Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Mar 1897, p. 6

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8ouLt& Ontarto COnsorvaVU. peopie long enougb. Diffme.. of opin, -- ion £oung the Oomuarvatives oaned Lhem- te be.e the lust eleotîen, and belU.ved Mr Tii. annual meeting of th. BoUtb OnW Smith sbould noi attribut. too mucb In- tbn!Q GOliaerva tives vs. beld hffl on portaioto be is defeat>. It is organuation 8ai>urday lut,, Preaidont J L SmithA OC that ig wanted. Lot> it ho kuovit that *U1pying thesohair. the. Grita are to b. defeated, and let every The. followiDg list of officers vs. eleot mani go tu wor.k openly to bring about ,ad for the year: President, J L Smnith, shat end. Letf the figbt b. fair and open let vice, J J Rare ; 42nd vice, Wm Real ; T1h. great battes.of England vere won 8rd vice, E J Wheeler ; sec., Jno Burs ; by boid fighting. Put up a Rond can trou., J H Long. Cbairren-Wbitby didate, and every man i ght for hien te town., J li Dow; Oebawra, Dr Kaiser ; he end. Or ancesr.ore 'pilt their blood WbiÎtby tp, John Brigbht ; Eu&î Whitby for the rights and liberties that bave been tP., Bobt Hodgson ; Beach tp, Oco quietly and systeinatically taken frooe ne Brown; Pickering tp, Bobt Miller; Port by the. local goverriment, and we muat i>erry, E Hi Purdy ; tScugog, W R Ham nov fight to geLtbem back. Mr. Wmn. Smith, ex-M. P. was the Dr Willonithbv M. P. P. for East Nor firi speaker. Hie reviewed the eventa oi Lhumborland, Raid be could coneur ini the past year, Biowîng how the two greai vha' Major Hughes bad aaid as to Mr p)oijijoal parties had changed sides of the Smitli'e high standing in the Conservative lieuse dnring tbat Lime. The Liberalo party. Many a mani had been allowed wonld ineet parliament for the second to fail in aset election for the. want of Lime in a few days. Before attaining united support, and believes that if the power they had prolessed to, know ex--lue elections vere W o b fonght over actly what changes in our lawe vere nec- again Ma Laurier wonld not get a major- eseary to the cou ntry'@ welfare ; but now ity, Beyond doubt 75 per cent of the1 thAy have commissions rnniig tiîrongh peoule of Canada are protectioniats, and1 the oountrY trom tbe Atiantie to the leel that tb. country was weil governed Pacifie seeking Le find sowe excuse for fur twenty years, Five years of power "ta it May be ascrtansd ln TortemS bo t>he votéesancast TbîalJOdon$alla in bis riding a statemeSt vau band.d round uhowing hov ev.ry ballot vas caut. Succession taxes bave been instituted, te rob the. estates of dec.aaed people, and direct taxes wiii soon have to be ievied upon those atiil living. A change bas got to corne, and 'a change wiii bring cbes.per governinont.- J H Long said à few words for the Eqnal Riizbts Party. John Bali Dow aaid ho hsd rather ses t he ConservaVive party in opposition than cntting the figure nov pretented biý the Liberals of Ottawa, in svahloving ail their professqions cf eighteen yearm. Their position is oefs esetbing incon- sistency. Roevvr, the course for Con- servatives to pursue just uow ià te unite and strain every nerve te upset Vhs Pro. vincial Lîberals. A conviction ie settiing on the mmds oa the people that we bave bad local Grit rnis far tee long, Official- isi ehouid b. attacked