Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 26 Feb 1897, p. 1

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r' ~14 -j Fe0 VOL. XI L. WHITBY, ONTAIRI09 FRJDAY, FEBRUARY- 26, 1897. N.1 SOLD mm UNDER A Positive Guaran tee.1 ALLI N'S DAII 1GWDUI 'n J, j and 1 lb packages. To introduce this Haklng l>owder a ** package of SvîNBORNF's ** C.LVES Fs F. GELATINE, * ** for making Jeflies. wil! be ** given with everv package. A. H,.ALUIN, CHI-MIST & IRV(GIST, WHITBY, - ONTARIO. Established 1849. Whitby Steam Maîble and Granite WBks! Dundas St., W HITP»rY. LL Chas. H. Smith, (Pormnerly Wolfenden Works.' lim- porter and Dealer in MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS. Etc., of the latest material and de-igns, Al kinds of Cemetery work. Our work guaranteed. A&SKND FOR DESIGNS AND PRICRS. WINDMILLS. --010- Bela the Genuine AERMOTOR, of Chicoago. lntending purchasers shouid exaine this mal1 beffore placing their eider. Deoflot loi an agent pot au imnitationi on you vison yoai Cao get tise Genuine Aeî'noior, <borougbiy gaivatiized, sud warrante&,-for less meney. More et these milia aold in Cauada <-day issu aoy other make. Tise Aertnotor Ce. claim <bey sel nue halltho number of vind- ai ouifits seid lu tise vorld, a<tishe preseut <ino. Mr. Williamsoti off Orangeville, sold a127 outits during <ho pasit tree years. Ail stylos off Wood and iron Pumps for sale. Any information regarding these outfits vkli bc freely giron by vri<ung <o P.b 7, 897-flac. GEl?. ALLIN. W HItTBY Farm for Sale or to fient. Lot 34 in <ho rear Of the 3rd cou, off Wii- by township, contaiuiug soc acres off good baud, bighly cultivsted. Fitcîsas build' imgsansd orcisard. sud a good stre ai. Ap- ply <c WM. BAILEY, Whitby. Fobi i, î897.-tff -013d saNavMos 1ddy -wi Weds ut iliq.QM loOg <Q01 its 0 IoO Sqi osullwjdnînq 'piî!nbal soueu@dxî snosAaid ON Afop su ot s paAja o t Gi utsIIS -01 woîJ pQ&ià sami sssppe Io sisil. 2uîldoo pue lutîîua 'sdwiss i silom ! *utsaAuva oN - e msulsnq laispu0z 0 *àpci aà 4h-d j $ 090 40OARD OFDRCQS ~ j~~owX; Esq., Presdent N.NESE.POR&T Pz aRT. gers,gwhofornierlyasr plstefdover 4thbis LOCAL N EW S LETI ERS, Miss Anna Parkin is vsiting in Teronte. Miss Cosey Sangster la visiting friends at T m eetnsaew e eas tstor borndf-ri Mr. Aonrs Tennyson, off Udota, Uvu beO StOufiville. 1 already evidences of auccessful labor are OasoNICLX CoP-aupowraxwcZ, week on business. Mr Edwsrd Cooney, Peterboro, bas been beingr displayed- We trust everyone yl Miss Neilie Gilbert. off Enniskillen, wu vm - visuting Mr Cei Williamftsou. corne and hear the able gentleman who basag -o -ing bore lasi week witb Miss LilIu Martyn, J F McMillan and H Adams were ai the nov entered solely upon evanglistic vork. en Miss L.ote Thotupson. of Port Perry, îs Williamfs bail ai Oshawa last Friday even- Meeting every night. KN LEspouding a few holidayi bere with her mother. ing. Thse Royal Templars are making good S Mim Fairlesi bas returueti home after a short Mr. Henry Lock bas purcbased tbe Irelsnd Rev D N McCamus vas ai the Grand progresand tbey expect to receive <vo visit bhe. fain, loi 12, in 6th concession. Re is iiikinRz Council off Royal Templars beid ai Oshawa mexubers into tho select degree at the next v Frak ansonsod vauabeyoug 9oie 1 preparsiions to work ih ibis coming summor. lasi week. meeting. Thse price bas been rednced to ci Weraenve, muh plased<o ec M. Arhie is WM Coney Oroo, bs benak 5o cents and vo would 1k. <o see a goodly ri few das ago We ae verymuch lease to sc Mr. mble rs W Coony, ir nunba