Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1897, p. 7

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Rests A-st2flis MEN 0F SCIENCE. AYIIRSparll A MEDICINE WIT1IOUT AN EQUAL. btatement ut a Weil Known Doctor -kyer'a Sarsaparuilewltiout an equal as a blaod.purtfler and Spring medicine, and rarinot bave praIse enough. 1 have watched its effeots in chronio cases, where ather 4;reatnent was of no avail, and have beert astonished at the resuits. No other blood medicine that 1 have ever used, and I have trled thein aillaIsoSathorough Iu iLs action, ~.and effects no many permanent cures as Ayer's arsaprlla."-Dr. H. F. MERLL, Ayor's -Th -,Saîsapaîlila &dmtted at the WorM'. Paidr. A Ver'a Pil for liver and bowels. TWO MONTHS TO LIVE. rIIAT WAS WHAT A DOCTOR TOLD MR. DAVID MOORE. T'he Remarkable Experience af One Who Was an Invalid For Years-Bîz I)oc Lin- Treated hini Withaut Benefit- Ile Owes his Renewed Health to fol- lowiug a Friend'e &dvice. rorn the Ottawa Journal,- Mrý David Moore ie a well known and M lrh esteemned fariner living in the coun- t', of Carleton, some six miles frotn the v illaËleofa Richmnond. Mr. Moore bas héeen an invahid for nomne years, and phy- soeîans failed to agree as ta bis aximent. N'ot ouly Lui@ but their treatment failed zo restore him ta healtb. Mr. Moore izlveS the following &cout af bis ilines mrid evmntual restoraion ta health. Be sss:-My firat siokuess came on nme wtî-erx 1 wss 69 years of age. Praor to -bat 1 had always been a strang bealthy man. I had a bad congh and was grow 'gq weak and in bad heaith geuerally. 1 ueflt La North Gower to cansuit a dootor, ,who after examining me laid, Mr. Moore 1 amn ver - veorry to tllu you that Your Case is very serious, se tnuch se that 1 doubt if ;i"u eau live twa monthe. He eaid rny troubl>e was a cambînation ai asthma and bronchitis, and he gave me nmre medi- cine and é4ani e aves to) amoke which, lhe maidj mi1,bt rolieve me. I oals neither because I feit sure I had neither trouble Le said, and that lie did qnot understand txxy case. Two days later I wons ta Otta- wa and consulteéd one af the mont prom ment physicanas there. Heé gavé a thor- ongh examirstian and pronancéd niY ailwnent heart trouble, and @&id I wae hl ablie in rny present condition te drap desd at any moment. I décided te romain in tile City for morne tinie and underga bis, treatment. Ile wrote a few Uinos on a piece of paper giviug rny nsme snd place of reidence and trouble, ta carry in my pocket in casie I should dis enuddeniy. 1 did net seom La ho getting any botter au der the treatin'nt suid finally left the city determined to consuls a doctor neàr- or borne. 1 wae again examined and thé ide& that 1I had heart disease wae scout- cd, the doctar saying there was many a man following the plow whose hoart waei lin a worse shape tban mine. I remaiaed coder thé treatment af ibis dootor for a long ime, but Izat no beltr Then my case ws made worse by an attaok of la grippe, whîch left bebind it a terrible pain in rny neck and ahonîders, This ho- -eamé no sevErethat 1 could no, ra se mv head tram my pillaw without putting my band te it and lifting it up. I doctored en ountil I was trying my sixth doator, and instead of getting beotter wus gettang waq.so. The haat doctor 1 had adviséd = M ta wajt until the hoat af summer was or wben ho would blister