fîotm every side Se groat is Lb. Grit machins at Toron te that the GovernSent itseif bas bocome poverier-e lu the hande cf the herd cf office holders. lie mov*e a 'Vote if thanka te th-e tpeakerg makîng &Ome changes te make goed gave the' Liberals a terrible defeat and Arthur Jobnpto tireir pretensmeus. As te bis ovu defeat wiii do so agamn. Mr Laurier in power ID speakiog cOf 0 Jis did net attribute lit eutrely te a dare net put in practice asaingle meaasure Çoarva'tives mu change in political sentiment. Ti-hé e .d sdvecated in Oppositrion. Do ve bave te organizea 'voters' liste were favorable to biia, so bear anythmng nov Of' the everlaiýing littie village, not fat as he could judge after msuy yesrê dingdong about tres trade ? Net a vrdi eud cf the Proving i.peut in dealîng wîth suci uia.ters. ButTbis local Couserv-aiives have issu in op Grit official isenet 1 t bsppeued that the office of county position 24 Yeats at Toronto and itl i ig tho e pe8i registrar beruare vacant sbortly betore imue for a change. It bas excellout Grit rnis. They Nltjfand Mr Dryden bartered anul leaders, snd nov i8 the Lime Le make thlt in logions. The1 Picld it viiere it veuid brin-thie most winunig figlit. In 24 years the Liberale Rang, and iL viii t mouey. This formed the nucleus of a have é-xhausted nearly every cent cf tht ouat thein ail fror large fund l i!rb bad been used te defear $4,000)1(>O >t.bey found 10 ipte treasury The vote cf ti bima. Ilid the election besu proteste(] wliu tirai attained te power. Wheu M r the meeting adjoi lie vas prepared Le prove this, and if Mr Mowat loft the bendi te assume thre he Çrreen sud Lbg D)ryden wouitt.goeure a royal nou.r misson prtwiiraiip he made Lb. aatouudîug as ire voulut prove iL yet. be8idea t hisa, he sertion that lire hisd lest ne political belreved a good msany cenriervativeis had tinonde whiism ou tire beucir Nei;bme- proved untrue to tiroir colon oun the daý lias Lre lest suy yt. A@ a poitician ire t-f bati le. Tir-y assted te put a candi bas used ail the rasourees cf the Provin1ce ro -laie in tIre 6il, lut .1,1 not stand b', for a qnarter of a century te snrronnd r t 11111. Sîron tirey WOUIli ie calied uipen himgicif vith s legion cf psîd officiais vire tr, select s candidate tL'pO :Ir Mc- r. oulu figlit bho oteusibly serving the fiçid, tti'eir hbvieveq thât if a blitacne couintry ru corne capscity creaied for m !àsoslecteul îri-y viii wrn a great vuc -tlrr, but wiro would really ferin a ma tory, for tire peuphle are réady to Bay t, chine te ruake lhis cause succeasful ai- ire Hlardy fajurinistratiou tirat tteiî vurys. -3O of trese [raid agente averni long Vrni of rule sud uiisruie is aisus t.hie couatry, evervons cf tirsi contin- ls Tire electors sre roady to ruse in tiroir ualiy shoutîug about vbat a purs anti a îriîj'ht sud put an end te the scandla oum igooîl govornurent vo bave iii tis ro- b ctfiu-rlrsrn witlr wiich tire I'rovînrce is truc.