Ontario Community Newspapers

Whitby Chronicle, 19 Feb 1897, p. 6

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-i - --- - Smnmo ?Fts toToronto. El) CHRONcLp: SIR,-Having read wit.h înterest the Jetter in your last wt-ck's edition re House of Industry and needs of the people in general it Occurred to me forcibly that there were other evils to which public attention -rnight be called. Noticing in the colurnns of local news that the steamer Garden City would in ail probability make a daily trip between Port Hope and Toronto, calling at intermediate points, i at once thought that this business should at once be discountenanced. Tis high lime, if thse perpetraters of this scheme don't know that they are cutting their own throats and k 1 ling the towns by so doing, someone should be charitable enough to inlormi them etoftlîeir foolish- ness ere its t(x) latc. Talk about the erectbon of a flouse ~tlInd ustrv i n (Ontarbo cournty. w hy inet -eîb)stitutte the inaineiit 1tnufor Incuir- Able,; or Idiats wherein people ceuli bc placcil where if they due(lainage t( ilhiviitpcl ss thle%- cat in rrt ni on c el-c- b% thlur actions kul'itifliitit! a fboatfiomei Port Hope te borouito tecarry ulal I r rers, their u sSandi <aughters %% it li i %ve or th rce bags of soutr tipip>es .i iii t .o doien uggs us bat cIse nucîl uvu xpe& t. \\'en a nian is ,( blind lie t aii i ,ve his uSat, car, a-, lu .; asc alp- cr.t) bcunionc Shoieul Ne de- 1.o1il listiov fît. loi- n (ase thesc fespaltrv <ub rriaçuid froîîî thre (A kt-utu! r~uri,- aileul te corne n das alsOuiro c lrvenuc anothici husi. 'utS- lsailiiuruuur twe niiklit suuuuultbu sale- 1% ei- \re thturc mn\ s-c inl w-,n(si lieu oks goi ng continualilv te the IlStv n t fesec cx u rsien,' t us ould net u ebad but as it s now ts rîiiculous n the extrene. The depart mental stores--e-oe or two irtfthcm -are awake te thuir înterests Il'bucmnazgemlent ef tli-eeinstitutions îre neit)feuls. and se dion t for one mo- ivnt suppose tlat thev are go6ig te -:ut ene chance miss their grasp) where- liv thcy can fleeo-e those wAhii by their ,ii tien announce thuv are us llng tobc humn. Friday Hargain I)av' Hea\ en open the eves of these pour unfor-tunates anilelt then sece wbat tbey get for i heir mnonev on the se ualled bargamns TWe hundred per icnt. i addition tu the i ost weuld bc a muere niinimutn il they take quality as Comparîson. Sec îuîw many there are in these towns and ceuntrv places who are carricd off i wr i lie idca that thesýe sti-es in the cîties are giiing on sinîplv to giSe stuif a,,,%« for a charitable motive. Net thev Thes;e men are net buîlt that wa's When the as;sets above ail expei-ýiture> ot one et these concerros was said last year te have amounted te the sum of $îSi o)oo where did the gifts cone in ln-sîead ot uomîng in thev went int the pockets ef the syndicate who run the place and these people went home loaded up te their nccks with shoddy and interior shep house stuli. People raise the argument. --Oh, they buy in sucis immense quantities they can aflord to selI cheap. That's nq argument at aIl. Tir, tru _ they buy in immense quanluities but il's usualiS an Inferior article ttsrown tuguther and inanuifactured expressiy for these irms. Mioney spent on such truc k îs vorsu t hart ssasted. lis net unis' the countrv that suflers: trom these isuge cencernis but the mutes. Look at Toroto for 'instance, Last vear there were vacant 4 38 stores and places et business whîch used te bring in trom $25 te $îo6 per menth and many more weuld have been add- cd te tise list had thes' net been utilized for bicycle liveries. etc, Net oniy are they ruineus in that wav. but as a mat- ter et vages ts something terrible. Salesmen receive from $5 te 87 a week, tise greater number being nearer tise former than the later figure. Young women flock there whose salaries range from $2. 