Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Mar 1897, p. 7

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The ckouni metatHERoMAJE8TYon Lv McDonald prea edaMission- Thecouci me a Bruga.monarY sermon here on Sabbath. Mia-m« F'eb22nd ~ ANADAN ionary collections and apbscriptions Contingency accounts paased:- Hart fLOYAL A ADA PEOPLE eetkn locletr à 1iddell, 136 W J Clark, print. E wr tknaso lctr ointed. i ag $1.7 ; R Beton saary$40to visit the people and solicit contribu- Motg,$0 otl$ eaton, Tliiy Should 811be Strong and tiOMnar Col will shipped cattle from hree trip s to W hitb y re local option B r o liinm ad y la t es r serutiy and necessaryexpenses, $550; Ho le W McBrien, John Lawton and Joseph R 1 l>rice, W ood supplied Jam es H ub- T i p c n r b t d B m x el g h p ard, $6 15 ; Thos Dunn and M Giee- PaIne's eloy ompunippor ted csiomeeclen.h a.j ';ud itors, $ 15 each. EJ' o r om e oU fLU lI l pe r rTh o cas o n. s w u i t rr d 1 nitlgent accou uts passed : A Orvis, EabeherWoentaLiele hmas FteorbeSa y in ter s ,#r itsas commnissioner, $6.35 , To- as Long a8aur Queen, h Slmeeeey o udyat lit (leneral Hospital, $11480; noon. The funeral took place from P)Ienrîock, coflin arnd attendiog T Il 1111 ( UR ME, fl ATft Ir J C Jones, Mt. Zion. Rev Thora oi(f lleairy Elraon, $6 ; Joram n iII iî UOMN4INIF conducted the ohsec1uies. abri ý oh, drgging grave for Ilenry AND O IO S MANHBO1- Prayer service was conducted in the ÃŽ-2,)r U Bateson, iriedical residence of Mr Alvin Orvis on Suuday attaridancîe, 81.) Joseph Burk, support even ing. It was an unusually serious aujara of Henry Elson, $12, w SM1lCIaLy 'i&f a&fs c& be Made meeting, owing to he and hie estimable ViîeHy waod uppiedM Ran,$4 Rale, Hearty and Happy, family going west on Tueiday. Next tala athW o supplied Rn, $4 and Worthy of Their meeting in Mrs Alex Brown's, south '-ilid ttatnaing sallie, $12 -, harles Country. of Salem corners. aie ,d 'a v ppointed cominissioner re pÂINE',S CELERY COMPOUJND Teachers' meeting of S S was held Mn l>riactaar îrstead of A Orvîs; Jas DOE8 THE QOOD WO& here on Monday evening to make fur- 7 i luibard lx- placed on the list of mdi- ther arrangements for the promotion of ,lits at $ 1.25, and that R J Prc Otspeddarietyo aainom the best initerests of the school. a,,t s eoriassîoner for saine, ate in unisurpased ina the world. Our Aseg odo on epevs loaad and bridge acceunts passed : run and women ahould be perfect ex- ited Mr Foley>s family and en Joyed a 1; a ar% s, '2 days shovellirig sinow on amples of health, vigor and strengtb. very pleasant evening last Friday. d>a iv 38, $1- W R ir-own,' one Unfortunat.eîy, we have tee muoh aick- Mr Alvin Orvis and fanîily took O.laaf stone 'delivered on Kinsale neas and diaseein our land. but it ià the ruial aateer los md3, on , $2;fault of the peopile, not the land they in the train from (laremont for the far Nla(t>t}îe lots a nd pairg ton cl habit. famed Wabagoon district. Mr Orvis .M;ttltýwBeebyrepiriig wo ul- To those wbo are ick and ailing we bas conducted a general store here for rt,; bat weerî lots 2-0 and 21, 7th and should gay, try what wonders Painese six or seven years past, and leaves here ai lso one on 8tb con opposite Celery Compound can do for you. Ita witb an excellent reputation, he being ut 2l, $.5 A Booth, hreaking 6j toise marvellous beultb-giving virtues can a man of sound integrity. Hia many J stauîe an Kingston roa.d west of make ou a nation of strong and healt.hy friends join in wisbing hia and bis [aurlartaîn, $32. 