-. Tfil cry ef purity and goeu-- ruled Tire <Ontarro Goverumt -t aimt, lias hecoîrue naubeating. Wby, thebt t to hrave as urplus, 1,nt ne inu au pul ui rsts brave robbed our ceuurty ani. Ch bis iranul upon sa cent of it. townsip counicîlesud scirool boards or oli Mrajor Sam Hughes M P. sard seme ev."ry particle of povi-r, aud yet the crý y-i mnomr or se ago tire Cotiservatrves bad g.'ee on virat vouderful muen tbey are hi dîvideu tire Province inte district@ f r Thie fact. ia tuey arte cunntng sciremers there a tend prîrposes cf organizatiou, aud lie iraî rlire enservattre parîy demanda thar hot rb been aelected as chirîuan cf tire Muuland pawer b. reatoreul to tb. counties and troto district. Hee irad very inucrl legretted tî; vushipa te bandle their local affaire iL we.ak lungs? Mr- Suitirs defeat, as ne ooevtieteirr ev interests, sud net be tyranize. sister, parent urember in this Province had licou belit over by a set cf GOnt officiais. Mr Hiardy ha.d consumpi rIngier in the e8liimation cf tirs rerîer nover was beardl cf belore as a stateisman, f amiiy ch. inembers tirsuho.re. leisconifident thst buit nov tirat ho bas aseumsd tbe. succes Stnghni iait tbe Couservative gevernurit-t be-n sîrîn tIre oid Onit cry cf adulation je beiuý EMULSoN sustained Mr- Siibi wourtd Lave heeni barped abroad h y tire officiai horde aboutH Mîneto o Agicltue c-eno. wvîat a great saui good mnulie is. f're with H Nfsau rofn il tures voî oru.setrvieus to n -w he bas been aîmply kuovu makes rich o two liecome promineni, as su oîectionas rMetaWke Paur. i and vigor to vould take place. The local goveruireni Rose is a plausible but very dangerous, run-4own cS Ras at uc-osent constituted is 1l ,b ilepu blic speaker. As Minister of Educa îi id te SI of a niuibrorfe very ordinary mou, si eieu be te supreme boss cf Vhs job an acute coug. Mu.sqrg Parulce sud Frazer bsd dîed an makea the best of Lhe position. Our vents the chai Mc- Mowat liad gone te Ottawa. Tire tmuchers are reduced te secfdlom by holàid w m Ontario Goverumeut vas carnied ou tac- mg eut tie hait of patronage Vo thoeain mu the soie purpose of pcovdiug moee evec-y direction. Tihis enables Mr Ros, Fr sl yHdu enongîr Vo psy tbe salaries of tire 300() te mn everythiug to suit biwsolf, andlire SOTT & B0 officiais wvirh heu been appoîuted in ail ac'uPiles at notbing that viii maks hay parts cf tire Province, sud virose soie for bis part-y. 95 per cent. cf our ciîd beusiness îe te perpetuate Grit paver. srnuevsr go turtîter than the public Evec-y cid or bey or girl vire viabea togeccl, yet the virole maeiîino je run for ]KABY pasesau o exarninatxon in scîroci bas La Vie benefit c f higi sciroois, sud as a re psy $1,.or 3, or 67 te tire goverumeut suit our echooci systeut bas become tol'A LrePecn anîd its cîunttes hec-de of satrape,until t.iavy. The hîgi echeel je tire pet hbe A LaePerce lastyeac- 833,000 vas dcaiued ont cf tbe cause every piipil there can ho laid undet CHopenofSif pockîs f por sn-ler, e sw.î iretribut. each Limelire or asevishes te e oehfFit furnîl.Ts o o ta ns $700 more tia hLe examiued, and tioe eexaminatiena art- OCa tarha.oe Minigier cf Eduictron couul find any ex nofe inodvde st aî o.u Through This.E case te equauler on iris pets. sud va MrfeHos. beog turneul inutir te ciranueis cf genersi I)r-McGiiivrav-Ovrer $400 vas col- SMr WHandBert goveru tuent. The people cfLtins Province lecteul in examinatian fees in thre town ai oSie of ud oro biave aiîned et a free publice choot sdn- Whrtby îaët year. sHoaue, cf ommeo cation viricir shall so auvauce boys sud Dr Wuiionghby-Eiuctly. And every Agueves Catarrha gir-l as te gris c-sutee tiroir education cent