me for the paine; iu my neck and ehoulders, which e elt sure wonld relieve iL. I was on My wsy ta Richmand ta undergo this blistering when 1 met Mr. Gea. Argue, of North Gower, who told me ai the wau derful cure Dr Williams' Pink Pilla had wrought in hbîr nad advised me uîrougly- te try them. I went on ta Ricbmond, but in8tead af gaing te the dotor's I boirght some Pink Pilla and returned homne snd began coing theni. Before i bad fliiebed my secoond box there wau no rooni ta danht that they were helpiug me. I kept an tsking the Pink Pilla, and my malady, whieh the doctors hs.d failed te succesefnllv diagnose, was rapidly lesving me. The pain aise left myn Doc and shoulders, and alter a couple of qonthe treatment 1 becano stroug a"à .alh.I arn now in rny 77tb year sud <5Dk God that I arn able tn go about stitaue in tii form 18 trylug te défraud you »suubould be avoided, The publie ar alao oauuioned against ,- mi. other se ealied blood buildera snd flerve tonies, put* up in smilar Ion iuntended ta -de-. ceive. Thoy are aIl imitations wboee makeru hope ta reap a pecuniary advan- tage frcmà the wondenful reputaga aohieved by Dr. Williarns Pink Pilla. Ask your dealer for. theni. These Pille are manutactured by the Dr Wi'liam'a Medicix4e Company Brook- ville, Ontario, sud Schenectady, N. Y., and are sold ouly in boxes bearing thé firmes trade mark sud wrapper, at 60 conts a box, or eix boxes for 12.50. They may ho han tram auy dealer, or will be sent by nmail au receipt ai pricé. Dr. Williams' Pink Pille may be had ai ail drnggists or direct by mail froni Dr. WilliamWs Medicine Company fromn cither addresg. -Thé price at which thé pille are sold make a course ai tréat- mient comparatively inexpensive s compared wîth other remédies or méedical tréatmnent ORILLIA Mrs Stephenson'@ doath Mrm. Atin Jessie Stephenson died on Saturdav Iset. sud thé funeral took place ou Monday. Mrs, Stephenson wse boru noar Landau, Eugland. Sho was mar- ried twice, ber firet hushandea namé hé ing Bloomfield. Hie diéd in Toronto. Que sou, thé proprietor ai thé Candor, (N.Y.) Gleaner, ws.s thé retnit ai thé Birsi mnarriage, and in thé second, two child- non were boru, Chas. Stephenson, ai Pickering, sud thé wife of Mr. Ehi Wil- son, Orilî. Exit Brenn Michael Breunan wue taken ta King- stan on Monday. Hé bas récuperated bie trongth in jail as r<pidly as sny iu- valid would under more favorable circuni @tances ai liberty sud fresh air. Hie thin face bas flled outsas a nesuit ai bie in- creasîng appétite, sud ai late a paund a day ie abo)ut thé rate his weight bs in- creased, Hé le cornparatively cheérful and apparently lite lis yet a eunuy aide for him tbaug bhis future jei ipnieou- meut for lite. Ris yauugesî daughten, May, had been vieil ing i sîmost daily béfore bis departuré fri Barrie jail. T.» thse oaVai Mn. W. El. Bennett, M.P., addrés8od thé county couincil laut wéek on the ad visabîlitv ai urging ,thé Dominion Gov- eî,nment ta complété thé wonk. Hé spolie for fifteen minutes, tersely placing befoné thé concîl thé mission ai thé dépu- tation, reviewiug the progres;no thé canal fram iLs inceptian op to thé présent ime, sud détailing thé sdvautsgoe ibs would accrue ta thé couuty by iLs early complétian. Fram Trenton Wa Frank- fort on tbé Trenton river ton miles ai canal had béen constructed ai a cast ai $3,000,000. Frai "Frankfort ta Peter- bora, 60 miles ai waterway sud two lacks furnishes an unintrerrupted waiércoure, sud two miles betwéen Péterboro aud Lakeflold will he aompletéd by néxtJuly. From Lakéfield ta Pigeon laite sud Buck- haru lako thé route precludes an uninter- apted waterway ta within ion miles af laké Ontario ta Fiýnelon Falls. Thén a long stretcb ai gnonnd intervenua bétwéon Balsani laké sud laké Sîmeoé. Thé con- tract for six miles ai tbé work bas been let, sud 1'what we are pressing for," sid Mn. Bennett, "se that thé gavrnument ebould uaL delay construction af théecanal frni Basai lake ta lake Simcoe aven one year," acoording ta thé assurance ai Mn. Blair, given during hie récent vieit te Peterboro sud thé canial worke. a nlue herse Mn John Kennedy ha.; received sevéral affers for hie celebrated etallian, Diver, but wil ua part witu îbu uanlése hé ré ceives a vény high figuré. Divér bas provod buisohlf te hé a thorough racé hanse by hie perfonmance on thé track. Sé is one ai thé moet fasliijnahly brad horses lu the Doicion. Lut esummer, when oui ai conlition ho trotted several fuIl miles 'In 2.9,6î, ûniahing thé luti quar- ton muile in 35 seconds, a 2.20 clip. Divér has wintered well and je comiug up in splendid form. Mr. Kennedy fes very proud of him sud j nstly so.-N ews- Letter. PICKERING. D. W. Kennedy hbu rented Joahua Buudyas tinsbop i Clairement sud will nové thére about Match Ith. Alfred Mulétt hau purchaaed James McQuay'm handeomée reidencé on Churab istreot, and will Lako possession in a short Lime Mr McQuay sud family will, we undérataud, ocoupy part af thé bouse for some ime yet, as they are undeoided as to whére ta locate. For thé past couplé of yaars hie many fionda hère have noticed with rnuch re- gret that John Woodruff was rapidly faau. iug in health Since the prasent winter arnived bis systeni hans béen very wevak. feU againet the guarmil, Whioh gv awsy. Thé harnaïm,bm1ill, thoaoe the. cutter sud ite ocou4anta mauinod ;poii the bridge, whil, the hor uneg mu$- pended for near)y lven;y minute. by Ove hind fooeto t o~biidé.. Alte$Oo iuO 4 mr and MM, RW ps.n ý%ýtwr w. di 1 SENi' DISE ASES! Une Remedy whion bas Neyer Failed- Trted snd icsicd Oîntrneni. Because othen sllIe.ed rnedies for pilé ss. aratula. eczematlc eruptiaita, scald hend. chafiitg, black heads, sait nhr'um and ekin diAeéols geueral! bave P oved usé,oss. daii't co:.dr-ma Dr. Chase s (Finénnt. It be never been xn ~nta rail For instance .Nelson Simumons, Meyt-rsbuerg, Ont., -writes: .. 1 use d 1)r. Classesà Oiutmeut fan Itc.hiug Piles.a, nd cau neeaxnmend it lighly. Siiece ushig it 1 have had perfect fneedom frain thé dise.,s.' Peter Vanialleil. I;Anable, Que., h.id tbe éceea for thnee !ears. lie tn:ed threr doctors, but recex-ned na benelit- O.re boi of Dr. Qi.e'e Oitinent andI taree boxes of Dr. ('hases P:1l9 cnred humn campleteis-. large senle. cos-ened hi. legg and ba4v but thé Oiutruent moan neincved t1iern. Hes will ewear ta these lact t.. Chnsesf Olutinent may ho hsid main aux dealer or frnm the m&zînfacturnr 1-:dinikueoti. R-tes & C'o.. 45 Lombard Street, Toronto. Prie 60 cents§. Motbereo g-reatest renw-dy for coughs. roI-de. bnanchcitaI and lung affections ig Dr. Cham'e@ Syrup of L.nseed sud Inn- pentine. The mediciîîal taste is wboily dsg-sed nxalt-ins it ipleaant ta taité. Large battie 25 cent,. MANILLA. Mn