Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1897, p. 6

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INIGET AND PIELGRIM. My amcestor wus a knight and ownen of veet realmas. H is domaimis i ncluded severel amail towus, great forestis and farms and othen gilt edge collateral, and bis vassale vere nuan- bered by huiîdrods.. The mianagenient of bis real estate lie lit to an agent, who hooaned it to lus lords advaiîtage, wliile iy tices- tor spcn t hie tin oinii tourie yi n gand other kîigltl>' diversionis, resct]iiigT feaialos ini distress, storiîiing castîca and dirinking wassail with the othea lords wheaî in futid.. lie was a mari of niediuni hieigbt, whaî wora' eyeglasses and sandy whisk- ers, but vwhei ie w wîs itiside of his IDa- iia siiiii(Silii suit of chil led steel an- ior lie was a person of liiiposing ap- peaaraiîae, aundllle had a deep, bàss 'iewliich gai e ts heaî'ers a lasting ilipressioau ut his greatnese. In hattle he was a terron. Many were the intidulis whQ bîl the duàt be- fore lis t wo handed swôild- aîid man>' vi re the trophies of tht' field stackecl k1p in lits castle. lie w'as fond of id- iiig unatteaîded through hie doniains and feeling the public pulse, as it were, anid in thiar zîanmîer mnet with many ad- va'atures weil worth recording. In an Old blacak letter iirîiuscript, dated I1246, there i, an acvount of one of these ad- ventrures, whivh I have rendered iite tiio0deni Engliarli. and goes to show li0w the hIe oI a knîght of old was ailJect to stranize vicissitudes. le was ridiîîg through a forest one day. wben bis steed suddenly roared and tbrpw iii>' arîcestor to the ground witli a dulI thud. The knight, en- ('unihered Iv hie weightv weigçhtv îrior, wa.s înalale te rise wben ho ne- i-overed frein the shock, l14t he mati aged te crawl te the rnaý ide and Arace himiself up agaiust A troe. It vas a loiely ruad, and few people traverser1 t. Thus ho iay tvo days witbeut food or drink, unable to get out of his arnior or waelk homie. On the iioraîing of the third day. a ruani witb shblay iarb approached witiî slow, leisurel>' steps. 3onifig up te) my ancest9n, he balted in surprise, mand then opening the gr-atimîg un the' knight's vison hfiesaid "hIello ,liella)! My ancestaîr replied "(OCd me-rrow, friend. 1 pra>' tAxeu gie iefoad and drink, or b perish.' "W\ho are you and what are you dcing here 1 " quotb the mnai. Il>' ancestor infornied Aiiiî of bis11 manie atid station, repeating bis r'e- quîest for sustenaice and concluding iv inquirnng )is savions ameni -I -anti Alinnless Wabken. the plib gria.- b e replied, 1"jusa. iron tAxe Holv Lamndloun fout, hut 1 have no fodden for vou. Yet iiethinka," ho mused, 'étAat In a distant farni ard I espied a vheel- barrow Id t la> anme careboîs yokel. Ilither yl 1 hie me, and in tva ahakes yl b return Wtethee mand trun- die thee to ail> castbe.t Se speakinig, ho bied and in a short time eturned vitb tAxe barnov. First, however, ho nemoved the knight's bel- muet, and filing it with vater at a spring near b>' Ae brought the vannuon drink, vhich cbeered him nightily. Thon, placing Aim in tAxe bmrrov, Axe began to trundle Aim along the read toward the fan distant tevu. TAxe> -heered thxe vear>' way la> reciting their strange mdventures te eacb othen, aand ni>' anceston Aas recorded in bis diar>' that ho nover met a umore cheen- fui and vàiegated liar in &Il bis