', and lie înteîîds îrm dollars eacb yr-ar. Tîten we again caît boîuîustbe busuutess t is spuîng. On goîutg atteniton le tEe poker dens, visich aiso form out amoriz the faumeut for s feilvestimunuurs ressuts for ownera o!- fig ting doge and be fmund r-verynyotiuluud tui praîse of hib chicikens, Somte of the so-called clufi roontsa niacitine, and ecei <cd a joit testimonial are no'sy, and are a public nuisance gen-- f rom the followisg parties. East Whiby- aliy. The rowseof loafens whn infest chuuch fi Gifiord. Juuo McGregor, C A Lander, doors on Sunday nights are an abomination. Frank Campbell, i)Ducse, R Winnacott. A citizen remxarked to the wuitcu on Wed- TFh<s Taylor, Jnio l'ylxnd, E A Giffurd, WVm nesday that next Sunday aight will show Thompson, Jno Sbaisd, jas Farrel DarI shether or not the new constable wilI be an ittîton-Jno McCullougE, S Allen, jas Mc improvement upon bis predecessor wbo was Millait, Thoq Power, S Snowden, Jas Van- certain y a man of more than average worth Camp. E Osbornse. Thiose requirîng new as an officer. It is possible tsaItishe couneil- rollers dtts spriug sbould caîl upon Mr ors will have sense enougb la future to Hamilton. abuse somuebody eise, and not pour ont their A veny pretty wedding was celebratcd oit su rpl us cx w upon au officer visoh as as maay the î'tud of --ebruary, ai the residence o! Mr. dues as thuce mea can perform. J. Hl. Hoar, ie iMacdonald avenue, Toronto, when Miss Annie O'De', youngest daughîer of Mm. John OD -y, o! Brooklin, vas mear- ried 10 Mr. Albert Smith, o! Winnipeg. The happy' event sas the outcomç of the resid- The ceemnoîy was performçd hy tise Rcv. J. M. Cruise, o! St. Helen"s, assisted by Rev. Father Dollerd. lmtuediately Iollov- iîig a reception vie held la tise dreving rootut vhich was prettily decorated vith palme and eut fioveis. Tise bride tatefully gowned in pure vIsite silk withs rimmiags of chiflon and pearls and carry4ag la heu band a shover bouquet of bridai rose, ueceived mest graceilly the kiad visites of ber f rende. Thse sedding breakfast vasdaiatly eerved, thse tables beiag testfoily decoreted in piak and green and lise"eff e atceti by a profpalon of carnallusôs, isilUa ant les of vbevlly ider artificil i ight. Titi usuel tenta verépropc.aed and.bopolredad congratulatouy têtegMrenI fiPISdisiats' friends, verqrrre-4Tb,Çk4 <>'clecC. PR train bore tbl1rlaPY COUPle - vesivard ou tiseir isoeYWasOý. tiài tbey iatend_Žpesdr ing la Cbieagô, -<.Paul-, and Mlnaealpolift. &%~fier whlth tbeywfte up theres d es anýWùI.sIpeg t*1'e brýil i le5 Mdrýý "14-'a etty siade b! green breôadctotlsfsin'i- imrdvftisgt en irlvètandbrocadçd éatàm sed T?4betgui. 1anybasds-bmnegifls upré réeqved aluosg vick wqss-a sold sàl'V*eï -sc~. m tise hridex. bruotisr,Qba Town Council Met Monday aight Tise board of educatiou sent ia a ucquisition for $8000, ta mer-t tise <urreut years expettees, but as seeverai o!flise inembera fuit tisaitishe board dîIi not kaow exaciy isov mucis mcaey wae waated: ius affaire vere talked-over and us requisitien reforcedl back for fuither consideretion. Thse street censmittee ru- ported tenderos 32,ô09 feet cf pine plaamud 17,000 feet ceder secmtliag for as fologe-ý Ratihuru) Co,pine 1165, cedar $zr 6&, total for 49oo00e$648. 5o; j A Sykea pise $t2.qo cedar Sis . o total for 49,.ow e et $6r2. 