A T DeLury was in town last week. Mn A Coone spent soie days in town last week. Miss Johuston is, we are glad to say, recoverng f rom hler reeent ilînesa. Miss Pîsyter anid Miss Brahmter, of Newmanket, are thxe guest8 af Mn N Mintern. Mrs Gillespie and children, af Lind- say, are spendinga a few days at thé home ai Mrs MacQueeu. Mn Townseud, D S C, of the Mac- calxee orgarnzation, is in town at pre- sent in the interest af thse saciety. Q nite an interest is awakened in the adult bible class of the Manilla Baptist Suuiday Sehool. On Sunday last, in the absence of the teacher, Mn J J Carter, Deacon Ai han McLean presid- ed. Thé deacori is a diligent bible studént sud 9a successful teacher. There is a markod increase in thé at- tendance. The session opens at 2.30 p. M. Mr Hy. Glendinuing, county coun- cilor, ha.d thé misfortune on Thursday hast, while sttemptirig ho catch a chiokon, to fall and break bis right thigit. Dr. MePhail, af Manilla and Dr. Jardiné, af Sunderland, set the fracture, sud Mn Gléndinîung is now doing as well as can ho expected, but it will homne tue béforé hé wilh hé able te ho around. leuniskIltoa Recent visitors : M"n Garnsby and daughter, Tarante, guéasa o Mrs J T Pollock ; Mise Edith iFreélarid and Miss Nellie Hall, Bowrntnville, guéstoý of Dr Mitchell ; Mn W Charkeé, teacb- or, Codmus, sud Mr James William. son, Cartwright, visiting friands. ' This, Fniday, evening Tyrone trilI visit thé beague hère sud fumnisit the programme. We bespéak a good at,- tendance toeènjay thé good things provided as Tyrorie has lots of talent. Fertiiing With Electrlcity. Mr. Nikois Tesla, the ehectrical ex- pert and inventer, has recent r ug. gested the possibility of usiug # ectric. ity as aý fertilizing agent for the sali. Thé currents producèd byprfçd electric oscillators, he siya, are pa1 of causiug the chemnical combi nai'oiof-c the ntrogen witb the oxygeaaitha mosphere If titis combintion *~ carrled bu upon an Industxiàl m*iée" ehlch he thinks is possiblef. ie 1 humauity *ouid b. t,. I ~ s' NEET CAPORAL iue famine Moe. Orne lady Miamiocary wrifta 'that au average cf oe u udred T ýpýie a ay comn a t tetixttle Mision Megin for food, Smre of them mo fex. hauste that they drap dovu. mou witb laqergsmag f ramea wcru toa mre skel- atons, women caroely able te watk, is- erable tarved ittîs oidren earied by etuaneiated mothers, thomaetlvezsmo wéak that they can acarcely béar the light bur- dena. Rach persan récéivea a cup ai grain, (corn sud pose mixed). Scores in the ixnediate vioinity are dying daily." To many minds, the atory af phyeical suf fering appesîs mare atraugly than that af error's chain. thé bond ai superstition, or the darkuess af the world without thé gospel. Some feel thé importance ai siet- ting forth thé bnead from Héaven rathér than thé bread for thse body. The dou- blé ueod is a doub)le appartunity. Thé 8ecrotary af thé innd, Missi P J Wright, will be glad ta receive sud farward money fnom sxîy irbo fel LhaL Lhey havé bread ta epare sud who nîay ual have aîîy other opportuuity or channcI for aendîng i.