Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Feb 1897, p. 7

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Cheios H. Hutohob& Headache, CURED PERMANENTLY Ayer's Pils i was tTOuhlf>d 1Ion gtie Wttb atik Iîeadacfie. It was aîiualacmpanied mil li eve- risn tthe templesý.enSe of ftIIIIeq,%amZ41tendernesln one oye. a l'ad taste lnIii Mn othtng c oated, hi nds and feet cd.anaàsl=ne9sat the %t rnich. 1 trted a goold many remedies i vcommencle. fur Lis complain t; but It wws not until 1 Began Taking Ab, Ayer's Pis tbatI1rerrtved aIl"thinirIlike pen rint b' iit . A ingire box of theiepll c bdte v. ritfor me. and 1 amnnow tree f onleaiarhe*. end a v.Il nrn' - CIL IfVTCHINGÉ1 EastA&uburn, Me AYER'S PILLS Awarded Modal at World'e Fair Ayer'a 8araaparla do th. Beout. A MINISTER'S BTORY. TIIE PAINFUL EXPERIENCE 0F REV C. H. BÂCKHUS. lFor Five Montbs bo was Heipleas and Inodured Agonizing Pains - Couid Seirlier Risn up nor Bit deva vithout Aid-lie Telis How b. Fannd a Cure. 1rom the Tilsonburg Observer. The 1ev. C. H. Backhus is a resident ýf Baybata township, Elgin county, On- ri,ansd Ciere in probably no person in Iti.' county wbo 18 better known or more i*,;zll\ eéteemed. Heie î a minister of Oi. niîed lirethren Cburcb. He also oiiins jite extensively, superintendinag i i.o- wîrk aud doing quit. a abare of it Iiiîiîself despite his advanced age. But n v.% an Dot &iwayB &1w&ya able to Oxert 1ýi roseli as be oe to-day. as a few years urlie underwent an illnes tat inanv f-rdwouid terminaL e ilfe. To a r,-porter who recently had a conversation w ii him the rev. gentleman gave tbe 1 articiilars of hie ilinese aud cure, wîth 1, rîiissi§ion to rnaketbe statement publie, Tlie story as tld by Rev Mr Backbua is substantiaily as toilows :-About three yt-arti ago b.e wae taken ili andi the doctor v. bo waâ oaiied in pronouneed bis trouble au attack of la grippe. Ho did not ap- peu t get ar>y better and a second doc- i ýr was called in, but wiLh no mort, saLi- fitctory resuites 5 fr as a renewai of Leallb Wall concerved. Fuiiowing the lagrippe paies of au excruciating natnire i îcâted theiuselves in bis body. He grew weaker snd veaker until at laat lie vas perfectly belpiess..Hei ooulé[ moi rit dowe nor rime trom a oitting posture wîttiaut assistance and wben witb tbis assistance b. gained bis feet b. oouid liobbie but a few stops wben he was ob Àiged to b. put in a chair again. For liv. uontha these agonizing pains were eodnred. But at lises relief so long de- layed camne. A friend urged bira te try Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla. He yielded te the adicte and hs.d net been takiag tbern long when the iouged for relief was ne- tîced coming. He couid move more easa ily, aud the stiffucas and pains began La leave bis joints. He continuedl the use ~fthe pilla for nmre ime longer asrîd the ew as complt eing Mr Backhus il w it would We difficuistot think of birn as the cri ppIed an eidlepless inau of those pau A- . M ýr a ius a ow ast will find in ]Pink Pille a ertain cure. Bold by &Il de"irs or sont by mail posL- paîd, at 50oc a box, or six boxesfo#50 by addressîng t4e Dr Williamil' Medisno âCc. Brokile, Ont, or Schenectady, N Y. Dr. William.' Pink Pilla ae sold only in boxe. hearing ti. firm's trade markr saujwrapprp ri*td in ri4iàk).Bear t1itéi u<bsform le trying tw defrand yqu sud should b. avoidsd. Tii. publie STbey are&H imiitations whos. - keshope ta " 6,c p..mn1a57 A4tss- declu fr $r N.