Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 5 Mar 1897, p. 4

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YoII Can Rely upon the Purity of our Drugs and Chemicals ;tbe genuine-1 n 88 of our Medicincti. We exercise great care in obtain- ing the betit and only the best goods ini the market. Our Dispensing and Com- poundîug is always accurate and correct. FINEST NORWEGIAN COD LIVERP OIL. tr50v Cents Per Pnt'! J. E. WIL LIS, CHEMISI & DRUGGIST, MEDICAL :: HALL, BROOK ST., WHITBY.1 î Lrnh WHITBY, MALRCHI 5,1897. ACCOUNTS The CFiNICLE starta the year wiib ap goodly increase in ita lists, sud su ar oîr9 renewals have been satisfactory. This week we send oui renewal notices to as msany as we cou Id maniage, and hope for a prompt re- turTi h tco«S( money to write out al! iheqe accounîs, anîd we wîab ail ta understand thatc our object is to secure immediate and fuilt, temittances. Each person coiicerned wîll pleàsed noie ibis, a we do not do business for out beaiib. Rtobbery upeua obbcry For inonths past TFIE CHRONICI E hast been constautly warning people to beware ofthe mning sharca of British Coombia, and so far as our kuowtedge exteuds thei mdvice bas been taken Msiii these abares r rui be nelling sti. for the columins of thev big daities are stilt li of advertisements% exploitiug companies wbich have minesc abouit as vatuabte as a volcan o. ilowever, ibis week we want to poi. i out a new danger, and of a differe xK sort There ta scarcety a public man in the r country wbo bas not gone toto one of theese minîng syndicates and now ibey are flot 1 !.oîtifid witb baviug fieered the privatea purses of al Who bad aufficieut cou i lences ,iu tbem to buy ahanes because of Ibeir1 suppîîscd bonegty and respectabilty.a Aftet takiug iu millions of prvate monieyc for tbrîr wortbtess shares, they corne outt and demaud that $2o,ooo,ooo of public ttîoney shall be spent in building a raitway îbrougb the Crow's Nesi Pass in the Rockyt Mountains to their atteged mines. Beyoud doubi ibere are immense deposit.' of coal snd minerai in Brtish Coombia.t The coat bas been iocated sud is everyt particle owucd by specutaturs. The gold is kuowîî 10tohbe there, and probably wili be found, but nol by the ctass of fakirs Who gel up companies io rob the public.f .% by should we again mortage tt.is country to buîld railways in the west. We suk Siou î-x-*,ooo in the C P R for the sake of uuîtîîîg our country. If there are ricb spots ini the we't let tbe io'al governiments of the speculators Who owu tbemn mate the roads lu tbemn Apart from specultors tbere is not a man in eastern Canada Who bas tbe slighesi interesslu making a raitway tbrough the Crow's Neat Pass ini the Rocky r Mountains. The money tnight prcîbably be used t0 make a valuable road, but so far as tbe intereatà of uine-tentbs of Canada aret concerned the $2o, ooo,o000 right as wetl be stoteti or poured mbt the ses. Tbe acheme is being pusbed to enrich speculators who have no earthiy interest in the matter but to &pecutate on coad or gold thal either exiat or do not exist, and they don't care wbich. Froni one end of thc country to the other the people shoutd raise s storm of objection that would crusti this Crow's Nest scheme oui of every public mans ideas. Short N*i. An Alien labor law bas been passed in the Uatted States forbidding any reaideut of a foreign country rom workiug in the siates This affects a good mauy Canadians Who find work acroas the hune, sud bas aroused a greai deal of inîdignation, which will likely resui in a like law being psssed in Canada. In anticipation of such a mneasure it is stated that the large factories of Windsor sud Wslkerville have poaîed notices of their in- tention t0 diacharge ail Amnericaus employed i here' n. Worldwide interest is centred iu the great