trav- *h.s, anud e vas no lauch him8eof, it is said. Tovard eoon Aimiess grov fatiguod, and atopping suddenly Ae said : "W bat do 1 get eut ai this anlywayr' "Why, febov," quoth tAxe knight, "is it net enîougb te kraov that thot art serving thy' bond " Lord, noting< said Walker. "Penhapa you are net avare that lum the inventer of the existence vithomÙ' lalaon system and bigh archchmncelloi of the badge of the Knxghts ai the< R.ad 1 It strikes me thçt I'm getting it vhere Mark got tAxe mumys-in the neck. Il Hurry on, " replied my ancestor, -on darnueasa ilI &ain befail us or we reachni>' amtie." t'If y'ou wvere out ai those iron gai. mente mand did a littbe wlkin.g voua. self, the job would Ae easien," said Wlker, muid-suiting the action te tAx varda Ae turuied tAxe knight aven, ana vitb a monkey wrencb vhich tAxe vai nrnware Ae began ta undo Ais armer n a e e d o d lI a few minutes thxe kuight ap- peared in Ais buckskiui pajamas, and Wal ker wms au rpnised ta fiuid hinu such a amalmuid in fact iniguificant pos-. son. Seeing tht Ae aubclassed him wbon Ae vas auteofAis a-mor, ho Axe. gan te bull>' hi m, ad final>' ho conu- lpelled. my ancestor to vheel tAxe bar- row, iosded as it was vith Ais armar mnd veapons. Unaccistomed ta such ieuil itoil, thie knight mad such - pot»- progresa that eveaaiu, -found' thewp euh l as- fron borne. Tni pazngs of b#ngor added to thé nigAt'd miuesy. -But Walkor disajp- ereî# thé, wood, Ukisgw*ith bio mthe ,warrmr' ng spe&r.' lne, thazi an hb he; hOreturned pigt suda peck o0E1 l--M'mepot toos, dipoed about Ji' in: mannes-tbusâ vodd Iive duecredit 1>~ ~ ~~~h lâ tekigeod urr -- I.O n thée gound,îeV. ill;Mght -Ar. jM'thse toiie' . - lk - - - - -- - O@»WOOfD. Î- Then le tilled the stove vith more clase. firewood and said: The methodist choir wont to Chu rch- "We'll keep that going ail nigbt bibl ta furnish music for an oyster sup- and nooe riht lonsideof t",per in behaîf of tAxe Christian church whicb the>' did. of that place. Quito a numben of In tAxe morniog tAxe> warmed aven Goodwood people vent witb tAxe choir. thxe remnants of tAxe feaýst anid proceed Mns Poey of Markham and Mrs ed on themn va>'. Ais tAxe>' neared n>' Tran of Uxbnidge wero visiting at Mn. anceston's castle, Walken began te John S Todd's last woek. C niube, as one Who modtates putting Mn E Somerville of Zephyn is at up a job, laut the warrion did not per. ceuve it, as ho vas busy pushing tAxe this place laaruiing the blacksnithing wbeelbarrow. Suddenly Wabker broke under Mr P Copeland. out: Quite a numben from tAis division "Stnikes me, ni>'lard, tbat it were vont to tAxe open division at Sandiord an umseernîl> entrance t.o your cit>' Imet Friday evening and report a von>' that. you make. Perchance 'twere enjoyable evening and a firat cimas pro- viser to resunie youn metallic tegsanmud gramme. go in in some style." Rev Mn Mankham o.' Toronto filed M y ancoster a.sented te tAis, and Mn Thonnley's pulpit duning Ais ab- with the plilgrirn's elp entered bis an- sence in Toronto luat Sunda>'. Mi anor, and %Vaker fastened thxe comn- Thoruie>' is recovering. ibination bock.Mismy condvahmeat Then thxe base, ignoble chuni rapid- isuna>' eoadwa oels IV trundled the supine and hapbes kigbt te an obscure street in the Qitanu erfo Ar tene buwet ad anat nfahiomabl pa th Ae hockey match at Stouffville last an>'s andestn s ten, honepanrtAxe Fnida>' and report a