ýv. J, j' y 1, '- t perjury. As te the remarks in the lat- ter article referring to alleged Corn- ments of the 'udges ôn the affidavrits filed, the defendant says he was in error and desires se te state. "'-Econo- m îst. *-Relief for -è es o 0,f..a i4 * *wn tISEthe, SPoïdg 0WUt0W p* * aEue8ngiLmEf5. * I -- j I ____________________________________________________ 4 kb 1 ý 1 Birin' trade mark and wrmpper, ab0 cents c box, or six boxe. for $2.50. Tbey may b. baait roin any denler, or will b. sent by mail on receipt cf prioe.. cf il! dk'ugfflsi. or direct by mail from- Dr. WilliamW - Medicin. Company fron, sitîher addrees. The pr#ce ai which thé pill ana sold mû. na course- cf treat- muent comparativelyi nexpensive a. oompared wit.h other temedieal or medienl Lretmont Kabeis Doit, FOR THE CHRONICLE. Along ber wanderitig wsy abe sped. A figure bore wblcb iaoked fnl fair, With paried lps af rîchest ted. And streamîng strands of shîniug hair, And eyes wbich seerned te irelesa gaze Deep iioeye of miRbtier powera, - Her doii,-the loy af youths first days. And life'i young morntng's epeeing bours. 1 îbought ibet dolM sa defl' formLe0 To play its (ated breatiics paref' Whose motal tramne was nover warmed Witb fines wbosc fiI% led the beart, Wbose dead days felt no rigbt nor wrong, Was poemiless thougi- gre;tt years sbould roll. But yet 1 knew ail things have seng, To him with a poetic seul. The glory of tbat figure bourne By bappv chiý'dish lovzliness Is that ne spitit e'er shall mou-n Wben for its beieg life grows Ies. The dail bas ail]is houri heen true, Then may no (suit the keen sight se., For when auRbt nol.bing e'er cae do, lis worsl deed cannot evil be. '-No spirit cer - bal meurs ? Ah, yea, A lttieleilfe wîil grieve alone Wbee wise hauds cest tb. loy away, And she has older, lovelier grown. And when the journeyieg jays il gAves Fstîl wih the years, she'il rlghtly igh, 'lis only that wbichb (or ane lives (Cie ever for one truiy die. Then should she dean7la ve ber doli WVîth eyes ihat gieami througb gbostiy glaom. Which neer the troubled tuer 1let (all, With lips as voicelesa as the tomb, Wbîch bold ail secrets spoken soft By love lie othe ifeless car. Bui not alone ie vaine for oft The lisieniag living (ail to bear. Clasped closeiy 10 the joyful heari Should be the form wbicb abe adores, There hesving insy arwelli mpart The thougbts is mortaI cosupass stores; Oh, vasi must 1w the breadth of love For ber reserved, 'twill grow and spread Wlde ta the whirling world-, above Whe eau tosairve upon the dea&t Youth's golden years shall seau have gane, Which unto lives such giory give. Vet mighty heughts will not be dope, When doîls lu fauc's dimnes lue; The fsbric thought ih wov a tusîde flic mind's mnost delicate of looma. By subi)e akaîl whic-aIl beside Are forms the web af ibought assumes. Then since it taught ber firsîta tinit The though:s wbach move earth's greal and small, And show her haw ta deepiy drink Lîf-'s liqud balm poured oui for ail, And made ber happy beart to stûr, And caitsed to serge her coursieg biood, Ir) sense. an soul, 1i eldta ber The dol brever shait be goad. ALCERiT R. J. F. HÂSSARO. -'roeto, Feb. x5th, 1897. MARRMAX. A great nutuance., Farmers are compiaining to us about the way boys and g irls bang on sieighs while driv'ing through town. They do(n't like to be harali and whip them offl and vet at the samne timne they don't want to be responsible for injuries in allowîng them to bang on. The great. est trouble is. the children stand in the road lookîng for a sleigh in one direc- tion while one going in the opposite di- rection wil almost run over them be- fore they know it. Tempes-anc. A 1) \Weeks, Grand Treas. of the Sons of Temperance, is at prescrit B L Euggard, cf Whîtby, was her luat week and enlled w s @esus. He hau been a itedby Lb. dîrectorat. board c0 t "M 0Isn DIhoi Artahît 8oculety, canvas is district for sub soriptions frein Liose who weuid like te ass inl plaoing Lb. association upon a aoaaid finaude! bai. Hoe wÈs sanguine as Le the suocese cf bis mission. .8cm. Lvo bundr.d dollars worth cf books have been added Lo Lb. Poblie Lib- rary aince.tbe last catalogue wua isau.d, a large censigument bavi.ng just been tested thia veek.