Corbeit-FitzsirltXons fight, which will taire place ai Carson, Nevada, on March 17th. The sîste legislature of Nevada bas passed a bill legalizing pugilism for the sake of the monev sucb contests will bring mbt the territory. Contesta exactly lite that ta corne où ai Carson, Nevada, are al- 1 .ed 10 go on Ir-.o-o-*-Bula Iv e- porisa e lieso odo su ln à- poobeand4 berforsm <roSi &. u airpiiken f .,te be t, The pmgxupb taim-Sad*, esseeehelw ta tbe bigbest bidden, sud the money paid oiver ta deféat tise conservative candudcale. lad tise protest againsi Mr BuruCtt' ellectlon been tieid ibis would bave been ubown to b. what was donc. Wetre s comnisisiots in local bouse te, en- q'sire loto ibis disgnace<ui afiair, lie wouid prove bis staternent to be truc." Such a mternent, contioued Mn Whitney, made lu public was a grave one, sud demandad attention. Mn Hardy said be had called the attention of bis <iend tise Mînister of Agriculture to, the statemenî, sud lbe (Mir Dryden) isad iold bum that ie be d wnitten 10 Mn Simitisenquiring whether the report gave accurately bis state- taenia or their effeci. There was n01 the sligisi- est foondaîton or s word of iruth in the state- ment, continoed Mn Hardy. as who kuéew tise Mînsten of Agriculture woutd betieve Evert up ta tis date no choice or selection hsd been made iu the filiing of the office and the work ouied¶to be cannîed on by tlie depoty. For- ther hie îhought it woold b. found that Mri Smith bad Lot made sucb a staternenl. Mn Dryden satirlihe dîd not beiieve that Mn Smnt bhad made the %iatemeut attrîbuted 10 hlm. lHe was a near neîghbor of bis (Mn Dnyden s), sud both wcre weil acquaamted wîîh each other. If he had made soch a atatement, tht-n it wasas most iufamoot planden, sud had ne fouadation whateyer. However, be uxpecîed 10 hean tram Mn Sýmith that he dîd out toîakr sucb anua&"Cr lion. Town CouneiL Met Monday uight. A petîtion of Mrs James Madili sud 102 it liens waa nead aking the counicîl îo passaa curfew byiaw. A leIter was read from John Blow, agent for the Hopkinis estate. enclosing an se- courtir on e6 25, being the damage inurred by some toafers breakîng one of îhe large glass windows in the front of John Fer- gosou's sbop. Mn Blow claims that the lown 15 nesàponsible. Coun Blow read a report fnom the îown pnoperty committce passlîîg the foitowiîig accoonts: M Coffey, io corda dry wood, $47-30 ; 3mo Blow, coal, fii1 28. The report was passed. Coun Smiîth read the report of the strerts commilcee coutsining the foilowing reconi- meudations: A Trebell, shovellîng suow, S,3-0 Wm Stinievant, iS cords atone $37.50, A Dewey, sboveliîng snow, $î 8o. Tenders for tumben, Geo Cormack, pîne, $12 95 ; cedar lio~,S, 1XI220ofilong 16,J A Huyt, pine, $15,; ce-dan $1o 74 . Grosa &k Graugxer, pine, $13 23, cedar $io. 10; ;ilmour & Co, pîne cut 10 the proper leugth Cor layîng in sidewalks, 813. They recommeuded the ten den of Mn Geo Cormack for pine ai $12 9_r, and that of Grosa & Grauger for cedar at $iolio Tenders for natta were received from C Fox, Gross & Granger, aud Hatcb B3ros. The tender of thc latter fir n was se- cepîed. The conîmnitîeealsoasked for powen lu boy uew kuives Cor the noad machine. lu nefereuce to the piue lumber, Coun Rob- son argued lu Tavor of Gîlmoor & Co's ten- der beiug accepted as it was only 5 cents iîigher iban the others, whîle it costa 30 cents per thouato1 get plank cut in sidewaik iengtbs bere. sud besides ibis ihere ta tbe extra cost of baulîug ît frotnth.F.mîIl hene tii the town ball yard. Court Smithî saîd the ;iimîor tender was not in accondance wîtb the adverîisetîîent. Coont. Robsoen said ihat made rio differ, uce, sud asked Coon Smnith if lie would ne-je-ct a better ofler if the huai- ne-as were bis own. Coun. Smith saîd lbe wooid sporn sucb an ofler. Coun Robson- WNell, 