50 te $4 per week. Fancy what an efiect it bas on a city like To- rente. where cencerns like some et these boasting et employing I 500 hands, tise greater number etfvisicis are women and girls. What do these girls iearn eutside et slang and how te veil cash properly ? They think it lewering themselves te be geod, hen- est, servants in semne fine home, where they cou Id learn te be flot only useful te their mistress whiie there, but use- lui te their husbands în time to corne. flow many are tisere of these girls in stores et this sert visa coulddarn their ewn steekings or cook a meal fit for a Figi isiander vere they forced te ? They are cemparatively fev. I bave given a somevisai lengtby description ot one side efthtie question, so just le-t us look at the other. The goods etf the town mierci9ant ap- pear te be dearer in the eyes et somne. That may be true, but if durability be taken into the matter as a question of dollars and cents, the home merchant has it every tîme. His business is at stake in a tevu and would soon be de- prived of trade were lie to adil shoddy stuff to bis customers, whereas thesé other concerns can dide behind thé naine of a coinpany and not be noticed. Now, what makes the goods cf the tovu mnerchant dearr than people -tlink they should heP? The credit. systei. The towrr and'cOlint.ry pe».. pIc go. ". t in 4 ;goods whbçt ïey haver aôt thé, ready-môâey. and uasc 10 ~ lie vaits .4from year c~r ~dmbtit C fôrhis p«y.. MM -4-81Xbul , as sônAS ge a li h th ypasa ytei v to ýcauèh e~~u bta 0tee tuad' rua à& Àu ',, i ha.iW Ith ---J t Q s , - e -~- -v _______________________________________________ n ~ use their papers more, as an ad#er- tisitg mediuM.- and write up fresh1, crisp matter, thiocWng in smre littlý articles as a bargain. their assets wouldi soon be wonderfully increased. A1 person wouid walk into a store to buyi that article, and its very seld&m aniyone would go out wittsout getting some- thing else. ) ust fancy stale advc.rtise- ments of .New Vears appearing in a paper of thse issue of the î2th of Feb. If the - merchants don't notice such things as this other people do and it will soon require some one te drop in with a broom and wake themn up out ef their state of lethargy. Theres ne need at ail for people go- ing outside their own town te spend tlîeir rneney. -jet the town merchants wake up. advertise special articles, change their advertisement oftener and soon trade will again drifttne its right uhannel. Yeurs respectfully, A,,., NI OUKER. \Vlîithv, -eb. i 5th. i so7. Poor Blood Whcn a horse is poor in fksh, a new harness won'f give him 1 strerVh. If a house us cold urnituýre won't warm it, If your strengrth is essily ex- hausted; work a burden; nervcs wcak; digestion pox; mnuscles soft;J if y-ou arc kl and worn out, the troubte s with thc blood. It is not so much IMPURE blood as POOR blood. Pills won't make this blood ricli; nor wil bitters, nor iron tonics, any more tha.n'a new harness will give strcngth to the horse, or new furniture will make a house waroe For poor blood you want sosnething that will make rich bloçd. SCOTTYS EMULSION of Cod-livcr 011 with Hypophos- phites Is the -best remnedy in the world for enriching the blood. We have prepared a book teling yos more about the subWet. Sent Free. Formait by ail dnuggizts at 50c.