- Next week we propose publiihg a list ef tbese uew arrivais, but if you are net a mecuber of the lib- rary get a ticket befere thb. uaL cernes ont. The first ticket in a femily couts 715 cents, sud each subsequeut ticket 25 cents. Henry Gordon is receiviag tbecoea- graculatiens of bis frieuds these daya, fram Lh. fset that a deposit of gold bas been discevered upon tb. farm that ad- joins bis plantation in Muakoka. The preciaus nietal wau found in the bed of a streai n ad tbe saie att-tar nue tbrougb Mr Gordon's place. Althouh ont towua- man bas bad frequent alers for tih. place îince tbe find, lis bas not disposed of iL. A peculiar gentleman visited Broug- hamt one day tbis week and vainiy en deavored to float soute nining stock, at one cent a aate, althougb bo could not give the exact location of the property Lbe compaîsy desired te acquire ou what tbe mine would be called--two very mta- tonial thinga ta knew before a persen would car. te risk mucb capital in stock. The gold -foyer bas beau r.ported (rom several portions of the tewnship, but the epidemie lied scarcoly becocue 50 preve- lent, that Dmeu liii. the above can find ruauy suckers. It bas been suggested tat pet-hapa Lb. dlaim be deairmesta pnueb forward i. located ou tb. Don flais, but a counterpart te that level tract la net oaa- ily fouud lu this towaship. Mro John Latcbford bas d.cided La re- move te Clevupland wbsre ber boys bave Ioeated, tberafor. abe bas decided te dis- pos.etfber bousebold gooda by &uction. Lirs Latchford bas long been a resident of Pickering, sud lber reutoval à. mueb re- irrettod by ber mauy frieuds. Tbe t-e- moisi ef ber tamily bas aise caused msrîy expressions cf regret, as tbey are held in mucb esteem by ail vba kaow theut. The family wili remaove sbortly after the sale -New. E-very Wise Wompan Should See That They get tihe a est. In speciai cotton colore the Diamnd Dyes fer excel ail other dyes. Tbeos special dy.s are recent discoveries of the heai dye chemîsts in the world, and are remnarkable for fastuess againat exposuro t0 strong li1zbS and (or standing any amouni. of wasbing with soasudo. Special attention is directed te Dia- moud Dve Fuet black far Cotton aud Mixd Gooda. This mnarvelions black lias proven ita titi. ta firet place as a dv. for ail rotton and xixed goods. It ex- cols aIl rivaIs ileovery aood quality. Ou. package of is dye wili do as mncb work au' tbiree of sny oaîber utake of dye The Diamoud Dyes are fit-st, best sud cberîpest ta use. Tell your met-chant that yon muet bave the - Diamond." Ponitry Points. Because binding the legs of chiokeus and data, carrying thora witb thoir beada The Shoe 1ThatSlp TlUlps We have the Fi'nelit selea- Ldon in Lova ef those BEAL/TIFLIL AMER/CA N WA LL PA PER8 Borders to Ma tch-. LowEST :-'PRICES- Cmorarly and getirul chokce. P. Bi WARAM,- Brya'. oid Stand, Break Si., Whitbl DOMINION BANK* Capital1 Pald up, 1- $1,500,000 Surpluo, - $10500 000 Whlitby Agency. General tanking Tranefflted. Buoinm, SAVINODEPETIMNT. Itereet aflowed at htgbest eussent ratas. gouo.o of wtibdairequired E9. J. TROIRNTOE, FAIRBANK'S Real E8tate Colum. FOR SAL.