1 wouidnît. The tact is the committee cannot form auy ides wh t it wauia 24,0010 feet of pîne for, sud dare not non the rîsk ot having nt supplîed in sidewaik teugîhs. There la pine euougb recommended 10 lay s mite of sidew-alk 4 fit wîde. Depuiy Scott sai -hle woold necommend thai a good desi lesa be bougbi, no malter whai tenders ant acceptt d. He thought the commîrnttee ..houid try 10 gel alone wltb $i6oo ibis year The item psssed. Veny much the samie argument was repeated lu referetîce to the cedar scsntting, Court. Robson stîtl main taiuiug thai ihere wss too mocb of it. It will be observed Ibat the committee is onder- iug mnuch lesa bomber than ws rdered lu theur report sorte lime àgo. Court. Jackson read a report fron ire cnir- mitîce on fine sud water as follows : i nat tenders bave been received for hose froni three, Hatcb & Bro- Toronto Rsîbber Co . sud Gutta Percha Co. The kitid of bose wanted was aIl teudened for ai go cents per, foot, sud the tender of Hatcb & Bro, was accepled for i5o feet of the Panagon hose, wbicb la tic qualily iised by oun fine brigade liere for many years. The report aIso ne- lowed to sent hr ive alln extinguihers1 stilI fourteen cf tise petitioners have sent in a round robin ,ttatiug ibat they siguci under- standing tisat Mn McCourt would be appoint- 1ed. On tisese grounds Coun Bewell lheld 1tisat uhe councl could not Iegslly appoint -anybody eIao but Mr McCourt. Tise reeve 1read thse petition 10 show that il did noi state snybody's name as the one ta be ap tpointcd. [t la the business ar tise councîl le do the a ppoinîing. Ail -iat the residents oi etise fire limit bave authority te do i. ta ash us t0 appoint a man, sud Ibis council car attend ta tise test. The petiin shows ilsel ta have been signed unconditl- oually. Wt should coissider if as efficient service as Mi 9McCourt cannai be had for less môney. Hi e(the reeve) bas consulted Chie( Coustabli 1- Calverley and has iearned from hlm <bait hi ovwill act as constable durlug the afternoot suad eveuing, and as watcbmarà ail asîgis - 9$tS a montb added to bis présent malry e Tisis wnuld effect si saviug et $n8o per au 9num. He moved tisat the usme of Wn ýcCalveniev ise appointed aitishe salaty siated lt The mayor nsoved that <the comaniuet ise r- report procres ansd sk eave toluit again Car îd iema~-vI~e*knup nez -meeting, - émuj~% le IIII If yoo are contîemplating a trip toithe Gohd Vlîning Couuntry, please considier the menîts of the Wshash Rairuad, the short sud truc route vis Detroit, Chicago sud Si Paul, tu ail points in the Kooîe.iav District. Pas- seu5ens eaving Whitby, sud points west hy eanly morniug train, reach Si Paul udxt day il noon, whene direct connections is made for ail points lu the Gold Fields. Quiekeat and best route to Hot Sprngs, Art., Oid Mexico, Calîfornia sud att western pointa. Tickets sud limne-tables of ibis grear railway froni any R. R. aZent, or J. A. Richsard-%on, Canadian Passenger Agent, N. E corner Kng sud Youge streets, Toronto. Ont - Loan and Savlngu Co. Ou anothen page the report of the annual meeting of the stockholdens of ibis conipaîîy %alîl be fbond. 0f course thse shareisolders of a company are the parties moat inieneatcd Iin irs weltane, and it is always sale 10 say a company is well mauaged,*when the dividend seeking class is satiafied, but tbis company zocs unîber and publisises to the world cer- îified figures sisowing ciearly wbaî bas been donc duî ing tise year, sud wiui w-bai results. The depnessed state of agriculture migisi bave led one te loot for s very pour sbowing during ihe past year, but a dividend of 6 per cent. bas been paid, andi $2,.00 laid away. Tise Ontario Loan snd Savings Ce. las-w very prosperaus institution,' and ht would be far better ior many people w-ho are putting tiseir money ito