7o; Geo, Cormack, plie $îL7e cedar to.40, total for 49000 feet $Sçq&em Ccrmack's tender, vas $t6.8o beov Sykes, but as tisefouater. meant free on lipard cars, Sykes effet va&. ceaaldered thse litet, sud bu got thse cm - tract.Tisere vas anotiser tlft ,betveus thse mensiers as to the pubication cf the, nauiqp of indiget. -w»viereceive asssase ê (ma tisetowu. It was-ùaiy deciçled tg-la 14 papere nu tise. tgblefor inspeton Ziý Whso vsi te. 0*euWhois. the ssumm ý£é Our league visited Ebenezer leegue Tues- ry eveuiug sud esjoyed a pleasisut lime twas a cold uigbt, but they gave us a varm reception. A pretty weddiag took place et "Ever- ,reen Villa," tise resideuce o! Mr Samuel nowdcu Iast Thursday eveaiug, whcn hig- ourgeuit daugister, Miss Lizzie. was uuited s tise holy boude ot wediock wits Mr John qMunday, eldeat son eof au atark NMuuday 'ise wedding maucis vas played by Mus Di 0'auvin. Tise bnde was givea away by heu ildest brother, Mu Thsos Saowdea. Thue zeemony was pcrformced et 5.3o o'clock ander an arcis of tvergrccus decorated witb fowers, by Rev G W Marvia, MA. BD, who securety tied tise nuptial kuot iu tise pue' sence o! about forty fricuda, Miss Bertie rtunday aeted asbridcsmaid, wiie Mu i Snowden snpported thse groom. Aftcr con' Kriitulatious tise bridai part-y repeired to tise dining room, viscre a eumptuoua weddiag supper wes served, 1.0 which ail did ample ustice. Dr Mauvia, iu hie able manuer. propoaed tise toast btiste bride, to whicis the groomaman ably replied. Tise remain' der of tise evening was spent iung-mes, etc Tise bride was thse recipleut o! mauy useful ad costly preseuts. sisowiag tise estecm in we-bu h e is heid. Tise newly wcddcd couple will speud a fcw days among their mny frieuda before departiug for their nem- home near Senis. They have thse best s'isises of all for a happy life. UX BIIDGUC Puflet oS bis Àarm At 10 cffclock James Hamilton, whor has beo3n rentirs2 power end ruuning sj chopper et tise Organ Companyis factory here, vais reaching over the main ehaLftI put on a belL vison hi& arm bocamet eaught in the shafting aud ho vwu woutsdt rounsd the ehag and hie riglit erra vas pullî-d off et thse elbow. Hiîoaly liVeo two houms. Decoasod vas about 30 years. of age and a son ni George Hlamilton whîr livais about ivo miles South of this toijn.1 Libsi A political letter sigaed by J. Kift, Cannington. in last weeks Gîcanen, makes free use of tise name o! Mr R M Noble, banister o! that place. One refereance is as !ollows :-qBut, sir, I must confess thene appears a difficultv to reconcile this intention with thse fact that said petitioner Noble had been canvassicsg certain gentlemen in this village wlth the expressed purpose of drawing up a petîtion asluag for> the rensoval fions the bencis of His Honor ludge Dartnell. 1 know not wisy, but there is no doubt our friend bad noble and honest reasons." We understand Mn. Noble has entered suit against Mr Kift for libel. One o! tise saddest accidents our town han been tise scenu of for many a day occurred at ttise organ factory Mon day morniag about tua o'clock. Some time ago Mu James Hamilton placed a grain chopper in one of thse vacant rooms at tise factory and vas using tise pover to do 'chepping. On tise above mentioued moruiing, .' <Jir," as lie was Most familialy kisowa, went to work an usual, ausd had climbed upon a pile, of lumbrer to put-0on tise pulley thse beit, leadiag from tise main sbafting t6 bis éhopper. In sornse way-or otiser no onu seems te knov-howr, tise uIfr -n -1 ate young mari was caugbt in tise beit. îag, and in less time tisan-it tukes to tell it, was- draWn upu and crushed be- twea tise shafting-awd this gth dropped to tise fioor. Hewas,. ielped& up and excliid, 1 'Wel. -boys, 1 guco I've br6ken My ribstbls-the. Wheoe!s mD. hali&?andItthea dtoppéd sem, became extinct. The deceased, wlso has paly been married about foureen moths, was one of our most estimable youag men,- always haviag a smile for everybody. and appareatly happy la thse makiag of a comfortable home for him- self and his young wife, who is left with one small child 1.0 moura the loss of the kîndest of husbands. Deceased was the second son o! Mr and Mrs Geo Hamniltw, o! Uxbridge Township, and the sorfowing parents and famnily have the heartfelt sympathy of ail. The funeral took place to the Uxbridge cemnetery and was largely attended. The eriîployees of tise factory turned out in a body.