berntavailmbthonai selvesofes ofthepportunity i Miss aksono g klnhs en p.dn Ewers in our midst again. The operiion wbicb veok visiting ber daugbîer, Mis Geo Wil. of allying thensselves wîth tho temporauceC Misdas iththeon evo f Brool hbe o spcning was pertormed on him ai tho goneral bospitai ha. iiamson. od I n ept ak u etnsee othvilg.Retypnied bi on u oituproving DidI otmaro h 1is, Lydia more succesaful Tnesdqg evonings. Lcdge ot hevilae.rapidly now. P P'owell, relici or the laie Geo Powell, in meets in the lodge roons, Lot every mem- Mr )as l-oriop was laid off dut! on aabbath, The Conservative meeting held in the tovn ber 47th yoar. ber turu oui nexi Snnday evening. nuîîn anafecîd ye asibotrub eW hall bote, on -Saturdsy atternoon Was-ft sncceRS. Mr and Mrs Alfred Donaldson, Glencoo, SEsi1V leain of lits reCovery. There was gcod representation. thussabewing vere here on Tuesday attending <ho funerai Miss Minnie Heard off Prince Albert, is <ho Rev Thomn officiated bore on Sunday. He ibat Tories are still in ihe ring. Speeches voe ofMsDnlensmîegoiof e redMisM ouls went frona bere oveci b Brooklit and teokcbargo dtlivered by the lolloving gentlemen : MoAsvl ots sgin nl u oso off the nigbî appointmeni <lrre. Robert Miller, las. Munro. ex-reeve off Reach, Mr John Kyle vont te Toronto on Thurs- Alvi ots sgige uoi8nso White aiîîending Dominion grange iu Toronto Wmn. Batoman. Chas. Calder. and Wm. Smith. day off lasi veek te consult a spechalisi, and Temperance division under tho capiauship ofa iaît week. R R Mowhrav was isppointed eone ef Tbe officers eieci-d for ensuing yeur are as fol. came berne feeling very mîacb enceuraged Mr. W. Rogers sud J. Saçad. t the auditors, a task he will creditably fi, lows: President, Gea. Brown, S.ssgrave. xst ai the ominent physicians report off bis case. We regret to state that Mms Taylor iu lving ai Mrs Brignall and Mark returned home tie vice Pm.s Jas. Camplin. Marsb Hill; sud vice A load ot young people cf the Sons cf the peint cf deatb at. ber scns, Mr. R. Tovu's.1 firt o ob wek aterspndig afewdayainngpros., Thos. Dobson. Manchestr* reu. Peter Temperance division went <c Blackstock Verr unIte hope la eniertalned for bier recorery. fiesin he oek mitrofspeîg sow dayamu Christie, Manchester ;secreiary, F. Arcliman, lasi Friday evening and out.side cf the up- Thse Rer. Mr. Aakean, cf Toronto, la te ho i Wiîfrid Saddier s making preparations tD Epsomn. sot and pitchout upent a pleasaut evenling. hear to preacb ners Sabbath erening. We ex- remodel some et bas buildings baving loftisuor- EKOORLIN On ibis, Fridsy, cvening Manager Hicks Peet 5 a tre rsi.Lot everybody ho presci, der ih Mr Nesbiit for tumber furnishhngs. Miss Carter off Brighton bas been vislting witb viii bcld a carnival on bis rink, vheu sevor- There vas quit. an excitable tume in ibis vil-à Many f rom bore attended Mi. S Ooxwortb's bW aunt. Mrs F Blair, ai prix«S viii ho giron. A game off hockey lage on Saturday last. MT. R. Tbcrnpsen's bouse aucton sle ast eek earWhity. iii bc played ibis evening betveen the beinig on fire But as thse fic bsad net geltfar ad- auiin al lsîwek ea ~h~7.An ex- lThe Royal Templers dramatic club wili likeiy Brooklu and ýPort Perry seniors vanced a fow p.sils cf watcr applied lu a burry ta rordinary large cîowd off peoplo cere prescrut present their drama "Out i he streeis" bore i ~e u and good pnices reslir-d, gî,sreim uMrh Rev D N McCamus purposes dellveriug a Pu ' <fP'leY Ot ofou odet udmtAganu smer offiRoya emlrstambre discours. nexi Sabbath morning on "Cern-. ETRTLEC