pleuaat time. river, and opcniing Ais vison gagged him with a pièce of cloth, which Ae * l~ tore off tAxe tail of Ais nov coat of 4# arma. Break Up a Col in 'Time Chuckling vith fiendisb gico, ho yDy USING thon proceeded until Ae came te thxe y ECOA junkshop of William Slathens, mter- PN-PCOA yard EmnI Slathers, tAxe trnt of vhat The Quick Cure for COUGHS. became a noble English immil', mand COLD%, COIJF, BEON- there Ae sold the armeormand weapons, CHITIS, HOABEESS, etc. my anceetor inclpded, as old iron at 8 of Mss josptri Nosncx.vras cents a pound. -.i. e&dn fauD"e to enrt Ho thon decmmped. & Blathers, in exmmining Ais bargain e" a exmUA couh cumfer .7 alittie later, discovered concealed f.,rfs tteaoU odcu vithiri, thxe person aifAis liege lord. H. O. ausocaq& Betveen the shock of finding Aim thus If L.Atle hocher, N.B., writes: mand realizing that h. had been bun- M7acr o ~-.aral koed into buying 125 pounds of my vzg. ae an .oster me' old iron, ho slmost lait bis LesBt IOc mmnd. DAVIS & LAWRENCE Co,. Lvii Proprleeas om vrz Frank Geitle mand D. MeFarlane, ai Tarante, spent the pasti 1ev daye here witb relatives. Misa E Patterson returuied iron tAxe south on Tuesday, where sAxo Aas been visiting f iends. TAxe parlor social held at W. J.j Michell's an Wednesday evoning vas weil attended mpd much enjqyed. W Anderson purcliased the Auidrew Linton house on Tuesday. Hie bid was $310. Thxe store goade vore sold te W Covington at 75 cents on tAxe dollar. We understmnd that Ae l continue thxe business. Ho will open out about Mas-ch Ist vith a nov and complote stock of groceries, flour sud feed. Miss Oovington will manage tAxe grocor>' business. Joîhua Bbud>' Aas rented hiesbap te D W Kennedy of Pickerng, wbo % ili take possessioni about March lOtis. Mn Keninedy cames to aur village witb good recomrnendationi- ad vo trust that Ais business career Aere will b. anc round ôf sizocees. Mr Bundy Aaî couiducted thW, tinvaro business boee for tAxe pait tbirty six yeare, and wiIf now tae.a reT". Mrs W. Middleton, ueS Jul8 iol- lins, died st tAxe Toronto hospitéi on Monda>' evoning. hiitho e reuoi. bered that'debessecl titises»-vtso cal operatoqnsaile ttne go. daye aga Ae sont a "requedostM, Ia bu-ught Aoieêiu Aadtah. ,1ka4ïâ d.ys lon~e tht. e. .1de. bp oomplié&.*iTli hê huibe"d sud sîé d bW - a -: in BoMt1I1ijurod by Stock. Tisee nao ime ai year vison injus- ma>' not bc donc ta soul by-hainug t"ck sun over i. But there ie groator dner of tAis in moist, open voather in wintor tissu et any otiser tiane in thxe year. Tisere ln notbing fer stock ta gel aItAxais season by raaaning over the fioldseovon if tise> are bre ai enow. The poaching whicis pasture and rnsadow lands gos by boiuig traanpled in labo lau oraopen spell. duriuig thxe vintor destro>'. muais grass. It in Dot mach, il an>', btter vison thse field Aas ta Abe ploved iid apxing.Tise oilvil tara up ful af codo mode b ythe poacis- ing, and il yul tae.àagroat Zdocf extra cultivabion t take the, lovod surface intlaaeedbledflfi M" 'y oeecrap. TERRR8OF REUMATI8KL A. Romnedy Wiiieh à 1utantaceous andl Permanent in Effeotk-h Calgary Resi- Sdent, Crippbeîl for Three Yu,srs Be, comte Stroii'g asan Atlte. - No subtbe or unysterione force coutl 1. more miraoulous an itae ifitôts. tisan SuntiliArnorican Cure i- ail cases Of: nh.