-Times, SCOTT TOWMSREIP Mr W Munro and sister Miss Lillie of Manchester, spent a few days last week visiting friends ini Scott and Ux- bridge, t.aking in a social at Mr W Munro's and W Thompson's, Mr Munro kindlv taking part in the pro- gram at thse former social. The price of ganders in Scott is said to have heen 75 cents during the elec- tion. One of our residents was otlered $3 to vote for McLeod. and the offer was then raîsed to $5. whereupon the would-be-briber was warned that he would get a -shanty' put over his eye if be did flot desist. The voter was poor. but couId flot be bribed. Would that ail voters v ere like him. An hon- est electorate would make honest poli- ticians. A 'ery pleasani event occuîred ai the home of Mr George W Vernon, 5th concession of Scott, on WVednesday o! last week, when Mis., Esther Hussiù was joined in wedlock to Mr Thomas J Paisley, fourtb son of the late Mi Thomas Paisley. The ceremony was performed by Rev W Percy of Stoufi- ville in the presence of about fort% guests. The presents were of the asual kind. and were botb useful and numerous. The young couple, on re- turning from their trip from the west, will take uy their residence at theli !Island Lake home. May prosperitr VICTOIRIA COIRNERS. Rev Mu Stewart, of Stewart of Sun- derland, delîvered an excellent sermot here jast Sunday. Our churcb was well filled. H F Sanders spent a few days in To- ronto last week. Mr and Mrs Robt Heisie of Allan- dale, are visiting friends here at pre- sent. Mn Levi Gray bas removed to Scott township. We regret very much his departune. William Wilson, wbile engaged ir sawîng wood, was stnuck in the eye bý a stick, a sliver of the same beink driven into the eye baIl. We congratulate our townsman, Mi R ReynolIds, upon securing the larg( contract of the re-building and brickinî of our public scbrol building. Mr John McKee is somewhat indis posed at present. Mrs Wm Brown and famiiy have ne moved î.o Mr Ruddy's bouse this weel Mr Jas Hortop has been under th docton's care for a few days. Mr, Mrs and Arthur Holdon were i Toronto a few days of last week. Visitors: Mr and Mrs R E Johnston Messrs Waddinghamn and Wilson, Tc ronto, at Mr J D McAvoy ,s. The third regular meeting of No. 14 litenary society passed off veuy pleanant- IV, Myna Holden in the chair. After tise secnetany and critic had read their report, and a selecticut by tise chair- woman, tise followîng programme was given : Mouth organ solo, Morgan Pugis; reading, Judson Edwards; neci- tation, Trefisie Taun ý' recitation, Bea- trice Linton; recîtation. Bella Robent- son; reading, Wm Hopkins; song. Savana Hopkins; dialogue, Ida Mc- Avoy aad Mabel Edwards; motis or gan solo, Morgan Pugis; chorus, the scisool; reading, Jas Coates. Meeting closed by singing God save thse Queea. A few visitors wene preseat. Doa't forget everyone is welcomne. Miss Annie Robertson gave a recitation last meeting wisieh ve overlooked wisen re- portîng. Rev. Mu. MacMillan, o! Lindsay, preached hiere last Sunday mrming, and Rev Mu McLeod at night. Excel- lent sermons vere preacised on botis occasions. Last Tuesday aight a cottage prayer- meeting van beld at Mr Morris' of Lay-1 ton and next Tuesday a similar meet- ing vili bu iseld at Mu Ferguson~s of tise saine place. A special meeting ef tise council was iseld on Saturday.. aiglit to reconsider its former action ins cutting off- the Blackwater license, it beiisg claimed -by Mr Gladstonle aud bis friends tisat lie did not have aà-.fair chance to present -his cane at tliàTant U meting, not )wOw- ing tise- matter, would corn UPu. At this Mee ing lie -presented àa-largely SEÎdpettionaslinS titat thse lilense ýue To Rent. cause NO 2, The Terrace, Byron street. lera conveniences. Possession Marcs i. uly to W. ADAMS, Dentist. Vbitby, Feb. 3, 1897-10-4 