-A nice story and a hait bouse vich 2-5 ef an acre of land, cerner of Dundas and Garden streets, Wlsitby, vitta fine lot of choice fruit trees, good stable, veli and cisteru. Ail in firat close order. WiIl bc sold cheap. SmaiI Frame Hanse sud Lot, corner cf John and Byron streets, Wlîitby. W41U ha sold very chcap. LO TS-To be seld, lots 324 and 258, north ward. ROUGH CAST HOUSE-On Ash street nortb ward, will b. sold cheap. Cheap. A fine two story brick house, with brick stables. Situated on Byron .5., Wbitby, the flnfk>esidential.street lu. tie towu, witbin three minutes walk of-theps office. There are tbree lots cf land wib ai outrance on two streets. HiMse ie perfect repair. For particulars appiy 50 L. FAIRBANKS, i Real Estate Agent,'Whitby, Ont. V/hf, V1IGOR, and lITA LTY RESTORED C EA 1 ZM C"s ONON. Cure go ralorsues Is thse sole ercttse for rubisers or over-- shoes, vhich rot your bootsdrawyour - fecet and veokea your- eyes. Livit up te Y'ouroppor- tuaities 1 Wear the. new vulcanized r!ibber-soled, ,ter4, pt-caf leather sisce. Blaik or Tan. S~te~ thb -and varzn. Goodycar Welted, Mater ilethd. Aafrtesiater S.llssSr M. W. GIcOLLINIS, SQLE Gd¶-415irX Ouring~a Oold. 1AeI The. oucis ot solda beîig' at hgna, Lthe be toualcable:. Wbeisthe.fflrt symp. tom$, m à"fes tberslveps la t4, tintefer assad otbath. befpro goïngi te ii sud n bot draugbt OUml1 .Thé .ojjr-r. L~p1cterintbebIapket, w *ot Uu atve swentaing of 1i" warq gstrIexct w PmoJd I1WOO(1S PflOSpbO<Ilfl.-7'h Greal EngliskRmey IR'~~Io ,tlas rmIS ofover 85 years b'eaUng thouma&daoficamswith a«l known Ifi~,flI drugu, untfl at lat vo have dimoovsrod the true reinedy and treatmt-a JJ>~~Ç~'I ombinnsUon that vil affect a promp nd satpermanent cure lin &U utages cf ~~ Semal Debwly, Abuse or Esceuts, Nsrpous Weainss, £muwshw, Mast.l Woery, F.wesdrvlUse of O>îusMR Tobacco, or AlcL'koZJCSllmaldaU, aul of vblch nom 1Sd 50 lassaty. Cousumptlaion an ueriy grave. Woodm j--UzkarPhosphodine bas beea usait sucaSauily by bundreda of esuw tateemeit almosthopalem-.casssthat bad basa Utred bY the Most talented phYsi. clans-caesIt vere on the verge of depsira»d Inanty-caaes that were tottoeng ow Lb.hegrave-but vlth th. continued Ad "perarng use of Wood'@Phoaphodine, thes.cam that had been givan up to dile. vre restored tot maily vigor and bealtb-Reader you need flot daspair-na mat- ter vho has given you up as incurable-the remedy te now vithin your reach, by fts use y0u cSn be restored to a lRte of uSefuinema ait happines.. Pric e apckage, 8i; sMx packages. $P; by malIfre.of postage. Th w1Jpe seoodL Copa nyed Winure. ramp Ol t re aadae., Wooe .oWàoe od bompn, indsor, nt., n a elda. i a te DTomno. Overfeediag le expensive. It net onlY ces more for the feed, but tb.eliens get tee fat and layDo eggs. Too mucb soft oookod fDod la net good for fowls. They &ed sein. empieyment for Lb. gizzard. Awestern'farmer made a amaill test in Deceniber of wbat bis 28 Barred Plym- outb Bocks wer. doing cbargling tbem wiLh every ceat'e wortb cf tobd and 10 cents an heur for tb. Lime tien lin - iplg after tbein. At the'end cf the inonth Lb. a"iA o f profit waa Ofl7i. Lest week Iosard, 'cter p*lliueni h20 iv* abrhettifiigo mée otnded w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~O cit uie.I lêi6myê,#.o po~t# " ais . o eqtwiflIy'îs oefl<Thi"v jscd reyluLespRléti Ti. DS- L ook for this Pîlt in the Snow It isthe-pattern of the heci of theflGransby Rubiier and Overeho.. The ucxt inie >ou huy a pair of rubbers or overshocs ask for Gr-anby's and look for tis pattern on the lîcel. Thcre is n'o necdVo taLe a Granby that is iiot Cie same asImpe as yaur boot, because they are ruade to fit every shape ef shoe. A rubber that does not fit the boot iii dra w the foot. Granby Rubbers are thin, ight.,_elastie. and fit Perfectly. They wear like Iron. )rletor m L7 i v 1 r' fi , ý lm rIA f , IL C rat ,Ts a a r ER. rOOD ETC .,âst Ut Il, 's (A trîi Il. Long s linda, svlan. icari be Durndas C. wil- g b pâmtst ou veslLb. ,teat Ater- >rea' Cola- ablrshed. rn"mmssicu ;t do yeni known Io dai, giviag iassena ail aNTkXAL ý 1 M94qummi» wl»ý 1 1 v,~ii~; I (II~

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