-uîmmtiam. JUaes A Audermo f.Osi- ar.NW T"., syabut esvmu-oi .gb1 yelasemgo Ae be*it*e affited 1wit î lo atisu; sudl fori, resoi~rs a. ifot -ipple, so thaï lie had id ure , # ti uos about.- lu bis own mords :'-l*I i freéd UnteldrneY, ma4. t riug e Evaavtfle Inspector MoBrion paid an olâcWa visit to the sohool last Friday. H. gave tAxe pupils a half-holiday. For thie reason programme no. 14 viilbe- given tAis Frida>'. Mr Jud8on Ward, Toronto, Bun- dayed with Ais parents. Mr. Armanid Pugh bAas gone and done it. Ho retunod horno Thursday bast, accompa¶iied b>' Mrs PugAx. Her honme vas nean Chatham. Wo visAi themu every joy. The words of the poet cornes to our nmmd :"Oh1, for- tunate, oh, happy day; when anothen household inde its place aaîîong tAxe nîyriade homoes of earth." The choir of tAxe laptist chur.-h was entertained last Monda>' evening at Mn A Pugh's. IT I8 PLAIN AS DAY. Ail those terrible backaches, iimb aches, headecbes and a dozen other kindu' of aches are simpi> tAxe resuit of thxe fl are oI the kidneya ta take tAxe poison ont of thie bîood. No use trying ta Le Aealthy with uric acid muid other pausons floatiuig througlî the syssoan. Tise sensible thing ta do is ta got thse poisons ont. Doamne Kidney Pille regulate aud strengthen the kidosys and good hoaîth follove as neturaîl>' as nigbti follove day. We cannot give one-hnndredth part of thAe testîmon>' vo receive, but tAxe iollow- iug certificats from Mr. William Kirk- land, who is eoeployed with Mr. West- lake, tAxe weUl knov brickwaaon aud con. tractor, fumnioheu vory conoînuve evid- once as to tAxe good offets of tAis excel- lent nuedicine. Mr. Kirkland said, 111 tbink there je notbing sas good for kidney trouble as Doan's Kidney Pille. I bave Aad a bad back tor three years, andl euffed from ter- rible peins in both aides as voll. vI as se sors that I could hardly bear ta touch myseif, and wus listiesa, hope- boss and ired neari>' ailthe time. 1 also sn'ffered a great deal vith zeuralgia sud diazinees in tAxe beed, and 1.11 as if I wue ini a stupor most ai the timo. IlMy. appetite msa vas very poor, and I ha4 severe crampe ini my legs. Since taking Doan's "Kiduey Pilla vAxicAx I got from Mr. WiIis' drug store, Whitby, Ont., I amn vonderfully botter. The pain, crampe, dhezinos and tupar are aIl gane. 'II enjo>' restini loep, and uiy appetite Aas returned in &Il it'a old-tine force. Doan's Pille bave dans me far mare good than I could have expeoted tor I hari> believeil ny ceecurable. I nov beel like a new man sud ta toak just tva box- os produce this gratitifying reaul." -FOR SALE BY- J. BJ0_-WLxLjIS, Ciernistan ud Druggist, Brock Street, WHITBY. AgitaütIn u la. orld Of homoePahOMI51.41- dm ba o wvm $QI fprogMU7,80, mm l.ldi laUyo s hsdbum ps.i t tobdugrnos --th ia testnwda thes bAilles bavai is.tIev1e.Ucv s-mcusromor u stW&WOI e.a. AQ.auI hto 'haa <liti "'I'l show you," roplied Aimies, "lhow neceeity ecm cmate out af ap- parentl> tAxe mont incongruous mater-1 jais a satiafactory base butning, self feeding and self regulating Sunahine1 range and heater combined, warrant- Pd, likewise, to save fuel and reduce the cost of living by on-baif." Speaking thus, ho took the war- iiors iron body piece and placedi it upon several stones in an upnight position. In a few minutes ho had nttached the arin-pieces, thus con- structinc Fa stovepipe, and filling the oontrivaiîce with leaveis and wood, ir. bass than a quai-ter of an hour Ae had a îaerrv tire hlazing therein. Filling