- News. i lOC. Per Packag Standard of the World. KINJ\JqEY BFROS. NIEWTOI Ie09 u-~ss.u.eaaaaasr* ~ri £SN *What are you wearing & he On your fret this weathier ?? Thr sstyle in footwear as there is in bats. Each year the Granby. :Rubbers and Overshoes are modelled to fit ail the fashionable shapes' *of boots. They are thin so as to prevent clumsy appearance and' *feeling and to make them so necessitates the use of the finest quality of *rubber. While Granby Rubbers and Overshoes are up te date in * *Style, Fit and Finish, they meain their old enduring quality. *G ranby Rubbers wear like 1I!on.. M. W. C'OLLINS, 51KW KAVEN Récent visitera: Mrs iEzra Hall, Orono, st Mn T VanCsnp's; Mn Gay, Oshawa, at 3&r F Guy's; Mrs P Burns at Mr 8 Wood's ; Miss Williaîus, tewn, at Mr J C Trul's ; Mn G Dow- ncy sud son, towu, at at Mr J Me- Millan's. A shéigi lead oai Inonds froni town surprised Mr T Poer sud faxuiiy, re- cently. Mr H Matin bas beon vm*iting f riands at Graîton. Miss Editit Geod bai returued from Toronto. . Mosas S Allun aud W Jenigs -bave been indisposed. Mr W Good bas bad lagrippe. Thé Mapie Grave kagne visited aur C.E. sud rendered a good programme. Mr S Rundie oocupîed the chair. Ex- cellent papers were mAd by frlssraW Frank, on "Christ our patteMu,» and F R Foie7,. on, 4"What Christiaxsity bas, doué for the nation. " Music by Misses Fo1qg* Soucit, Munday, Axiord,, dieveundBrkr SOLE AGE NT FOR WHITBY. . have the Finesti Bob- tion in tawfl af those BEAU TIFUL A MERICAN WA LL PA PERS, Borders to Match- LowFEST ::PRICES. Corne early and getflrst chAc. P. B. WARAM, Bryan's aid Stand, Brook St., -Whitby DOMINION BANK. Capital Paid up, - $1,500t00 1urplus, - - $1,500 000 Whitby A geuoy. Genoral Banking Buoines TranEaotqd. SAVINOS DUPÂBRTUET. Intereet aflowed st hlghe.t ourrent raa. Nonotio. of wlidrawairequired E. J. THOINTON, manage FAI RBAN K'S Real E8tate Column, FOR SA.L.-A nice story sud s half house wlth 2-,aio an acre of land, corner af Dundas and Garden streete, Whitby, witls fine lot of choice fruit trees, good stable, well and cisteru. A&l in firet clase order. Will be sald cheap. Small Prame Hanse snd Lot corner af John aud Byron streets, Whitby, WiIl be sold very cheap. LO TS-To be sold, lots 324 sud 258, north ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Ash street, narth ward, will be sold cheap. Cheap. A fine -two utory brick bouse, wlLh brick stables. Situared on Byron et., Whitby, the finest residential treet lu tbei town, within three minutes walk ef the poit office. There ore tbree lots of land wlth an entrance on two streets. House lu perfect repair. For particulars apply to L. FAIRBANKS, Resl Estatc Agent# Whl;by, Qpi. VIMd, VIOGOR, and VII'ALITY RESTORED IN 30 DAIM~ OÂTONB'9 cwC. tCoi olCU»5 Cre amw1r e Mauuactredby 'The,~ ' Cook Co., Wfndaor, Ont C and»etoiti-i'astl sud24 mon~~yrnemmuhke t"ê cuveBopd' . s An04piiyulca, i -» .,. ati Sd ~ b. consulted byltter e is -in W 1 $i.son A4po~mail 8 Af? oe#cM. rIt&L~ZER; Mus. o~w GuanDreodeu, Ont., aya: 55MilimOSapouud IouPilea aured m damgir of st. Vnu.' tance# oue baudvas - wieqppupÛilabiudl-Ismuscles et bem imue drùMqI Voey bdl&" W by A. HL Allim, 06-Oe he ndia reliefuuJ". u fi tai aboa o Amym wo Is the sale excuse for rubbers er aver-- îll shoes, which rot your boos, draw your -- feet and weaken your eyes. Live up ta your oppor- tunities! Wear thse new vulcanized rubber-soled, water- proof leather shoe. Black or Tan. Sweatless, stylh sud warmi. Goodyear Welted. Slater method. ., o th.e Siater SlIîpless Shoe ~CIGARETTES t- - -,-ý i«I'z ime ii w il

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