of it is Lalion eut 'of ths sitrnggiing rernedy bas dons vîtirîuit morteagrng tire tarin; but Lie young men and vomen of thoecctuntry. ins iL le doing fa- proscrit systetu denies thein this rigit If a secret ballot coould ho taken among public and priv. It i. an arc-an gFd tiat ail tire educational tire cochers of tire country Mr Rossecirer. With coldi faciliires are ru countmes, sud vbeln tire voulu receive a sveeping condemustion. mediate relief insig eirddreu are sent away ta tiieee central Educatron îhould h. remcved from t-hs a littîs pereeverai or mugir eclîces ey neyer cerne back tô anena cf politics. and aivsys il in etier ef al its trouble. Lire farina. Tirese igir seools are cun en Provinces sud euntrios. Mi Dryden to uaead proc a set cf reulrations sulijet te suci rcuns a very expenarve departmeut, and effeets. Sold by J changes vsekiy as Mayîyfiuit tire polîtîcal ho doubts if ailtire rnoney is weil spent. or ether s7tus cf tie Miuurter et Educa- L'ust spriug Mc- Dryden vent te Algoma E tien sud trie frueude, audlire vould defy and tiarted s nov settlemnent, vbere s lot auy iead master te Bay teulay tîrat lire cfir personal frisuda are said te b. liv- Visitors.-Mis f rilv underataude Vhs reRnlatiotrs under ing sicaV comfcrtabiy at the expense of Raglan ; Mr. JE( virich lre me îeacbiug. Mr- Dryden, as the Province. As te thre usefuinese of thbe Mr-. J. Osborne, 1 Miuiîtr cf Educatian, is about as esick1 Agricultural coliego at Guelphr b, may Worden, Courtic ne tbey make 'sur. (Laughton.> Mc-. say that three pupils vent tiero frein E Drcyden can travei furu ber ou leut ahilîty Northnmberland. One nover pnrsned Brooklin. than auy min ho (Hughres) ever knev. fsr-ming afuerwards ; auctîher came bsck Meusrs. L Nid lis vouid ask boy nrany asi good farinersasu ruiued bis fat-ber trying exporiments, visit.ed Toronto Is and as giftcud men can ho torud' inn the ater viicb ire vent te Toronto and left meeting. Speaking geueraily he eaid thetthe old man te psy thir tes.a abatire Mr. Arthrur Mi ,on secinded the motion. organisation ho Said the 3eV net forzet vhat Vhs> againet. There às fot a a cemnmunity frein one ace Vo the otiier where ai )t daiiv engaRed in whjip into lins to perpetuate have officiais and apies Pro viOc6 pays the whole take a rniglrty battis te )tu office. bhatika vascarried. snd ourne-d with cheers for be leaders cf t-he psrty. dency to cou bs, rn.(chWaltroubls ? Has a brother, tor near reltive >tioný? Then your ain is weak. t. Taire SCOTTS of Cod-liver O0 Cphosphites. It od, glves strength >weak [un es and yTstesn throws off and cokis. It pre- Lin f rom breaking. Syou a bock about tu, -ggisis ei 50r- a=d $1.00 )WNE' Beievle. Ont rVIGTIMS. age of Mlembers in the Fr froni Catarrh-Tbe FFound in Dr Agnew's ider-They Tell Their 4Succesaful Recovery Rtemedy. nsut, Member for Est ty-nine others of the )ns, have, over their own of the gond effects of Dr kai Powder. What the for these Parliaientar- )r thensanda cf othera in ste life the Dominion in the head it giveaim- gid. cf haif an bour, &fxd tee quicliy ridp the head IL i. easly and pleasant daces no hurtful after J E Wilhas. ri1'ELD. is Lila I-,tzzlewood, lodgson, Port Perry ; Bowmanville ; Mr. A. ce; Missa(C. Knapp. idery and F. Ashton last week. IcCulloch has inflam- L8fli. ïn, who bas been an the 8th con., bu t of «en at Wiifred, was irrbus cemetery on 27th. la wili likeiy have a ampton checa. factory Lcoli Oshawa, wiIl tStinday. aurnithed music at the, n at tii. paletial regi- I umotuona mnne were treatied. Much ty ,othe worthy YoUns bete artsy tin power topes tp.so Oi eetruhteousytsttii«a r trench itsîttbm.t heston andS carth con. .b--ig ce redý-on 'w-~ fe ad 1J' 2 bined wS ihardly1-ovsStm i nif.'ee- rme d4 soul stand Soo long , The eursp servatlve.