& $LMOO SCOI-T & BOWNE, Beleville, OuI. ORLILLIA Twe farmere frorn Oro, who had had mi gla8s tee much, created quît. a acene et Mlîsamaga mtreet on Wednegday. Theý were deternmined to fight, and an amu83au crewd watched several constablea îryin1î W keep them frorn pummelling one am- ether It seened rather etrange that the- constables were su forbearinaw. conuider 1119 the arnount of fouI angÇige used. S.ised a 81111. An ilicit eonu bas been seized on tiii farm et Mr Bridgeman, -a few mile- north from 'boe. Au information ha- been laid before tise police niagistrate anid the case viii b. deard ber. nexi -4eek. À large numnber of changés bave been !,al41 in the routeof Conductors on th4 Nortbera. Conductor Gîbléon iii taket from the Soo mimed, and traneferired t( ham.,-won the cbampionsbip of tb. Can- adian Boad club for the lateî year wit.b a tally cf six centuries to bis credit. Ht rode thb. Isuof these on the iti et December, in a drizsling raîn and over abominable rmadls,&ad aoeompHliiog tbe task to thte minute.hI reportinig th. performance to Cycling tbe Secretary of the club epeake of him a4 5the pluicky Chathamnite, wbo vbo is of %he nover- give-in type. Jackson'@ rival for -first place, S<rgt. Beattie, of tb. iOv Fort., bad intended to start for lits silth cen- tury the saine day, but vas deterred by Lbe roade.-Packe-t. Dr 4gnev's Cmt for the à" Dofes tbo Mouî Intense .alne-t4o Mater men rsDiseaselu- at'euSnd ,-0 of Cs 6 Jh T'i. oIe -Cur0ed Heart Dlaas o eaXs éruinerm *toit ofnyXMr er, near lb ilgeoOntl, wite.. M T1p hilren" j.b$p Jhigdon Thurs. ayiaé at the -salvalaou sny barracka wus quit@ a sommse, thechbildren did their parts in a very ceditable manner, espec- ialy te véry little ones in the motto plece, '"God bleus our Juniors." A visit is expected next Saturday and Sunday frein Ensigu S. Soobeli who wiil have a phonograph, repeating omo<fLthe0Com. miaioner'e addresses, salvation songe, etc. Special collections viilb. taken et the. aiternoen and eveninga in behaîf of Lb. India famine fond. Af Loy a long and painfal i inesa Mary Knovison, dearly beloved vif. of Mr. E. L. Fortt, acouuntant of the. Ontario bank, paased peacefuliy to reat on Wednesday lant. Thursday afternoon Rev. R. A. Blkey conducted an impressive service at t e residenoe. Ch urch et., and Fridsy marning eympathetic citizens fallowed the remains ta the G.T.R. station, th. internient taking plaue at Lindsay in the efternoen. Mr. Furtt and his little son have the. deepe8t sympatby of a wide cir c e of friends and acquaintuances in their ore hereavement. Mr. J. B. Martyn ha& made many for- tunate etrikes in business and when he bouzht Frank VanCamp's compsrativeiv new hardware stock et Lindsay for 61 per cent of tb. vbolesale price h. certainly got a great bargain. The goods are ch'ef iy just vhat are most in dernand noe aîîd vili make bis stock of hardware net oniy very extensive but very complete as; well. Mliss Lottie Brimacombe, Acorn Cot- tage, left Tuesday morning fer a twe month's visit with friends at New Or- leans, La. Her marmy friends hope she wiii enjoy ber sejourn with the joli Sou therners. -Statesman. GREEN ]RIVERI Will Joli, a young man veli known ini this neighborhood, is prostrated vitih congestion of the brain. Anether of our old pieneers is serieus ly ti, in the persan of E Madil.I. hIF said heart disease in the. trouble. Rusa Barton took firet place a@ t skater et Claremont one evening lai, week. A goodly number took in tbe parler social at Jas Lauqhlin'a, Cherrywood, on Friday evening last, onder the auspies of Lb. Whitevale baptist church. John Leonard, lessee efthtue Ailandait- farm, vben in Torento a tew days agi- had the misfartune to have one of bits herses kicked on the. atitie. Aithougzi b. managed ta get the animal borne tht wound vas of such a nature that it vaw oaneidered