11 Levi Parson. people in a very shora time. 3 r)tois ofston wes of Paine's Calery Compound quickly ban- esteemed faniily every success. Ris aar'akiîg~ ~ tose f senewes ~ishea niervousnes debility, dyspepsie, brother Amos of Audley a]so accom- onîlîîiî 1 Kingston road, îP M)e lîver and kidney troubleit, blood diseases, panied him. Several other familles Wr iaa;lriaaar, supplyirag 6 toise of rheumatism ai1d neuralgia. his nature's will follow in the near future. qtaritewa-st (if I>uiaarton on King.ston apriog cleanser and healer. If you are M odadfrivhv oe ratai, Ï9 -10. \V J Reazin, 15 lbs wire not in sound health one bottle will quick- Rt hesodd. n ; fi he oe- spikas andal1l0 ias taf eut naills, Rlso '2 ]y convince yoo of ite great value and it b tr. W o idtecn lîac kt$60a John Percyv, pan power. "Paine*s is the ooîy genuine; venience of biaving the post office ini t-rî1a1iîad Piakering Village, $30ù. aee that you get IL. our village again. We welcome Mr Md 'Fie ollwig ter raied cm-Rodd and fainily into our burg and Me oC mîit tee to oppose the signature of the QREENAN trust they mnay lie se prospered as to Y t l,aautviikaîît (aa)ýeraîor of a iay-law pais- Mr. J. Tbroope, of Peterboro, visited permit their remaining here for years latnt sl Saai liv the aaîîîaty of Yaark, abandon- friends here the irst of last week. te come. Extra la lia thiîqtîawfîsliîî of that portion of Mr W (iulley, of St.ayner, is spend- Mr Geo Ayres bas for some time sdli tht Yaork roadats aria1 laradige situated in in, a short t1ine ber-e visiting witb bis been confined te tbe bouse owing te tinus tain rasbîp. The reeve, ir-st and son, Mr. Tbos Gulley. îles ~etutb îysob e s'ecuirial ad.put.y The coairiitîee ba .ve Mrs J Ewen, of Uxhridge, spent a stored te healtb. poawer to eîîîiloy cou rasel te assîýst few' davs the early part of last week MIr Orvis' auction sale was well st-- thaia isitin"* relatives'bere. tended and good pric-es were paid. Tetoiw1ajundtia Mondaay, M rheMle, fBloewsAriîong the mobt heavy buvers were ~2aî J arui, t 10~'caac a.tu. renewirig acquaintances in th e iaurjh- EER~~Y FAMILY liq a--(- rem&rkab1e remedy, both for ffl- t - ai la. adEXTERNÂL ne. anrd won- Là . iQui.ck action to t.ýieve die-eas. PAIN-KILL ER TI%.oai. Counb il1 11 e. Eiza.rrtara. DjNaiaery, <raam>4s lItID- ra4 a, 1,-1p'-,,w.qqe P in n Laitth or Sida-, (ttt-uilat"mKan nd Neuralgia. PAIN-KILLERB TnYN.E' a.u ric-at&iu.e u.. DiiA.Mvr ii-rtina,,Ir. f'rarner. liontrr. Salior. arid % fia iau a aa.-.- a.iî- Uhtlcjue t l ti-ai -1. a,, ai 'a-ateruaîàijaor extca-naily ua-.h 1411(7 ait a-va - D~L A %aim liiLai 5iid av" -..aae . u& ug aiotiîai. BRlOUGHAM The Township Baard of Health met bore on Monday after-Koon for the pur pose of receîving aud obeying au order fris tîhe Minîster of Agriculture, a% Ottawa. to place the Township of Picker- ing in quarintine as te prevent the apread of aheep acab. The necessary resolutioras wote paased snd the township is now un- deç,quarilitiie. 