Mr fiee Ayors, oee u ietadmsi Anme fRyl Tmlr rmhT s mon bonesty," aud on the followlug Sab- Out uile friends, Russel Baroît and smteri hîgbly respected citzens bas been quste uuwell sisred an tho pregramnie off an open meeting beld bath on "'Christian honesty,11 and lu tho Ina, from near Mancherster, vas vislting Msster of lare causing bis confinement st home. Wc by Columbus counicil, on Trsesday evening. bands off <ho rer. gentleman vil ho properly Harry Harrison on Satnrday lust. hope me set bina oui agaîn in the near future. The Port Pert hochey club îried to etot 1 andlad. A two boise alelgb laad from the division cf Ouit nends are making prepsisiion for mnov- hockey teain o play an exhibition framre at Port An oid rosidont cf this town and viciniîy, S. of T. bore paid a visit 10 Manchester division iug to the Wabagoun district. Eeivo write Pemr thus Friday evening, but satiifactoiy ai- in tihe poison off Mis Thomas Taylor, beiter on Frday rvening et lest veek. Tuie Manches- "&iîn sorte off therna ilI have ensbaiked. Wo rangements con.d not ho tmado. knovn as Mrs Town, died on Wednesday a< tertres eniertaunes <hoerisitors by serving lunch, trust tbar the? mar meet viih success in <ho nev A successflu< social vas held sit<he rosidetice <ohm fbrsn oeTv.na e- lano of %I Wm jeffrey on Tuesday eveninc under the Qurassssr RW Mwbay u txsly nggedaupics e <o Ldie Ad scitr ff heMeda-grave. The deceased vas a klnd mother, On Friday lasi Mr. S. E. Briggs, of tbhe ed <u ssso duRy.Mi wbaner brseistngdahuc.ofthe pries* isocve ofthe $ o an obliging ueighbor, and s good ciizen. firin et Steil Briggs & Co., Toronto, wilb bis atteuding t uy rWrTrBon1 %igds irc.Tepoedewr 2.lh funoral takos place to-day toe oPlue viteie r isliî.rg Mr. David Briggs, vbe seenis cheibof an n odrhiaeeol. He rever ho Mr D W McDonald bas beon appointed agent Grove cemeterv. te bc gradually growing veaker as the days go grilow n osoe t ae el hrvrh or the 0Oshawa steam laundry, one off the best In M otWcvreobstrsint by. go-Sevrifo hr tede h nîvraya be paovince. Parcels should ho deiiverod teoffMtrne been heacerk w oncas &or 's dry h Our cburch choir la oxpected <o cond.ic< or Gre-ev om ouSrbbatben tan Rveggot< aisike il o e n avy.ever the pwees. odu stoe, efi yeerdayn Toues ody te ead <he musical part off thoreligions service a oîCre ciodon ba h ee ie serv ndeotis- <ilbesn wy vr wowe akre a sin.iiar position lu Trenton. Roh's Ashburn next Sunday evening. wbcu Rer. Mr. of larrnot hd carg o th çevic an pla- A îeimoff hockey players vent froin bore <o friends, regret to sSe hum icave tovu. The Rogers la te proacti a tomperance sermon Io <ho std bis rnany hearers wi<b bis efficient sud ploas Te Reyal Tempiars. dasouseplay at Bovinanvalie 1a Friday uiRbt. ""flu vise bas secured bis services have oe ng dsore resuît off the gaine la toid in the toilowing des off thse besi window dresseis in the province. On Salurday. lest Mrs. David Eilerby vas ai- Mi Wnî Deunis bas renred Rev M Goldi tfarir paf ch visicis appeared lu the Globe ou Monday Ho lu <ho mmit original sud novel vundov loved <o roture trom Wbuîby te ber home sud jusi vesi off he i iage, nov occupîed by Mrionu "lac Brooklin hockey teani, virh a ffev sup- dresser tisai bas ever been seen in oui tovu. family, and ir is te ho boped that the pasi fev Roda, sand vl take charge of the same carly ho porters, came <o tovu asat nihb Feb. 2o. They Ohw i vr er eeks experionce viilhoaàmmi tiuselul cne to the spîîng. Mi Donnas s ta coukuovu leand sudmsi bain tast, for at batf.ime <ho