necessary te destroy the sut mal. Friday week Mr Cbapman, Whitevale vas arranzed befome Justice of the Peact- Mtears P R Hoover, John Philipe and 1) B Nigimevander. TII. complaint va- laid by hi& wife for il treatmient. Mrb Chapmnas story ves beard bebind closea doors, the court being open to witnesse- tetimony. Mr Chapuian vas flot hear(i as Somle of the principal wituneeses tuiler to appear. Court sdjourned tili the fol ieving Monday, viiea Mm Chapman'î- story and vituesses vere heard. Th# prçBiding justice, P H Hoover, deeideè- n favor of the. plaintiff and imposed i fine of $2 and coans on Lb. defendant. and in defauit of payrnent two menthé i mprisonmnent. STILL IN HIlS PRIM1E. iorth lstismîls'dest Inhabitîst Hals sud ttearty. Jouias Moore, of Bsucrott, ont., mee 1ChaSes Syrup of !rsneed and Tur-, Pendue in Ibe lateut 4iaorer for comnlîs aatbina ansi tonsumpýt!on. Ilt In plea*-. bait, quck s.d certain. 25 cn& West Durüaà ?Pitrons. The election of officers in West. Dur- ham county resuitesi as follows: Pres- ident, C Oshora.,- Bowmanvijle; vice- presi dent. S Northçott, Soi4à,,. pece- tary-treasurer, 4cR. Penfouàd, Ctour. ice; sentinel, H Argue, -Solina; audî,.- tors, C Truil. Courtice, and Hi Argue, Soina- xeî,zori.te ae 'Malcolm, Nesteton, M. MundavbCix 4., I3owranville, andi Sam~ueiIl H y It suôved-by C J oh~rpuke. onded by H Argýue, -aùdMni mpusly resolved.,Ot=t,tiýj as poiation beleVe- that the preseut ïidflisnot frneIf tii. i inr~ f,4bemasses of th e thOe intth hniip ainthç as - Whileulk is always vasluable as pig food sud at any time, its greatest value is aaret atheb, hoat stage, as during th. lime of rapid grovtb Ilias almotit a double value. The. food cf rmilk that vould make a pound of live veight if iLixed wiîih corn meal sullicienl cf tseif te make another pound. wili, if united. make a gain of about LIIee pounda of liv, weight, but if fed Le a fuli-grovu fatiten- ing hog, wi i glu. no such resultu. fHeme is a mater of econornics liai is of import- snce. WitII the milk snd meal diet, with a run on clouer sud peau, the. spring pig is ready early ini the fali for market. A more important demand made for thf milk, and ese ompared vith a milk-fed, large hog, the milk-fed pig shoya thst the milk bas nearly double feedîug value, and visen the. large hog sold at market prices wouid show a loas, the pig fed on tube milk would be double iu value. Sanu healiag in us effecis. %V. eSICCOIFe &ONaa W uchttpue., adÊý w W. a. ticc...ter u4 a NI i(J HiH--Ty, Chemnis, 528 Ys'e eSi., Taru flricwties: r-À uss-tal . and Jung sy.-.p Iey - Put.iha m mns naviuxhme peari.ilouiit bas gtj"' lthe utm.aimt sactiaeo t I.laiwbo bave tri"et m. matir havmmg sî-ek.'n l me of lb. b,-uetu. &.- e -d it-e u sm.e in, heir fa.ibies. It tg uitabin - br <iiior ye'mz. bng ruieesnol t rlbit.l s sag ml iim eia. sa'o.efl Oouruce Xisitors - Miss Ethel Hall, tewn. guesi. of ber sister, Mrs Sid Brooks. Miss Squelch, Raglan. at Mr R Mer- row s. Mr A Annis, Tprone, at berne. M-r and Mrs D Pollard, Oshsava, visit- ed relatives here. A very pleasant time vas spent tise other evening at tise, home et Mr and Mrs Frank Everson,' by a number et their trîends, it being tiseir vedding an n iversarmv Wednesday, Feis 24tb, Mt Carsveil division givesan open entertainment in their hall. Directors efthtie D. U.- cheese cern- panv have engaged Mr Fotheringisam, of tise western dairyman's association. te manage their tactory thse coming ,seasen. fie cornes well recommend- ed. DOAN'S Kidiney Pil DOAN'S KIdney Pis DOÂN'S Kidiney Pis Reme m ber u DOAN'S Kidnoy Pille ARE THE BEST -FOR SALE By- Ghemist and Drugglis, Brock S&ree4ý WHITBY. mmin hms. bsW k. -J. Moore, M. D., Brookln. F. Warren, M. D. Whitby. Office bourg 9. a. rn. Office boure i1 &-m ta il arn. te 2 p.. SPrivt-'ae TeieplmoneCommunwai ii-n D. P. BOGART, iuD., L.D.S. Physican, Surgeon snd Accoucher etc. Office and Resîdence next te Al 4int'F- Churcli, Dundas Street, Whitby. N. B.