the helniet with water, he placed it upen the opening in the arinor for the kni'Ait's neck and l-eft it to hoil, while he prepared the chickens. These Aej put in thxe pot wit.h the potatoes to bo 1. Then' taking the knight's shirt of chain he drov-e four stakes in the grounid at equal distances and suspend- ed the gannient in such a manner that ,,hen ho had ligbted a 6re beneath it served as a gridiron to lroil tAxe pork- er upon. "Now," said Aimiless, as Ae reuwoved the porker from thxe gridiron, anad placing it upon My> ancestors shiold liegan to carve it with bis sword, -just spear them poultry and taters outen the pot, will yen, and we'll be- gin the banquet." My ancostor tished out the chickens and potatoes, and thev feli to. -A couple of perfectos wcuîd just finish this about rigbt," said Aimiless, with a sigh, as he la>' back againat a tree for a while. 1Office hours 9. a. m. Office hour 1il&ain ta Il a.m. te 2 p.m. pg Prir'al TeleP hone Conmuenicatio5. D. P. BOGART, M.1)., L.D.8. Physicen, Surgeon and Accoucher, etc. office and Reuidence neit to AU Ssint's Church, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ahl ils branches promrtly î'ttended to. Dr. H. Wightman DENTZST. over GOs & i'ange'r's. Whitby- j:' O(Pen evor>' Biturds>' xight. W. B. YARNOLD, D.L-8.. Oounty Surveyer "cl Drainage Engi-neer, port Perry, Ont. WE. CALVERLBET, IIABI4t» AKER, vaîvul. Haviuig moved itil our nov premlisos, vo are propared to extend the range of business. Ail vork pertiiXi othe h armesmakiuig and saddlery business viii b. dons to satis- faction. Collm ara PecatY. Cal asud ses My shop anid stock W. CALVEBLEY, Second door WeRt of old shoIp. Dundas Street, Whitby W. A DAMS, CCeýDENTIST. ROoam over John FerguOui's clOtbinag store Resldence-No. 1, The Terrace, BYran St Whitby. Jan. 2,gU189&g6 LIFE INSURANCE. ManutcturerS, Life & Âccident InsunrfC o., Toronto. Largut VaPiad SockLits lasurafloeCo. Ou tise continoat Nrnety por cent. o a1l aeonmnctions et surplnu te returticil ta the r Ucy olders Ail dims ar, paid ithout dey or Iiscomat os proof of de*th or maturity of endomOlt> J. B. POWELL, Feb. lot, 93. Agent. Whutby. EitbUb*d 1806 #Lac Bab*tbeapL Ol ai aue .1Q&0e "t! j W6.ii dtAalagOS Kor7WJ'~ mitelcbo brost~3it lamuot laI mcmeltmg. Bfttingu Of The Division- Colet OOUMTY OF ONTARIO IMs. Wamry-D. C. Macdouell, Whltby Ol.rk Jan. 3; Feb. 3; March 3; April 2; ilt. 2 ; June 2: July 7 Sep. 2; Oct 2; Nouv. 8; Dec. 2. . OsRA.&W-D. C. Macdonell, Whitby, Cîerk, Jan. 4; Feb.4; Mareii4; April 8; My 4 'JunoS3; Julyb; Sep. 3; Oct. 8; Nov. 4; Dec. 3, BaOUoJtAX - M. Glooson, Greenwood, Cerk.-Jen 6; Msrob6; May 5; JUIY 9; Sep. 4- Nov. 5. POaRPrani - J. W. Burnham, porb*4; Perry, Clerk-JBfl. 29; March 9; May 15, Juty 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. ULeRIDGE-JOseph E. Gould, Uxbridge, Cîerk-J5Ii. 80; March 24; May I9th; J uiy 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. ÇC51INTorl George Sîuith, CaeuinigtoE, Jeu. 81; Ms.rch 2b; May 20; July 15; Oct. 15; Dec. 17. BEÂVEaToN-Geo.F. Bruce, Beivertcn, Clerk-M5.rch 26; May 21; July 16 ; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. UPTEEO'iOVE-110S. P. Hart, Uptergrove 'Clerk,-March 27; May 22; Isly 17 ; Oct. 17 1Dec 19. Bêrdr J. orE. ÂIEW Mr Wm Baker heu returned home from Pickering. Miss S Baker has returned frons Whitchurch. Thse Goodwood Gun Club went to Stoufiville