Score vas: OhW u otPybetisMr. and Mms.Eileiby iu <heu conduct <o around Kînsale snd vo vîsb bina succs au bis Bovmanvil'e 2 Breoklih t, but tise finish show- The juniors off above tains played a fine eacis otiser. uodertaing. cd Breolilu 8. Bovinanville 3. Thse second baif hockey match at tise Contrai rink last Fui- _____________________ Mi lames Rch2rdson bas engzaged for tise vas marked by hi-avy checldngz, but t vould surmmer season:to do duty for Mi Cikson Rg. have been boter toi Bovmanvillo bad tbey not ors and viii bcg'n service on or about tbe mîd- saarted ibis, for Brooklil very smon had rbî-m die off March. lames s au oxcepi>naliy hard completoîr demoralizf-d sud scored as <be-y vorking young suan sud ne doubt viii gave ast pleased. Breukian are young ai tho giaine but viii sfacîory results. stand vaîcinig even n0w Bovinanvillo stands A sicigis 1usd frona bore attended thse entertain. among <ho first in the Mhdlsnd T.eague sud <bis ment at Audýey Tbursday nîgbt oet ast week. is their first defeat st homo. Il hing a benefit cons"-uently oui lrague meeting bore vas nul camne a large and enthusiastic crovd attonded. largeir atended. Mi R R Mev bray bad chargt Referee Hinton off Osbawa mîgisi have been hot- oi tbe ms:etiau sud ail eajoyord a profitable sud iei ou oft-ide, but vas geneially satisfactery." interesung urne. A meeting vas beld ie the coucal chainhor Mr Joseph Haibron bas leassed the corner tasit Thursday evenine te consider thse sdvisbity, bouse at Salem nov occupied by Mr Natlsat>0offoranizng st Y M C A boe. Rer J H1 a- Richardson. Hoecii inuve <serein oarly in thserna presided sud explained thse objecta the pin srg.We ait gratahed te tic able torpr moters bave in viev ln launching <bis mnovent. ,spng eninof, aiigon mngu.The dîscrssson tisai folioved uoved liat li Je asn-pbs netion lp,îomearnue among huns. largo number off tisose pissent rather favored <he e sutd ibahe ostin ite r anng<o otestablishment off a public ibiary sud fiee read-1 iespc'edau <e comuuay. :g roem. but on s vote bing takon. nine ex- NIr A L Ouvis advertises bis stock le sud oui pressod theinseiros as beiug ita tavrrfet<ho Y M et the st'are aioug wvtr saine articles beloniug <0 C A sud noue voted againat it. Au adjoure. rends, for sale by public auctien Thuradiv ment vas made te tise tolowing Mcnday ove- atterneon offibs v-ek. Ho la geîuing rad ef bis niug wvinhI as tormally dccided te organaze a overpius stock preparatory te bis iemevieg <o braucis ane' a draft constitution vas presented Waibagoçu. We doubt no e o ilii ind reashi sud adopied. Rer 1 H Harrta vas oiected presi- purchasers for bis goods dent, Tises Crsig, secietary and C Arnold, treai Imnmediately asuer Mi Oris vacates <ho store urer. ise foibovlnit membors ame ta ho a in- Mi John Rodd sud f arniy viii more <serein. aging commritteo- Re j H Harrs. James Fran- Thîs viii ho an accomodation the public bave cia, C Robinson, C Arnold, Chas Kerr. sud T. long sud justly deired, <bat off having aur post- Craig. A coemu<ttee vas aIso appeinted te se- c-dfico in thse store. <ho oniy suirable pace for h. cure a place fo holding thse meetings, For <ho Surely aise office afrer hiug îravelied &round pimsent tbhe vouk undertakoen vIii h largeîr lu trom place to place for years sud ieceiving ne <ho nature off a nigitsi ciool toiraIl young mcin moue s'îitabie position <ban beiug placed in tise vio are anxiou% tote adrantage of <bus chance back ktchen off tise fsmiîy residonce vîli nov boel off beiteing <bit educatien. rxal<ed over pimsent prospecta, TâWN