mnug stocks if tisey could in- vesti h wlth ibis company. We cougtatulate tise company upon is strong position. Brdflant Couverait Ontario Ladies' College fat sutpssed Its previaus records lu tise billiaucy of is annual couversazione on Fniday nlgbî laut. Tise magnificent new- halls uupply thse immense amount of space se uecessary te tise success of great social fonctions, sud upon tisis occasion even tise added toomn was fully taxed lu forming a pleasure filId for tise mauy handreds wiso responded to the generous Invitations of the faculty sud pupils. A special train conveyed abut 2,50 of thse lnvited guesta troum Toronto, wiso were met snd couducted te thse college by the principal aud members of thse local =oa.'.Pincipall Hare, Lad y Principal Hare, Mise Wilsou and Miss Millet perform- ed thse couriesies necessry Lu tse zeception. Tise scene wihln tbe callege walls was lu great contrait vus tise wild state cf tihe weather outsl4te. - Wltisin al wua ligisî sud beauty sud merment sud music : outalde tise clouda lowered aud thse w-lad moaued sud the suow 1ew in &aIldirectious. - The illumination cd tise immense halls and parlor by thse new electrie llghi plant was scen lu ail lis btllliaucy for tise irst tinse. -The reception rcems, tise concert sud difulng balls, the. corrIdors--aU wetc a blaze of ligbî, sud were cbarmingly decorated vîtb glfowers sud plantis. Tise programme was alI ibstiles could ast. Jn tise concert hialltise nuimbers were gîveis at Intervals, alîernating witb tise promenadestu Trafalgar rcastle lit sdlUrs H M %bili, Toronto, MirA E I Jackson, of Vitoria Unlvemsiy,, thse lady vocallats of tise todlege, and tise mndolia aId gie clubs Of VIctri uivr i ty. Mm Bligisi as a Plaitenicys'a grea reputatiou, whlch in fuhy iye duledb ,tisai or Mr Bligisi as a vclshdterpross suces voeeteceived wih, ctcy on athl occasion. Tise college bov s-wre lvely and rsurptislsgly goad la tier musical effoata. Tisepî'oaenadiung waxt iled besutftlly'by' tie msc f oe 'Madr urboitrïa. rJCAUTIQN May be necessary when you are detiling with people whoma you cannot trust, but we have entitled ourselves to your utmost confidence, and if you corne to us %Nith your Eyes Shut we would treat you juet the saine as though they were Wide Open. It is this knowkedge which makes us believe that you still have strong faith in our ability to please you. BARGAI NS+-ý' - AV- Electro I>httt(. W-arc 0 à asisi ber. Thse town would be relieved of a goodly sum as a resuli. Court Noble bad donc rlght, and Rev Mr Manning had donc right la speaking of the malter ta thse con- gregation. Coun Luke rend a report froni the coni- mitiee on licenses recommendiug that H Walters be granted liceîîse for two billiard tables. The report was adopted. The reeve moved that the mayor be lu- îrusted to notify ail the churches in town of the desire of the counicil that the church peo- ple join in a grand concert or other enter- taiieut te raise funda te be sent te the famine stricken people of bnidia. The town, he said, shouid do somietbing to raise $ine t0 send ta ibis fond. Couti Smith said $2oo had been raised in Bowmsnville for the samne fond in the samne way. Many had contribut- ed fan more than the pnice of admission. The motion carried.' The council adjourned ati îr.5o. Easi Whltby Councli Couuci met Manday. A communication was read from J F Taibyn asking thm c,ncil toata tend a meeting on j0th i n<shwa te b. ad dnessed by the Provincial road intrucior; one front ReRistrar-General ststing be bas receîved the registration for t896; one (romi W 0 T U of Toronto askiug aid;-,eue (rom the Employec Labiity Assurance Co,; sud rom T G Goodma n pposiug change in bounda-ies of S Ss ; one troni1 E Beitcock re township radar for 1897 Mrn Go! moved that the reeve grant hiz ordt-r on the treasurer