in. RER MAJESTY'S DIAMOND JUBILEE irries '<Queen Victoria: Her Life and ign" - itoevery horne. Persons- who e neyer sold books take orders fast. Pre- te the most eloquent of Lord Dufferln's ievements. No book so blgbhly praieed. eneed more canvassers. Easy to malte to $3o a week. Books on time. Pros- tus free to canvassers. A trial will cofit thing and it mav fili your ernpty pocket. IR BRADLEY-GARRETSON Co, Ltd. SP ELIAL Hoi Hi Mod Apg 11 Reil ha v face achi We peci not I TH] ç s in Ye is- te in %n Ili hI1ac 28 UNES9 rCLUDING-«%1+- MEN'S FINE BOOTS, LADIES' FINE BOOTS, LADIES' FINE SIIOES, MENS LINED RUBBERS, LADIES' LINED RLJBBEP.S,1 SEE US LADIES' FELT SLIPPEP.S, Even the Wi8e8t SOLDmmo UNDER .A Like great Solomon, admire glitter- ing gold, and sparklingjels There igèver was a better time than now to inovest in #rticles of JewelrY. Prices mile lower thon ever before, yet tbte goods are guaranteed to be as represented. Our store is head- quarters in this part of the earth for Kie-BKRGAINS in Watchee, Clocks, Jewelry, Siiverware and Spectacles. TALK WITH US! TRY US ! LADIES' FELT BOOTS, laoed or gaiters. BOYD, The deweler# LADIES' FINE FELT TURN SOLE JULIETTES. fust 6e sold by Mlar. 291h, Io make room tor our Spring Stock. JOHN BA LE, Simcoe Street. )SII~AW A, Repairing a Specia/ty. Gall at PELLOWS, and see his Wrought Steel Aiso hie COAL OIL and GAS STOVES -FROM- $p5.50 to $25-00. KING ST. WEST, OSHAWA, OPPOSIE CENTRAL HocY.L. Grand Trunk Ry. Colonist Special Trains ta Cana- dian Northwest via North Baye Cotumencing MARCH 2nd and each Tue&- day thereafter during the months 0d MARCH and APRIL, SPEUIAL TRAINS will be rua to the Cana- dian Northwest via North-Bay. Colo- nist Sleeping cars wilI be rua on tisi train, Berthe c.a which will be free. Train leaves Toronto at 9 p. m. q-hrougb Tickets can be hbad fret. Oshawa to' aIl pointe in the Norths- west. Baggage checkrd ibrougis from Oshawa station. For all information cal on or write te Positive Gitarail ALLIN'S DAilG rG!w in ', j and 1 lb packi To introduce this Bakiag P package of SwIN -. CALVE-s FEET Gt ** for making Jelines given with everyi A. He ALL CHEMIST & DRLUGG1ý IWITBY, -ON Established 1849. WhibySteam Maîwe and Granite woîks, Dundas St., WH ITBY. Chas. H. Smi- (IPormerly Wolfenden Wc porter and Dealer in MAI GRANITE MONUMEN'T the latest material and deý kinds of Ceaxetery work. guaranteed. xI!OSBND FoR DE-SIGNS AiNi WIN DM11 Geoo Aln BellS the QernE ABRMOTOR, of latendiag purchasers should e Mill before placiag their order. an agent put ans imitation on you can get the Genine Aei 'notor, galvanized, and warranted, for Il More oi tisese milîs sold in ans thsa any other make. The A4 claim tbey sel1 one bal! the nasmi uMill outfilt sold in thse world, at tise. Mr. Wiliamsoa, of Orangevil *utfits during -tihe past three yea Ail styles cf Wood and Iror 'sale, -~Any -lnformation regard ing wîll be-freel'y givun by writiagt -1-W(5 R. CCarter, Agt. ALittle Paint in the rigisi place, aad of the rigbt kiad, will make a great change in thse looks of the rôorn or a home. Thse wisdow casing, baseboard, picture mouldings, chairs and tables-ail these can bc brightened and macle cleaa THE SIIERWIN-IWM ENAMEL PAINT a thtis hiing for funuture, and. decoative vans. It gives a fine, glossy,-ensmêl-like surface. Tise-tnt are delicate fou indoor use. 1'Enamel Peint Il is prepared reàdy ýfoi is brusis. An j one ea use it. W3 malte paris for every eprpce-.acl is aspecia llind suited io a special use. Our egeoaathebad. Intiells ltheeete k~inU âou1 -teboatsan d olsbas, fe es hbes an8OI Or - Sente-dyfiu ors fec. Frookiue andre, 19 S. Àntom -Sn oray o te . -orboltadru 9st ndn MontrTHE 00.. W~STERI BANK 0F 0FW DIRECT qp5O.OOs efriGB@?, OSHAWA. i i - 1 BARGAINS c ci~ 1 idecDà WICIL Feb,73" IBO. THE

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