LUNS. Mr.. sud bMs. Geo. Rodd are viitiug ai Scarboro junctien. Mis. R G Oke sud datnghtet are visitiug frienda iu Uxistidgo aud Bro*. Mr Jobti Gimblet, belieesail co-opera- tion sud had a vood bee eu Tisursday. Married. ANDERS0N-MCGREGOR-By <lie Rev. R. J.Moore in St Magarett's churcis, on Thursday, Fob.igîth, Alex. S Anderson te Alice M cllGiegor, second daugister of Walter McGregor, WisitWy. lu oui wanderinzs we have boon asked visere <ho Tovuline id. For tise henefit off tise C'BRoiOCLE readers vise are flot se- quaintcd wits- <buse partsa-vo vill t<ol <hem it is visero <ho lino betycen Wiitby sud Pickering townasips crosses <ho Kingston rosd. We notice iateiy tisai some men who live a fev miles tote ise om of bore are la the habit off going borne drnnk and runnrng tiseir herses unmercituliy. We téel sorry to vituess sucb seones. I1<15 too bad beraes are se abused. The men vould not act go if it vas nect fer tho whiskey <bey drink. A gleom SdIl over cnt cornmunity on Sun-I day axoriug vison tise sad neya vas receî-î vcd ti-at Miss Florence Harris vas dead.i Altbeugb al knev thattiseré visa neoiopea for ber recr'verv yet vison <hoeud cune vo vetoe somevhisa. surprised. We litie know visai is be-foie ns. Oniy six veeks froin lass Sunday Florence valked tW churcis sud back again iu vor good Isealtis- She vais a fathfril nembel of Alrncnd'a chnrch, su sc-1 tive menuier of thse Cisristâ.ln Riadeavor So- ciety and a fsitbful S. S. toaclier, 5e al,, ways vasjolly sud isadJ- a gond votai for everyone sud vas s young lady 'vie lsW ne e.einies- . a oigsr gcint daugister, sud vil l e goil iso rn tise vacant chah ir la faid iilÙW$o large tuners! cn TutecdiY giieruixOssoved ohtse a stemed very iigl~qat the. S8 sud C. IL * vu a biaitiful wreaila, mcmi tastefniiasued tud a boaàqét<i> ber ela. 4111 fanetuliseMte va itld oW Tedvafternop-a8d m o liapre5s , !Ilum 4p -In leis» Wr, sUW ?Mtsu bave -oui deepesyni* tise osffe tsobes areo =0 W. A H. BEALL, S. - Issasi off Marriago Licenses. Beideuce opposite Town Hall, Brookllsa, W A McNSELYr, D V S-Oraduste cf tise Ou.' tarie Veternaary Coliege, Toronto; Bonorau menuiber off thée Ontario Medical Society. Treats ai! 'iseasesuef tise demestioat.d animais b y tise mont approved method. Aise particular attention té srgioal oporations aud denttstry. Day or nigisicatis presuptil attended tc. Office sud residence Broohlil Ontario. 1 FEBPUARY PRIOE :, LISI FOR OABH BUYER. DRY GOODS-Overcoats and LUlters., were $5. $6 50, $10, $12, reduced to kW. $5 50,' $7 and Sic. Heavy Shaker Shirts, 50c. Black Sateen Shirts, Soc. 3a-in Shaker Flannel, 14 yds for Si. 36 ln Grev Cottoni, wortb 7c, for 53%c in îo yd icngths. 36-in Union Sbeeting for oc yd. Caps, mez>s or boy's, lu clotb or curi, dearing ont at coat.ý G ROCERIES-Choicent Coffee, mund, fromx beans, speciaI. 42c per lb. dur special blond coffee, 32sC lb. Englisb breakfast cof- fee, 25c IL."Ltdeila " "1IPtmn'50 and "Ben Hur, CevIon Tesatai ac, 4oc anid 45c. "Victor" japan tes, special importation, 25c, Or 4% lb. tor Si. Scaled herrln-ts, nov, 2 boxes for 25c. Mized pickles,exrqn ity, 2 boules for 25C. Best plak uaImi6lsi, à tins for anc. ied nuis, lb$,U 3a-lb bar best laundry soap for zïc-, Ever Ready"l clothes pins, 3do.t fri oc.. Wetbéi'a mine neat. ioc packiag; aakes two large, pies. Castfle or ostiéAl 4Oap; 4 'bars, for 25.ButtttYtilk c ,upleslpsiso5pi* e cake. Clover hQnev, eztracteô ,, ILb- CDOIWqLp fiXsý,5c lb. Layerfe, ;»c th. ÉDTET I . S - SaasaparMla lara. au.. ~Llv*tIiils548 ubl, <ime tise score stood 6 <o e in favor off Port Perry. Iu tise ist haitishe berne teana scer- eçi thîce more. making it 9 too ciletiseir laver. Tise gaine vas a ciean gaine et hockey frein star<te finish, sud ne shino)k vas playesi in tise gaine. Tise refferee was Jos Hastingsansd bis rutings vere sa<isffac- toty te bots teains. lu <ho gaine played at Sundorland on 'Teesday of <his veek by tho juniors off Sun dcrland sud Port Perry, the score aithtie end time-5tood 2 <o 2. Rofferee J McCuIloch rulod tisaitiste e ans play auctisor toi' minutes, vison Port Pcrry scoied <bree zoals, makiug tise score 5 9.0s in favri off' Port Perry juniors. Tise seniors of Port Perry sud Sunderland played a gaine tise saine ovoniug, ou boys vinnheg by 3 <o e On account off ho suov stoins tise boys did oct arrive--home util Wodnesday noon, sud felt highiy elaîed ai <hein auccesses lu Sun- deriand, and bougisi ail <ho fcg borna lu <bat barg. Ih soon vil ho, ueo tise conquering heroos corne," lu tact tise boys teel like châienging some off tho crack ciiy tearna. Il is expected <bat tise retumr match betveen Uxbridgo sud Port Perry trili ho piayod ai tho former towu on Friday evenlng of next vteek, visen s dlean gaine cf hockey ho- <veeu those <vo teama viii ho giron. W. J. No'rr. Worth Knowtng Thât or prices are,25 to 4o per cent. cheap er than any other undertker i ths dis trict. That we have the Beit Hems.. end the fin- est Casket Wagon and Casket S1.1gb in ibis coun4y. That we conduct funerais wltb decornis That we take more-pains witk-our work- than do thse msorlty of Undeut*ket5. -ý ý That we use kldand 11,1.-gjl9es lnstead of cheap cotton gloves. 1 That we pse approprlâte door and atm drapes, fine floor rtnp, beautiful liedes-: tais and draperies in black or whie. That we deliver *ail Cskets -and Colbin in Our Cabket Wagon -or Cak*.tSleigh. That we give every ordei Oui persnal and prompt attention., JeBsop Furniture -Goi Port Myfle BMEOM ies »heetozy Lxvzxa Cffxea-Having paircbased tise Liv- ory Busiess r.eutly carrled on by tise lae tm Barrett, 1 amn prepared tc accommodate travellors andl otiers vfl t aistrsuable rates. Cemmeroili in udeait vus llberally. 8u<bleg for boraes., sud geed cars glven, tbeni by rellable inu. ris, Oshava. Whithy an Mrleoage doos not rua on Snndaya. Davm Aawn, yrile Station. Wbttby- Town Locais. Miss Eus Ricisardacu vas vlsitiug Miss Vary Mitchell st veek. rhe Greek Tes lu soins vay thse CNCîrîLE -itted <o mention the piano soleofof Miss Minule Tit rnongs< <he musical numbers off tasat unique Lotertilumont off <ho public library. South Ontario Cousavatlyes A meeting off <ho Souths Ontario Cotiser- vatîve association vili ho betd in the coutir c1l chamber bore. on Saturday next, Feb. quis, at 2 o'cleck, p.m. A large atiendauce is urged. comlng. Thse emiînent optbalmic opticiru M. Meck- enberg vili be ai tho Royal Hotel, Whiîisy, ou Fridar sud Saterday. Mar. 5ih and 6th. sisere be viii attend te ail tbcse requiriug spectacles. ruesday, March sud. Auction sale of Fruit Evaporator in Pick- ering Village, tise preperty off Mahier Bros., at tise prImises, Churcb stteet monts. Sale to commence ai 2 o'ctock à1bsrp. For par. ticulars sce buis.' L Fairbanks, auctioneer. Memiber of the Mlasloasry Board Mr W A Hôbiiday. Bronklln, bas been ap. pointed a member aftie misuionary hourd of the GrandCouuocil RT of T. This bocard bas generai supervision otfaltho vork cf <heoreder, sucb ms extension, os'ganizaîion, et,, and con- sisrs of thse grand councilor. grand secreîary. aed <bise appeiutedl members, and meete ai