in asor Df Jas C Beacock for the sorn of $30 t. heiug full aumourit of couirlet for cedar fon 1897-carfted A depoîstion from b ;sa 5 sud 7 ..ppeared befone counicil ne boundar- tes of the@e sections, bol coonicil took no action Mrn Henry moved that the auditors' report be ne. cetved snd adopted, sud thati the auditors be paîd the soni of $12 each for Ibeir services, and ihai the reeve grant bis onder ou the tressoret for the same-caied. Mn Henry put tisrough a by law gi"îng the reeve Pndti reasonar power lu ,.unrow moneva Cur township purposes. Mi -tocks moaved that the reeve- grant bis order on '>e ineasuner in favor of Mn Power Con ibe surn of $70, being sany as coiieeor--c4rnied. Mn Guy ntroduced snd canned îbrough a by-law t0 Sp. p>oInt overseens of highways, poundkeepens etc F-he by.taw wass nead a first sud second tirne sud aid oven. Mr Henny moved that the neeve .rrant bis order ou the Ineasoner in favor of C F Nicholson for $12 75. balance of puinting con- tact--canied. Mr Guy moeved thai the council %ccept the tender submîitred by the commitîeen fran C E Ntchotsoti for township prnnîg Coi he suni of $38 75 for one yean rom date-car. rîed. Mn Stockb movrd théât the re"v granl bis ordrr the tressuren for the followîng accounîs- G M Ashley, re!ief of 'Vis C-aude.1 Sie; R Hi nlungoe, relief of Wm Davis $3 23; A W Fane ..eii, retief of la@ Hobtxs, $6 55 ;Mns lobn i>ngle, relief of Ioe Abranis, $3 50;, Mrs Bon ý'oyne, indigent. 83 ; Mary McCanthy, indigent, . las Hobhs, indi1gents,. $3 ; n McK;iv, med cti ex 4mination Mns Wheeier. $S, Dr Hoig. d $4. The coonicil then adîîonned to mecl ot Ibe- "ast lsuuaîp in Apnîl ai on ociock p ni. Wm t>usiv&s, Clent. Wh*:iby Town Loosis. Miss Beatnice Danînell arnived home on 'Saîurday lasi, asuer su absence of about two nontba witb Guelph frîends. Hockey match Satorday afiernoon be- weeu Upper Canada Coilege Il sud the .V'hiiby juniors. Gamne ai 3.15. Wantcd. A good servant girl withiu ihree weeks on i mouth. Aupiy at thîs office. T'le Wabash Railroad. We also show CARPET BORDERINO- and CARPET LININO. 1ls a ine Âssortment o -mmap White Be Sure and See and Oream Lace Curtains. Our Range Before Purchasing. ANDREW Fancy me China, A Large Stock of7""nnn Dinner Setts, Tea Setts, Chamber Setts, Full Line of Fresh Grocerles. Always -Reliab le. AT GIBSON'S. The Great , Wonder. UJNREBERVED,' GIVING UP BUSINESS SALE 0F ENTIRE STOCK 0F Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Fancy Goods, Etc., Going On. 8i C ro wds. Big Bargains. That's Right. 50 Men's and Boys;'Ulsters anti Ovorcoata. Meu's Heavy Frieze Ulaters, wool lined, $4, reguliar $7.50. Men's Extra "4 "fi $6, regular $12. Men's QOveroata, velvet collar, " $2.50, regulu.r 87. Boys' Frieze Ulsers, $ 3.75, regular $7.50. Boys' Overcoats a $2.50, regular $5. Mei's S"vette Caps 60c, regular $1. Men'as and Boys' Ou rly Caps 35c, regular 7 5c. Men's Shirts andi Drwers 25c, reg 40c. Do., ail wyo, Scotch finish 400, regular 60c. WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN DRESS 000DB. 54-it AU Wool Tweeds, 55c, reg 81. 44-im AUl Woo Tweeds 25c, reg 45c. 44-in Al WooI Tweeds- 20e, rMg40c. .Serges I2o, - 1&4,2G%, reg 2(W,25e,3Oc. Lds'IWo OSIOPiT 5.8peoiaw ièo Ribed il oolH-selarê u.,20e ee 85. liidreuî ~tprop0rtion. Goods BtÂitoiPe vry DPaye 9p",a wghs rGROOEES-iom romitand OCheapý Buttr sd Bgs u aehasge or ood atregular p#rioe E 1~. A3itAYÂRD, - *9 ROSSO 10 SEE IS 10 BRIDE Cali 1m wo WM. TILL snd bc convinced thal an Elegant line of FURNI TURE -AND- UPHOLSTERED G0008 is being sold at sway down prices to keep in touch with the HARD TrIMES. Antique Oak Leather Seat Cobler Rocke r - - se23 Antique Oak Pluah Rocker - -3 00 Gents large upholstered Rýas?! Chair 4 50 Parlor Sets, Oak, Plusis & Tapestry ig oo Sideboazds, Plate Mirror - - 6 os Bedroom