'red Wood, wbo did redlde on the 7th .onceueion, was receotly charged witîh having abused hia wife. [He wau brought bofore a magistrate aud the case was ad- 4 ourned. Thre prisotier gave bail for 200 te, appear on Saturday hast st Whit- by for trial. When tbe heur arrived the aooused failed te appear, and ut vws soon learucd that ho had akippod. His where- aboutas i nov muaih conceruinq his boidsmcn. A very happy event transired st the reaaideuoe of Charles A Barclay, on Wed- needayv, February 24tîh, when Miss Bertha A., daughter of the laie Ehi G. Barclay wae duly married toe]Robert H. Ramaoy, son of Joseph Rarnsey of Mark- hais, Mr Sinalea, of Mark hasa, acted as beau mas, while Miss Mildred White ,«t as brideamaid. Rev A McA uley B A, Pickering officiated. A large num- ber of frienda on beth aides vote presenti. À mulne bealth tai the rope by which ho oliiobe to succes». If be cati ksep bis bealtb, bs wil go on 10 siccoeas Yet bio besJrh is the vey tbiog be neglectra more than anyjahiug at,ge I& l îsauter to keep healtb than h jinici "egala ft. Wben a insu feels bimaiqef ruoing dowo. Wbsu ho realizais a Iou of viiality sud sero 9 b. nit aituîl a hat. The etrandseto lais rm are pataog rapidly. Dr. Pierm'a GoldBUModi@SlDiscovsery bausîaelped thon -sa1de -Nirfilejuat ibis condition. lix P'eà heaWa, iSken purs, îach blocié. i ortisu ont IàPsulMte-o sud killu germu. Ih doasot maka ssy di ffaieffl «bat namns you ciii your trouble a~5i#i*ii5lldissou, the "Golden Med- 1 Vîsiffl '!ùv l i r t abslutely. Nons 0j~4~ue ma noraai bold on the body jeleIi l ax icla, pure blood. $jo*.at utatupu teo crer ~S" of1 awu- seevs fraie a oopy of Dr. - p4ja Airser.Addrse. WorldYu ùwp*wq I7k um àclatlian, Buffalo, N. borhood durang last week. The old saying that " the course of true love never r-uns srnooth " is yeni- ied in our village of late in the case (if a couple who, realizing tbey wer-e of a rnarnîageaMîe jpge, and eacb one's partner ha. îng gone before tbem de- ter-iîined that tbey would couîfort each other ira their declining year~s and they were accordingiy nmade one. All was happiness for a time and then troubale begani to grow on accounit of certain things vhich be had failed to forsee. Things gra-dually grew worse uratil be at last determniined to abide no longer. In the cour-se of lime an un- derstaîading was arrived at by the aged couple, baving been belped by friends, and now they can ouly take pleasure Vîy looking back and tbioking, how happy tbey were during their sbort stay tegether before tbeir hearts were rent apart and -"boursted." Be- bold what jey and happinesa a good "match niaker " can bring te his fellows. Better tr-y and brighten the lires of sonie of our old bachelors and maida next ime. Don't try such old folks again, they are hard te pheasei yen know. A singing school is being organized ber-e tis week. We hope it may prove helpful te oui voung people. Mr. Adam Wal aç and Mins Minnie, only daughter of gr Joseph Stone, were united in marniage by tàe Rev R H Leitch on Wednesday of last week. We extend our hearty con- gratuhations. Our genial friend Mr Hugh Me- Mihian, of Toronto, was visiting bis many frienda here hast week. Mr and Mrs A Jemison celebrated their silven wedding on Saturday. A large number of invitations voie given and thene was a ver-y enjoyable tirne. Reeve J M Real bas moved babk on tbe faru again, and the late tenant, Mn P A Stone has gone to Little