-Party -bas lways Opposd rvioji'aeoft, t. e, e rîel officialisi,land;vii iniako thai;*h. load. andit-ed, ma«' eri.they priâtedin d-tailt RseCïood will M-na ay.coat r.~~o 0 blysrad w oaxe st as >I n.# ay- hai li[àberals o coo~*~ ith'n- "av r urebelbssgs t6 ipipioib miens. revenues ad #ttOOOlOOilucasth s ik Drp~IIOi8ts4tb as tîwîrpis f s~.~ ItJ, t~hs. 4ibera1 mbos rgôf, ttée00 'sort té dirbt twwtUbi-n.'It is tii. sane ss* . Pu b ~1 b ý4 ho ,_qndéi Grh'wut tthe-other PFrvinces. bt ïiuot or -MyI*d ei'e~ ti o*t.reunof Ofifflisli. .ramentsumppo e1II ~4 ens iw taafoou 'Q' rtj~ 4i! - -i 0 com",-the. 40èUoti .v MU RRAY LANMAN'S FLORIDA WATER PE. RFUMS, E8FRFUHE-,-",O SUERAI DEALERS. X&VDON. Albert and Normian Pickard, New- castle, visited Mr. D. Brokenshire Su nday. Miss Sac-ah Loekhaî-t, Bovmnanv ie, visited ber unîcle, Mn. T. Gilders. Mr. and Miss Wbitem-idge ver- gurcsts of Mr-. J. Moore. The leazue freihec-e inteud visiting Bethesda League Fniday ev.ening-,. Mrs. .Johni Rundie is iînproving '11 heaith. MIr. Chas. Brown bas heen under tire Dr's cure buut is imrproviug siowiy. Mr. Thoq. Brninacomube is î'ery iii. Mr. sud Mrs. Cephas Mount.]ON have bteun visitiuîg in Mariposa. COURTICE. Visitor;.-M.Ilss Sirort, of Miss C. Littlejohns; Weisi, tovn, at MN. J. Ms>'t St.acey, Oshawa, Maud Oke. Foie>', guesi. Miss Malie! Oke's ;MISS visited Mi&- Dc-. Marvmn viii preach te chiidren Solnda>' nioruing. Ail conne. Speciai uissienar>' service Mardi 9th, at Ebenezen at 8 o'ciock. Miss Lanihi>' and otier outside talent on gaged. Ligbt refreshîneuts. Directors of D. U. C. Ce. ineet at Mt. Carsweii hall, Marcci 2ti to arrange fer iaying out routes, iiring dravers, etc. Any eue interested in sendiîîg a pound cf milk is invited. The Sons had a ver>' auccess.ul con cert lasV week. Mrs. Geo. Morrow, vho bas been ili for s fev veeke is recover in- nicel>'. We extend our sympathies te u oid friend R. B. Watson on the deati of bis wife. A HERnO 0F MAGDALA. A Chat Wlth a Vote-s.n Who Was In tihe Mqemorable Battis, British vaior ta tthe tireme ef many a thriiliug sec-y and stîrring sang. Mr. Gea. Kingston,- et 136 John street nantir. is one of Hamiltens beat knowu veterans. A mani of martial bèar- ing. magnificcut phytique snd genial persan- aliîy. he is a splendid representative cf tire best class cf British soldier. 