- Dental Surgery in ail ils branches prornçtly attended to. Dr. H. Wightman DENTIST. a-ver Grous & Oranger'a. Whitby. Ký'Open every Satordsy nigit. W. 9. Y ARNOLD, D.L.SB.. 'oanty Surveyer and Drainage Engineer, Port Perry, Ont. WU. OALVERLEY, HAIÇM& MASSE, WITE!. Having rnoved imb our ne-v premises, ve are prepared te. extend the. range et business AUl wark pertaiiig te tth. harness-naki-ni_2 and saddlery business will b. dune to satis- faction. Collars a specistty. 0.11 and se. rny shop and stock. ýW. CALVERLEY, Second door west o! old shop. Duadas Street, Wbitby W. A DAMS, (3SDENTIST. Rooms over John Fergusofl's clothIng store Residence-No. i, The Terrace, Byron SI Wbitby. Jan. 29th, 1896. LIFE INSURANCE. mmautacturOII' Life & Accident Insurance Co., Toronto.' Lar«eeh Cpital Stock te Insurmce C ou the continent. Niuety' per ent. c0a&l scuffltà"One Qt surplus lu returnesi toe. utIley hodes,. ÂU cdaims are psid wthout dsl.y or discount on proof. of d.atb or. maluity cf endovinent J. B. POWBLL. Peb. lot, 93. Agent. Wbtby.- . e of ullIi pblsbI de Im-â slhS*dUp~lepp~% 0eiI eh ,uUss et e ,Ip1 ,;eÎWUbeU4 fry* rr êr$WkiXh Rali ragb4 nI ýs8' sittings 0f The Division Gut COUN! 0FONTABIO 1lem WEXJD-DO.Madot,1whitby Olerli 3 e MarQh 3; à U ika-y4 June 2: iyj Bop. 2; M. Ï; Dec. 2. Q)S]UWÀ-D. C,. Macdonel Whftmy, Clerk, Jan. 4,;eb. 4;March CI Apnlil8; ]sy 4; june 3 ;July o; -Sep. 8; 0. .8; ov. 4 Dec. 8, BiacueHÂn - ). Gleeson, Oreenwood, Clerk.-Jafl 6; Maroh5; Msy 5, JulY 9; Bop. 4; Nov. 5. PORT Fixa - J W. BUrnhain, Port Ferry, Clerk-45i1. 29; Maroh 9; May 16 July 20; Sep. 28; Nov. 18. UxBaIDz-Joseph E. Gould, Uxbridge, Clerk-Jan. 80; March 24; Msy 191h, Jmly 14; Oct 14 ; Dec. 16. C1I,5NINTON-GeOrge Sxith, CanninDglel, Jan. 31; March 2b; May 20; Jmly 15; Oct. 15; Dec. 17. BEÂVZBRTON- Oea. F. 'Bruce, Beaverton, Clerk-MaTCh 26; May 21; July 16; Oct. 16; Dec, 18. TJPTEBORoVRTbos. P. Hart, Uptergrcee Clerk,-MQrch 27; May 22; Imly 17 ; Oct. 17 Dec 19. Ev order, MessieP*ddiugtoa sd, arlyle, cd 3rd lins, Whiîhureh vois henoon Taoday. Âbw R Stouffer, who hmas Nmn vislting in Smabow, inuin our midat again. Eld H 8 Wismer gave o wo bible rsad., ings in -Lb. unon chiueh -ler. us and Thuraday afternootux. Tle subjeci was "Christiian Perfection.", JUtI .IASLBW iSLL, 4. C., Barri. 1er, County Crcwn Attorney, and County Solicit.or. Office-South 'Vng of Court fHouse, W hitby. Barrister, etc. Office f ormerly occupied by Farewell & Rutledge, neit itoyal Motel, Brock Sr.., Whithy. DAVID ORXIeTON, B. A., Attorney-aî-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, C2onveyancer, etc. Office - In the Office south of the Post Office, in McMillaxî's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. G. YOUNG SBIITil. LL. B., t5arrister, etc.,-Mbney to Loan. Isaiier of Marriage Licenses. Office - Srnith's Block, South of Market, B, ock St., Whitby DOW & MeGILLIVRAY, Earristers, Solicitors in Chancery, etc office in Mathison & Hawken'e new block Brock St, W hitby, eonth of Ontario bank. fURtôtate Ors Warren cg Moore. J . E. FAREWELL, Oierk e! 1h. Pesce. New* Llvery and Sale Stables Ik~. Dundas St., WhitbY, J. T. NEWPOURT, Proprietor. Oommercial men liberally dealt with Teamiug donesta reasonable prices. Freight and Baggage batiled at relLuon- able prices. A cal1 solicited. C. DE NTI ST. Cor. King & Yonge S3t. Toronto. For Che. next three mentIt. 