Britain. Viitors-Mrn 1-1 Brown of Sto uif- ville, Miss Edith Parker of Orihlia. Mrs A Gordon is vaisiting at Ux- bridge. The New Hook Spoon Free to Ail. 1 read ia the Christian Standard that Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A, St. Louis, Mo., would give an ehegant plated book spoon to anyone sending ber ten-2-cent stamnps. I sent for ose and fouud il in nseful that I showed il to my friende, and made 8 lu into boum, isking or dors for the spoon. The book spoon is a bousehold uecessity. Il cannot slip into the disb or cooking vessel, beiug beld in tbe place by a book on the. back. The' upoon ia aooething ihat housekeepers bave needed ever isce spooDs wcre flrst inveuisd. Ânyone cas get« a smple spoon by snding ten 2 -cent» et=impo S Miss Fritz. This ia a splendid ayt ruake money arond home, Igr R M Chester, a Wlnuipag sou 4 chant, hma beau mimsng dms edwmue syl Ho formorlPIli,"aila Torciatt 25 centars O arrl~I~awala art of Greenwood, Natban Richardson, Fr-an k Harrison and others. Mr Alfred Salten bas aise gone te, Wabagoon te seek his fortune. Al- fred is an excellent worker and will, if possibl, rake thing o The vote declaring local option in for-ce is said to lie voided, What will rîow take place 1XVill another vote lie ask-ed 1 If it be gnanted we pr-e- dict a mucb larger majority against tbe terrible runi traffic and its folhow- ers. IT STIIIKES HO-ME!1 Chaus. Outmnt Cures Al Skis Irrita tions. 01 the maaty ukin tllsea2ea, eczemik ia asie of the woyrst &r. ad most Cosamon. «r The one effective remedy no far diia- eo ve rd f or it la Dr. (Yn)§Ciitment. It rit han neyer be »n A dre w Aton. o" ORÀtzÂITN. HarAîand, N B., raye: "My little darghter. Grace Ella, a.ged tiirée aud a Selif, was a dreadfu.l su!- ferer from esina To-r throe years. We trýed a n-nnJer of alleged tureg aud cci-- Prr1 doctor. Sut ail witnout effect. fler*a vas in)deed a bad cas,?. Her little bod-v vas eit-rely covered vith rasah. Ore 4de- oaLr local druggint. Mr. Wm. E. Thisie. reconmended me ta try Dr. Chsa&ees Ointrnent. I dJd no. and fout boxes; effecte<i a complete cuire e.nd aaved our çbill4.' Dr Cbia.e'a Olinent la riet a effec. tire for piles, sait rheuzrs and itotes o! ail dascriptionu. For sale by ail d"eaw anjd Edmauscon, ]Bates & Co., manufactur- eru. Toronto ; price 60 cents. There le notbkng te equQiChaase@ Lin- seed a-nd Thrpentiane fer sevete col and lmag troubles. Large botule 25 cents. AWFUL HEÂRT DISEABE. Death Charaned Avay Undor the Speil of Dr Aguewvu Cure for the ffetat- More Wondotful Thau a Fairy Tale im the Siiory of Mrs. Roadheona, of Wihha- crof t, Ont. - Wbers disease bau afecoted the. houai the reanedy to ho applied muai b. speedy in its offets, ora&H may be bus. Mira Roudiionse, of Willscroft, Ont.. aya:ý "OCold eveat wQtahd etand out ini "et boade upon my face, IeQauseo of tin i- tense aufferiug froin heurt disease. 