're cor reporter Mr-. Kingstou readily gave an interview. With ail the pride cf a citizen cf Liai empire on which the sun neyer sets, Mc-. Kingston said: - I amn n Devonshrire mani, bei-n near tihe banks cf thre Teigu. I entered thre Britishr army ai ig, sud served fountoru ye.irs iu lucha. Was tuh the Abyssinian camupsigu. sud fougir ai tire sterming aud capture cf Margdala, King Theo- dores straughold- Hera thre king sud mun- dreds cf iris ac-my feIt Napier, thre 'He- ocf Magdala vwas created Lord Napier cf Mag-. dala fer iris splendid suvices. Afier tuaI c-e- turned te Oid Englaud. remaning about five yer-e wien I vas aga'in sent te thre sunny soutir until mny 2u years' sec-vice vas nearly up. Tirai is thre place te get kiduey and Lilver troubles, aud I vas no exception. I vas sent as au iuvalid te> the Netly Hospital for iuvalld soldiez., sud fer months vas a suffering iniate. flnaliy being diseharged as-a hopelessly incurable invalid. Two year-s after 1 seiled for Canada, snd have suifai-ut more or les. ever since fron thie constant miissc-y that kidney trauble entaiLs. P¶ercing pains iu thre batik, headaches sud urniydifficuliies vers seldori absent, se that :iren noticed Doanna Kidney F111 advertise- ment I zot a box fi-rn i Zmmernians drug store- kelief canne frm tire mast fev doses, sud before I1lied Leken tva boxes, thlseins bail leif my batik sud I fout IiI& a a ov man. -I consider Doan's Kidusy Pills avwoederful mcdi- cins. t-le nmore ao becainse i-ny ca.nplain vould Dot yild ta tire siU of tire best physiciens In one of thbe gi-estest hospitals iu Quseen Vlctgscsi' dominions. CoùtinuigrKingscomsadt Ilcsnrt- comiemd t Meu aaquick cure for kidney týrouble Istlesltatea. lovcould I do othervise hen tliy have giaS >me bsck tise besitir snd vigcr oflong agl"' -FOR-SALE BY- Chemist and Druggist Brox* Street, WHITBY. Brookîju. Office heuirs 9. a. i. Whitby. Sit lor-The DivWsionCouUt. OO)UNTT 0F? ONITABIO 18m. Wintiy-. 0 Madonll.WhlbyClerk j&nn ; Feb. 3; Xgrcb3; APril 2;; Msy 9; June 2:- July 7flop. 2;Vot. 2; UV. 8 Dec. 2. OSÂWà-]D. C. iMscdonell, Whitby, Clerk; Jas. ; Fe. March 4; April 8; IMaY 4 June 3 JuJy 8; sep. 8; oc$>. 8 ; Nov. 4; Dec. 8,. 9 leon Genod BIROUOHÀ1-M9 Gem»,Gsiiod Cierk[._J5i 6; Marohb; àMay 5; .lnly.9; sep. 4;Nov. 5. F05? p355 - J W. Biirnham, Port Pemr, Clerk-JaI. 29; Xsrch 9; Maey 15 July 20; Sep. 23; Nov. 18. Uxsswoz-Joeph E. Gould, Uxbridge"' Clr-Jan. 80;liiarcli24; Mayl19th;,JuI 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. C,5fI;lqgToi<Geerge Smith, Cannington. Jan. ai; Match 2b; &iay 20; Jnly 15; Oct. 15; Dec. 17. BzàvBRTDNGeo. F. Bruce, Boavertoil, Clerk-Mareb 26; May 21; July 16; Oct. 16; IDec, 18. UrTaov%-T"os P. Hart, Uptergrove Çlerk,-DdatVh 27; May 22; luIy 17 ; Oct. 1-s 1Dec 19. Thor Neyer FaiL-Mr. . Bourbmer, Lsg ,vlses: "For &bout two yeasaI wu troun b v th nvrd PAis, but b Pss-M.Iee's Pille, I vas coanpletely cuzed a although fonr years bave elspus<i ince thea tbee, bave not reinued." ParuieleesPille are &nti-biiondrani s apecifl for the cure of Liver and Kidoey Comiplainte, Dyspepuis, oa;sive- nesa, Hesdaohe, Piles, etc., snd vii reguiste tibeometions sud reniove &il bilions mstter. itgat. JOHN B. FAI&EWELL, Q. C., Barrister, County Crc.wn Attorney, anîd Coanty Solicit.or. Office- Sonîh VWing o1 Court Blouse, W hitby. JAM&â iRUTLEDGE, Barriater, etc. Office f ormeriy occupîed by Farewell & Rntledge, next iloyal Hotel, Brock St., Whitby. DAVID ORIKD5TON, B. A., Attorney-aî-Lsw, Solicitor in Chancery, Gonveyancer, etc. Office - In the Office Sonth of the Poet office, in lMeMilansg Block, Brock Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SMITH. LL. B., tiarrister, etc. ,-Money to Loan. lanner A Marriage Licenses. Office - Smith'a Blocki, Southi ef Market, B? ock