Tuesday and Aad a match with thxe sports of that place, but were dofeated. Mr R Tod beaded the score witi e-ight hirds out of ton. Last Sunday evening while Mn B S Davidson was out for a walk, sAxo was taken iii and Aad to be canried to a friends." Doctor Darling vas surn- moned, but could do nothing to pro- vent death, and she died in about twenty minutes. Cause of death was heart disease and paralysis. Mrs. J. Wagg's littie ono was taken sack Sunday afternoon, but is recover- îng. 1 bean that our gonial butchen, O MoKa>', intenas leaving oun town in ii fev days. Y>r J Manie>' has gone to Montreal with a car load of potatoes. We wisb him succeas mand top prices. A contest has been started in the Sons of Ton>. perance lodge with Samuel S Davis arnd William ?Pugb for captains. Mn Thornle>' heing away le.st Sun- day Ais place was supplied by Mr Robt H Davis, of Goodwood, who did ex ceptionally weil for a beginner. Claremout seems te be the favorite around hore ini the hockey league. TAxe K.-O. T. M. lodge Aeîd an o>'- ster supper bore at Monday evening, and spent a ver>' cujoyable eveuiing. The supper anid programme wene firat Ble«euneme indue go DeruOUU emt The delieatdly oenssîîuted, the floacoler, the buanum m, and thome vbose ooenpaiD neasuhtatea gret meatfd strain or vonr,, a Yffler leu or mure froan t. Slasp iun theait restorer of a worrled brain, anI &0 get l loep oiese the etoanacb frou, ail impuniiîes witb a few doses ot ilarmelee's Vagetable Pills. gela- ine ooated, containing no metOtiry. anid are guarantoed to give satifàfection or the woneY wilI be refunded. ]KKEW L _4 __C. Barrioter, County Crcwn Attorney, mand County Solicitor. Office-South 'Wing Of Court House, ýê4 hitby. JAMFJ5 itUTLE»Geg~ Barrister, etc. office formuerly occupied by Farewell & Ratledge, next ILoy&I Hotel, Brock St., Whitby.___ DAVID ORliISTON , M. A., Attoruiey-at-Law, Solicitor in ChaUOOi7, Couiveyancer, etc. Offuoe - In the Office uouth of the Post Office, in mcuMlAan a Block, Brock Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG 8XITH. LL. B3., barrister, etc. ,-Monoy to Lotn. Istuer of Marriage Liceuises. Office - Sinith's Block, South of Market, B,'ock St., Whitby. DOW &Mct,;ILLIVILAY, Barristere. Solicitors in OhancMr, etc. office in Mathison & Bfawken's new block Brook St., 'Whitby, sonth of Ontario bank. Drs Warren ïf Moore. J. J. M oor e,M. D., F. Warren, M. D. Brooklin. Whitby. Dundas-St., Whitby, 'T. T. NIWPOKT, Proprietor. Gommerel-i mon liberally deaît Witt Teanilng donestaSroasonabls prices. Freight uid Baggage hauled at reasou- able prices. À call solicited. 10- DENTIST. See that it los there!1 This us the tradc-mark which us on the wrapper (saimon-col- orcd) of evcry bottke of the geai- nuine ScOTT'S EMULSION. Bc suretis is on the pàckage, and 6at nothing cisc us palmed off on î you whcn you ask for it. Nothing hma been made that equals iît ta givc sfrcngth and so.id flcsh ta those who arc run down or cmaciated. Your doctor will tell yau that it is the one f ood for al those whose weight is bcow the standard of health. Put up i 50 cts. amdM I.0Uma an aU b adruggists. sco'rr& SOWNE, Bsaise, ntu ASK YOUR STATIONER -FOR- BPARTIOÂ, AURIOICgR,,WHZBVONT. r;:iy.Nô Olerk ofliho ece. bought»oae PuPiilËle, aud returi )Y ome sud àbeg'au-usng bue. Bd& W,-Ebail flieeim od box ther. vas Y- oot te o dlut tlàt they *Oe.bh me~u. I ke pt ntaling thse Pink Pille, o~Ilxl Ieft yx Cor. King & Yonge St. Toronto. For the next throe montbis 1 am givlng pecil astention to patients frons a dis- tance.Ar silli mking plates li rubher, 08, cefluloid #10. Qoîd and silver Oilli.ug vork cro'wuing by frst,-class operators Lt the most resaonible rates An the culny. Whon in the city call in and lot me exam- ine your teeth. I make no extra charge. 