1. often flt that the disath ua a eIs vaa baud.. No medici-ne gave me - lpu , l used Dr Agnovw' Cure foer ho ,e r.In thirty minutes, the sovere pun»M s isoyed, and ufter iaking hiloeorb tW hn one boUtle the. troubIé bcd. v -lo 1 kuow nothiugffady" a& y- 'g ofillha.da SWEET CAP( 10e.o )RAL TllI We harve the Fineat 8014 ticita in tovu of thome ýRETTES BEAUTIFUL Ai WVAL L PAKPL11Ã"Y Borders to Match Per Package.f Standard of the World. KINÇJEY FOS. NEW YOIU[m 4 4 4 4 Pir I 'oc- IMERICAN LowEST CornUme arly and getjirat choi. P. B. WARAM, Bryan's old Stand, Brook St., Whitby DOMINION' BANK. Oapita1 Pald up, - $1,500,000 1 arp1ust - $1,500 000 Wbitby A genoy. General Banking Business Transaoted. SÂVINOS DNPABTKENT. interest allowed at hlgboui ourrent rat«a., No aotice of witbdrawal roquired E. J. THORNTONO manage FAIRBANK'S Real E8tate ' Column. Smuail Prame House and Lot corner of John and Byron streets, Whitby. Wifl be sold very cheap. LOTS-To be aold, lots 324 and 2,8, north ward. ROiUGE! CAST HOUSE-On Ash street, north ward, will be sold cheap. Cheap. A fine two story brick bouse, with brick stable*. Situated on Byron st.. Whitby, the finest residential street in the towfl. within thre.e minutes walk of the post office. There are thrce lots of land witb aiu entrance on two streets. House. in écrfct repiLir. For particulars apply W6 L.- FAIRBANKS, Real Estate Agent, Whitby, Ont. WUM, IIOSOR, and -YiTALITY RESTORED M 3$0 DAYS. 0000e IEOTS AT ONR&a-- OÂTON'S vIÂZ. 017115 18 Qiltoz ~DT~ CATON K)m.GO, Geo. Farmery in very loy. otage b bera I~' poe ud relwi Iva Erasoz bau gono te Toronto for a cdtiýQM idvdalI tisas. b ubjd"sam.suaia Dr-Terrier, ofToronto, ia visiting bis ibees boffieu, l avq brother-n-lawJ. J. BeIlMot o<> -L ff Mme Book of Jordan,îu on a visit tc> fanioerea ".toç her parents, Mir and Mnr D. Hoover. Mr O'Oounor ugain ocoupied the upt ~ p ut the baptilt church Saday sirotaig. t.o- The Miem oa lohuon, of Mk ir~ vere visitiug ut Jno. Leouurd's over Suai- Bertha Hoover, who ham a- niontha aiay at Jordan bu grxive4 .hoie. the, lteapr Uit~r and mîI' 4ce :of day lt bo a ider-ftaqa Pl oucher at Douulduc'a P àwOIE. Hessclal I"L Honestly made of pure Rubber. îranj2yThin, Light, E1astic, Stylish, ielled each Drbe a fit ail the &hoe shapes. thick blI ub r ce R l).é Sold evcrywhere. They Wear l1k. tron. --WAO The Slater SIiplelss Shoe!. -i- 'Sole of rubbcr, vulcanized on, with - insole bf Dolbte lIUL-never sip- tough, and absorbent. Th-,tipper of Jwater-proofed, tan colored, Harvard caif, or bia.ck Alumina caîf. Goodyear Welt -Ii-,ht-weght, stylish and 'sarm. Springy, elastic and easy tothe foot. Rubbers or oveishoes needless. ~zSIater Slipless Shoe. M. W. COLLINS, SOLE AGENT FOR WHITBY. Wood% rnosphOdIl.-Tm Greatl En-gUwbesk y oomukUS tbat Wfie0msaaprmpr uMd pumsen tu aolna tcgeit .S«wW Pdfidy, 4huieorZwaa, Hre..,Wmàmw, -FRiu*w,;emUI Wapy, wEmmiveU« of 'Opium, Tsow, orA 41c.uileSZ U>,etc vblch munlaméto Inemnhy, Oomirnpdcm MdéMau enIypav& - obd' BOmTM9PhSphodinsbus baSaumd mmcomfuyy hudrobsof eu.tmm ses aimout hopehsm-oesothatbad bea U tedaby the oaettaburted phyl- claaa-oau staweon th ves ofa mn --Oamta toUftlg oTSthe grve-bat vitb the cootuusé »4 orerlg.f Wood, "e Phosphodin «m thu staihad beau gironup tadie . ! reUmdto tmanly vigor udélds-Eaader y= ssci f=t deepelr-no Maté W . ter who bhm gtvS u upumtarIiiab-4be ra«y 18 now wSthla you reacb, by lis um eyo m u ce o t ta to c ItoUtumuandb"pPiI Prixoa w packmgaSi; uzxpackageu. $P; bymail freo of age Ou, wwU pimsedruwatmd Ioorw., Pumplbfreetoauy4édu., l'h. Wood Company, Wluidor, Ont., C*sda l WeedaPbjoebw » muby reoIwbopa1 airaai rml#tis5aliL.â 1311,11,1 , amcimt ààýýAýA CIGA :-: PRICESP

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