St., Whitby. DOW & IMc(~iLLlVRAY, arr-istere;, Solicitors in. Chaxicsry, etc. Office in Mathison & Bawken'a new block Brock St.. W hitby, aouth of Ontario bank. fuafratel Ors. Warren & Moore. J. J. Moore, M. D., F. Warren, M. D. ler, Cotrk ofithe Peseif. October 7th 1895. New LIvory and Sale Stables Dundas St., Whltby, Office heure il a.m 1 . T. NEWPORT, Proprietor- te il s.m. te 2 P.m. SPri'cle Telep hone Com'muricatlon. D. P. BSOGART, r..LD5 Physicari, Snrgeon sud Accoucher, etc. )ffice sud Reerdence Doxt te Att Saintsr Churcir, Dundas Street, Whit.by. N B.- Dental Surgery lu al iLs branches promrtiy attended ta. Or. H. Wîghtman Z9ENTZS T Over GProBSs& GraMgr's. WM-tby - 9lýe Op@on ever>' Bauurda>' nigrt. W. E. Y ARNOLD, 1. L. S.. cuonty Survoyer snd Drainage Engineer, Port Porc-y, Ont-. WU. CALVERLEY, HABits. MA.Kxa, WRHITE?. Having moved juta aur- nov promisesvs are prepared Vo ex tend tirs rangs cf business. &Il vork pertaring ta Vhs hsrnsss-makiiig amd aaddisry business viilbo done te satis- faction. Collarss a pecialty. Cal and ises cny ehap and stock. W. CALVERLEY. Second doar veut of old sirop. Dundas Street, Whitby W. A DAMS, CýýDENTIST. Roemus avec- John Ferguson's clothing store. Residence-Ne. t, The Tac-race, Byran St Whithy. Jan. 29th, î896. LIFE INSURANCE. Ma.nufacturera' ILifé & Accident Insurence GJo., Toronto. t.argost 0 apital Stock Lite6 Insurauce Ca. ou tire continent. Niuety por cent. aoail acoumuistions ai murpîna is rot-nrned ta the polici- baldol A-il aais sare paid vithout delay or discunt on preof ut desthl or mat-urity ai endovmest Feb. lot., 98. J. B. POWELL, Agent, Whitby. Commercial met liberally desit vit-h Teaming done at resanable prices. Freight and Baggage hauled st tessoni- able prices. A osîl aahicited. 10. DENTIST. Cor. King & Yongc S3t. Toronto. For tire noit three mont-h. I arn giving slpecial attention te, patients f rom a dis- tance. Amnutill, makiing plates in rubber- $8, celluloid t10. Golld sud silver filling venr crovning by firat--clasi operatore aS Lire moet reasanable rates in thre City. When in tire Cit-y eau in and let me exam- ine y et-et-h. I maire no extra charge. C.~ BrIGOS, Dentmet, sauth est corner King and Ycuge Stes., Toronto. Nov. 8th, 1"2. Wu H. WARNER,. DEALER 11Ç COAL, LATH, LUKEE. BMIIGLED, OOIDWOODY SLAB8, ETC. AGENT For the PEOPLE'B GCOAL C0., TORONTO. Office and Yard just East of' Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. ASK YOUR STATÎONER -FOR- SPÂRTICA, THE IW W=MO GPÂPEB TÂKE "NO OTH ER^ Augusi 3155 1893- c HAS. SCOTT9 AUCTIONEER; WHITBY.- ONT. The idersigrsed ep te -announes at hq. ham taken etblicou m s. oietrn,'n wlilbegilad-tifi 1 d9 firh'c91olpi nem- Biis bock vill b kÏpt at 1.15H. !Loûga offlé, vber ilhorntuMa.ay b lnerd.- C.- SWTT Wbutb. No, ag;~9.4 JNO. N~BLS, la a very remsrkable rernedy, bar.h far I-1 TEIRNAL sud EXTERÂL lise. vand w.