Hamubton front rime <o lime to irausatusines. Novel Showlag of Baster Hats sud Bonnet. A novel metbod cof presentifig the nevest sud freshest Estertide ereations of Paris mulliners bas been adop<ed by Thse Ladies' Home Journal for Match. In the magazine the nov French hais snd bonnets viii ho pictured as <bey are voru. This unique dis- play lu usetul, theretore, lu pointing eut ciearly net ouly Fashlnn's, docte., but -tho styles lu headdress best suited te seversi ceutrasted types sud faces. Tvo of a Kmd Nexr <o <he olcumbia bicycle oeeoff <ho most usoful sud lbeautifful îbings thse CatuONICLE kuooi ltho Coluimbia calendar. 1< is for tihe desk and bas a shoot for eacs day in the yosr, eonrainifg su api allusion te, the glu'nonus itport ef vheeling snd a neat blank spaoe for me-morandums. Ton cents sont <o, <ho Pope Mirg. C.c., (calondar dept.). Hartford. Conu-, wiii-bring yen mie of these delighttul office coin- SetticrurTrains Thse Canadisu Pacific Railvmy viii rua met. tiers trains te Manitoba and Csuadian Norti- crust dnrlngr . Marcs sud April (should sufficient busineseffer) leaviug Toronto every Tuesday a< 9 p. o. A celeni slerper viii ho attebod to Pacifie express on tbqoe dates, due te lea,, Toronto x2 3o noon. Asir for Setîleis' Guide and -ait information from E R Blow, C P Ry ticket, telegran sd express agent, Whitby Ont. Midlaud Hockey Association. Thse toiloving -table abowa the standing cf tho teama ln ibis league: Wmin Lost To play port Hope Police Maxistrat. Muiton, Osisawa, vas Bovrnanrllle ia tovu Woeduesday. Cobourg- Miss Loua Barclay, cf Torouto, vas tbe Oshawa gucestfMir L T Barclay orer Snnday. ' Wanted. Mr sud Mrs Fred Swan, cf 1Ltte York, A gond -serrant:R visited ai Mr Geo Robson's isIs week. a mtfltii. .pply ai Ta-niglît la Bovmanvuftls baIl givon by Darvlas Tis.eqè <ho bachelors et that enterprislng tovts. Darwlus -tbeory 'ý Mr Raiph Movbray, o( Lucan, spont Sun- Eittest" IsW <baithi day wt vus lmtîbr-in-iaw, lMt Sain joues. and;robust ,live, - i Mr WIMeesi, efJomu Baton &Co's,"To- kn&ii à U ronto, le borne aursuig a frlendly attacé i i Vi e~5 la grippe.. . - IlÃ"er eeUs. '1* W Mis J Richsardson gave a art te ber ï hewrfî frienda on Priday -aigh, ia celebrtons cf' her birthday. l opài Me Goeo. A. DrownwesFQq. assistant, badic e "0, ,manager cf the Ihle n ttroal gation Ce. vas in tovu <ltvfek. ,7 in hIé1- - t lasreported tbat Mr Fi iarsnof asy éthseseed boi Pickering, bas puicbaséd . <l ue buaam pédace and ,e propesrty sud js about te more Ï010 O.ur ittcv bqtatfalt I mmi t eceirod nowv eJ»ings -'n w lfaëzel- tbéltbest S Ili moS eites, nov asirdngs. 0" rh~inov mp:,Weare iust in mc lno, s îltes, nov duRoIns 'at W. AnG. aifor, 1897, V Walters'.fomtofrnt Mrt JOB Hodvou,«e-byutiibut thie amotènrl. ,lsltingffeud ta Wbitby, Oshawa a V tbl 5<reats>r cialty foraâ: ack -pa21L.-Heli$ uowdevîtuog « Pl bis trne ta tise business cf a fiual con- seedsanon as assuel cernla thee elîy. haepuivwt Judgç Darnelîeard igwreutson local (r, ef~ optlin caes lier. on Monduy. The. cvi- douce ba&dbeeu takenon Fridayjýmhave nowv been siiru&oZ i;and the vote - meetlc» iikely lie volded.- ThgaLoroy begiia tde" rer,$t.io*- I counter vus ianad, wrounauexS;I#dày,,, Feb. aStisexteoding or < wonIisýW ~~ knovn as-thse siege- spmw mci nii~UI bei I the barraclis. u f t ei.LW ovbr asso <?cè-M #& #. 4 2 3 girl vitiàntlrwvoko <t <bs ffce oea Perry, On Couple ot bafllast weekiùthe hll We. understand 1Mi John »ýi4ôI býeen appointes! lime, eýr b t -t 1 au

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