0. i. RIGOS, Douitat, south eet corner Kinig anid Youige Sts., Toronto. N ov. th, 1892. Wu He WARNER. DEALER IN GOAL, -. LUMER, OORDWOODP BLAB8, ETC. AGENT For the PEOPLEPS COAL (00, TORONTO. Office and Yard just East of~ U ptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. October 7th 1895. -J ---- New Liviîy aMd sale stables Resu its Astonish MEN 0F SCIENCE. AVLarDac parilk A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN EQUAL, Statement of a Well _Known ISoctor "Ayer's Sarsaparilla i.,without an equ., as a biood-puriller and Spring maedicie, an. crannot have praÀse enough. 1 have wavhew Aus efiects n cbronic cases, where oti 4reatanent was of nio avail, and bLire tbee' jastonlshed at the resuits. No other bAn'.. *medicine that 1 have evef used, and I1liaiý * tried them ail,la se othorough IAn ts Àt * ..and effecta 80 nuany permanent cures a *Ayer's BarsapariUla."-Dr. H. F. MERRILI Âuffsta, Me. Â&mlttd t the World's Pair. ..4er's FLUa for liter and bowel.s TWO MONTES TO LIVE. THÂT WAS WHAT A DOCTOR TOI, MR. DAiVID MOORE. 'Th lRmarkable Experience of One W Was an Invalid For Years-Six l1> tors Treated him Without Benei He Owee his Renewed Healb to f lowing a Friendes Advice. Frooe the Outawa Journal, Mr. David Moore je a weli known a miach eeteemed fariner living l i CULco ty of Carleton, some six miles from t village of Richmond. Mr. Moore È been an invalid for some years, and pi gicians failed to agree as to hie allai- Not only thii' but their treatirnt fni to retore him to bealh. Mr. M(' .giYves thxe following account of hisie In and eventual restoratlon to heaith. s.ays :-"My firat siokness came oni when I was 69 years of age. Pricr that, I had always been a strong beaiù znan. I had a bad cougb and was gro ing weak and in bail heaitb generaly went te North Gowen te coneuir a door wbo after e-namining me naid, Mr. Moý Iamn very sorry te tell You that vour c2 isvery serions, so anuch 80 tAxatiI doui, 1you cao live t'wo months. He said i trouble waf'% combination of asilima eý bronchitis, and he gave me 80ome mel cine and some leaves to smoke which said migilt relieve me. I toort neiti becansie I feit sure 1 had neit ber trouý ho said, and that lie did Suot underatti my case. Two days later Ivent tebt W& and consulted One of the mcosî pro * ment physicians there. He gae'e a tlki -ongh euîmination and pnonouoeed ailanent hes.rt trouble, and said 1 vas able in MyPrent condition wo drop de at any moruent1 I decided te remain tre city for go eo tAe m eg troatmont. H wro$I a few linos o1 piee of papeir ging ùjy name and pli of residence and trouble, te Carr in 1 pooket ina caueIshomald dio snddenly. diaD fot Boom to be go:tin1z îny botter t der thxe treatment aaad -ftnatyly eft i tety determined to consuls a doctor ne or home. I vas again eXamined auid i ides that I hadbeart disésase vals co ad. thxe doctor saying tliere vas Iman min following tie plow wbose heart ' * A&woreshape thian mine. I-rmaï 1

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