- deriai la lt-s quik acstion to rtlieve distre PýAII-KI1LLERThma. o g i Chilla is Saî-rhoea. yNenmer7. traina 4Chotes., and aiU bew,1ci e..a4mnî. PAIN-KILLER ltTU'V4 e i4n i s t - Mes, <atsrh.SPrain lu Seve PàAIN-KrILne. R hum fre nd eu- Mutlsur. PassParADR-,TPr 1 P M -K ML 1 t .m!eI - of. Tii. Tovnship Board of Healtir r boe on Mondaiy sfternoon for tire p pose of reeeiving ýand oieyitig an or froni the MiniâVer cf Agriculture, OVesvs, tope. h. Tovnship of Pick mng m. quarimitine as-to prevent, the spa of sbeep ucab. The. necessry resolutir vote paSud sud t-hestownship i. nov e;dlvoo, who did reside an t-h. o0ncsson., vas receritly charged v having abnsedbis vifs. . ves abro before aý magiat-rate and t-be case vas jOured The. prisoner gave bail IOto appear on Baturday lait et- W hy for trial When tl, bour arrivedh soçused failed tno appear, sud it vas s leared Shat he had kipped. Hi. vw about$ in nov munchiconcerainq .&ieryhappy evoat trssired at reedence of Ctssrlce Baelsy, on W> P"sdyFebruary -24th, vien M -=et-sA., daugit-er cf t-he. te Eh Bareiy vas duly marricd te Robert Raînaey, soli of -7Jeàpk Ramsey of M bans. Mr Smalas, .f Msrkbam, &Cte besi mn, vue issMildred WL cSted,»sbridé#uiakL 1ev A MeAulsi sA, icker.ng officiated. A lgna rber Iffiedsobotit aides vereprs , a es ý e"ilsl b.ru ,vd) DBy ord ~en Shain The f amlly circ [ sneyer so happ y Iter the chain i1 roken and a lin k aken. Some f ami! y hains are strong Lhers weak. Hav,' ,ou a gooci f ami! - istory? Or is Whitbp qllrouick, EstablJshed 1856- 81 Per aUna-m lk&i sVsnce, othervifs 11.0 Ubmoiptois aiayupayable nt tise offce of pu-bllcation. ,The pubiisherr do not un8ertake t-o douteOr tise Paper at any poat oficee but WhitbY. ADy paper visici s »laterescbis lsdestination vil lie replao 14 uuon seaua a malter ci îOurtési. Atdvertlslng rt»su2uest.b cou- tract. ihicentsp -ie mmsIlItit. ollon, lans ent* Pet liii.essis aube- îW-AI chages foryi tly,>&verteiOtSt muest-be breugis la -ef>Dot, AorettishiTueida! JOHN STANTON, os as oe. m. wII:~x~I~ i Elae io a Pickering Oouncil. The ceuncil inet at L3roug'li Peb 22nd. Contingency eonsras~¶ SRiddleil, 812:6 ; W -) ('l'r iug, $17- 75 ;D1) I at',N. postage, $10, total ' 01) 1, three trips to W hiti ' rý scrutiny aîd essr .j. ,-- IR j Price, wood suj, j i dAO bard, $6 15 -110ho'. I)f lhu son, audito>'., Fiil. Indigenta u'p service-s as uuil-j n~ite z!lra 1-, ftarnuel Pi-'rmn, l fanerai of 1lii-' atte ndai ice. J . 4.M Pt 1tL and care off l r'.ir - , - Pengelly, wood sujif -j\f1 i W D Matthews, c,,i -.U -'l son and tea riiî1 i', saur l - 1 Lynde '.)e appoiîît-d r MArs-Proctor 1irote-ad ,f A Hubbard h1w placed ,ri tue-- gents at $1.253, an1 tihit 1, act as commnîssionî-r tor,;l Road and fnidge acîo(,u, A 1B Orvis, 2 (lays 'lî - road div 38~, -SI. W 1Rý1 toise of atone di-liv-nird -)ri road between lots itici :1. nr Matthew JJeelIry, npîrî verts between lots -'i)éird 2, 8th con, aiso one on Sth con lot 20, $5; A Booth, lireakuumcL of atone on King.stom rouil V. Dunharton, $3~2. 11,1L ý breakingy 3-5- toise of storue 9)nnbarton on kIingstýn roi,' Wm Gilmour, supplyruug 5 u atone west cf Dunhartoru on K;- road, $940 ;VW J Reai n, 1à I, spikles and 10 Ibs cf cut roais. pad tecks, $1.60 ; John P'-ru-v euipplied Pickering Vii iage.$3 The foUoving were iiared mittee te oppose the signature IÀeutenant4Go'.ernor cf a 4-1lmi sed by the County cf Yr.a- ing to, this township cf that JL.mrt the York roads and bridge situao this township: The reev.e, r second deputy. The comrnittee power te employ couiisel to them. The couenil adjourned to Mc., 22nd of Mardi, at 10 o'clock a- ESOLDKNOWA M IL le )Y is Lk [y gp ie [y is

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