Setts, 3 Pieces - - - 10 00 Dining Table, 4 leavea - 1 500c Children's Rockers - - - 50 Att other goods pro- portionatty cheap ! Everythiug suitable, useful and nmameutal. Repairiug, Upholsteu'. iug and Underiaking. WM@ TILL, WHITBY. Here is a Good Thing. Variety t/he Largestl! Quality thte C/w west ! Prices thte Lcwest, are the three pointe which lead the FURNITrE traie. Re-upholstering ,done on shortest notice. E. J. JOHN.SON, Brock St;.;- Whitby. ADMINISTiATOS NOTICE TOQ. CEOIToR8o -,éf Jue McRobertsHixbbard; deo.uued. I M 1I'i The House-cleaning Season is now near at hand and with that object in view we have pnrcbased an excellent assortinent of UNION CARPETS, ranging in price froin 30c. per yard. Mlso a fine range of ALL WOOL CARPETS, ini both 2 ply aind 3 ply. We are showing a new assortmeflt of TAPESTRY and BRU SSELS CARPETS, with Borders to Match, and dlaim to have the best assortment of these goods in the county. $adyapem 41 ssrrFo u -nte plscçpaI cburcb choir ibere -for1 mipd megêto sk-bol0 oug fo iat B$ut youi en'i.TIlatils' oneof7lsth e~ç ndeu,'sLord s-: 'B AR GAIJNS Sp)oons, iForks anîd iUnives, -A T- Offciai County Orga..-Largesi Circue lion of auj local paper in Can"a FRIDAY, MARCH 5, 1897. LOCAL LACONIOS. An important meeting of the town couuc was beld on Mouday uîghî. Read ther port. Mr Burnside Robinson, son of C Blacke Robinson of Toronto, aiieuded the convers ai the coilege. Wm. Baiiev is again running his ch(O-ppir, mnili at the old stand. C'usîomn griiidît promptly atîended [o. [4--2 in. Ail taxes not paid by April Ist, 1897, w bt> coliected according îcriaw. Take noti and save expenses. JAS. P RING LE, Coiiect Mta Dr Aikman died suddenly ai N~ Albany, Virginia, on Wednresday mornîn She was the eldest daughter of the Iste We suppose it is flot generally known t~ the man who pays for his local paper ina vance is seldomn sick, ne ver bas cornas, too ache, or atomach ache, his potatoes nes rot weevîl neyer easa is wheat, the fr4 neyer kîlîs hit corn or beaus, lightninz e strikes his house or barn, boak agents net cali, bis babies neyer cry at nighî, and-b of ail-his wife neyer scolds. We do ,vouch for the iruth of the above, but woî like ail who are iudebted to us for to teFst The lollowing is a list of those who il left the past 'veek ticketed via C. P. 1 from Whitby. Miss Minnie Powell, Whi to Chicago, Ili;'Miss Faunie Barker, Br( lin to Methven, Man.; Mr John McInt~ Ashbuin to Winnipeg, Man; Misa McCëi 0 L C.-Wbitby to Thameaford, Ont;:N Kate Howard, Whltby to Souris. Man: A L Orvis, Miss Luilla Orvis, William Or Mdiss Minnie Orvis. and Eddley Orvis.l sale to Drvden, Ont ; Mr and Mes A B Or M1iss Rosie Orvis. Miss Bertha Orvis, Ge. Hall, Kinsale ta, Wabigoon. E. R. BLI Agent. It seemas to us that there should he a L, jacrosse cluldhere this sunimer. The tr Candain gaines, hockey. and lacrosse, together, and so long as a town bars a g club oclone lt la no trouble 10 flou rish ln other. The boys sbould organize, n away, and each mnember gel a lacrosse at and a bard rubber bali a once. For a time at first the be st lacrosse pracîlce aloue, tbrowing the baîl against a build and catcbing itou tbe fly back, or tossin~ iu the air air and catcbing it. Get to w boys, Oshawa and Bowmnauville will b lacrosse clubs tbis summrer, and Wh sbouldbe in it. Smap for $z. The CuaomcLa and Weekly Glo jan i. zS8. sund large picture ot Laur Cabinet ail for $i to new subscribers A Curlng Item.ý - Oshawa sent Iwo rinks to Wbitby on dey and the resuit sbowed a victory Wh1ýby-by 3 S201. On Monday two front bere paid Oshawa a returfi visit «Mue outi 1 bebiud. Màwcbeylgg as lnjuuctlca Returuiug Officer Bruce et North On andMr ivDalton McCarthy, M.P. cou Mr Gabu, neb-el.ct for-N On Rmmwmmwý 1

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