1 arn giving Ilpecial attention tO ?atieiite from à dis- tance. Amn still makiug plates in rubber, $8, celluloid 010. Goid and ailier filIing wcrk cro-wning by fret-class operators, at the. most reasonable rates in the. cîty. When ta the city cati in snd 1.t me exam- ine yOur teeth. I make no extra charge. C.H. RIGG8, Dentist, sontIt est corner King and Yonge Bts., Torento. Nov. 8h, 1892. wu He WARNER. DEALER IN LUMBER, OORDWOODI, BLAM8, ETC. AGENT For the PEOPLE'S GOAL CO., TORONTO. Office and Yard just East of Uptown Station. Whitby, Oct. 25th, 1894. A8K YOUR STATIONER -FOR- SPÂRTI.CA, TÂKE, NO OTeER. CF~A~S. ~UÇTI0NEER SGOTT,. -i 1 WEYTEVA-O2iTî Wbftby~ J e-'- r Charte* H. Hut-e&inga. -Headac CURED PERMANENi ]BY TKN A&yer's Pli Il was troublé-d a lone time vr headache. It vas usuuully rue- r Wlthsevere pains iln the temple- et f ufless and tenderîiess bu ort bad laite ln my monith. tonru.- liandsansd feet cold, and sickne, stomacli. 1 tried a irood many r recermmended for this cumpiaWa vas not until t ]Began Taking Ayer's Pis 11maI 1 rerelved anythinir likp rient heliefit A sinml- ex of v- did the-work fer ume. aiid I anm <rom liesmaches., and a w'-Qi C. H. H[7TCULSiGS. East Aubur:, AYER'S Pl Awarded Medal at World' .Ayev's a saparUla fa tthe A MINISTER'S STO TH.E PÂINFlJL EXPERIEN 11EV C. H. BACKHIS For Five Menths b. vas Help Endnmed A.gonizing Pains Neimiber Rie up ner Sit dowu Aid-H. Tells How he Famind From the Tiiaonburg Observer. TII. Re,. C. H. Bàckhus is a of Bsybain township, Elgin cou taria, and ter. ie probably ]De p the county who is better knowu higly esteerned. 1. S a i u;the Unitd lBrethren Churcb. - arma quste ext.rîsiveiy, superin thse work aud doing quit. a ahb himeelf deapite his advanced aui bie wau net always alwaye ablet himecif as be ean to-day, as a fer age fie underwent an rllnes thu feared would terminare las Ide: reporter vho recentdy had a canvî witi i huthse rev. gentlemang partieu1are of bis ilineses ad ens permission te makethe etatemeur Theestory as told by Rev Mr Bau eubstantialiy as lollove :-Abori years ago he wus tai-eu iianstu wbo vas caled in pranounceed bis an attack of la grippe. H1e did pear to gel any better and a seco tor vas called in, but with no nor factory resulte, go, far as a i-e b.alth vas concerned. Foilowî, lagrippe pains of an excruciatiug located tbemseives in bis -bod~ grev weakem sud weaker until at was pefectly Iselpless. He Cot sit dowu nor ise tram a aittang witflcut assistance sud wben wi~ -maistance b. gained his feet h hobble' but a few steps when b. liged to b. put iu a chair agai flue months these agenizing ps-ir -endui'ed. But ut last relief go 1 layod came. A friend nrged hi Dr. Williams, Pink Pille. He yxi -lhe advice sud had flot Weu taki long wheu Lb. louged fcr relief ticed çouiing. H. could meve m~ il7, asud iIIe tiffnesgand pains lcavé, hie Joints. He continued -Ç the pilla for sorne ime longer vas - eoznlete Seeing Mm juow il would be dimonîut tic think1 as .the- ripplod.Èand beipleas man painful,- days.- Mr Backhns is n bhs 8Oth yesr year, but n h sai~ the. aid cf Dr. Williamm's PinkPd as able ta th-oseton Yeare Younge ýn m.diy judge of tiia en 1 laid forty rode of mail fence thi4 Iamn gla to add My testitneny of Dr. Witliamsi' Pink Pilla." Drm-Williams' Pink Pisastrik root of the,,de4sé, driviàg iL eyste andrestoring the af aealîb andetnth. là Cases of ms, !initroublslcôoo eu toule, etr... esepille are to ail chier treatment Tii.e a "tu spelfi fo'~he~ bes whiîeh lhi. cfmc-mauy v'omon a burd - spsdil r.te. rie!> glcv cf -r1' and Menô-cqes Sclby U ~oruM bym -ed. 4x, 9r r xb0196 1< i Octaber 71-b 1895. -J -- -

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